Friday, October 26, 2012
Not The Type
Not the type - by The Tongue The day had finally arrived. For my birthday, my wife, Joy, had agreed to allow me to decide everything the night would entail. I was so excited that day at the office that I couldn't concentrate on anything. I spent the day surfing for porn and getting myself all worked up. See, I'm still very attracted to my wife and love it when we can both get all dressed up and enjoy each other. Also, I like the idea of showing my wife off a little. It makes me proud that other men think she is so attractive. I've never really wanted anything more than to show her off, however. I don't think I could bare seeing my wife with another man, and I know she would never go for it. She is just not the type. Let me describe my wife in more detail. I know that in every story you read the wife is always some hot little number, and I usually go along with it when I read them, just as you probably do, but I'm sure that it couldn't possibly be the case nearly as often as the stories suggest. I mean how many hot women married to cuckolds could there be? This time I assure you it is the case, however. My wife is just plain hot. I'm pretty good looking myself and I married well. Joy is a petite blonde with a great body and a gorgeous face. She always turns heads wherever we go. She has C cup breasts, which, on her small frame, seem very large. Joy is 5-6 and slightly over 100 pounds. She has a tight ass and long, beautifully toned legs. She has it all. I'm a very lucky man. Anyway, as I was saying, today is my birthday and tonight Joy has agreed to wear whatever I want and go and do whatever I want. I've told her that the night will basically include us getting dressed up for a nice dinner and a room at a 5 star hotel downtown. So, she is looking forward to it just as much as I am. When I get home from the office, the kids have already been picked up by my parents and Joy is in the shower. I begin to decide what she will wear for the evening. I want her to look very sexy but I know she won't loosen up and have a good time if I make her look too slutty. I decide on a tight, red dress that ends just above the knee but has a slit right up the middle. The dress slit is very high and usually displays a great deal of her beautiful, tan legs when she sits and crosses them. It also fits around her breasts very tightly and, if she wears the right bra, you can see a nice outline of her perfect tits. Once Joey has finished dressing, she comes downstairs to ask me if I approve. She looks absolutely stunning. The dress is fitting her every curve and the slit up the middle looks like it is finishing even higher than I remembered. She must have gotten a little cold because her nipples are hard; so, her tits are making an incredible impression at the top of the dress. She always wears high heels and tonight is no different. They look at least 6 inches high, red, and very sexy. They are the trendy kind women are wearing now, with the solid back, open on the sides and a little strap at the top. On the way downtown, I can't help but stare at her beautiful legs as she sits in the passenger seat. Her legs are crossed and the slit in her dress has fallen open, revealing every detail of those gorgeous legs. She is talking on the mobile phone to her girlfriend and I am massaging her leg as I drive the car. I move a little too high up her leg for her liking and she moves my hand away. She never likes to fool around when talking on the phone. I guess she's worried people might know what she's doing. See what I mean by her "not being the type?" We get to the restaurant, which is in the hotel where we are staying, and every man in the place is checking Joy out, and some of the women too. I can tell she notices and enjoys the attention. As she walks in, I see her throw her shoulders back and push her breasts out for everyone in the room to take-in. I'm sure she just thinks it's correct posture but to everyone in the room it certainly looks like she is showing off her breasts. I love it. We drink a little more than usual and I can tell she is starting to get horny. She always loses a little bit of inhibition when she drinks. A moment later Joy excuses herself to go to the restroom. I stay at the table and drink more of the very expensive wine I bought, not wanting to let it go to waste. A few minutes pass and I suddenly hear Joy's unmistakable laugh on the other end of the restaurant. I look up and see her walking back toward our table with a familiar looking man. It turns out that she is with the quarterback for the local professional franchise. She says, "Honey, I thought you might like to meet Chris. I saw him on the way back from the bathroom. He said he would autograph something for your birthday!" I ask him to join us for a drink and, surprisingly, he agrees. But, before he sits down, he pulls out my wife's chair for her and pushes her in. He then takes a chair on the other side of her and slides his chair in very close to hers. I think for a second that anyone who looks at