Monday, October 29, 2012
Jacqueline makes her decision. *She held out her glass. "Could I have a little more wine, please?" He filled her glass almost to the top and as her hand shook slightly while holding her glass, Jacqueline took a long gulp. That was all Charles needed to see. By her taking that long drink of wine, he knew that she was going to go for it. Reaching out, she sat the glass on the dresser beside the TV and VCR. With no other choice, Jacqueline rose and turned her back to Charles. She glanced at her watch; "We have about an hour, no more." Her voice sounded unemotional and resigned. She had to fuck a strange man in order to save her marriage. To top it off, there was no guarantee this would be the only time. Worse, she had decided for some reason, that this man would have an average size or smaller than average penis. He must have, she was thinking, or he would have made a comment when the other man?s penis had been revealed on the tape. Charles was elated. He had expected her to say words like *quickie* and *get it over with*. Instead, she had allowed an hour. "We can do a lot in an hour, a whole lot." The excitement was obvious in Charles?s voice, and she trembled. 'Why the heck had I suggested that we had an hour?' She shook visibly as she slowly removed her sweatshirt by pulling it over her head. Then she bent forward and pulled down her sweat pants. Strangely, she thought back on that time, with the high school boy, and her long two minutes in the dark. Charles admired her as the clothes came off. She was wearing a white brassiere and panties. From the back her ass was fantastic, and he continued to sit so that he could stare at it from the same level. His peter, already tingling from sitting beside her and knowing she had been seeing herself performing sexually on film, was now firmly erect in his trousers. Did he ever have a surprise for her, a big black man's surprise. Jacqueline was extremely embarrassed. Even if she had been willingly meeting a man that she was attracted to, even a white man, this would have been difficult for her because she had virtually no experience with men outside of marriage. With her face burning, Jacqueline folded and placed her sweat clothes on the dresser and waited for further directions. Her head was hanging as she stood with her back to Charles. Telling her that she had made the right choice, Charles stood up behind her, unhooked her bra and lifted it away. He sat it down on the dresser and then from behind reached around with both hands to cup her breasts. His forbidden touch caused a shiver to go up her spine. This was different from when James had fondled them. There, in the store, she had some control over what happened. Now, here in this room with the threat of exposure hanging over her, it could go as far as this man wanted. She glanced down at her breasts with the hands that now covered them. His fingers were long, very long black fingers and the thought hit her, 'I heard that men with long fingers have...' She shivered at the thought. 'Big cocks. Is it true?' Jacqueline stood with eyes closed as he squeezed them, causing her nipples to become achingly erect. He pulled her back against him and held her tenderly in his arms while both of his hands teased her throbbing nipples. His right hand slid slowly down her stomach, and as it did so Jacqueline shivered. His touch felt like electricity on her skin. He ran his hand over her panties, which felt good as he tickled her pubic hair through the panties. He was leaning down and had his face close to her neck, and his warm breath seemed to add to the intimacy of his closeness. His other hand released its grip on her breast as he knelt behind her and slowly started pulling her panties down. She felt him plant a kiss on her beautifully rounded buttocks as the panties reached her ankles. Jacqueline slowly stepped out of them and waited. She sighed, loud enough for Charles to hear from his position near her ass. Rising, he told her to turn around and as Jacqueline turned to face Charles she discovered with a gasp that he had opened his fly. He was already erect and it was poking out through the hole. Even with some of it still hidden inside his pants, she could see that his penis was huge! He smiled as she stared, then looked scared, embarrassed, and quickly looked away. Charles reached out with one hand and placed her hand on his dick. "No no, don't look away. No need to be afraid of it, baby. I promise that it will be good to you." De javu. Once again, for the third time, she was in a standing position and being offered a dick to handle by a stranger. But this time it was different. This penis totally filled her hand. Her fingers could not touch one another unless maybe if she squeezed tightly. She did not try for fear he might think she was excited. She gave his penis an exploratory stroke and held on to it as Charles loosened his belt, undid the button at the top of his jeans, and dropped his drawers. Jacqueline had her eyes down so that she did not have to meet his eyes with hers. Of course, by looking down, she was looking exactly where he wanted her to look His gut was not all that big now that his trousers were down. She looked up and watched as he pulled his shirt off. His chest had some hair, but