Saturday, October 27, 2012
Dessert Free With Meal
Dessert Free With Meal By Lingus My wife Donna and I had dreamed of running a diner of our own ever since we first visited one on our New England honeymoon twenty- eight years ago. Each time we returned to the area we tried to find at least one diner to visit that we'd never seen before. We always promised ourselves to own one someday and then we'd laugh, knowing, I guess, deep in our hearts that this was not a very likely prospect. A year ago that changed. The large international corporation that I had worked for since college offered several hundred of its upper middle management people an early retirement plan that was very attractive and we thought very hard about accepting it. "You know, Mike," Donna said, "with that amount of cash we could afford to buy a diner." That settled it. I notified my boss that I was taking the company's offer and asked to take two weeks of the vacation that I'd accumulated. A week later Donna and I were on our way to New England to look for diners for sale. We thought about calling some brokers but an old friend of ours from "down east" told us that most good diners were sold without using a broker. "It's a personal thing for them," he said as he described the owners who might sell. "Oh, sure, there are diners listed for sale but they are usually ones where the owner has either died or lost interest in their business. Avoid those unless you can get a great deal because they will take a lot of work to fix them up and rebuild the business. The best bet for success is to find someone who's heart is still in the business and thinks of his diner as his family.someone who is getting up in years and really could retire. They may sell if they think their 'baby' will be kept in good hands. "This process will take some time and you may strike out, but I'll bet that you'll find just the one you like," he concluded. Donna and I visited two or three dozen diners in those two weeks. It fascinated us that the best way to find diners was to ask the owner of a diner. He or she could always refer us to at least four or five others not too far away. Some even gave us some very good hints of who might want to sell "if the right buyer came along." To the owners of two of the diners we visited, we must have looked like the "the right buyers" because by the time we had to leave for home we'd had encouraging talks with them and promises to keep in touch. From that point negotiations moved very slowly. At one point when I expressed my frustration at the lack of progress, Donna reminded me "one of the things we like about New England is the laid-back pace. It's life in the slow lane, so just relax and get used to it," she said as she gave me a hug. At long last, just sixty days before my "retirement", we made a deal. Donna and I bought a great little place in New Hampshire. We were both ecstatic. We put our house in the Midwest up for sale and Donna left for our new hometown to look for a house and to spend some time with Helen and Owen Dahl, the former owners, getting to know the business and the town. They had agreed to operate the place until I could join Donna. Then they were going to take their money and buy a mountain home in northern Vermont. We laughed when they told us their plans. "Why don't you move south where it's Florida or the Carolinas?" I asked. "That's for sissies," Owen replied. "Who'd want to put up with all those tourists? We want some peace in our retirement, and there's nothing more peaceful than the mountains on a snowy day," he concluded. "Peaceful, but darn cold!" I thought to myself. Finally the big day came when our dream really came true as Donna and I took over our own business. As Owen took me around the building for a last minute run through of all of the important mechanical details, Helen and Donna chatted one last time over a cup of coffee. Then the Dahls got in their pickup truck and drove off to Vermont. "Now don't you forget what I told you," Helen said to Donna as were leaving. "Congratulations, sweetheart," I said to Donna as I gave her a big kiss. "We did it! By the way, what was Helen talking about anyhow?" "Oh, Mike. You won't believe this. Maybe I didn't understand her, I don't know," Donna replied. "Well, what did she say?" I pressed. "She said to watch out for Gary Hastings. I guess he's a customer who comes in here once in a while." "Did she say why?" "She said 'Donna, he will surprise you. You know, he's got the biggest thing I've ever seen.and he really knows how to use it too.' Then she said 'now don't you say anything to Owen, you hear, 'cuz he doesn't know anything about it.' Doesn't that sound strange?" "Sure does!" I agreed. "Did she say how old this Gary guy is?" "She said he's about twenty-five," my wife replied. "Holy shit! If it wasn't that Helen must be nearly seventy years old, I might think this guy was boffing her. She must have meant something else," I concluded. We both had a good laugh at that idea and then got to work. We had a diner to run and it was approaching lunchtime. For the next few days things went well in our