Tuesday, October 30, 2012
The Clam Bake
The clam bake By Smutt My wife and I were to attend the 10th annual clam bake at a friends house, it was the tenth and also to be the last. The parties had gotten very large and our friends wife was getting tired of all the people entering her house, hell they didn't know a lot of the people, firends of friends of friends were showing up. Well we've always spent the night there and so do some other people due to the heavy drinking, it isn't worth taking a chance driving home. A little about us. We're in our early thirties, I have long hair and a beard, weight and height proportional. My wife, Jane is 5'6" tall, 135 lbs, hair is brown and though not as long as mine it's still past her shoulders, she has a great figure and really nice size tit's. I decided if it all went as planned, Jane would have a time to remember being this was the last clam bake here. You see, if I could find the right guy at this party I was going to have him fuck my wife. We'd talked about Jane having another guy just for a change, and I'd always fantasized seeing my wife being seduced. But all we did was talk about it, I figured this would be the best time to get it going, only I didn't let Jane in on my plan. I figured she'd drink heavy then turn in some time near midnight, I'd let her sleep awhile then get the guy to sneak into the room with me and have him get into bed with her instead of me. I also planned on getting some pictures and video shots of the moment. Hopefully the right guy would be there and also be single. At long last the day arrived and off we went, we also get there first so I knew I'd be able to check out everyone in between our drinking and shooting the bull with some of the people we knew. For almost four hours, not one guy showed up that looked promising, most were with wives or girl friends. Oh well the day was still young. Just before supper time I spotted a guy coming up the drive, he looked like someone Jane would enjoy being with, he too had long hair, was near 6' and looked to be around 185 lbs. and he was walking up alone, now if there's no woman up here waiting for him I may be able to put my plan to work. I watched for over an hour and he talked with some women but still none was with him. After we ate Jane headed up toward the bonfire in back, i told her I'd meet her there shortly. As she left I grabbed another beer and went over to make small talk with this guy. His name was George and he was there alone, he more or less was a friend of a friend who was here. I slowly started talking about sex and guy's who like to share their wives, he said he heard of it but never had the luck of getting invited to do that. Wow, really I said! Yes it's true, matter of fact he didn't know anyone that ever got invited to have sex with someones wife. A little more time went by when I popped the question to him, he was really shocked but said that he was hoping our talk was leading to that, however he wanted to see what my wife looked like, I told him I understood that, but I also said it was going to be a surprise to her and not to let on what was going to go on later that night. His next question was won't she get mad or worse, I told him no and that we've talked about doing something like this for a long time now. Okay he said let's go to the bonfire and then he's let me know on the sly. He followed me up there but kept his distance, I walked over to Jane and put my arm over her shoulder so he'd know that this was my wife. George didn't stare directly at her but kept looking her over and watching what she was doing. He seemed interested from what I could tell. About fifteen minutes passed when he worked his way over by us, he introduced himself to both Jane and me so it looked as if we're just meeting. We made small talk for quit awhile before needing some more beers, I said I'd go and he said he would also go with me to bring back a cooler with some beers in it so we wouldn't have to keep going to the front yard to get our beers. We told Jane we'd be right back and off we went. Once out of hearing distance George informed me that if I was serious he'd love to get into bed with Jane. I told him he wouldn't be sorry and that I was glad he was taking me up on the offer. I then filled him in on the plan I worked up. It goes like this, I knew at the rate Jane was going that she'd be going to bed by eleventhirty and be sleep by midnight, it was be then that we would go to the room together, we just had to be sure no one seen him entering the room with me, so in the house we'd have to be carefull. I also told him that she likes almost everything but pain. I also told him I'd love to take some pictures with both my digital camera and with my camcorder, at first he was hesident, but I told him the stuff would not be shown to anyone but Jane and me and also if this worked out okay that he may be invited to our house on and off for some get togethers, well that sold him on the picture thing. We grabbed a small cooler that already had some beer in it and headed back to where Jane was. Once seated with beers in our hands we went back to the small talk, a little after eleven Jane said she'd had it and was calling it a night she said goodbye to George and off she went. Georges eye's followed her body as she left till she disapeared into the darkness. Once she was way out of sight I lowed my voice and told George that when we're over here sleeping that she usually goes to bed in her panties and a tank top with no bra on, and that once we get into the room for him to strip completely and get in beside, I also told him to start whenever he felt comfortable laying there with her. We then went back to idle chit chat. It