Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Kelly's Trilogy
The following story is written only for adults. It includes graphic depictions of sex unsuitable for minors. If you are a minor, please read no further. This story also includes sexual practices that are unwise in today's world. Enjoy fantasy as fantasy. Don't be stupid. Enjoy! Kel Part One, Kelly tries black Kelly had known that Billy's temper was going to get them into trouble one day. He loved to pick fights, loved to prove what a man he was. Well, now he'd done it. They were driving through the streets of a smallish town between Raleigh and Greenville, trying hard not to let the small, red Japanese car behind them get past. This car had passed him farther back on 264, and had cut in front of Billy really fast and hard. Billy had gotten pissed off, and sped up, catching the red car quickly, and passing right back, cutting in even harder, right in front of the car, which had those dark-tinted windows, so you could barely even see who was in the car. Through the windshield, Kelly had noticed two black guys, big black guys, and they looked really pissed. She couldn't tell if there were more of them. The little red car had tried to pass again, pulling alongside for a minute at nearly 75 miles an hour. The window had rolled down, and the huge black passenger had tossed a handful of garbage at the windshield as the started to pull ahead. "Don't let them pass, Billy, don't! They'll stop us, and they'll kick your ass! Keep ahead! Keep ahead!" screamed Kelly, who was so frightened that she shook all over. Billy's small pickup, though, had too little power to keep pace with the small sports car. Gradually it pulled ahead, and when it did, and the oncoming traffic had made another pass impossible for Billy, it started to slow down. Billy cursed loudly, swerving from left to right, and Kelly realized, as she watched him, that he was no longer angry, but scared to death. His eyes had gone wide, his face pale, and he was sweating. As they slowed below 20 miles per hour, Billy saw an opening. Just another hundred yards ahead was the entrance to a new development, where a number of two story houses were going up in what had once been a tobacco field. He stayed close to the small red car, trying not to give away his intention, and just as they neared the side road he slammed on his brakes and went skidding through the turn. The car in front of him could not stop in time to make the turn, and went sliding past. Billy shot down one road, turning every which way until he thought he'd lost them. Slowing and looking back, he and Kelly sighed huge sighs of relief. "Damn," he muttered. "I thought they was gonna bust me up good! Fuckin' niggers..." No sooner had he finished though, than they heard the squeal of tires on pavement, somewhere close. Billy stamped again on the accelerator, and they took off around the nearest corner just as their pursuers turned onto the street where they'd stopped. Now Billy could no longer lose them. They stayed well within sight, following every turn as he zipped in and out of the houses that were still waiting to be finished. Kelly continued to notice the terror in his eyes, and the more she saw, the colder her feelings turned toward him. He had seemed like a lot of fun over the last few months. Yes, he had a temper, but he'd never seemed a coward before. She'd never seen so scared of facing the consequences of his macho behavior. At last, they seemed to be falling back, as though they'd lost interest. Billy made one last turn, sure that he'd escape them now, and laughed. "They're givin' up. Damn niggers got no heart at all. You make it a little tough for em, and they quit. All they do is quit!" Billy wound around a broad turn in the road as he laughed again, and this laugh caught in his throat. Ahead, the road just stopped, came to a dead end in what looked like a small lake. The recent, heavy rains had reduced the area through which they were driving to pure mud, but in this case, it seemed to have puddled. "Mother fuck!" he yelled as he skidded to a stop, trying to turn around. "Can't you just go through it?" asked Kelly, now quite cool. "Nah, even four wheeling, that's too deep for this little thing.... shit, shit, SHIT!" He had just finished his curb-slamming three point turn as the car chasing them came into view. It turned sideways and stopped, blocking the road well. The doors opened as Billy sat there, revving his engine helplessly, and four enormous black men piled out of the car. "Oh, goddam, goddam, goddam," chanted Billy quietly rocking in his seat, his hands clamped to the wheel. "What the fuck am I gonna do.... They're gonna kill me!" "No, they're not," answered