Wednesday, October 31, 2012
An Education In Cuckoldry
By C.D.E. Story Content:(M+/F, MM, MF, Inter, Impreg, FemDom, MDom) ABSTRACT: The husband of a high school adult education teacher learns about being a Cuckold the hard way STORY: An Education In Cuckoldry Author: C.D.E. CAST: Husband-Ralph Wife-Regina Wife's Boss-Dr. Rick Roland CHAPTER 1: THE APPOINTMENT "Ralph, I'm glad you could arrange to meet me here this evening. I know the lateness of the hour may be inconvenient, but I think I have something that will help us both." "Dr. Roland, I was rather surprised at your call for this meeting, and especially for you wanting it to be confidential, a-and not for me to tell anyone, especially my wife about it." "The reason I did so Ralph is because I've recently learned you've been concerned about your wife's activities since she joined this special adult education project eight months ago. Am I right?" "H-How did you know?" "I'll tell you all in good time. Lets just say, I just happened to have found out that you've been curious about her change in dress fashions - you know more revealing attire and shorter skirts, change in hair style, and most importantly, her, shall we say her changed attitude about sex as well as your detection of her vagina seeming enlarged." "H-How in the w-world... Dr. Roland d-did you f-find out all..." "Ralph, I'll answer your questions in due time. However, let me go back to the reason for asking you over. First of all, you know the students we have for this program are all adult minority male students - all are black. They are the hard core unemployed and the aim of this pilot program is an approach of finding new ways to address the educational needs of this group. This project is near and dear to me. I don't want it clouded by scandal, especially where one of my white teachers is sexually involved with the students." "Y-You mean Regina is..." "Yes, I have proof that your wife is sexually involved with several of our students and I'm worried about her being able to continue performing professionally. However, my hope is that I could obtain her removal indirectly, discreetly and without me having to do so. That's where you come in." "Me?" "Yes you. Now I can answer all your questions, but I tell you what, lets run a few minutes of this secret video I secretly shot first and then I can tell you my plan." Dr. Roland took a video from his desk drawer and slipped it into the TV VCR combo near his desk. Moments later the scene of a conference room appeared on the screen. Moments later there was the noise of a group of black men walking in the room. From their conversation it was apparent they were waiting on someone. The more the four men talked the more apparent it was a woman they were waiting on. A few words later, to Ralph's chagrin, he learned that the `bitch' `hoe' and `slut' they'd been referring to was Regina, his wife. It couldn't be overlooked that the men kept handling the bulges in their pants. They were rather sizeable too. Just then on the video, his wife walked in the room. She greeted them gleefully as she locked the door after entering. "Hi darlings." He heard her say as she held out her arms for the nearest tall black male, who also extended his arms and they soon embraced in a tight passionate embrace. Their lips locked and his big black hands roamed all over her shapely rear. Soon the other three black students gathered around and groped his wife's ass as she still was in the arms of the black man. They broke their embrace and she was quickly in the arms of another student. Except this time it was very visible that she was reaching over to grope the very visible outline of an erection in the pants of one of the students standing adjacent to her. As the video continued, Ralph was shocked speechless. After their greeting sessions, he couldn't believe the group was removing his wife's and their clothes. In no time, his wife was down to just her open bra, open crotch, and stockings. He was not only stunned by their undressing and the conversation being carried on, he was heard his wife discussing some of the things that Dr. Roland had mentioned to him earlier. As the men were shedding their clothes, it hurt Ralph to hear them chuckle at his wife tell them how he - her husband - had commented to her on how stretched and looser her cunt seemed to be. They laughed even louder when she told them what her reply was. "Ralph, it's all in your mind." The group also roared with laughter when his wife made a comparison of their big stalwart cocks to her husband's smaller "bird prick". He was hurt by the banter of his wife and the group, but couldn't help but be impressed by the size of the genitals his wife was eagerly fondling and caressing on the video. "Seen enough Ralph?" Spoke Dr., Roland as he stopped the video at the moment after the first black man penetrated his wife's apparently well lubricated pussy. Ralph simple nodded his head. He was still speechless. Dr. Roland went on to explain why he wanted Ralph to have the video. "So you see Ralph, I want you to have this so that you can use it for whatever reason you deemed necessary, maybe even for grounds for a divorce. It certainly seems proof enough of your lovely wife's adultery - with several men to boot too. However, it could also be used to rein her in and make her more captive to you." "More captive?" "Of course. By holding this over her head, she'd be yours, and so much under your control." He said with a slick, unprofessional, grin on his face. After a brief moment of thought, he liked what he was saying, even though he was still upset at discovering his wife's infidelity. "However, there is one small matter that I must insist on." Ralph asked him for clarification. "You see I don't wish to have my name come up in this whole matter, that's why I said I'd like for you to use this tape to influence your wife to quit the project." "I understand." Ralph replied. "However, to be sure you don't feel obliged to bring my name up in regard to this matter, I've come up with what I feel is a fool proof way to ensure your confidence on this matter. However, I'm not