Sunday, August 26, 2012
Voluntary Cuckold
VOLUNTARY CUCKOLD By Matt Moreau ?I don?t believe you, Henry. It?s just too bizarre to be believed. We?ve been married for twenty-two years and you lay this on me now? I say again, I can?t believe it.? ?Kelli, I?m serious. I really want this. I want to be your cuckold. I?ve worried over how to tell you for a long time. My commitment is unconditional and total, really.? ?Why, Henry, why?? ?I guess it?s kinda my way of making things up to you. I love you so much that I just can?t express it. I want to make you happy. I want you to have good sex; you deserve it. And most of all, I want you to love me and know that I will do anything to make sure you get all of the good things you deserve,? he said. ?But my cuckold? Why that?? she said. ?I haven?t satisfied you in literally years. I?ve known it, and I?ve been unable to do anything much about it. I want and need to be part of your sex life, but up to now that ain?t been happenin?; not really. I?m just hoping you?ll include me in whatever you do. But, like I say, that?s up to you. I meant it when I said my commitment is unconditional. Plus?the thought of you doing it to me is even kind of a turn on. I admit to being a little afraid. But, that in no way changes my mind on this. Kelli, please cuckold me.? ?Wait a minute, why are you afraid? This is your idea. Why would you do something that you?re afraid of?? ?I?m a little afraid that you might find someone else to love and throw me out. I wouldn?t blame you; I?ve been such a fool for so long a time. But, I hope that my love for you will earn me back some of the love that I know you once held for me. And why? Again, it?s kind of a turn on for me. I mean the thought of you getting? it, and me knowin? about it.? His voice trailed off, ?And me maybe even watchin? it happen.? He said this last so softly that she almost didn?t catch it. ?I love you, Henry Caulfield. You aren?t going to lose me. But, if we do this, and I really am not sure even how to do it; you might discover that it could backfire on you in other ways. ?Wait, did you say?watch?? ?No limits,? he said. ?Yeah, watchin? would be hot, but that would be up to you. Whatever you want, that?s what I want.? ?I?m afraid if I did this, Henry, that I?d hurt you,? she said. ?You?re a pretty sensitive guy. And watching while I did it with someone else? You?d never be able to stand it; I know you.? ?I know there will be times when the jealousy I will feel will be pretty tough to handle, but I will handle it; I could watch it. I know I could. Kelli, I deserve to be punished for not appreciating you like I should have all these years, like I do know. I am willing to pay the piper and take my medicine in that regard.? ?Henry, I have to know. What brought all of this on now? I mean you say you have had it on your mind for a long time. Why now? Why all of a sudden?? ?The Murphys,? he said. ?I talked to Jack. When Helen dumped him, it broke him. He told me it was because he hadn?t appreciated her enough, nor had he been conscious of her needs sexually?that was the big one. It made me realize that he and I weren?t so different. Helen is the same age as you. I don?t want to wind up like Jack: on the outside looking in.? ?I see. Well, this is all a little much, but I will think about it. I admit it does offer some delicious possibilities for sure,? she said. ?I can just imagine you beating off at home while I get myself thoroughly screwed by some stranger in a motel somewhere.? She giggled picturing him desperate, with his pants down playing with himself. She noticed the bulge in his pants, pointed at it, and giggled louder. ?You?re getting off on this conversation aren?t you my little pervert!? He reddened. ?The thought of you in that motel room is stimulating,? said Henry. Kelli hadn?t been clear about whether she was actually interested in Henry?s plan. She?d said she?d think about it, yet that could have meant anything. But, unbeknownst to her husband; she had been doing some research in the weeks since their conversation. What she discovered excited her. The more she read and surfed the net, the more inclined she was to take a chance. That a man could actually submit so totally to his wife, that he actually fantasized about being her cuckold, was beyond imagining. Or, it would have been but for her digging up the facts she now possessed. She understood now, that many men, maybe even most, could be pussywhipped by their women. But being pussywhipped was a far cry from becoming a lifelong cuckold?really a woman?s possession, even her slave. Yes, that was something entirely different. Most pussywhipped men were possessive of their women, not sharing?that was the difference from the cuckold husband who gave up all rights to his wife unconditionally. Kelli decided to test the waters. She?d made up her mind, but she wasn?t completely sure that her hubby was really going to be able to handle it, and she did love him; and she did not want to destroy her marriage, hence, her plan. They were eating lunch when she sprang it on him. ?You?re taking me out dancing tonight, Henry,? she said. ?Huh? Yeah sure, honey. Got any place special in mind?? said Henry. ?The Crossroads. It?s a county western place just off the freeway at 23rd street.? ?Have we ever been there before? I don?t recall it?? ?No, and that?s the idea. I don?t want to be running into anyone we know.? ?Okay, I?ll bite. Why?? ?Because tonight I intend to cuckold you, and I don?t want any complications that I can possibly avoid,? she said. He swallowed hard. ?Really.? ?Henry, you have until we set foot in that bar to change your mind. If you don?t you are done for. You will become a cuckold for real, and life as you know it is over. I can?t say