Wednesday, October 24, 2012
ATTENTION! THIS STORY IS FICTION. IT IS A PRODUCT OF MY, WOMEN LOVING BIG COCK'S, INTERRACIAL SEX LOVING MIND. AS ALWAYS, PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK. ESPECIALLY THE LADIES! C'MON LADIES E-MAIL ME AND TALK TO ME. I NEED MORE IDEAS FOR STORIES FROM A WOMAN'S PERSPECTIVE! ENJOY AND TAKE CARE EVERYONE! THE WIFE'S MAKEOVER My wife Jessica just lost over thirty pounds! She did it all on her own with no prodding from me. When we met, she was thick, not fat. She put on the weight after the births of our two daughter's. I never mentioned it to her.... but yes it bothered me. I no longer felt her desirable. But sex has always been adventurous with Jessica, and she has always made it fun. I work out in our basement three to four times a week. I wanted to mention it to her, but we all know guys, that's a big no no! One night a few months ago my wife asked me to help her work out. She told me that she didn't like what was staring back at her in the mirror, and wanted to know why I even wanted to have sex with her with the way she looked. I told her to go and see her doctor for a complete physical and to work out a diet and exercise regime. Then we could work out togetheir. Now she's fifteen pounds lighter than when we got married! I find her more desirable than ever. And I know were closer and better friends than we've ever been. Jessica has sandy blonde hair to her shoulders and stands 5'4" tall and now weighs 115 pounds and is solid. She doesn't have much in the tit department, about a handful, but theire firm. Her ass is round and firm. She has a nice firm bubble butt. She now has went out and bought a whole new wardrobe. All her new clothes fit her very tightly, leaving little to the imagination. We have always made sure that we have a night out for ourselves. With friends, by ourselves with the guys or girls, or just the two of us. That night is always friday night. Saturday nights are family dinner out night with our girls. When we go out now she dresses very seductively, she seems to really enjoy the attention. All the looks from guys seems to turn her on and excites her. It doesn't botheir me because I'm very proud of her and what she's accomplished. And to see her happy and proud of herself for the changes she's made....well looks from their men aren't enough to make me angry. We've made it into a game between us of sorts. She now flirts back a little. This happens where ever we go. The mall, bar, out to diner, ect. She's been doing this for several weeks now and for some reason when she flirts back with an attractive guy I find myself getting turned on myself. I'm picturing her and these guys togetheir in bed and fucking each otheirs brains out! I started to whisper in her ear when we would make love, about a guy she was flirting with that evening. Saying "that guy was undressing you with his eyes tonight....I know he would love to be here between your legs like I am right now...." Jessica lately seemed to respond to my teasing comments by making love more aggressively. We continued this game for weeks, and every time she would get bolder and bolder with her flirting and love making. It finally got to the point to where I wanted to see it happen. I was confident enough in our relationship that if it did happen, she wouldn't leave. I mean, it's just sex right? Like I said earlier, working out togetheir really has brought us closer togetheir, and strengthened our marriage. I do know this for a fact. One night a couple of weeks ago, we were out on a date, and in a bar she likes to go to. Jessica loves to dance, but unfortunately for her, she married a guy with two left feet. I would only dance the slow songs with her. When were at a bar with a group of friends, she would dance with the girls. But when it was just the two of us, we were on the sidelines waiting for the slow songs. She would get asked to dance by guys, but she would alway's decline, saying that she's here with her husband. But tonight an attractive tall guy asked her to dance, she declined but I quickly spoke up that it was O.K. and to get out theire and boogie! Jessica seemed shocked but went and danced. They danced a few fast songs, then a slow one started and Jessica came and got me. She seemed to press her body tighter than usual to me. We danced a couple songs, then she said "let's go home nd fuck!" Not make love,but fuck. This was new too. Jessica hardly used vulgarity. Jessica fucked me this night. I've never seen her act like this. For the next couple of weeks all I kept thinking about was watching her with anotheir man. But not just any man. One with a large cock. Because I felt that it would mean more to Jessica. If she was to have sex with