Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Job Security Ch. 04
After my disheartening discovery, I was at a loss while I was dealing with two problems. The first was the dismay I felt over David?s broken confidence. With my feelings oscillating between hurt and anger, my first temptation was to confront him directly about it but whenever I reached the point that I was ready to approach him, a voice in the back of my mind told me to back off, that I wasn?t ready yet. I knew that if I were to ever open up that door I would have to deal with the unknown consequences, and I wasn?t sure enough of myself at the time to want to deal with it. At this point, I had to assume that it was nothing more than a passing erotic experiment that David was going through. I knew that guys did that at times, even if they were perfectly happy and satisfied with their home life. What I didn?t understand, though, was the obvious sharing with Mr. Lin. Was David getting anything in return? Or worse still, had this somehow become a requirement of employment and David just unwillingly protecting his job? The other problem I had to deal with was strictly internal. For all my anguish, for all my loathing at David and the situation, through all my unsettling questions, there was a Phoenix rising from the fire. And it came in the form of a very hot, constantly wet pussy with an insatiable appetite that couldn?t seem to be quelled. After those initial viewings of the videos I was disgusted, both with the videos and my ensuing orgasms in reaction to them. How deep into deprivation could a normal, well-behaved wife sink? When I first put them back on the shelf where I had found them, I shuddered with the very thought that the nasty things were even in my house. For the rest of the day and in to the night, I refused to even walk in his closet. But through the night, those visions of myself on that screen started to drift through my mind; slowly, very defined, in stereo and in living color. My feelings of betrayal and disgust were strong, causing me to toss and turn while David was in his deep sleep. It?s not like the old thoughts just disappeared, but there was a point in the early morning where somehow they slowly departed from the state of anguish. Instead, my mind drifted to some very short scenes from the videos. They way I looked at certain times, the way I sounded, the way I reacted to certain situations. Small erotic visions started crossing my mind, replacing those of pain. Those little visions started converting to tiny tingling sensations, first in my mind, then on down as my fingers lightly traced down to my nipples and stomach. Eventually, my fingers were between my legs. Warm, slightly wet, my touch down there was as gentle and drifting as my thoughts. As my memory grew more avid my breathing increased slightly, causing my chest to heave a little and my hands to apply a little more pressure and speed. I finally settled in on the scene when I was telling David about the party. At the time I told him the story, I had found it to be exceptionally erotic and thought that I was getting back at him a little by letting him know I had given myself to the touch of others. Looking back at it brought on stimulating thoughts that were more than enough to bring me over, moaning softly so as not to wake him. I straightened out my legs as hard as I could to absorb the energy instead of tossing about, as I would normally do. It was almost painful trying to contain myself, and when I finally released the tension my body dropped to the bed in an exhausted lump. Lying there with my hands continuing to slowly caress a still sensitive nub, my mind reverted back to that of disgust and shame. It didn?t stop me from the soft manipulation, though, and I very slowly and softly brought my exhausted body back to life again. This time I was lying on my stomach and riding my hands in a small humping motion as I came, fingers from one hand manipulating my clit as the other hand provided penetration. It was awkward, but very effective as it led me into a deep sleep. When I awoke, my slightly crusted hands were still between my legs. After that, I was driven time after time to watch the tapes. No matter how much I promised myself that I wouldn?t, the urge would overcome the promise and I would find myself back there in his closet on a chair, carefully removing and replacing them in an exact way. Working around the baby, I found myself in front of that screen, sometimes for hours each day. At times my fingers betrayed me and only left me on fire, so I opted for my new toy. That vibrator started getting a workout that I?m sure was much more than the manufacturer intended. I watched them so often that I not only started memorizing the different episodes, but mentally started putting them in categories and rating them as far as my enjoyment. Even though the two top ones were when I was telling David about the party and the scene