it any plainer than that.? He remained speechless and momentarily stunned. She could see the confusion and indecision and even fear in his eyes and on his face. ?It?s your idea, Henry. You will have to live with the consequences, so you best think hard about what you want.? ?Honey, I was just taken off guard with the suddenness of your announcement. I guess it?s kinda like you felt when I first mentioned cuckolding me to you some weeks ago. Frankly, I thought that you?d forgotten all about it. I didn?t bring it up again because I didn?t want to upset you,? he said. ?No, Henry, I hadn?t forgotten; and I have done a lot of research in recent weeks, and I think I understand what motivates you. And, I think I understand how to do this. I?m sure you?ve done some looking into this as well. You have haven?t you?? He looked like a puppy caught with the sock still in his mouth. ?Yes, ma?am,? he said. ?I?ve done some looking on the internet.? ?I?ll bet,? she said. ?Henry, there is just a couple of things I am going to say, and then I am done talking about it. Either we do it or we don?t, but after my next words are said it is the last we will discuss this matter tonight.? ?Okay,? he said. ?I will guarantee you that I will never leave you for another man; I do love you Henry, and I don?t want to lose you either. Also, I will guarantee you that I will not deliberately hurt you, I mean mentally. That said, once we begin, if we do; I will screw any man I want any time I want without your consent, without prior notice, and without any concern for your opinion. Am I clear so far?? ?Yes, ma?am.? ?Finally, if we do it; it will be permanent. I have decided that I can make this work and even make it fun for both of us. As I said, I have done the research. And, Henry, if we do it; your little dick will never again enter this pussy, or any pussy. You will, on occasion, be sexually satisfied at my discretion and in a manner that I will set forth, but your life will become the life of a true cuckold, no more cunt for your little weewee?ever. ?So there it is. Make up your mind because the point of no return is fast approaching,? she said. She mentally crossed her fingers. She had laid it out fairly, maybe even a little too strongly; but she was hoping against hope that he didn?t chicken out on her. The freedom the cuckold life style offered her as the wife was just too enticing to pass up. Well, she?d know; they?d both know, very soon. He nodded. She could tell he was conflicted. She understood his worry, but it had to be this way. She had to be sure of him; hence, the heavy pressure. By 7:00PM she was dressed and dressed to kill. Black sheath midi, fluffed brown hair, understated makeup that made a statement, and she smelled absolutely devastating. Whoever she set her sights on this night was doomed. Forty-one years old and she looked twenty-five. Henry looked at her, no stared. ?Geezsus, Kelli, you?re freakin? stunning,? he said. ?Thank you dear. You look pretty good yourself.? And he did. Nobody had ever accused Henry of being ugly, but tonight his looks wouldn?t matter. Her smile was so wonderfully feminine that he felt himself grow faint at the sight of it. ?Thank you. Thank you for being my wife,? he said, ?my hot wife.? She raised an eyebrow, but she was secretly thrilled at his last words. It looked as though he was not going to chicken out. But, there was still time, so the pressure was still on, for the both of them. The tension was palpable as they drove the ten miles to the Crossroads. The Crossroads was a mid-line sawdust joint catering to Stetson wearing wannabe males and ladies, both single and not, on the make. The Caulfields had the money to do their thing a lot higher up the social food chain, but tonight, for her first foray, Kelli had decided she wanted a guy with fewer manners and a little more aggression to do her than she would be likely to find in a champagne and caviar piano bar; doing it dirty and low had long been her secret fantasy. Well, the rubber would soon be meeting the road, or rather the pussy. Henry pulled into the parking lot. He yanked the keys from the ignition and sat looking straight ahead. This was it. If he opened the door and got out, the old days were gone forever, so his wife had assured him. ?Scared? didn?t even begin to describe his emotional state. Kelli, realized his indecision. She leaned over and kissed him gently on the lips. Her left hand mussed his hair. ?I love you, Henry. I always will. Are we ready?? He looked at her. She was so pretty. ?Yes. Yes, we are,? he said. She wanted to cheer, but she just smiled at him. ?Let?s go,? she said. It was almost 9:00PM and the place was fairly full. Henry spotted a table near the left wall and away from the blaring 50s-style juke box. He wondered where they had found a machine that ancient. On the way to the table, he caught the eye of a waitress and waved her over. ?Two merlots,? he said, not thinking. Kelli giggled. The waitress laughed too. ?Henry this isn?t the Sand Castle.? Kelli smiled at the waitress. ?Two tequilas, please,? she said. Henry was embarrassed. But, in his defense, he had other things on his mind. The two sat and watched the dancers mill around on the dance floor. ?Wanna dance?? said Henry. Kelli looked at him; she thought, ?Yes.? She figured it wouldn?t hurt to advertise her presence a little bit. Just as they rose to dance, the waitress brought the drinks and set them down. They smiled at her and Henry pulled Kelli out into the middle of the dance floor. The song was a slow one and they danced like the long married couple they were for maybe a minute and half before s big burly type of maybe thirty-five tapped his shoulder. ?Mind if I cut in pardner,? said the man. ?Uh, no, I guess