Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Magic Pills
Joe and Jackie had been together for over 3 years, and in all that time Joe remained sexually frustrated. It wasn?t that Jackie didn?t enjoy sex, or that she didn?t willingly give herself to Joe, but she wasn?t the least inclined to be adventurous or experimental in their lovemaking. Try as he might, Joe just wasn?t able to overcome her Catholic school ideas of sex being somehow dirty, or naughty. Often during their few years together Joe had taken her shopping for sexy clothing and underwear. She would model them for him at home, but so far had never set foot outside the house in crotchless panties or a see-through blouse. The physical sex was much the same. Jackie was eager to have sex, but grew more reluctant as Joe became more imaginative. She gave great head, or at least Joe thought she did, except she had never allowed him to finish in her mouth. She passively allowed him to cum on her breasts, then rather than reveling in their lovemaking, quickly got up to wash before continuing to play. Joe considered sex to be both mental and physical, and to him the mental was much more fun, and with each passing year became more so. The play, the tease, the experiments, and the danger of semi-public frolic turned him on. His fantasies were not the wam-bam thank you ma?am of a teenager, but more the involved exhibitionism and wantonness of having his own personal nymphomaniac. Over the years his fantasies became more pornographic, growing from the original sexy clothes and a blow job in the car, to flashing strangers in a bar then fucking the whole lot of them. Despite his hints, gentle leading and even bribery, Jackie seemed to show no interest in moving their sex from the bedroom and the bland. Joe wanted more! Joe also wanted Jackie and not some bimbo with no brains, no class and a hot pussy. He decided to find out if he could somehow have what he wanted. Joe knew that in this modern age of science almost anything was possible. He began to research the Internet for information that might help. He found countless domination sites that offered to train women, or men, to serve a master. This wasn?t really what he wanted. He encountered hundreds, no thousands of sites offering this pill or that to increase the sex drive of male or female. It wasn?t that Jackies sex drive was low, just that her inhibitions were high. Finally he resorted to posting queries on a couple of sexually oriented bulletin boards. He explained his situation and what he wanted, a sex partner with no inhibitions and a lot of imagination. He also outlined his dilemma, he loved Jackie and did not want to lose her. He resigned himself to wait for some useable reply and settled back into his routine of masturbating to his fantasies. xxx Jackie was not a beauty queen, but she did know that she was cute. She had the homegrown good looks of Central Texas. She set off her baby fawn soft brown eyes with equally soft, luxuriant brown hair. Standing just 5 foot and 2 inches and weighing 115 pounds she had enough meat on her bones, as she termed it, not to be uncomfortable to cuddle. Her breast were a high and firm 34B that she kept toned, along with the rest of her body with tennis and swimming. She looked good in a tennis skirt. Actually, Jackie thought, the tennis outfit of short skirt and tight top was the most risqué thing she ever wore. Jackie was no idiot! She knew Joe was becoming more frustrated by their sex life. She really wished she could let loose more, be more like what he wanted, but the early training plagued her mind. She was a turmoil of conflicting thoughts, needs and fears. Her biggest concern, when she really pondered it was what Joe would really think of her if she did do the things that he wanted. After all, what kind of girl does that? She had come very close a couple of times, almost agreeing to leave the house dressed in a short skirt and no panties, or a thin blouse over bare breast. Each time she had chickened out. She had made love to him with her mouth, bring him right to the edge, then at the last second backed off to have him cum on her breasts. Joe thought that she got up to wash because she was shamed, and she was, but not by the love fluids on her body. She berated herself for not lasting that extra second or two to really please her man, and experience for herself his pleasure. Almost a year ago Jackie had unintentionally followed Joe onto the Internet. She had brought up the home page and clicked history to return to a site that she had used earlier that day. There she found a trail to all the sites that her lover had visited recently. Of course she had to peek into his adventures. She was shocked! She was aghast at the sites he had