our table would certainly think that Joy is there with him and not me, as close as they are sitting, but I pay it no mind. I'm sure he is just trying to better hear the conversation and he seems like a nice guy. You see Chris has always had the reputation of being one of those few professional athletes who are good citizens. He is always on the news doing things for the community and has the reputation of being a devout Christian. So, I saw no harm in him sitting that close to Joy. We are talking and having a good time. Actually, it is probably more accurate to say that they are talking to each other and I am trying to listen. He is only inches from her face and she is concentrating on every word he says. She seems to be enjoying his company very much. He is obviously very charming. Chris then leans over toward me and asks if I mind if he dances with my wife. I look at her and she has a little smile on her face. I say "Sure. If she wants to. Please go ahead." What was one little dance going to hurt? I figured they could have their dance and I would settle up the bill; then Joy and I could head up to our room and start the real fun. They left the table and headed for the dance floor, which was in the bar area of the restaurant. I asked for the check and watched them dance from our table. The band is playing a fast jazz number and Joy is having a ball. She has always been a good dancer. She is wiggling her little ass in that tight dress in perfect time to the beat. She spins around a few times and the slit in her dress allows it to fly open once again revealing her beautiful legs. I must admit that I'm getting very aroused by the show she is putting on. She is just a very sexy woman and she knows it. Soon the fast number ends and the band starts up a slow tune to accompany a female singer who has now taken the microphone. She begins her song by saying "that this tune is for all the beautiful couples on the floor tonight." I see my wife and Chris smile at each other and pull in close. She puts one hand in his and the other on his shoulder, but because she can't reach very high, her hand winds up resting on his chest. Chris puts his free hand on the skin of the small of her back, which is accessible due to the open back of her dress. I see Chris slide his fingers into one side of the back of Joy's dress and caress her soft skin as they dance. They are gazing into each other's eyes like they are the only couple on the dance floor. I then see something that shocks me. Chris lowers his head and kisses Joy on the cheek. Not a long kiss but it certainly wasn't a friendly peck either. There was something sexual about it. She doesn't resist the kiss but immediately looks around afterwards to see if anyone was looking. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Convinced that I was busy and not paying attention to her, Joy then laid her head on Chris' chest as they danced. This was going a bit too far and I started to get up and put a stop to it, but just as I was about to rise from my chair the waiter came with the check, which he said had already been taken care of by Chris. Well, at least the guy blatantly hitting on my wife was generous. After the waiter left our table, I got up and walked toward my wife and Chris to finally break up their humiliating public display, but just as I was about to reach the floor the band started a faster song and Chris and Joy broke their grasp of each other voluntarily. I decided to head to the bar and have a drink while they finished up. Joy danced very provocatively to this new song. While the pace was faster, it didn't stop her from moving her little body all over Chris. At one point she had allowed Chris to put one of his legs between hers and it looked as if she was grinding her pussy against him. Here was my prim and proper wife of 6 years with her hands on the chest of a total stranger, moving her body up and down on his leg, practically fucking his leg in front of a room full of people! She had a look of concentration on her face like she was trying to cum. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. When the bartender delivered me another drink he said, "man, she looks like she'd fuck that guy right in the middle of the restaurant, doesn't she?" I just said "Yeah. She does." and took a big pull on my drink. After the band finished the song, Joy and Chris finally came walking in my direction. They were talking and laughing the whole way back and generally having a great time. I felt completely out of place. I said "Thanks for dinner, Chris, but you shouldn't have done that." He said "It is I who should thank you. I would have paid a lot more to dance with this beautiful lady." Joy said "You're so sweet, Chris. I had a lot of fun." I then said "Ok, Joy, are you about ready to call it a night then?" Joy replied, with a little obvious disappointment, "Yes, I suppose so." Chris said "Yeah, I need to hit the sack too. I have an early practice tomorrow. I'll walk up with you two." The three of us headed out of the restaurant and toward the