Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Debby's Dark Lust (Part 3)
If you are under age, read no further; likewise if the subjects don't interest you. The series deals with a white couple and the wife's desire for, and 1st sexual encounter with a black man, the open marriage relationship and the voyeurism of the husband. Please keep in mind that all of this occurred before AIDS and that while such behavior had some risk then, it was no where near the lethal risk that exists today. Be SAFE!! (c) 1995 VicSwriter@aol.com Permission granted to post/ distribute electronically provided it is not for profit and these notices are left intact. Debby's Dark Lust -3/6- Their Decision (m/f cons - intrr voy) Vic S. as told by Debby & Todd Todd called and offered to bring pizza home for diner. Debby would make a salad. Debby put on her favorite tie-dye tee-shirt with no bra and her ragged cut off jean shorts for Todd's arrival home. He gave her his ceremonial kiss, seemingly not even noticing her nipples poking at the tee-shirt. He was once again quiet while they ate. Debby tried to make small talk and he was barely responsive. Debby would like to have told him about seeing the new lighthouse caretaker while she sunned, but the way he was acting... She wondered if they were going to go through this every time they saw one another now that the 'secret' of her fantasy was out. Todd knew it was obvious he had something on his mind and he didn't like the uneasy feeling it seemed to create. He wanted so much to tell her. . . To watch her reaction. He knew they had to talk. He decided to just plunge ahead; he took a silent deep breath, reached in his pocket and removed the piece of folded paper. "Saw an article in a paper laying around the coffee room at work; I thought you may be interested in it." He handed Debby the Xerox copy. "He's an x-marine, retired drill sergeant, I think it said." He let Debby read a moment. She scanned a little, glanced at the picture and looked up, trying not to seem too interested. Todd asked, "Have you seen him?" He immediately regretted the potential double meaning. Debby told the truth, getting them quickly past the possible accusatory interpretation of his question. "Only from a distance. Didn't even know his name." She looked back at the article. "'Julius H. Washington,' says here. Yes, you're right, 'x-marine drill Sergeant and later Sergeant Major in charge of new recruit basic training at ...'" She read on silently for the most part, "...'divorced with two grown children' ... 'enjoys weight lifting, cooking, and oil painting' ... 'busy catching up on maintenance items understandably neglected during the beloved, late Captain Smitty's illness'..." Debby put the article back down. Her heart raced. Maybe it was unfortunate timing that there would be a new black lighthouse caretaker leaving less than 100 yards from their house at this point in their four year marriage. Her long time secret fantasy and its revelation to Todd really had nothing to do with Julius H. Washington. Would Todd believe her if she said so? Debby started on another piece of pizza, even though she had no desire for one. It was hard for Todd to read Debby's reaction to the article. Was it only coincidence that she came up with this black male fantasy a week after this guy started working almost next door? Todd finally broke the silence, "Said he's divorced; have ya seen any lady friends around?" "No. Only seen him a few times. Painting the tower railing and stuff, and leaving in his car once; a black Camero, I think." "At least he's apparently not gay!" Debby got up. "Todd, could you put the pizza away when you're done?" He watched as she headed for their bedroom. He wondered if he had made her mad. 'Did she think I was accusing her of *being with* HIM?' Was he? Had she been? NO! He wasn't ready to jump to that conclusion. What would he do? Would he even want to know? Would he want to watch? There went his cock again, twitching to life at the images in his head. He wondered what Debby WAS doing! Todd put the left over pizza and salad in the frig. He turned to go find her and there she was in the kitchen door. She still had on her little ragged jean short-shorts and was bare footed. She'd changed her top though; her tee-shirt was gone and in its place she wore one of his short-sleeve white shirts. It wasn't buttoned at all, the front tails were simply tied at mid-waist. Her lightly tanned skin fairly glowed between the deep open "V" created by the shirt, and looked darker than it really was against the white of the fabric. It was transparent enough that the untaned triangles of breast flesh and her crimson nipples where clearly visible, even on the left where the pocket would have covered it if the shirt wasn't so large on her. "Wow! I like your outfit! I'd forgotten how sexy those short-shorts were. And my shirt's never looked better." "Glad you like!" "He would too! You going over to get acquainted?" Todd smiled, trying to make sure it was received in the same light hearted way he thought he intended it. "Well, nnnoooo! Hadn't even considered that. I intended to seduce my husband. . . Unless he'd rather I do something else..." "What