new venture. The new sign that we ordered arrived and was installed which officially made it "our place." It had been known as "The Dahl House." We changed it to "Donna's Diner." Donna thought it should have my name or both our names on it, but I persuaded her that "Donna's Diner" had a nice ring to it. I ordered the sign before she could object any more. I also bought menus with the new name on it, but we didn't change much else. The diner had been very successful and we believed in the old adage "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." We continued the same hearty food selection that Helen and Owen had made famous. With their assistant cook continuing on in the kitchen, recipes weren't a problem. We also continued Owen's contract (a phone call) with his dessert supplier because good desserts were something the diner was famous for. Several years earlier the Dahl's had introduced an offer of "Your choice of dessert free with meal." It was a big plus with the locals who seemed to love sweets. "Perhaps it's the climate," Owen said as a possible explanation. On our first Saturday afternoon in business, soon after the lunch rush was over, Donna came running back to my office (a small corner of the kitchen). "Mike, guess who's here?" she said breathlessly. "Elvis," I said with a laugh. "I knew he'd show up." "No, silly. Gary Hastings is know, the guy Helen warned me about." "Oh, yeah, the guy with the big shlong," I replied. "Well, is it as big as she said it was?" "Mike. Be serious. Now how would I know? The guy just came in and introduced himself. He said that Helen had told him that the place had been sold and when he came in he should look for I wonder what she meant by that?" "I wouldn't worry about it," I said as I tried to finish preparing my food order for tomorrow. "Did the guy get fresh or anything?" "No. I guess you're right," she replied as she calmed down. "I'm sure it's nothing. I mean why would a guy that young get fresh with me.or Helen, if that's the case?" My wife went back out to the counter to bring the guy his lunch order. Several minutes later when I was done with my paperwork, my curiosity got the better of me so I went to get a look at this Gary guy. As I neared the door from the kitchen to the dining room I heard Donna say "I think you know, Gary, that you get your choice of dessert with your meal. Do you see anything there that you'd like?" she said as she directed him to the dessert case. I peeked around the corner and saw Gary's eyes survey the pastry case and then look Donna over from head to toe. After an uncomfortably long pause as he continued to study my wife's body, he replied, "You know, Donna, the only thing that really appeals to me is you. I really want you for dessert." I nearly choked when I heard him. Donna somehow retained her composure and replied "I'm sorry, Gary, but that's not on the menu. Why don't you give it a little thought and I'll check back in a minute." Then she came bursting through the kitchen door nearly crashing into me as she came. "My gawd, Mike, did you hear what he just said?" she said blushing a deep red. "I guess our suspicions were correct. This guy's something else. Helen was sure right about him surprising me. I mean our son is older than him. I'm just glad there is no one else at the counter right now who might have heard him." "There, there now," I said as I tried to calm my wife. "I'll go out and take care of him," I offered. "No, I'll deal with him. There's no harm done. He just unnerved me is all. It comes as quite a shock to have such a young guy come on to me so blatantly. A woman my age isn't used to that. I'll go back out in a minute and take his 'real' dessert order. Don't worry about it." Donna went back out to the counter after regaining her composure and tried again to get Gary's dessert order. "Like I said, Donna, I really only want you for dessert," he repeated. "But if you're not on the menu today, I'll wait 'til another time. I come through here every Saturday about this time. Maybe I'll have better luck next week. Guess I need my check." Gary finished his cup of coffee and then got up to pay his check. "It was nice to meet you and I wish you the best of luck here," he said as he took his change. "I look forward to seeing you again next week." I asked Donna about the incident that night as we sat relaxing. "Are you still upset about this Gary guy?" I asked. "I'm sorry I wasn't more help in dealing with him." "It's OK, darling," she replied. "I wasn't really as much upset as I was startled by his approach. He took my response quite graciously, and I think the issue is behind us. Maybe he won't even come back." We both let the matter drop because we'd found in our first five days of owning a diner that it's a lot of hard work and long hours. We were beat and went to bed early. The local townspeople were very gracious to us.even more so than we had expected because we were complete strangers and not even from New England. Many families came in to eat dinner and to wish us well, as did a number of business groups at breakfast and lunch. Our first week