not,? said Henry. The man swept her away, and Henry went back to the table and watched. He saw them talking. Just before the as the song ended another man cut in. It was clear that Kelli?s big problem for the night would be choosing not being chosen. The new fellow sensed that his dance partner was looking a little preoccupied, but he also had seen her come in with a guy, and he wondered about it. The man was in his forties, tall and slender. He exuded confidence. As well he might; he was very handsome. For the first time in his married life Henry felt the pangs of jealousy. He downed his tequila in a gulp. As the couples on the floor danced and mixed, he lost sight of Kelli and her partner for a brief time. When he sighted them again, they were seated in a booth at the opposite end of the room from him. He was kissing her, and it looked as if his right hand was gently fondling her breast. Henry was sick. He picked up his wife?s drink and threw it back too. As he watched, he caught Kelli glance in his direction and smile at him. For some reason that seemed to calm him. He saw them get up from their table and come toward him. Oh, shit, he thought, what could he do! He felt frozen in his seat. ?Honey, this is Jared. Say hello,? said Kelli. ?Hi,? was all he could muster. ?Hi back atcha man. Mind if I borrow this little honey for a while?? ?Yes, honey, we?re going to get a room for a while; Jared?s going to fuck me. I?ll be back in a couple of hours, okay?? ?Uh-okay,? he heard himself say. His humiliation was total. But his cock was stiffer than the trunk of an oak tree. ??kay,? said Kelli, as she and Jared turned to go. It was only an hour and a half before Kelli returned. Jared led her back to the table, from which Henry had not moved in that time, and pulled out her chair out for her before waving his thanks and goodbye. Kelli looked at her husband of twenty-two years and smiled benevolently. ?You okay,? she said. ?I guess. I feel funny,? he said. ?I know. I do too,? she said. ?But, you?re a cuckold now, Henry. You?re my good little cuckold slave. You understand that, right? I hope you feel good about us, baby. I want you to. I do.? ?I think I do,? he said. ?Let?s go,? she said. In the car it was silent as both hot wife and cuckold hubby assessed their respective feelings. As they climbed the stairs to their room, Henry watched the gorgeous behind of his wife sway going up the stairs. Gawd she was beautiful, and he would never be able to fuck her again. The thought was terrifying, yet exciting too. She felt his gaze and looked back. ?Come on, dear heart, and get your reward.? His emotions raced. He almost tripped on the stairs catching up with her. In the room, she slipped out of her dress; her panties were gone. She noticed that he noticed. ?Jared asked if he could have them. He fucked me so good that I just couldn?t deny him,? she said. ?Oh.? ?Come here silly and take off your clothes. He did as she commanded. ?It?s time to begin learning your place, dear heart. I want you to lay down on the bed. I?m going to sit on your face and you?re going to eat me out, and I mean eat me out. I don?t want any of Jared?s cum left inside of me when you are done. Okay?? He paled. Another man?s cum! He?d never even tasted his own. ?I don?t?? ?Silly boy, you have no choice. Okay. Just do it. You?ll get used to it. Consider yourself in training,? she said giggling. He lay down on the bed as she directed. She took off her bra and looked at him for a moment. Your little stiffy is excited I see,? she said. ?I?m glad. I want this to be good for you too.? She crawled up on the bed and mounted him facing his engorged cock. She lowered herself onto his face and felt a shock as his lips made contact with her sodden pussy. ?Oh my,? she whimpered. Henry, for his part was slow to get into it, but he was soon lapping her pussy with a fervor that bordered on the ferocious. She orgasmed in minutes. She orgasmed again in but a few more minutes. She could sense he was wearing down. Cleaned out, and satisfied, she dismounted her slave boy, and knelt beside him and considered his stiff five-inch member. ?Honey,? said Henry, ?are you okay?? She turned to face him. ?Why, what a considerate thing to say to me. I do believe that I?m in love with you, my little cuckboy. Yes, I?m fine, and I hope you are too. I think we?re going to do fine.? She took his cock in her right hand and his balls in her left, lowered her face to the purple head in front of her and engulfed it greedily. She sucked for some time before he began to shudder and she took all of his cum into her mouth and swallowed. ?Was that good for you?? she asked. ?Is that a serious question?? he retorted. She lay beside him spooning him. It had been a good night, and a good beginning. What the future held was only vaguely in focus at that moment, but she had every reason to feel optimistic. After all, she already had stage two of this new and strange relationship in the works; and it promised to be a whole lot of fun! The day after their adventure at the Crossroads, Kelli and Henry were both feeling antsy. Kelli perhaps the more so, she was concerned about the effect the events of the previous evening would have upon her husband. To all appearances, things looked okay, but what might be festering under the surface was still a question for her, a major concern in point of fact. Henry, for his part, was feeling strange as well but for totally different reasons. First was the realization that his cock would never again feel the inside of a woman?s pussy. That had him shaking in his boots; he wondered if he could ever learn to deal with such a reality. Still, on the other hand, he had been and remained thrilled by the scene he had witnessed. His humiliation