your standard six inches....well what would be the point, right? But I wouldn't be able to tell which guys had a big one. The only way that I knew of was to get her to dance slow songs with guys, let them rub up against her. But first I had to find a way to break this fantasy of mine to Jessica. I decided to take it slow and keep up the comments about otheir guys as they made passes at her, and start to be serious about her fucking them. On our next night out, we did the usual thing by going dancing. A couple guys asked Jessica to dance and she accepted without asking me. This was also a new twist. One time while she was on the dance floor with a guy, a slow song started, she began to walk off but I motioned for her to stay out theire. She seemed surprised but stayed and danced with the guy.I got her a fresh drink when she returned. She drank half of it quickly. I said "that guy seemed to be getting quite friendly." Then winked at her. She replied "yea he was!" I continued "was he rubbing his big cock against you?" Jessica said "yes. But he wasn't that big." I said "you can tell?" She continued "oh yea. A girl can tell." I stopped it theire. We enjoyed the rest of the evening and went home. On the way home, I asked her about not asking if it was O.K. to dance with that guy. She said she was sorry, but since she told me to go ahead the otheir times, she figured it would be alright. I told her not to get defensive, that I was just curious is all, then winked at her. Then she playfully punched my arm. I kept thinking and thinking about Jessica with otheir men. We didn't have anotheir night out alone for two weeks. I decided to take Jessica to a jazz club/martini bar, for a change. We found a table and ordered drinks. This club was more racially diverse. We danced a few songs, and Jessica danced a couple with a guy that was a very accomplished dancer. At one point we were sitting and talking, Jessica said she liked my choice to bring her here. She liked the mellow laid back atmosphere. We were talking when a very tall good looking black guy asked Jessica to dance. Jessica looked unsure for some reason and looked at me. I told her dance with the guy. Jessica danced with him. When a slow song started, she again started to leave the dance floor, but the guy grabbed her hand. I saw her look at me with a pleading look, and I told her to stay. She did, but seemed reluctant. She danced one slow song with him and came back to our table. Again I had a fresh drink waiting for her. She had a funny look on her face. I asked her "what's that look for?" Jessica broke out into a big grin and said "he has a big one. A very big one!" I replied "oh really? Did he put the moves on you?" She said "yea. He wants me to dump my boyfriend and go home with him. He's obviously not very observant. He can't see that I'm wearing a wedding ring?" Then she began to laugh. I really didn't know how to respond, so I stopped theire. We went home and this night I fucked her. I again whispered in her ear, "did that guy's big cock feel good against your body?....were you thinking how it would feel inside you?....did it make you wet?" She didn't respond to my comments, but did seem to respond physically. We were exhausted and quickly went to sleep afterwards. The next day I was watching T.V. and Jessica came and sat down and asked me what had gotten into me last night. I asked her what she meant. She said "I don't ever recall you being like that Bob. You an animal. And what's with all the comments while were making love lately?" I turned off the T.V. and asked where the girls were. Jessica told me that they were at the neighbors house, and asked why. I said "well....theire's something that's been on my mind for a long time now, and I really need to tell you about it and don't want the girls walking in on us." Jessica seemed to get a concerned look on her face, and I quickly told her "It's not least I don't think it's bad." She asked "well what is it?" I went and sat next to her and put my arm around her and kissed her passionately. I then asked her "have I told you how proud I am of you?" She asked me for what. I continued "for taking care of yourself, loosing the weight. I feel that was wonderful of you to commit to changing yourself like you have. Forgive me for saying this...but I feel I have a new wife living with me. I mean, your in better shape than when we got married. Forgive me, but theires times I feel that I'm cheating on you." She thanked me and said "but you stilll married me." I said "because you were the only girl to put up with my bullshit." She laughed and asked "c'mon, what's this about?" It seems to me that since you've made this wonderful change in yourself, were closer than ever and that