not much. His pectorals were immense and he had huge arms, his biceps bulging. She asked him if he worked out, and Charles said a little, not that much now, but he used to be a football player, quite a good one actually. Jacqueline was still holding his peter in her hand, and for the first time she took a good look at it. The shaft alone, without counting the head, was longer than her husband's penis was with his head included. And on top of that this penis was so wide. Jacqueline shivered, 'So this is a black cock. This fat thing is going to hurt me for sure.' Yet, she felt a strange excitement beginning, more in her thoughts at the moment than between her legs. Jacqueline had never really thought about it, but now she knew. Ever since feeling the strange man in the store, and his constant mentioning of what he would do to her with his *thick *cock, Jacqueline had been harboring a fantasy of being with a man who was large, especially the thick part of large. And now it was happening. Charles seemed to sense her thoughts. "I bet you?re glad that I?ve pulled a big cock out of my pants. It might have been a letdown for you if I had turned out to be a little guy, especially after seeing yourself holding one on the screen." Wisely, Charles did not use the term 'black' or make any comparisons to 'white' in consideration of not appearing to be trying to put her husband down. She hated to admit that in a way she was pleased. "A small one would have been a let down, you?re right about that. I don?t know how it is going to feel, but you?ll be different, that?s for sure." Again Charles was wise with his answer, avoiding any mention of race. This was a married woman, caught up in a situation she was probably hating at the moment. "I'll be different baby, you can count on it. Not only in what size I am packing, but how I use it on you." She had to let go of his penis for a moment while he dropped his underwear and kicked off his lower garments and laid them on the chair next to the dresser. Seeing them for the first time, his balls looked big too. An image flashed through her thoughts, of lying on her back and feeling his big balls slapping against her ass while he fucked her fast and hard. When Charles resumed fondling her breasts, she gently stroked his penis, and felt a strange tingling begin in her pussy. The thought of lying under this huge man, not just his penis, but his entire body, was strangely inviting. Jacqueline hated what she was being expected to do, but now that the inevitable was about to happen, she was becoming aroused. Telling her to 'hang on,' Charles slowly led her to the head of the bed while she held on to his rigid member. He paused and told her to lie down and spread her legs. When she had lain down with a pillow under her head, she opened them, but not far enough. Smiling at the sight of a fantastic pair of tits pointing up at him, Charles reached over her body and grabbed the other pillow. She knew right away what he planned to do with that pillow. As if it wasn?t bad enough that he had a dick that would penetrate all the way to her stomach, he wanted to go all the way to her throat! He asked her to raise her hips, and as she did so by digging her heels into the mattress, he placed the pillow under her ass. As her body lowered onto the pillow, Jacqueline slowly allowed her legs to drop open. Charles stared. Wow, raising her hips like that really opened her pussy to his view. The pubic hair was parted nicely now, and he could see her entire slit. The lips were sort of stuck together at the moment and he could not see inside. No, not yet, but soon. He climbed onto the bed, and instead of getting between her legs, he laid down beside her, on her right so that he could use his right hand on her. Puttting his left arm under her neck, Charles placed his head beside hers on the pillow and began caressing her gently, starting with both her breasts, and after several seconds, moving down to her pussy. As he began playing with her snatch, staying to the outside at first, he moved his mouth close to her lips, but she turned her head slightly away. He knew, she wasn't ready yet to be kissed, and he planned to change that. He knew that they would soon be fucking, but he wanted more, a lot more from her. Her kissing willingly was a major portion of what he was craving. He caressed her clitoris gently, and when he could feel her hips beginning to move slightly as if encouraging his touch, he slowly slipped his forefinger into her pussy. She was wet now, but he was surprised at her tightness. Her gasp as he went in up to his second joint confirmed what he was thinking. 'How can she be so tight after having two kids?' Again he moved his lips close to hers since she had moved her face back to center and had her eyes closed. Again she turned slightly away. Charles began to finger-fuck her, being gentle but firm in his movements. Her pussy clasped his finger tightly, and as she moaned softly, Charles saw her mouth open as she tried to suck in more air. Jacqueline was enjoying his touch, and at the same time hating it. 'Just his finger feels as big as my husband's penis,' she was thinking. 