Kelly. "You just shut the fuck up, and let me take care of this," she said as she opened her door to get out. TJ and his friends had been partying in Carey with some friends that afternoon, watching football and carrying on, and had been hurrying home to try to catch the late game on cable when they'd passed Billy the first time. Billy had done the typical macho thing, sped up as they tried to pass, so he'd had to pull in front of him closer than he'd wanted to. Then the idiot driver of the pickup had started riding his tail, looking for a place to pass back. TJ had allowed as how this guy was dangerous behind the wheel, and decided to let him. At the next open spot, he'd slowed a little to make it easier. Even so, the pickup had cut in front of him so close that TJ had had to brake hard to avoid creasing the guy's fender. "Fuckin' cracker!" yelled Mike, beside him in the front. "Goddamn, mother-fuckin' honkey. TJ, we gotta teach this boy a lesson. Scare him good, huh?" TJ grinned back at him and said. "Yeah... let's do it," and the chase had begun. As they passed Billy, Mike had hurled the fast food garbage that had accumulated in the car at Billy's truck. Then they'd begun slowing, intending to stop him and get him out of the car to scare him good. It was apparent, as they passed him, that he was already terrified. He had looked across at them with eyes as big as saucers. It was also pretty clear that he didn't have a gun. Whitey never got that scared when he could hide behind a gun. When Billy had made the turn into the new development, the chase had turned fun. TJ had always liked the way his car handled turns, so it was easy for him to keep the truck in sight, even with the car loaded with over a thousand pounds of passenger. He knew the streets back here too. It was not too far from where TJ lived, and he'd used these uninhabited roads for his share of midnight action. Finally, Billy had made a fatal turn. "No way outta there, asshole!" TJ had shouted as the pickup made the errant turn. "You gotta come back to me now." TJ had followed slowly until Billy realized his mistake, and started frantically trying to turn around. Parking his car across the road and opening the door, he muttered, "Now, you little piece of shit, I am gonna teach you something." Mike was getting out of the other door, and TJ's other friends, Jamal and Rico were wedging themselves out of the back. "Remember, we ain't gonna hurt the motherfucker, just scare shit outta him, okay?" When TJ turned his head back to the truck, he saw the passenger door open first. His eyes went wide with surprise as the girl he'd seen in the passenger seat got out, dressed in a skimpy white dress, white stockings and white spike-heeled pumps. Some silly white hat sat on her head. "Shit!" he exclaimed to himself as his buddies made similar, appreciative noises. Kelly and Billy had been on their way to a Halloween costume party. After some cajoling, Kelly had talked him into wearing a lab coat, so that he would at least look a little like they belonged together. Kelly had chosen to dress up as one of the "Night Shift Nurses", donning a white dress that buttoned down the front, and hemming it so that it barely covered her buttocks. She had added white thigh highs that stopped 3 or 4 inches short of her dress and spikes to go along with the dress, then had borrowed an old fashioned nurse's hat to finish the look. Beneath it she wore only a demi bra and white bikini panties. She didn't look much like a nurse, especially with the dress unbuttoned well down from the top and up from the bottom, but she figured people would get the idea. Billy surely had. He'd insisted on getting a quicky blow job from her before they'd even left his house for the party. That had left Kelly a bit horny and anxious to get into more serious trouble, but she figured she wouldn't have to wait too long at the party before Billy or one of his friends took her upstairs for a while. She'd been fantasizing about pulling a serious train at the party when all the chasing had begun. As she got out of the car, knowing what she planned to do to get herself and Billy out of this mess, some of her arousal started to return. It was a welcome change from the fear she'd felt at first, and the disgust she'd felt later for Billy. Billy watched, amazed, as Kelly's nearly bare butt twitched its way toward the group of black men standing about 40 feet away. He could hardly believe what he was seeing. Kelly seemed to think that she could talk her way out of this by wiggling her ass. Those boys were gonna tear her up. He was sure that she was going to get herself hurt. Still he couldn't get himself to open the door and go to help her. TJ was no less