Monday, October 22, 2012

City Wife Goes Hillbilly Slut

City Wife goes Hillbilly Slut by The Rook Copyright 1998 Katie drove back home when the snow came that night. The interstate had shutdown so she decided to take her Mustang through the back roads so she could make it home. She had driven to the corporate office in the city to apply for her promotion. Katie was a very attractive 29 year-old, married and have been absolutely faithful to her husband. Until tonight. She broke down and gave her vice-president a corporate blow-job until it became a fuck frenzy. She hadn't plan it that way. But however, when her 24 year old assistant became her supervisor she knew she had to play by the "rules". She knew, with her blonde hair and impressive 35-24-34 figure, she could get attention. Her boss had fucked her three times. That was twice more than she'd used to get from her husband. And that would be only once a week or so. Anyway Katie had gathered enough courage to give him some head, but it wasn't long before her libido made her cave in. She lost all control and insisted she get fucked. She even used the term, "by a real man". She pondered to herself why she said that. After swallowing her third load (something she'd never done with her husband) she started to feel guilty. The vice-president that reassured her by giving her a hit of coke. (Something else she'd never done). With the coke, her guilt withered away. She felt good. She got some cock, got high, and now would make five grand more a year. Katie left the high towers of the city and began her 4 four trip back home. With the taste of cock still in her mouth, she cell phoned home to her hubby. Everything's great she would say. Her husband then promised a celebration when she got back; some wine, some music, maybe some sex. Yes! Katie applaued to herself. One night - two cocks. Katie was forced to take the backroads because of the snow and accident. She took the state highway south for an hour only going 30 miles an hour. After an hour and a half she second guessed herself taking her detour. Running the defroster on high she was tiring of the fan rushing loudly. Looking at her fuel gauge she noticed it was close to empty. "Damn." she thought, "Why couldn't I get gas in the city?" Pouting she hurried to look for a gas station. In the next ten minutes, the snow turned to sleet and slush. Her Mustang was tailspinning at any given opportunity. Her low fuel light was bright, glowing a haze of red in her cockpit. She prayed for a station. Then in the haze and fog. She noticed red neon lights. Could it be a gas station. Please. No. It was the Moonshack Tavern. "Damn." she thought, "Why couldn't they offer gas." She pulled her Mustang in the parking lot. She was going to go inside and ask directions for the nearsest station. Katie got out of her car and with her high heels and black mini-dress, she hiked to the front doors through the rows of pick-up trucks. The Moonshack Tavern was smokey and dark. When she walked in she knew immedietely she was in over her city slicken head. Heads of horny men were turning. She was an open invitation to lewd commentaries. "Goddamn. Look at that bitch!" said one. His name was Bobby Joe. "I bet she fucks at the drop of hat!" said another. His name was Tyler Jake. Katie's eyes popped open and walked to the nearest waitress and begged for directions. She tried to pay attention what the dark-haired server was saying but the cat calls and wolf whistles were distracting her. She had to ask a second time and hurried an exit. But before she could take one step backwards, Bobby Joe grabbed her thigh and pushed his groin against her body. "Hello, pretty lady. Slut want to fuck?" he said. "Get your fucking hands off me you backwards asshole!" she quipped. Then quickly Tyler Jake grabbed her from behind and pushed his hard-on crotch against her fuck-me hips. "She's got a mouth! I bet she sucks cock." added Tyler Jake. Bobby Joe got into Katie's face and whispered, "Well honey, do you suck cock?" Katie's ego and sexual confidence couldn't refuse her answer, "Yeah and I swallow too." The men laughed. "I bet it don't take much for you to lay down, huh, slut?" Katie laughed, "Nope. Like you said, I'm a TRUE slut. What to see what I have to give?" she asked. Bobby Joe smiled, "Yeah, give it to me." Katie kneed him into groin. "There!" she yelled before spinning and slapping Tyler Jake across the face. Squirming out of their hold she ran out and jumped into her car, whipsawing out of the parking lot. Katie was crying. She'd didn't remember to get gas. She'd didn't remember the directions that nice waitress gave her. She didn't know where she was. Katie panicked. Nervous she reached for her cell phone. Katie wanted to call her reliable, faithful husband. CALL FAILED CALL FAILED "Oh no!" she was out of the service area. Katie panicked more. There were bright head lights shining in her rearview