viewed. She was hurt. Jackie spent several days pouting over Joe?s Internet perversions. She didn?t bring it up to him as she worked it all out in her head. She was hurt, and considered this almost cheating on her. She also knew that Joe had, in one subtle fashion or another, expressed all these desires to her over the years. Jackie started returning to the computer on a regular basis to see where Joe wandered, what his fantasy of the day was. What had been shock gradually became curiosity. Her initial sessions last only the few minutes it took to check the sites of choice that day, but soon she found hours passing as she reviewed each offering. Jackie realized that she was undergoing some changes when she found her hand stroking between her legs as she watched a particularly nasty video Joe had downloaded. Still she wasn?t able to overcome her big fear of letting loose, especially now that she had established her almost puritanical standards in Joe?s mind. Oh God, what to do, she mussed repeatedly. One evening, while Joe was out playing basketball she keyed up the computer and followed her lovers trail. There seemed to be some different sites this time, and as she clicked onto them she found saved passwords that let her into a chat room. Joe?s online identity popped up. Jackie was afraid to look further. She had a fear that Joe had carried his online antics to the next step and had an affair going. After a little trial and error she found his postings on the site, and read them with both amazement and relief. The goofy sexfiend was trying to find some scientific way to turn her into a slut! She almost laughed as she read the posting, it was so sweet and so dumb. He wanted a pill, or cream, or gizmo, or device that would make her over into a totally wanton and free spirited sex machine. As he put it, ?something that would free her body from the confines of her mind.? She lay in the tub that night and an idea began to germinate. If there really was such a pill, if an outside source made a person different, then she wouldn?t be responsible, she wouldn?t, couldn?t be judged by the ?old? standards that had ruled her life. xxx Joe checked for replies from his posting every night for the first week or so. He got plenty of them early on, all from crackpots, idiots or perverts and he replied to none of them. Gradually he checked less often, and most times there was no reply after the first couple of weeks. One day he dialed in from the office, just a last frustrated stab, hoping that maybe something had turned up. To his surprise there was a new answer, and as he read it his hope rose. To Joe hopeful and frustrated I am a research doctor at Baylor College and I specialize in hormone and enzyme studies. We are testing a new compound that shows remarkable side effects I think you will be interested in. Originally designed as a hormone supplement for menopausal women the drug had absolutely no effect as intended, and no other effect we can detect except to raise the libido of the taker. The effect seems to be cumulative and progressive over about a 3 week period, and to put it bluntly makes a woman ?horny as hell? to quote one subject in the study. The other manifestation, and I consider this more of interest, is that the subject becomes very susceptible to suggestion. Almost un-noticed at first, the subject wants to please, and by the end of the third week is anticipating the desires of key people in her life in an effort to please them. The College has discontinued all testing and is in fear of legal action. The much raised libido combined with the desire to make herself ?pleasing? lead to some very embarrassing situations. One researcher was actually caught receiving oral sex from a subject. He claimed she would not take no for an answer. If this interest you please contact me, it seems I have an unaccounted for surplus of the medication available to me. Once again I assure you, it has no other effects on a person. ?The Mad Scientist? Joe read the comments over and over, not really believing, but becoming more hopeful with each reading. Finally he sent a reply to the mad scientist. Back and forth they conversed, Joe digging out all the information he could, while the Doctor did all he could to protect his identity and assure Joe that the drug was safe and ?harmless?. Joe wrestled with the ethics of his situation, but it was really a one sided match between his hard dick and soft conscience. A few days later he requested a supply of the miracle drug. The mad scientist replied with instructions for giving the drug, one pill dissolved in a drink, coffee, water or alcohol, twice a day. He also requested Joe to keep in touch with updates as to the effects of the experiment, assuring Joe that he was not