makes you think I need seduced?" Debby walked demurely over and extended her hand. Todd took it and was lead into the bedroom. Debby turned and began unbuttoning Todd's shirt. "I just thought I'd reassure him that, whatever fantasies I have --or he has for that matter-- it's he and I, as in US-- that is important and lasting!" She undid his belt, the button on his slacks, and his zipper. "That you are all the man I ever really need..." She dropped to her knees in front of him, taking his slacks and underwear down as she went. "...and the only man I'll ever love!" With that she engulfed his not quiet flaccid penis completely. In four years of marriage Debby had never gone after Todd's cock like that and he was a little taken back. . . but recovering quickly! He could count of both hands the times she'd initiated sex. She'd never been this aggressive. Todd wondered if she was fantasizing that the cock in her mouth was black. It didn't seem to matter to his cock! "Oh my God! Debby, what are you doing to me?!" She pulled her nose out of his pubic hair. His cock was slimy wet with her saliva. Debby couldn't believe she'd actually had his cock in her throat! She was just so excited. He'd started almost soft and feeling it grow in her mouth was so . . . sensual! It just kind'a grew into her throat. She'd fought her gag reflex once and now looked at his glistening slick cock through teary eyes. "I can't believe I ate the whole thing!" "I can't believe it either!" Then she did it again! It hesitated at the back of her mouth; she jutted her jaw, pushed and swallowed. With an 'Ummph' her nose once again tickled in Todd's thick curls. "Oh God!" And again! "Uuugghh! Much more of that and I'll be coating your tonsils!" "Ummmm!" Debby moaned in encouragement. Todd didn't want it to end this fast. "Comm'er baby! Let me get you out'a those sexy rags!" He pulled her off of his cock. She pouted and wiped saliva from her mouth. She pushed him back on the bed and said, "No! This is all for you. Let me strip!" And she did! As if there was music: slow, sensuous, sexy. She made the most of the two pieces of clothing she had on: teasing, flashing --she unzipped her shorts and pulled the open waist band up causing the crotch to dig into her wet pussy. She pinched and pulled on her hard nipples and pulled teasingly on her light pubic hair, acting like she threw some his way. This was no longer the innocent Debby he'd had on that pedestal for so long. . . . And he liked it! "Where's your panties, Baby?" "Didn't wear any today! Made me feel sexier for you! My jean crotch has been digging into my pussy all day and I've been so wet! Do you like your little girl being a little nasty?" She finally dropped her jean short-shorts and kicked them toward Todd but missed. "I'm loving it! Are you still my little girl?" "You know I am! I just wan'na be your naughty little girl! I've had to be good for too long!" "Tell Uncle Todd how you wan'na be naughty!" Todd expected Debby to start talking about black men. Debby had a more immediate objective in mind. She did her best little girl imitation, "I wan'na suck Uncle Todd's wiener until it shoots juice in my mouth!" Todd almost choked! "Does Uncle Todd get to suck Debby's little pussy?" "Mmmaaaayyyybe! But not until I've swallowed your cum down in my tummy!" That Debby was actually saying that, was a dream come true for Todd! She grabbed a pillow and placed it at his feet. She dove for his cock, deep throating his 6+ inches again! She pulled off with a pop and said, "Just lean back and enjoy; I really wan'na do this!" "Oh God, Baby, I probably won't last long." "That's okay; just relax, watch, and let it happen!" With that she went to work. Todd still couldn't believe this! He'd never really watched her giving him head before. They'd 69'd and she'd leaned across his abdomen blocking his view a few times; with the later she'd never taken him all the way to the finish. Never had she set out to make him cum in her mouth... and told him to watch! Actually, Todd suppressed them both; it took longer than he figured it would. Maybe it was watching... or the tension created by her effort on his shaft to get it into her throat every now and then. He wanted to eat her so bad he could taste it! It wasn't until he imagined Debby doing this to a largely hung man --okay, he'd make it a black man!-- that he once again felt his orgasm was imminent. It happened fast then. "Oh God, Baby, I'm CUUMMMMMING!!! That's it, suck him, Baby! Oh yah!" He flopped back, panting as Debby nursed his deflating cock. She finally flopped beside him. "Emmmm! That was good!" she said, smacking her lips. "Really? You're not just saying that?" "I've liked it since the first time! I'm just sorry it took so long to find out! And ... I was scared to admit that I liked it at first! I'm not going to keep any secrets from now on! "By-the-way: 'Suck HIM'?" "Uh?" "You said, 'suck him, Baby! ...' HIM who?" "My cock I guess!" "Todd, no secrets?" "Okay . . . Some big cock from my fantasy!? Okay, . . . it was a black cock. No secrets; you've got me thinking about it now!" "I guess I knew that. Todd, it's just a fantasy. . . I'd never..." Todd put his finger to her lips. "Shhh!" He