under the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve, what never ceased to amaze and excite me were facial close-ups of me coming. Although it was always with the little blindfold on, the excruciating look on my face during orgasms and the sounds pouring from my distorted mouth was just unbelievable to me, never failing to moisten me to the point I thought I could actually feel the wetness seeping out. I let David continue to tape me. Not to do so would give me away, I thought, and try as I might to deny it; I had to admit I was starting to enjoy it. I made a great effort to not pose for him or do anything artificial, but I became less subdued in front of him and just let things start to flow much more naturally. Not only did I start to have much more intensive orgasms while it was happening, but I started to enjoy the tapes even more as I opened up to the situation. Though my basic state of mind was anger and concern that he was sharing them with somebody else, I will have to admit that at times I would allow my concern to be pushed aside and found a level of eroticism when I closed my eyes and tried to feature Mr. Lin in a dark room by himself enjoying me. As far as David?s job was concerned, I got a little insight that there was more to things than I was told. One of the couples at work was having an anniversary party to which we were invited. Just as we got there, David hesitated before we got out of the car. ?Listen. Don?t make mention to anybody about this possible business deal with Mr. Lin. I?m not too sure who knows what and I certainly don?t want to be the one responsible for a leak.? That was fine with me. It was a lovely little get together and of course, as is always the case, conversation turned to business. I would just listen and nod my head, but took note not so much of what I was hearing but more what I wasn?t hearing. When we left, I looked at David for a while and then spoke. ?Nobody knows about this deal with Mr. Lin, do they?? He had a little bit of a strange look on his face as if he had been caught at something. ?No, not really. I think that besides me only Danny, Marty and the comptroller know about it. This is really big, one way or the other.? Looking out the car window, I nodded. But I couldn?t help but wonder, even if he is the representative for that account, why would David be included in such a high level hush-hush situation? There were others much more senior to him and company officers that should have been a part of it. What gives with David?s new status? Deep down, I think I knew the answer. It didn?t take long to verify it. The following week David came home all excited to the point of being breathless. He burst through the door like a kid that had just scored a home run at school. ?Syndee, you?re not going to believe what?s happened. Things like this just don?t happen to people like us!? I braced myself for the bad news. He?d lost his job. ?What happened?? ?You and I have been invited to go to Singapore! Danny and Marty are going, and Mr. Lin asked us to come along. All expenses paid! I can?t believe it.? If he were looking for a shock effect, he got it!! This couldn?t be right! When my mouth got to the point that it wasn?t just hanging open, I finally spoke. ?Why in the world were WE invited? And I can?t just go over there at the drop of a hat! I?ve got a baby to take care of.? ?Oh, you know your Mom will take care of him. We?ll only be gone a week and when will we ever get this chance again?? ?Singapore. Don?t they have serious problems with terrorist and uprisings of some sort over there?? ?You?re just making excuses. Where are our passports? Mr. Lin?s stateside attorney is taking care of the visas. By the way, we?re having dinner with him tomorrow night.? ?Just the two of us. Whatever for?? ?Oh, no. Danny and Marty will be there. There will some business discussed, I suppose, but I?m sure not much. I think it?s all casual.? Having many misgivings about all of this, I went along with him far enough to go to the dinner. It went well enough, just chatter. Although this guy, Mr. Tong, was very nice, he was Chinese and from San Francisco and you could tell he was all business at heart. ?So, are you looking forward to your trip?? It was pretty late into dinner before he really spoke directly to me. ?Actually, I?m not sure I?m going.? You could have heard a pin drop. ?Oh, why not?? He was very nice about it. ?Well, I have a child for one thing, and I?m not looking forward to such a long flight.? I realized that the other three had gone totally silent. Finally, Danny spoke. ?Wow, I though you would jump at the chance, Syndee.? ?Oh, I?m still considering it.? I was sure I could see a little perspiration starting to form on Danny?s brow. It was then I realized how serious this was and maybe saying no was not an option. Mr. Tong was very cautious when he spoke. ?Well, I?m sorry to hear that you have misgivings about the trip. I know