Monday, August 27, 2012
Shopping For A New Life
Shopping For A New Life? By Leta [] For Kim. A special friend. Codes [F/M, Interracial, slut-wife, preg] Joel had a smile on his face while he watched the young, white, house wife enter the store. She had been in the day before and the day before that too. Joel knew exactly what the little slut was shopping for and it wasn't shoes. It was almost closing time. Yesterday, Joel had told you that he would have a special delivery to show you today if you stopped by. It was his day to close the store so his partner had already left. Now all he would need to do was get rid of the plain-Jane he was trying to fit and then he could service cute little Kim in the manner you were expecting. You are so nervous. You keep flirting her eyes out into the mall's hallway, praying that no one will see you. The way your husband felt about blacks, you knew he would divorce you in a second to find out what your secret fantasy had always been. You do feel so guilty about betraying your wedding vows but you have been so unsatisfied in you matrimonial bed and you have just heard so many stories about these `niggers'. you have to do it. Finally the two of you are alone. You feel your heart pound as Joel wordlessly walked to the door to lock it and hang the closed sign. You feel your knees turn to jello. There was no doubt in this young man's mind what he was about to do to 'this married white- woman.' "You want to do it here in front of the windows where the security guards and night cleanup will see, Kim?" the boy teases. Surely, he isn't serious. As you enter the stockroom, your breath is so short that you feel faint. What you are about to do is so wicked. You were never this type of girl before. You almost back off as Joel puts his lips to yours, but his arm coils around the small of your back and you are in his steely grip as he kisses you. It is a lover's kiss, wet and probing. Your Heart pounds so hard that you are sure the man-child can feel your anxiousness against his own hard-muscled chest. Even if he can't the wetness of your almost- dripping pussy is a telltale giveaway as the boy makes his move. Your first instincts are to protest as you would have to your dates in your pre-marriage days if a boy had made so forward a move, but you bite your lower lip. You are not some scared little school girl anymore. you are planning to get fucked and while the boy now rudely fingering your pantyless pussy is the first to be down there since you promised your fidelity; the fact is you have given him the permission and invitation by your very presence. Joel finishes his sweet kisses of his full Negro lips onto your open mouth and then steps back. "You ready for it Kim? You going to get your big nigger dick that your married white- trash pussy is all wet for?" The words bother you. You are not a racist. not really. Would you have wanted the boy if he wasn't black? It is your husband that says they are all `niggers.' If that plays a factor in your wanting to be `dirtied' by one than it isn't your fault. Joel reaches for your hand. your left one. The boy wants you to put your wedding ring next to his cock. You realize exactly what it means as he pulls down his pants, but you are in such sudden awe at the unveiling of his magnificent, potent weapon that all you can do is moan in unbridled lust as you allow the boy to guide your hand to take a grip of his black venomous snake. "Suck it, bitch." He puts his other hand on the back of your head and firmly pushes you down to your knees. He doesn't really need to be so aggressive as you are eager to comply, even if his tone does bother you with it's implied disrespect and hints of outright hostility. This isn't exactly how you imagined it as you had laid next to your sleeping husband last night. As you open your mouth though, it is still very good for you. The boy can't possible be ten inches long can he? It sure feels as if he might be to you as he pushes in. Joel's shaft is so much thicker than any you can ever remember stretching your mouth too. not that you sucked a lot of cock in high-school. You certainly had never been with such a well hung African-American before. You can't help but wonder to yourself if you notice a difference in the taste. While you would deny that you are racist with your final breath, the truth is that we all are to some degree and the fact that you are a white woman kneeling submissively at the feet of a black male. a nigger; it does add to the scene for you. You have to decide that his cock does taste the same as your husband's even if it is a little sweaty from having been cooped up in anticipation of your white pussy all day long. Where the comparisons of the boys cock ends to that of your `little' husband's though is in how much you have to struggle to take his all. The truth is that while you were not a total cocksucking slut in your school days, you had sent more than one boy home with a smile. You always figured it was the easiest way to keep from getting yourself knocked out. and besides that, you ended up being pretty good at taking it deep-throat and it was a source of pride for you. Joel was a challenge, and a half. You try to fight the gagging. You never thought it was at all sexy and defiantly not ladylike. The boy doesn't seem to feel the same way. As firm as is his hold of your hair, you really have no choice. You need to concentrate so you don't accidentally use your teeth but you manage to repress your gagging just enough to allow him to penetrate your throat and slide in the full length of his long, black cock until his sperm-filled