Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Debby's Dark Lust (Part 2)
DDL 2/6: Todd's Dilemma (m/f cons voy intrr) If you are under age, read no further; likewise if the subjects don't interest you. The series deals with consensual sex between adults: a white couple and the wife's desire for, and 1st sexual encounter with a black man, the emerging open marriage relationship and the voyeurism of the husband. This is a Dark Lust sequel to "DDL 1: Debby's Decision" Please keep in mind that all of this occurred before AIDS and that while such behavior had some risk then, it was no where near the lethal risk that exists today. Be SAFE!! (c) 1995 VicSwriter@aol.com Permission granted to post/ distribute electronically provided it is not for profit and these notices are left intact. Debby's Dark Lust -2/6- Todd's Dilemma (m/f cons - voy) Vic S. as told by Debby & Todd Debby was nervous. Todd was apprehensive. It was just last night that Debby, after years of Todd's hinting and prodding her about HIS fantasy, had shared her own with him. You see Todd had fantasized about Debby being with another man, no one in particular just a well hung man. He even thought he'd like to watch. He hadn't, however, considered the spin she would but on his fantasy; she wanted a black man! In fact, it had been a secret fantasy of hers back to when she was just a girl; she could remember that day she walked home from Catholic grade school and sat on her stoop watching several muscular black men working on the street in front of her house. She thought at the time they were beautiful with their strong muscles glistening with sweat! She didn't know much about sex then, except it was dirty unless you were married ...and maybe even then, and that babies were made that way. She wasn't sure why her panties had gotten so moist. Maybe it was because she new they could have seen up her plaid uniform skirt if they'd looked hard enough ...and that it was nasty if they did ...and even more nasty if she let them. ...and nastier still that she wanted them to do it! She wanted them to see her wet panties. Sixteen years later remembering still made her moist; it always did! Debby's revelation last night had Todd tossing and turning most of the night. Every thought he had brought another question: Why did he ever think he wanted her to experience another cock? Was he serious? Was she serious? Could he handle it? Handle her being with a black man? Not that he was prejudice; he didn't think he was. But it was so ... so taboo. He would be mortified if his friends even knew she had the desire. What if she liked it? Liked it so much, she dumped him? Why did he screw her so hard after she'd told him? Why did CUM so ferociously? Maybe it was just because they had been making love anyway ... and he'd been close to cumming when she'd told him. But then, why did he get hard several times thinking about it? Why did he wake with a hard-on after having THAT dream. Good god! Could HE actually let HER do those things? Would SHE actually do those things?! ...with a BLACK man!? Even if he could resolve all those questions, how do you talk to your wife about such things? For her part, Debby had sleep soundly. Very soundly! Telling Todd had felt like such a weight had been lifted. A cleansing ... almost like confession was supposed to feel. --She never told her priest that she "...masturbated while thinking of black men doing things..." to her, so she was never sure if her confessions were 'good' ones.-- Their love making after she told him took on such an intensity that Debby was sure he was turned on by her 'addition' to his fantasy. But now, this morning, Todd wasn't even talking to her! He acted almost ... distant. As he stared into his coffee, not even touching the toast she'd fixed him, Debby wondered if it was such a good idea after all, telling him her desire, her fantasy. "Todd?" "What, baby?" "It was just a fantasy. I still love you!" "What? ... oh! I wasn't even thinking about that! ... Just have lots on my mind. ... Other things." "Todd. ... What other things?" ...silence. "I know you were thinking about IT! Don't be mad at me! Don't hate me! It was just a fantasy." ...silence. "It's not like I'm gun'na run off with the lighthouse caretaker or something!" "The thought never entered my mind! I still love you too, baby! I was just so ... surprised! I guess I didn't know what to say ... about ... IT. You know? ...how I felt." "Well, until this morning I felt great having told you. You've brought me a long way... There was a time I couldn't have imagined telling anyone my fantasy, ... and the other things you've taught me: I never dreamed I'd actually ever do oral sex; not to mention, enjoy doing it! You are a good teacher. Is it terrible your good little girl has some nasty thoughts? A fantasy of my own? You've sure told me yours a lot, I thought you'd be glad mine was kind'a in line with your own ... sort of." "I know! I guess I was questioning myself more than you. You know, what I really want!" "What ever it is, I hope it includes me!" Todd got up and pulled Debby into his arms. She continued, "Because I can't picture me without you!" She fought back a sob, emotions were on such a tight edge. Todd felt it too. "That much I'm sure off! I want you as long as you can stand me!" They both hung on as if dancing to silent music. "I'm glad you told me, honest! I just want you to be happy and well satisfied!" "I love you, Todd! As far as I'm concerned, fantasies can stay fantasies. I just don't want to deny having them any more. Just don't ever feel threatened by any I have. Okay?" "Okay, baby. I love you too! ... Shit! I'm gun'na be late!" They kissed and he was out the door. Debby wondered what their next love making would be like. Would he bring up the subject? Would he once again talk about her being with some big cocked guy? Men put such an emphasis on size. Their penis, a woman's tits... well, Todd's never complained about her little ones. Of course he had opportunity to play with quite a few bigger than hers before they were married. On the other hand, she'd never played with any cock besides Todd's. Were black men bigger, as