'He'll kill me with that cock of his.' Mentally, Jacqueline had already placed the two penises that knew and would soon 'know' her into separate categories, 'penis,' and 'cock.' So far, neither of them had made any mention of race. Deciding that she was as wet as she ever would be, Charles raised his body and moved on his knees to position himself between her legs. Jacqueline had to open wider to accommodate the thickness of his hips. Her pussy seemed to be looking at his cock in welcome as he walked forward on his knees and placed the head of his dick against her lips. He began rubbing her lips, using the head of his dick to touch her as he used his hand for guidance. Jacquelin moaned, and involuntarily, her legs opened still wider. For the first time, Charles noticed a thin red scar running from the top of her pubic hair towards her belly button. It was so well done that it was almost invisible. He looked close, and discovered that there were two scars. He asked Jacqueline what they were from, and she told him that because her pelvic area was so small, that she had cesarean operations while giving birth to her two children. Still rubbing her cunt up and down with the head of his dick, Charles cracked a joke. "So the kids came out of *there*," he commented as he nodded towards her stomach, "instead of down *here*," he emphasized the lower portion as he rubbed her lips harder with the head of his cock. "Does that mean you still have your tight pussy?" Jacqueline replied in the affirmative and asked Charles to be gentle with her, because he was far bigger than what she was used to. Charles promised her that he would be gentle, because he wanted her to enjoy this and come to see him willingly in the future. His dick was dripping pre-coital fluid, and he had managed to slick her up a little at the entrance. That should help some. "Do you find that exciting, the fact that I am larger than him?" Charles knew one thing for sure; he was excited at the prospect, *very* excited. At that moment Jacqueline had been flashing back to thoughts of her husband and what she was used to. So when she replied, she said, "Him?" You mean my husband? No," she corrected as she thought about it, "you mean the guy on the tape? Yes, you are larger. Way larger." "But does that get you excited?" She was trembling, and nodded in the affirmative. Then she seemed to think it over and said one word; "Scared." "And what about your husband? You said I am far bigger than what you are used to, so I guess you meant your husband. How does he compare to *this*?" Charles wriggled his dick up and down her slit with his hand. She sighed loudly, sucked in some air, and answered. "That other man was close to my husband in size, maybe a little bigger around. You?re bigger than both of them." "Good," Charles said, smiling down at her. It makes me feel real good to know that I am about to give you something you?ve never had before." Again, no mention was made of color by Charles, only an indirect reference to size. But Jacqueline had the thought in her head. 'A black man. I'm about to be fucked by a big, black, man!' Charles knew that he should take the time to prepare Jacqueline, but he wanted her now, in the worst way. Still, he knew he should do something. Using both hands as he knelt in front of her, he opened her lips so that he could see inside. It was so little. "This is a nice little snatch. I?ll try to leave it undamaged so that your husband doesn?t suspect that it was used and abused." He was joking, but she took him serious. "Do you think he will be able to tell? You?re so big?" She left the sentence trail off. Twice she had told him that he was larger than her husband was. She had never thought of her husband as being small. He was too, especially compared to Charles. Her husband had even been a little smaller, widthwise, than the man in the mall. Charles laughed. "You might want to hold off on giving your husband sex for a day or so until your pussy pops back into shape." He was being funny, but Jacqueline was actually worried about it. 'Will my husband be able to tell? Will I be stretched out?' Her husband often commented about how snug she fit him, and how much he liked that. He had even said that he was happy, afterwards and all was safe, that she had given birth both times by Ceasarean and that her vagina had stayed snug. They had never talked about it, but now, thinking about it, she realized that her husband might feel a little insecure about the size of his penis. But she had never really thought about it that much. Sometimes, when she was making love with her husband, her mind would wander, and a few times it had gone back to her time alone with the boy in the dark. It seemed like the boy had been larger than her husband had turned out to be, but she couldn?t be sure. After all, all she had felt was the middle of that boy?s shaft. The fit between her and her husband was pretty good, and Jacqueline had always been able to feel him when he moved in and out, even after she became good and wet. She agreed with her husband that the fact that she had not delivered her two children vaginally had kept her nice and tight. Would having sex with this man and having his huge cock within her change all that? Sincerely worried, she asked Charles again, "Really, do you think my husband will notice a difference? I don?t know how I could explain that, if I