that it may not be possible, but Mr. Lin was excited about the prospect of visiting with you soon. I hope things work out for you.? David had glanced at Danny and Marty and I saw the no nonsense look they gave him. ?Oh, I?m sure Syndee can make it. We?ll make special arrangements.? Danny and Marty?s sigh of relief may not have been audible but if you were looking for it, it sure was visible. There was definitely more to this than I knew. Later, I excused myself and went to the ladies room. When I came out, Mr. Tong was waiting for me in the little hall. ?I was instructed to personally and discreetly deliver this to you.? With raised eyebrows and a questioning smile, he handed me a small envelope. As he walked away, he turned to me and said, ?You might not want to take this too lightly, Syndee.? I slipped the envelope in my purse and went back out. Shortly after that, when I was on the way home with David, I decided to roll the dice a little. ?This deal between Danny and Mr. Lin. It?s not just a routine business association, is it?? David waited for a full two or three minutes before he spoke. ?No, it?s not. Danny has reached a point where he has to reduce the size and scope of his company in order to be profitable, or find a partner with additional financial backing in order to grow. Mr. Lin offers both the finance and an international built-in market. Danny is going to lose his total control of the company, but everybody will stay employed and it will remain profitable. There might even be upward advancement for some of us. It?s too early to tell.? ?And nobody knows?? ?Almost nobody knows.? ?So, how come you are privy to all of this?? Was he going to come clean? ?I really don?t know. I think he just likes us.? I looked out the window in silence. Yeah, he likes us, okay. The look of panic on all of their faces gave it away. Somehow, this little country girl had caught the eye and loins of an evidently powerful man. Unless I was reading all of this wrong, I was at the minimum a trump card for somebody. I just didn?t know whom. Any doubts about my part in this were swept away the next morning. Opening the envelope, I took out a hand written note from Mr. Lin. ?I am hopeful that we will meet in private when you arrive. Please accept the card to purchase whatever you feel appropriate and desirable for your trip. It is not my intention to put any financial burden on your family for you to come. I am looking forward to enjoying seeing you in attire that I know will not only be delightful but of good taste.? In my hand was a credit card with my name on it. I read the note over and over, seeing if I could interpret it any way but the obvious. I couldn?t, so I spent a couple of days soul searching trying to decide how mentally prepared I was to deal with this. I might cause some concern by staying home, but if I go over there and let myself get into a compromising situation with Mr. Lin, having to dodge any unwanted advances could cause more problems than if I didn?t go at all. I was definitely in a lose/lose situation. If I needed any influence on my decision, it came within days. David walked in the house one night and quietly announced that one of the account reps was let go that day. After absorbing that bit of news and walking around the house looking that all we had at stake, that sealed the case. The next morning when I picked up the phone and called David to let him know he could make my arrangements, his relief was audible. A few weeks later we were at 35,000 feet over the ocean. But before we left, I had to make some preparations. I knew Danny and Marty flew quite often overseas, so I asked her how she normally dressed on these real long flights. ?I dress for comfort. Not only will you be in that seat for almost a day, but you are going to have to deal with waiting for customs and all sorts of delays. Personally, I prefer short, lightweight dresses that will take the beating of a day?s travel and nothing else. I never wear a bra and routinely skip the panties. Besides, you?ll be surprised how going braless with a body like yours can speed you up through customs.? That last thought caught me by surprise! So, I decided to play the game. With Mr. Lin?s credit card in hand, I skipped the stores I normally went to and instead found myself at high dollar stores in a mall that I normally only visited to enjoy the Christmas decorations. Four hours and two thousand dollars later, I walked out feeling foolish about the few expensive dresses and the abundance of lavish, sexy lingerie in my bags. So, there I was in my seat wedged in between David and Marty. Wedged is probably the wrong term. Even though the seats were narrow, they were comfortable and the rest of the aircraft was very tastefully appointed and immaculately clean. I understand that Mr. Lin had insisted that we fly first class at his expense, but Danny had wisely declined and kept the expenses down so as to show that he