sure how you're going to agree with it." What Dr. Roland told the dismayed husband, who'd just discovered he was a cuckold, what he had in mind, Ralph almost fell out of his chair. "W-What! S-Suck you off!" Ralph stammered in shock. "Yes. That way every time you feel inclined to reveal your source of this videotape, you'll remember the price you had to pay and be less inclined to do so. Incidentally, I have two more tapes like this. I've been secretly taping your wife and the students over the last two months. That's how I knew so much about your suspicions. She told the students all about you." "B-But surely Dr. Roland, there must be a more reasonable way for you and..." "There may be, but this is my way. It's a take or leave it situation. Either you suck my dick for this tape or I make sure it gets into more public channels. Imagine the field day others will have with such graphic and irrefutable proof of your wife's infidelity, not to mention her explicit discussion of your, shall we say, shortcomings." His words were like nails being driven in Ralph's hands. He could imagine the pain of a public disclosure. His wife would not only be ruined, but there was also a good chance he too could lose his job. If they stayed married, they'd both be required to move out of state and have to find new jobs. The prospects of not going along with Dr. Roland's extortion was not a pleasant thought, but neither was being a cocksucker for him either. "B-But Dr. Roland. Surely you r-realize this is-is something I-I just don't do everyday. I-I don't know h-how to..." "How to suck cock?" He interjected cutting off Ralph's stammering and slowness to reply. "Don't worry, I'll guide you through it. You'll get the hang of my dick in your mouth in no time. And don't worry, you won't choke. I'll tell you when I'm coming." Ralph felt a pang in his gut at the very thought of having to accept this man's slimy ejaculate in his mouth. The whole idea seemed so repulsive to him. Dr. Roland apparently sensed what the troubled husband was thinking. Dr. Roland then went on to paint a picture of all the couple would have to go through if there was a public disclosure of his wife's activities. He really drove home the point of her losing her teaching license and the real possibility of her leaving him. "To some extent Ralph, her public exposure would probably drive her to become more of a blackman's slut. Which means you'd probably lose her forever. Apparently, she knows you love her very much. That's why she loves you. She's said so on the tapes. In fact she's told her black lovers that several times on the tapes. So you see, by you causing me to surface these tapes in a more public manner, you're the one who is actually failing her and not keeping your marriage intact. Is that what you want?" Ralph looked him with glaring eyes. He was angry. "And don't get any idea of trying to grab that tape from the VCR and running out the door. You're no match for me. Besides I have two other's that are just as incriminating." That statement cooled any thoughts Ralph may have had about trying to be brave and aggressive, which was out of character for him anyway. It didn't take much to cower him. "P-Please Dr. Roland. I-I can't..." "Sure you can." He replied cutting the terrified husband off again. "Just think of it as an opportunity to save your marriage and get your wife under your control. The woman you love. You both were virgins when you got married. Right? Yes, your wife's told her black studs a lot of little family secrets. Just imagine the three tapes being aired on one of those X-rated cable channels. You and her both would become famous, even if in a notorious way." Ralph looked at him. He knew Dr. Roland knew he was scared stiff of the very thought of what he was saying. "What's a little strange taste in your mouth and a little private humiliation compared to the worse public humiliation this will bring on to you and your mother and father, your church. Need I go on? And to think you could prevent it all by just doing this one little thing. It's time for you to be a man and be courageous." Dr. Roland started walking over to where Ralph sat in a wooden straight back chair. Dr. Roland was a tall man, over six-two. He began unbuckling his belt as he walked the short distance of six feet or so. Ralph was more than terrified. He was glued to his seat with anxiety and fright. He was frozen in place, too scared to move. It seemed so quick, but yet as it was happening, it seemed like in slow motion. When Dr. Roland arrived directly in front of the horrified cowed husband, his pants were on the floor around his ankles, and in front of Ralph's face was a very large ebony penis, which its owner grasped like a club and swung in front of Ralph's bewildered face. "It's time to protect and defend your marriage Ralph. It's the right thing to do." The whole scene was surreal. Dr. Roland's words, while out of synch with normal logic, did make some sense to the bewildered beleaguered husband. Dr. Roland reached over and guided Ralph's hand to his large, but still soft black member. Ralph seemed to have no strength left to resist the dictates of the tall black man. Capitulating, he simply did as he was told. Dr. Roland complimented Ralph on the softness of his hands as he told him how to handle his impressive black manhood. The effect on Dr. Roland's penis appeared almost instantly. Soon Ralph noticed the flaccid penis slowly, but surely, lengthening and extending and filling out. He was ashamed and horrified but yet titillated at what was happening, inches in front of his face and because of his actions. He knew he wasn't gay, but he also discovered it wasn't that unpleasant to fondle and feel this blackman's big cock either. CHAPTER 2: LIVING WITH A SECRET As Ralph drove home, he mentally replayed his initiation into becoming a cocksucker for his wife's boss, Dr. Rick Roland. He couldn't put out of his mind his first lap of the swollen giant bloated velvet smooth cockhead. He couldn't forget the heat of the man's black meat and the smooth rigidity of the long black shaft as it slid back and forth in