was almost midnight and decided we should try on get to the room un-noticed, once in the house we had to wait till a group of people that were in the kitchen near the hallway we needed to go down, would leave, that took nearly twenty minutes but finally the headed to the bar in the basement to continue partying there. Al last we we sneaking down the hallway to our room and no one in site. I quitely opened our door and George and me crept in, the room was getting some light into it from outside, it may have been a street light or the moon, it was a full moon that night and no clouds. George was fast to get out of his clothes, I kept mine on since I had no plans on joining them, not at this time anyhow, maybe if we get together some time in the future. He eased his body onto the mattress behind Jane, she was rolled onto her side facing me. He laid tat way for awhile then started inching his body slowly toward her, soon he had his body tightly against her's. He too was on his side facing me, so I knew his cock had to be pressing against her body. Soon he worked his hand over her arm and started cupping her tit, slowing squeezing and caressing her warm breast, her nipple hardened almost instantly. I swear I heard a low moan escape her lips, I was now wondering if she had awakened yet since she moaned but she showed no signs of movement yet. I didn't want to take any picture yet with my camera so I start shooting some fotage with my camcorder, there was enough light but just barely, I would have liked a little more light but it was acceptable. His hand was doing an expert job going from tit to tit, squeezing and taking time to tweak each nipple making them hard as rocks. I figure she was awake by now because I could see her hips pushing her ass back against his cock, I was also wondering if she knew it wasn't me yet. After awhile his hand went to the bottom of her tank top and started easing up her body, wanting to free her breasts show he could get his hand on her naked tit flesh, she was helping him by raising up her body so the top would go up easily. Once her tit's were exposed I seen her open her eye's and look right at me, now was the moment of truth, would she push him away or not. The answer came soon enough, it came in the sound of another moan escaping her lips. Her nipples now looked as hard as rockets. She then rolled onto her back and slightly parted her legs, I knew then and there that she was going to go through with being with another man. I started shooting some pic's with my camera now instead of the video. George's tongue started licking at her nipples, and on and off he would suck one into his mouth, while his mouth was at work so was his hand, it left her breast and traveled down her stomach, working his way toward her pantie covered crotch. Jane's hand was also going to work, she had her fingers wrapped around his cock and was stroking up and down the length of it. His cock looked to be around 2 inches longer and thicker than my 7 inch cock. Jane parted her legs wider as his hand slid under her panties, giving him easier access to her pussy, soon his fingers from what I could tell found her clit, I say this because of the way she arched her back off the mattress and the moan from her lips. He worked on her pussy getting her hotter and hotter, I decided it was time to video once again. What I didn't notice at first since I had my eye on the view finder was the bedroom door opening and closing, I also didn't hear it being opened and closed. What caught my attention was the floor made a slight creaking sound. I lowered my video and looked over to see this guy taking his clothes off, I slowly worked my way over to him to tell him to leave. As I whispered to him that this was a privite party he informed me that he heard George and me talking. And that if I made him leave he be sure to go down to the basement and let the people there know what we were doing. Well I didn't want this to be made public so I told him he could stay, he told me his name was Sam and that he couldn't wait to get with my wife too. I told him to wait a little while before getting on the bed too! I wasn't sure how Jane would handle this new situation. As I went back to videoing Sam continued getting his clothes off, he then picked up the digital camera, and with his cock standing out hard he started taking pic's off the action on the bed. I started thinking this is great, two camera's taking in the action and soon another cock for my wife. It was a good thing at this point that Jane usually keeps her eye's shut during sex. Plus I figured she didn't want to see me filming her and the action. George was working Jane's panties down and off her legs, they were soon laying on the floor close to Sam's feet. As George tossed them he spotted Sam, Sam just put a finger to his lips letting George know to be quiet about him being here, George nodded at Sam and then me. George then really started going to work on Jane's pussy and tit's, he inserted one of his fingers into her cunt bringing her ass off the mattress trying to capture more of the finger inside of her, his other hand and his mouth went to work on her tit's, squeezing and pulling on her sensitive nipples. Her body was bucking like a bronco now, her hand was really stroking the length of his cock and balls, I could see some of his pre-cum on her fingers. I was having a ball watching and videoing my wife have the time of her life, I just hoped that when Sam joined in that she wouldn't freak out and call it quit's. This was really and unbelievable turn of events, more than I ever could have dreamed of. George decided he better slow things down with Jane for a bit, he didn't want her to cum yet, he figured