Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Janet's Revenge
November was a terrible month for me. Sales were slow, money was sparse and my attitude gloomy. I was fidgety and I needed relaxation and companionship. I usually don?t like bars, but I decided to go down to the local restaurant for a drink. And who knows, I might get lucky. I went to the local El Torrito restaurant a few blocks away. It was your typical family restaurant, not impressive, but homey. I walked past the hostess and strolled over to the bar area. There was an old man sitting at the far end of the bar. There was a woman in her 30?s, with short cropped blond hair and with a delicate nose and green eyes; fairly attractive to look at. She was looking a little gloomy. I thought, let?s join ?em. I could tell that she was probably married, but when I entered the bar she glanced over to me. I strolled over to where she was and sat down a couple of stools down, not wanting to make her nervous. The bar tender looked at me and said, ?Yes Sir?. ?I?ll take a Glenlivet on the rocks please!? ?Yes, sir?, the bartender replied. He poured my drink and I stole a glance at over to the attractive woman sitting one stool down from me. She looked back with a friendly but dejected look. I smiled softly and lifted my drink to offer a little salute. She reciprocated in kind. She lifted her drink to salute back. As she did this, I could see she was a little inebriated. ?Hi my name is Kurt ?, I offered to her. ?Hi Kurt, my name is Janet, Oh, Mrs. Janet H_____?. At this, I knew she was having trouble with her husband. I wanted to be a sympathetic ear. ?Having a rough night?? I gently inquired. ? She sneered a little and said ?You could tell, ay.? ?Yeah it?s pretty obvious?, I replied. ?Have you lived with anyone who doesn?t notice your existence? I mean, we have three children and a nice house, and all he does is his dumb business and says, Uh, UH! Like that, Uh UHHHH! Like a fuck?n retard.? I sat there sipping my drink, trying not to laugh. ?I can understand that. It must be frustrating and lonely?, I gently replied. ?Sure is, and it?s getting old too?, she said angrily. ?Like tonight, I wanted to talk to the asshole and get close, you know.? ?So what does he do, he slams the his stupid den door in my face. What an asshole, I swear?, she proclaims. ?That must of made you pissed, that?s really rude?, I said. She continued, ?I told him that I was going out for that night, he just rolls his eyes, like a fuck?n asshole.? ?Well at least you have three kids?, I said trying to console her. ?Yeah, and wonderful kids too. I love them so much. You wanna see them?? At this, she opens her sequined purse and retrieves a billfold to show me her family pictures. She opens her billfold towards me and shoves the pictures in my face. ?Here is Jenny, she?s eleven, and here is Melissa, she?s ten and little billy, he?s eight.? ?Handsome kids?, I said. And they were too, with blond hair and healthy looking. Her house was a nice two-story affair with a certain distinctive design element. Her husband looked like your typical professor type with John Lennon eye glasses and curly hair. ?I noticed that you have a lot of interior shots, did you decorate the house yourself??, I inquired. ?Yeah I did. Actually I am interior decorator and carry these shots to show prospective clients.? ?That?s very nice, I?m a designer myself?, I told her. ?What do you design, Kurt?, she asked. ?I paint and illustrate.? At this I took a postcard example of my work from my coat pocket and handed it to her. I could tell from the expression on her face that she was impressed. ?That?s nice Kurt. I like that very much. Do you have any other examples with you?, she inquired. ?No not with me?, I replied. ?You know as an interior decorator I could refer my clients too you.? ?You have any other work that I could see?, she asked. ?I live just a couple of blocks from here, maybe I could show you more of my work there.? She thought for a moment and I suppose the alcohol was making her adventurous so she agreed. ?I?ll take my own car and follow you to your place?, she said. Paying the bartender, we left to our respective cars and she followed me home. As we stepped into my apartment I switched on the lights, and the room lit up with my work displaying themselves on my walls. She stepped in with me and was noticeably impressed at what she saw. She strolled through the living room, turned toward me and said, ?I like it, very good work.? ?Thank you?, I replied. ?I may be able too use your work. You have a business card? ?, she asked. I handed her a business card of mine. She noticed a large sketchbook on the chair facing my easel. She grabbed it and quickly thumbed through my sketchbook. At one point, I could see a noticeable disturbance on her face. ?Anything wrong??, I inquired. She turned the sketchbook in my direction and showed me a lower