Friday, August 31, 2012
Buying My Wife Pt 2
BUYING MY WIFE Pt 2 By Just Plain Bob Oral sex was something that was a staple of our sex life, but when Abby went for my cock with her mouth I pushed her away and told her that I didn't feel like oral. That wasn't true of course, I always wanted head, but if I would have let her do me then I would be expected to do her and there was no way I was going to do that if she might have just come to me from another man's bed. It obviously wouldn't kill me because if she were cheating on me then I had already been doing it for a while, but I didn't know it then and knowing made all the difference in the world. In my younger days before I met Abby I was a little wild and I had participated in a threesome or two and I'd been to a few gangbangs so I knew what sloppy seconds felt like and Abby didn't feel that way nor did she feel any looser or different, but then she never had. I started having bad thoughts about myself for doubting her. I began thinking that maybe there was a good explanation for her visits to Perry Street. The next day at nine I received a call from Hargrove asking me if I was free for lunch. We met again at Antoine's and when we were seated he handed me a sheaf of papers. I looked through them and saw that it said exactly what I told him I needed it to say and that he had signed it and had his signature notarized. "Looks fine to me. I'll have my lawyer look at it and if he finds no fault with it I will stop fighting Abby." "May I ask you a personal question?" "You can ask, but I won't promise you an answer." "Abby is a marvelous woman. Why on Earth did you cheat on her?" Since I had never cheated on Abby I had no real answer to the question so I just said: "It was a drunken indiscretion. I didn't even know I'd done it until I woke up in the wrong bed the next morning." "It may sound cruel of me to say it, but I'm glad it happened otherwise Abby and I wouldn't have ended up together." When I got back to the office I tossed Hargrove's paperwork into my center desk drawer and forgot about it. It had only been something to buy me time and I was never going to use it. Outside of wondering if Abby had paid a visit to Perry Street on Saturday morning the weekend was the same as most others of the past eleven years. We made love Saturday night. Monday night we were sitting on the couch watching a new TV show ("Sam Who?") when Abby reached over and started rubbing my cock and it did what it always did when she paid attention to it. Abby said: "Why don't we turn off the TV and see if we can't find something better to do." Once again I thought, "No way this woman is cheating on me. She just couldn't be." Tuesday I decided to stir the pot a bit. Over breakfast I said, "I've been thinking that maybe I should get some 'couth' in my life. I think I'm going to go with you to your book club meeting tonight." Abby didn't bat an eye as she said, "You picked the wrong time to decide to pursue some intellectual enlightenment. The guest speaker had to cancel. But there is always next week." That night in the middle of "Boston Legal" she cuddled up next to me and rubbed her tits into my arm. "Want to go play?" I did and so we did. Wednesday at ten I got a call from Paulson telling me that he had something for me. As he passed the large manila envelope across his desk to me he said: "This is the part of my job I hate. I'm always hoping that I can tell the client that his fears are groundless, but most of the time all I do is deliver bad news." "It's bad?" "I'm afraid so." I made arrangements with him to let his people into the house to get their equipment, paid him the balance of what I owed and then I went back to work and called Abby and told her that I would be working late and not to hold dinner for me. When the office cleared out that night I took my briefcase and went to the conference room where there was a TV/VCR combo. I took the video and audio cassettes out of the envelope and set them both up to play. I already knew what I was going to hear because it had already been transcribed and I'd read the transcription. The first section on the audio tape was from the bug in my car as Abby drove to work and talked on her cell phone. I only got one side of the conversation, but it was telling. "Good morning lover. I just wanted to hear your voice." "I know baby. Some day we will be able to do it openly at the office. Just be patient baby, he can't stall much longer." "I know baby; I can't wait for Thursday either. I'm super horny too. I really missed being able to see you Tuesday night. I really hate it when I get those migraines. I'm almost to work. See you soon." No room for denial after hearing that. The next section was from the bug in her purse. (Sound of a door opening and closing). "I'm here lover." "I'm in the bedroom." (Sound of high heels walking across the floor). "Oh my! Is that for me?" "Indeed it is my love. He has been hungry for you for days." "Well I guess I'd better not keep him waiting any longer. Will you lick my pussy and get it wet and ready?" "Silly girl! Don't I always?" "You certainly don't need my mouth to get it hard, but I want to taste it anyway." "Luckily we know how to do both at the same time. You want top or bottom?" "I'll take the top. You sometimes get carried away when I'm on the bottom and I haven't