in the business was a big success. We even got cards and flowers from people in town. We were most gratified and surprised to receive a large bouquet from the largest restaurant in town. Everyone seemed to genuinely want us to feel welcome. As our second Saturday dawned I felt a twinge of anxiety wondering whether Gary would show up again, and if he did how he would behave. I told Donna to let me know as soon as he came it so I could be there at the counter to head him off before the pass. The day got unusually busy and I forgot all about Gary again until we were at home that night. "Hey, it looks like your friend Gary didn't show up today after all," I said as I suddenly recalled my earlier concern. "Oh, he was in," she replied. "Really? When?" "About two o'clock just like last week." "But why didn't you let me know?" I asked. "Well, I was pretty busy myself when he came in. I brought him his lunch order and before I even had time to ask him about dessert he told me that he wanted a piece of apple pie. He ate it, paid his bill and left saying he'd be back next week. Oh, and he left me a $5.00 tip. I guess maybe he felt guilty about what he did last week." "I guess so," I agreed feeling a big sense of relief. "Maybe he's not as bad as we first thought. I will sleep better knowing some young stud isn't putting the make on my sexy wife." "Gee, I hope you weren't loosing a lot of sleep over that concern, but I must admit that I was a little curious about the size of his 'thing', as Helen described it. I guess now I'll never know for sure," Donna said with a laugh. We kissed each other good night and fell asleep. As we got the routine of running the diner down, we began to enjoy it more because we could spend more time getting to know our loyal patrons. We soon learned to tell time by when certain people showed up each day. Donna even was getting to know what some of them always had when they came in. "The usual" was all they needed to say to place their order. A genuine bond of friendship with the regulars was replacing the hospitality that we sensed when we first opened. They would even go out of their way to greet us on the street. The sort of homey atmosphere that we had enjoyed the very first time we ate in a diner was now a regular part of our lives and we loved it. "Isn't this a wonderful change from the hectic impersonal life we knew in the city where we hardly even knew our next door neighbor," Donna said one evening as we relaxed after a hard day. I agreed wholeheartedly. Gary Hastings continued to make his regular stop for a late Saturday lunch every week. He usually had our special. Then he'd order something from the dessert case with no more personal comments. A certain trust started to develop between Gary and Donna and they chatted casually whenever he was in. Strangely I never met him. I guess that's primarily due to the timing of his visits. I normally was busy in the back with paperwork, or at the bank making the last deposit before the bank closed for the weekend. One Saturday afternoon I came back from the bank and Donna was nowhere to be found. Neither was Gary although his van was in the parking lot. I was about to go out to look for her when she came in the back door. "Oh, hi honey," she said. "I was just out looking at some of Gary's samples. You know that he sells children's books. I think I'll order some for our grandkids when he stops in next week." "Did he show you any other sample?" I asked. "Any really big samples?" "Don't be silly. Gary's not that type of guy. Maybe he had something going with Helen, but I don't think he has any sexual interest in me at all. He's really a pretty nice guy." "I hope you're right," I replied and went back to do my paperwork. About two months after we'd opened, Donna said "Mike, I had a rather enlightening conversation today with Jerry Donahue." Jerry is a retired mail carrier who comes in two or three times a week for breakfast. "You know he hasn't been around as often as he was when we first opened. I remember that he used to come in every day when Helen and Owen were still here. Well, I mentioned that I hadn't seen him around as much as I used to. He said that things just weren't the same since Helen left. I asked him what was different and at first he didn't want to tell me, but I finally sweet-talked it out of him. Apparently when Owen wasn't around and when there were no women or kids looking or listening, Helen could be quite the flirt, if that's the right word for it." "How so?" I asked in disbelief. "Well, you remember the skirts that she wore that you said looked a little out of place on a woman her age?" "Yes, I mean she wore them well, but I'm just not used to seeing a woman her age in skirts that end above her knees," I replied. "So you mean that Jerry has a thing for women in short skirts?" "It's not just that," Donna went on. "Apparently the guys would get peeks up her skirt every now and then, depending on who was around." "So how did that happen?" I asked as my curiosity got the better of me. "I guess she'd climb up the ladder to get something off the shelves behind