Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Jill, Dan & Their Friend Larry Ch. 08
Larry came to Jill's table and asked, "Jill! God it's great to see you! How are you? How's Dan?" She said, "He's well Larry. I'm OK. My life is OK. It was going along just fine..." then she stopped. He said, "And? You sounded like you were going to say and, or but, or something along those lines. Man, you look great babe!" Jill just looked at him and then said, "No nothing else. I'm good and you?" He said, "OK if I sit down? I'm well thanks for asking. It's been a long time Jill. I heard you and Danny are still together and I was happy to hear that. I still stay in touch with some of folks be both know." She smiled a little and drank her coke. Then she said, "Did you know I lost the baby?" She started to fill up and cry a little and then stopped herself. Larry reached for her hand but she pulled away. He said, "Yes! I heard, I'm sorry. You OK now? Thinks like that take time to get over Jill." She said, "Yes, yes I'm OK most of the time. Then I see someone I haven't seen for a while and they bring it up again and I get emotional for a few minutes. But I'm OK! ...NO! No Larry I'm not OK I'm so sad! I want to kill myself sometimes." He reached for her hand again and she didn't move it. He said, "Can...can I do anything? God Jill I'm sorry I didn't know me asking would effect you." She tried to smile a little and then she said, "It's not you or what you said. It's what my fucking life has done to me. I need...I need to talk with someone about something that just can't be Danny!" He didn't say anything for a few minutes he just sat there and held her hand. Then he said, "If you want to talk with me I'm here for you Jill. You know how I feel about you......always have felt about you." She looked up and smiled a little again. She took her hand and placed it on his face and held it there saying, "Thank you but I don't think that would be a good idea. Danny would kill you and me if he knew you were even in the same mall that I was. I have a problem and have to work it out." He said, "Well I won't push you but we were very close at one time and so I'll say it again and then let it drop, if you need someone to talk to, I'm here for you." She said, "Thank you. OK Larry. What if I told you the last man I told about my problems took advantage of me and fucked me on the back seat of my car and then left me there with my panties laying on the floor and his cum dripping out of me. He just walked away and acted like noting happened, yep, I sure can pick them can't I? And I did it again to my wonderful husband. I have a serious mental problem Larry, a serious problem!" He said, "Oh shit a affair problem! Didn't see that coming Jill! OK I would say first, was this the first and only time you have been with this guy?" She said, "Yes, last night and he's my fucking boss!" Larry said, "OH shit that makes it even worst. OK! Has he talked to you yet today?" She said, "No. Not yet and I don't know if I should talk with him first. What do you think?" He said, "Well that could be good or bad. Do you know if he thinks this was a one time thing or do you think he thinks it will continue?" Jill shook her head and said, "I have no idea! If he hadn't walked away so fast I would say he would want to continue it. But since he left so fast I just don't know." Larry said, "Well the way you look I think he'll be back for more. So I think you should head it off and tell him it was a mistake and you don't intend to do it again. If he begins to fight or tells you otherwise, you tell him you'll file charges for sexual harassment. You just want to be left alone to do your job. If he can't deal with it, you'll have to find another job babe. I think he'll want to talk with you soon. You have to decide if you want to wait or just tell him. Or, continue it." She said, "Oh God no!! I don't want to continue it that's for sure!" She thanked him for his advice and how nice it was to see and talk with him again. She wished he and her husband were still friends. But she knew Dan would never talk with Larry again, never. Danny hated him for what he did to her and the affair they had. She wasn't sure she still felt the way she had before. She still felt that tingle between her legs as she looked at him and remembered how he looked nude and how his cock had satisfied her like her husband never could. But it was over now and she sure as hell didn't want two loves and a husband!! She would go insane. He smiled and kissed her hand and said, "Look call me and let me know what happened when you talk with the guy. Here's my number." Larry handed her a business card and stood up. He smiled and told her how beautiful she still was and that he missed her and Danny very much. Then he walked away. She watched him walk until he went out the door. She looked at her watched and realized she was 10 minutes late and almost ran back to the office. Once she settled in she realized no one knew she was late getting back. Around 2PM Bill came out of his office and said, "Jill can I see you for a few minutes?" She started to blush and shook with fear as she got up and walked into his office. "OH fuck here it comes. Either he's going to say he's sorry for do it to me yesterday or he's going to say he wants to continue the affair or he's going to fire me. OH God I hope I'm strong enough to challenge him if he does." Bill held the door open and then closed it behind them. He said, "Please. Sit on the sofa Jill. Let's be as informal as we can. I mean after all we shared something last night. And I want to talk with you as man to women, not as a boss to his subordinate. OK? I want to be honest with you and hope you'll be the same with me." Jill sat in a hardback chair instead of the sofa and said, "I'm glad you wanted to talk Mr. Jackson...Bill. I want to talk about yesterday too." Bill said, "Well would you like to go first then Jill?" She sat there for a few seconds and the silence was so loud she felt like screaming. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Finally she said, "You go first Bill." He smiled and reached for her hand but she held them together and didn't take it. He said, "Last night most likely never should have happened Jill. But it did and we can't do anything about it. First I would like to apologize for leave you like I did. I just felt it would be better for both of us if I got back to the group before they realized how long I had been gone with you. Next I would like to say that I have never experienced sex like we had yesterday." Jill blushed big time. And she shook her head as if she was about to speak. He said, "Please! Let me finish. I have been practicing what I was going to say to you for over two hours." She looked at him and didn't say anything other than, "Go ahead." Bill bent forward in his chair and said, "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever been with. Jesus, Jill you are so lovely. Seeing you with me last night, holding you and giving you my love I felt I would explode. The sex was fantastic Jill that goes without saying but being with you was like a dream come true to me. I have fantasized about you, about us together. Not in your back seat but together in a bed taking our time and making long slow lasting love." She said, "Woo hold it right there Bill! Let's stop and let me say something now." He said, "OK! Go ahead Jill. I was looking forward to hearing how you feel about what happened today." "Look let's get this straight right from the start, it wasn't anything like love Bill. It was you taking advantage of me when I was at my lowest level. I can't forgive you for that. But it wasn't love Bill! It was a plain old fucking we gave each other last night. Now how do I feel? I'm sick. I want to vomit every time I think about it. In fact I wanted to go to personnel this morning and file a charge against you. But then I realized I actually wanted you to fuck me last night, at lease I did at first. And you did that, you fucked me, physically and mentally and emotionally. I was also going to call in sick and nerve come back here. But then I said to myself, maybe Bill realizes what he did and would tell me he was sorry and it would never happen again. But from what I hear from you today, you want to continue it. You actually want me to go with you to a hotel room and spend, what, the afternoon fucking you again? Is that what you want Bill? You don't feel sorry about what we did at all do you?" He looked at her for a minute. It seemed like an hour to Jill. Then she said, "That's right Jill. I don't want it to end. I want to keep it going. Say once or twice a week. We would have to be careful and make sure we weren't caught but to be completely honest with you yes I want you again. And again and again and again, for as long as we can do it." She said, "Forget it Bill! I'm leave now. I'm going home sick and I don't know if I'll be back any more. I think I'm going to fine another job." He said, "Wait! Jill! Don't leave yet. I'm not finished talking with you." She ignored him and started to get up. He grabbed her arm hard and hissed at her saying, "I told you to wait damn it. Sit your ass back down and listen to me. I tried the nice way now I'll tell you want is going to happen between us. And you better accept it. What would your husband think if I were to call him and tell him about you and me last night. I could tell him all about your personal life, how you cheated on him before with his best friend. And I wasn't going to bring this up again but I could also tell him about your baby and how you still feel. And to make you feel better, you fucked me in the backseat of your car. And all I was trying to do was help you when you attacked me. How do you think he'll feel when he hears you cheated on him again Jill? What do you think he'll do?" Jill held her hand to her mouth and looked at him, as he stood over her feeling so fucking superior. She said, "You wouldn't? I guess you would you are that much of a prick!" He said, "Wait a minute baby, I'm still your boss! You should be pleasing me not pissing me off." She said, "Oh so now we're back to boss and employee are we? OK Bill we'll play it your way. You tell my husband and I'll tell your wife. I wonder who will win the most at our divorces. Maybe we can get a discount if we file together." He smiled and said, "That's your trump card Jill. Hell I know that if your husband finds out about us, your marriage is over. I may or may not be as unlucky. You see, I'm married to the president's daughter. He won't want a scandal or problem and so I'm sure my wife and I can reconcile. But you Jill,......your life will be changed drastically. Now if you play along with me, I can see you get raises and more benefits and all the nice things that go along with being my administrative assistant. Yes, Jill. If you become my lover I'll promote you and give you the job. It will mean around $10,000 dollars more a year baby! You and your husband can do a great deal with that type of increase. And all you have to do is go with me and let me fuck you ever so often. Who knows you might learn to like it, you certainly did last night." She didn't say anything. And so he asked, "So what will it be Jill? The bad where you loose everything or the good where you get most of what you want. We all have to sacrifice in our jobs and do something we don't like. I'll