had been uncomfortable, but he knew enough to realize that that was what it was all about, a big part of it at any rate. For her part, Kelli was already hatching a plan to take their new relationship to the next level. She was cognizant that to her would fall the responsibility to take the initiative for all future decisions in her family, at least all of the major ones. In switching roles with her, Henry had abdicated all responsibilities except those she mandated for him. Such was both a boon and a bane, she thought to herself; but, she was sure, that as time progressed, she could make it work, and besides, Henry would soon be doing all of the household chores and virtually all of the go-fer work; he was her virtual slave after all. The thought made her smile. Her husband had turned out, after so many years, to be a candyass; but, he was her candyass and a lovable one. Yes indeed, this could work, she decided. He toyed with his food. He looked up at her just as she was shoveling a shrimp from her salad into her mouth. ?Can we talk?? he said. ?Yes, I think we need to,? she said. ?So, what?s next? Are we okay? How do you feel? How do we feel?? ?Whoa, horsey,? she said. ?As for how we feel, I think we feel good; yes, I think we?re okay. Are you okay?? ?Yes, I think so. It?s hard to describe, but I don?t feel bad if that makes any sense.? ?I know what you mean. I?d say the same goes for me.? ?So?what?s next?? he said. ?I?ve been thinking about that, and I have an idea.? He nodded for her to continue. ?We?re going to a party. The Marston?s are having one at the end of the week. It?s a company function.? ?Hmm, okay, but you?re not thinking of?? ?Yes, I will hook up with one of the men there and do him,? she said. ?But Kelli, those are people we know, and I don? think?? ?No, it?s people I know. And I do think it?s a good idea. Yes, it will be humiliating for you; I am sure of that, but it?s what I want, and it?s what we are going to do. I?ll be telling you more about it after I have thought it out a bit more; but you can plan on going and maybe even participating in some way; I?ll have to see about that.? Henry was very concerned about being humiliated and exposed for what he now was, his wife?s cuckold wimp. Being cuckolded and humiliated in front of her friends and business associates was going to be tough to deal with; but, that being undeniably true, he was nevertheless feeling a twinge of excitement rising in his pants at the thought of it happening to him. What she was going to let him do or participate in was something he was hoping against hope that he was going to like, but then, that was her decision too. At work the next day, Kelli gave her boss, Ida Marston, her affirmative RSVP as to their attending the party: she and Henry would be there. ?Good, Kelli, I was hoping you?d be able to make it. You can just wear jeans and cowboy hats if you?ve got ?em,? she said. It?s gonna be kind of a theme thingy, but nothing too elaborate,? said Ida. Ida Marston had only the day before decided to make it a quasi ?theme? party. She?d been inspired to do so after having seen the Caulfields at the Crossroads the night before; they had not seen her?thank gawd! She was just waiting for the right time to talk to Kelli. She, Kelli, was a valued employee. That she was clearly cuckolding her husband amused her. That she was cuckolding her own husband Clarence, was a secret, closely held for the past eleven years. She had never dared share her secret with anyone; now maybe, she had found the soulmate she needed to do just that with. What a relief that would be, she thought. But, she needed to go slow and easy. ?Kelli,? said Ida, ?do you think we could have a drink after hours today. I mean if your hubby wouldn?t mind.? Kelli eyed her boss. ?Sure, he has a meeting. It?s going to be a late show for him, but?? ?Well good, it?s nothing all that important, but it?s kind of a celebration for me, and I?d like to share it with someone, I mean if you?re available. You know if Henry, it is Henry isn?t it, wouldn?t mind.? ?Sure. And no, Henry won?t mind my going out at all, I assure you,? said Kelli. Ida smiled, she knew exactly what Kelli meant. Cuckold slaves had no say in their wives? social universe. ?Great. I know a little place a couple of miles from here. It?ll be quiet at that time of day, and we can talk and throw a couple back,? she laughed. ?Sounds good,? said Kelli. ?What?s the place called?? ?The Crossroads.? Kelli felt a sudden chill. ?The?? ?The Crossroads. You know it?? said Ida, relishing the other woman?s momentary discomfort. Kelli decided it wouldn?t be a good idea to lie. She?d be scored for it later if she did. No, she?d just say yes and let it go at that. ?Yes. Been there recently,? she said. ?Good, you can follow me, then, and I won?t have to worry about you getting lost,? she said. In the car Kelli was concerned. Why the Crossroads? She didn?t believe in coincidences, and this was one helluva coincidence! Had she and Henry been seen? Had Ida seen them? No, it couldn?t be. If she and Henry had been seen, she would have seen Ida and her husband, whom she had met; the place wasn?t that big. She pulled into the parking lot. Ida?s Lexus was already there. She grabbed her purse and went inside. Ida?d been right: there were few customers at 4:30. The place wasn?t exactly empty, but apart from a soulful tune emanating from the ancient jukebox, there would be little to interrupt the little celebration Ida had mentioned. She saw her boss seated in a back booth. She motioned her over. Kelli smiled, walked over, and slid into the booth. ?I took the liberty of ordering you a glass of champagne,? said Ida. ?Champagne would be great,? said Kelli. They talked for some minutes before