a pervert, but had a genuine scientific interest in the testing. By the end of the week Joe had his supply of pills. They came in a blank prescription bottle of 60 very small pills. That evening Jackie got her first dose, a pill in her wine with diner. She had really been in a good mood the past couple of weeks and made no comment as she tasted the unusually sweat flavor of the red wine. They made love that night, Joe being more attentive to her pleasure than usual, not that he was normally too self centered about sex. Jackie dozed off, feeling very relaxed and loved as they cuddled together. It was Joe?s habit to bring Jackie her first cup of coffee in bed each morning, and it was a little perk she really enjoyed. She took her coffee black and unsweetened, and yet this cup had a definite sweat taste to it. The second cup, taken after her shower was the usual black kick in the butt that she liked from her java. Dressed and ready for work Jackie gave Joe a big sloppy kiss and headed off. This repeated for 2 more days and Joe bided his time, following the mad scientist advise that it would take 72 hours for the effects to begin. xxx Jackie really was feeling more randy the past couple of days. Joe had been really nice to her, almost as if he were feeling guilty about something. Though it had been 2 days since their last sex they had been flirting and teasing more than usual. Joe had planned a night out for the weekend and was teasing her about wearing something sweat and sexy for him. She kept telling him it wasn?t the package that mattered, but what was inside. Now she found herself looking forward to getting home and tempting Joe into bed early for some play. She didn?t normally think of sex at work, but today her mind wandered to it several times. She smiled. The front door opened and it was Jackie?s cue to walk across the bedroom. Passing the open door she was on full view to Joe. Naked, drying her body with a towel she crossed the room. Of course it worked. Joe was there in the doorway immediately, watching her as she toweled her hair. She wiggled her hips and walked to him, taking him in her arms to crush her breasts against him as she took his tongue with hers. She felt his erection grow instantly. ?How about helping me out here?? she asked. ?Sure, doing what?? he replied. ?Well I?m almost done with my priming, but I still need to shave my bikini line, can you do it for me?? Joe?s grin widened from ear to ear as he grabbed the razor from her dressing table. ?Lay down and let me at it!? he laughed. Jackie spread her towel on their bed and then spread herself on top of that. Joe was dashing about getting some hot water in a basin, a hand towel and her shaving gel. Piling all that on the bed he quickly stripped off his clothes and walked to the foot of the bed. He looks kind of dumb, she thought. Standing there with that silly grin and his dick sticking up in the air. She scooted down so her feet could hang off the bed and rest on the low footboard. This let Joe reach her to shave her without having to crawl up onto the bed himself. Placing her hands behind her head she opened her legs and Joe went to work. ?You really should let me take it all off,? he said. ?No, not yet,? she replied surprising herself. She was full of surprises to herself tonight. The shaving had been a spur of the moments impulse, very unlike her. She was glad she had given into it. She was more surprised that she had insinuated that she might let him shave her completely. He had playfully hinted at it a few times and she had always quickly denied him. The warm towels, the creamy feel of the lather, the rasp of the razor, and most of all the touch of his hands soon had Jackie in very aroused state. She could tell he was taking liberties with her bush, moving it higher than she normally had it. He shaved her lips and left her a small triangle starting at the top of her slit. She smiled. Soon the hot towels came again, to clean her up. Playful hands followed these. She was moist, and ready as Joe slipped a finger into her. He had such good hands she thought. He curled his finger around and slowly began to stroke that oh so tender spot inside her. Her hips raised off the bed, as her eyes closed and she gave into the feeling running through her. His tongue replaced his hand. As it slithered across her bare lips to taste her she shuttered, forcing her hips into him. The contact of his lips and tongue on her bare skin drove her wild, and when he finally centered in on her clit she exploded almost at once. Joe didn?t stop, he continued to flick her and her hips jerked up again as another wave began to wash over her. She rode one orgasm to the next for several minutes as Joe licked and sucked on her love. Never had Jackie