your enjoying all the attention from otheir I right?" She said "sure, were closer and I'm very flattered at the attention. But I would never do anything about it!" I told her to calm down, that's not what I wanted to talk to her about. I continued "no offense, but you have never had this many guys hit on you, have you?" She said no. I said "I'll get right to the point then. All these guys hitting on you has really turned me on lately. I don't know why....but last night in particular when that very attractive black guy was dancing with you, and you came back to the table and said he had a very big just seemed to throw me over the edge. And while we were fucking last night....I was picturing the two of you togetheir. In fact, I've been picturing you with otheir guys for a while now." Jessica was quiet. She finally said "wow." I said "I hope your not angry. But looking as good as you do now, and knowing that you've never had this much attention from the opposite sex....I would love for you to experience something new and be theire with you to watch it." Jessica had a look of shock on her face. Then she said "let me get this want to watch me fuck anotheir man?" I said "not just any man....a well hung man." She asked "why a well hung man?" I explained to her "I figure if he's average like me....what's the point? Right? But if he had a big one....I mean, aren't you curious?" She asked "curious about what?" I replied "the size thing. If bigger is better." Jessica pondered this, and I continued "c'mon....when you were dancing with the black guy last night, and he pushed his crotch into you, and you felt how big he didn't turn you on? You mentioned it when you came back to our table." Jessica was quiet then finally said "yes, it turned me on." I said "I would love for you to experience that big cock and would love to watch. C' many husband's give their wives an opportunity like this. I know the whole time he was rubbing his cock against you, you were curious, weren't you?" Jessica said "this isn't normal behavior for a husband to want to watch his wife cheating on him." I said "I don't think it's cheating if you have your husband's blessing." Jessica got a smirk on her face, and I said playfully "if you were single, you would have fucked that guy last night, am I right?" Jessica seemed to blush, and I kissed her and said quietly "I'm serious. You ave my blessing to find a big dicked guy and fuck him. I want to watch you do it." Then I kissed her and put my hand down her sweat pant's. She was soaked! I said "see....your thinking about it now, aren't you?" Jessica then said "hey....this isn't some kind of ploy for you to go and get some otheir pussy is it!?" I firmly said "I've always been faithful to you. Always! You haven't answered my question." Jessica said "yes, if I was single I probably would have fucked him! Yes, I was curious! He felt huge! He made me wet! There I said it!" I kissed her then and started to pull her sweat pants off and she undid my pants. We fucked each otheir hard, and I came in no time. I whispered in her ear "you don't have to be curious any more." She replied "what if I do this and I like his big black cock and want sure you can handle it? Because he did say to me last night that he is a regular theire. And the things he was saying to me were turning me on, combined with feeling his cock against sure, I mean really sure?!" I replied "baby were closer than we've ever been. Yea I'm sure." Jessica smiled and said "I sure am glad you brought this up, because I probably would have if you didn't!" I said "you little brat! In stead of just comming out and agreeing right away, you made me go thru all that!?" Jessica explainedd "well....I had suspected that you wanted this when you kept making all those comments. I thought about just fucking someone, but I couldn't cheat on you, never. Especially when you've been such a wonderful husband to me, and a great dad to our girls. I really have enjoyed all the attention since my makeover, it really has been a turn on. I've never felt so desired before, and I've only had two their lover's besides you. So....yes I'm curious about....I don't know....maybe I missed out on something by not being, or looking desirable for all those years." I asked "is it or has having sex with a black guy a fantasy of yours?" Jessica replied "years ago, before we got married, my big fantasy was to have two guys at the same time. I've never really thought about a black guy before. Last night was the first time I've given any thought about having sex with a black guy....I felt the rumors were true!" I asked "would you like to go back to that bar and see what happens? You know....take the next step?" Jessica replied "if your going to let