moved himself to the edge of the bed and pulled her hips that way too. "That can wait. . . Now it's your turn! Watch me, like I watched you!" Debby had always had her head back and eyes closed as he'd eaten her before, and more likely than not, the lights had been out. He devoured her with as much enthusiasm as she had him. And Debby was more involved than ever before: watching, making faces of pleasure and torment, guiding his head and mouth with her hands, hunching at his face, pulling her knees almost to her chest and spreading them wide, feeding him her crotch! And she was wet! Wetter than he could ever remember, prior to being screwed. Amazingly, neither of them gave a thought to another man, hung or not, black or white; it was just Todd and Debby. More accurately, Todd's mouth and tongue and Debby's pussy and clit! Nothing else mattered to either of them. It was glorious! It was pussy worship born in love as much as her act had been homage to his cock for the same reason! And her orgasm matched the depth of feeling each had for the other! Todd had covered Debby's anus with his thumb and was amazed at the pulsing signals of her climax in her muscles surrounding her anus and pussy. In four years of marriage he'd never felt it that way. Todd had eased up on his clit sucking as she squealed in release, knowing from experience how her clit apparently got sensitive to the point of pain as she went over the top. But this time he couldn't resist giving it one last firm suck as Debby trembled in the aftermath of her cum. The result was instantaneous and equally amazing: the muscles under his thumb, around her anus, knotted and spasmed again! Debby sheirked and jerked with what appeared to be an after shock equal to the original orgasm! At first she pulled his face into her pussy so hard it scared Todd, then she pushed him away, dropping her hands to the bed, clutching the covers. Todd still supported her cute ass with one hand, his thumb still on her anus; it continued its involuntary contractions for nearly 10 seconds before fading away. Todd sat back on his heels, watching in awe as her legs trembled. He expected Debby to kind'a unwind, lowering her legs and just coast for awhile. Instead Debby put her little feet on each side of his head, holding it has if they were hands. She raised her head and with lust filled eyes and a husky voice said, "Shit! That curled my toes. What was that last thing you did, you wicked man?" "Your little button was standing so tall I couldn't resist giving it just one more good kiss!" Debby raised Todd's head with her feet. At first he thought she was gunna guide it back to her pussy; instead she allowed his mouth to get only within a couple inches. "If that was a kiss, I don't know if I could handle a suck!" She just kept lifting and Todd was forced to his knees, then to stand stooped over her, her legs now extended almost straight up, her feet still clutching his head. She reached between her thighs and grabbed his cock. "Ummm! This is what I need now! It feels up to it!" Debby let her feet slide down to his shoulders as he leaned into her, following the pull on his now thoroughly recovered manhood. Todd and Debby both watched as his cock slid straight into her sex in one smooth stroke. "Oh yesssss!" She hissed. Her pelvis rose off the bed, coming up to meet him as he leaned into her legs, her feet on his shoulders, almost folding her in half. Debby's taut body seemed to have the flexibility of a gymnast; her feet almost touching her own ears. "Oh God, Todd, fuck me. Fuck me hard and deep!" Todd realized this position afforded the deepest possible penetration. As deep as he could anyway. "I'm giving ya all 6, baby! Maybe a little more!" They'd measured it once 6-1/4" in length and 5-1/4" in circumference. Nothing to be ashamed of, but Todd immediately wished he had more. "Don't forget the 1/4 inch; slam it in me too! As hard and as fast as you want, baby!" Debby was flushed as he'd ever seen her. He'd often pictured her as a smoldering volcano of sexuality. He felt like he was now seeing at least a hint of her eruption potential. She was begging for all the cock he could give, hard and fast, and he wished he had more. Could she take 8" . . .maybe 9" and bigger around too? He'd like to give it to her, even if it was on another guy! The thought fueled his own passion as he slammed into her with such force he was sure it must hurt, if not from the genital penetration, then just their colliding pelvic bones and skin slapping against each other. She didn't seem to care and because of that, neither did he! On he went as Debby clutched at his hair pulling his face to her own, kissing him urgently, her legs seemingly tangled backwards between then. She kissed his ears as he pictured a big black man pouring all he had into Debby while she loved every inch of what he could give. That was all for Todd; his release felt like his entire being was pouring into her, suddenly white hot and all fluid. The sensation was closely matched by Debby's own. She had been lost in a stream of images, the central theme of which was her as the receptacle --a vessel-- for the seed of manhood. As if her womb was a most special one