amazed. This young, white leggy thing walking toward him, long dark hair flowing over her shoulders as she sauntered closer, looked better by the second. She didn't have huge tits, or a fabulous figure, but she just sort of exuded sex, like it was oozing out of her skin somehow. Maybe it was her eyes. They looked like they'd seen a lot. Kelly spoke first. "Now, I just know there's some way I can make it up to you, all the disrespect my boyfriend has been showing y'all," she cooed as her eyes met each of the four hungry pairs in front of her. "Can't y'all think of soommmething???" Her heart was pounding in her chest as she spoke, and it was all she could do to keep her voice from being uneven. She wished that one of them would say something, do something. They just stood there staring at her legs, her tits, sometimes looking at her face. At last one of them, the driver, opened his mouth to speak. "It isn't you we got a problem with. It's your boyfriend over there." "I know, I know," she answered, "but he's sitting over there shitting in his pants, I think. Y'all don't really need to bother with him, now do you? Can't we work something out instead?" TJ hardly needed another invitation. "You sure you're up to what it is I think you're sayin', little girl? You ever done what you're talkin' about doin'?" Kelly could barely contain her nervousness. She felt as though her heart would jump out of her chest and her stomach would turn a dozen somersaults, all at the same time. And she realized that it wasn't entirely because she was scared of the four men. She was thrilled and apalled at the leap she was about to make, a leap into her fantasies... "Maybe I have, maybe I haven't.... Does it matter?" she replied, taking a step closer to TJ and toying with the topmost of the buttons on her dress that were still buttoned. TJ stepped close to her, right up to her, and took the button between her fingers. "I guess not. There's a first time for everything, isn't there?" Billy, cringing in the car, had managed to convince himself that nothing was going to happen, that Kelly was going to talk their way out of this. When he saw the driver of the car step up to her, though, and raise his hand to her chest, he knew differently. If he didn't do something, those filthy niggers were going to rape Kelly. It wasn't courage, but blind hatred that pushed him into action. He scrambled up in the seat, searching behind it for anything that might do for a weapon. All he found was a tire-iron. "Good,:" he thought. "Gonna get some nigger brains all over this thing..." When he turned back around, things had advanced considerably. TJ, with Kelly's help, had quickly unbottoned the remainder of her dress. Pushing it off her shoulders, it fell until it caught at her elbows. She shrugged out of the dress, holding it in one hand, as all four of the black men in front of her made admiring comments. She was flushed, not blushing. Her skin glowed red with her excitment, her nipples, exposed by her half-bra, were hard as pebbles. As she stood, waiting, dressed only in her stockings, shoes, panties and bra, she heard the door of Billy's truck opening. Billy threw himself out of the pick up, drew himself the best he could and walked angrily toward the group, using one hand to slap the tire-iron into the other as loudly as he could. "Okay, you motherfuckers, get your fuckin' hands off of her! I mean it! You back off, or I'm gonna take this iron to some nigger heads!" TJ only moved closer to Kelly, cupping one firm tit in his big hand, looking past her to Billy. "I think maybe you better let your girlfriend take care of this. She's doin' just fine. You just get back in the car before you get yourself hurt." "Fuck you!" screamed Billy, now running at them all, raising the iron over his head. Kelly, looking back over her shoulder, screamed back at him. "Stop it, you asshole! Stop it. They're not gonna hurt me. I offered. Are you that blind? You're gonna get out of this with your skin, and I'm gonna be fine." Billy stopped, his arm still raised, his jaw sagging. "You what?" "I offered. I offered myself to get your sorry ass outta this." The four black men were grinning, not in the least concerned about Billy's threats or insults. He looked to them as impotent as he started to feel. "You're gonna give yourself to a buncha niggers? Goddamn, Kel, it wasn't THAT bad. I coulda taken em! Goddamn!" His arm started to fall. At his assertion that he could have "taken" them all, the four men laughed, loudly. Even Kelly started to chuckle. "Sure you would've, sure! And next week, I'm gonna get elected president. Now, get the fuck back in the truck, and let me get this done, or maybe you want to watch?" Now the four