balls are on your chin. You wonder just for a moment if the boy means to ejaculate while down your throat. You never acquired a taste for `that' and yet, the way this little early evening excursion was developing, maybe going home to the husband and kids with nigger sperm on your breath was going to be the most appropriate capper. The boy wasn't anywhere near ready to finish yet though. You are allowed to catch your breath as he pulls his cock from your mouth after finishing his little face fuck of you. He reaches up to pull off his shirt. You wipe the small amount of spit that had escaped the corner of your lip while he had rudely choked you on his dick. You should be feeling some hostility at this arrogant young `nigger,' but as you stare at his washboard abs and ripped chest, all you can think is that you will allow this boy to treat you in any manner he desires if he will only give you the fucking you are so desperately horny for. He tells you to dance for him. There is no music except for the beating of your own heart. You never leave the stare of his eyes as he watches you strip your blouse and short skirt for him. You have worn garters but obviously have no panties on as your skirt hits the floor. You thought about going braless, but as a mother of a youngster, your milk- filled breasts need the support. You are about to spring them free when Joel stops you. The boy has you turn around. He tells you what a nice white ass you have. He presses against you from behind and you feel his hot breath on the nape of your neck. He runs his hand sensually along the side of your ribs past your hips until he is caressing your thigh. His other hand is fondling your tits as he moves his mouth to gently blow into your ear. It tickles and you fidget but it doesn't stop the boy from giving you a lick to your lobe. This is more like how you dreamed of it. You think of asking the boy to lick you. Your husband always acted like it was such a chore, and the boys you dated in school never believed in the `I'll do you, since you did me' way of things. You decide to hold your tongue though in the hopes that he will offer to use his on his own, but instead of continuing to lick, he uses it to voice his next intent. "I need to fuck you now, babe." Your heart sinks just a little. You know that a guy will never lick after you have been fucked. Still, it probably was too much to hope for. Besides, all you really wanted was to be fucked anyhow; wasn't it? As the boy goes to get a cot from the corner of the room you walk over to your purse to get the condom. "What you doing?" "I wasn't sure if you would be prepared Joel, if you have your own." "Fuck that, I ain't wearing no rubber." "Umm. What do you mean?" "You ain't got no disease, right?" "Of course not, but you don't understand. I'm not protected." "Don't worry baby, I don't want no trouble either. I can pull out easy, but I hate them rubbers and I ain't going to wear it." You feel like screaming. You are so horny to get fucked. The boy is adamant though. It is five days off your peak in your cycle. You can't believe you are even thinking of taking the risk. The little cot that Joel has produced barely looks like it will support the weight of one, let alone the pound-fucking that is about to be delivered upon it. You feel like such a wanton slut as you lay down and raise and spread your legs for the boy. He takes the head of his potent cock and pushes it to the moist opening of your fertile and unprotected cunt. The two of you become as one. You meet him thrust for thrust as he whispers sweet nothings to your ears. He tells you that you are so desirable and so pretty. That he wanted your white ass the instant he laid eyes on you. You tell him that he is bigger and better than anyone you ever had before. You are delirious with lust. You never came from fucking before but you are about to when the boy suddenly pulls out. NO, DAMMIT, YOU WERE SO CLOSE. But he doesn't shoot. "W-what are you doing?" You ask. "I'm sorry Kim, it's just that it really is against my beliefs to waste it. I thought I would be okay with it cause I wanted to fuck you, but I just can't do it if I am not allowed to finish in your cunt where it belongs." No. It's impossible. Your brain screams at you to stop but your cunt is in charge. The boy is serious. "Okay." "Are you fertile today?" The boy is so wicked. He wants to breed you. He wants to send you home disgraced and ruined. "Yes, tomorrow is my peak day." It's a small white lie and not totally untruthful as fate will prove. "Then you will have to come back tomorrow too. I'll have another special delivery for you so that we can get you fixed up good and proper." "This is crazy. My husband will leave me." "Good, divorce his useless white ass and take his money. It must be all he's good for anyhow, if he was given you a good fuck than you wouldn't be here now, would you?" As the young nigger enters you again, are your thoughts on what this means to your marriage, or how your little ones will feel when mommy gives them a little mulatto brother or sister, or are your thoughts simply on how much you actually hope that you will conceive as the boy now fucks you to multiple orgasms. The final one is his and he plants you with his thick, potent seed. It will be a couple weeks until you get your confirmation, but that night as you will lay in bed with your husband, you already will know the truth. And as you drift off to sleep, it will be with a smile on your face at this `new life' you have started to make for yourself... 3514 1.16/512345
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