make it worth your wild baby! It might be something you don't feel you'll like now, but I'm telling you we have something good between us. The way we fucked each other yesterday was unfucking believable Jill. I know you like liked it you can't tell me you didn't! Who knows you may want to do it more and more with me. According to you Danny's cock pleases you but a bigger one drives you wild. You know I have a bigger one already so what's the problem with you and me sharing each other's bodies. She looked at him with discuss in her eyes and said, "I want to think about it Bill. I mean it's something I won't just jump into." He said, "Until Monday then Jill, I'll give you until Monday morning. You better show up on Monday morning or I'll call old Danny boy!" She said, "Oh I'll be here Bill. And since you gave me something to think about all weekend, you might think about this, I may be here with the police and press charges against you for blackmail! Or, I may go to Personnel and file charges against you or I might come in on Monday and not have on any panties." He laughed and said, Jill! I love you! You are going to keep this very interesting!" She said, "Oh, and I want $20,000 if I decide to be your administrative assistant and do the type of job you want me to do." He said, "Not a chance, I'll go to $12,000." She said, "$15,000 not a dime less." He said, split the difference and let's make it $13,500. I can't and won't go any higher Jill, my boss won't approve it." She said Billy, Billy, Billy, You know I'm worth $15,000. Take it or leave it I guess." He said, "I don't think they'll sign off on it, but I'll ask." She said, "Maybe you just have to pay the difference out of your own pocket! I'll give you my answer on Monday after you tell me and show me in writing what I'll be getting as an increase. I mean it Bill according to you, I'm worth it, right?" He laughed again and said, "Go back to work Jill we'll talk again on Monday." She said, "Oh no. I'm off this afternoon. I feel like I'm getting sick." He said, "And will you be in tomorrow?" She said, "I'll see you Monday with my answer." She stood and said, "Don't ever grab me like you did before when I wanted to stand. If you do I'll kick you so hard you won't be able to fuck anyone for a month." He laughed and said, "Monday baby!" She said, "Until Monday Bill! Remember $15,000!" She went to her desk told her immediate boss she was sick as a dog and was going home. When she got home she called Larry and told him what happened. He only wished her luck but suggested she might want to go to personal and threaten to call the police and file charges. Larry told her, "Billy boy is betting you'll accept his proposal and won't do anything. If you do this Jill, you have to have proof and documentation. But once you accept his offer and met him you'll be playing by his rules then. You won't be in the same position you are now. You have the upper hand right now and he knows it. You may not think it but there's no way he wants his wife to know about you. If you are going to do this you need to maintain the upper hand. Let me think about this and call me Sunday around 4PM. Tell Dan you have to run to the store or something and then call me. We'll work something out. Either that or tell your husband what's going on and take a chance." She said, "I'll call you." When Dan came home he was like a horny toad and didn't have the slightest idea that she was even a little upset or had a problem. She covered it well and let him have his way with her before dinner. They showered and when she told him she needed to shave her pussy and legs stubble was forming on both. Dan volunteered to shave her. He knew she love the way it felt having her husband shave her legs and pussy for her. It drove her crazy every time feeling a man's fingers moving all around her pussy as she was shaved. They went into the bathroom and she sat on the edge of the tub spreading her beautiful thighs open for her husband. Danny sat on the floor between them looking up into her pink pussy. God he loved to look at her body. She was so lovely even her now closed wrinkled dry pussy seemed to smile at him and beg to be touched. He loved the way it would open from a soft touch and become wet and slippery. She was such a sexual female he knew how lucky he really was to have suck a woman as his wife. He wanted to shave her pussy for her but, he was having trouble controlling himself! Seeing her sex now with her legs opened providing him with a face full of her musk, his cock was screaming to be released from his slacks. Jill sat facing out from the tub and Dan sat facing her as she said, "Your hand is shaking Danny, what's wrong?" He smiled and said, "I'm to excited to shave you before I make love to you. My need is too strong and I can't hold my hand still enough I'm afraid I'll cut you baby! How about we make love and then I'll shave you." She smiled and said, "Let run a bath for both of us and I'll make love to you in the tub like we did last week. He loved that night. And remembered how she threw her head back, and moaned. Then she moaned again into his mouth as she had two strong orgasms on his hard cock deep inside her. He smiled as she turned on the water and they got in facing each other. Her body on top of his joined at their sex. Her breasts solid and wet with nipples hard and red and Dan could hardly wait for his mouth to suck them. She held his head against her body as his mouth worked on each one. She began to rock back and forth on his cock as their body jointed against each other. It only took a few minutes before they were fucking hard. They rammed into each other again and again and again splashing the water around on