selected for a ritual in which she received the white hot fluid of a darkly cloaked figure who was literally all cock! And she had tried to take all of him. . . all of Todd! She'd have swallowed his entire being through her sex in a weird reverse birth if she could have. They both hung there, both trembling, both almost too scared to move, both feeling as if their groins had become liquid and melted together. Debby once again became aware of Todd --it had seemed for a time he was just a cock, one that she couldn't seem to get enough of into her. She became aware that her pussy was twitching and that she may well have experienced her first penil-vaginal orgasm. Is that what it was? She felt like she'd blacked out, couldn't recall. It didn't matter, it was sweet now! Todd spoke first, "Talk about curling your toes! That was . . . incredible!" "Ummm!" was all Debby said as Todd slowly peeled himself from her. It was as if she needed to unwind the body that had unnaturally folded up between them as her vessel was offered for penetration. As Todd pushed himself up and Debby let her legs fall to the floor they both watched the rush of fluid from her. She covered her vagina with a hand, immediately sorry they hadn't put a towel down. Cum dribbled down the side of the bedspread under her. Todd was almost scared to ask, "Did ya make it? . . . Do ya want me to finish you with my mouth?" "I might have . . . It was so intense I kind'a lost myself! And you're sweet, but I'm not sure I could handle any more of your clit sucking right now and a hot bath sounds so good!" She kept her hand clutched over her sex as she waddled into the bathroom. "I can't believe how much you came . . . for the second time in an hour, it's amazing!" she called back to him. "You're the amazing one! Jeez! . . . Want some company in the tub?" "Absolutely!" Todd started the tub and added bubble bath as Debby finished on the toilet. Shortly they eased into the hot water and Todd pulled Debby back to him. Todd wanted to ask Debby so many things. He didn't know where to start. He finally decided to just start anywhere and not analyze each question even before it was asked. He'd take his lead from what Debby had said: she didn't want anymore secrets; he'd just have to trust. He just let the questionin his head flow out, "There at the end, when you almost . . . er, might have made it, were you having a fantasy? And before you answer, it's okay if it was about a black man." As Debby took a breath he was sure that is exactly what she was going to say. "To be very truthful, I'm not sure! It was weird, like I was lost in it somehow, that it had taken over me. Like I didn't have a fantasy, it had me. I remember the feeling that I was one big vagina. A pussy being offered up to some kind'a penis god or something. It was you . . . and it wasn't. Like your whole being was just a cock the same as mine was a pussy. And I tried to get all of you in me! Could you tell!" That you tried to swallow me? Yah! . . . Wow! I've never been a penis god before!" Debby slapped playfully at his leg that encircled her. "Don't let it go to your head! What was your fantasy?" "Hoooolllyyy SHIT! Debby!" "WHAT?" "Your fantasy! It's . . . it's like a dream I had last night! Not exactly the same . . . but similar enough to be really weird! "In my dream, you were standing on this raised platform, in a silky white, see-through gown. The top of this platform was about eye level. I walked over and kissed your feet and ran my hands up your legs. I helped you kind'a set down, slide over to the edge, and bunch the gown around your waist. I proceeded kiss your pussy, lick around your folds, and to thoroughly eat you out. "And here comes the weirdest part: Some dark cloaked figure approaches --he's huge!-- towering over us both, platform and all. I can't make out any details until he opens his cloak; that's when I realize this . . . creature is like all cock! Thing's obscenely big! I'm kind'a mesmerized by this . . . thing. He moves closer; it's bobbing up and down in front of him. I pull your butt further off the edge, and ducking under you, I lift your ass, offering your sweet pussy to him. You've pulled your legs up to your chest like you did just now when we made love! Isn't this just too weird?" "It is freaky, they're so similar! Then what?" "Well, it just gets weirder still: He starts fucking into you with his massive cock when suddenly another snakes out from under the first. It swings up and starts poking you in your butt hole." "Two at once? One in my butt?" "It was just a dream, but it gets weirder still: a couple more black colored cocks appear from the chest area and you start nursing on them! My dream ended as all these cocks began spewing creamy juice that you can't seem to get enough of." "Damn! Todd! Is this tub too hot or is it just me? And what is that poking me in my crack back there?" "Sorry, I just thought it was enough like yours, it was just too weird!" "I'm sure it all means something, but to be honest, I'm too hot to try to interpret it right now!" "You want to make love again?" "I think its gunna be a little sore. Just cuddle me, tell me you love me, . . .and that my fantasy is okay; that