black men were howling with laughter. Billy started to slink back to the truck. TJ tossed off a parting crack. "Ya know, cracker, if I couldn't see better for myself here, I'd swear this girl has bigger balls'n you do!" Looking back to Kelly he tossed his head in Billy's direction and added, "Asshole." She didn't answer, except to move into his arms, pressing herself to him and lifting her face to his. TJ pulled her close, fastening his mouth to Kelly's and invading it with his long, serpentine tongue. She opened to him, relaxing as she felt herself being overwhelmed by his strength. "Oh, yeah, baby!" crowed one of the others as TJ's hands slid down Kelly's back and slipped beneath her tiny panties to knead her buns. "Oh, shit yeah!" Kelly paid little attention to the other voices. She'd been watched before, the thrill was still there, but the main thrill was the black man who was holding her, taking possession of her. Her own hands explored his muscular back and buttocks, squeezing and pulling even as his tongue filled her mouth. "Mmmmm......." was all she needed to say. The other three men started to move closer. Someone took her dress from her. Their hands reached out to explore Kelly's curves and softnesses while she continued to kiss TJ. Rico caught hold of her panties, and, seeing a nod from TJ, started pulling them down. Kelly was chilled, even on this warm evening as she felt herself bared to the sight and touch of all four men. As she lifted a foot to step out of her panties, she felt a hand slide between her legs, probe for her vulva, press into her moist slit. "Mmm!" she moaned sharply as a large, rough finger found her clitoris and rubbed it roughly. Pleasure, salted with a little pain, made her shiver. She clung more fiercely to TJ. She could hear belts unbuckling behind her too, and knew that soon she'd be confronted with her first real, black cock. TJ's hold on her relaxed as one of his friends said, "Turn the bitch around. Let her kiss this for a while!" They all laughed. Taking her by the shoulders, TJ turned her to face Mike, whose jeans were unfastened and sliding down to mid thigh. His shorts were pulled down some, too, and he held his long, half-hard dick in his hand. "Here, baby... suck this!" She was pushed toward him, and three or four hands pushed her down until she was squatting in front of him, her knees splayed as he stood between them. Her heart was in her throat as she lifted the long heavy black thing to her lips and kissed the head, then licked it, then took it into her mouth. "Oohhhhh..... yessssss... yeah, baby.... suck it.. Suck it!" She took the remainder of the spongy shaft into her hands and started to suck harder at the part she could get into her mouth. TJ, Jamal and Rico took their own cocks out and started to stroke them as they watched Kelly work on Mike's stiffening rod with her hungry mouth. Her white hands looked almost tiny wrapped around the thickening shaft, and the bright red of her lips as they worked up and down on it only made it nastier. Kelly made small, happy mewling noises as she sucked, amazed at the way that the cock she was sucking was making her feel. Her belly quivered with anticipation as he grew, and her pussy tingled constantly, telling her she was getting wetter by the minute. "My turn, hey, let me get some o' that!" yelled Rico, pushing Mike away, who laughed. His cock stood up black, shiny and proud as he stepped aside, and he rubbed it gently to keep it hard. Kelly turned her attentions to Rico, but Jamal was impatient to be tended, too. He elbowed his way in, so that Kelly could alternately stroke and suck the both of them. They were both pretty stiff before she started, so it hardly took any time to get them thoroughly hard. Only TJ remained, and he was practically erect already. As she turned to him, Mike moved behind her, bending low and fingering herpussy from behind. When he realized how wet she was, he chuckled, "The bitch is HOT! She's wetter'n hell already. C'mon, let's get to it!" He started to pull her upright, but Kelly insisted on keeping TJ's rod in her mouth, so that, when her legs were straightened, she stood bent at the waist, sucking at TJ, while Mike positioned himself behind her, guiding his stiff prick toward the moist entrance to her love hole. From the pickup, Billy watched in horror as Kelly's skilled lips and tongue serviced one big black dick after another. She squatted like a whore, peeing in a field. She worked the cocks like she enjoyed it. Like she enjoyed it! Then one of them, the biggest one, pulled her to her feet, but she wouldn't let go of the cock she was sucking. She nearly bent double to keep her lips locked to that nigger dick! And the other one