torso self-portrait with my big wanger hanging down between my legs. ?It says here ?self-portrait: lower torso. Is that you??, she asked in a doubtful tone. I was embarrassed at this, all I could think of for a reply was, ?Yeah.? She snickered a bit. ?Why do you men always exaggerate your members like that??, snickering again. ?That?s not an exaggeration?, I retorted. ?Yeah, sure. That?s not your size?, she said blatantly challenging me. ?Sure it is?, I said defensively. ?That?s an accurate portrayal??, she said, doubting my truthfulness. ?Your technique is fine, it?s the exaggeration of your cock I?m talking about. That thing must be around ten inches.? I was a little perturbed at this, not believing me. ?I can prove it?, I said. ?You can! Well big boy prove it?, she challenged me. At this, I unzipped my pants, and dragged my flaccid cock out and presented it to her. She looked at my prick with a pensive look in her eyes. She gulped, and said ?That is a big one, isn?t it.? I swung it around slightly so it would stretch out so she could see the length better. She slowly sat herself unto the chair in front of my easel. I moved closer to her swinging my dick in the air to fully show her its dimensions.?What do you think of that?, I said victoriously. ?Here you want to play with it?. I moved closer to her so it would be in her reach. She sat there as if in daze. ?What?, she said. ?Here touch it and see for yourself?, I offered her my cock. She reached up and grasped my flaccid cock in her right hand. ?You did that pretty well?, referring to her handling of my cock. ?I was a nurse for while before I got married?. She looks up at me with a smile and asks, ?Can I stretch it out?. ?Sure, go right ahead?, I answered. She stretched my cock straight out in front of her, stretching it to the fullest extent it could go, and stretching it hard. ?Wow, this thing sure is big?, she exclaims. My cock was starting to fill with blood from the obvious excitement I was feeling. ?Look, it?s getting fatter?, her face was lit up like a Christmas tree. ?Jack it off,? I said to her. ?You first, I want to see how you handle it?, she answered. I took my hand and pumped my cock for her enjoyment. After a few strokes, it was hard and staring at her. She slowly grabbed my cock and pumped it with her forefinger and thumb. She did this gentle pumping action with her fingers. This felt very nice and my cock was being stimulated to the point of orgasm. ?You?re gonna cum??, she asked. I gently nodded to her question. ?You have a condom for this thing, I don?t want to get it all over my fingers??, she asks. Regaining control, I walked to the bathroom with my dick sticking out in front of me. I retrieved a condom from the medicine cabinet, walked back over to her, and handed her the package. She held it up a bit and looked at it for a moment. ?An extra large condom, Please!?, she said with a smile. ?You want me to put it on??, she sweetly asked. I nodded in anticipation. She tore open the package and inspected it for a few seconds, examining it. ?Gee, that it is a big one?. She placed the opening of the condom on the head of my cock and rolled it back onto me. It only went three quarters of the way down my cock, and it was tight. ?Is that too tight for you?, she asked. ?No that?s fine?, I replied. She started her pumping action again but with a more directed approach to bring me off. ?You know I shouldn?t be doing this, I?m a married woman?, she said nonchalantly. ?Harder?, I replied. ?Pump it harder?. ? Okay!? she quickly replies. She stepped up her ministrations and was pumping fully. ?If only my husband could see me now pumping a giant prick?. As she was pumping my cock, she said certain off- the-wall remarks like: ?I bet this thing needs its own zip code?, ?it?s so big?, or like ?this thing belongs on a horse?. I felt my pleasure about to come, she noticed this and said, ?Yeah, cum, I wanna see you cum?. At this the dick head expanded inside the condom and I blew my load into it. A full three shots. While I was cumming she said, ?Look at that thing cum, it?s a gusher. I always wanted to see a man cum. WOW, that was something?. When I was finished, I regained my breath and rolled the condom off my limp prick, with the sperm filling the end. I presented it to her, holding it up in front of her. She had an amazed look in her face. She grabbed the condom from my hands and asked if she could keep it for a souvenir. ?Yeah, sure go ahead?, I was puzzled wondering what she wanted it for. I grabbed a paper towel, handed it to her, she put the full condom into the paper towel in her palm and closed the package with a slight twist. She placed the package in her purse. ?Look at the time, I need to get back to my house.? She stood up thanked me for the evening and took off out of my front door. I stood there satisfied. After a few months I didn?t here anything from her. She was