Thursday, August 30, 2012
Double Life Part 3
Double Life---Part 3 by Headhunter (for Kathy B) That night Jen had erotic dreams where she was being forced to strip and lie on the ground surrounded by a large group of men and boys while they masterbated onto her body. At one point during the dream, between the naked hairy legs of the men surrounding her, she caught a fleeting glimpse of her husband and children playing together as a happy family. But that quick glimpse of an unaware family was soon obscured by row upon row of cum spurting penises. The next morning, after getting her family off to school and work, Jen retrieved the bag from her car and dressed for work. The hot pink panties and bra were very sheer and semi-transparent. The panties were cut high on her hips. Also, there were a white garter and stockings. It took her a while to get them fastened, since she had no experience wearing anything like that. The cool smooth silk did feel good next to her skin, but she was worried about Mr. Jones. How would he react? Her pale nipples were slightly visible through the bra cup material and her brown pubic hair was very evident when she loked in the full-length bathroom mirror. She put on a conservative dress, and with trepidation went to work. Nothing was said or happened until the end of the day. Then she was summoned to Mr. Jones's office. She was suprised to find the head of secuity with Mr. Jones. The Security Chief shut the door behind Jen and said, "Here is the video tape you wanted, Mr. Jones." Mr. Jones put the tape in a TV VCR combination that sat on his desk. As the picture became clear he said, "Jen, do you remember the car break-ins a couple of years ago in the parking lot? Well, we installed security cameras to catch the thief." The picture was time stamped and dated the previous day. Nothing but an empty parking lot with Jen's and Mr. Jones's car, but finally it showed Jen and Mr. Jones exiting the building, Jen's skirt swirling in the breeze. "The boys surrounding you when your blouse was open is a particularly good shot. The picture quality isn't very good, but you can tell its you, Jen. Yes! I'm going to enjoy looking at this tape over and over, it really makes me excited and this way I can always have a naked Mrs. Frost to fantizise about. Did you keep a copy of the tape for yourself Chief Franks?" "Sure did Mr. Jones, She is one sweet looking woman, real nice titties," replied the Security Chief. Once again Jen was mortified, she blushed and looked down. Rather than get mad, the fight seemed to drain out of her. She begged, "Please Mr. Jones destroy those tapes. It's not fair, I have done everything you've asked. If my family and friends saw that tape my life would be over. I never did anything wrong to start with." Jones smiled back at her, "Quit your crying Mrs. Frost. Nobody will see this tape unless I want them to. And by the way, those boys were minors, and now you have exposed your naked body to them. So you not only can go to jail for embezzelment but also sex crimes against minors, and leading them into delinquency." "But... it was... an .... accident," stammered a panic stricken Jen. "Look at the tape, that ain't no accident. You standing there with your arms wide open," sneered the Security Chief, "what a stupid slut!" Jen reeled at hearing that word used about her. But the Chief was right, the tape clearly showed her full-frontal nudity. One boy touching her breast and another with his pants around his knees, body furuously shaking. Her mind began to bend, how had she gotten into that situation, maybe she was a deviant. Oh no! she had to protect her family, she would endure anything to protect them. It didn't take the Chief and Mr. Jones long to start having some fun with the distraught but completely beaten housewife. Like a zombie Jen stood in the middle of the office as the Chief said, "lets see the real thing!" Her mind was overloaded with what had happened to her in just a few days. She heard Mr. Jones say, "Strip off that dress, and lets see those pretty panties and bra, you bought just for me." Jones and the Chief sat on an office couch and as if in a dream Jen unbuttoned her dress and let it slip to the floor. "God damn look at that body," exclaimed the Chief. "Real nice for having two kids." Mr. Jones leaned over to the Chief and whispered to him. "Don't get too aggressive. I'm bringing this bitch along slow. In a week or two we will be able to get her to do anything we want, but for the next few days just follow my lead. Give her lots of compliments on how good she looks and humiliate her like she is just a piece of meat verbally, but don't touch yet!" The Chief whispered back, "OK, for now, but I want to do it all with her. I don't care is she is somebody's wife and mother. M y cock has just gotta dump a load into her." Jones smiled, "Don't worry, before I'm done she is gonna be begging for your cock up her pussy and down her throat." The Chief fell into the role, "Mrs. Frost you sure are a good looking piece of ass. Mr. Jones just said I can look but don't touch, Thats OK with me after all you are just a cheap slut anyway, but you sure are a good looking piece of thieving and cradle robbing wool. I just wish you were a blonde, you really are just a dumb air headed blonde anyway, aren't you?" Mr. Jones taking his erect penis out of his pants said, "Walk around the room, Jen, I want to see you in those nice underthings, make your tits bounce when you walk." Still in denial and without even an objection to the presence of the Chief or his crude words, Jen slowly began walking. "No! thats not good enough. Jump up and down." The humilating instructions continued while the voyeur Jones stroked his tumescent cock. "Bend over--- do jumping jacks--- lock your hands behind