was, DAMN! The other one was about to fuck her! Kelly sucked happily at the long thick cock in front of her as she felt the huge tip of Mike's prick slipping into her wetness, pushing between the lips of her cunt, stretching the opening there as he penetrated her. She stopped sucking just long enough to moan, "Oh, god yes.... yesssssssss..." Mike worked his cock deeper and deeper, roughly, without much finesse. Kelly only groaned loudly on TJ's prick as she felt her belly filled fuller and fuller by Mike's heat and hardness. At last he pushed the last of his huge black rod into her. She felt his hips press hard against her buttocks, then she felt him pull out, out, almost all the way out, before plunging all the way home again, hard and fast. She nearly screamed with pain and pleasure as Mike started reaming her cunt with his big pole. Kelly too became frantic, pulling and sucking so fast on TJ's cock that he nearly came. "Whoa, baby... Not yet! You can have it to eat if you want, but I'm gonna get some of that pussy first!" He pulled back, lifting her eager head from his cock. Jamal happily took his place. "Here bitch, suck this! You wanna mouthful of my cum... you can have it..." Kelly was so wracked by pleasure radiating from her pussy that she could barely stand. Later she would describe the feeling as being like one continuous orgasm, from about Mike's fifth stroke on. All she knew at the moment that she was loving it, and that her legs were about to collapse. Her knees felt like jelly. Slowly she felt herself sagging earthward. Only Mike's strong grip on her hips kept her up for a bit, but then even that wouldn't do it. "Damn! Bitch's slippin! Get her on all fours!" yelled Mike as he felt her sliding down. His cock slipped free, bouncing up and down, shiny with Kelly's juices as she sank to her knees. Jamal tried to lower himself with her, keeping her face fastened to his prick. "Oh! Too hard!" she gasped as her knees and hands reached the pavement. "Too hard." Rico stopped jerking off long enough to look around and say, "Here! Take her over there, off the road!" Mike roughly picked her up, carried her to the muck at the side of the road, and set her down. Her long, sharp heels sank instantly into the mud. Mike pushed her to her knees. "Get down, bitch, go on!" She bent over, putting her hands down in the saturated clay. They sank in a bit before stopping. "That's better.... Lotsa mud for the fuck pig!" yelled one of the four. Jamal was back in front of her now, offering his prick, as Mike knelt in the mud and started pistoning her cunt again. She fastened her mouth to the cock in front of her, her body shaking with each of Mike's thrusts. Jamal took her head into his hands, this time, and started fucking, fucking hard. He locked his fingers in her long hair and jammed his cock into her mouth so that she gagged and spluttered continuously. "Eat this, bitch! Yeah!" he yelled as he worked himself into a frenzy. He could feel the cum building in his balls, feel the explosion getting close. Kelly could tell too. His cock seemed to swell even more as his thrusts became more and more spasmodic. She knew he was close. Then, just as she expected to get a mouthful of tasty goo, Jamal jerked his cock out of her mouth and started to pump it. "Wear it, bitch! Catch some if you can!" His cock started spurting long hot strings of cum that draped themselves all over her face. "Yeah! Yeah!" hollered Jamal as he drained his cock on her chin, her forehead, her cheeks and nose. Kelly did manage to catch a bit of it on her tongue before Jamal got up and Rico put his knees into the holes in the mud that Jamal had made. Billy was stunned. Kelly was whoring for these sons of bitches like she wanted to. He could not fathom how that could be. Surely she was protesting. He just couldn't hear it from the truck. He decided to move closer. Just as Kelly was about to take Rico's stiff prick into her mouth, she heard the door to the pickup. Looking that way, she saw Billy, slack jawed, walking toward her, and she saw herself for the first time through his eyes. She saw herself kneeling in soft mud, getting royally fucked from behind by one huge black cock as she prepared to suck another, even as the cum from a third dripped from her chin. She saw herself as the slut, her shoes and thigh highs probably ruined by the mud, caring only for the black cocks around her, and she liked it. She liked what she saw. Looking directly into Billy's eyes she said to Rico, "Gimme that black cock! Lemme suck it dry! I want it now!" Billy looked like he would faint. Rico held his cock for her as she started to suck, now rocking herself wildly between him and Mike, impaling herself first on one big