Wednesday, October 24, 2012
The Promise
THE PROMISE By Just Plain Bob I looked around the room taking in the chair sitting on the floor in the middle of the room and the eight smiling faces looking back at me. Promise or no promise I had absolutely no business being there. I was a married woman with three kids and not some young, hard-bodied stripper and when the call came I initially said no. And then Gary had pissed me off and I was in a spiteful mood and so there I was. The night had its beginnings a little over eight years earlier. At the time I was in my junior year at college and keeping steady company with Jimmy Briggs. Not going steady, just spending more time with Jimmy than anyone else. I was a bit of a "wild child" in those days and in fact Jimmy had met me at a frat house gangbang. I wasn't the star ? Pauline French was pulling the train ? but I was there cheering her on and I did "fluff" a few of the guys to get them ready for her. I was on my knees doing my best to get Jerome Washington hard again. He had just finished doing Pauline and she wanted Jerome again, but in her butt. Pauline had a thing for black basketball players and for Jerome in particular. She especially liked Jerome's cock. Pauline loved anal sex and as far as she was concerned Jerome was designed for anal. Jerome's cock, while fairly long (eight and a quarter inches) was no bigger around than a Ball Park Frank before cooking plumped it up. As far as Pauline was concerned it was an absolutely perfect fit for her butt. Anyway, I finally got Jerome up and ready and he walked over to make Pauline "airtight" and as I was wiping my mouth with the hem of my skirt I heard a voice say: "Do you just do guys who are going to ride the train or can anybody get what you have to offer?" I looked up and into the deepest blue eyes I had ever seen. "What's the matter," I said, "Don't you like Pauline?" "I don't mind trains as long as I'm the first one aboard or at least the second. After that though I don't care much for the feel. But back to my question; can I have me some of that?" "I don't know. The guys I've done are guys I know and trust. I don't know you." "Then we need to remedy that" and he offered me his hand and helped me to my feet. "We can go downstairs and take advantage of the keg or we can go someplace a little more private; like maybe a booth at Angie's" "I don't think so. I'm not leaving this place with someone I don't know and have never seen before." "We need to correct that then" he said and he turned and called out "Hey, Charlie" and Charlie Briggs, who at the time had his cock in Pauline's mouth looked our way and said "What?" "This young lady doesn't want anything to do with me because she says she doesn't know me. Introduce us will you?" "Norma, meet my brother Jimmy. He isn't near as much fun as I am, but as big brothers go he isn't bad." "There" Jimmy said, "now you know me. We cool?" "I don't know. Let's go to Angie's and talk about it." Over beer at Angie's I found out that Jimmy had graduated two years previous and was at the frat house visiting his brother. Actually it wasn't really a visit. Charlie had called him and asked to borrow fifty dollars and Jimmy was dropping it off. We ended up in Jimmy's apartment where I did indeed give him a blow job and a whole lot more. In the morning over coffee Jimmy said: "One thing I'm curious about. You were on your knees five feet from your girlfriend and you were sucking every cock that was put in front of your face. Why weren't you fucking like your girlfriend?" "Because once I get started I can't say no. The last time I let it happen there were fourteen guys. I couldn't walk for two days. So now if I'm with more than two or three all I'll do is give head." "Two or three huh?" he said as he smiled. For the rest of my junior year and the first half of my senior year I practically lived at Jimmy's apartment. I spent so much time at his place that my roommate back at the dorm was constantly bitching at me over having to dust my part of the room. I'd been keeping company with Jimmy for about a month when I found out why he had smiled when he said "Two or three huh?" We had just gotten to his apartment from a party when someone knocked on the door. He opened it and let in two guys who had been at the party. Jimmy smiled at me and said: "Two or three, right?" After that I could count on Jimmy having one or two friends over two or three times a month. It was what happened during the second month of my senior year that brought me to the room with the eight smiling faces. Jimmy and I were out partying and on a whim we stopped at the Wild Horse Saloon. The Wild Horse was a strip joint and it just happened to be amateur night. Jimmy tried to talk me into getting up on the stage and