elevators. As luck would have it, or wouldn't have it (depending on your perspective), our rooms were close by and so we all walked together down the hallway. We reached our room first, which was a nice suite, with a bar and living room. Feeling the need to show off a bit (after being humiliated by my wife's crude dancing) and knowing that I had gotten the nicest room in the hotel, I decided that I would invite Chris in for a quick drink before we went our separate ways. Joy seemed to be fine with the idea and into our room the three of us went. The room was better than I expected and we were all impressed. I poured the three of us a cocktail and we sat in the living room area of the suite. There were two couches facing each other in the middle of this room. Joy and I sat on one couch and Chris on the other. We had a nice conversation and finished the round and had another. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Joy was crossing and un-crossing her legs a lot and that Chris was watching her every move. It then occurred to me that Joy was having some fun with him, probably giving him a glimpse of her little, lacey panties every time she crossed and un-crossed her legs. Did I mention that Joy loses inhibition when she drinks? Well, Chris didn't miss a move. Eventually I saw her uncross her legs and just leave them un-crossed. They were also very slightly spread. I remember thinking at the time that Chris was probably getting a nice view straight up Joy's dress, thanks to the slit up the middle. He seemed to be very happy about something all of a sudden. He was smiling a lot and not making a whole lot of sense about anything. It was then that the telephone rang. I answered the phone and it was the hotel's restaurant. Joy had left her purse at our table. If I had a dollar for every time she's left her purse somewhere. Good grief. Well, I hung up the phone and informed Joy of her purse. She did not want to go all the way downstairs by herself and get it and it seemed stupid for both of us to go get it; so, as usual, I alone was stuck with the task. I headed toward the door when it hit me that I would be leaving my very hot and very tipsy wife alone with a charming and obviously horny professional football player but I decided that I wouldn't be immature about it and I left the room. I expected he would head out after he finished his drink. After all, I can trust Joy 100%. She isn't the type to cheat. The elevator took forever to get up to our floor and then, because of people getting on and off, it took forever to get down to the lobby where the restaurant was. Finally, I got down to the restaurant and retrieved the purse. It was sitting right where she left it. So were the two chairs in which Chris and Joy were sitting. They were practically touching and turn toward each other. Damn, I can't believe I allowed that. He could have had his hands all over her legs under the table and I would have never known it. I quickly left the restaurant and headed back to the elevator bank. Once again, the elevator took forever to get to the lobby and then took forever to get to our floor. I suppose this is the price of having a swanky, top floor room. Finally, I was off the elevator and walking toward our room. My mind returned to the question of what had happened while I was absent. It had been 20 minutes or so, at least. Surely, Chris has finished his drink and had gone back to his own room by now, I thought. I couldn't wait to get my keycard into the lock. It was about time I had some one on one time with Joy. I was going to really give it to her this time. A nice birthday fuck would be just what we both needed. The light on the lock mechanism turned green and I pushed open the door. It wasn't open a centimeter before I heard the sounds that I will never forget, "Mmmm..aaahhhhh..myyyyyyyy...gaaaaaawwwwwdd..." I then heard a muffled clapping noise and a squeeking sound.. My heart leapt almost out of my throat. I pushed open the door and saw right into the suite's living room where Chris, with muscles rippling from his arms to legs, was gyrating in between Joy's widely spread legs. I'll never forget this sight. I saw Joy's hands pulling Chris' athletic body into hers, trying to swallow him whole. I saw her left hand, with her wedding band and engagement ring still on the ring finger, clutching at Chris' ass. Digging her painted nails into his ass cheeks. She pulled hard on his ass, pulling him back into her, every time he would dare to pull back. It looked like she was in control. Like she was forcing him to fuck her body. Her red heels seemed to be on opposite ends of the room as she spread her legs as wide as she could to give him access to her beautiful, blonde pussy. More sounds from her hit my ear drums, "Oaaaaaaaaahhh... gawwwwd.. Chris..fuuuck meeeeee... please don't ever stop fucking me...." I then heard him, "You like that, Joy.. You're my little slut aren't you, Joy... Your little pussy is so tight.... Feels sooo good..." I closed the door as silently as possible. I don't know why, but I