Kelli noticed her boss turning her glass ?round and ?round in manner that indicated she had something on her mind. She was pretty sure she knew what it was, and her heart sank. ?You saw us didn?t you,? said Kelli, throwing caution to the winds. If she was going to be fired, so be it. Her private life was hers, and she was not going to compromise on that score regardless. Everyone knew the Marstons were ultra conservative and strict about appearances on the job. Well, whatever, what was, was. The other woman stopped turning her glass. ?Yes.? ?Okay, I get it,? said Kelli, and she rose to go. ?Where are you going?? asked Ida. ?I?m saving you the trouble,? Kelli, ?I quit.? ?What? Quitting? Why?? Kelli stopped moving. ?You aren?t going to fire me?? ?Hell no! I asked you to come to celebrate with me. Really!? ?But, I thought?? ?You thought I was going to object to your behavior with those men last night. Hell no.? said Ida. ?I probably should have let you know I was there, but I was interested and didn?t want to disturb your privacy,? continued Ida. ?But you weren?t there. I didn?t see you,? said Kelli. ?I would have seen you.? Ida smiled broadly. ?I clean up pretty good if I make the effort,? she said. ?I was only two tables away from you. I not only saw you, I heard some of your talk with Henry. You?re cuckolding your husband. I?ve been around quite a bit, Kelli, I know a thing when I see it.? ?Geezsus, you must think I?m?we?re?perverts,? she said. ?Well, if you are, my husband and I are too,? she said. ?You mean?? ?Yes, for many years. I know the ropes. It was clear to me that you were beginners, you and your Henry.? ?First time,? said Kelli feeling very foolish. ?Figured,? said Ida. ?But, I brought you here to celebrate,? she said. ?Okay, I?ll bite, celebrate what?? said Kelli. ?The fact that I have finally found someone to share my secret, too talk to? said Ida, and she laughed out loud. It was a laugh of relief. Kelli laughed too finally feeling some relief of her own. ?But, seriously,? said Ida, ?how did you and your hubby get into it if I may ask?? ?You may ask. Henry came up with the idea. I think he?d been surfing the net, and something clicked in him and he laid it on me. That, and a talk he had with a friend whose wife had recently dumped him after seventeen years of marriage.? ?Wow. I watched him more than I did you the other night if you want to know. You were gone for quite awhile anyway, so he was all I had to watch.? ?Yes, can I ask, was he okay? I was worried about him even though it was his idea,? said Kelli. ?He did some hand wringing. I?m sure his tummy was doing flip-flops thinking of that guy getting into your pants. But, he weathered the storm. He had a couple more drinks as I recall. He must have been a bit on the tipsy side by the time you got him home, I would think,? said Ida. ?No, not too much so. I rewarded him when we got home. He was content, I think, after I finished with him.? ?Interesting. May I make a suggestion?? said Ida. ?Yes, sure,? said Kelli. ?Were you thinking of doing one of the guests at the party Saturday?? Kelli flushed. ?Yeah, I guess,? she said. ?But, I?ll back off now. I don?t want to do anything to mess things up for you.? ?Hmm, did you have anybody in mind?? ?No, not really. Maybe Carlos. He?s a big guy and he might be hung, if you know what I mean,? said Kelli. ?How about you bang James Laughton instead.? ?James? Mr. religious nut?? ?Oh yeah, well for sure he has a dick of biblical proportions and he can last an hour, I swear,? laughed Ida. ?You let him do you? James?? ?Oh my yes, and I made my husband so jealous that night that it actually made him pray, my husband that is,? said Ida. She was giggling so hard now that she spit champagne all over the front of her blouse. ?Geez, okay, James it is,? said Kelli. ?How much do you know about the cuckolding lifestyle?? said Ida. ?I?ve been doing a bunch of research, but apart from that?? ?Let me fill you in,? said Ida. ?Yes, please do,? said Kelli. ?A cuckold is a helpless puppy who will do anything for a smile or a pat on the head from his wife. The more you humiliate and punish him, the better it is for him. It?s all a matter of trying to gain the wife?s approval. Are you going to keep him celibate?? ?Celibate? You mean no sex?? said Kelli. ?Yes. I?ve told him he will never enter my pussy or any other pussy ever again now that he is an official cuckold.? ?Good start. But you need to control his relief as well,? said Ida. ?You need to keep him horny all of the time. That?s the power we hold over our men: if they?re horny, they?re helpless.? ?But, I can?t be there all of the time. He?s gonna masturbate. It may not be much, but it will give him relief.? ?Yes, it would, unless you lock him in a cock cage that makes it impossible for him to get hard.? ?A cock cage?? ?Yes, my man is in one and wears it 24-7. I let him out for hygienic and health reasons once or twice a month. The rest of the time he is climbing the walls with desperation, doing whatever he can to please me so that I will grant him mercy.? ?What a delicious idea,? said Kelli, ?but cruel.? She giggled and tried not to choke on her drink. ?Where can I get one of these torture devices?? ?Finish your drink. We?ll go get one for you now,? said Ida. ?After all, soulmates have to help each other when they can.? The drive to the adult bookstore was short. The plain storefront with just the simple words: ?Adult Books and Toys,? belied the wealth of contents within. As they approached the counter, the man behind it smiled his recognition of Ida. ?Hi, Ida, need something today?? ?No Charlie, but my friend does. We?re looking for a cock cage.? Charlie eyed the newbie. ?I have to ask ma?am, your husband?s cock?? ?Oh, about five