me, yes I would." This time we made love. We originally had plans with our friends this friday, but we cancelled so we could go back to the jazz club. Jessica made arrangements for the girls to stay the night with her parents incase something did happen. I was ready and my heart was in my throat waiting for Jessica to get ready. She came out of the bathroom naked and went to the closet. She asked me to pick out something for her. She's never asked before, so I asked why. She said "because I want you to pick out what I should were tonight, please." So I went to the closet and looked thru her clothes. I picked out a pair of black satin spandex jeans that hugs her ass like a glove, and a gold spaghetti strap halter type top, with simple black high heels. Then Jessica asked "no underwear?" I went to the dresser and sifted thru her panties and picked out a gold pair of satin thong panties that looked more like a pair of bikini bottoms than panties. Then she asked "no bra?" I said "no bra." We had dinner, and I could feel the excitement from Jessica. She finally asked "if this guy is theire should know, approach him?" I replied "he tried to pick you up last time. Just play it cool and invite him to sit with us and have a drink and talk. You control the situation on how we proceed. O.K.?" Jessica agreed and we left for the club. The club seemed more crowded tonight. We finally got a table and sat. We danced a few songs, talked with people sitting at tables next to ours, danced some more. When we were leaving the dance floor this last time, I received a tap on my shoulder. It was the black guy from last week. He asked "may I have a dance with your lady?" I looked at Jessica, who had a look of excitement on her face and said "be my guest." I went back to the table and sat and watched. They danced a few songs and then I saw them comming to our table. Jessica introduced Derrick to me. We all sat and ordered fresh drinks. Derrick we found out was an ex pro athlete, and was now working for a local firm as an account rep. We told our story and Derrick was shocked to find out we were married. Jessica asked him "all this time you've never noticed my wedding ring?" Derrick said "forgive me, but all I saw was a very beautiful lady I wanted to meet. I'm sorry to the both of you for being so forward." Jessica said "it's O.K. I'm very flattered." We talked and laughed and Jessica and Derrick danced some more. At one point Jessica excused herself and left Derrick and I alone. Derrick leaned over the table and said "man, I don't know if it's the liquor or what, but your wife seems a little too friendly." I asked him to explain. He said "she's sitting over here rubbing my leg with her foot and hand....I'm sorry, but it's turning me on!" I said "hmmm, maybe we should have a talk with her when she comes back,huh?" Derrick agreed. Jessica came back and she asked what we were talking about. I said "sweetheart....Derrick here tells me that your rubbing his leg under the table, is that true?" Jessica seemed to pick up right away on where I was going and said "I'm just flirting a little, no harm in that is theire?" I replied "he would like you to stop please. Your turning him on." Jessica said to Derrick "really!? Getting a woody are we!?" Then she reached under the table and she said "yup! I've got a log over here!" Derrick looked at me with a look of horror on his face. I winked at him. Derrick broke out into a grin and started to laugh, then said "I know what you guys are, your swingers, right?" Jessica replied "not yet. Were just starting out. This is actually the first time we've done this." Derrick then asked why we were doing this. We told him our story. Derrick pondered this for a few moments, and then asked me "I'm a pretty big guy Bob. You sure you want me to ruin your wife's pussy for you?" I replied "I would love to see Jessica get fucked by what you have. Yea I'm sure. But It's Jessica's call." Jessica had a grin on her face and said "I would love for you to take me home and fuck my brains out. Whatta ya say....tonight my pussy is yours." Derrick asked "where do you want to go, I'll follow." Jessica told him to follow us to our house. On the way home jessica told me "I hope your sure about this Bob. Because I felt a very big cock in his pants that's got me soaked! I think he has porno dick he felt so big!" I assured her that whatever she wanted, I wanted. We got home and I fixed drinks for us. We talked a little. Jessica downed her drink quickly. Jessica then announced that she was ready and grabbed Derricks hand and led him upstairs. Once in our room, Jessica attacked Derrick and began to make out with him. Derrick stopped and asked me "your not bi are you? I mean your not gonna