your back and stick your chest out----sit on the edge of the desk and spread your legs." It went on and on for what seemed like an eternity to Jen, but in reality was only a few minutes. In fact, Jen grew accustomed to her near nudity and the humiliating orders, even comfortable, after she realized that neither man was going to touch her. The torment finally ended when Jones' red cock erupted and shot an arc of cum onto the floor at Jen's feet. "Put your dress on and go home, Mrs. Frost, just pretend this didn't happen. Anyway, I'm sure your husband will like your new underthings. Don't forget to wear another set tomorow." In shame Jen pulled on her dress and with do wn cast eyes crept from the office. As the door shut behind her she could hear the men laughing. They had enjoyed the show and knew that Jen was a rare beauty, a mature woman who was sexy as hell and didn't know it. Both men knew that Jen's sexuality was soon to be the most important thing in her life. They could see it just below the surface of the wife and mother veneer. That night at home, Jen hid the panties and bra from her husband and was once again distant. The next day Jen was called into Jones's office before lunch. "Today rather than get me lunch, I want you to go to the beauty parlor and get your hair colored blonde. The Chief was right, you should be a blonde bimbo." Jen was in shock, "But Mr. Jones, I can't do that what would my family and friends say?" Jones grinned, "Hell woman, I'm not asking you to color your hair green. Tell your family anything you want, thats your problem. But I want my "show girl" to be a blonde." Jen grasping at straws pleaded, "It will take to long I have to pick up my kids from school." "Thats on my time, Jen. They can wait for you, pick them up after the dye job! I'll see you at the end of the day. Can't wait to see a new pair today. What did your husband say about your clothes last night?" Jen ignored the question and feeling out of contol of her own life ran from the office. But Jen soon found herself driving to a hair stylist who took walk-in appointments. Not her usual stylist. She felt that she couln't face anyone she knew, and she also couldn't face the questions that would be asked. Changing the mother and housewife into a blonde took more time than she thought and by the time she picked up her kids, with her hair hidden by a scarf, they were waiting for her. They were the last ones picked up. They complained about being left and the guilt pierced Jen's heart. She dropped the kids off at the daycare and made it back to work with only an hour and a half left in the day. Now she had a decision to make. Should she go back inside and try to hide her hair, or just face the music with her co-workers when they asked about her being a shining new blonde. Jen decided to get it over with. She entered the building proudly after running a brush through the silky blonde tresses. She thought to herself, "actually I look good. I need to change my make-up for the new coloring, but it is not bad." Her co-workers were stunned. It just seemed so out of character for the conservative wife and mother that they knew. Nobody said anything to her face, but Jen did hear some wh ispering behind her back. At the end of the day she was summoned to Mr. Jones Office. He was the only one there and he had her put on her show in her panties and bra. He called her humiliating names and played with himself infront of her. But Jen was getting used to it, and even found herself strangely aroused by the situation. Jones told her to wear the white sheer panties and bra, and to fix her make-up differently for her new blonde bimbo look. Bill Frost was stunned when his wife walked in 30 minutes late from work. He could barely stammer out the words, "what did you do?" "I just felt like a change Bill, its not a big deal," Jennifer said trying to down play the new hairstyle and trying to convince herself. Bill wasn't happy about the change. Actually, he didn't mind but was upset that his wife hadn't even talked to him about it. But then there was very little talking or anything going on at home for Bill, his wife seemed preoccupied with work all of the time and their normally immaculate home was getting a bit messy, from Jennifer's lack of attention. ********** Jennifer made the turn into Mr. Jone's neighborhood. Her stomach was doing flip flops. She was thankful the the upscale neighborhood had plenty of room between the houses. She feared some nosey neighbor of Mr. Jones recognizing her or her car. She was excited and frightened at the same time. What if her family found out she was going to her bosses house "all tarted up?" How would she explain it? Deep down inside she knew that she wouldn't be able to explain or lie this away, not like she had lied about everything else over the past few weeks. Jennifer thought back to how things began to change after she became a blonde. **************************************************** The day after her blonde dye job, Jones had Jen buy his lunch and feed him in her sheer bra and panties like she was a harem slave. Before the meal was over Jones demanded that Jen sit on his desk facing him. He opened the top drawers on each side of the desk and had Jen place her feet into them. He then sat in his chair, plate of food in front of him, between Jen's widely spread legs. Jen looked down on the top of Joneses head. He stared intently first at her bra covered breasts then at the mass of brown hair that showed through her sheer panties. He ate his food leisurly, the fork moving just inches from her silk covered pussy. Both Jen and Jones became aware of the pungent sexual odor that began to drift up from Jen's pussy. Jones finished eating and pushed back from the desk. "Well Jen tomorrow is Friday. I