Friday, August 31, 2012
Trucker’s Luck
Trucker?s Luck By Sir Tattsalot I?m Mike. I drive a truck. My wife Karlene works in an office. Trucking changed our lives?! I was sure tired, coming home that night after a two week turn. I idled the rig so as not to wake the neighbors; eased it onto the gravel pad I?d put next to our driveway. I was glad our neighborhood was spacious and casual about having rigs parked, and that the company would let me bring the rig home bobtail. Much easier than shuttling to the yard by car. I?d been driving for about a year and a half. Long, tiring work but the view was a lot better than that office I left! Karlene didn?t seem to like it as much. Her secretarial job left her too much free time evenings, I guess. I looked again for the millionth time at her photo clipped to the visor. It was a head & shoulders shot on our wedding day, nearly two years ago. She was 18 then. Her shoulder length, strawberry blonde hair framed the antique pearl earrings in curls, the matching choker was perfect on her slim neck. The brief modern veil completed the picture. Her strapless gown was not visible in this close photo, just a nice little cleavage. It took a serious push-up bra to get cleavage on that trim little bod; her firm B cups were entirely self-supporting! I?d found me one a few years younger than I, because I wanted to teach her right. She was an inexperienced girl from a strict religious family, and I smiled to think how well she?d learned all I taught her. Definitely better than marrying some experienced broad. I shut off the diesel hauled my gut from behind the wheel. Damned biscuits and gravy! I trotted to the house and into the door; Karlene?s arms flew around me and we smothered each other in kisses; just as I needed a breath, she stepped back, and let her robe fall. That fresh-showered bod was still as tight as when we married! She led me to our room; I was dropping clothes all the way?. Oh yeah, That was still as tight as when we married, too! Next morning, after my best sleep in two weeks, I came out to bright sunshine and Karlene?s ham & eggs. All was right with the world. ?Honey,? she said, ?Why don?t you take some time off, let?s get out of town and do something! You see lots more places in that truck than I ever do.? ?You know I can?t dear, the dispatcher?s already got my trailer loaded; I have to go out day after tomorrow. But he promised me a short run so I?m back early this time, remember?? ?Yes, I remember; in time for our anniversary. I still can?t believe you almost didn?t make it home in time for our first anniversary! Why don?t you chuck that damned job, anyway? I sure didn?t think I was going to marry a trucker!? ?Dear, we?ve been over all that. When they outsourced my tech support job to Bangalore, this was the only job left around here; it?s not all that big a town!? ?But you promised me you were going to school, and maybe be a manager of that call center, or learn some programming, or?you sure can?t go to school doing this job, you?re never here!? She started to sob, ?I feel like a single woman, only I can?t date! I go half crazy for needing you at night and all I can do is go to the club and work out!? Her voice rose to a shout. I recalled the sight and feel of that tight bod riding my bone like a deranged cowgirl, and thought, ?Yep, I do appreciate those workouts!? Of course, I couldn?t say that just then. I needed something quick to take the wind out of her sails and calm her down. Inspiration struck! Of all the internet porn I?ve always best loved the sites where big, endowed Black men give it to hot white babes. I dunno why; maybe it?s the contrast, the power vs. submissiveness, it?s just so darn hot. I fantasized about Karlene doing such, maybe someday. You see, she?s such a strict conservative, her family says all sorts of racist and bigoted things about Black folks, I knew it?d take years before she?d ever think about it. I said, ?Well, you could date, I suppose.? I got just the dumbstruck look I expected, ?What? What are you talking about, we?re married!? ?Well, there?d have to be certain conditions, of course,? I replied all casual-like. ?Conditions?? ?Sure. See, as I?m away so much, I?d need to know you weren?t going to get all romantic with some other guy and leave me.? ?Ok, so how??? ?So, any guy you?d date would have to be Black.? ?Black?? What the heck are you talking about, Black??? She half rose, then sat, clearly agitated. I?d struck the