felt like this, never had she climaxed so hard or often. She was actually panting as she lay trying to recover. Joe just waited, running his hands lovingly over her legs and belly. Her breath slowly returned to normal. She raised up on her elbows and look at him. ?Oh fuck,? she said, ?if I had let you shave it bald it probably would have killed me!? Joe wasn?t used to hearing such things as fuck from her, but at this minute she looked well fuck. ?Your turn now big boy,? she smiled, ?climb up here in my spot.? ?You?re not going to shave me?? he asked her. ?No, but I might suck it all off!? Joe took her spot on the bed and Jackie stood between his legs. She reached out and wrapped her hands around his hard cock. Slowly she began to pump, up and down. Her face lowered to him and her mouth opened. Her tongue flicked out to tease him, first touching the head, then sliding up the length. Slowly she began to take him in her mouth. Very slowly she lowered her face over him. No other motion, no words, just the slow swallowing of her lover. She held him deep in her mouth while she slipped her hands between his legs and began to massage his testicles. His legs opened farther, allowing her better access. Still she held her mouth still. Her hand slid farther back to play with his ass. Still she held him steady in her mouth. Her eyes meet his and she could see the want, the pleasure verging on pain and the love in them. Her eyes twinkled, with mischief and excitement. All at once she started to move. Her head bobbed, her hand pumped, her tongue danced, all making love to his throbbing dick in her mouth. Her eyes remained locked on his. His dick was wet from her mouth and she was making slurping noises as she attacked him. She watched him, and felt him. When his hips raised, his eyes closed and his body began to vibrate she pushed the tip of one finger into his ass. Joe exploded. It seemed to be almost one continuous orgasm for him, but Jackie felt each pulse as it hit her throat. Some slid right down her throat, some boiled out the side of her mouth and some remained trapped as she continued to bob on his cock. Finally Joe grabbed her hair and pulled her off as he became super sensitive. She cuddled her face against his belly and thought with great satisfaction about her first ?complete? blow job. It had turned her on almost as much as it had Joe. She pulled herself up and knee walked over his supine body. When her knees were over his shoulders he opened his eyes again to stare up at his earlier handiwork. She lowered to him and his mouth covered her. She rode his mouth with an easy paced motion as his tongue brought her to pleasures she had denied herself too long. They slept very well that night. The next morning, Friday, she woke him by playing with his morning erection. When he was wide awake she sent him after coffee. The first cup had the now familiar sweat taste. She varied her morning routine slightly, but significantly, remaining nude until just before it was time to leave, then dressing as he watched. He repeatedly tried to encourage her back to bed, and couldn?t keep his hands off her bare breasts, but she resisted not only him, but her own impulses to jump in the sack. Jackie was distracted that morning at work. Her mind kept wandering back to the previous night. At noon Joe called her. After the required small talk she asked, ?Did you enjoy last night lover?? ?Oh God yes!? he answered. ?What have you got planned for tonight?? she inquired. ?Diner and the theater,? he offered, then added, ?and lots of sex!? They talked a few more minutes, each wishing the other was there, then kisses silly phone kisses and left each other to make it through the day. The rest of the afternoon she pondered the changes in her life. Letting Joe finish in her mouth was a major step for her, then sitting on his face and taking her pleasure in return, wow! And now all she could think about was getting it on with him again. What was coming over her? Joe said most of sex was mental, she thought, and I have sure been sitting here mentally masturbating. xxx Joe was home before her that night. He was revisiting the fantastic sex of the prior night as he showered. His hand played a steady rhythm on his hardon, lubricated by the shower soap. Oh shit, this was too good, he thought. These little pills really do work! He had been faithfully slipping two a day into her coffee and evening drink. The effects seemed to be unfolding just as the mad scientist had predicted. He had communicated with him earlier that afternoon, filling him in, giving probably too much detail, about the latest developments. The Doctor had written right back, informing him that if things went according to the past studies the suggestibility should be