the counter.or she'd bend over and give them a nice view of her behind.or sit down on her haunches so that they could see up her skirt. It sounds like the woman was a real exhibitionist." "Or that she was completely unaware of what she was doing?" I added. "Jerry said it never happened when Owen could see it. It sounds like she must have been pretty deliberate about it." "No shit!" I agreed. The thought of that happening was amusing but also strangely intriguing. "So Jerry is disappointed that you're wearing that it?" I need to point out that my wife Donna is a very well preserved fifty-three year old blonde. She is in great shape because she works out almost every day. She loves to wear jeans that fit quite snugly, and I must admit her ass looks terrific in them. Her breasts are about average size and very firm. I've always enjoyed noticing the way a lot of men still give her the once-over when they see her. In fact I got a perverse sort of kick out of Gary Hasting's initial response when he met her. Donna's a very sexy woman and I like it. "Well, he didn't say so in so many words," Donna replied. "That's pretty much the gist of it though. I told him that I appreciated his being so candid with me and that I'd give the matter some thought." "So what do you think?" I asked. "Did you get the idea that there were others besides Jerry that Helen treated this way? Maybe she just had a thing for him?" "Jerry said there were several guys who used to come in nearly every day for breakfast just to see Helen's show. Amazing, isn't it?" Donna went on. "Yes, truly amazing," I concurred. "That's real surprise in such a small town as this. I wonder what else that woman did?" The next morning I went to work at 5:00 am like I normally do and Donna came in just before we opened at 6:00. When she came in the back door I was surprised to see that she was wearing a skirt. It wasn't a particularly short or sexy skirt, because she doesn't own any of those. It was just a knee length blue denim skirt.the shortest one she owns. "Hmmm, you expecting Jerry Donahue in again this morning?" I said with a laugh. "He usually doesn't come in that often." "Not really," she replied. "I just thought that maybe if seeing their waitress in a skirt makes a difference to some of our customers, it won't hurt me to accommodate them. You don't mind do you? I mean, this certainly isn't very daring. I just will have to watch who's around when I climb that ladder is all." "No problem here," I reassured her. Donna got several compliments on how she looked that day.all from men, but they seemed to prefer to see her in a skirt. "No problem," Donna said later that night, "I've got a few skirts I can wear and maybe I can get out to buy a couple more sometime this weekend." By the time the next Saturday came around Donna was used to wearing a skirt to work and didn't even think about it anymore. To Gary Hastings it was a big change, however. Donna told me later that Gary noticed it right away when he sat down at the counter. "Hey, Donna. I really like your new look," he said to her as she walked up to take his order. When he was finished with his lunch and Donna went to take his dessert order he said, "I don't suppose the new look means that the dessert menu has changed by any chance?" "I started to ask him what he meant by that when it dawned on me," she said. "Oh, no Gary. Sorry, but that's still not on the menu," she told him. "'My bad luck,' he said and then he ordered peach cobbler. 'That's my second favorite,' he said as he winked at me." "I guess that proves that Gary is still the old Gary," I said. "You'd better keep your eye on him." The next morning Jerry Donahue came in. I noticed him sitting at the counter. I wondered how he would like seeing Donna in a skirt. I didn't have long to wonder because she soon came out to the kitchen. Her face was bright red. "What's the matter?" I asked. "Doesn't Jerry like your new uniform?" "Oh, he thinks it's great," she replied. "It's just that after he told me he liked it, he asked me if I was going to climb the ladder for him like Helen used to do." "What did you say to that?" I asked somewhat amused at this seemingly innocuous old man's voyeuristic streak. "I said that I'd bet Helen never really did that. You know what he said then?" Donna asked incredulously. "No, what?" "He said that sometimes when Helen did it she forgot to put on her underwear. That old broad was flashing the guys her bare privates," Donna said, as she blushed even more. "I don't believe it. I just don't believe it." "I'm sorry, darling," I said as I tried to comfort my wife. "I'll go out and straighten Jerry out." I started out the kitchen door as Donna stopped me. "No, don't do that. I have a certain amount of pride and I'm not going to let him or his cronies think that some woman who is nearly old enough to be my mother can show me up. Just wait right here in case things get out of hand." I stood with my mouth open as my wife very deliberately marched back into the dining room and began to climb up the ladder behind the counter. I looked around the corner and saw Jerry's