felt?different." She paused. Charles was laughing inside, but he tried to sound sincere by acknowledging her concern. She unwittingly was paying him a big compliment by talking this way about how he might stretch her out so much that her husband would be able to feel the difference. Charles didn?t know if her pussy would feel different, or stretched out. It seemed logical that the way her pussy felt and how it might fit around a dick would be changed after having a big cock stretch. But he had read that women were flexible, and their pussies popped right back to where they had been before. But he was enjoying this conversation, because the emphasis was on his dick, how large it was, and how it was going to affect her pussy. "He might be able to tell if you went to bed right away with him, just after taking me. I think that after a few hours go by, maybe a day, you will feel about the same as before." She still sounded worried. "I hope so." Charles smiled smugly. "If he seems to notice anything, and mentions it, just tell him that you are very turned on, and about how he got you all wet and so on." As Charles climbed between her legs and leaned over her by keeping his arms stretched out, Jacqueline had never felt so dominated. This man was so much larger than her husband, in every way. He placed his lips on her nipples, first one, and then the other. They stiffened and stayed erect as his lips left each one. She could feel his cock, that big black thing, touching her down there. Somehow, all by itself, it had landed on top of her hole but maybe just a bit high. Charles was looking into her face, and she knew he was waiting. She reached down to guide him without being asked. Facing the inevitable, Jacqueline felt a strange excitement mixed with fear as she placed the head of his cock between her vaginal lips and released her grip. It was directly over her hole. All he had to do was push. "Please be gentle and don't hurt me," she begged as her body shivered. Jacqueline's words were genuinely from fear. She was afraid not only of being 'stretched out,' but of feeling pain in the process. Thoughts went through her head, thoughts of the boy from high school, and the man in the mall. She had not screwed them, but had fantasized about it. Now, from out of nowhere, she was about to realize her fantasy of having a stranger, but this was reality, and reality was a black stranger and his huge black cock. Despite his excitement, Charles wanted to delay his entry as long as possible. All this talk about comparisons with her husband and stretching her out was very exciting. She had aimed it for him. That was a good sign that she might be getting into this. Wanting to ensure that she was wet, Charles used one hand to run his dick up and down her slot while using the other hand to fondle her breasts. As she looked up into his eyes, her legs opened even further in response to the erotic sensations that were shooting through her cunt. She remembered how the boy in the mall had stuck his finger into his mouth, his *wet* finger. Then she shivered and a feeling of fear took over. She wanted to delay this for a little while. It took a moment for her to gather her nerve and ask, "Would me first, for just a little bit?" "Later baby, I promise. You look so good lying there I just have to sample some of that pussy first. Don't worry, I'll break you in gentle." He caressed her lips some more with his most intimate flesh. "You?re all wet and ready, I can tell. While I?m working it in, you can talk to me and tell me how it feels. Like if it hurts, tell me and I?ll back off a little. Aim it for me again." His penis, of course, was already there, but it was especially erotic to have another man?s wife aiming his penis. So with his hips he moved the tip of his head slightly away from her hole and watched as she grasped him and placed his penis right at her hole. It was time. "Do you have any Vaseline or anything that we could use? I'm afraid." Charles was loving it. She wanted him, he was pretty sure of that. But she was afraid of his size. Inside, he was laughing. "I have foreskin baby. I'll just reach down here..." Pausing, Charles looked down between his legs, grasped his penis with one hand and ran the foreskin forward until it completely covered his head and went a little beyond. "Now I'll put it against your hole like this..." he pressed the tip of his penis against her, and pushed. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!" She gasped as the huge head of his penis slid all at once past her outer lips and lodged partially inside. He paused there and grinned down at her. "See how that worked? My foreskin acted just like a shoehorn being used to fit the heel of your foot into a tight shoe. The skin stays to the outside, against your lips, and the inside slips right on through. What you feel is my size stretching you, but that skin acts just like Vaseline. It doesn't hurt all that much now, does it?" Jacqueline was trembling. Her eyes were closed and the look of shock on her face was slowly turning into a smile. "No. It didn't hurt going in like it was dry, just like it was too wide, but it seems better already." "Well, just to show you how that worked, let's do it again! "No...." She tried to protest, but he wasn't listening. Charles