kicking in about now. He warned against using direct commands, but rather to use terms such as, it would please me, or I would be happy if, to lead her in the direction you want. He was thinking of that now, out of the shower and dressed in loose slacks and shirt. He heard Jackie come in, then saw her in the living room. He walked to her and asked, ?OK kiddo, what do you want to eat tonight?? Jackie grabbed his belt with both hands and said, ?Your hard dick!? She then dropped to her knees, opened his pant and took him into her mouth. OH man, he thought, this really is working! Then he tried a little experiment. ?Jackie I loved cumming in your mouth last night, it was great! Right now I don?t want you to get me too excited because I would really love it if you would dress up for me and we could play and tease and make it really hot for later.? He hoped the explicit talk about cumming in her mouth wouldn?t turn her off, and he wondered if the suggestion would register enough to have an effect. She sucked a little while longer, then slid him out of her mouth just as he was at the peak. ?That should hold you a while,? she said. ?Now let me get cleaned up and dressed so we can go play.? Joe sat on the sofa and waited not very patiently for her to dress. He wanted to go into the bedroom and watch her, but knew that if he did he would try to push her to dress up for him. He wanted her to do it willingly. Well with a little help from the pills. When he finally saw her step from the bedroom he lost his breath. She was blushing! She had a right to blush, and to be very proud too. She wore a sheer black blouse over a half cup bra that allowed her nipples to be clearly seen. Her skirt was a short pleated black schoolgirl style that promised to flare out at every turn. Dark hose covered her legs and black heels cradled her feet. Her makeup was light, but set off starkly by the bright red finger tips and lips. She carried a black jacket over one arm. As he stared her blush deepened, and her nipples hardened. ?Oh Jackie!? he exclaimed, ?you look good enough to eat!? She smiled, twinkling eyes, tanned face, red lips, white teeth, absolutely beautiful as her hands lifted the hem of her skirt. ?Well you won?t have any trouble doing that,? she quipped as she revealed garter straps framing her unsheathed pussy. His dick was harder than he could ever remember as he walked to her. He took her tenderly in his arms and lowered his lips to her ear. He whispered, ?I love you so much, you are so beautiful!? For almost 2 years Joe had been trying to get Jackie to dress in the finery he had bought her. Now after two dozen little pills she was dressed to kill. What a way to die. He held the car door for her and was treated to a peek of her stocking tops and the little tuff of hair still left between her legs. She hadn?t put the jacket on yet and he enjoyed the ride to the restaurant admiring her breasts and her sharp pointed nipples so clearly seen through the sheer blouse. She seemed nervous, but settled into the seat and reached over to hold his free hand as he drove. At the restaurant he quickly rounded the car to again hold her door. She made a show of spreading her legs for him and the bulge in his pants raised another inch. He took her jacket from her, and held it as she slipped into it. ?Protecting me from strange eyes?? she asked. ?No, protecting you from me. If I have to look at your tits all through dinner I will probably leap over the table and rape you right there!? Joe answered honestly. ?You can?t rape the willing!? Jackie laughed. The jacket hung over her breasts, open in-between, giving a lovely view of her lace bra. Every eye in the place watched as they walked to their table. Several chairs surreptitiously scooted around for a better view as she took her seat. Joe made no futile attempt to cover the tent in his pants, after all no one could blame him for a protruding dick when accompanied by a woman like Jackie. The couple teased each other mercilessly through diner. Waiters hovered about them, attentive to every need, except privacy. Jackie pulled her jacket open several times to allow Joe the view he loved. She reached up and opened another button during one of the few times that a waiter was not standing over them, and when he returned to freshen their drinks Jackie made no attempt to cover. The view the poor man had took his breath away. Her breasts were supported by the half-cup bra, leaving her bare nipples covered only by the gauze of her thin blouse. Joe?s eyes sparkled as he admired his lovely wife. She was slightly blushing, the rosy color adding to her beauty and sex appeal for him. This was no accidental peek, she had deliberately flashed her tits at the waiter. In less than 2 weeks his