inches, and kinda thick,? she said, catching his meaning. Charlie smiled and turned to check some things under the shelf behind him. ?This look like it might fit him?? he said. He held the item out to her. It was wrapped in a sealed plastic container, but she smiled her affirmation that it would do. ?Looks like a winner, Charlie,? said Ida. ?What are those over there?? said Kelli looking around at some of the other things displayed behind the counter. Ida and Charlie both laughed. ?Those are butt plugs. You fit it into your husband?s ass either for punishment or training, or maybe both,? said Ida. ?And that? Never mind I know what that is; it?s a strap-on cock.? ?You got it girl,? said Ida. ?Need a paddle or a cane?? asked Charlie. ?A paddle? Cane?? ?To spank your man with,? said Ida. ?There will be times when you will need to punish him. A good sound spanking is one way to do it.? Kelli thought. ?Yes, maybe the paddle,? she said. ?May I make a suggestion,? offered Ida. ?Of course,? said Kelli. ?If you?re going to get something to spank him with, get the cane. It makes almost no noise when you spank him, and that can be a really good thing if you have guests in the house or children and his punishment won?t wait. You can hear the paddle a block away, besides a paddle is harder for a woman to handle. And, believe me when I say, the cane stings like the very devil.? Kelli giggled some more. ?Sold,? she said. ?I want one of each of the things I?ve mentioned.? Charlie started to bag the things she pointed to, including the five inch strap-on. ?Just my husband?s size,? she laughed. As she reached into her purse for her card, she noticed Ida examining some things on the wall behind them. She put the card on the counter and joined her boss. Charlie began to total her purchases. ?What in the world is that for!? exclaimed Kelli. ?My gawd! it?s a noose! Are you guys into executions too?? Ida laughed and Charlie smirked. ?Hardly, girl. No, but it is a way for you to humiliate your husband to an extreme degree and put him deep into the zone.? ?I don?t understand,? said Kelli. ?Well, I sometimes use one on my husband. I have a hook in the ceiling in our bedroom. And I have a cast iron chair with arm rests; I had it made for me. The heavy chair won?t slip or tip over, so it?s safe,? said Ida. ?Safe for what? ?Well, sometimes, when I let my man watch, I make him stand on the chair with the noose around his neck and his wrists and ankles tied very tightly while my lover uses me. Sometimes he is up there for hours while I make love. It is a major turn on for him. Believe it or not, it was originally his idea.? ?My gawd, I can just see Henry strung up like that, helpless while I do my man.? ?Yes, it?s pretty erotic. Question?? said Ida ?Yes?? ?Are you going to allow Henry to watch while James uses you?? ?Not sure. He and I are newbies. I don?t want to spook him,? said Kelli. ?You won?t. Not if you lock him in that cock cage until after the party. He?ll do anything for you and glad to do it if you keep him horny,? said Ida. ?That?s true,? said Charlie giving her back her card. At home she put everything that she had purchased away except the cage. She waited for her husband to get home from work. She knew he?d be late; it was one of those three martini meetings that he sometimes had when special clients were in town. She wondered if he ever cheated on her at those meetings or after them. Well, with what he would soon be wearing the question would be damn near academic. The men seated around the table were the chieftains of the insurance industry in the state. They were also drunk and they were also staring unabashedly at the naked girl making love to the pole on the stage. ?Whaddya think gentlemen, could Henry get her to go down on him,? said the distinguished looking man in the three thousand dollar suit. ?Not a chance, John,? said the sycophant sitting to the gentleman?s right. ?Not without paying for it.? ?Jerry, I think you?re wrong. I think our guy could get her to do it. Whaddya say, Henry? Hell you got us to sign the contract for the coverage, and we?re a pretty tough sell. Think you could sell that girl on a little R&R?? said John Raulerson. ?Mr. Raulerson?? ?Call me John, Henry. You got a thousand dollar bonus, on the spot, if you can do it.? ?John, my wife?? ?She?s not here, Henry. What are you pussywhipped or somethin??? said Jerry. The three other men at the table just snickered and drank while the tableau played out. The table was suddenly silent. Henry was sweating. To do what they asked, he?d have to betray his wife. If she ever found out?he didn?t want to even think about it. John took out his check book. ?Forget what I said, Henry. Here?s ten thousand if you can get her to screw you.? Henry looked at the man like he was crazy. But ten thousand dollars! He and Kelli weren?t by any means poor, but ten thousand dollars was not silly putty by any standard. ?Well, I?? ?Go for it, Henry. We?re your witnesses. Get her to fuck you, and I will add another five grand to John?s offer,? said Michael Strahan. ?I?m in too,? said Willy Kirkland . ?That makes twenty grand if you score, against nothing if you don?t. You gotta go for it.? ?Okay,? said Jerry, ?count me in for another five Gs. That?s twenty-five, hot rod. But, none of this no risk shit on your part. If you don?t score, you gotta suck our dicks, and that with the rest of us watching you do it. Think you got what it takes, hot rod?? Henry?s pride was hurt. He wavered. Kelli would never know, he kept telling himself. ?Fuck you, Jerry, I?ll do it. It will be a pleasure to take your money,? he said. The other men left the table and headed for the bar leaving Henry alone with the pole dancer. ?Got a name, girl,? he said as she passed