you won't hate me for having it! ...And of course mean ever word of what you say!" "Debby, I couldn't deny you having fantasies. I've sure had mine. And if we wanted to leave them fantasies, I guess that would be the end of it." "But?" "I'm not sure either of us want to leave them fantasies. . . So I guess we need to talk." "Well, I guess I disagree with you: it sounds like you're saying if we just wanted them to be fantasies, we wouldn't need to talk. I think we need to talk, regardless!" "Of course you're right baby. It's just something that's hard for me sometimes, but I'll try." "I've got a suggestion: instead of trying to talk this through here or in bed, where it's too easy to be . . . sidetracked, let's take a walk on the beach and talk there." "Sounds like a plan, Baby!" Todd felt better some how, having agreed to talk it out. Debby knew they had much ground to cover before she'd feel comfortable, whatever they decided. At least it would be together. They finished their bath and Todd suggested Debby wear the same short-shorts and his shirt as earlier. She was a little hesitant because the beach was seldom deserted, especially on a mild evening like this. But if she were going to be more daring, now was a good time to start. And it would be getting dark soon, so her bare chest wouldn't be that noticeable. They set out on their walk hand-in-hand. Debby could tell Todd was struggling with just how to start this conversation. Finally she said, "We need a few ground rules I think: that we try not to get defensive about any of our feelings, that no question is off limits, and that whatever the answer is, we agree that we still love each other." Todd was silent. Todd was thinking, analyzing. Is there any question I don't want her asking me? Or. . . Is she seeking 'immunity' for some transgression? Debby's intuition was uncanny, "Tell ya what; I'll answer a couple without being asked: I have never been with a black man or any other man sexually besides you. And I won't ask you if you have been with anyone, cause I trust you haven't ...since our marriage. I don't need to ask." "I haven't been!" "I know!" . . .Silence. "Come on, Sweetheart, don't make me guess what else you might wan'na ask. Go on. Ask me." "Ask you what?" "What ever it is that you're the most curious about?" "Does our new lighthouse keeper turn you on?" "Yes, but not any more than any other good looking black man. I've only seen him from a 100 yards. . . And that picture in the paper." "You talk like good look'n white guys don't turn you on." "Not true at all! I look; I enjoy! Especially tight buns. One of the best things about living so close to the beach." The last said as a tall blond life guard type in jogging shorts went past. "See what I mean?" "Didn't do much for me, but I can see where a gal..." "It's just that if those good looking buns had been on a solid black bod. . . Well, in all honesty, my legs would probably feel a little weak 'bout now." "If our lighthouse caretaker isn't the source of this sudden fantasy about black men, who is?" Debby chuckled. "Sorry. My fantasy about black men is anything but sudden. I've had that fantasy secretly for 16 - 17 years. You're the first and only other person I've ever revealed that to." "Say what!? You'd have been a little girl." He did the math. "Hell, you'd have been 9 or 10!" "That's right, 5th grade I think. I came home from school and several real muscular black men were working on the street in front of our house. I sat on our stoop watching them for quiet awhile. None of them wore shirts. I thought their sweaty muscles were beautiful, all glistening in the sun." "Debby, thousands --no millions-- of little white girls see black guys working without growing up wanting them --fantasizing about them!" "I'm sure you're right, but I'd bet that millions also, at some point, for some baffling reason, have a secret desire to be with a black man. I read somewhere it is a common fantasy of white women. I guess that realization that I wasn't alone in my desire was the first time I actually began to think about telling you. Up to that point I thought I must be a demented sinner of a wife for having such a fantasy. Of course by then you'd been whispering things while we made love for some time about how you wanted me to enjoy a big cock. I got to admit, adding your erotic suggestions to my own fantasy really got me going." "I hope you don't think less of me for having that fantasy." Debby stopped their forward motion and turned Todd to look at her. "How can you think I might? I think after I realized it was your fantasy, I respected your courage in sharing it with me. I should have had more courage sooner." They kissed then walked on quietly for awhile. "As I look back, I don't know why that incident effected me so. Maybe it was a backlash of some lewd racist comment made by my dad or older brother at some point I don't even remember, or some whisper from a playmate long since forgotten. What ever it was, setting there on that stoop, the seeds of this life long fantasy were planted." They walked silently for a number of seconds, each kicking sand. Then Debby continued, "I don't even know which happened first: the dampness in