nerve; Success! ?Well, knowing how you and your family feel about Blacks, I?d know there was nothing going on but fun and sex, and I wouldn?t worry about you leaving me.? (Did I mean to say ?sex?? I thought I was just talking about dating? no matter.) ?You?re?you?re just plain crazy. You don?t mean any of that. You know I couldn?t.? I leaned in and took her hands. ?Honey, I know this is all hard on you. I?ll put my resume online again and maybe I can find a better job. Meanwhile we?ll have fun next time I?m home. You know I want to keep you happy sweetie.? She trembled, saying ?You know I?ve been looking forward to some time with you for months now, you?d better make it home for our anniversary or, or I?ll?.? She didn?t finish. I walked around the table, hugged her, ?I promise, Baby. Promise.? The next day and a half was a bit strained, but we had two more awesome bangings. She seemed much to prefer riding my bone than having me on top; got to cut back on those biscuits and gravy. Karlene: The rising sun was just a bright area somewhere over the horizon when Mike rumbled the bobtail tractor away down our street. The cold made my nipples poke out through the robe as I stood holding my coffee. I waved till he turned out of sight and went in, trembling, not just from cold. Damn, but I was tired of that job of his! Even when he came home his schedule would mess up a normal life; arriving late at night, leaving before sunup; I still had three hours before work! And he was getting so out of shape. Hardly at all like the tech geek / gym rat I married. I used to think it was so cool that a technical guy would work out that way. Then, just like a man, when I shared my concerns and needs with him, did he listen? Did he take me seriously? No, he makes some big joke about Black guys. Thinks he knows me so well. Sure, I?m no cheater but I?m no racist either! I really don?t like those things Mom and Dad say. I bet he?d be surprised to see how I check out that guy at the gym. Yes, the Black guy. So black his skin looks like shiny crude oil when he sweats?damn. He only comes to my gym when he happens to be on this side of town, he?s usually over at that other branch, but wow. When he works out on the free weights, the talk I overhear in the ladies? lockers afterward! Personally, I?ve kept my fantasies to myself. Maybe my damn fantasies will keep me warm till Mike gets home again! Thursday evening; Four days into Mike?s run. He ought to be home, this time, in less than a week! I stood before the mirror in my room, changing for bed. I just arrived home from the club minutes ago. I could still feel the burn in my thighs and buns; Mike called those my ?nutcrackers.? I reached behind?pretty hard, alright. I surveyed my chest in the mirror. I was only 20, but I saw no sign of those ever succumbing to gravity. I took great pride in that. I popped ?em up and down a few times, my hands at my sides. This would always drive Mike nuts. He?d say they must be solid muscle! Of course, it was only the pecs beneath doing all the popping. I still took pride in knowing few other women could do that at all. The phone rang?Caller ID?Mike?s cell phone! I picked up, ?Hi Honey! I miss you! You know I?ve been wanting you every night...Aw, you say the sweetest things, I love you too?What do you mean, they already sent out your backhaul?...No, never mind your dispatcher, fuck your dispatcher!...What? Two more hauls? You?re going to be out two more Fucking Weeks??? I can?t fucking believe this! You promised! Your fucking dispatcher promised! Get your ass home or?I can?t even believe any of this!? BANG! I put that receiver down hard. I cried myself to sleep that time. That night I slept fitfully, waking only to cry. I?d never felt so wronged, abandoned and unloved. I called in sick to stay home from work. I toyed with taking one of Mike?s guns and driving out to the yard to let that dispatcher well and truly have it. But no, it wasn?t that jerks fault, it was my own husbands fault for taking that damn job! So not fair, not fair at all. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. So not fair, this finely maintained hot body going without love. A name popped into my head; Luke. Who the heck was Luke? Oh yes. The Black guy at the club. His image came to my mind; I pictured his hands on my body, I felt my immediate response. I fell back on the bed, and worked myself quickly into a thunderous orgasm. I realized then that I went from zero to cumming without a single thought of my husband; just?Luke. What was in my head? Wait; of course. Mike gave me permission, didn?t he? But he wasn?t serious, was he? He doesn?t think I could. Could I? If I did, what could Mike do, since he?d already suggested it? Do I have to tell him if I do? Maybe not?but it would be wrong to hide it too. My idle musings became firm resolution; Yes, I could. Yes, I would. While Mike?s away, Karlene will play! I carefully planned my early-evening workout; the attire must be perfect. The occasion definitely called for tights, not sweats. Yes, this set shows every curve; perfect. I drove to the branch of my gym across town; it?s a bit more ?working class? over there. The girl at the desk smiled at me like she knew something. What did she think I was there for? I went straight from the locker room to the coed free-weight area. There was Luke, just finishing on the squat rack. I tried not to stare as I began my dumbbell routine, but I noticed I was getting a few stares. Men here were bigger and more muscular than at my usual gym! Fewer women, too. Before long I saw my opportunity, a vacant bench next to his! I went over and casually loaded the bar to about 80% of my max. I waited until he was between sets, and gave the bar a half-attempt.. ?Oof. Excuse me,? I gave my best smile, ?Could you give me a spot?? Luke gave me an appraising glance, up and down, like he was checking out every sweaty spot on my tights. ?Well, of course.? I performed a respectable set of reps. Maybe I impressed him. I?ll admit I was watching him above me, not the bar. An ebony god with chiseled gleaming muscles! ?Hey, I recognize you; you work out at the other club! Whatcha doing over here?? ?Well, I had an...errand nearby?? I stammered a bit. Bet he saw right through that one. ?It?s a shame you not having a spotter for your workout. Could I maybe, help you with the rest?? I nodded, nervously. ?Hey guys,? he said to his workout buddies, ?I?m going to help the lady.? For the next 30 minutes, we did the rest of my workout. He sure knew his way around a weight pile. My every muscle was screaming, he coaxed out my best with every rep. In conversation between sets, we exchanged names. I let it ?slip? that my husband was out of town. Somehow he didn?t seem surprised. All too soon my workout was done. ?Thanks, Luke that was great. My muscles are going to be talking back for days!? ?Gee, I hope I didn?t go too hard on you Karlene. I?ve been told I?m a pretty good masseur. Later?? I reached into my sock and handed him the paper I?d written my address on. His gaze was intense. We both knew the play-acting was over. ?About ten?? I said, low. He just gave a half smile and a slow nod. I can?t remember driving home. My mind was a blur. Did Mike mean what he said? How would he react when he found I?d done it? I?d know then if he?d meant it! My parents would disown me for sure, if they even found out about the workout, let alone?! Luke. Omigod, Luke. That man was intense. I had no thought that he?d stand me up. That man was all about delivery and follow-through! Was I ready for?him? Could I? I could still back out. Turn out the lights. Not answer. Pretend not to be home. No? Luke would probably break down the door and have me anyway. I distinctly felt I?d started something unstoppable. In my heart, I knew I was already a fallen woman. All that remained was my legs and receive the 2nd cock of my life. Luke would be here in a couple of hours! Our sleepy street had no curious types after dark, still I left the porch light off. I turned up the thermostat to comfy naked temperature, and lit a few candles, in the living and bed rooms. Hoping he?d remember his offer of massage, I warmed my favorite oil. Music on lightly; a bit of light jazz, not too overt. Not an occasion for dress up; I brushed my hair, put on perfume, a thong and a light, short robe. Just thin enough for show my poking nipples. I waited. I sat, I stood, I paced?and over again. This was far worse than my first teenage date; I had an appointment for a fucking! A soft knock at the door; I opened it, and Luke stepped in, closing it behind him. He wore warmup pants and a tank top, his arms and chest muscles still bulging from his workout. He smelled a clean, showered man-smell, with a bit of cologne. I stood before him speechless, suddenly aware I was already almost naked and no small talk would do. He said simply, ?Karlene,? and seemed to claim me with