prim and proper wife had become a flasher, damn he was in haven! xxx Jackie still felt flushed as Joe led her out to the car. She had exposed herself to a total stranger in a public place. Sure it was just a peek a her breasts, but God she had felt completely naked doing that. That wasn?t the bad part (good part?), the bad part was she loved it! She hadn?t even looked at the stranger, but had watched Joe?s face and the reaction was fantastic. His response to her wantonness had made her instantly horny. He held her car door, but before getting in the car she turned to him and crushed her lips to his. He slipped his tongue between her lips as her arms wrapped around him. His hand ran up her thigh, across her stockings and over the bare flesh above them. She pushed against his hand as it found the center of her legs. ?You?re wet!? he exclaimed. She blushed deeper and trembled against him. ?Do it, please! Make me cum!? she cried into his open mouth. Joe slipped his finger into her , leaned her back against the car and ran his finger up and down her swollen clit. Jackie was over the top, her mind was reeling as her body took on a life of its own and she rushed to a full body vibrating climax. The idea of standing in an open parking lot doing this was mind blowing and the orgasm was almost heart stopping for her. She knew that even if someone was to see her there leaned back on the car they wouldn?t really understand what was happening to her, but she knew. Joe helped her into the car and they set out for the short drive to the theater district. Her bare pussy was wetter than she could ever remember it being, as she rode along in a satisfied sexual fog. The things she had just done in the restaurant and had done to her by the car were the most sexually uninhibited, extravagant and arousing things she had ever done. Jackie didn?t think about the valet parking that Joe preferred to use until the car slid to the curb and a young man reached to open her door. She looked to Joe as the door opened for her to exit. He still had that grin on his face, like a 13 year old boy with his first copy of Playboy. Jackie understood that Joe was waiting for her to exit, and that she was probably not going to be able to get out of the low car with much modesty. The blush rose back into her face as she turned her legs out of the open door. She was trying to keep her legs together and skirt down, but in focusing on that had forgotten her open jacket. The fabric of the seat gripped the open jacket and slipped it over her right breast. The lighting was good right there in front of the box office and the gossamer covering over her breasts left little to the imagination. She reacted quickly and pulled the coat closed, but in doing so scooted forward forcing her skirt past the tops of her stockings showing garter straps and God only knew what else. The valet said nothing, pulling his gaze from her to offer Joe the check ticket for the car. Joe took her arm and led her, trembling, into the theater hall. ?You got a big kick out of that, didn?t you?? she asked. ?Oh yes!? he laughed back at her. ?And I bet your nipples are hard as rocks right now too!? he added. She stopped and turned to face him, scowling. Then she quickly slipped her hand under her jacket and ran the fingers over her nipple. She smiled at her worried lover, ?Yeah, your right!? Then leaning closer to him continued,? And my pussy is soaking wet too. I want to fuck you real bad, right after you lick me till I scream.? She enjoyed the reaction on Joe?s face as he looked in shock at the monster he had created. The look soon changed, it became one of lust, of need, and of a happiness that she hadn?t seen in him since, well, since ever. Their seating was Balcony. They stopped at the bar for a glass of wine, then headed for the staircase. Jackie noted the open handrail, and wondered if Joe would walk her on the wall, or banister side. She shouldn?t have wondered she thought, as Joe took position between her and the wall and led her to the handrail. With just a few steps her hem was above the heads of the crowd, a few more and the angle gave anyone looking up a view up her skirt. She wanted to run, to hurry up the steps to modesty. She wanted to stop. She wanted to whistle so everyone would look! Jeez, she just wanted to fuck Joe! The play was great and she thoroughly enjoyed it, but Joe?s hand on her thigh, and a little teasing during intermission kept the sexual edge sharp for the three hours of culture. Never far from her mind was the walk back down the stairs, or the young valet holding the car door when they left. She leaned over a nibbled on Joe?s ear, whispering to him as she had never thought to do before. xxx Joe was uncomfortable, his dick was going up