my panties or the sexual thoughts ...such as an 9 or 10 year old can have. I just know that I had this moist tingling 'DOWN THERE' and these thoughts about how they could see up my little school girl skirt. And I wanted them to! And that was nasty. Me wanting them to see me 'DOWN THERE'! That was the beginning." "They didn't try anything did they?" "NO! One of them might have smiled at me while he wiped his brow. They were prefect gentleman. I was the hussy! The wetter the tingling got, the more I thought about them; and the more I thought, the more tingling wetness filled my panties. I wondered if they were black all over. By that evening I regretted not going in, taking off my panties and going back out to let them see! Within the week I was constructing scenarios in which, one or more of them would come up and talk to me, take my hand and lead me into the house or the woods or someplace and ..." "And what? Did you even know what sex was?" "I knew that it was nasty, made babies, and must be fun the way adults smiled, but would never talk about it! I just pictured them playing with me. No, I don't have a rape wish! I guess at first I pictured them playing doctor with me, you know touching me, pulling my panties down, maybe spreading my cracks front and back. I think I had this urge to get naked in front of them from the very beginning. "Todd, if me keeping this from you all this time hurts you in any way, I'm sorry! You've got to understand it wasn't easy to finally share my fantasy with anyone. I intend to be 100% honest from now on." "I understand. . . I'd struggled with telling you mine at first; I guess I'm just a little more aggressive." "So where does your fantasy come from? If you don't mind me asking." "I don't know actually. . . Maybe I've always been a little . . . voyeuristic. That's not easy to admit either, but probably true. That and I've felt your passion smoldering, trying to erupt free with my lovemaking, but never quiet making it the 'regular' way." "Have I EVER complained?" "No! It's just sometimes I feel a little . . .inadequate If I could last longer. . ." "You DO fine! Look at 30 minutes ago!" They walked on silently for awhile, Todd occasionally stopping to pick up a shell and throw it into the surf. It was a beautiful evening, though already cooling considerably as the sun slipped past the horizon. Finally Todd said it, "So! . . . I think we need to get acquainted with our new neighbor, don't you?" "Are you saying you want to make my fantasy into reality?" "I guess we could say that it was just to get a closer look at him to help feed our fantasy." Debby took immediate note of Todd's use of the words 'OUR fantasy' instead of 'your fantasy.' "Of course it might turn out that he has rotten teeth and sores all over his 3 inch dick!" Debby chuckled. "Well I don't know about the later, but I bet you get a complete look at his smile in just a few seconds." Debby looked up and her heart rate must have doubled as the black lighthouse caretaker approached on the beach, jogging. "Oh my God!" Debby said as she once again took Todd's hand. The distance closed quickly. "Hi neighbor!" Todd greeted in time that the large black man could take more than a casual note of the white couple walking toward him. "Hello. Oh, Hi!" He pulled up from his jogging pace, looking at Debby with recognition. "We are neighbors, aren't we?!" He looked briefly at Todd, nodding, then back to Debby smiling. "I ... I saw you earlier. . . while you were sunning. . . I hope you didn't think..." "No! It's okay, really. I was just sunning a little." Debby clutched Todd's hand more tightly. Her heart pounded in her chest. She wondered if Todd could feel it too. That and her internal trembling. Debby added as if to Todd, "He was working up on the lighthouse today. I waved when he was scanning the beach with his binoculars." She felt her explanation clumsy and probably unnecessary. Todd extended his hand. "We're Todd and Debby." "Julius Washington; nice to meet you!" His grip was sure and firm on Todd's hand. The smile was genuine and he seemed at total ease, but still stood with absolutely perfect posture; the years of military regiment showing. Todd took Debby's hand from his and almost helped her extend it to Julius, whose eyes had returned their attention to Debby. "You all live here on the island?" "Four years now. We really love it! How do you like it so far?" Todd replied. "It's great! Getting better all the time." Julius continued to take in Debby's beauty. Debby felt almost naked. Part of her wished it was darker or that she'd wore more clothes. Another part wanted to rip off what she had on. Debby became very aware of the hardness in her nipples. She watched his deep black eyes dart from her face to each of her breasts, then down the open area of her chest to her belly button and on past to the waist band of her cut-offs. There the hollow of her abdomen created a sinuous teasing opening that just had to 'almost' let one see her pubs. His eyes moved down further still, taking note of how the crotch of her jean cut-offs seemed to ride up into her gash. Then he looked back into Debby's eyes, not yet relinquishing her hand. Debby felt her knees turn