was not one of those CEO?s with out of control taste. What I did find surprising was, for all the talk I had always heard about flying overseas, the plane was less than half full. Since it was a large plane, we were sitting side by side with nobody else on the row with us. Walking back to the restroom, I saw rows with nobody in them at all. It didn?t take long for the experienced travelers to change seats to take advantage of the space, especially the businessmen with their computers. We had left San Francisco in the early evening, so it wasn?t long before it was dark. By that time we had already had a surprisingly excellent meal and had been pampered with pillows and really nice blankets. I had taken Marty?s advice when I dressed and opted for comfort rather than style. Even though the short beige dress I wore was a little low cut in front, I still chose not to wear a bra. I couldn?t bring myself to go without panties, especially since I had ones that I had just spent an outrageous amount on with Mr. Lin?s card. It was amazing how comfortable a thirty-dollar thong could feel! When they dimmed the cabin lights for passengers to get comfortable, it had already been a long day and each of us was already starting to feel the discomforts of jet lag. Marty and I snuggled in under our blankets to get our sleep, but David told me he was moving to the back of the plane to work with his computer for a while. I felt sorry for him in a way. I knew he really feeling the pressure those days. Danny must have, too, because he got up and left with him. I dozed off almost immediately. I don?t know how long I was out, but there was a point during my sleep that I started having some sort of tantalizing but relaxing sensations. I seemed to be suspended in that aurora for some time, my drowsy mind thinking that my body was reacting to a slow, peaceful application of pleasure. As I floated there, it was if my body was slowly undulating from the sensation. You know how you can come out of a groggy sleep sometimes, especially if you are overly tired, and not be able to immediately realize where you are? That?s what I did, slowly opening my eyes to my surroundings. The first thing that came to me was that I was on the plane. Next, I realized that instead of David sitting where he was before, Danny was. I?m sure that, even though all this was going through my mind step by step, it actually only took seconds in real time. My next sensation and realization came as a shock! Groggy mind or not, I could not miss the warm hand that was slowly and gently massaging my naked left breast and nipple. I don?t know if I tensed up when the realization hit me, but my eyes opened wide and I froze in place. I was sort of lying on my right side and looking at Danny. He was turned the other way and was apparently sleeping. That could only leave one person. Marty had evidently unbuttoned the top of my dress and was now casually stroking my breasts. In the middle of all the thoughts running through my mind at the time, one of them was ?how long has she been doing it.? I guess it explained the cloud of pleasure I had been riding in my sleep. Her touch was slow, soft and unassuming. Knowing I had few options, I chose to turn in my seat so that I was facing forward. The motion dislodged her hand and she removed it slowly. Not wanting any eye contact, I kept my head turned to the right. I wasn?t at all open to her advances, but certainly wasn?t going to make a scene. Thoughts flashed back of her watching Danny and me at the Halloween party. I had assumed then that she enjoyed watching, but I wasn?t prepared to accept that maybe she enjoyed a female body, too. I decided that I would just have to stay awake for the trip or until I could excuse myself and find David. It was a great plan but it didn?t work. I misjudged both her desire and tenacity and found myself to be a much weaker opponent than I had hoped to be. Within minutes of my facing forward, I felt the light touch of her hand on my knee. I moved my knee, avoiding the contact, but it was soon returned. I had to believe that, even though I was feigning sleep, she was aware that I knew she was touching me. The light touches started moving slowly up the inside of my leg. At times she would rub with her full hand, then go back to the soft, whisper-like brushing. With a turned head and closed eyes, I was trying to formulate my defense. My body?s first betrayal came in the form of goose bumps. They appeared suddenly and abundantly and I knew that if I were feeling them as they formed on my body that she could, too. She was turned on her side facing me. Leaning over she whispered quietly in my ear, ?Did you have a nice nap?? I nodded without looking at her. ?Did you dream?? Her hands were sliding higher and higher, stopping at times to deftly release the next button from its refrain. ?A little.? I knew the fake sleep was over so I turned to face her. ?Was it nice?? Her fingers