eyes following Donna up the ladder. As she neared the top I saw him smile. He must have just gotten a glimpse of my wife's panties. When she reached the top Donna turned and looked right at Jerry. "All right, Jerry, how do you like the view? Is that what you had in mind?" Jerry continued to stare as my wife stayed in place. I couldn't tell exactly how much he could see but at least he must have seen the seat and probably the crotch of her panties. "Ya, that's nice, Donna," he replied. "But Helen used to wear some pretty sexy underwear.that is when she wore any at all. I'm don't mean to complain though. That is very nice. You catch on real fast." "Well, Jerry, if you want to see some sexy underwear you be right back on that stool tomorrow morning, OK? You'll see some underwear that will knock your socks off." Then Donna climbed back down and ran back into the kitchen. "Some show," I said with a grin. "I think you fixed old Jerry." "I hope you're not upset. I guess I did get a little carried away, but I was not going be shown up by old Helen." "So now what are you going to do tomorrow?" I asked. "Well, remember those sexy panties that you bought me a few years ago for our anniversary. I think maybe I'll wear those," Donna replied. I thought about the panties she was referring to. They were indeed sexy. They were crotchless. If Donna climbed that ladder and opened her thighs Jerry would see my wife's pussy.or at least the brown hair that covered it. I wasn't sure if I was ready for that to happen. That night Donna and I talked about what had happened with Jerry. We both were apprehensive that the other might be upset about it, but were surprised to learn that instead we both had enjoyed a slight rush from it. "You mean then that you're not jealous that another man saw me like that?" Donna asked. "No, strangely not," I confirmed. "That does surprise me though." "How do you think you might feel if I showed the guy even more.I mean just to show him that I can.and that I'm at least as much fun to look at as Helen was." "I guess that's up to you. It sounds more like a matter of pride right now than anything else. Use your own judgment I replied." "I'll see how I feel in the morning then," she concluded. The next morning Donna decided to carry through on her promise to "knock Jerry's socks off." "I put on those panties," she said as she came into work. "I hope you still don't mind." "No, it's fine with me. I'm going to be where I can see his reaction again though," I assured her. "The smile on his face yesterday was priceless." Donna got a big surprise when Jerry arrived for breakfast. He brought along four of his buddies. They all sat down at the counter. "My gawd, Mike. Did you see what's out there?" she asked when they came in. "I don't think I can go through with this. One of them was nerve wracking enough, but there are five men out there. I'm sure they're all here to see me climb that ladder." "Well, sweetheart, you should feel flattered that they are so interested, but if you don't want to do it, don't. It's up to you. I understand." Donna went out to take their orders saying she'd think about it for a few minutes. "Hi, Jerry," she said nervously as she walked up to him. "I see you and your friends are out early this morning." "That's right Donna. I told them that the scenery here at the diner was even better than before and that they shouldn't miss it. This is Bill, Bob, John and Hank," he said as he introduced the gang. "Gee, Jerry, when I said that yesterday, I really wasn't expecting such a crowd. I mean a gal gets a little nervous thinking about climbing that ladder in front of all of you. Understand?" "Oh, I understand," Jerry said, "but don't worry about it. We're all family. If Helen could handle it.and she did it all the time.I'm sure you can do it too, and even better. Right boys?" Jerry's mention of Helen was all it took to get Donna up that ladder. Again she refused to let another woman show her up. I watched the men's faces as my wife began her climb. She took the first two steps very slowly but then must have decided to get it over with. She scurried up the final five steps and then stood motionless at the top. The men all wore smiles from ear to ear. After a few seconds she turned around toward them and asked, "do you all see what you came to see?" "That's mighty nice, Donna," Bill said. "Mighty, mighty nice," another agreed. They were all nodding their heads as Donna climbed back down. "There now Jerry, are you satisfied?" she asked when she'd reached the bottom. "Well, Donna, you mentioned yesterday that you were going to show me some underwear that would 'knock my socks off.' Isn't that right?" Jerry replied. Donna paused for a moment. It looked like she was taking several deep breaths. Then she headed back over to the ladder. "You're right Jerry. You're absolutely right. I did say that and I'm going to keep my promise." Then Donna quickly climbed back up to the top of the ladder. She paused again as she appeared to take a couple more deep breaths. Then she swung one leg out away from the ladder and held in out in the direction