his white mouth. He was hard pressed not to forget the force of the hot gooey semen spewing and spurting over his tongue and flooding the interior of his mouth. Especially how the black man's viscous cum coated and clung to his gums. Ralph was frightened at how easy it was to suck the black man and how easy for him to receive and swallow the man's slimy hot discharge in his mouth. The taste wasn't that objectionable and even with Dr. Roland's insistence that he not do anything to wash the after taste from his mouth for a while, Ralph found it not at all unpleasant. Ralph knew he wasn't gay, but there was something elusive about the taste of the hot load of jism in his stomach. About three miles from home, Ralph stopped and bought a soda to finally wash the after taste from his mouth. He'd have two more opportunities to try and describe the elusive taste he's been trying to assign to his first taste of sperm. That's because Dr. Roland let Ralph know that he would have to come back next week for the second tape and the week after that for the third. At each visit for the videos Dr. Roland expected the extorted husband to suck his black cock. Ralph could only resign himself to what was being imposed on him. As he neared his front door, he put the video in his coat pocket until he could safely hide it in his workshop. Dr. Roland advised not revealing any of them to his wife until he had all three. Ralph didn't like it, but at the same time he also needed time to think on how he was going to reveal to his wife that he knew about her gross and brazen infidelity. "Hi Honey! I got your call. It's horrible you had to work late tonight." "Hi dear. How was your day?" He asked making sure he sounded normal and in no way suspicious, in view of all I'd seen and done earlier. In response she went into a detailed discussion about her success and failures in teaching various topics to her students. He occasionally got a few things in about his day as they ate dinner. Ralph later managed to hide the videotape in his workshop. The tape he'd paid dearly for by sucking a big black cock. All through the evening, he was tempted to allude in some way to the real going ons with the special project his wife was working on, but true to his promise to Dr. Roland, he didn't. CHAPTER 3: ON THE HOME FRONT In the following days after obtaining and viewing the first video, Ralph became more aware of the pattern of his wife putting him off more and more when it came to sex. That is, she wasn't up to intercourse, which was normally only once a week for them anyway. Her tension headaches were numerous and her attitude toward her husband was that she was providing him mercy sex, when she did provide him sexual relief, even though she didn't used those exact words. Instead, she desired mostly oral sex. They did some 69 now and then, but much more of where she insisted he eat her first and then she'd suck or jerk him off. He noticed, as of late it had been more of the latter. That is where she'd start licking his prick and then end up stroking him to completion. Ralph, after becoming aware that other more robust cocks were nestling in his wife's snatch had a far different reaction when sucking her now than prior to finding out she was a slut for her black adult students. He'd noticed for sometime that she was juicer than normal and her gash did appear to be more gapping, but he didn't concern himself with that until recently. It was odd, but he didn't find himself hating her as much as he thought he would. He was more afraid she'd leave him. The scenario Dr. Roland discussed worried him far more than the fact he was licking pussy that black men were fucking regularly. CHAPTER 4: PAYING ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN The second installment payment to Dr. Roland went rather smoothly, that is if you can call blackmail payments a normal occurrence, especially if the payments are in the form of blowjobs. The only difference this time was that he wanted something extra. "B-But Dr. Roland I-I don't see where..." "Ralph, what the difference if you lick my balls a while. Okay, instead of a minute, go for 30 seconds. After all, you're licking my dick. If you're doing that, why worry about lapping my hot balls? They're all in the same place." Ralph was sure he could get Dr. Roland to bend on such a trivial mater. The Doctor wouldn't bulge. He was also intimidating as he stood over Ralph who was already on his knees looking up at the tall well built black man. "C'mon Ralph, let's get this over with and stop haggling over trifles. You need these tapes and I got them. Either I use `em to do what I gotta do or you use them to handle this in your own way. If I use them, you and your wife get shamed. You can use them more discreetly and get her to quit the program or to quit fucking my students. You make the choice. Now lick my balls and my suck dick or get out. I don't know why I'm fooling around with you. I should've use these tapes to fuck your wife." Ralph got busy after hearing the implied threats. He at first gingerly began to lick Dr. Roland's big hairy balls but increased the level of his efforts after the good doctor grabbed the back of his head and prompted him to increase the activity of his tonguing action. A few moments later, Ralph was back in familiar territory. He had Dr. Roland's big black tool nestled firmly in his throat as he moved his head back and forth on the rigid ebony shaft of dick meat. As before, he was holding and kneading those large silky sac of balls as he mouthed the black man's impressive tool. After close to 10 minutes of mouthing the large heated dick, Ralph was alerted to the impending ejaculation brewing in Dr. Roland's balls. The moan emanating from him, just as last time, meant that show time was near. A time when Ralph the dutiful husband was doing what he could to save his wife and himself from overt embarrassment. A split second later, Dr. Roland's cock pulsed and the first powerful spurt filled the white husband's mouth. He knew to start swallowing, for the second and others soon followed quickly. Ralph's timing was perfect this