to jello, her pussy get wetter still. She had a sudden image --almost an urge-- of her dropping to her knees and yanking Julius's jogging shorts with her. She settled for a quick glance at his crotch. When her eyes darted back to his, she knew he knew she liked what she saw. "Well," Todd finally said, getting uncomfortable with the silence. "We've been meaning to drop in and give you a proper welcome." Julius looked back at Todd and released Debby's hand, putting their nonverbal communication on hold for a moment. "Thanks. Most folks have been really nice. Are you familiar with the lighthouse?" "Only from the outside. . . And a little about its history, just the commonly known stuff I'm sure." Debby leaned into Todd gripping his arm tightly as if to keep her standing. She took the opportunity to study this male specimen. "Well, you're welcome to come by anytime for a tour. I've pretty well got things cleaned up." "Thanks. We'd like that. Is there a best time to visit?" "Just about anytime, though an hour before sunset, I have a few tasks to do to light her up." 'You can light me up anytime!' Debby thought to herself. Yes she liked what she saw: he was bigger than Todd, maybe 6'2" and probably out weighed him 10 pounds or so, but it was all muscle! And that washboard abdomen! She wanted so much to test its tautness with her hand. "We'll try to visit sometime soon. And if you ever need anything, we're in the last house, the one closest to you." "I know," he said, returning his gaze to Debby. "And thanks!" She flushed, realizing that once again she'd been caught looking at his muscular black body in a way a proper married white lady wouldn't. "I better be fininshing my jog," he said as he turned away. Nice to meat you both!" "Nice to meet you," Debby called after him, not sure the words would even come out.. They resumed walking. Todd couldn't stand the silence. "Quite a hunk, huh?" "I gott'a admit!" "I almost asked him home for a drink." "Probably better you didn't. . . Unless you really want to see. . . How about you take me home and fuck me good? Maybe tomorrow I'll bake him a pie or something. Then we can visit!" Their love making was slow and sensual. Todd was scared she'd be sore from earlier; and she was a little. It was no less impassioned, just more heart felt, slow. He worshipped her, his lovely wife. As he kissed around her mouth and eyes, and worked his way back to her ears, he wondered if they would actually act on their now mutual fantasy; to have her screw a strange man, a black man. Debby's thoughts were along the same lines. She wished he'd describe how it might happen, then she realized that they had progressed far enough that she could ask him to do just that. "Todd, tell me what it could be like... how you envision it happening." "How about you telling me what you'd like to do with him." "I asked you first... if you want it to actually happen, you've got to describe to me what you'd like to see me doing with him!" "So I get to watch?" "The first step is to tell me that you want it. If you can convince me you want it to happen. . . it would be easier for me to decide!" Todd pondered her words as he gently kissed around her mouth, face and neck. His cock was buried to the hilt, but moved only slightly. Debby rocked her hips slowly, apparently inviting him deeper. Todd wished he had more than his 6+ inches to give. He wondered how largely Julius H. Washington, lighthouse caretaker, x-marine drill sergeant was hung. He'd seen Debby taking note of the bulge in Julius's jogging shorts; hell, he'd noticed himself. Maybe he COULD have some extra meat to give Debby; maybe he'd give his little blond wife Julius's black cock. The trick would be in the set-up. As much fun as seeing Debby seduce the guy would be, or visa-versa, it was important to Todd that Julius knew that he was a gift from Todd to Debby. Todd figured there'd be less chance. . . less expectation that a separate romantic involvement could be pursued. Debby maneuvered Todd's mouth to her ear, an invitation to talk more than kiss. "Well, let's see. . . I think it's important we communicate your sexuality right up front. . . You know, that there's no need for romantic seduction, and that I'm going along with you having him; that in effect, he's a gift to you from me." "Uuuhhh! Neat way to think of it! . . . But how do we do it without coming out and saying, 'Hay, would you fuck my wife?'" "I think the key is in how you dress. . . Not slutty, but very provocative, feminine." "Kind'a like your shirt this evening? I felt so. . . naked!" "You did look sexy! . . .And he noticed!" Debby blushed again, even now in bed with her husband's cock in her pussy. "But given he's seen that look already, something new would be in order. I think a silky see through blouse. . . maybe a short skirt, full, not tight. "We'll go over and he'll lick his lips taking in your beauty! I'll smile to reassure him it's okay by me. You'll be nervous." "That's an understatement!" "But having me there will reassure you and knowing that each of us wants it to happen will give us both strength to follow it to fulfillment. You'll take every opportunity to look at his bulge and brush against him. As