interested in my work, but nothing came about it, I figured maybe she was embarrassed by that night. But one morning, while checking my email, I saw a message from Janet H_______. This is the actual message she sent me: Hi Kurt, I?m checking in with you about your work. I think that maybe we could sell it for you. Call my secretary at ***-***-**** and we?ll make an appointment for the presentation of your portfolio. Kurt, were you ever wondering what happened after I left your place that night ,after d I saw your work and other things. And why I wanted your condom full of cum.? Well, after I left your place, I drove home to my husband and kids. I arrived around 11 P.M. and saw most of the lights were out in the house, so I figured the children were asleep. I went up to the master bedroom and saw my husband reading, as he usually does before he goes to sleep. I stood in front of the bed and expected him to say something. I was gone for almost three hours, but all he did was slightly glanced at me. This made me angry so I asked him didn?t he wonder where I was. He just glanced back at his book. So I dropped my purse with your package on my side of the bed, wondering if he would notice it while I was preparing for bed. So I took a shower and brushed my teeth, slipped on a teddy and slipped into bed next to him. I rolled over and faced him. Waiting for some kind of response, It perturbed me and I bluntly asked him ?Don?t you want to know where I was tonight honey?? Kurt, I said this in such a deadpan manner, I was determined to get his attention. He glanced over a little and peered through his spectacles, rolled his eyes and said ?Where were you, Darling?, He said this in such a patronizing attitude that it inflamed me to the point where I didn?t care what I did anymore. ? I was jackeing off a giant prick tonight, honey?. I said this in such a deadpan manner it sounded like I did it all the time. He peered back at his book and just read on. Lying on my right side with my head in my hand. ?You want proof Honey??, I probed on. He glanced over and said ?Yes darling, show me your proof?, he said this as if he didn?t believe me. I rolled over onto the side of my bed, reached into my purse, retrieved the napkin with the condom in it and rolled back over to my right side facing him. Placing the napkin down between us, I slowly raised the giant condom and held it out for him to see. ?Here honey, how?s this for proof?? Kurt, you should?ve seen his face, his jaw dropped when he saw it. The condom was swaying gently and the cum was gleaminging in the incandescent light . It WAS something; I sure got his attention then. ?And that?s an extra large condom too?, I announced with a big grin on my face. ?The big prick could barely fit into it?. ?And look at that load, isn?t that impressive.? I said this blithely. ?How much cum you think is in there honey, one, maybe two tablespoons?. He was in shock and couldn?t believe what he was seeing. And Kurt, this is the clincher, I gently tapped the tip full of sperm and said ?And it?s still warm.? ?And honey, you think that?s something, just watch this.? I announced this to be sure he saw what I did next. And Kurt, you know when they say revenge is best served cold. Well, it is, it was cold and sweet. I leaned my head back onto my pillow, tilted my head up, lifted the opening of the condom up to my lips and lifted the tip straight up over my mouth. I was in this position for a few moments waiting for your cum to flow into my mouth. Geesh, that must have been a sight. But Kurt, because of the thickness of your sperm, the yellowish-white fluid clung to the inside of the condom. So I took my right forefinger and thumb, pinched the tip, and ran them down the length of the condom and poured your huge load into my mouth. I completely cleaned it out. Your cum plopped onto my tongue, and ran down to my throat. I closed my mouth, swallowed, and savored my revenge. I flung the condom over towards him , turned out the lights and said good night. I went to sleep happy. Thank you Kurt for your help, that sure did straighten out things between my husband and me. The next morning, I got up, went down to the kitchen were I heard commotion and found my husband and kids eating breakfast. It was late in the morning and the kids went out to play that Saturday. My husband closed the door behind them and sat down like he wanted to talk to me. All he did was blubber and say, ?Just tell me it wasn?t nigger?s cum ? He was just blubbering and saying ?just tell me it wasn?t nigger?s cum?. I consoled him and told him it wasn?t nigger?s cum. So you see Kurt, you helped me out a lot. I now have a doting and compliant husband, though he?s an emotional wreck, but he deserved it. Call my secretary and make an appointment for your portfolio review. Kisses for now, Janet H_______ 11658 2.32/512345
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