time. He swallowed and gulped in perfect unison to each volley of hot sticky gluey blast of the man's abundant jism. As before a week ago, on the way home, Ralph still was trying to describe the after taste of cum from Dr. Roland's big dick. This time, Dr. Roland also insisted on being milked for what seemed like forever, even if it as only five minutes. A week later Ralph went through the same ordeal, but was far more comfortable with his cock sucking duties. He wasn't sure why he thanked Dr. Roland for the last tape, after all the man had degraded and humiliated him something terrible. "Now Ralph, I hope you will remain true to your word and not involve my name in this. After all, I did this to ensure it wouldn't come up. And I hope me putting you through this unorthodox little exercise reminds you of your commitment to me." Ralph mentally recalled the words as he drove away. CHAPTER 5: THE SHOWDOWN "Ralph! Where did you get this a-awful video? His wife cried out. "It doesn't matter Regina. The important thing is that I have them and nobody else. It took me a bit of doing, and hard work to get them. But now that I, rather we, have them, it's time for us to talk about you getting off the special project and being more of the wife I use to have before all this came about. I forgive you Regina darling and we can destroy these tapes here and now." "All nice and neat huh, Ralph. I'm afraid not honey. You see Ralph, once you go black, it's true, I don't know if I can go back to what you have to offer me in the bed. I love you as a husband, but us staying together depends on you accepting me still getting all the black dicks I want on the side." "R-Regina, I-I know you're upset about me springing this on you all at once. So l-lets just take time to talk this over and let things sink in." "Well, let me show you a video and you let this sink in honey. Then we'll talk some more." Ralph saw his wife take a video out of her school brief case and replace the one he had of her and the black adult job core students. "DING DONG!" The doorbell rang. "Perfect timing. You go ahead dear, I'm expecting someone." Ralph was surprised at his wife's reactions. He pondered who could it be. They rarely had visitors after work except for pizza delivery. Ralph's curiosity quickly switched back to the new video as he clicked the remote. A moment later after the initial blank lead on the tape, he immediately recognized the furnishings in the scene on the video. Then people came into view. His mouth dropped wide open and he was speechless as the action unfolded before him. "You're fairly photogenic Ralph, don't you think?" "Ralph snapped his head around to see the smiling face of Dr. Roland with he and his wife arm in arm. Both grinning broadly as they watched the drained expression on Ralph's flushed face. Ralph felt dizzy. He hadn't eaten lunch and was almost on the verge of an anxiety attack as he anticipated revealing his tapes to his wife. Now with this extra shock and an empty stomach, he fainted on the sofa. "Ralph! Ralph! Ralph honey, you hear me!" He could hear his wife's voice off in the distance. Then it came closer and closer. "He's coming around. See, his eyes are opening now." Ralph heard Dr. Roland's heavy bass voice speak. Later as the three sat around the kitchen table, Ralph was told all about the plot to entrap him so that he wouldn't interfere with his wife's plans to keep getting sex on the side from not only her students, but primarily from Dr. Rick Roland, her boss. "You had us scared there for a minute Ralph. I'd asked Regina if you had any heart problems. I'm glad you told us you hadn't eaten and you were just wound too tight also, hence your fainting at being caught on tape the same way your lovely wife had. The big difference of course was that she was acting and you weren't." Dr. Roland spoke as the three ate the large pizzas that he'd brought along. "S-So y-you two are involved a-and the students too?" Stammered Ralph, still not feeling all that great emotionally, after discovering what a fool he'd been made of. "Yes darling. Let's just say, it's way to keep their minds on their studies." His wife replied with a broad smile on her face. In the surreal atmosphere, Ralph asked probing questions as he ate and got his strength back. His wife and her co-conspirator, Dr. Rick Roland let her husband know that the tape of him Fellating Dr. Roland was far more damaging than that of his wife should he use it to get back at her or seek a divorce. "You see honey, I can always claim that I was a lonely unsatisfied wife who was not getting what her husband failed to provide. And with this tape of you on your knees, not once, but three times, notice the times and dates in the different scenes. What jury wouldn't understand your preference and blame me for stepping out?" Sitting silent and not knowing what to say or do, he heard how the camera angle was carefully selected to show the time and date and him in all his glory, but not Dr. Roland's face. "We didn't record voices on the video as not to have Rick's voice on the tape." His wife stated with a smug expression. Her husband was still in a daze as he tried to absorb all that'd happened and been perpetrated on him. CHAPTER 6: A CHANGING MARRIAGE Ralph took a long look at his sleeping wife before he left the bedroom and went in the kitchen to make coffee. His thoughts were on the events of last night. He was glad it was Saturday morning and neither of them had to go to work. As he sipped hot coffee, he had to be realistic. He knew that his marriage was not going to be the same, as before the current turn of events. Moments later, he could hear the shower. He was surprised that his wife didn't sleep in longer, especially in view of the sexual work out that Rick Roland had put her through with Ralph being forced to watch. Ralph was lost in thought as things turned over and over in his mind. He almost didn't hear his wife's footsteps. "Morning darling. I hope you slept as well as I did." "M-Morning Regina." Ralph stammered as his wife's greeting broke his chain of thought. "Y-You know I-I did t-that for him because