soon as it's obvious he's got an erection, you'll look at me and I'll nod. That will be your signal to go to him and rub his cock through his pants!" Debby groaned into Todd's ear, hunching her pelvis, inviting him to speed up a little. "Just whisper in his ear that you've always wanted a black man and that I've given my permission as long as I can watch!" "What if he says no?!" "I can't imagine, unless he is gay; no hot blooded single guy would turn you down --most married guys wouldn't either. Don't ever underestimate your sexiness!" "So then what happens?" "Unless he puts up a fight --something I can't imagine-- just slide down his body, get his cock out'a his pants and into your sweet mouth!" Debby groaned again. "How big do ya think he could be?" "Gosh, baby, I don't know! I guess I'd be surprised if he was the same size or smaller. He is bigger than me in general. Do you think you could handle an eight inch cock?" Debby groaned again. "I don't know; it might be fun to try! Now don't you start thinking I'm disappointed with yours!" "I think I'm . . .we're past that, don't you?" Debby nodded her agreement into Todd's shoulder. She used her hands on his hips to urge him to speed up yet again. "After you've sucked him awhile, just go with the flow... if ya want him to cum in your mouth that's okay with me..." Debby whimpered, hunching Todd faster. "I'd like to see that sometime! I'd also like to see ya get screwed by that big black cock!" More whimpering, groaning, and hunching from Debby. "Can he cum in my pussy?" "If that's what you want! You're up on your pill right?" Todd was finding it hard to breath and carry on this conversation. Debby's excitement matched his own. "What if I enjoy it too much? Kind'a go nuts for him?" She seemed to be really into it at this minute, bucking and squealing. Todd could feel himself getting close. He struggled to answer her last question. "As I've said before, I'll just assume some of your excitement will be from having me watch you fuck him. . . his big black cock in your tender white pussy! Oh God! I'm cummmminnnnnggg!" Debby welcomed his liquid rush into her, raising her hips to him, spreading her legs even further, clutching his twitching ass with her hands. She kissed her way from his ear to his mouth, grinding into his with her own, taking his tongue and giving hers. Todd didn't ask Debby if she made it. Her sustained level of passion told him his next move would be welcomed either way. Besides he wanted to do it. Todd lifted his weight from her without getting completely off of her. They still kissed passionately. He pulled his mouth free from hers and immediately pushed himself down her body. His face, mouth, and tongue made a trail through the slick perspiration --a mutual product of their lovemaking-- that coated her body. He slowed only briefly for a passing swipe with his tongue at an engorged nipple and a dip in her belly button pool. His real objective was at his seeking mouth now. Her silky pubic hair was matted with sweat, cum, and her own excretions. His nostrils flared as he inhaled the heady fragrance of their sex together. With her hands guiding him he locked his lips to her sloppy flower. He very quickly needed to swallow as his sucking was rewarded. Todd wondered how much was his own cum and how much was her juices. It mattered not, it was from her now and thus worthy of his relish. He wondered if it would be different after another man came in her, a black man? Would he want to do this? Could he? Would she want him to do it? Let him do it? Would it taste different? Debby wondered exactly the same things! And with those thoughts, she came like a long anticipated, long watched tidal wave on the breakers! She squealed and slapped the bed covers before clawing both hands into them as if to hang on. Remembering before, Todd brought his hand up to cup her ass, placing his thumb over her anus. The crack of her ass was sloppy with their juices, but that was okay. If her clit didn't need the gentle sucking of his mouth, he would have cleaned her ass with his tongue. Once again he felt her anus spasm in rapid pulsing contractions. Also recalling her previous aftershock he was contemplating giving the erect clitoris under his upper lip a final hardy suck. Debby pre-empted that by pushing his head back --but lovingly-- with both hands. "Wow!" was her only word as she pulled her legs over his head and planted them on the floor. "Wow, yourself!" Todd exclaimed. Debby said, "If I take another bath or shower it'll be the 3rd or fourth today!" "Let's just snuggle and go to sleep. We can change the sheets in the morning if you want." After several minutes of silent caressing, Debby said, "It's really gunna happen isn't it?" "What's that baby?" "I'm gunna fuck him! I'm gunna get my black man after all these years!" "I think so. I sure want it for you! And don't worry about appearing to enjoy it too much. Just want me after. Okay?" "Deal! And Todd. . . I love you!" "Love you too, Baby!" END DDL 3/6 Comments welcome, Follow-up stories to a.s.s.; public comments in a.s.s.d, or better yet private email to: VicSwriter@aol.com 4198 1.41/512345
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