competing but I kept saying no. That is I kept saying no until he got a bunch of booze in me. I had been watching and I thought I could do better than the ones I saw, but I knew I couldn't win. For one thing the crowd that would be voting seemed to be into big breasts and almost all of the contestants had huge tits and most of their dancing seemed to consist of uncovering their tits and then shaking them at the audience. I considered myself to be a pretty decent looking woman, but I had been shortchanged in the boob department. Anyway, Jimmy kept after me and before long he got enough alcohol in me that I said "What the hell; why not?" I knew I couldn't "out boob" the others, but I bet that I could "out nasty" them and maybe that would be enough. The rules were simple. One song, everything except your panties could come off and you could not place your hands directly on your sex. I borrowed Jimmy's pocket knife and headed to the ladies room. I took off my panties and then used Jimmy's knife to reduce them to less than a skimpy thong. In fact, in front all I left was a thin strip that split my pussy lips and you couldn't even tell I had anything in the back because it disappeared into my ass crack. It didn't cover ? it helped highlight. For music I picked "One Way or Another" by Blondie because it was fast and I could hurry my clothes off and then have more time to be nasty. When it was my turn I burst out on the stage and my clothes went flying. I got down to my non-existent panties in no time and then I prowled the edge of the stage. Every time the words, "One way or another I'm gonna gitcha gitcha gitch gitcha" I would spread my legs, bend at the knees and push my pussy out towards the audience while pointing at some guy as I mouthed the words "gonna gitcha gitcha gitcha." The crowd went wild, but the outcome was what I knew it would be. A big breasted blond won, but I did place second and won fifty bucks and we had our cover charge refunded. When we were driving back to Jimmy's place he said, "You were great up there Norma. You were robbed by that big titted blond. You had every cock in the house throbbing. When I get married I want you to be the stripper at my bachelor party. Will you do it?" I was high on the alcohol and my second place finish so without even thinking about it I said, "Sure Jimmy; I'll do it." "You promise Norma?" "I promise Jimmy. I'll strip for you at your bachelor party." In the middle of my senior year I met Gary, fell in love, kissed Jimmy goodbye, kicked the "wild child " out of my life and settled down to be Gary's girl. Eight years later on a Friday night I was sitting at my kitchen table and fuming. Gary had been gone on a two week business trip and the week leading up to his leaving I was having my monthly. Three weeks with no loving. Every night Gary was gone we talked on the phone and some of those calls were as close to phone sex as you could get. Gary kept saying: "Hang on baby; I'll be home soon." He had been due in at three and allowing two hours to go into the office and check in and forty minutes to get home I expected him home no later than six. I had arranged for my mom and dad to take the kids for the weekend. I was perfumed, polished and ready. I had on a sexy, slinky thing from Victoria's Secret and a pair of CFMs with four inch heels. I was ready. I was more than ready. And then Gary called. He was at the office and he was calling to let me know he wouldn't be home for another two days. He had stopped in at the office to check in and his boss had grabbed him. One of their biggest clients was coming to town and wanted to try his hand at fly fishing. Matt (Gary's boss) didn't know a thing about fly fishing but he knew that Gary did so he drafted Gary to take care of the client. "I have to pick him up at the airport in an hour and then take him to the cabin that Matt rented. My fishing tackle is in the trunk of my car so I won't be home until sometime late Sunday." "Damn it Gary; you can't do this to me. I've been without for over three weeks and I'm sitting here primed and ready for you to walk through the door." "It's only going to be for two more days honey." "It isn't fair Gary. Leaving me sitting here hurting while you go fishing just isn't fair." "Be reasonable Norma; it is part of my job." "No it isn't Gary. There is nothing in your job description that says going fishing is part of your job. Let Matt handle the client." "Matt would end up with a fish hook in his finger. I have to do this Norma. The client is too important to the company." "And your wife isn't important to you?" "Oh for Christ's sake Norma, get a grip!" I slammed the phone down, got a beer out of the fridge and then sat down at the table and fumed and the longer I sat there the more pissed I got. I