the floor. They had placed towels around knowing this would happen. They kept at it until they had both climaxed hard Dan filling her pussy with a huge load of cum. As it started leaking out of her it floated to the top of the water and around them. They held each other his mouth still sucking one of her breasts as she held him tightly. Then it was over and they stood and dried each other. Now after Dan had been satisfied they tried again for him to shave her. Having him shave my pussy so carefully and slowly gave her shivers and thrills that continued until he had just about finished. As soon as he did she fucked him again! She pushed him on the floor in the bathroom and jumped on top of him. She pushed his cock skin down tightly and lowered her open bald pussy on to it! Since Dan had just cum only minutes ago, Jill was able to ride him now for a half an hour. She loved it when Dan could last this long! She fucked him again and again and again bouncing up and down on his hard cock! She climaxed over and over as his cock stayed hard and thick inside her very clean shaved pussy! He told her how sexy it looked riding up and down on him! She said to herself, "God!!! I loved this man so fucking much!" Over the long weekend of 4 days, they did things with each other that seemed like a dream. On Saturday they didn't get out of bed until almost 5 PM. They were dirty fucking animals most of the time! They fucked while they ate, while in the showered. Hell she woke him up one night sucking his cock to get it hard so she could fuck him again! She sucked his cock while he shaved, which was not the smartest thing she had ever done. He ate her pussy one night as they sat out on the porch. You could see her head and body from the waist down and he sat on the floor eating her into one orgasm after the other as people walked by saying hi! It was scary and so fucking sexy!! Then Sunday afternoon came and Jill remembered she had to call Larry, to see if he had any new ideas about her problem with Bill, her boss. She told Dan they were out of milk and she would rub to the store and but some. She went to the grocery store and then she called Larry. They talked for maybe 15 minutes with him giving her an idea, which she really liked. They worked on the start of it over the phone. Then he would meet her, someplace open and public and finish it once she had finished part one. Then she hung up and went home. Her loving husband was waiting and she told him the store was packed with people. They made a light dinner and sat out on the porch and ate. She was worried but didn't let on to Dan that there was a problem Dan had more wine and they spent the evening just talking about if they could live with one salary. Jill told Dan she wanted to try and have another baby. And Dan was happy and sad. He wondered if this was a good thing for her or bad. He was nervous but he agreed they should start to try. She said, "Oh good Danny, I have about 10 more birth control pills left. When they're gone we'll start. OK?" He agreed and around 9:00 PM they went back inside and fucked one more time. Dan laid Jill back on the big bed and slipped the thin tee shirt over her arms and head revealing her lovely breasts once more. She pulled his mouth to a nipple and Dan sucked and squeezed her breasts like the loving husband he was. Her body opened to him as she lifted her hips and ass up so he could slide her bikini panties off her long legs. He began to lick her pussy into multiple orgasms, each was supreme and gave Jill suck a wonderful feeling. She began to cum again and again from his lips tongue and mouth as he licked and sucked her into her own paradise. Then she rolled him over and in their favorite position, Jill sat on his cock and rode it up and down as he pumped his hips up into her. They went crazy on each other for hours until neither could do it any longer. They lay there the rest of the evening holding each other for hours just touching the sex of the other person. They explored each other's body like newly weds until they knew every inch of the other. She knew he had a little mole on his cock about ½ inch from the head. He knew she had a tiny humming bird tattoo next to her now fully shaved pussy just above where the bones in her left leg meets her cunt. He asked her, "How bad did it hurt Jill?" She told him, "Not as bad as you almost leaving me Danny. I am so sorry for what I did to hurt you so bad. God I could stay like this with you forever!" They lay there just stroking the other's body! And then when the passion built high enough, they would fuck again until they fell asleep! Then the morning and she dreaded going in and trying to finish what she and Larry had planned. She looked at her husband and said, "When we know I'm pregnant Danny do you think just you and I could go back to that island again for a week? Remember every morning, we would walk the beaches early, usually by ourselves not seeing another sole. We even made love in the water scaring the fish a few times right in front of the place we were staying! It was like a dream. The palm trees on the beach swaying as the warm tropical wind blew them. The water so clear you could be up to your neck and still see the little fish swimming around your feet. The sand so white from the bleaching of the sun! And the two of us in chest deep water, my arms and legs wrapped around him as we pumped our bodies together fucking like wild animals. Remember Danny?" He said, "Jesus Jill I want to pack right now. Yes, we can go again baby! I would love that." She kissed him goodbye and left for work as he got into his car and went to his job site. 1943 1.33/512345
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