Friday, October 26, 2012
My darling wife Anne
This is how my sweet loving wife became a little slut????with my help I am afraid! My shy, quiet wife Anne has brought up our children to be virtuous and good; and with a little help from me she has made up for all those years of being the faithful loving wife who went to church every Sunday and thought of nothing but what to cook for dinner and occasionally condescended to having missionary sex with me, about once a month if I was lucky! I have often fantasized about her with another man, it seems that most of us do from time to time and when she finally got back to work after almost 20 years off bringing up the children I never thought anything would happen, at least not so soon. She got a job at the local hospital, taking blood samples etc, just 2 days per week. The very first week she had changed, she was confident and cocky and looked different. She had started to wear makeup again, which I thought was OK given her new job and all. She had always been reluctant to wear the sexy underwear I had bought her but slowly it cam out of the bottom of the wardrobe and I began to see it on the washing line. I had of course to do more round the house as I knew I would but she seemed to be taking advantage of the situation, like leaving her clothes lying around and I had to tidy them up as well as the kids stuff. She was keen to fit in well at work of course and her dept. had a night once a month. She didn?t really ask me if she could go, she just told me she was going, next Friday. Friday came and she told me I would need to do the kid's tea, as she needed to get ready to go out! This from the person who normally just pulled a cardigan on before going out with me for a meal. She bathed whilst I sorted the kids out and then shut the bedroom door, our bedroom door whilst she dried her hair and ?got ready? for her evening. She was in their for over an hour and the kids were asking 'where?s mum', etc. I told them she would say goodnight when they were tucked up in bed. I bathed them and put them to bed and then found myself knocking on my own bedroom door and asking if I could come in? "Yes", she said and I felt awkward as I opened the door to the heady smell of perfume and the dazzling beauty that sat before me at her dressing table. She wore a short red leather skirt, black clingy mesh top and I wasn?t sure in the light if she had a bra on. Her face was radiant and she looked like I have never seen her before??.stunning. I was speechless and stood like a dumb fool. "Yes", said Anne, "what is it?" I mumbled about the kids wanting to say goodnight and she got up and walked past me to reveal she did indeed have no bra on and also her short leather skirt just showed she had suspenders on, the ones I bought her last Valentine's that she had never worn??until today that is. She returned to the bedroom to find me sitting on the bed and asked me to put her necklace on for her. I did without question and finally spurted out "You look stunning, Anne" and went to hold her but she pushed me away and said she needed to go, she was being picked up in a few mins. Then the reality hit me??..I asked her where she was going, she said she didn?t really know but wanted to create a good impression on her first evening out. She told me she had no idea of what time she would be back home, and gave me a verbal list of things to do-- cleaning, tidying, ironing, checking homework, etc. and finished my saying make sure you stay away from those porn channels and gave me a vicious stare (she had caught me watching some soft porn a few weeks earlier). With that she descended the stairs and reexamined herself in the hall mirror whilst I watched her from the top of the stairs. Her breasts were now clearly visible and I wanted to tell her to at least put a bra on?but the words never came out in time. The bell rang and she quickly opened the porch door and greeted Beverly, one of her new friends. Beverly said how wonderful she looked and was she looking for ward to her night out. She replied to say yes she was very excited and it was the first proper night out she had had in about 15 years. Beverly didn?t believe her and she qualified it by saying proper meant without me with her! They both shrieked with laughter as the front door slammed shut. I shot upstairs to the window to watch them toddling down the path arm in arm like two school kids. The taxi was waiting, actually it was more of a mini bus and as they approached it a guy stepped out to open the door and greet Anne. He gave her a big hug and stood back to admire her further, before she stepped into the mini bus with him very close behind with his hand on her leather clad bottom and no doubt seeing her suspenders and stockings. I was furious but what could I do? I had the kids at home and a list of jobs to