his eyes. His big hands reached slowly toward me, he brushed open my robe with his fingertips, then cupped one breast, then both, squeezing a bit as if to test their firmness. Then he slid his hands to my back and drew me half toward him, bending down, and stopped. I stood in a trance for a long second, then rose on my toes to meet his lips with mine. He drew me in, pressing my bare breasts to his chest and kissing me deeply and passionately, his tongue invaded and took my mouth as if it had its own life. I wondered if he weight lifted with that too, as his hands grew familiar with my body, taking almost my whole weight as he squeezed my nutcracker buns. In just moments, I felt the word ?no? leave my vocabulary as my man- deprived body went feverish in his arms. Suddenly I felt my bedside at the back of my legs. I hadn?t even realized he?d walked us down the hall, practically carrying me by my buns. He gave me the slightest push, and I sat on the bed. He gazed at me for another long second, as my chest heaved with my panting. I saw lust mixed with resolve in his eyes. In one motion he peeled his tank top over his head and cast it to the floor. I had only a moment to gaze upon his torso and appreciate the rippled black six-pack of abs I didn?t get to see at the club, before he pulled down the warmup pants, kicked them aside and he was naked before me, his stiff cock bouncing from being suddenly freed. He raised one foot and planted it on the bed beside me, drawing his cock-head within inches of my face. I stared nearly cross-eyed, it transfixed me, this being the second cock I?d ever seen in my life. Could this even BE a cock? So different from my husbands. More than twice as long, twice as thick. His foreskin (none of that on Mike) half covered a shining purplish head that made me think of a tennis ball sized plum. And of course, all of it coal black with a pair of black cannon balls swinging beneath. My God, I could never hope to satisfy this man, that thing would destroy me. I saw my evening coming to a rapid end, he would leave me in disgust. Wait, while I was staring, Luke was talking? ?Do you want this? Show me you want this; Take it in your mouth!? ?Luke, I can?t, too big?? ?You don?t have to get it all in there babe, just give it a little lip-loving to let Luke and his cock know they?re both wanted. You can do that, or Luke has to go. I?m a gentleman, you know.? Well, I did invite him, after all. I suppose a little knobbing wouldn?t hurt me. I reached out and took his thick, heavy veined cock in my hands, stoking it a bit. The foreskin pulled back to reveal the beautiful head entirely. I leaned forward and opened my mouth wide, put my lips on his cockhead but couldn?t get it all in. I sucked and stroked and swirled my tongue on his cockhead. I must have done something right as I heard Luke moan and sigh. ?Baby, Karlene, that?s some excellent sweet knobjob. You make my cock very happy. Now it?s your turn!? Luke pushed me back on the bed and I nearly panicked as I anticipated his monster cock about to rip me in two. He took my legs in his hands and spread them wide, then dove his head between my thighs. My relief combined with the sensation of his lips locking directly onto my clit, and sucking, while that amazing tongue teased. No one ever worked my clit over like this! Just as I thought I would burst, he shifted and his tongue dove deep into me, twisting and flicking, it felt so much better in me, nearly as deep as my husband?s dick! Luke alternated between tongue-fucking and buzzing my clit until inevitably I came, waves of orgasm washing up and down my body, over and over until I felt I was afloat without any care in the world, idly wondering why no man did that to me before. As I lay panting and basking in the glow of the best orgasm I?d ever had, I realized Luke?s hands were still holding my legs apart. Then I felt a warm, firm pressure on my pussy lips. My eyes popped open, I looked down to see Luke?s big purple tennis ball knocking on my door, as he slid it up and down my slit. ?Luke, careful?? ?I think you?re right, Baby my cock could be a little wetter. Would you mind?? He lifted me and put his cock back at my lips. I was ready for anything that would delay him trying to fuck me with that, so wrapped my lips around again, tasting myself on his cock. Strange how I seemed to taste different on him than on my husband?s cock. Maybe because I came so hard. As I was thinking that, Luke pressed