stared at the phone for what must have been a half an hour and then I made up my mind. My kids were gone for the weekend. My asshole husband was gone fishing and I was not ? WAS NOT ? going to sit home and stare at the walls. A week previous I'd received a phone call from Jimmy Briggs. It had been years since I'd talked to him. We made small talk for a couple of minutes and then he said: "It finally happened Norma. I finally found the lady I'm going to marry." And then he laughed and said, "Or maybe I've found the only girl who will have me and put up with me. I'm getting married Norma. Can you believe it? Me? Getting married?" "Well congratulations Jimmy." "My bachelor party is going to be next Friday night." I wondered why he was telling me that when he said, "Remember your promise Norma?" "Promise? What promise?" "You promised me that you would be the stripper at my bachelor party." It all came back to me then. The night at the Wild Horse, my dance and what I'd promised Jimmy on the way back to his apartment. He couldn't be serious. "My God Jimmy, that was eight or nine years and a different lifetime ago." "You promised Norma." "I was young, drunk and single at the time Jimmy. I'm a married woman now. I'm a mother with three kids now." "A promise is a promise Norma." "I'm sorry Jimmy, but no way." I remembered that phone call as I sat there and steamed. I reached for the phone. "Hi Jimmy. You still need a stripper?" They had gotten another stripper, but Jimmy still wanted me to dance for him and so I told him I would be there. He wanted the dance I'd done the night of the contest at the Wild Hose and so I decided that is just what I would do. Jimmy introduced me to the seven other guys and then fixed me a drink. The real stripper wasn't due for another hour so I stood around and talked with the guys and drank whatever Jimmy handed me. I was in a pretty mellow mood when the stripper got there and as I watched her go through her routine I knew that while I couldn't match her practiced moves I could certainly "out nasty" her. She finished her routine by giving Jimmy a lap dance. She had him take out his cock and she sat on it with her panty covered pussy and ground around on it for a little bit and then she kissed him, dressed and left. Once she was gone Jimmy smiled at me and said: "Your turn sexy lady." I chugged the drink that I had in my hand and then went over to the CD player. I put the in CD I'd brought with me, pushed the button until I got to the track I wanted and then I turned up the volume. As soon as Blondie started belting out "One way or another" I turned and did everything I had done the night of the contest. There was no artful tease, just exuberance. When I got down to my panties Jimmy's eyes lit up as he saw that I had cut them down the same as I had on the night I took second place. The front and back were no more than one inch wide strips that split my pussy lips and disappeared between my butt cheeks. I whirled around the room pointing at different guys on "gitcha, gitcha, gitcha" and bending at the knee and pushing my pussy out at them. Jimmy was still sitting on the chair with his cock erect and pointing at the ceiling so I spun over to him, turned my back to him to face the others and then sat down. I did not intend to do any more than the stripper had done. I was going to sit on Jimmy's lap, squirm around a little and then kiss him, get dressed, have one more drink and leave. I had not counted on the fact that my panties weren't really covering anything and that there wasn't enough left of them to stop anything. When I sat down on Jimmy's erection it pushed that one inch strip of cloth aside and speared up into me. It caught me by surprise and I hesitated a moment before I tried to lift up off of him, but he put his arms around my waist and held me there as I moaned: "No Jimmy, no. I can't Jimmy, I'm married. We can't do this Jimmy, we can't." But Jimmy didn't listen and he held me on his lap and wouldn't let me go. I felt his cock throb and then he started lifting me up and pulling me back down. I kept crying: "No Jimmy, no. We can't Jimmy, we can't." But of course he could and he did. I am a very sexual person by nature and once Jimmy got going my sexual nature took over. I started fucking Jimmy back all the while moaning out: "Oh God Jimmy; this is not fair. You know we shouldn't be doing this. This isn't right Jimmy." By then he wasn't holding me and I was raising and lowering myself on his cock. I felt the fires start to build in me and my moaning had changed to: "Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes." Someone stepped in front of me and waved a cock in front of my face. I thought, "Well, Gary did tell me to get a grip" and I reached out, took hold of the stiff