yet figured out how to let that big thing get all the way down to my tummy." (Sounds of oral sex). "Enough baby; I need you in my pussy." (Sounds of love making). "God, I really needed that. I love your big cock baby." "How about me?" "You are a package deal lover. The two of you come together." "Is tonight the night? You keep promising me that you will stay the night one of these nights." "I can't baby. Rob is still checking up on me trying to catch me doing something he can use against me to stall the divorce. I know for a fact that he follows me to the library and the bridge club then goes to the apartment to see that I get home at the right time. I hope he never sticks around to see what time I actually leave the library and bridge club meetings. If he did and followed me here it could be another year before the divorce would go through. Oh look. He's ready for me again." "Are you ever going to let me have anal?" "I keep telling you lover. I'm saving it for our wedding night. I can't give you my virginity, but I want you to have something special on our first night together as man and wife." "I'm beginning to wonder if that is ever going to happen." "Be patient baby; it can't be too much longer. I've time for one more if you can get it up for me." "With your help it shouldn't take long." (Sounds of oral sex followed by sounds of love making). "I've got just enough time to shower and douche. Want to scrub my back?" "You still afraid that he will grab you and put his hand on your pussy to see if you are wet?" "I don't put anything past him lover. I'm just not taking any chances." The next snippet was from the bug in her purse on Saturday morning. "Morning lover. Did you miss me?" "Oh God yes." (Sounds of kissing). "Is that a roll of quarters in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?" "Like you don't already know the answer to that. How much time do we have?" "Three hours or so. I don't have to pick my mother up until eleven." Next was a repeat of the sex that the two of them hand on Thursday. Following their first fuck they discussed where they would honeymoon when they got married. Following their second fuck Hargrove asked how the divorce was moving along. "He found a new one to use. He is now claiming that I have received commissions and bonuses that I secretly squirreled away and he has asked for additional time to discover them. Whether the court will grant his attorney that additional time I don't know." "I've said it before my love and I'll say it again. Don't fight him. Give him whatever he wants. Walk away with nothing and just get it over with. I've got more money than we will ever need." "I can't do that Jason. He has turned it into a test of wills and I will not bow down to him. This talk is depressing. Cheer me up lover. It feels like you are ready again. Make me scream!" There was more, but I didn't care to listen to it. I put the video cassette into the TV/VCR combo and a picture came on the screen. The time stamp said that it was last Wednesday. Abby was in the kitchen fixing dinner. Her cell phone rang and she stopped peeling potatoes and got it out of her purse. "Hello?" "Fixing my mother dinner." "I told you never to call me Jason. What if my mother had picked up the phone?" "I don't care." "Because she is fond of Rob and thinks I'm making a big mistake in leaving him." "No Jason. The last thing I need is for her to start asking me who the men calling me are." "No Jason. I'll see you at work tomorrow." She disconnected without saying goodbye and as she dropped the cell phone back into her purse she said: "Jesus, what a stupid fucking twit!" The tape kept running showing Abby working on dinner and five minutes later I came into the kitchen and Abby stopped doing what she was doing and greeted me with a big hug and a very hot kiss. I leaned back in the chair and thought about what it all meant. There was no divorce in progress so Abby was obviously stringing Hargrove along, but why? What was with the 'lovey-dovey' shit when she was with him and the "stupid fucking twit" when she wasn't? She had Hargrove so convinced that the two of them were going to ride off into the sunset together that he was willing to try and buy me off. On my side of the coin I'd had a perfect wife for eleven years. She was loving and she spoiled me rotten. I could not point to anything that would even hint at trouble in our marriage. As an actress she was giving one of us ? and quite possibly both of us ? a superior performance. I couldn't speak for Hargrove, but I was not going to be handing out any Academy Awards, but I would be handing out something and that was for sure. When I got home that night Abby greeted me with a warm hug and a kiss which I returned somewhat indifferently. Abby noticed and asked: "Something wrong?" "Just a bad day at work coupled with a headache. I think I'll swallow a handful of Tylenol and go to bed. The next day at work I dug through my center desk drawer until I found the document that Hargrove had given me. I called Jim Barkly, an old school buddy who was a lawyer and asked him if he could meet me for lunch. He said he could and we met at Antoine's (only fitting since that is where Hargrove started it all). I explained the situation to him, gave him the document and asked him if it was legally enforceable. He read it and handed