the back of my head and his cockhead popped into my mouth. I discovered his shaft was slightly narrower, but my mouth was full of cockhead! ?Mmph!? I dutifully worked my tongue over it as best I could but I was relieved when he pulled it out, with another audible lip- stretching pop! My relief didn?t last; Now he was rubbing and pushing the glistening ball on my slit again. ?Luke, be careful. I can?t take all of that!? ?Sure you can Baby. You can?t be my bitch if you can?t get it all. You know I want in you balls-deep! I felt stunned; he really planned to give me that whole thing. And he wanted me to be his bitch! A big-cocked Greek God of a Black man wanted me to be his Bitch, unless I failed him. I suddenly wanted to be a Bitch for him very much! Where did that come from? Then I felt a brief extra pressure, and my pussy lips contracted a bit. I knew the cockhead was in me. ?See, Baby? That?s the biggest part, nothin? left now but shaft! Lookit how you work my shaft..!? Luke had started to stroke an inch in and out of me, and the sensation of that cockhead moving in me was like nothing I?d known. I looked down and saw my distended labia stretching out with his cock on the out stroke, and disappearing on the in stroke, like I never knew my pussy could do. Luke was revealing amazing lover?s skills, he kept short-stroking my pussy while he kneaded and sucked my breasts, kissed my lips and everywhere else he could reach, overwhelming me with sensation all over my body. I was only partly aware of his invading cock?s progress in my pussy, each stroke slightly deeper than the last, till I felt a resistance; my pussy would admit no more cock! He tried pushing faster and harder, but got no farther and I was starting to hurt. I felt a growing disappointment in myself, I wasn?t going to be his bitch! A tear escaped and ran down my cheek. ?Damn, that fine tight pussy was opening up so good, I just know this pussy has more than that. Hey, wait a minute; you told me you?ve only been with your husband?? ?That?s right, you?re the second cock of my life, Luke?snif.? ?I bet he?s just about this big, right?? Luke pulled out all but his cockhead, and the glistening wet half of his shaft looked the same length as Mikes entire dick. ?Well, yes that?s about how long he is. Not that thick, you know?? ?Shoot, all the workin? out you do had me just assuming you had your pussy properly trained. Listen and trust me Karlene, OK? When I slide out of you I want you to get a grip on me with your pussy, try and keep me in, act like you?re lifting 50 pounds with pussy muscles, OK? Then when I start back in, you let go as quick and fast as you know how, OK? ?I think I can try that.? ?Bullshit, DO it! This is conditioning just like your workout, and it takes discipline! This is important, listen up; Having your pussy muscles in proper shape is the only way you?ll satisfy your little-dicked hubby after I?m done opening you up, you got that?? ?Y-yes?? I stammered. ?Aw, c?mon girl! Would a Black man with a big cock lie to you?? Somehow that broke my tension. I laughed as Luke folded my legs, my knees up to my ears. He knew how flexible I was! He slid his wet cock slowly back half-way into me. I squeezed down with all my might, and was rewarded with Luke?s big grin as he pulled against my resistance. I suppose all those crunches I did were more useful than I knew! When I felt his cockhead reach my labia, I let go with an exhale and his cock ran back up in me. I quickly got into this new workout, with Luke coaching me as if we were doing sets on a bench. Luke fucked me this way for an hour, he never seemed to tire. I was glad to be mostly in shape! Gradually, I noticed my squeeze reps were taking a bit longer; or was Luke taking longer strokes?? I was in a happily delirious state of being thoroughly fucked, when I felt something different; Slap! Luke?s hips and mine had come together, his big balls now resting firmly on my ass. Luke laughed, and laughed, and clenched his ass cheeks hard, sticking into me his last fraction of an inch! Then he withdrew his whole cock, including the head just outside my gaping pussy, and rammed me all the way, over and over while chanting, ?You?. Are?. My?. Bitch!!? Suddenly the monster cock became a monster fire hose, I felt it gush and gush into places deeper in me than I ever knew could be reached, where my husband could never go! The feeling pushed me over the edge, I came in wave after wave, crying