were working on the fourth button. ?I don?t know.? I knew I was at the point of having to do something, whatever ?something? was. ?I was just wondering. You were moaning very softly and your body was moving in a nice slow motion as if you were in great pleasure.? Just then she spread her hand and, even though my legs were closed shut, the tip of one of her fingers brushed my thong. ?Don?t, Marty.? I reached down and grasped her wrist. I imagined that with my dress being bunched up under me from sleeping, all it had taken was for her to undo just those few buttons for me to be exposed to my waist. Without looking under the blanket I visualized myself with my dress undone, pulled away to both sides and that red thong fully visible and available. ?I thought it would help you relax.? It wasn?t what she said that startled me and made me flinch. It?s how she did it, leaning over very close and whispering in my ear so close that her lips touched my sensitive lobes. It sent another unwanted shiver down me that wasn?t exactly unpleasant. With my hand riding on hers, she abandoned my thong and drifted higher. I?m not sure it didn?t make things even worse when she started a very slow deliberate circular massage of my stomach. I was surprised at how sensitive I was there to her touch, especially when she gently explored my navel with a finger. Even though I had kept my head turned away from her, the intrusion of her finger in such a sensitive spot caused me to turn towards her. I was met with a waiting mouth that softly and silently closed over my ear lobe. The touch of her tongue on me caused a quick body reaction before I could move away. I don?t know whether the sharp breath I took in was audible or not, but my body?s little betrayal was quickly detected and evidently she was embolden by it. Her hand slid back down my stomach, taking my own hand with hers as I gripped her wrist as if to make her stop. She casually slid over the top of my thong and down between my legs, starting a slow tease over the cloth of my thong without making any effort to dislodge my tightly clasped legs. With the tip of one finger, she began a very slow, very concentrated stroking of my sensitive lips through the thin silk, right above where she knew my clit was being protected. Again, my body went ahead of my thoughts, moving forward in a small thrust against her finger that I mentally regretted. ?I want to get up now.? ?Oh, I don?t think you really do. What?s the hurry?? I turned to look at her smile, which had no malice or anything, just a sweet look. ?I don?t want this.? ?I hear you.? There was a little pause. ?But, I can feel you, too. I don?t think your body is saying no.? Deep down I knew there was some truth in what she was saying. Regardless of my denial and my personal thoughts about how this was wrong, I couldn?t help but get the message from my body that there was something to all this and it certainly wasn?t bad. That fingertip was awakening those little familiar tremors deep within me and it just didn?t seem that I was doing anything to quell them. Marty sort of straightened up for a minute and looked all around us, but that busy finger never left its target. ?Move your head over a little to me.? I shook my head, not having any intention of feeding the fire. She didn?t press me, but instead increased the speed and pressure through my thong. It was enough to cause contact with my sensitive clit and even through the thin material it caused enough sensation that I moved my hips backwards and then forward again in reaction to her touch. I held it there for a second or two, then did it again. And again. And again. It became a regular rhythm with her strokes. She looked around again then whispered, ?I want you closer.? I looked around a little myself and decided I was in more danger of somebody hearing her than I was of anything she could do. I mean, what could she do? I moved over slightly and she was able to put her mouth to my ear. ?Turn your head to me.? I did so and she looked around again. She then very lightly, with no aggression, touched her lips to the very corner of mine. I felt no fear or revulsion the way she did it. What I did feel was a little electric shock run all the way down me. It was the first time I had ever been kissed by a woman with sexual intent. I turned my head away, avoiding her mouth. She went straight to my ear, this time not in a light nipple as before but with her full mouth and exploring tongue. She whispered as she stroked me with her mouth. ?Did you like it?? I didn?t answer. ?I think you did. Was that your first kiss from a woman?? She laughed softly as she spoke. I didn?t answer but I knew my true responses would have been ?yes? and ?yes.? She knew it, too, as well as I! ?I like the way your body moves with my hand.? I realized that somewhere through this distraction I had loosened my legs and they were no longer tightly clasped together. They weren?t wide open by any