eased back and allowed his penis to come out of her hole, almost turning her inside out in the process. Then, reaching down to grasp and hold his foreskin once again, he eased forward into her, going a little deeper than before and once again making her gasp. He repeated this four times, still not making full entry with his head, then he paused on the outside of her hole. "How's that?" Charles had told her to tell him how it felt, and used the possibility of not hurting her as an excuse, but actually, he was hoping to hear her tell him how good it was feeling. Hearing something like that from a ?faithful wife? had always been a fantasy of his. Smiling down at her, he again held his foreskin forward and eased his hips towards her. "It's time I went all the way in." Jacqueline groaned and closed her eyes. Though Charles tried to be gentle, she bit her lower lip and gasped as his thick knob slowly pushed the rest of the way through her tight slit. "Wait! Wait just for a second." Charles paused in response to her request, but his head remained between her lips, and the stretching continued. Her vagina was pretty much in the same condition it had been when she was a teenager. Only her husband had been in there, and she wasn?t even sure if he was normal in size. Jacqueline sighed after a moment and said, "Try again." Then it was, "Ooooh, ooooh, ooooh gosh!" Charles was stretching her so far it almost hurt. Besides that, because she was having a strange man come between her and her husband, she was not completely turned on yet mentally. That was partly why she had wanted Charles to eat her. With tears in her eyes as she began taking Charles deep for the first of many times to come, Jacqueline slowly raised her knees and placed them beside his hips. "Please be gentle with me." His head had penetrated well past her lips now, and he was going deeper. She groaned and placed her legs a little higher, going around the back of his legs as Charles eased forward and back. She was getting quite wet now. "Is it feeling good yet?" Charles?s voice sounded hopeful, and she didn?t lie when she answered, "Yes." Finally, after almost a dozen short strokes while she let out little 'ohs' and 'aahs,' the kind of ?aahs? that sounded like enjoyment, Charles buried it, eliciting still another gasp from Jacqueline. He laid quietly on her, unmoving and enjoying the feel of being all the way into a woman, who, in his eyes was almost a virgin. She felt like it too. As he started teasing her earlobe with his tongue, her arms went around him. He could tell that she was waiting for him to begin pumping, but still he waited. Her pussy was growing wetter by the minute. Now somewhat adapted to the hugeness within her, her legs went higher and wrapped around his ass. Her arms tightened, and Charles could tell she was ready to begin some serious fucking. "You?re getting used to it now, aren?t you?" She sighed, paused, gave him a little hug and said, "I...I think so. At least it doesn't hurt now. It did at first." When he began pumping with almost full-length strokes, the pleasure took over. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. When she excitedly raised her arms higher and grasped his head, he tried to kiss her, and again she moved her head away, but not so far this time. He gave her several more slow and gentle strokes and again tried to kiss her. Their lips met for the first time. This was a big step for her, and for him! Charles knew what this meant, and was elated. She was kissing him, kising a man not her husband, a black man to boot, and she was doing it on her own. That was why Charles had not eaten her first. Some women did not want to kiss a man if he had her pussy juice on his lips. Now he could give her the big test and see if she would kiss him after he had eaten her. He stopped pumping. She waited, and when he did not start pumping again, she moved her hips slightly under him to encourage him. Still, he did not move and finally she opened her eyes and looked into his face. "Why did you quit? Is something wrong?" She was still trying to move her hips under him. He smiled down at her and said: "I wanted to tell you something." He paused and waited until she looked up into his face, wondering. "That?s why I didn?t eat you first before I put it in." Surprised, she stopped moving her ass and looked into his eyes. "What do you mean, *why*?" "I didn?t want to have the taste of your pussy on my mouth, because I was afraid you wouldn?t want to kiss me. I wanted to kiss you, and have you kissing me back almost as much as I wanted to fuck you." She nodded, letting him know that she understood. "Well, I would probably have kissed you anyhow, once we got going." To prove her point, she moved her opened lips to his and kissed him, responding strongly when his tongue entered her mouth. "Enjoying yourself now?" She smiled as she made her concession. "Yes." * Jacqueline goes from innocence to wanton slut. *Almost twenty minutes after they had started, Charles was rolling his hips from side to side and making his cock twist and hit the inside walls of Jacqueline's pussy at an angle. At the same time he was rubbing back and forth across her clitoris. Jacqueline was moaning and Charles switched to in and out and increased the rapidity