it back to me. "As written it is doubtful you could win in court if this guy defaulted. The way it is written makes it sound like you are selling Abby to him. It would be a slam dunk if it were written along the lines of a promissory note. Change the wording to read, "In exchange for services rendered I, Jason Hargrove, promise that on the date that the dissolution of the marriage of blah, blah, blah becomes final I will pay to Robert Dalton the following and then list what he is going to pay, but you have other options here." "Like what?" "This state allows legal actions for alienation of affections. With this document as proof that he is interfering in your personal life you could sue this Hargrove guy and win. You would probably get more out of it too." "How so?" "Assume he is right about the house. You would get forty-two thousand. Forget alimony. If you sue for divorce using infidelity as grounds Abby won't get alimony. On the other hand a suit for alienation of affections could get you up to two hundred thousand. The average award in a marriage of your length is around one hundred and fifty thousand. So, like I said, you have options. And of course there is a third option" "And that would be?" "You and Abby could stay together." "After what she has done?" "Come off it Rob. You love her. You have had her on a pedestal since the day you married her and she loves you. It shows every time she gets within five feet of you. The woman can't keep her hands off you. I don't know what is going on with her and this Hargrove character, but it has not changed the way she feels about you. Once again, all I'm saying is that you have options." Jim did not practice family law so I asked him for the name of a good divorce attorney and he gave me the names of three that he said were very good. When I got back to my office I called Hargrove and told him that my attorney had shot down his document and I told him why. Hargrove told me that he would redo the document to address the attorney's concerns and then he said: I"I take it that once I redo the document and sign it we have a deal?" "Not until the attorney looks at the revision and approves it." "I'll have it to you by next Tuesday." After I hung up on Hargrove I got out the Yellow Pages and looked up the names of the attorneys that Jim had given me and then I called the one closest to my office and made an appointment. That night when Abby got home from her 'bridge club' I pulled her down onto the bed and fucked her twice. I was looking for some sign that she had been with Hargrove. I mean I knew that is where she had been, but I remembered her referring to Hargrove's cock as 'that big thing' and saying how much she "loved his big cock." I would have expected her to be a least a little loose coming to me straight from him, but she felt no different to me. When we finished and Abby nodded off to sleep I stared up at the ceiling and made my plans. I did my best to keep myself under control through the rest of the week and weekend, but it wasn't easy. Monday afternoon Hargrove called me and asked me to meet him for a drink after work. I met him at Barry's Irish Pub and he handed me the revised document. I looked it over and then said: "It says exactly what my attorney said that it should say so I guess we have a deal. I expect that Abby will be bringing you up to date on the divorce by the end of the week." I managed to get through Tuesday and Wednesday without losing it and I took Thursday off from work. By two that afternoon I had everything that I wanted out of the house. At three-thirty Abby was served at work and at three-ten my cell phone started going off as Abby tried to get in touch with me. I let all the calls go to voicemail and waited for the next act while I unloaded my stuff and carried it in to my new apartment. At four-thirty Hargrove was served with the papers that informed him that he was being sued for alienation of affections in the matter of Dalton vs. Dalton. At five I called Abby's cell phone and when she answered I said, "I got all your calls Abby. What's up?" "What the hell is going on Rob? Why have I been served papers that say you are divorcing me? This is crazy Rob. What are you doing?" "You know that I love you Abby. I love you more than life itself and you know that I will do anything and everything in my power to see you happy even if it hurts me. I've decided that to keep you happy I need to set you free so you can be with your true love. When you go to Jason's house tonight to spend your usual three hours with him you can tell him that you will soon be able to spend the rest of your life in his arms. It kills me to let you go Abby, but your happiness is all that matters. Goodbye my love." I disconnected before I could start laughing. Even I realized that I was laying it on a bit thick. Almost immediately my cell went off and I turned it off and put it in my pocket. The next morning when I got to work my secretary, who comes in a half an hour or so before I do, already had a dozen message slips for me. Seven of them were from Abby and one was from Hargrove. I tossed Abby's into the trash and told Janice what was going on. "I don't like putting you in the middle here Jan, but I am not taking calls from Abby. Tell her I've instructed you not to put her through or take her messages. Tell her I've