I love you?" Ralph said to his wife as she sat down with her cup of Java. "I know you did darling. It made me feel so good to know that you'd suck cock to protect my name. But seeing you do him on the video, and especially the way you milked him after he pulled out of me last night, meant a lot to me. Have you ever sucked dick before our little trickery?" "Of course not!" Her husband replied in an indignant tone. "There's no reason to sound like that honey. The past really doesn't matter now anyway does it? The future is what we have to work on." "Regina, d-do you still love me, o-or is it Dr. Roland?" Ralph spoke sheepishly after getting up enough nerve. "Of course I love you honey." His wife said as she bent over and pecked him on the forehead. "Rick Roland is sort of a fantasy come true for me. You know, every girl's `real man' fantasy. Honey, I have to confess. It was because of me that Rick came up with the scheme to entrap you darling." "You?" "Yes. You see I told him that you were getting more and more suspicious of the changes with me, not to mention my cunt being a bit more stretched." She stopped to chuckle as she looked at her husband who was not amused. "Well anyway, I told Rick that while I adored being with him and the sexual excitement he'd brought into my life, I knew my real love was you Ralph. Remember Rick saying last night what a lucky man you were to have had him go through so much trouble for? He was really referring to all the work in setting you up and planning all the video work with me and the students, as well as your being on video." "Y-You saying you loved me really means a lot to me Regina. B-But the role you and he want for me, is, uh... is so humiliating. H-How can I-I just turn my back to the fact that y-you're going t-to be nothing m-more than his concubine a-and worse... a-a sex toy for the adult education students." "Honey, don't look on as it humiliation. You've got the wrong attitude. Look upon it as doing your part to improve race relations." "What! Y-You can't be serious?" Ralph raised up his back in the chair. "Well that's what's really going on. But the bottom line dear is that I don't want to lose you. I love you and I want you to stay with me on this. After all, maybe I wouldn't be lusting after Rick or the big dicks of my students if you had more of what they had." His wife replied in a more serious tone after being rebuffed by her husband on her `race relations' concept. She could tell she hit her husband of five years below the belt. "I'm sorry honey. That's cruel of me and really not fair. But you do understand that for the first time I'm getting sex I'd never dreamed was possible for me before." "I-I know. T-This is all so much for me to take in, b-but I-I do see your point. A-And I guess I should be glad y-you still want me around, even if only I can p-please you b-by lick-licking you." "And I need that darling. I need you doing that for me very much. Sure their big black dicks are two and three times bigger than yours, but when you love me with your tongue, we're making love. It's special because I know you're doing it because you love me. With Rick and the guys, it's more lust between us. I'm just a piece of white ass to them." Her husband felt much better at her revelation, but as the couple talked about how they'd make their marriage work in the future, it became very clear to Ralph, his role would not only be that of the lesser man, but a much lesser man. "Not every time?" "Yes honey, every time. You know Rick made you promise last night to do it all the time. Plus, it'll let me know you still love and respect me throughout all this. Besides, you didn't seem to have a problem eating Rick's hot cum straight from his dick, what's the matter with sucking it from my pussy? After all, it comes from the same place, and you've sucked my cunt many, many times before. Plus, I am your wife." "O-Okay, if y-you want me to, I-I guess I'll do it. The only reason I-I did it last night after he did you was because he kept threatening me with that damn tape. Do you t-think he'd really use it a-against me?" "Yes Ralph he would. So don't be foolish and try to avoid doing what he or I want you to do." "You seem to have a lot of influence with him. You would try and stop him if I put my foot down on him basically taking over our marriage. You know I have to try?" "Honey, first of all you don't have to try. Forget the manly pride thing. You're too weak to make it happen. You know that. Anyway, I won't support you. I have feelings for and need Rick. I love and need you. But if you want out, tell me and I'll leave. We can get a divorce and I'll see if Rick will give you the tape. Who knows, he might. Then again, he might not. He might send it into your company. Hence, you might leave me and be ruined professionally too. But if you still want to be in my life, you can expect the tape of you to be used as a threat if you don't cooperate. Understood?" His wife's word's hit him like a bolt of lighting. This was the first direct indication that he could completely lose his wife to her black lover. He knew he had not a single chance or any hopes of keeping her other than to do as they desired of him. "Understood honey? I must have your answer that you know your place. Otherwise, there is no need for us to go on together." His wife asked a second time. "I-I understand m-my p-place, Regina. P-Please don't leave me." Her husband said in a broken voice as he looked down in his empty cup. "That's better darling. It's all going to work out. It'll be good for both of us." Regina said as she mentally gloated. She put her arm around him, kissed him on the cheek and praised him for doing the right thing. He didn't notice the smile of triumph on her face, which signaled the thrill she got from forcing her will against his. CHAPTER 7: A NEW STYLE OF MARRIAGE "You're going out tonight?" Ralph asked as his wife appeared dressed in a thigh high mini and heels. She looked so vivacious and tantalizing. Accustomed to them spending a quiet Saturday night in front of the TV, he was somewhat shocked at her plans, which he hadn't found out