of his strokes. He was still being somewhat gentle but his balls could be heard slapping against her ass. They were both sweaty, and the sounds of wet flesh added to the mix. And there were more sounds. They were both extremely excited now and the sounds of slippery juices could be heard as his thick cock tugged her lips in and out. No longer afraid of his size, she was craving all he could give. With her hips thrusting upwards to meet him and her fingers digging into his firm buttocks, Charles groaned as he came into Jacqueline for the second time. He continued to lie on top of her while they rested for two to three minutes. Their bodies were dripping in sweat. This little bitch was one hot number. She had come several times to his once during their first fuck, then, making noise all the while, she had a really intense orgasm when he had gone down on her. Best of all, she had kissed him passionately *after*he had gone down on her. He held her tenderly, cuddling her in his arms. This seemed romantic, and that was what Charles wanted her to feel. After she had taken a quick trip to the bathroom Charles laid sideways with her and kissed her while he caressed her body. Then he placed her on her back and they were off and running once again. This time she came two or three times while Charles climaxed once. He sweatily rolled off after almost 15 minutes of continuous rapid humping. His penis was 'dead', or so he thought. But she had plans for that cock. Jacqueline was a changed woman now. She had been able to come more than once a session with her husband, but only on rare occasions. And never had she come more than twice. Jacqueline wanted more and boldly sucked his soft and slippery dick. She even milked his shaft and swallowed the little blobs of residual come that oozed out of his tip from his orgasm. In only a minute Charles was rigid again. Giggling hysterically, she climbed on top. Once she had enjoyed easing her body down over him very slowly, Jacqueline took charge and told him 'don't you dare come' as the sweat poured off her body and dripped onto Charles. She joked about how she was 'getting her workout after all.' She kissed him during the entire time she was mounted. "Do you love me?" That came out of the blue from Charles. Jacqueline was shocked, and it scared her. She stopped pumping. "No, I, how could I love you? We just barely met." "Yes," he replied. "But I think I know you in bed more than your husband ever could. I could easily love you, if I let it happen. How about you?" "That?s true. You know me in ways I never knew about myself in bed, but I?m happily married and don?t plan to change that." Despite what she was saying, Charles noticed that she had started pumping again. Not as deeply, not as fast, but she was taking him in. "O.K." he replied. "But if you ever feel like saying it, you know, like in the throes of passion, don?t be afraid. I won?t take it seriously. I just feel like, when you are really really into it with someone, sexually I mean, that you are in love at the time." She hesitated. "That might be true. I've been sort of feeling that sometimes when we are, you and I are doing it and kissing. But if I ever say the "L" word to you, take it in context, O.K?" "You got it. Feel free." He pulled her down and kissed her firmly. She responded, but Charles could tell that she was afraid to let it go this time. She resumed her pumping, and the sweat continued to flow. After coming again, she rolled onto her back and asked him to hurry if he wanted to come one more time because it was almost time for her to head home from her "workout." Charles tried kissing her a lot during this final fuck of the night. Jacqueline did not let herself go with Charles when it came to kissing this time, despite the powerful urges within. She kissed him, but held something back because the subject of 'love' had been broached. Charles had planted thoughts into her head, thoughts of love. A love affair was not what she was seeking, although being fucked by a strange man not her husband was turning out to be fun. This intense pleasure was something she had not expected. Her fingers dug into his ass when he suddenly began pounding into her for the first time. His balls were hitting her ass in a regular machine gun rhythm. If a pussy was ever receiving a workout, it was like what was happening now. It felt good, but she caused him to pause when she jokingly said, "I thought you promised to leave me, *it* I mean," referring obviously to her vagina, "undamaged so that my husband would not know." "I guess I got carried away. Do you want me to stop?" She squeezed him with her arms. "No, don?t stop. You?re tearing me up inside, but it feels too good. I?ll just have to try and keep my husband out of it until it pops back into shape." Charles laughed. What a change in attitude from when they had first started. Now she was able to freely discuss her sex life with her husband, make jokes about it and make comparisons with Charles. This woman was one hot number. He went back to banging, and she began groaning. He gave her a gentle kiss, much different from the other end of their bodies that were being slammed together. "I love you." She said it softly, she said it so soft that he almost didn?t hear, but she had said