and down like the stock market. Each time it deflated a little it only rose to a new height. He had walked around the lobby with an obvious erection tenting the front of his slacks, hoping that everyone was too busy staring at his sexy gal to notice him. Thinking about it he really didn?t care, he was proud of what she could do to him, that she choose to do it to him. Walking her up the stairs, showing off her bare bottom had excited him like nothing ever before. He had never considered that Jackie could shock him, but tonight he was learning just how much she could. He knew it was the pills from the mad scientist working on her, but still! Damn, fuck what a hot piece of ass she had turned into. He wondered how far she would really go. Already she was way past his best hopes, and into fantasy land. He was pleased when she took the banister rail by herself on the way out, walking slowly, carefully down. When the car arrived he held the door himself for her and was rewarded with a clear view up her skirt. When he rounded the car and seated he found her skirt still over the top of her stockings, showing lace and garter. She leaned over and ran her hand up his pants leg to cup his hard on. As he pulled out of the driveway she began to unfasten his belt. By the time Joe made the freeway entry she had his pants worked around his hips and his cock was sanding free. ?I?ve been wanting that for hours!? she moaned to him and lowered her head into his lap. She sucked his dick with a feverish need. Joe slid his seat back to give her room and tried to keep enough attention on the road not to get killed. Driving on the highway with Jackie sucking his cock was more than he could take. With each car that passed and with each pump of her mouth he edged closer to losing it. After just two minutes of her magic mouth he was ready to cum. ?Oh shit!? he cried, ?I?m going to cum!? He expected her to pull off, but she locked her lips over the head of his raging dick and pistoned her hand on his shaft. His body shook, and he squirted, he shook again and pumped more into her mouth. His body tensed and still the cum gushed from him. The hours of playing had filled him and now she was emptying him into her welcoming mouth. Their speed dropped and cars flew past on each side as his climax first took complete control then slowly passed. Jackie leaned back in her seat, turning to rest her back on the door. From the edge of her lips a small trail of his cum trickled down over her chin. Joe was amazed and thrilled by the sluty behavior. Jackie raised her hips and slipped her skirt off. She brought one leg up onto the seat, parting her legs to expose her bare pussy to him. Then she opened her blouse freeing her naked breasts with their hard nipples to the night air. Her hand went to her pussy and she began stroking her clit. The fingers of her free hand wiped up the dribble of cum on her lips and chin, then shockingly feed it to her mouth. As her tongue licked her fingers Joe began to play with his already hard cock. Jackie was oblivious to the traffic as she focused only on her satisfaction. Playing with herself and watching Joe stroke his dick were getting her closer and closer to a mind blowing orgasm. Joe was watching her and trying to drive when he spotted the gentleman?s club with the large lighted marquis. He just wanted to get her home and fuck her brains out, but he thought maybe he could plant another idea in her pill perverted mind. ?Have you ever been in a strip club honey?? he asked her as he pointed out the one they were passing. ?No.? she replied in a husky voice, ?have you?? ?Yeah, a bunch of times, and I especially like the amateur nights, when women from the audience try stripping.? He had planted the idea, now he would wait and see if the magic pills took it where he wanted. xxx The next week went by like Joe?s wildest fantasy week. One evening she met him at the door wearing only high heels and a black lace choker. Another day he went to her office to visit for lunch and left with her panties in his pocket and his cum in her mouth. She sucked his dick whenever he wanted it, with the least hint to her and he licked her pussy to what must have been a hundred orgasms. Joe had been communicating with the mad scientist regularly, giving status reports and asking for advise. Now the pill bottle was getting low and he needed a refill. He emailed the doctor and requested a re-supply of the miracle drug. xxx Jackie was sitting by her computer at work, the email program open. In front of her was a box of Equal sweetener tabs and an empty prescription bottle. ?Coming right to you!? she typed, as she thought, ?He?s right, sex is mostly mental!? 22391 2.53/512345
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