of the counter. Slowly she raised her leg higher and higher in the air. The men looked like schoolboys as they bent down to peek under my wife's skirt. I heard a couple of audible sighs as the men caught sight of my wife's exposed pussy. "How do you like these panties, Jerry?" she asked. "Oh, they're wonderful," Jerry replied. The others echoed their approval. "Donna, you're not a natural blonde are you?" another commented. "No, I'm not," Donna said with a laugh. "Now you know my deepest secret." She held the pose for several seconds before dropping her leg back onto the rung of the ladder. Then she quickly climbed back down as Jerry and his friends caught their breath. "OK, now boys, what will you have for breakfast?" she asked when she reached the floor. "I assume you came in to eat and not just to look," she continued. The men all gave her their orders and she headed back into the kitchen. "Wow, that was quite a show," I said as I gave my wife a big hug. I pulled her tightly against me forcing her pelvis against my hard cock. "I see that it had a good effect on you," she said as she giggled. "Yes it sure did, and I'll bet it had the same effect on five other guys out there." "That was some initiation," Donna replied with a laugh. "Isn't it amazing what you have to do to succeed in a small business these days?" Jerry and his friends got their breakfast and took their time eating. When they were finally finished and ready to pay their checks, they thanked Donna for the good service and "the good times." "Those sure are some sexy undies," Jerry assured her. "It was even better than when Helen was here." "Thanks guys," Donna said. "If you come back more often you never know what you might see." Later that night Donna and I talked about what she had done that morning. We repeated that discussion several times thereafter and came to the same conclusion each time. Although Donna had originally let Jerry and then the others see up her skirt because she felt challenged by the comments they'd made about Helen, Donna found her game on the ladder to be very erotic. I confessed that I too was very turned on knowing that other men could see parts of my wife's body that others are not supposed to see. We even figured out other ways for her to show herself to them and she started trying them whenever these five men were in. She even tried them from time to time on complete strangers who we were sure were from out of town. Jerry, Bill, Bob, Hank and John came in nearly every morning after that. That meant at least one trip up the ladder or other special show for Donna. Sometimes she'd wear special panties. Once in a while she'd do her show and reveal that she had "forgotten" to wear any that day. The men loved her shows and never once attempted to go any further. Donna and I got a kick out of her antics and found that we both got turned on especially when she did it without panties. That would always lead to some great sex those nights. One Saturday morning Donna was up on the ladder showing the "fearsome five", as we'd taken to calling them, that she'd forgotten her panties, when her old friend Gary Hastings showed up. She hadn't noticed him come in, but when she lifted her leg and turned around to show the men her bare pussy, Gary was standing right behind Jerry taking in the whole show. "Oh my gawd," Donna muttered as she came running into the kitchen. "The most terrible thing just happened." "What's the matter?" I asked. "Gary's out there. He just saw me flash my bare ass to the guys. What'll I do? I'm afraid what he'll think now that he's seen me do that?" "What's he doing here at this time of day?" I asked. "I've never seen him here this early. I wonder what's up?" "I don't know but I better go back out there. I haven't taken the guys' breakfast order yet. They're probably wondering what upset me. I'll be right back." Donna went shakily back to the dining room and came back in a couple of minutes with five breakfast orders. "What about Gary's order?" I asked. "Do you want me to get his?" "He isn't at the counter. He went over to a booth and sat down. I'll go get his order now." I expected Donna to come back in just a minute or two and when she didn't I looked around the corner to see if something was wrong. I saw her sitting in the booth next to Gary chatting with him. Their backs were to me, but neither of them seemed upset so I went back to the grill. When Donna hadn't returned by the time the five orders were up I took them out to the counter myself. Donna was still talking to Gary. Finally after about fifteen minutes Donna came back to the kitchen. "Are you all right?" I asked. "What was going on out there?" "I'm fine sweetheart," she replied. "I'm sorry for taking so long but I got tied up. Mike, you won't believe this, but Helen was right. The guy has a huge one. When I went over to his booth he pulled it out of his pants and said "Donna, look what your show just did to me?" The guy's cock was as hard as a rock and looked to be about this long." She held her hands a foot apart. "It is enormous. He kept trying to talk me into doing something