about until that moment. "Rick's going to take me out for dinner, dancing and a little bar hopping." "O-Oh, I-I see. C-Can I-I go along?" "No darling, it's better you stay home. By the way, here is a list of things I just didn't feel like doing today. Be a sweetie and work on them while I'm out." Ralph, surprised at the sudden attitude change in his wife, looked at the chore list. Knowing that a better man was taking over his wife and had won her over as a co-conspirator in his subjugation, he felt too ashamed to reply. He accepted the list in silence. That Saturday night was the beginning of a pattern of behavior that would become common place in the lives of Regina and Ralph. Oftentimes, Regina would leave on Friday nights and wouldn't show up home until Sunday afternoon. However, she required her husband to always be at home when she called to check on him. Ralph was getting an increased share of pussy from his wife. The only problem was that Rick Roland or one of his students had always been in, and come in his wife first when it was presented to him. Always, Ralph was required to lick his wife's juicy gooey semen coated pussy whenever she came in from being sexed. When she let him, he was allowed to insert his much smaller prick in her after his tongue douche. She didn't always permit him that privilege. Sometimes she didn't feel up to letting him enter her. Other times, Dr. Roland would call Ralph and let him know that his wife needed a rest and that he, her own husband was not to pester her by asking for some, since he, Dr. Roland wanted her rested and fresh so she could open her legs for himself or the students, mostly the latter, who'd done very well on a test or pop quiz. Ralph knew he had no choice except to accept such abject degradation if he wanted to keep his lovely wife whom he adored deeply, even if she was now a slut to blackmen and their humongous cocks. He'd heard stories of white wives leaving their mates once they'd sampled black cocks, but he never thought it'd happen to him. Ralph struggled with the fact that he didn't lose any love for his wife and even found himself becoming sympathetic to her being happy that she could keep him and her black studs. Even though he was seeing a side of his wife that was foreign to him until now, he'd comes to realize that she wanted him around so that she could dominate and cuckold him. He suspects that his beautiful wife can only find a kind of pity for him after being around such confident and well endowed men as Rick Roland and the group of well hung black adult students. He can see that his wife does have genuine concern and cares for him, but how she expresses or shows it is all on her terms. Terms, Ralph senses, that she expects him to accept and abide by, which he does. In certain ways he feels deserving of her treatment, due to him not being able to deliver her the sex that Rick Roland and the others are giving her routinely. In a way, he sees that she needs and deserves this. In other ways he feels pangs of defeat and total helplessness. CHAPTER 8: A SENSE OF BALANCE As they sat across from each other enjoying after dinner coffee, Ralph noticed how radiant and pleasant his lovely wife looked this evening. He assumed it was because she basically had everything going her way. She had her `real men' and him. She could enjoy them in the normal way, and him, her husband, in a way that addressed her latent dominant or perverted nature. Even if perverted, it kept him in her life and that had some value to him, just to be with her, even if in a lesser role than he'd ever envisioned previously in his wildest dreams. He knew it was odd, but it pleased him that things were in balance for her even if it was out of kilter for him. It had been seven months since Dr. Roland had basically taken over their marriage and claimed his wife as his woman and slut. But so far, while things were out of whack in one way, they were in balance in another. That is, Ralph had gotten fairly use to being not counted as a man when Rick Roland, or the grown students he sent around for Regina to service, were in their house. It took a while, but Ralph soon resigned himself that it was hopeless to mope all the time because he was no match either physically or sexually or able to compete with the parade of black men that came to enjoy his wife sexually. He soon took comfort in his wife's words that sucking her cunt after it was fucked and filled with other men's cum was his exclusive domain. He knew it was her desire to focus his sexual talents on his pussy sucking ability, with masturbation basically what he could look forward to with any sort of certainty for sexual relief. This became normal routine sex for the couple. CHAPTER 9: THE THIRD BEDROOM "Ralph honey, I guess it's time we start thinking about seriously decorating that third bedroom." "Why?" He replied to his wife with a puzzled look on his face. "Well darling, our family is going to increase in a few months, thank to Rick." "Now look Regina, Rick is not going to move any of his students in here. It's bad enough to have them coming over to see you for... uh, well you know, anyway, having one of them move in is out of the question. He's really pushing things ..." "Ralph! No students are coming to stay. That's not what I mean. I mean you're going to be a daddy, thanks to Rick." "W-W-What! Y-You m-mean you're ..." Her husband was having the hardest time uttering the word that didn't seem to want to seem to come from his lips. "Yes darling, I'm pregnant. I'm going to be a mommy, and you a daddy. Isn't that wonderful?" Ralph sat speechless with a bewildered expression on his face as he heard his wife tell how Dr. Roland told her he wanted them to raise his child. How she stop taking her birth control pills. Ralph's wife went into great details on how she made sure all the black adult students used condoms, when she gave them their weekly prize for having good grades. "And of course darling, there was no problem with you and I, since you've just been my pussy eater doing the time I was being inseminated." She said in a matter-of-fact manner in her explanation. Her