Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Not Pregnant?
NOT PREGNANT? By Meatlocker My wife admitted her desire for black men about 4 years ago. I must admit I was at first a little surprised. I knew she lusted of others, she stepped outside of our marriage a little more than a year into it (we?re now married 15 yrs.), but black men? Don?t get me wrong, we?re not racist, I just never imagined my wife have sex with someone, anyone, other than a white guy. But being that she is my wife and not my property, I gave her my blessing and promise to be with her no matter where her desires took her.That was 4 years and roughly 50 ? 75 guys ago. At first she had me pick out the prospective guys. She wanted me there to keep her safe and watch the action. As time went by and she became more accustomed to her newly awakened lifestyle, I became less and less involved. At one point she had guys coming over to the house, and I would just stay downstairs and watch TV while they fucked in our bedroom. It had almost became commonplace for me to find a different fellow knocking at our door each week. Sometimes she?d introduce them to me, other times she would just rush them to the bedroom. It was hot, to a point, but didn?t really interest me after the initial dozen or so. How many times can you watch or hear another fucking your wife senseless? I mean there wasn?t anything I wanted to do with the guys she was fucking and I'd rather screw her one on one. We did have one simple rule, one "Commandment" actually: Condoms at all times. I wasn?t the one screwing around and I wasn?t about to catch something because my wife was a slut. She agreed and followed the "Commandment" religiously. Sometimes she?d come home early from a probable encounter and tell me the guy didn?t bring any and/or didn?t want to use any rubbers, so that was the end of that. I felt confident that I could trust her, it wasn?t an unreasonable request and she was just as adamant about it as I could hope.Well time moves on doesn?t it? She met a gentleman named Kendrick. Kendrick was a well-hung black male, about 6? 2", roughly 30yrs. old. He had a sculptured body and unbelievable control of his tool. This guy fucked my wife for 8 hours straight one night, (at our house ? that?s how I?m sure of the time) and didn?t cum until the very end of the event. He explained to my wife that since his cock was over a foot long (my wife tape measured it at 13 ? inches!), it was not very sensitive and that it would take a lot of effort to build up enough sensation to produce an orgasm. I don?t know if that?s true or not, but I do know that this guy could fuck for an eternity and not pop his cork. My wife absolutely adored this guy. She would openly kiss and fondle him in front of me, something she didn?t do with any of the other guys. She would actually go out on dates with him. She began going over to his place to cook and clean for him. She stopped seeing anyone else and began fucking onl y Kendrick.And I do mean fucking only Kendrick. She explained that in order to be able to handle the marathon fuck sessions he was giving her she would have to stop fucking everyone else. I thought great, until I realized that she meant me as well. After all, I truly did enjoy fucking my wife, even if she was a bit looser than she had been. Now I was not to have any physical contact with her at all. I was not happy with this, but that?s how it went. Her interludes with Kendrick increased from once or twice every 2 weeks to 5-6 times a week! It was bad enough that I couldn?t fuck her, but the house constantly smelled of sex. I began sleeping on the couch because he would stay so late into the night/next morning fucking my wife. It was not unusual for me to leave for work and still hear the bed creaking as my wife moaned on about her love for that big cock. I would come home to a messy house and no dinner because she had fucked all day. When I would complain about any of this she would call me jealous and tell me that she wasn?t my slave but my wife and if I didn?t like it I could leave. I should have taken her up on that offer, but stayed anyway. Why I have no idea. Maybe I enjoyed being a cuckold. I don?t know. I know now that things were about to go from bad to worse.My loving wife was about to break the "Commandment". And not with my permission you understand. She would later explain that it just happened by accident. During one of those marathon fuck sessions, while changing positions they noticed the condom had broke. Kendrick asked her to pass him another one, but the box was empty. What a dilemma? Do you think my wife asked him to stop? Since you?re reading this, you know that?s not what happened. He reminded her about his control and assured her he wouldn?t dump a load in her box. She figured since she was only seeing him and I wasn?t seeing anyone (not even fucking her, remember), what harm was there to go au natural? This went on for several weeks, with me none the wiser. She was careful, and Kendrick would always pull out before cumming on her tits or sometimes feeding it to her waiting mouth. My wife wasn?t on the pill, she didn?t need to be, she was to use condoms with everyone, right? As she tells it, one night after extended foreplay, she had been licking and sucking his root for almost an hour!, he came right after he had buried his rod deep in her cunt. His cock just kept jerking and twitching and flooding her white womb with black seed. Unfortunately it was at just the wrong time of the month for such a thing to happen. Within 2 weeks my wife realized what had occurred. Her black stud had knocked her up.She didn?t know what to do, and didn?t say a thing about it for almost 5 months! I had noticed that she looked a little wider in the hip and maybe growing a beer belly. I just shrugged this off as her letting herself go a little now that she was "off the market" so to speak. Remember, I wasn?t even sleeping with her during this time, let alone seeing her naked. Finally, she called me at work and said that her and Kendrick needed to talk to me that night. I pressed her for a reason but got no response. The rest of the day my mind dreamed up all sorts of scenarios: She was leaving me to be with him?He was totally moving in?She loved him and never wanted to see me again, etc.. I couldn?t get any work done and left early for the day. When I arrived home, for the first time I noticed my wife?s silhouette. I remember thinking "My GOD she?s PREGNANT!". It couldn?t be, could it?Well it was. Too late for an abortion but not too late for Kendrick to announce his departure for the Middle East (he?s a reservist in the Army). I was dumbfounded. Kendrick could only apologize and explain that these things happen. He then went on to explain that he?s not ready to be a Daddy and anything we decide to do with the kid is fine with him. My wife is adamant about keeping the child and raising it as our own. ? Who in their right mine is going to believe that I fathered a black child? She says she doesn?t care and I should be more supportive of her decision. Am I wrong or is that asking just a bit too much? The child is due any day now.I had to get this off my chest before my wife gives birth to another man?s child. Not just any man?s, but a black man?s. I don?t know how I?m going to react when in the hospital out pops a black baby in front of everyone. Is it wrong for me to be concerned with what the nurses and doctor are going to be thinking? I can just imagine the disapproving looks, the whispers, the stares, someone might even laugh. Please give me some feedback as I?m really struggling with what I should do. 10337 1.52/512345
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