keep me busy for hours?.and busy they kept me until almost midnight when I finally sat down on the couch I had indeed just tuned into the best bit of porn I could find and settled back in the couch rubbing my nipples which I like doing and thinking what Anne was up to when there was a knock at the lounge window followed by hysterical laughter, I fumbled for the controls but it was too late, I turned to see four faces at the window killing themselves laughing. I shot to the front door and opened it and hoped the laughter was a sign that it was being taken in good humor. Anne immediately invited the other three in and as they walked past me they were tutting to themselves, Who?s been a naughty boy then", etc etc. I was so embarrassed.. As I shut the door behind then I began trying to work out who was who, the other girl was Bev, who had picked her up earlier, but I didn?t know the guys and wasn?t sure if one of them was the one she was so pleased to see when she went out. Anne beckoned me to the kitchen and told the others to take a seat. She still looked stunning but now slightly pissed, she looked even better really. She then began to scold me for watching the porn on the telly in a loud voice. I asked her to be quiet and she laughed, ?quiet in my own home, when I find my husband watching porn in front of my friends??? ?I don?t think so, do you?? and continued to castigate me loudly and forced me to say sorry to her. She then instructed me to get a drinks order from her new friends, Bev who I had heard so much about, James and Andy, both trainee doctors. As I reentered the lounge she whispered to me to apologize to them also, so I said quietly ?mmm, sorry about before, what can I get you to drink??. Anne followed me in??that wont really do, will it, Neil? Apologize properly, something like, I am sorry for my embarrassing behavior earlier, but I am a pervert and need help?, at which point she pushed me forward to them and was doubled up with laughter. I smiled and fetched some beers. When I returned to the room, Beverley was sat on James? lap and I could see right up her skirt, beyond her stocking tops to the beginning of her knickers, she didn?t notice or care and took the bottle from me. Anne explained that James and Andy were both trainee doctors who worked so very hard and this was their first night out for weeks. She said Andy had looked after most of the night and I should thank him, which I did immediately. "Hes so cute. Don?t you think, Neil?" as she bent down held his face in her hands and kissed him on the lips and added her own thank you. Andy, bless him looked a bit awkward but Anne assured him I was Ok as I was more interested in porn on the TV. She told him to shove up a bit on the couch and squeezed in next to him and rested her head on his chest and shut her eyes, whilst stroking his leg saying ?mmm what a night?I have had, thankyou so much and squeezed his leg again and swiveled her head round to his so she could kiss him again, but only got a far as his neck which she kissed and kissed and kissed whilst rubbing his leg. Andy who seemed a nice lad really looked at me with a helpless look and I shrugged my shoulders and sat on the chair. She managed to get her hand on his head and pulled him to meet her greedy lips, XXXXXXXXXXXXX, they kissed for ages whilst Bev and James sat there smirking at my predicament. I asked them 'has she been like this all night?? ?Just about', came the reply???! I gave a sort of a ?cough? and stood up, still not really believing what I was seeing and not sure what emotions I was having either, anger, rage, pleasure? Pleasure, yes that was it; I was enjoying this spectacle before me, my normally boring wife and mother of our children cavorting in our lounge with a handsome young man almost half her age. She broke away from her embrace upon hearing me and looked up at my what must have been rather pathetic figure and said to me, "What do you expect when I have spent 20 years with you, without much real sex, I have so much time to make up, if you don?t like it you can leave if you wish, that?s your choice?, at which point she began unbuttoning Andy's trousers and tugging at the fly. ?Come on then? she said to me, "if you're staying, make yourself useful, pull these off for me?. In a trance I knelt down in front of them and helped pull down his trousers??.so my randy wife could get to his cock! ?Finish the job off darling,? she said as I found myself undoing his shoes and pulling his trousers clean away. Even Anne was a little nervous at this stage as she was facing the most enormous bulge in Andy?s boxers she had ever seen, but their again she had only ever seen mine beforehand??Oh my god? she exclaimed as she lightly touched it with her fingers, ?it's enormous? she said to Andy and kissed him deeply again. He meanwhile had been