husband, still dumbfounded, only got more flushed in the face at her last words. "I can tell you're upset dear, but I want his baby, and if you truly love me, as you say, you will accept it as your child too, because the baby will be a part of me too." "I-I just don't k-know what to say. I-I mean sexing you was one thing, b-but y-you having his b-baby is another. Y-You do l-love him, d-don't you?" "Maybe in a way I do, but it's different between he and I, versus you and I. He did ask me if I would let him knock me up to prove I really cared for him. He knows I truly love you sweetheart. He was trying to determine my true feelings for him." "I-I see. T-Then I-I guess it-it's over for us since you didn't consult with me first." Ralph said in a dejected tone. "Of course not honey. This shouldn't change a thing between us. You see, it was his idea to surprise you with the news. He said, this would be an acid test of whether you really loved me. He said if a man truly has an unselfish love for his woman, he won't mind her having a baby by her lover, especially one who can give her what he can't in the bed. I guess I was persuaded by his argument and went along with the plan. Well, honey do you think you really love me or is it shallow and not true love." Ralph looked even more flustered as he let his wife's words soak in. "Regina, I-I guess I-I see his viewpoint, b-but having his baby is-is s-so significant. Before this, I-I thought that things were settling down and that m-maybe things would go back to normal after y-you got your fill of Rick a-and the students. B-But now, I-I guess that's not to be." "No darling, you're right. That's definitely not to be. Black dicks are here to stay in my life... or is it going to be our lives?" Ralph paused and pondered at his wife's leading statement, as she waited for his reply. After a long pause, her husband meekly and softly said "O-Our lives dear." CHAPTER 10: A YEAR LATER As Ralph walked in the door carrying "their" four month old son, named Roland, he made a mental note to check out the sale on disposable diapers, he'd heard about on the car radio as he drove home from the day care. Since he got off from work earlier than Regina, it was his duty to pick up the baby on the way home. Ralph repeatedly praised his decision to agree with his wife and Rick Roland selling their old home and buying a new one in a different area of the county. The new subdivision was also more racially diverse so Ralph wasn't as embarrassed now as he would've been in the previous neighborhood being seen as the father of a mixed baby. Even though his new neighbors and the public still gave he and his wife a second look when they were out with their new black son. Ralph had gotten pretty much accustomed to the daily routine of spending more time with Roland than his wife, since Roland's biological father, Dr. Rick Roland usually kept her late for business and personal duties. Ralph had become more attached to his new son, more than he'd planned, because of his long tours of babysitting while his wife spent so much time with Dr. Roland and the Special Education Project. CHAPTER 11: ANOTHER BUNDLE OF JOY "Honey, Rick was so excited that he got this class of student's scores at the highest level yet. He thinks he's really hit on a way to get them to do their best on the state comprehensive exam they have to pass at the end of the program." Her husband, always enjoying talking with his wife, was only lukewarm to hearing yet more praise about her lover. "Good for him." Ralph said in a lackluster fashion. "And well, it's good for us too darling." His wife said in a soft coy voice. "Why?" Ralph replied in a quizzical tone. "Well honey, you know you and I have talked about getting our family started, since I've proven my love to Rick and had his baby." "Regina darling, I'm so glad we can get on with our lives. When are you going off your birth control so we can get started? I can't wait to have you more like a husband should." "Honey, I know this is going to come as a shock to you. And I... I want you to know I truly love you as my soul mate and marriage partner and helpmate." "Yes Regina dear, what is it you're trying to say." "Well Ralph, I've been off the pill for two months, and I'm already expecting our second child." Ralph, started to stand up, but slumped back in his chair, looking flushed and flustered. Bewilderment showed clearly on his face. Regina went on to explain how Dr. Roland was able to get the students to do so well on the state comprehensive exam. Her poor husband's eyes open their widest as he sat speechless at what was being revealed to him. "So by offering me to them unprotected, and with the opportunity of the highest ranking student, or students in the case of a tie, having the opportunity to knock me up, he really got those score up there in the stratosphere." Ralph, still speechless and horrified at how calmly his radiant wife was informing him, sat frozen. He could only listen and try to process what was happening to him. He heard it but couldn't believe it. "We had three students tie for the highest score, so I won't know who the father is until the baby is born. But Ralph darling, it'll be our bundle of joy and love." Regina stated in a cooing and sensuous voice. Ralph, not at all happy about another baby that wasn't his, not to mention another black baby that would further embarrass him. However, he knew the score. He knew Dr. Roland would for sure hold the incriminating video over his head and insist he be the devoted daddy of another bastard his wife would have. Ralph was still very much in love with his wife, even though he was being cuckolded in the worst way. He couldn't get her out of his system, even if she seemed to be a willing participant in his subjugation to her and the controlling Dr. Roland. He hated Rick Roland, but yet admired the man for his good looks, confidence, and sexing prowess, yet hated him for what he was doing to him and Regina. Ralph, never really confrontational, felt trapped between the woman he loved and the man she apparently had very strong emotional feelings for. Enough so