happy bitch tears. We lay panting, recovering for a few. Experimentally, I squeezed his cock in me; still hard! I grabbed him by the shoulders and rolled him over. ?Do you like cowgirls?? In the morning, I opened my eyes to see the morning light gleaming on my beautiful black lover. So, not a dream! I quietly slipped out of bed to make my morning bathroom run. I looked in the mirror and did a double-take, at the sight of my pussy! This belonged on another woman! My pussy was a smooth, tight peach-like mound, much the same as when I was a teenager. This pussy visibly gaped, even at rest, with labia hanging out. Then I realized my girl?s pussy had finally grown up, fucking a man?s cock had at last made me a woman. I padded naked back into the bedroom. He opened his eyes and saw me. ?You look much sexier now, properly stetched open.? Funny, he wasn?t hard like that a moment ago! He guided me onto my hands and knees and positioned himself to take me from behind for our first dog-style. I felt myself instantly wet, just knowing his cock was taking aim at me. Even so, he started slow and took half a dozen strokes to work all into me, ever the gentleman. I had not the slightest worry of fitting him all because I knew I belonged with this cock. He continued a luxurious, slow morning fuck, with long complete strokes, and I contemplated the weekend. We were both facing the nightstand. ?Is that your wedding picture?? ?Yes, almost two years ago. My husband keeps another print in his truck.? ?Did you save that veil and things?? ?Sure, most brides do. What would you like to do this weekend?? ?Well, I?d like to take my new workout partner-bitch to the gym. And I?d like you to meet a friend of mine; He?s got a shop in town. And then, I thought I might have some fun with my camera?!? ?Mmmm?MMmmm? Whatever you say, Luke. Just keep fucking your bitch.!? Mike: It?s been four weeks since I left Karlene before our anniversary. That damn lying incompetent dispatcher, had me laying over waiting for a load during our anniversary, and I couldn?t even get Karlene on the phone. Three more hauls after that, before being able to come home. At least, when she finally answered the phone this week she seemed in a better mood. It must have been the nice paycheck I sent home after racking up all those extra miles. Too bad I couldn?t get in before midnight, so I phoned and told her not to keep dinner or wait up. I idled in and parked the rig, then unlocked the door and went into my dark house. I dropped my bag in the front room and went down the hall. Karlene was stirring in bed. ?Don?t get up, Honey. I?ll just get a shower and come to bed.? Freshly showered a few minutes later, I slipped into bed thinking we would spoon and fall asleep. Karlene whipped the covers off, and she wasn?t wearing a stitch of her usual night-wear! She didn?t say a word or even indulge in any foreplay, she dove her mouth hungrily onto my unsuspecting limp dick and began sucking furiously! Tired as I was, I couldn?t help but stiffen up, even if just in self-defense! If this was what I got for neglecting her, maybe it?s not such a bad idea?! Just as I thought I would pop off way too soon, she rose up and fairly leaped astraddle me, her hips meeting mine in one firm Smack! My dick felt warm, and wet, and wonderful, and I realized I was fully inside her but? I had not felt anything of entering her, was I half asleep, maybe? Then I felt a rising pressure, a wonderful squeezing the length of my dick. Karlene sighed and began grinding her hips circularly. I thought she might break me off at the root! Then she began to ride. My Karlene Cowgirl was back, her wonderful pussy was working my dick like a milking machine! I couldn?t last long. My hands roamed her tight body in the dark, and noticed a difference. She?d gotten somehow leaner and harder, she was already fit but now she must have lost another whole point or two of body fat and replaced it with muscle! Her abs were cut like never before, and her thighs gripped me like the jaws of a shark. Her fingers digging into my arms and shoulders would surely leave marks. Those were my last thoughts before I exploded days and days worth of jizz, and fell asleep exhausted. In the morning I arose to find her already up and making breakfast. She looked even better than I remembered, moving about the kitchen seemingly on tiptoe like a prizefighter, and humming! I couldn?t recall when I?d last seen her so happy. I must have been