him on the stage. She eyed him and seemed interested. ?Jessica,? she said as she danced away. He kept his eye on her and mouthed words the men at the bar could not read, but the girl could. Soon, the horrid music stopped and the next girl came on stage and Jessica slipped out. Henry followed her. As Jessica was about to leave the bar, Henry caught her at the door. ?Got a minute?? She turned to see him. ?Whatcha want mister?? she said. ?An hour or so of your time,? he said. ?You do? Why?? ?You can?t guess?? ?I guess I can,? she said. ?You gotta room?? The other men stood agape as the two, Henry and the girl, made for the door. ?If he pays her, he loses,? said a bitter Jerry. They others nodded their agreement. ?He won?t pay her,? said John, ?not with money anyway.? John Raulerson was a self-made man. Some said a billionaire. But, what no one doubted was his business acumen or competitive skills. What he said was always taken seriously. He made few mistakes, and this bet was not one of them. He had an ulterior motive: he wanted Henry?s wife for a night on the town, and he knew just how to get her: the way he always did everything, by playing hardball. He?d been thinking about her and scheming to get her since he?d met her at some party several months earlier. He couldn?t get her out of his mind. Much as he actually liked Henry, and even his company, he never would have signed a contract with them had it not been for his obsession with Kelli. She?d rebuffed his clumsy and drunken attempts to feel her up as they danced that night. Well, he decided, he was going to do a helluva lot more than feel her up next time they met. Kelli was pretty still at her wage forty-one. Petite, dark eyes, tight waist, and her sexy butt complemented everything else. Her subtle personality and obvious intelligence didn?t hurt either. She was one in a baker?s million. Henry, John thought to himself, was nowhere near being in his wife?s league. Henry lay on the bed still clothed, as he watched Jessica take her things off, slowly, sensually. Gawd, she was pretty, he thought. Blond, slim, bare pussy, tiny breasts; at age nineteen, as he had discovered, she had not as yet let the night life ruin her physically. She came to him, straddled his body and began unbuckling his pants. Soon, she had them off and was playing with his cock. She bent low to take it into her mouth. It felt wonderful, and he said so aloud. The man holding the glass to the wall in the adjoining room smiled broadly. John Raulerson was going to have his way with Kelli Caulfield. In his room, Jessica rolled off Henry letting his cock spring back to its ninety degree position relative to his body. Lost in lust, Henry rolled on top of her. He insinuated his leg between hers and spread her wide enough to take her. He mounted her and pushed gently, entering her. He began screwing her slowly, and after some minutes, more forcefully. He pumped her wildly now finally stiffening and collapsing on her body like a sack of wet cement. ?That was real good, cowboy. I actually came. Hope it was good for you too,? she said. He nodded, too fatigued to form words that made any sense. He thought of Kelli, and what she would say if she ever found out. He put the image out of his mind. The girl got dressed, but not in too much of a hurry; she didn?t want to make him feel bad. But, she had to get home to her worthless, boyfriend; it was getting real late. The asshole was probably drunk and would probably hit her, but at least she?d gotten her rocks off; there was an element of revenge in that, she thought. ?Thanks, Jessica. It was good,? he said as he closed the door gently behind her. Two minutes later John Raulerson knocked on his door. ?Here are the checks, Henry; you earned ?em. Got to tell you, I really didn?t think you?d score; but it was worth the money to see you do it,? he said. He handed the man the five checks. ?Oh, Jerry Wollcott is real bitter about being outclassed by you tonight. I wouldn?t be wantin? to be around him much for a while,? said John as he headed back to his own room. Henry, picked up the phone and dialed home. ?Hi honey, it?s me?.Yeah I?ll be stayin? in town tonight?.yeah, I got a room?.902 at the Esquire?.Yeah, first thing in the morning?.Love you too.? He hung up and thought about the woman he?d just talked to and that he had just cheated on. He wanted to run home, fall on his knees, and beg her forgiveness; but that would have taken balls. Henry Caulfield was bereft of his. It was two weeks later that Henry Caulfield?s world collapsed. ?Hi honey,? he said, putting his briefcase down and shucking his coat. Kelli sat stone-faced and silent for the moment. She pushed an envelope toward him across the dinette table. He looked at her, at it. He picked it up. He opened it, saw the contents, and paled. ?If you tell me you can explain, I will divorce you forthwith. I have already called my lawyer. I just want to know why. Only that,? she said. She went silent again and waited. ?We were drunk. It was a bet. Raulerson and the rest of them?? ?John Raulerson? ?Yes, but?? ?He?s the one who delivered the package,? she nodded toward the envelope. It was clear to him now. Raulerson had screwed him, set him up; probably paid the girl too. But, Kelli was not willing to hear him now; he was lost, or so he thought. For the next ten minutes he unloaded himself of everything he could remember, including his wanting to run home and beg her forgiveness. ?It was Raulerson who made the bet. I mean set it up?? asked Kelli. Henry nodded. His eyes were on the floor tiles; he couldn?t face her. If had been able to, he would have seen a glint of understanding in her eyes. ?Look at me, Henry. I believe you. I think you were set up. Do you remember your