want to suck my cock or grab my cock to put it in her pussy or anything like that?" Jessica answered for me "oh no. Bob is a very straight arrow. He just wants to watch. Now speaking of your cock....lets see it! You've been teasing me with it ever since we first danced!" Derrick began to remove his clothes. I went and sat down. When all that was left was his pants, Derrick told my wife "you do the honors." Jessica had trembling hands as she unbuckled and removed his pants. When his magnificent cock was free, Jessica replied "holy fucking shit! Bob he does have porno dick!" Derrick had a cock on him that was at least 9 to 10" long and very thick. How thick I couldn't guess. I had butterflies in my stomach as I stared in awe what was truly one of the most awesome cocks I've ever seen. Jessica grabbed it and was lightly stroking it. She looked at me and said "was this what you were imagining? Me stroking a big cock like this?" I assured her that this exceeded my imagination. Then Jessica started to suck Derrick's cock and Derrick said "fuck the blowjob! I want that pussy!" Jessica agreed and started to remove her clothes. She kicked off her shoes and removed her top. Her nipples were so hard, they looked like they could cut glass. She then slowly started to peel off her satin jeans, and then kicked them to me. Derrick then grabbed her by the pussy and said "Bob, your wife's soaking wet over here! I think she wants my big cock!" To Jessica he asked "you want my big cock, don't you!?" Jessica replied "yes, I do. I've been curious for a long time what a cock this big would feel like." Derrick said "well lay down. Time to satisfy your curiosity." Jessica laid back on the bed and spread her legs. Derrick quickly laid on top of her and they began to make out. He was rubbing his cock on her stomach. Jessica's breathing became quicker. Derrick was whispering things to her that I couldn't hear. I saw Jessica nodding. Then Derrick reached between them and grabbed his cock, stroked it a few times and raised up a little and positioned it at her entrance. Derrick pushed forward and it seemed all the air was pushed out of Jessica. Derrick told her to relax, and that he wasn't going to hurt her. Derrick was stroking his cock slowly into her, but only about six inches. After several minutes like this, Derrick whispered something to Jessica, Jessica nodded, and then Derrick sank deeper into Jessica. Jessica threw her head back and cried out "oh fuck! This is incredible!" Derrick was stilll taking it slow. He still had I could see about three inches to go. Jessica and Derrick were whispering the whole time to each otheir as they maintained a slow and steady grind. This went on for several more minutes, until Jessica cried out "yes!" Then I saw Derrick push the final three inches home. Jessica cried out "oh fuck!" Derrick held his cock theire, and began kiss Jessica deeply. Again he was whispering things to her that I could not here. Jessica was just nodding and whispering reply's. For several long moments they stayed like this. Derrick buried to the hilt, grinding into Jessica. Then I saw Derrick ask Jessica something, Jessica nodded and Derrick pulled almost all the way out and began to dive into Jessica. Jessica was crying out with every thrust, saying how good his huge cock felt, and her pussy has never been so stretched before. Derrick was grunting and telling Jessica "this is what you wanted bitch?! How do you like it! You like my big cock?!" Jessica just kept saying "yes! yes! yes! oh fucking yessssssssss!!" Then Derrick slammed home and you heard "ahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!" He had just came inside my wife! This is something we had not talked about, wetheir we should risk Jessica getting knocked up. She's on the pill....but nothing is full proof. Then Derrick pulled his semi-hard cock out of her and told her to clean it up, which Jessica hungrily did. Jessica was acting like a bitch in heat! She was telling Derrick how sore he made her and how her pussy was his anytime he wanted it. Then Derrick announced that he had to go, to the disappointment of Jessica. He used our shower, and Jessica and I had a moment alone. I asked her how she felt. Jessica replied "fucking incredible! I want more! I had no idea such a big cock could bring that much pleasure to a woman." I asked her about Derrick cuming inside her, and she said "I'm sorry about that honey. But I had to feel what a cock like Derrick's feels like when it cums inside me. I can tell you it was worth the risk tho. It felt incredible to have a man cum so deep. But I'm on the pill, so I wouldn't worry about it." I reminded her that nothing is full proof, and she just fluffed it off. Derrick got dressed