better last night than I knew! ?Hi Honey, that smells great! Just one pancake, please. I?ve cut back and started walking between drives. I lost five pounds this trip!? ?That?s wonderful, Mike!? She gave me one of those beaming smiles that made up my mind to marry her over two years ago. ?I?ve been working with a new trainer at the club. He?s really taken my workout to the next level!? ?I could tell. Well, I guess we can afford that.? A niggling jealousy formed at the back of my mind, she?d never wanted a trainer before, especially a man. ?Karlene, I?ve been thinking for days how to apologize to you for missing our anniversary. I?m filing a complaint against the dispatcher with the company owners, if that?s any consolation.? ?Dear, don?t worry. It was hard for me but I?ve decided to forgive. We both need to make adjustments, to keep a marriage going, don?t we? I got the roses you sent, see? I kept them for you to see but they?re pretty well done now! Look, I had an anniversary present made for you too.? From the kitchen drawer, Karlene took a large framed glossy photo. It was a painstaking reproduction of the wedding photo I carried in the truck! There she was, the same smile, the same earrings and choker necklace, but the veil perched atop her newer, much shorter and perkier hairstyle. I admired the contrast. Virtually everything about the pose was the same, even the cleavage from the unseen pushup bra. ?Look, Honey; I had the roses put in the background.? There they were, looking much fresher behind her to her left. ?This is great, Honey. Can I keep this one in the truck?? ?Sure, that?s what I figured. I?ve got more copies.? That began the nicest day we?d had together in months. All the past strife seemed forgotten. It was enough to make me seriously reconsider my job choice. I had to go out again tomorrow, Monday, mid-morning. I?d be leaving just after Karlene had to go to work. One day a month was not enough time to devote to a wife. That night was another wondrous lovemaking. She let me start on top, and squeezed me with her newer buffer arm and leg muscles, she seemed about to devour me! I wondered what machines at the club developed those skills. In the morning, I half-dozed, and watched Karlene prepare for work through half-lidded eyes, letting her think I was asleep. She padded naked from the shower to the bureau, and I admired her defined backside and how her hardened buns worked. As she turned back from the bureau, I saw something new and unexpected. There, in the exact spot above her trimmed bush at bikini level, a Black Moth?? No, that can?t be! It?s a trick of the morning light; I?m half dreaming! How many porn mags and websites had I seen with women proudly showing that tattoo, proclaiming their experience with, even preference for, large black cocks?? That?s the only explanation, I?m imagining it! I mean, if she DID get a tattoo, she couldn?t know what THAT tattoo in THAT spot meant, would she? It couldn?t be! Karlene came back in dressed to kiss me, on her way out to work. ?Um, Karlene, did you? did I see?? ?What, dear? ?Oh, nothing. Have a good day at work. I?ll try to get home quicker this run.? And she was off. Afterward, leaving in the truck, picking up the loaded trailer, and for miles and miles down the road, giant butterflies wrestled in my stomach. Butterflies? They must have been moths. Big, black moths. Night fell, I pulled into a truck stop for some sleeper time. Did I see it or imagine it? A real tattoo? My Karlene?s first tattoo a bold black moth?? Did she take me up on my dare, and took care of her needs? The tattoo would seem to say so and yet, a big black cock like I?d seen in videos would just Wreck a tight little bod like Karlene?s! Wait..that night, she slipped right on to me without any resistance at all. Oh, no. No it can?t be true! I pulled both Wedding and Anniversary photos off the visor where Karlene put them. I gazed upon the face of my sweet innocent bride, my imaginings had to be false! Hold it. The Anniversary shot, the rose vase was atop the bureau in our bedroom! What kind of wedding photographer works in bedrooms? Hey, the Anniversary photo frame is heavier than the other one. A Lot heavier! I pulled the photo from the frame, discovering it?s folded! I unfolded from the bottom, to find the photo actually continued down Karlene?s torso. That cute little cleavage? There is no wedding dress. No clever push-up bra beneath creating cleavage from B cups. There