company party last Fourth of July?? ?Yes.? ?Remember me telling you how a man pawed me and I cut him low and sent him off talking to himself?? ?Oh yeah, I remember. So?? She stared at him as at a little boy. Her husband couldn?t be that dense. ?You mean! Him!? She nodded. Well, maybe her Henry wasn?t that dense, but he better forget about taking up chess. ?He wants me, and he was setting you up to be ruined if I turn him down again. The irony of that is just too hilarious to believe; he could have had me now, with our new arrangement, had he merely asked. Of course, in his defense, he wouldn?t have known that. Well, it?s time for him to pay the piper, and you too pussy.? ?But, I thought?? ?You still cheated on me, asshole. But, I will forgive you eventually. I will forgive you because you are just a man and too weak or ignorant or hormone driven to help yourself. But I promise you, I am going to punish you before this is over, and you can take that to the bank. Got it!? ?Yes, ma?am,? he said. For some reason he felt warm and safe now, even though he knew he was in for it. ?Where are those checks? I want them.? He went to his brief case and pulled them out. He brought them to her. She took them and went to the desk across the room. She found a marker and defaced every one of the checks. They were worthless now, but the evidence was not destroyed; she?d need them for what she had planned later on down the road. John Raulerson may have thought he had won, but that was going to prove less than correct; he had messed with the wrong pussy. ?Now, asshole, get busy and clean the kitchen, and I better like the result. Got it!? ?Yes, ma?am,? he said. ?Oh, and before you do, come here.? He obeyed her. ?Get down on your knees.? Again, he obeyed her. She turned her back to him. ?Lift my dress and pull down my panties.? She felt him do his duty. ?Now lick my anus, cuckold, and do a good job.? Were someone to have described Henry Caulfield at that moment, the words that must have come to mind must have included grateful, fervent, and busy! Never had a woman had so active a butt licker as had Kelli Caulfield at that moment. Her slave was once more under her thumb, and it felt real good. ?From now on, butt licker, when I say do your duty this will be what I mean. Am I understood?? ?Yes, ma?am.? ?Good, now do your chores.? ?It?s me, Ida?.?Yes, thanks, I enjoyed it too?.It was very enlightening?.No, I called about something else. I need your help?.I need you to invite someone to the party?.John Raulerson?.Yes, it?s 555 1279?.tell him Kelli Caulfield gave it to you?.Great, thanks a million, Ida.? The die was cast. This was going to be fun, she told herself. Well, it was going to be fun for her, and maybe her little puppy dog; but not for Mr. Raulerson. The afternoon of the party Kelli had her cuckold helping her dress. For his part he was naked and very aroused as he worked her nylons up her slender legs. She?d have to do something about his hardon. Her gift wouldn?t fit with it in its current state. Ida had said ice packs would cure the problem, or, she had also said, she could just spank him. That always worked with her husband. She considered the spanking, but no, that could wait for another day; she had plans for her strap and her cane?s virginity. ?Get me a bucket of ice, cucky,? she said as she brushed on her makeup. ?The champagne too?? he asked. She smiled at his ignorance of what was about to happen to him. ?No, cucky, the ice is not for that. Just get me the ice bucket, okay.? ?Yes, ma?am.? He shuffled off to do her bidding. Returning with the ice, he set it down on the end table near the bed. ?This okay?? ?Yes, my little cuckboy, it?s fine,? she said. Finished applying her makeup, and looking like a million bucks, Kelli came over and sat on the edge of the bed. ?Come here,? she said. She took a towel she had sitting by her and placed a half dozen cubes of ice on it. ?Come closer,? she said. He did so. ?Hmm, got a major problem here don?t we, baby, I mean with our peepee.? She picked up the towel with the cubes on it, reached it under his cock and balls and wrapped his jewels in it. ?Geezsus! That?s cold Kelli!? he said. ?Now, be good. Of course it?s cold, silly, it?s ice. I need to get your erection unerected, okay? Just do as I say and grin and bear it. It?ll be over soon. It?s not like I?m spanking you or anything.? She giggled at her own attempt at humor. ?I could spank you if you prefer,? she said. ?That would get it down, I assure you.? ?No-no, that?s okay. The ice is fine.? She laughed at his sincerity. His cock began to sag and soon it was shrinking back into his body. ?Good,? she said. She reached under the covers of the bed and took out the cock cage. ?What?s that?? he asked. But he knew. ?It?s your chastity device, dear? she said. ?You?ll be wearing it most of the time from now on.? ?But, Kelli! I can?t?? ?But oh, I assure you that you can,? she said, ?and you will. Now be my obedient little cuckboy and hold still while momma locks you up nice and tight.? She threaded his penis into the nylon tube and encircled his scrotum with the ring. She inserted the pins and then the tiny padlock, clicking it shut and sealing his fate. ?Honey, I?m afraid,? he said. ?It?s okay, Henry, I?ll protect you. You need this. From now on you will have to earn your chances to cum. But, don?t worry, you will get to have it off from time to time, but mostly you will be locked up just as you are now. Consider it part of your punishment for cheating on me. You know you deserve it,? she said, ?so accept your fate and prove to me that you?re sorry.? ?Yes ma?am,? he said. She ignored him. ?Now do your duty,? she said. And she t 14718 1.48/512345
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