they say? It didn't seem to phase him when she mentioned the lighthouse caretaker. Surely, if he didn't at least know of him, it would have confused him in that context. Debby set about her house chores, thinking about Todd and his fantasy and her fantasy and their love making and his demeanor this morning and his reaction to their discussion. Every now and then, she'd look out a side window, toward the light house. She'd seen him several times during the week, painting and doing other chores to the historic sentinel, not 100 yards from her own cape cod home. What she'd seen caused her pulse to elevate, even from this distance: broad shoulders, narrow hips, powerful thighs, very black skin contrasting with his white shorts and the white of the lighthouse itself. She kept the binoculars handy in case she saw him today. Todd took a swing past the lighthouse instead of turning directly toward the bridge that connected the island to the mainland. He drove slowly hoping to get a glimpse of the new caretaker. Was he what brought all this on with Debby? Was she seeing him? 'Come on man!' he told himself. 'Don't jump to any conclusions!' He'd only been on the job a week, based on the article he'd seen in the paper. The head shot photo showed a good looking black man, neck like a linebacker. Had Debby seen the article? What did it say about his back ground? Todd checked at work to see if the paper was still around; it wasn't. He went to the library during lunch to look it up. Debby finished her house chores by 10. As was her habit, she'd stayed in her house coat, while she did the cleaning. Several times she caught herself, just standing at a window, looking at the lighthouse, her mind lost in some fantasy. In one, she answered the doorbell and there he was, asking to barrow some coffee. She showed him in, shyly pulling her robe closed only to have it 'accidentally' open again seconds later, showing her hard nipples on her nightshirt. He'd be wearing those white shorts; they'd be tighter than she could tell from 100 yards away. A large knotted coil of man flesh would be evident at his crotch. He'd smile a little as he realized she was looking at it, licking her lips. She'd turn red. In the kitchen, she imagined the view he'd get as she reached for a can of coffee on an upper shelf, straining on her tiptoes, the muscles in her legs tight, her short robe riding half way up her firm white ass. Maybe, he'd step up behind her, reaching over her with his strong black arms, almost pinning her to the counter as his virile groin pressed into her lower back... Debby shook her head; she'd never get anything done if she allowed that kind'a thing to go on in her head all day. She felt the moisture seep from her lips, spreading a wet spot in her panties. Later in the shower, her fantasy caught her in the rain, locked out of the house. Only one place to go for help. He'd open the door to his quarters at the base of the tower and smile at her dilemma. Her wet tee would be almost invisible. She'd wear no bra; didn't really need one, and Todd was always encouraging her to go without. Lately she'd been humoring him around the house but never out in public; maybe she'd change that today. Maybe she'd take a walk on the beach below the rocks and the lighthouse. Maybe it would rain. He'd welcome her in and bring a big soft terry towel to dry her dripping, shivering body. He'd wrap it around her, hesitating a moment to take in her raised nipples and small patch of light pubic hair showing through her wet shorts before closing the towel across her front. She would continue to shiver. He'd suggest that a hot shower was the best thing to warm a cold, wet body. She'd kick off her shoes and he'd take her hand leading her to his private bedroom and bath. She'd stop briefly to take in the male bastion of his room: dark paneling, stone fireplace crackling, an oversized four-post bed, with large turned bedposts. Her heart would race even faster, nipples get even harder, pussy juicier still when she sees the four purple velvet ropes, one each tied to the bed posts. Each with a long working end laying on their respective bed corner. He'd start the water, adjusting it for her. He'd turn to her; she'd still be clutching the towel. He'd open it and slowly lower a large black hand to her waist, reaching in just below her belly-button. Her abdomen would concave at his touch. He'd unsnap her shorts with a flick of his thumb and fingers. All the while she'd stare into his deep brown eyes. He'd say, 'I'd get out'a those wet clothes before ya get in the shower!' Suddenly he's out the door, ...but left it open half way. She'd start breathing again and undress without closing the door. The water would be a little too hot in her chilled state. She put her face in the spray. Every nerve cell in her skin tingled. The shower door would open and he'd step in behind her. Most light now blocked, the shower darkened greatly. Debby would look down, trembling inside, and see his black feet behind and outside her own size 5, dainty white feet; his are twice as large. Debby wouldn't breath awaiting his touch. His large black arm would reach over her shoulder, --still not touching her-- and adjust the water to be a little hotter. In her real shower Debby adjusted the water until a hint of steam was being produced. Back in her fantasy, she could stand the anticipation no longer; she'd back into him, leaning on his solid black form, his long, thick and yet unseen black male stock nestling naturally down the crack of her white ass. In reality Debby's hand and wrist pushed down from the small of her back, through the checks of her out thrust buttocks, simulating the feelings of her fantasy. Her other hand served as the strong black arm that would circle her front, pulling her small white body tightly into his black strength. He would gently cup each breast, then pinch one then the other nipple. His other hand would reach down her white abdomen, parting her wet pubs then her inflamed lips. Debby closed her eyes tightly, imagining the contrast of his strong black arms draped around her small white body. Two of her own fingers served as one of his, doing the