it would be better to bring her close the slow down making her want to cum more and more. He removed his finger an inch at a time till he pulled it free. He then took her hand off his prick and started sliding down in the bed, as he did this he motioned to Sam to start getting on the bed. Sam set the camera down and slowly started getting into bed, george made sure to do a lot of movement so that Jane wouldn't notice another body getting into bed with them. As George got his body into positition to eat her out, Sam was on his knee's inching his cock closer to her lips. George lowered his tongue and made contact with her now sensitive clit, causing her to buck her hips to greet more of his tongue, once he started sucking on her clit Sam moved his cock against her lips. I figured she thought that I joined them on the bed because she didn't flinch when his cock rubbed against her lips. As George worked on her cunt Sam began to rub his cock all around her lips, getting some of his pre-cum smeared on them making them glisten in the light of the room. Jane let her tongue slide out and started rolling it around the head of the cock at her lips. Sam looked like he was really enjoying the tongue bath his cock was getting, and I know Jane was enjoying the tongue work on her cunt. This went on for awhile between the three of them, then George slide his tongue into her warm cunt, causing her to wether and moan in sure extasy, that's when Sam figured it was time to bury his cock between her moist lips. I watch and filmed as his cock disappeared inch by inch into her waiting mouth, I also seen her eye's open once the cock was in her mouth. I knew that once he put it in her that she would relize it wasn't mine. Again the moment of fear, would she stop or go on. George didn't give her time to think, he acted quickly and started to really get his tongue going on her, causing her to forget about it being another stranger and concentrate on the pleasure she was getting. Sam was really going to work on her mouth as George worked her cunt, getting near an orgasm once again, but it wasn't going to happen yet, George would see to that. He slowed down his pace and let Sam enjoy the blow job his cock was getting from her expert mouth and tongue. Soon George removed his tongue and sat up moving his hands to her tit's to play with them, just enough to keep her hot and wanting more. After awhile of this Sam and George switched position, George was getting his cock sucked as Sam ate out my wife, this time they decided to let her have an orgasm, they could tell by her action's that she need relief. I wanted to make sure I had her first orgasm with strangers on tape, just in case this would be the end of her with other guys. I filmed as her hips and moans kept growing and growing, the moan's sounded funny since they had to escape around the nine inches of thick cock in her stetched lips. Somehow though the moan's came out. About fifteen minutes went by before her body stiffened, then started convulsing with orgasm after orgasm. They let her calm down for a few minutes, George removed his cock from her lips as she started to convulse to let her catch her breath, now Sam restarted lapping on her clit, with in no time her hips were starting to move with desire again. Sam kept going as George was inching his cock toward her lips, she quickly open her mouth once she felt the cock head touch her lips, taking his cock back into her warm mouth. In now time she was again starting little moan's escape her cock filled mouth. Sam had enough of eating her and decided it was time his cock got into her warm cunt, he slowly moved his body up on hers. Taking her knee's and pressing them back to her breast's, he then took his cock in hand and began rubbing it around her clit then up and down her slit getting ready to push it into her openning. Once his cock was nice and slick he began sliding inward, inch by inch he pressed forward. His balls finally smacked against her ass, he had all eight inch of hot cock up her now, he stayed still for a few moments, that is till she started moving her hips, more or less fucking him, them I watch his ass raise and he started doing the fucking, he was slamming into her like there was no tomorrow. I knew she was enjoying it because from the angle I had I could see her cunt sucking his cock in, and her juices flowing around his hot meat. It didn't take much of Sam's pounding before antother orgasm took her over, Sam slowed his pace as she went over the edge, once she slowed down he began to hammer her again, I was wondering how much of this she would take, but she showed no signs of stopping. George removed his cock from her mouth and tapped Sam on his shoulder, motioning to him that he wanted to fuck Jane now. Sam nodded at him and slowly withdrew his cock. Jane seemed a little disappointed but not for long, as they switched position Jane was soon filled once again, only this time George's thick cock was stretching his was into her warm cavern, and Sam's cock was moving in to where George's cock was. George was fucking her slower than Sam had but he was also teasing her by pulling his cock back till just the tip of his cock head was in her, he'd keep it like this for a few second's then start it back up her cunt, filling her cunt to the limit. Wierd thing is neither of these guy's had cum yet, I figured by the time they did that Jane would be filled full of cum in her cunt and belly. Sam was also fucking her mouth slower than before, allowing her to get more air around his cock, I think he also was making sure he didn't cum yet, I didn't know at the time though that he wanted to shoot his cum else where. Once again they brought her to another