and thanked us for a very enjoyable evening, and Jessica escorted him to the door but ass naked. I couldn't believe how she had changed in just a few short hours! I got naked and laid on the bed. I was rock hard after what I had just witnessed. Jessica came back to the room and saw me and said "what's this? You expecting something?" I said "I need relief please. My balls are hurting after what I just saw you do." Jessica climbed on the bed and started to stroke my dick. I came instantly. Jessica said "theire, feel better?" I told her to come here. She laid on top of me and I asked her "was it really everything you hoped it would be?" She replied "it was....a little uncomfortable, because I've never had a cock that big before, but to be stretched like that and to have a cock that deep inside was a wonderful feeling. I came three times too!" I asked her where do we go from here? She asked me "would you like to do this again?" I thought for a moment, pictures of Derricks big cock sliding in and out of Jessica's once tight pussy, and was getting hard again. I finally said "it was incredible seeing you take that big cock. Yea, if you want to we can do this again." Jessica kissed me and said "good. Derrick's comming over next saturday." I said "saturday is our night out with the girls." Jessica replied "I know, but it was the only time he could make it. I thought you could do something with the girls and Derrick and I know, fuck by ourselves this time." I reluctantly agreed. Saturday came and I took the girls out while Jessica had her date with Derrick. The girls were in bed when Jessica came home about two in the morning. I was up reading when she came in the bedroom. She stood at the foot of the bed and I watched her undress. She had bite marks all over her body and her pussy was red and swollen. She climbed into bed and kissed me. I asked her how her evening went, and she replied "you mean it isn't obvious?" We laughed and she said "what a cock that man has. It was alot better tonight. It felt alot better. Tonight I rode him. What an experience that was." I asked her "did he cum inside you again?" She replied "yes, but I cleaned it out right away after he did. He came twice tonight." We talked a little more and Jessica gave me a goodnight blowjob and swallowed every drop. This went on like this for the next few weeks. Instead of a night out with the girls on friday, she went out with Derrick, brought him home, and I got to watch them. It was an incredible sight to see Jessica ride that huge cock. Any discomfort she had the first night was gone as she was now taking Derrick with ease. He kept cuming inside her, and I felt I had to bring this subject up to Jessica. I asked her one day if we were going to have anymore children. I told her that I felt two was enough, but it's her body and the decision was hers. Jessica replied "if you don't want any more children, or don't want to try for a son....I'm happy with two, why?" Then I said "if your continuously going to have Derrick cum inside you all the time, then I think you should get your tubes tied. I mean we don't want any unwanted pregnancies do we? The pill isn't full proof." Jessica thought for a moment and said "your right. It is something to consider. I really don't want him to wear a condom eitheir after having him skin to skin..... O.K., I'll make an appointment this week. So, Jessica made the appointment, and did indeed have her tubes tied. She was out of commission for a couple of weeks, but when she was healthy again, she was on Derrick's cock faster than you can shake a stick! This is our new lifestyle I guess. I've tried to have sex with Jessica, but it really is pointless, since she's stretched out from Derrick's big thick cock. There's hardly any friction theire for me anymore. It just feels like a warm wet bath for my dick. Regrets.......? None! I've never seen my wife happier, and to share it with her is a bonus. She looks and feels the best she ever has in her life, and I had a part in it. And I know she loves me more than ever also. She kisses my ass now. And since being with Derrick, she's on the internet more. She want's to be with an even bigger black cock! She got this idea from video's and sites she's visited. She's even brought up a vacation to the caribbean to one of those swinger resorts. Yes I have a changed life, and I don't mind at all. I have a beautiful wife who now takes very good care of herself, and is a sexual slut who can also cook, plus I get my dick sucked anytime I want. Yes..... life is good! More to cum? We'll see...... THE END AS ALWAYS, PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK! SHYBOB. E-MAIL 6967 1.63/512345
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