cock and brought it to my mouth. After that it was all a blur as all of the men there took turns on me. When Jimmy came I was lifted off of him and carried to the bedroom where they all devoured me. My breasts were worked on while cock after cock made its way into my mouth, my pussy and my butt. Several times I was plugged at both ends with a cock in my mouth and another in my pussy or butt. Twice I had a cock in all three. Eventually the guys had no more to give and they began to leave. Then it was down to Jimmy and me. He lifted me off the bed and carried me to the living room and put me down on the couch. "Don't go away" he said as he went back into the bedroom. Several minutes later he came back, picked me up and took me back into the bedroom and I saw that he had put clean sheets on the bed. He put me down on the bed and then got on the bed beside me. "I've missed you baby" he said as he pulled me on top of him and his cock slid into my well used hole. I fell asleep with Jimmy's cock in me. I woke up in the morning to the smell of coffee and frying bacon. I got up and wandered, still naked, into Jimmy's kitchen. He pointed to the coffee pot and told me which cupboard had the cups and then he said, "I love your outfit." I took a sip of the coffee that I'd poured and then said, "Why did you let that happen last night? You know I'm married and have a family." "Don't try to shit me Norma. You wanted what happened last night. You can say that you didn't all you want to, but you know you would be lying to your self. You knew that if you danced for me the way you did on that amateur night all those years ago that there wouldn't be a soft dick in the room and you know what guys with hard dicks do. And you know what to do with a bunch of hard dicks. Don't forget sweetpea, I've seen you do two and three a time or two before. Whether it was consciously or not you came here to get fucked last night and I can tell by the way you dressed for breakfast that you expect to get fucked again this morning." Jimmy did fuck me after breakfast and after lunch and at three in the afternoon and before dinner. After dinner I was looking at his crotch and licking my lips and Jimmy saw it and laughed. "I'm afraid not sweetpea; I'm only human, but I did anticipate your needs." Almost as if on cue there was a knock on the door and Jimmy got up to answer it. Minutes later he came back with two guys who were at the party the night before. "Sweetpea, I give you Walt and Mike. Gents, Norma has an itch that is in dire need of scratching." And scratch it they did until they couldn't get it up any more. After Walt and Mike left Jimmy took me to bed, did me and I fell asleep on his bed for the second night in a row. In the morning I showered and dressed and Jimmy fed me breakfast and then I hurried home to get ready for Gary's return from his all important fishing trip. When Gary did get home I did not rush into his arms. When he went to kiss me I turned my head so he got my cheek. He stepped back and said: "That's no way to greet a husband who has been gone for two weeks." "It is the way a wife who finds out she isn't as important as a fish greets her husband." "Damn it Norma, I told you how important it was." "Yes you did, didn't you. Dinner is in the oven. It should be done by the time I get back from picking up the kids." "Do you have to get them now? Shouldn't we take advantage of their not being here?" "They haven't been here since noon Friday. The entire weekend is when their absence should have been taken advantage of. I'll be back in a bit" and I walked out of the house leaving him standing there. The kids were happy to see daddy and after dinner he played with them while I did the dinner dishes. When it was time to go to bed I put on a heavy flannel nightgown. I knew that it would tell Gary that he wasn't going to get any that night. I was not being mean or vindictive, just cautious. My pussy had been heavily used for two nights in a row and even thought I had thoroughly washed and douched I was not going to take the chance of Gary thinking I was a little loose down there. It was going to be at least two days before Gary got any. As I lay there staring up at the ceiling I thought back to what Jimmy had said as I got ready to come home. "It was just like old times sweetpea. We'll have to do it again in a couple of weeks." "No Jimmy. It as a big mistake and I never should have done it. There won't be a next time." "We will see Norma, we will see." The thing was that the bachelor party and the night after with Walt and Mike woke something up inside of me. I don't honestly know what I will do if Jimmy does call. With that troubling thought still in mind I fell asleep. 5135 1.43/512345
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