are only hands. Large, coal dark Black hands, pushing Karlene?s breasts together and upward, at the same time squeezing her nipples hard between thumbs and forefingers. I know well how sensitive those nipples are, but look, she?s smiling just like on our wedding. How could she ignore that pain? What are these little dark spots at the bottom of the frame? They?re?Antennae! Black moth tattooed antennae! Oh, My God! There is another fold! I unfold another full-size continuation from the bottom. The tattoo shows in its entirety. It is bold and vibrant, yet detailed, with subtle highlights in red. A masterful example of tattoo craft, yet my eyes do not linger upon it. My bride?s fine, beautiful body is now exposed fully to the camera. Her pretty blonde bush is trimmed to a brief tiny rectangle on top, almost all else is shaven. Her pussy lips, I love and know so well, are stretched impossibly far, wrapped around a monstrous coal black cock. The cock seems on the outstroke, because the cunt lips are pulling outward. The two inches or so of cock exposed glisten wet, proof that it?s all been inside. The bulging black ball sack looks ready to unload a quart into my wife. My God, that thing is twice as thick as me! How long can it be? Do I want to know? It?s clear now clear that I?m sharing the pussy I married. The other man?the Black man...shows nothing in the picture but hands, thighs, and fucking equipment! I have to hear this from her. I pick up the cell phone. Karlene: Phone?s ringing?Caller ID says it?s Mike! We barely get ready in time, and I pick up on the 5th ring just before the voicemail gets it. ?Hi Honey! Yes. You found your surprise! Thank you for such a great idea. I love you so much! Ha; I figured you didn?t think I?d do it! Well, don?t get too mad, you suggested it! Don?t you like your surprise? I know about those porn sites you like! Oh, yes dear. Secretaries know that much about computers! What?s that? Yes, it?s better. Lots better. Twice as long and thick better?ungh! No, you don?t have a little dick, dear. You just don?t have a big, Black Cock?oof! He owns parts of me you?ll never get to. Who? His name is Luke. Yes, my trainer. He?s trained me SO many ways, dear! Oooo! Don?t you see dear? It works just like you said. I married you, you?re my husband, but when you?re away, I?m Lukes BITCH!!!...omigod. It?s a very workable stable situation, you have no worries! No, he doesn?t want to meet you and you can?t watch, he said that doesn?t work for him. But you can LISTEN! Auugh..! Yes, that?s right dear, Luke is taking me deep from behind now. He?s been doing me when you call for the last few weeks. He likes fucking me from behind while I?m talking to you, and he looks at our wedding pictures. Of course in our bedroom, silly! He says white pussy is great but Married white pussy is the best. The tattoo? It stung, but it was worth it. The girls in the locker room respect me now. Now you know, so we don?t have to be so damned QUIET?.Jesus. Would you like me to put down the phone so you can hear us finish? Ok? Mike: I can?t believe the turn my married life has taken. I?m hearing the familiar, yet strange now, sounds of our bed creaking and banging the wall. My wife is moaning and gasping, it?s her voice yet seems wilder, louder and abandoned. It?s not me but a Black man, banging my wife on my bed. I hear nothing from him but grunts and gasps, he?s like a fucking animal. There?s a pause in the action, the bed creaks loudly, they?re climbing onto it! My wife?s voice calls, breathless and excited, ?Honey, he?s got me on my back with me knees to my ears, he gets so DEEP this way!? The tempo picks up faster, the bed bangs wall louder, I can?t believe the violence of it, until I hear my wife?s joyful, screaming, cumming. ?I?m exhausted, Honey. Got to go now. Bye-bye!? Well, I guess the joke is surely on me this time. Does she need me any more at all? Should I divorce her? I guess I need her; I am so unbelievably throbbing Stiff right now! Wait, what?s this written on back of the photo? ?DVD under your mattress.? Maybe we?ll try this arrangement for a while and see if it works. Some wives make their husbands lunches to take to work; Mine makes interracial porn! -Sir Tattsalot Hope you like my tale. Any other truckers out there sharing their wives? I welcome commentary and criticism. Do you have a story you?d like me to write for you? 5322 1.24/512345
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