it. That was a start. "Ooh baby, I'm coming!" When Charles stiffened and groaned in her ear as his final orgasm hit, Jacqueline was right there with him. He also mouthed the words, softly, but she heard him. "I love you, baby." He went slightly soft immediately, and as Charles rolled off to let her up, he flopped down beside her. Huge amounts of come dripped out of her pussy and landed on Charles's stomach as she crawled over him to get to the bathroom. Her legs were so weak she could barely stand. She almost staggered as she walked to the bathroom. Talk about being well fucked! Jacqueline had never experienced a feeling of total satisfaction quite like this with her husband, even after their longest sessions in the beginning of their marriage. On the toilet, Charles poured out. He kept pouring out and knowing how deeply he had placed his come into her she decided that she couldn?t wait any longer. Let him drain into the shower. She stepped into the shower and adjusted the water to a nice warm temperature. As she washed her pussy, Jacqueline could feel tenderness all around the lips. Oh dear husband, don?t ask me tonight for sex, please. Charles opened the door to join her, but Jacqueline said she had to take her shower alone to save time. He helped her to dry off, and then Charles walked her out to her car from the motel room. She had his phone number now and was to call him when it was convenient for her to see him. Seated behind the wheel, Jacqueline asked him how long it would be before he would give her the tape from the store or let her see him destroy it. He said maybe two more times and he would destroy the tape in front of her, and she would be "free." Jacqueline glanced around the parking lot, then reached her head up and kissed him lightly as her hand groped his soft bulge. Jacqueline smilingly said that once she was free, she might be inclined to keep meeting him, but only on an occasional basis because she really was expected to be at the gym and couldn't risk missing many workouts. There was truth in her words. Now that she felt at ease with Charles, Jacqueline had made her decision. If Charles kept his word and destroyed the tape after two more times, she might keep seeing him whenever possible. She mentioned that sometimes her mother would baby sit for her so that she could get out and about on her own at times during the day. That would be a good time to get together. It would be safer than having her not showing up at the gym. Charles mentioned that she could come to his house. A sure time for her to call and reach him to arrange things was set up. Watching her drive out of the parking lot, Charles all at once felt a deep sensation of loneliness. He wished that she worked out in a gym that was closer to his house. It would save money if she could come to his house, but it was too far out of her way from the route she had to take between the gym and her home. Now though, it looked like she could come during the day. Charles might have to take off work, but it would be well worth it. Charles went back into the room and removed the tape of Jacqueline in the department store from the VCR. She wanted to see it destroyed. He smiled. Sure, after a couple more fuck sessions he would keep his word and destroy the tape of her jacking the stranger off. Why not? He had another copy, and besides, now that he had fucked her, that tape no longer had great value to him. Besides, he already had a new tape of her. Charles had cleverly concealed a video camera in the room before she had arrived. He had placed it between the extra blankets on the wire rack above where you could hang your clothes. He had carefully zoomed the lens in so that the bed filled the entire viewing area. No matter what position he had placed Jackie on the bed, it should all show on camera. And he had been careful to place their bodies so that the genitals would be visible from the angle of the camera. The tape was capable of recording for two hours, more than enough to get what had happened tonight on film. After removing the tape from the camera, he placed it into the VCR, rewound it and started to watch. After two minutes of watching the two of them together as they sat side-by-side and viewed the tape he had placed into the VCR, Charles stood up and removed his pants. When he sat down again, his hand went to his erect cock. Jacqueline was getting close to home, and her nervousness level rose. Had anything happened? What if her husband, for some off the wall reason, had decided to come by the gym to check on her? No, he wouldn?t check on her because he had the kids to watch, but he might come by with the kids to see how she was doing. He had never done that, but there could always be a first time. She pulled into her driveway. Her panties were soaked, she could tell. Despite her shower, come had remained, and now it was coming out. She was going to have to get into the bathroom first, before her husband saw her. --------------------------------------------- Charles was watching his latest tape. Wow, what a hot flick. The images had come out perfectly, and the sound, though not perfect because of a microphone on the camera that sometimes was too far away, was pretty good as well. If not for the fact that he had to respect her privacy, this tape would be a good one to put on the market. Charles would never do that though, for the only thing he wanted out of this was to experience Jacqueline as often as possible, for as long as possible. When he had made his initial penetration, he had turned their bodies so that their lower halves were towards the camera. He had been careful to raise her legs high so that everything would show. It had worked to perfection. He could see it all in detail as his penis worked into her, stretching her so wide. And her groaning was easily heard on the tape. 