taken a temporary assignment to Afghanistan and won't be back for six months or just hang up on her. It doesn't matter to me as long as I don't have to hear her voice." I took Hargrove's slip into the office, sat down and gave him a call. "What the fuck are you doing? What is the meaning of this suit? We had a deal!" "We do. I did my part. I said I would move the divorce along and I have. Didn't Abby tell about it when she made her weekly Thursday night visit to your house?" "She didn't come last night, she didn't come to work this morning and she isn't answering my calls." "All I can say is that you will need to get the story from Abby. My attorney told me not to discuss the matter to anyone and to refer all questions to him. Will you still be at work at ten this morning?" "Yes. Why?" "I'm sending you a copy of a video tape by special messenger. It will probably answer some of your questions. Good luck with Abby. Bye." As I hung up the phone I felt at ease for the first time since my initial meeting with Hargrove. Troubled maybe, but still at ease since a load had been lifted off me. Troubled because Jim had nailed it. I was in love with Abby; I had had her up on a pedestal and I had no idea how I was going to live without her, but I couldn't live with her. I just wasn't the kind who could overlook what she had done. I might ? just might ? have been able to get by a one nights indiscretion, but an affair that had been going on three times a week for six months? No sir! I left work early to forestall any chance that Abby might be waiting for me in the parking lot. I called Ben Davidson and told him I wouldn't be able to make it for our standing Saturday foursome. Abby knew the course we played so she just might have shown up. I'd have to talk with her eventually, but I wanted it on my terms and when I was ready. The weekend was fairly uneventful except for my mother raising hell with me for walking out on "poor Abby" when I stopped by to have Sunday dinner with my parents and my sister. "You have made that poor girl a wreck Robert. I swear; I thought that I raised you better than that." I shook my head in disbelief. "She cheated on me mom! For six months now she has been seeing another man three times a week. What the hell am I supposed to do? Give her a medal?" "You never gave the poor girl a chance to explain." "I don't believe this shit" I said and I stomped out of the house. My sister followed me and on the front porch she said: "Don't let mom get to you. She is naturally sympathetic towards Abby." "Why in the hell would she be sympathetic toward a woman who has been cheating on her son for half a year?" "Birds of a feather I suppose." "What does that mean?" "You were too young at the time to know or understand, but mom cheated on dad, he caught her and some how she managed to get him to forgive and forget. She likes Abby and she probably hopes that what worked for her will work for you and Abby." "Fat chance of that happening." "Why not? You know you love her. Everybody knows that she loves you." "How the hell can she love me if she's running around stabbing me in the back?" "I don't know. Ask her." "You are as bad as mom." "Hey! I'm not saying take her back. I'm just saying that you should talk to her. If for no other reason than I know you want to know why." "Knowing why might only make it worse." "Why would you say that?" "You think my ego could take it if she told me it was because I couldn't satisfy her in the bedroom? I hear that and get to carry it around with me for the rest of my life? No thanks. I don't think so." "It's your life Rob, but I still think you need to talk with Abby." The only message slip that Jan had for me on Monday morning was from Hargrove. As I took it I said: "I don't see any from my about to be ex so I guess you must have found a way to shut her down." "I just told her that you had instructed me not to take messages or put her through to you. And I hope you aren't upset with me, but I took it on myself to tell security that she isn't allowed any farther into the building than the reception desk." "I think I'm going to have to give you a raise." "Why thank you Rob. It is nice to be appreciated." Once at my desk I called Hargrove. "Why did you send me that tape?" "Why not? You ruined my life so why shouldn't I take a shot at ruining yours?" "How did I ruin your life?" "If you hadn't asked me to lunch and made me that proposition and dropped it on me that Abby was cheating on me I'd be a lot happier right now. She would still be stabbing me in the back, but at least I wouldn't know it." "There never was a divorce?" "You saw the tape. It had the date and time on it. Did that kiss look like something two people going through a divorce would be doing? Abby played both of us. The only divorce is the one I filed for last week." "But why are you suing me? I didn't take her away from you. She lied to me too. I thought she was going through a divorce." "Maybe, but she was still a married woman until the divorce was final and you knew it and you fucked her anyway." "Why the charade with the legally enforceable document?" "Evidence. Even though it is a civil action and not a criminal one I still needed evidence and the original and the revised documents clearly show that you were tampering with my marriage. I've got to get my revenge somehow and