busy with Anne's breasts and had her top completely up round her neck and was massaging and pinching her nipples as they continued their embrace. I remained on my knees in front of them, saying nothing but very aware I was more aroused than I could ever remember and found myself rearranging my throbbing cock in the confines of my trousers, just as Anne repositioned herself. ?Enjoying this, are you, darling?? she said sarcastically and thrust her foot in my crotch and pushed my aching dick hard downwards. ?Look Andy? she said ?my pathetic husband is enjoying watching us? as she turned her attention to his boxers, she ran her hand up the length of the bulge and let it slip in the slit, before lowering her head to kiss the outline in front of her. She turned to me again ?Neil darling, there seems to be more clothing here for you to remove, be a petal and take them off for me will you?. Their was no turning back now I realized that and leant forward to clutch the waistband of his boxers, he was struggling to pull his bottom up with Anne still all over him and I had to take another harder grip and get closer. They began to give a little as Andy wriggled his bottom and then it happened?? thrust out of his boxers and their it was in all its glory and literally inches from my face. I have never ever seen such a beauty and certainly never so close up. I was transfixed, speechless and unable to move. There I was taking off my wife?s boyfriend?s boxers and inches away from his cock. ?You like it, don?t you?? little pervert!? she scolded me and I looked away in shame. She moved her dainty hand with perfectly painted nails round its thick shaft and pointed it at me ?look? she teased me some more, ?a real cock, a real man's cock, isn?t it Neil?? unable to speak she whispered to me ?I think you should tell Andy just how wonderful his cock looks, go on, sissy, tell him it?s the most beautiful cock you have ever seen, go on do it now? I tried opening my mouth to speak but my throat was dry and my lips felt like they were stuck together. ?I see you are going to need some encouragement? and she grabbed my hair and pulled me closer to her, looking me firmly in the eye she held onto my hair with one hand and still had hold of Andy?s cock in the other. ?If you cant speak it you will have to show it, my darling husband?, she said, and holding his cock just an inch from my face she commanded,? kiss it?. I realized this was already out of control but looked at her hard in the eyes, she repeated her instruction,? kiss it honey to show Andy how beautiful it is, go on you know you want to really? I had forgotten about Bev and James who had now untangled themselves and come round to watch this spectacle. ? Go on ? Bev urged me ? maybe you will like it? and she pushed my head literally into his cock. I sort of puckered my lips as she did this and I could hear them all screaming with delight when I touched it. ? I?m enjoying this? exclaimed Anne, ? you know darling? she continued? you know how you always want me to suck your puny cock, well I think its time you sampled one for yourself?.what do you think guys??. Beverley and James were all for it but Andy whispered something in Anne?s ear and she burst out laughing. ?Neil darling Andy has a special request, if you are to suck his dick he would like you to look the part. I think that?s an excellent idea so run along to my wardrobe and put on that ivory silk negligee and matching panties and do it NOW? she said pointedly whilst still holding my hair tight and actually giving me a kiss on my forehead as she let go. I went to the bedroom and found the x-mas present that had never been worn before, and stripped off my clothes, I pulled on the silk nightie and wow how good it felt on my skin, I pulled up the matching panties but couldn?t hide my cock in them as the whole experience was just too arousing. As I descended the stairs it felt wonderful the air flowing through he nightie, how lucky women were I thought to myself. I entered the lounge to Andy had now removed Anne?s blouse skirt and panties and she was down to her suspenders, he was now also naked as the day he was born. Bev and James weren?t as far gone and seemed content with some heavy petting and a bit of voyering! As I walked in their was much whistling and screaming but I felt suddenly pleased and excited that it I that they were looking at. I was made to do twirl for them and Anne noticed my dick pocking out of the top of her panties? your really enjoying this aren?t you, but unfortunately that so called cock of your is spoiling the lines of my nightie, push it down between your legs so we cant see it ? she commanded. I tried hard and eventually if I bent forward slightly and I kept me knees together it would stay out of the way. The four of them sat on the couch and laughed at my