want you to wear the black panties and bra. Also, now that you are a blonde, I don't like your brown cunt hair, it doesn't look right. So you need to shave it off completely. I don't want to see any pussy hair tomorrow." "But Mr. Jones, I can't .... how would I explain...?" Jen stuttered. "I don't care. Tell your husband that you have an infection or something. Thats your problem. You know what I want, now do it or face the consequences you beautiful slut. Remember, black panties and no pubic hair." snarled Jones. That night Jen was more distant than ever from her family. She decided to wait until the next morning to shave her pussy. She didn't really even know how to do it. She guessed it would be like shaving her legs. She lied to her husband that night. She told him that she had a gynecologist appointment the next day. She was getting good at lying to her family to explain the humiliating demands of the perverted Mr. Jones. The next morning after seeing her family off Jen retreated to the bathroom. She ran a hot tub and began by shaving her legs then she worked her way up to her groin. The soft shaving cream felt delicious against her tender flesh. Carfully she removed the hair. The only difficulty part was removing the down-like hair below her cunt slit and around her puckered brown asshole. It felt so delicious, and Jen had been so sexually aroused over the past week, that two of her soapy fingers slipped easily into her hot snatch and with only a small amount of manipulation Jennifer had a huge orgasm that caused water to splash out of the tub. After recovering Jen dried her body. She noticed that she had lost a few pounds of post baby fat. Well, she hadn't been eating much lately, and the tension of her situation probably caused her to burn more calories. Looking in the full length mirror as she pulled on the black panties that Mr. Jones had requested, she thought to herself, "I do look good ." Something didn't feel right. Dispite having the panties pulled on Jen could still feel the cool air on her now shorn labia. She look closer and discovered that the panties while not crotchless, were designed with an opening that ran right down the middle of the small amount of material that was there. In a panic Jen looked closely at the bra. The fabric was very sheer and to her horror the tips of the cups were cut out. When she wore the bra her pale pink and very tender nipples would poke through! "That bastard Jones" she thought. But she did notice an andrenalin feeling coursing through her body. And though she couldn't admit it, even to herself, as the cool air played across her prominent cunt lips, moisture was collecting at the opening of her vagina. Jennifer wore the panties and bra, but put on a very conservative heavy skirt and blouse. Unfortunately, the coarse material of her shirt rubbed her uncovered nipples all day. Her nipples were kept hard and became so raw that the nerve ending were in a constant state of stimulation. Lunch was another office meal for Mr. Jones. After buying the mael and bringing it to his office. Jen locked the office door and made her way to his desk. "You bastard, Mr. Jones, You knew about these underwear........" "That it," roared Jones, "I'm fed up with your complaining and attitude. You are a god dam worthless piece of cunt flesh thats good for nothing except popping out your stupid husband's babies and for me and OTHER men to look at while we get our rocks off. Now I'm going to take the evidence, the video tapes and everything to the police. I'm going to fire your good looking slut ass, and show everthing to your family and neighbors. They will see what a dumb cunt your are, good for nothing but showing off to men. NOW get the hell out of here, clean out your desk, you are fired. And you better find a good criminal attorney to defend you, and while your at it you better get a good divorce laywer, because when I'm done your family ain't gonna want you around either!!!" Jen was in shock, and the last of her will, her self-confidence was gone. Without thinking she fell to her knees and began to beg in a little girls voice. "Please, please Mr. Jones I'm sorry, I'll do anything, please...." Jones looked down. "No, its to late, get the hell out", growled Jones. "Please ...Please...." Jen stood up, tears streaming down her face. She was thinking of her husband as she unbuttoned her blouse. "Please....Please..." She was thinking of he neighbors as the blouse slid to the floor. "Please...... Please...." She was thinking of her beautiful home as she unbuttoned her skirt. "Please.... Please...." She was thinking of her church activities as the skirt pooled at her feet. "Please ....Please...." She was thinking of her children as she leaned against Joneses desk grasped the edges of the opening in her panties and wantonly displayed her pink, full liped pussy to the man who had her under his thumb. She leaned back and ran a finger between the eng ourged pussy lips. "Please.... don't destroy me....Please, I'll do what you want....." Jennifer was not longer thinking of family or friends. She was now only thinking about how good it felt to display herself in front of this man. How good it felt to have his eyes on her as she shamelessly masterbated with her fingers. How good it felt to be made to do "bad" things. Jones had his cock out and was stroking furuously. He was thinking how much he enjoyed controlling and humiliating the young housewife and mother. Without missing a stroke on his red iron hard penis, Jones hit the call button to the security office, "Chief, this is Mr. Jones, come up to my office ... and bring a video camera." Do you want to hear more of Mrs. Jennifer Frost's adventure. Let Dark Wanderer know! 4112 1.58/512345
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