for her to have his baby and those of others who he sent to her. Ralph persevered as his wife began to swell with their second child. The baby was a girl and his wife quickly identified which student who was the father. His wife seemed so gleeful. Ralph, somber as he held "his" new tan skin baby daughter, stood by his wife's hospital bed. Nearby, Dr. Roland congratulated them both on their newest family member. He hated the hospital staff seeing his white wife and her black boss so chummy. That is, if you call long passionate French kisses as being chummy. As time went on, Ralph grew accustomed to his new daughter just as he had to "his" first son, Roland. On their daughter's first birthday, his wife announced she was pregnant again. It was obvious she was looking for a reaction from her enervated husband, who she knew now not only understood his place but also had adapted rather well to his domestic duties as the resident baby sitter and nanny of the house. She was also pleased at his fatherly rapport with the two children fathered by other men. Ralph, since his schedule was more flexible, fed the kids in the morning and got them ready for day care. It was also his duty to pick them up. Many times he had to fix dinner and put them to bed. His wife Regina, whose work consumed her, at least that's what she told her husband, came home late and left early for work, thereby leaving her husband, Ralph with doing a great part of the child raring responsibilities. Additionally, her salary had long ago surpassed his, hence she could also dominate her husband on the financial front too, when he complained about sharing the work related to child rearing responsibilities. When "their" third child, a boy, was born, Ralph was having his hands full since he was still doing most of the work on the domestic front, while his wife's career was growing by leaps and bounds. Regina was a supervisor with several educators under her. Everyone on the project knew she was the boss's woman. Ralph went to a social function with Regina and one would've thought that she and Dr. Roland were married as much as they had their arms around each other and were pecking each other on the mouth. His wife did peck her husband on the cheek once and that was on the way to be with Rick Roland. Ralph, a stranger to his wife's and Rick Roland's professional co-workers, staff and friends, was totally embarrassed and humiliated by the outright disregard for him and the brazen actions of his wife and her boss. To add insult to injury, Regina and Rick Roland disappeared to one of the bedrooms in the house where a cocktail party was being held. When they returned it didn't take much to figure out as to what they'd been doing. Ralph knew the countenance on his wife's face to know that she'd been freshly fucked. "Well, I'm returning your wife." Rick Roland said to Ralph with a wink as he and Regina walked back in the room arm in arm. "She's made the evening quite enjoyable, quite enjoyable indeed." Rick Roland added. Ralph was seething under his breath, but knew it was useless to say or do anything. His only course, suffer silently and get on his wife about her sluttish behavior. As they drove home Ralph started on her about how she humiliated him in front of she and Rick Roland's co- workers. His wife let him go on as she sat silent. "Well, aren't you going to say something about your behavior?" "Are you through telling me how much you've suffered under Rick, Ralph darling?" "Please Regina, this is not a joke. Y-You and Rick Roland h-have made m-me a joke in front of y-your coworkers a-and..." "Keep your eyes on the road honey, we don't need an accident." His wife cut him off as Ralph's voice began to crack with emotion as he complained of his subjugation. "Now Ralph sweetie, Rick and I were a bit naughty tonight. But it was all done for a reason. That reason was to let professional enemies of Rick know that it was no use in trying to blackmail him or me about our closeness. With you there, they all could see you were not a factor in his and my relationship, and hence they shouldn't consider taking up your time with such shenanigans as complaining to you about Rick and I. So you see dear, by us causing you a bit of social discomfort, we prevented strangers from bothering you with such things later." Her husband was silent. He was processing the cunning logic of his wife's explanation, as well as how she phrased her wording. "I-I see." He replied after a moment or so, in a soft pathetic tone. This pleased his wife as she smiled to herself in the dark interior of the car. "But don't worry darling, you know you'll get your turn in my pussy when we get home." Regina said in a sweet sensuous tone. Ralph knew what that meant. Even though he wanted to be close and intimate with his lovely wife on his terms, it was clear that her lover had priority. He had learned to live with that. He had also become acclimated and resigned to it. He hated the idea of not only being allowed sloppy seconds, but also forced to eat up sloppy seconds before putting his prick in her. It was a slap in the face. Yet he had been slapped so many times this way, it was not an issue anymore. Ralph was silent the rest of the way home. EPILOGUE The special project was in it's sixth year and Dr. Roland had become famous for the progress he'd achieved with the students that had gone through his program. So famous in fact, that he was offered a high administrative position in the State Education Department. Regina became his executive assistant. Her husband Ralph quit his job after he and Regina's fourth child, which was fathered by another of the special project's students who did exceptionally well on his state comprehensive exam. After "their" fourth new family addition, his wife had three more black babies, including a set of twins from Rick Roland and another child from another "honors" adult student. Ralph, with no say in the matter, was forced by his wife and her black lover to be a house spouse and nanny for "their" seven kids. ###END### Comments? C.D.E. at 5776 1.41/512345
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