black dick then the other. She moaned loudly, almost screaming as she sought to get both of them off. Mike was the first. "Oh, shit, bitch...yeah... yeah! Gonna cum in that pussy, baby. Gonna fill you up with black cum!" Kelly tried to nod, urging him on, grinding her hips on his thick cock, aching to feel him explode inside her. He did. "Aaaaaaaarrrrrgggggghhhhhh!" he growled as he released a huge load of thick jizz deep in Kelly's cunt. Kelly screamed, her mouth full. "Gllllllllllggggg!" He continued to pummel her, driving his spewing cock deep again and again until the torrent had stopped. When he pulled out, his cum dripped from her well fucked cunt to the ground. Some of it clung to her swollen labia. "Oh, shit that was good, bitch... You got one hell of a pussy!" Before he could stand, Rico started to cum. He didn't pull away from her, but shot his hot, bitter juices into Kelly's mouth. She allowed them to collect till they started to leak out, then swallowed a huge wad of thick goo, all at once. Rico's cock continued to spit cum for a little longer, making another, smaller mouthful for her to swallow, but not before she'd shown him the pool of white jizz on her tongue. "Damn, girl! You ARE hot!" he laughed as he and Mike stood, zipping their muddy pants. Only TJ remained. She looked up at him, his handsome black cock bouncing with each beat of his heart. "I want to see it. I want to see you fuck me." she said. Without another word, she rolled to her back in the cool mud and spread her legs. "I want to see that thick black cock sliding in and out of me... Fuck me like this..." TJ chuckled. "Goddamn, girl! Okay, get ready to get your world ROCKED!" He knelt between her legs and pushed the tip of his cock between her red, cummy pussy lips. When he'd pushed most of his big dick into her, he looked down at her and said, "You like what you see?" Kelly looked between her legs, looked up again and grinned. "Yeah.... have you ever seen anything as hot as my pussy taking that big black thing? Have you?" and she laughed too. "No, don't think I have," said TJ as he jammed the rest of it into her, hard. "Oh!" she cried, as his groin slammed into her swollen clit. "Oh, oh, oh!" she yelled as he repeated the thrust, grinding deep and hard into her with every stroke. "Oh, yes, fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck MEEEEEEE!" she screamed. When she screamed, Mike laughed, looking over at Billy. He looked pale, like he was in shock. "Oh, this ain't nothin' yet," said TJ, as he lifted one, then the other knee over his shoulders. "NOW you're gonna get fucked!" From either side, her legs up as they were, Mike and the others could all see easily as TJ filled her pink/white cunt with black meat over and over, slapping himself down against her upturned ass. Kelly whimpered now, lost in one enormous climax, and TJ groaned with each stroke. He looked as though he would drive her three feet down into the mud. The weird mixture of slapping, groaning and mewling sounds continued for a bit, until TJ's voice was heard again. "Okay, baby... you wanted it before... You still want to eat my cum?" "Oh, yes, yes, baby... yes! Please let me suck the cum out of your gorgeous black dick... please????" "Get ready..... it's cumming!" TJ yanked his cock from Kelly's steaming pussy, and without releasing her legs, crept up until his cock was poised above her mouth. He started to jerk it, hard. Kelly opened her mouth and waited, her knees on her chest, her feet somewhere behind her head, it seemed. She couldn't move. "Oh, oh yeah, oh yeah, ohhhhhhhh!" cried as TJ as his cock erupted, spilling it's milky lava into the open mouth beneath it. Kelly didn't swallow, just let it collect, collect, until the last drop had fallen from TJ's cock to her tongue. Only then did she close her mouth and swallow the bitter-sweet reward. As the TJ got up, and the others helped Kelly up from the mud, TJ said, "Well, I think we can let your boy alone. But I don't think he's gonna want to have much to do with you after today. Do you?" Kelly glanced over at the comatose figure of her ex-boyfriend. "No, I don't think he will.... Not much at all..." TJ offered to take her home, or to his place to wash up. "I have a blanket in the trunk we can wrap you up in till we get some of that mud off!" he offered through a chuckle. Kelly elected to ride home. "I think maybe I've had enough for tonight...." "Maybe," she said again, winking. She promised to wash the blanket, too, and bring it to TJ's, "But only if you have friends visiting..." she added. "Oh," countered TJ, "I don't think I'll have any trouble with that.... none at all...." 4154 1.35/512345
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