about it since I made it hard. I wanted to leave but to be honest I couldn't stop staring at it. He knew I was fascinated by it and finally he took my hand and put it on his thing. I played with it a little bit while he reached under my skirt and played with me. I finally got up the will power to leave, but believe me it wasn't easy. I'm sorry sweetheart. I know I shouldn't have done that." "Wow," was all I could say. Donna's description of Gary's mammoth tool and what she'd just done had made me hard too. I felt a knot in my stomach as I pictured my wife and our customer groping at one another. Then I thought about the possibility of that tool forcing its way into my wife's hot pussy. I nearly came. "What does he want you to do?" I asked. "He wants me to go out to his van with him," Donna replied. "Would you like to?" I asked. "Mike, I know it's wrong and I may feel really foolish later, but I'd love to know what something that big feels like inside me.especially remembering what Helen said about how well he knows how to use it. But surely you're not thinking of letting that happen.are you?" "Go for it!" I said. "I'll take care of the guys at the counter. Go tell Gary that you'll meet him at his van and then go out the back way. Nobody will know where you went. Just don't take too long. Things will start to get busy in here soon. OK?" "Are you sure?" Donna asked. "Yes, now get on with it before you or I or Gary change our mind." Donna didn't say another word. She went to Gary's booth and whispered something to him. Then she came back through the kitchen and headed directly for the back door. She kissed me as she rushed by. "Thank you, darling. Thank you very much." The fearsome five finished their breakfast and had their usual chat before paying their check. "Is everything all right with Donna?" Jerry asked as they left. "I'm sorry that guy came by at the wrong time. I hope she's not upset about that." "Don't worry about it, Jerry," I assured him. "Donna is just fine. She just went out on an errand. She should be back soon. We'll see you again tomorrow. OK?" "You betcha. We wouldn't miss this for anything." Donna was gone for over half an hour, but when she came back in she was wearing a smile from ear to ear. "Was it fun?" I asked as I tried to contain my own excitement and curiosity. "Fun? Yes, it was fantastic. It was a little weird too. I mean it's almost like having sex with one of our son's friends. He sure does know how to use his equipment and it felt even bigger than it looked. I could only get the end of it in my mouth. I think he got most of it in my pussy though. I've never felt so filled up. When he came I think he must have cum a quart. I know I'm still dripping. I'd better get some panties on or you'll see a stream of cum running down my leg soon." "That's great, darling," I said as I lifted her skirt and ran my fingers through my wife's wet slit. She was indeed a warm wet mess. "Were you able to cum too?" I asked. "I couldn't stop cumming," she replied. "It seemed like I came the first time when he put it in me, but my body didn't stop shaking until after he'd filled me with his load and he got soft and slipped back out. Oh, Mike, it was incredible. Thank you so much for being so understanding. I love you." Donna gave me a passionate kiss as I ran my fingers back up her slit and into her opening. My cock was still hard. Without thinking I turned Donna around to face my desk. "Bend over," I ordered as I unbuttoned her skirt and dropped it to the floor. In seconds I had my hard cock out of my pants and buried in my wife's sopping cunt. In just another minute or two I had deposited a load of my own cum where Gary had left his only minutes earlier. "Now you really are a mess," I said with a laugh as I zipped up my pants. "You better get cleaned up and get dressed. I'll take care of the customer who just came in." That night after we had both calmed down, Donna and I talked at length about what had happened. We were both very apprehensive about what the other might think of our original reactions to the situation. We had never gone so far or done, or even talked about, anything so unconventional. We were truly in uncharted territory as far as our relationship was concerned. The only thing we were sure of was that the episode with Gary was a real turn on for both of us. Strangely I didn't feel threatened by these new developments even though Donna raved about the size of his cock and how well he used it. I guess somehow I didn't picture Donna as likely to fall madly in love with him because of it. She agreed that her response was only physical. She did want to repeat the event though if I was agreeable. I, in turn, found the idea of another man having sex with my wife under those circumstances to be extremely exciting. I particularly enjoyed having sex with her myself afterward. There was something very wicked about that. Since that fateful Saturday when Donna first sampled Gary's monster cock, things have settled in to a regular pattern.although not into what might be called a routine. In fact, there's nothing routine about what