'Did you like that black cock working its way in, baby? I know you did.' He watched the tape all the way through, and listened carefully to see if he could hear her say the L word. It came out, barely. She had said it softly, but the recorder had picked it up. Next time she met him in the motel room or in his home he would treat her as nice as he knew how. He would have the camera set up again, and this time get her in some different positions, like doggy style, that they had not had time to do the first night. If she came to his house, he could set up more than one camera. His bedroom was large and old fashioned. There were lots of places to hide cameras. His ultimate goal was to get her to say she loved him on tape, and mean it, like when they were just talking and not humping madly. Despite her having drained him in bed, Charles found himself with a hardon the entire time he watched the tape. He rewound the tape to where they were really going at it, and she had said the L word. Then he jacked himself to orgasm just minutes after having the actual woman on screen in the very bed where he was now.When he headed home, Charles had not taken a shower before leaving the motel. He wanted to keep as much of the feel and smell of Jacqueline, sweat, come, saliva and all as possible on his body until maybe the next morning. As far as using the films he managed to tape secretly to keep her around, Charles didn't plan to. At least, not yet. After all, he was in love. Jacqueline was lying in bed and dreaming. Her husband had hinted that perhaps they could make love tonight, but she had indicated that she was 'a little tired.' In her dream Charles was on top of her, his marvelous cock was stretching and stroking her pussy so nice, and his mouth was on hers. 'Oh Charles, maybe I really could love you.' Fortunately, she was only saying it in her dream, because while she was sleeping, her husband, after gently fingering her pussy, had crawled on top of her and was slipping his penis in. "Ooooh! What are you doing?" Jacqueline had awakened to discover that the good feelings she was dreaming of were real. Her husband had managed to fully penetrate her while she was asleep. Of course, she had been dreaming of Charles doing exactly that. "I'm really horny tonight baby. I don't know why. It's just that you seemed to be glowing and looked really sexy tonight while we were getting ready for bed. I kept thinking about that even after you said you were 'too tired.'" He gave her several strokes, and Jacqueline took note of how much smaller he seemed than the man whom had been within her not that long before. 'Penis, cock. I can feel it, but I hope he can't feel the difference,' she was thinking. And then, as if he had heard what she was thinking, it came. "You don't feel as tight tonight, baby. Maybe it's because you're so wet." 'Is he feeling come from Charles? Charles put it in there so deep.' Her husband had ended his sentence like a question, and she quickly tried to explain her stretched out and soaking pussy as best she could. "I was dreaming of making love to you, and then all of a sudden it was real." She wrapped her arms around him to show her love for him, and was relieved when he accepted her 'explanation.' "Maybe that's it. I think maybe I'll catch you when you're sleeping once in a while. I like how this seems to have you all turned on." "That would be nice dear, but not too often. I need to get my sleep sometimes. Now let's f... let's make love so that I can get some sleep." Jacqueline shook her head to herself. 'I almost said 'fuck.' At least he didn't seem to catch it.' In their years together, neither she nor her husband had ever used the word 'fuck' to describe what they did together in bed. It had always been 'make love.' Afterwards, Jacqueline was lying on her back with her husband's arm under her neck. Because she had been turned on before her husband had started 'making love' to her, Jacqueline had managed to reach an orgasm almost simultaneously with her husband. It had been good, but now that she had a basis of comparison, it had not been great. No longer would her husband's lovemaking be categorized as 'great' in her mind. Now, past midnight, Jacqueline was still awake and looking at the ceiling in the darkened room. Her mind was on Charles. 'From now on,' she was thinking, 'I might fuck Charles a short time after my husband, but never again the other way around.' That had been a close one. The last thing she needed to have was a suspicious husband checking on her. Not now, not after having found the man of her dreams, even though she had never before dreamed that the man would be black. 11631 2.74/512345
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