there you were. I got rid of her cheating ass, I make you pay and with any luck at all I've managed to poison the relationship between you and Abby so bad that working together will be hell for both of you and you will just have to suffer through it since she can't afford to quit now. Next time maybe you will wait until you have proof of the divorce before you bed the lady. Got a busy day ahead of me so I've got to go. Bye now." After that call I had a smile on my face for the rest of the day. The rest of the week was pretty uneventful. I got at least two calls a day on my cell from Abby, but I didn't take any of them. Friday my mom called me and invited me to come to dinner on Saturday. It was not an abnormal request. Abby and I usually had dinner at mom's two or three times a month so I said I would be there. Saturday at five I drove up to my parent's house and saw Abby's car in the driveway so I kept on going. When I got back to my apartment I called my mother and told her that she could take the place setting for me off the table because I wouldn't be coming and then I told her that a good way to keep me from coming to visit her anymore would be for her to keep meddling in my life and then I told her to put Abby on. There was a short silence and then Abby came on the line. "Rob honey? Where are you? We need to talk. You need to let me explain." "How in the hell do you expect to be able to explain to me why you stabbed me in the back three times a week for six months? Can't be done Abby. Stop trying" and I disconnected. On Tuesday my attorney called and told me he had been contacted by an attorney retained by Abby and it appeared that Abby was going to fight. "She can't prevent the divorce, but she can delay it for quite a while. She is contesting the division of assets and making claims that you are hiding some assets. Are you?" "Of course not. I guess we need to get nasty. How much trouble would it be to change the filing from Irreconcilable Differences to Infidelity?" "Not much. We withdraw the original petition, wait one week and then refile." "Do it. And then figure out what grounds we can use to sue Abby's employer for allowing two of their employees, one of them in management, to engage in an illicit affair. I know that they have something in their policies and procedures manual about things like that." "I doubt that we could get anything there." "I know, but a word to Abby and Hargrove that we are going after their employer may make Abby back off. If we bring their affair to management's attention it could get them both terminated and Abby and Hargrove know it. We might not get anything out of it monetarily, but the suit would become a matter of public record and I doubt that the company would want the notoriety so just the threat could work for us. I guess I will have to break down and talk with Abby and let her know what we plan on doing." I called Abby and when she answered I simply said, "Barney's Pub tomorrow at six" and I hung up. The next day I was parked just down the street from the pub and I sat in the car and waited until a quarter after just to make Abby stew for a bit. I walked in and saw Abby sitting in a booth in the back. As I walked up to her she gave me a timid smile and I quickly wiped it off her face when I handed her an envelope with Paulson's report and copies of the audio tapes inside and said: "Read the report and listen to the tapes and if you still think you might have anything to say that I will pay ant attention to I'll call you Friday and set a time." I turned and walked away from her. The rest of the week was bad for me as one of the secondary effects of leaving Abby came into play. I had taken myself from three, four and sometimes five love making nights a week to nothing and I had done it over night. I was suffering withdrawal and to make it worse my attorney had advised me to stay as pure as the driven snow until my divorce was final. It would not be wise to give Abby and her attorney anything that they could conceivably use against me. What made it doubly bad was that Janice had apparently spread the word that Abby and I had split and several of the women I worked with were suddenly showing an interest in me. Janice herself was openly flirting with me and it was very hard to have to ignore her. Janice was a very sexy looking lady and she had recently gone through a divorce of her own. The rumors flying through the office were that she had caught her hubby in bed with her mother. I didn't know because there wasn't any way on God's green Earth that I was going to ask her. But I was brave enough to ask her one question. Thursday we were in my office going over a proposal that she needed to type for me when I said: "This is a pretty personal question Jan and you don't need to answer or explain why you don't want to answer, but I'm curious. Before I caught Abby cheating we had a pretty good sex life. I was used to making love on the average of four nights a week. I caught her, walked away from her and just like that I went from plenty of sex to nothing. You must have gone through the same thing when you went through your divorce. The sudden lack of sex has made me irritable and jumpy and my question is, how long before I start feeling like my old self again?" 6256 1.95/512345
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