means but they had fallen open far enough for her to have her hand completely between them and she had taken advantage of the changing situation. Her finger was burrowed deeper into me, her carressment no longer so gentle but rather with a speed and roughness that my body was finding very pleasing. She continued to look about during all of this, making sure we had no visitors. She would always come back to my ear and neck after each reconnaissance, teasing me to a point of enjoyment much higher than I wanted to admit. If my mind was voting ?no? against this erotic evasion from Marty, my body was vetoing that feeble vote and marking it?s own ballot with a resounding ?YES.? There was no longer any way I could deny the fact that my entire body was in a small quake; not thrashing around, but instead in a small, fluid series of waves under the cover of the blanket. Marty read the situation correctly; I was coming around to her soft advances and she had lots of time to wait for me. The small kisses on my neck and ears were non-stop except when I would turn towards her. Then, she would very carefully and casually brush my lips with hers. Each time she did it, I was slower and slower in turning away. I became aware that I had stopped grasping her hand with mine and was instead slowly caressing the top of it with my fingers. She was aware of it, too, and finally made her move and slipped one finger in under the leg of my thong and found my moist slit. She knew where she wanted to be and went straight for it, doing a quick flipping of my clit as soon as there was contact. ?A-a-a-h-h-h.? I couldn?t suppress the very low, very quick sound coming from me as I jerked in reaction to her finger. She quickly turned her head around to survey our surroundings after my little moan. When she returned, I had left myself in the vulnerable position of facing her straight on with my mouth slightly opened from the unexpected pleasure of her busy finger. She took advantage of what I was unintentionally offering and found my mouth with a rather quick warm, smooth kiss. I didn?t jerk back as before but instead closed my eyes, just taking in the pleasure for a moment. I know this was supposed to be bad, but at that very second I was having a hard time telling myself that. When she moved back I could still smell her sweet breath. All of this distraction only took seconds, and all my thoughts and nerves were centered back on that one finger playing such havoc between my legs. I knew I had passed the point of concern and slowly opened my legs wider to accommodate her hand. She immediately recognized the surrender and pressed her mouth to my ear again. ?Do you want me to do it through the leg band, through the top, or take them off?? I couldn?t believe she was asking me that. ?I want you to stop.? Suddenly her finger left my clit and went down and in, penetrating my wet entrance so quickly and easily that I lifted my hips and shoved forward against it. I was somehow able to mute the long moan that was trying to emit from my open mouth. ?I can see how much you don?t want it.? Her voice was very low and had become husky. She was obviously turned on with the knowledge that she had excited me so, the dampness giving me away. It was at that precise moment that my tormented nerves overrode my protesting mind and I just gave in. ?What do you want me to do?? She was asking again, I?m sure not so much as asking directions as much as wanting me to admit my resignation to the pleasure. I didn?t answer, trying to retain at least some of my disappearing modesty. Instead, as she surveyed the aisle again for intruders and returned to face me, we were face to face again. This time I didn?t flinch from her soft lips. I pressed mine to hers for that quick second, igniting myself with the instant sparks she transferred to me. As I did, my hips just seemed to lift. She didn?t miss it, taking it as the answer she was seeking. She leaned forward just enough to slip my thong past the seat and down below my knees. ?Unbutton your dress.? It was a quiet order that I wasn?t in the frame of mind to disobey. Undoing the final few buttons didn?t seem to be so objectionable under my circumstances. I was covered with the blanket up to my chin. But, when she pulled my dress to each side as far as possible, I was totally exposed under the blanket and shuddered with the sudden nakedness. Her hand ignored my open legs for a while, roaming freely over my exposed body, lingering at times on each breast. She spent just the right amount of time teasing my nipples until they were responding to her light touch, then she would move on with another new awakening move. I had the presence of mind to look about our surroundings. This seemed so unreal, being seduced by another woman with others closely around. Especially in that metal cylinder boring a hole in the silent sky. Looking down at the blanket covering my secret, there was hardly a ripple being