did. They were so loud it probably wouldn't have mattered anyway. As I walked closer to where Chris was pounding away at wife, for some reason I had conflicting thoughts in my mind. What would I do now? Would I knock him off of her? I'm no little guy. I'm 6 ft 3 in tall and weigh a little over 200 pounds. I could easily deal some serious damage to this guy if I wanted, but for some reason I didn't want to. Seeing this guy thrust into my wife, taking for himself what was mine and taking it very well, was a rush of the type I've never experienced. As I walked up to them, I could smell their sex. It was raw. It was powerful. A musky odor of their bodies becoming one. I could see a wet spot on the sofa under my wife's pussy. Just below where Chris' balls slapped under Joy's pussy. I thought at the time that this is where pre-cum from his cock was mixing with the feminine juice of Joy's sweet pussy. They were one and I was allowing it to happen. I was watching them become one. I was watching him take my wife. The woman who was supposed to be faithful to only me was taking this man into her pussy willingly and wantonly, like an animal in heat. She was begging him to fuck her harder and harder and to never, ever stop fucking her. I reached down and picked up her little, white, lacey panties off the floor, which looked as if they had been torn to shreds. I remembered when we ordered these panties from the catalog. They had been torn from her body by this man fucking her. I brought them to my nose and took in her sweet smell as I watched more muscles pounding into my wife.. more of her beautiful legs spread wide around him.. and listened to more of her sweet moans.. more of her hands pulling his thrusting body into her.. more begging from Joy for more of the cock of a man she had just met a couple of hours ago. I am close enough now to see everything. His body obscures her face, which is why neither of them have yet seen me. I notice the red dress that I picked out for her to wear is lying on the floor in a wrinkled mess. He white lacy bra is over the back of the couch. As he continues his relentless pounding of my sweet wife, he bends forward to suck in her perfect tits, which allows me for the first time an unobstructed view of my wife's face. Her eyes are closed and her mouth is making a small circle, which increases in radius with every deep intrusion of his cock into her pussy. One approving hand moves to the back of his head as he sucks on one of her nipples and then the other. The five fingers of her other hand are still spread out on his pistoning ass. I see the sparkle of her wedding ring as it moves up and down with the movement of his ass. She opens her eyes and sees me for the first time. She makes a terrified gasp and tries to push Chris off of her. He keeps pounding away. She says "my husssbaaand.. my husssbaaand," as she is still receiving his large cock in and out of her pussy. He turns and looks over his shoulder at me standing there. What he then says I will never forget, "I was in your wife's pussy not 2 minutes after you walked out the door, dude. She first told me that she couldn't do this to you. But after I tore off her panties and starting licking at her pussy. She begged me to fuck her. I don't plan on stopping. So you can either watch like a good boy or leave." Joy watched the amazement on my face. She again tried to push him off, but he kept fucking her. His pounding of her pussy never even slowed a fraction. Joy watched me as I sat down and watched. I watched another man fuck her body. She said "Aren't youuuu...going.. to do...something... he'ssss fucking meee.... Stop him..." but a minute or two later she had forgotten I was even in the room as a mind- blowing orgasm shook her body. After she came, he flipped her over on all fours and started fucking her from behind. He really started pounding her hard now and I heard her whimper in time with some of the deep thrusts. He continued to fuck her like this until she came again hard. He then flipped her back over and stuck his cock in her mouth and fucked her mouth until eventually stiffening up and blowing his load in her mouth. She swallowed every single drop. There were two bedrooms in our suite and I suppose you can imagine which one I used that night. I listened all night to Chris, the quarterback, fucking my sweet Joy in the master bedroom of our suite. I looked in on them one time and she was riding his cock slowly, laying on his chest, thrusting her ass up and down, impaling herself on his large cock. She looked to be in heaven. In the morning, I watched him fuck her from behind in the shower. He fucked her at least five times that night and the next morning. I now know that Joy never looks more beautiful to me than when she is taking another man's cock. Joy on her back, with her legs spread around another man is a beautiful feminine expression. She is a beautiful, sexy woman. It is only natural for men to fuck her, other men. Every woman is the type. 3895 1.40/512345
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