things she wanted him to do between her pussy lips. Her knees bent slightly, legs spread. She imagined being almost suspending on his fingers in front and his manhood straining into her crease behind. She shook in orgasmic release, pressing her face once again into the hot spray of the shower. Debby promised herself she'd pick up the fantasy later, maybe while she laid in the sun, or after, during a nap. Maybe he'd be working and see her as she laid out in her bikini. Actually, for living near the ocean, Debby tried not to get too much sun. There had already been some reports about skin cancer, but mostly it was her skin. Her mom had always told her that her light blond hair and light freckles indicated her skin was sensitive and it was proving true. Debby put on her bikini, her smallest, a light blue one. She gathered her lotion, portable radio, sun glasses, a beach towel, and a glass of ice tea. See looked toward the tower. She couldn't see him, though his black Camero was parked in the small lot. Before she laid in the chaise, Debby swept the patio deck. Even though they were some 50 feet above the beach on the rock shelf that formed this end of the island, the sand got everywhere. Debby arranged the towel on the chaise lounge, stole a glance at the lighthouse, and sat, reaching for her lotion. As she finished rubbing the lotion in, she looked again and ... yes, he was there. Inside the glass at the top. She flushed suddenly as she realized he was watching her with a pair of binoculars. If she'd known sooner, she'd have made a bigger show out'a putting the lotion on. She looked again; he was apparently still watching. 'At least he's not revolted by this skinny, boobless body!' Debby thought. Actually her 'B' cup looked quit good on her small frame. She weighed about 100 pounds sopping wet. She thought he had to know she'd seen him watching her. She stole another glance; still there. She wondered how well he could see her, recalling the magnification of their own binoculars. Could he see her nipple just got erect? His binoculars would undoubtedly be better, being a lighthouse and all. She blushed and stole another look; still watching. Debby reached inside for some untypical courage and, pretending she just noticed him watching her, smiled real big and waved at him. He lowered the binoculars and slowly raised a hand to wave back. Could she almost see a smile? He brought the glasses back to his eyes and swung a little east, looking apparently down the beach. Debby immediately regretted waving, making it obvious she saw him watching her. She'd have been happy if he'd continued watching her. Maybe she'd have taken her bikini top off. The fenced yard was private except for the view from the lighthouse, even it's base was visible over the fence line from her position. Maybe next time. Maybe she'd sun completely nude next time. Debby reflected that she'd never really wanted to be naked in front of a man before. Even with Todd it had been uncomfortable at first. And the fantasies about those black workmen didn't count ... cause they were fantasies ... and too far removed in time to have any chance at reality. But now ... all it would take is a few quick motions on her bikini strings. . . But no, that would be too brazen after having just waved at him! Shit! Shortly, he was no longer visible. Debby continued to sun as long as she dared, just in case he was watching, unseen from one of the lower windows that spiraled the tower. Debby laid down for a little nap at about 3. She wanted to be rested for what ever Todd would want to do in follow-up to last night ... and this morning's discussion. Maybe she should take the lead for a change. Maybe she should reassure Todd about his masculinity and her desire for him. Despite her notions of continuing her fantasy, it was Todd and their discussions that filled her mind until she drifted off. Todd had real trouble concentrating at work. He kept having images of his petite blond wife engaged in various acts with hung black men. What was beginning to disturb him the most was not the images, but that he was aroused by them. He'd had many fantasies of Debby with other men, but they had never been black. Did he have some kind of prejudice? He hadn't thought so. Could it be so bad that Debby put a different skin color on his own fantasy? He'd often fantasized about her actually coming around and being receptive to his fantasy of her being with another man. But he'd never actually . . .realistically expected it to happen. And here it was happening. . . maybe. Todd resolved to do something that never seemed to come easy for him: he'd talk to Debby; REALLY talk to her to get to the root of this whole thing. To see if THEY actually wanted to pursue this thing! Suddenly another question gripped Todd's gut: what if he said 'no?' What if he decided he couldn't handle it? Most important: what if she continued her desire? Would she get frustrated and seek to fulfill it on her own? She'd never complained. . . he'd always been the one talking about his merely average size (6-1/4"). . . and the probable pleasure she'd get from a truly big one. That was HIS fantasy; to see Debby's passion boiling over, swept away with the intensity of being 'packed' with cock! Would it cause him any frustration to never see that? No! Besides, Debby wasn't the frustrated type. Was she? He'd been very patient with her the first years of their marriage when she hadn't seemed at all receptive to oral sex, either way! Although there were times he was frustrated, he'd never considered looking for it else where; not seriously anyway. Would Debby be any more inclined to seek fulfillment of her black fantasy outside their marriage. . . without him? No! On the other hand, that new black caretaker was less than 100 yards away, practically their closest neighbor! And Debby didn't work outside the home; that presented a lot of opportunity, a lot of temptation. YES, they really needed to talk! END DDL 2/6 Comments welcome, Follow-up stories to a.s.s.; public comments in a.s.s.d, or better yet private email to: VicSwriter@aol.com 4743 1.30/512345
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