caused by her roaming hand. When my body was to the point of aching from being in a constant arc in response to her light touch, she moved down to that center of my being. If this had been David?s hand and fingers and if we were in private, I would have been begging at this point for the release. Instead, I was a willing prisoner to her touch and she was intent on torturing me as long as she wanted. And that she did. Her touch went from just barely scraping my clit with her fingernails to probing deeply into me with two fingers, always coming back to the swollen clit until she felt I was ready for another sensation to start. I went from slowly pumping my legs up and down to stiffening them out as much as possible to absorb the building tension. She had turned around in her seat and was sitting forward with only her right hand foraging under the cover. Nobody walking by would have detected anything. We were more at risk of having my undulating body detected than her hands. Everybody has her breaking point, no matter the situation. I finally reached mine, my shattered nerves unable to cope with it any longer. I turned my face to her and spoke softly. ?Please.? That?s all I said. When she looked at me, her face was in that slack-mouthed, droopy-eyed look that I had seen on my own face on the films. She was getting off on this a much as I. She acknowledged my request by turning on her side and facing me. Her hand abandoned all teasing techniques and went to my clit with earnest. The soft, slow strokes became hard and fast. What had taken a huge amount of time to build up came crashing down in less than a minute. Silently, my body bucked up and down against her hand, that familiar shaking began, and I came in a crash. I came off the seat, bracing my head hard against the headrest and planting my feet squarely on the floor. With my torso totally lifted, her hand never slowed as it alternated quickly from my swollen little nub to the gushing tunnel below it. She seemed to know just exactly what I wanted and when. Finally, I let my body drop and turned my mouth to her with a look as if to beg her to suppress the scream that was trying to come out of me. She looked around again, then accommodated me with a full kiss on the lips that, however fleet, had the effect of curling my toes down through my hyper sensitive body. I kissed back with fervor, surprising myself that I was disappointed with her quick release. Her continuing exploration of my body wasn?t disappointing, though. She went back to my breasts again, this time spending a long time touching me lightly, and then roughly twisting my nipples to the point I wanted to cry out. At that point, she seemed to know where I was with it and would return to the gentle massage that soothed them and made those little sparks that sent waves both up to my brain and down to my pussy. Again and again she would bring me to the edge then down, not allowing me to spill over with an orgasm until she was ready. I finally realized by the look on her face that her other hand was busy between her own legs. I think that she was delaying my orgasms to match hers. I wasn?t sure, but her breathing and body actions made me believe that we came together twice. Mostly, though, my thoughts were selfishly on my own desires. Danny woke and started moving about. When she didn?t stop, I became concerned that not only would he detect it but would become involved. She may have continued just to tease me, but finally she whispered to me to lift my hips. When I did, she gently helped me straighten my dress up so I could button up and retrieve my thong. It was so sudden that it left a little void. I obviously was still very high from her and although we both knew it had to stop, I think it was more a disappointment with me than her. As far as I know, if Danny ever found out about Marty and I, she had to have told him. He never indicated to me that he did. David finally came back to where we were and we all actually did get some sleep. We arrived as a tired and weary looking group. That was bad enough, but a very prime and proper Mr. Lin who looked like he had just stepped out of the cover of GQ magazine met us at the airport. (By the way, I think Marty was right about getting special attention from customs when our breasts were obviously moving around freely under the low cut dresses.) Mr. Lin apologized for the inconvenience of the flight but promised to make it up to us. Declaring that there would be no business talk that day or the next, he suggested that we rest then see the sights for a while. When he had Marty and I to ourselves for a short moment, he told us that there would be times that he would not be required for the scheduled meetings and that he had some very special surprises for the two of us. Looking forward to his invitation, we had no idea where this would lead us. But, we found out!! 6437 2.28/512345
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