orgasm, this on took a little longer though, probably because of the slower pace they were putting her through, but this one really rocked her body. I could tell she was cock delirious, she openned her eye's as the orgasm ended, her eye's were solidly glassed over, I don't think she even knew where she was. George pulled his cock out and slide off her, they all just laid there for what seemed like an eternity before Sam and George let their hands started bringing her sexual appetite back again, George started working on her clit as Sam took to her tit's, with in minutes they had her back in action, each of her hands was strocking a cock. This time Sam had Jane sit up then crawl up between George's legs, Sam whispered into her ear for her to take George's cock and slid it up her cunt, Jane eagerly did as she was told. I watched her grasp his cock, line it up and start sliding down on it till the whole cock was buried into her. Sam slowly moved her upper torso forward till her breast were smashed into George's chest, George look at Sam to try and figure out what he was up to. Sam took George's arm's and pulled them upward wrapping them around Jane, and he pushed on them, George then knew that Sam wanted him to hold her tightly to him and in place for Sam to mount her. George wasn't sure though wether Sam was going to put his cock in with his or in her ass, he doubted Jane could take another cock in her cunt with his already in there due to his thickness. George felt Sam moving in behind Jane, he watched as Sam put a little spit in his hand then watched it disappear behind Jane. Soon he felt that Sam was rubbing his cock between her ass cheek's, this would be a new experience for George, he'd never fucked a girl while she had another cock Fucking her ass. Jane has only had my cock in her ass twice so I didn't know how she would handle this scene. I didn't have long to wait to find out. George tightened his grip on her upper body as Sam started to force the head of his cock into her tiny openning, and with the thick cock in her cunt it was a tiny openning. I seen her stiffen but she wasn't trying to stop it, she was starting to moan but it wasn't pleasure moan's coming from her lips, it was pain. The good thing was that Sam was taking it really slow, I knew he was trying not to hurt her, he'd put an inch or two in then wait for her to get accustomed to it befor proceeding with more of it. George was remaining perfectly still, just keeping his cock buried to the hilt in her, he would later tell me how it felt to him as Sam slide his cock in and also how it felt when the were both fuckin her at the same time. Now back to Sam, another two inches were in her and he again stopped to wait for her to relaxe, this time though she started pushing back, taking him in, I was amazed at this. I also think it caought Sam off guard but he quickly took up the lead again, soon he had all of his cock in her ass. Slowly he began pulling back, then pressing forward, picking up a little more speed each time, soon George would follow. I was now trying to video and take the digital pic's at the same time, I didn't want any of this action to be missed. Sweat was pouring off Jane as the two cock's ravaged her body, they were like one, as Sam would push forward, George would be pulling back, it was really something to see and hear, good thing though Jane kept her moans low some no one outside the room would hear. It took Jane no time to get off with the twin cock's working her over. This time though she got no breaks inbetween, George and Sam were on a mission to cum now. After two more of Jane's orgasm's I seen Sam starting to stiffen up, I knew he would soon be filling her ass with hot cum, all of a sudden he started moaning, then shaking, I knew then he was pumping his sperm deep into her bowel's. Shortly after that it was George's turn to dump his seed into the depth's of her cunt, he too stiffened, then a couple of moan's a long with Jane's moaning as his hot cum emptied into her, all three collasped on the bed. Jane was laying on her back with cum running out of her ass and cunt. As they lay there we heard people back in the kitchen, I put away all the gear I had, and by the time I finished that I looked over to see them all asleep. Jane had a cute little smile on her face. I figured what the hell and sat in a chair to get some sleep, but before than I set my alarm on my wrist watch for five thirty to get them out of the room before anybody else got up. Then to sleep I went. I was awakened a few hours later by a warm feeling on my cock, here was Jane on her knee's in front of me with my cock buried to the hilt in her warm mouth. She sucked me off till I filled her mouth with my warm cum, she swallowed over and over again, she couldn't believe I had all that built up inside of me, most of that I think was from what I saw lastnight. She then surprised me once again as she went over and started sucking of George while grabbing Sam's cock in her hand, damn, she wanted more, hell I didn't think she'd be able to move after lastnight. Well anyhow, Sam fucked her one more time as she sucked off George. George filled her belly with his cum as Sam filled her cunt with his. We talked a little bit as they got dressed, they told my wife how great she was and that they'd loved to get together again some time if that would be okay, she said she's love to and asked me to get their phone numbers. I was glad she was game for more of this and I quickly got out a pen and paper. The guy's got out of the room with out anyone seeing them, we fell back asleep for a few hours then headed home to a fun session in bed. 2749 1.23/512345
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