predicament.? I think a dance would be nice ? said Anne, so I began a slow routine dancing in front of my wife, her friend, their 2 lovers????..whilst dressed in her nightie and panties! They laughed some more at me and slowly returned to each other?s bodies. Anne was mesmerized by Andy?s cock, she was worshipping it, kissing its length but not sure what else to do with it. Slowly she put her lips over the tip and opened as wide as she could, I guess about 2-3 inches went in before she could take no more. I saw her looking up at him and she seemed to be working her tongue along the slit like she had done for me on very rare occasions before. Andy leant towards her and held her face with both his hands, and told her? you are the best Anne, and want to take you now, I want to make love to you?. She let it slip out of her mouth and she rose to meet his tender kiss, they really did look like two young lovers. She said she wasn?t sure she could take him all but he told her not to worry and other girls had found it easier to take him from the rear. She knelt on the rug and said ?yes please, please fuck me, Andy, please fuck me properly with your gorgeous cock? He positioned himself carefully behind her and pulled her bum cheeks apart, he rested the tip of his cock at her entrance and she sighed a she felt it touch her clit. He slowly nudged it in further and further until she had taken about 6 inches of its length, with about another 4-5 inches to go. He held it their and told her to relax. She was tense now for sure, and I moved round the front to see if she was OK, ?this is your fault you bastard? she said? if your cock wasn?t so fucking small it wouldn?t hurt this much? ?hold my hand or something? she commanded. I knelt down in front of her, in my nightie and held her hands as Andy resumed the pressure on her pussy. She grimaced in pain until it was in and he took another rest before starting his slow lovemaking. Her face changed from one of pain to one of the sheer joy and her grip relaxed on my hands, as she learnt to accommodate his huge cock. She looked me in the eye? this is the most wonderful feeling Neil, I have never felt like this with you inside me, this is heaven?, she stopped speaking suddenly as an almighty climax hit her body and she screamed out ? Oh Yesssssss?, tears were rolling down her face, tears of joy. I stayed with her at the front whilst he pummeled away at her but I could tell from his movements that he was getting close, and sure enough he suddenly went twice as fast again and collapsed on top her whilst filling her pussy with his spunk. They were now both lying on the floor with me facing them still holding Anne?s hands. She reached her head round to meet his and she said? Andy that was the best ever, the very best ever, you are wonderful, truly wonderful? and their lips met and they kissed passionately fro many minutes with him still deeply embedded in her pussy The excitement had been too much for me with my dick pushed between my legs and just before Andy had filled my darling wife I too had cum and filled Anne?s panties and made a mess on her nightie. He rolled off her to display a limp dick at least as big a mine was when erect! I wondered what it would have done to Anne pussy and tried looking as she got up. She noticed me looking and said ?want a look do you pervert, well come on down here then ? and sat back down on the floor with her legs wide open. I couldn?t believe my eyes her hole as still wide open, as though she had just given birth, and his semen was all over her, in her bush, top of her legs and running out of her pussy. ?Neil darling she called, as you missed out on getting your mouth round Andy?s dick, its mine now anyway, I don?t want to share it with you, but would you like to clean me up a bit??..please honey? I went to get up to fetch some tissues? No my petal they are too rough, you know how much you like licking my pussy, just use your tongue?. I knelt down before her, not quite sure where to start, when she grabbed my head and pushed me hard into her pussy, the aroma was incredible, she reeked of sex and as I gasped for air I got my first taste of another mans cum, salty yes but not unpleasant, I proceeded to lap his juice out of her pussy and then ate the globules that laid in her pubes. She meanwhile was lying in Andy?s arms kissing and cuddling. Bev and James hadn?t ventured very far, content with kissing and cuddling, evidently her husband doesn?t mind her having a bit of fun, but she is not to go too far???.silly fool he doesn?t know what he?s missing??????.. And Oh did I tell you Andy is Black, but maybe you guessed that already!!! Beverly and James left soon after but Andy stayed the night and into the next morning..but that?s another story..XX . 7507 1.32/512345
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