goes on now at Donna's Diner. The "Fearsome Five" had a membership drive a few weeks ago and now on many mornings all seven of the counter stools are filled for Donna's "sunrise show" as her fans have taken to calling it. Donna has created some outrageous outfits to wear to tease and please the guys. On some mornings when no one else is around she undresses in the kitchen before going out to take their orders or deliver their food completely nude. The men really love that. Sometimes if there are others in the diner she'll wear a white smock with nothing underneath. She unbuttons the smock completely when she waits on the counter. From the very first time she let the five of them see her pantiless pussy while she cavorted on the ladder, her audience has tipped her generously. We decided to put those tips in a special fund for a nice vacation. It's growing rapidly, and we're thinking of someplace nice for a couple of weeks next winter. We learned that Gary's serendipitous and unexpected visit that one Saturday morning was caused by engine trouble which caused him to skip part of his route. He has now returned to his regular schedule of late lunches on Saturday afternoon. Those lunches conclude with Donna's Diner's special dessert. It's not on the menu. Both Donna and I eagerly look forward to the half hour or so that she spends each Saturday "checking his samples." Then I get sloppy seconds as soon as possible after they're finished. Last night Helen and Owen Dahl called. Apparently they've been feeling a bit homesick for the old diner. Helen and Donna talked for a few minutes first. I didn't hear Helen's end of the conversation but Donna's answers made the subject matter obvious. "Yes, Helen, he comes by here every Saturday. He and I have a lot of fun together. You were sure right about the size of his equipment and about the way he uses it. Mike gets a big kick out of it too.oh sure, he knows all about it. In fact he encouraged me to finally give it a, don't worry, Helen, we won't say a word to Owen. It's our secret." Finally Donna handed me the phone. "Helen would like to talk to you." "Hi Helen," I began, "how are you and Owen enjoying life in the mountains?" "We love it," Helen said, "but we've been thinking a lot about the diner and thought we'd offer you two a proposition. If you two want to take a couple of weeks off anytime, we'd love to come back and look after the place. It'd give us a chance to see our old friends too." "That sounds very interesting, Helen," I replied. "We've been putting Donna's tip money in a vacation fund and would very much like to take one this winter." Thinking that this offer might just reflect Helen's desire to enjoy Gary's big tool another time or two, I asked, "What does Owen think of the idea?" "He's in the other room. I'll put him on and he can tell you for himself." Helen called Owen to the phone and I waited. "Hi, Mike," Owen greeted me. "What do you think of our idea?" "Owen, I think it sounds like a perfect arrangement.that is if you're really willing to do that," I replied. "Hell, yes. In fact it was my idea. I'd love to slip back into the old grind at the grill for a couple of weeks, and it would be fun to see our old friends. I hope they're still around." "Oh yes. The loyals are still coming in. I'm sure they'd love to see you two as well." "Great. Let's plan on doing it then. I know Helen will enjoy getting together with Gary again, and believe me it'll be a relief to have her getting it from someone else, even if it's only for a couple of weeks. Believe me, I need the rest. Oh, by the way, don't let on to Helen that I know anything about that. OK?" I laughed loudly as I hung up the phone. "What was that all about?" Donna asked. "Owen doesn't want us to let Helen know that he knows all about her and Gary. He says he'll just be glad to have someone else taking care of her for a couple of weeks. The guy needs the rest." "That's hilarious," Donna said as we both laughed. "I'll have to tell Gary that Helen misses him. He'll get a kick out of that even though he says that I'm a lot better in bed than she is." Well, that's the story of life at Donna's Diner. My wife and I really had no idea about some of the things that went on in a small town like this. If we did, I'm not sure if we'd have moved here, but now that we're here you can bet we're not about to leave. I've got to get back to work. Donna just opened up for the day and already she's back here in the kitchen all excited. Right now she's standing next to me taking off her clothes. "Honey, guess what? Jerry and the boys are here already and they've brought in another new guy. Jerry asked if I'd do a special show just for him. How do you think he'll like this?" she asked as she headed back into the dining room wearing just an apron. Donna turned and blew me a kiss as she wiggled her cute naked ass. "What's not to like?" I mumbled as I heard a cheer from the other room. My sexy fifty-three year old wife had just thrilled her audience again. ****************End**************** 2869 1.21/512345
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