mirror. And they were getting closer. She tried to speed up but the Mustang was unyielding in the snow. The lights were closer and Katie screamed, she begged for them to back off. Spin! Half circle! Half circle! Going into the ditch! Katie would scream the loudest scream of her life. Until it was blackened silence. Katie began to regain consiousness to the smell of burning wood. Her eyes were welcomed by a teenage blonde in ponytails. She couldn't be no more than sixteen or seventeen in the tightest jean shorts and a several sizes small t-shirt. She was in bed and could hear the wood stove beside roar. "Hello." the girl said, "Can you hear me?" Katie nodded her head, "Yeah. Where am I?" "You're okay. You're safe here in our home. What's your name?" "It's Katie." she answered. "Well I'm Amy Jo. You sure slept a long time. Two days." "Two days!" Katie was stunned, "What happened?" "Well, your car ran off the road and we rescued you. You had a real nice car. Too bad it's totalled." Katie pouted, "Oh no!" then she realized her life and her husband. She lifted the sheets but suddenly noticed her pussy was sore. Real sore and shaved. And Katie was naked. "Where's my clothes? Why am I sha ..." Amy Jo interrupted and explained, "Well my brothers helped themselves to you." "What do you mean?" Katie demanded. "Well Katie, they were horny so they fucked you! They asked me to shave your kitty. That was my doing. By the way your pussy does taste good!" "No! I don't believe you!" Katie replied. Amy Jo giggled, "Don't think twice about it. They were careful and came over your titties and into your mouth." Katie ran her hands over her breasts and felt the dried cum cover her skin. She ran her tounge inside her mouth and tasted that familiar brine flavor. "After all, they saved your life." Amy Jo explained. "Besides, you would of fucked them if you were awake. Either way you'd end up laying the bed." Katie was speechless. She did believe Amy Jo. She was filled with shame and that shame was tying her to the bed. She'd wish she had some more coke. Any Jo wanted to comfort her. She handed a bowl of fritters, and Katie picked one up and took a bite. "Oh my gawd, this is awful!" she barked. It was hot and spicy. Real hot. "I know it's real hot." Amy Jo smiled, "We grow our own peppers." "I need a drink!" Katie pleaded and grabbed a large mason jar of water. She downed three full swallows before spitting the fourth one out like a fire extinguisher. "What the hell!" "That's moonshine, honey!" Amy Jo laughed. "I got of get out of this outhouse world!" jumping out of bed, grabbing the sheets to cover herself with she ran out of the bedroom. And stormed into the family room where two men awaited her. Katie cried out. It was Bobby Joe and Tyler Jake. The brothers. "Yee Hah! The bitch is up!" screamed Bobby Joe. "Yep. Yep. Time to fuck!" followed Tyler Jake. Katie held her hand out in defense, trying to keep her distance. "Oh no! It's you two. Stay away from me!" "Why you've been putting out for two days now. We've been taking a piece of your stuck-up city ass all day and night." Tyler Jake jeered. Bobby Joe pulled his shirt off and unzipped his pants, letting his hard cock plop out, "See hon, out here in the sticks we like to stuff pussy." Then, Tyler Jake revealed his manhood, "Yeah, and we like easy slut pussy. 'specially if its city twat." Katie was looking at a foot and half of man meat. She meagerly resisted Amy Jo pulling at her sheets, exposing her cold, naked body. "Katie, my brothers need a piece of ass right now." Amy said, "Just give in. Let them give you some hillbilly dick." Katie nodded her head. It was either the moonshine making her head spin or her lust coming out in the open. Getting cock right now seemed the right thing to do. No - it was the thing she had to do. Katie rubbed her new shaved pussy and swung her hips back and forth towards the boys. She dropped to her knees and grabbed both dicks. With a smile Katie said, "I am such a slut!" The brothers nodded their heads in approval, "I'll get my camera!" Amy Jo spouted and the sex session began. Trading turns, Katie deep throated the boy's cocks. She loved the dominant feel as their hands guided her head. The taste of hillbilly cock was overwhelming her. The easy slut was taking over. "Suck that cock!" Bobby Joe demanded. "What a whore!" Tyler Jake yelled. Tyler Jake then sat on the couch and Katie followed and straddled him. She was impaled by his cock. "Oh fuck! MMmmmm, fuck me!" Katie begged. Bobby Joe then followed behind her and took her open ass hole. Double-penetration! Yeah! "Oh, fuck me like a whore yeah! I love COCK!" Katie cheered. She loved the cocks pushing inside her with such demand. With such force. Katie life was changing. No longer would she resist easy sex with hard dick. Her pussy, ass, and mouth were ready for cock. The brothers pushed. They pulled. They forced their will and need into her womb and ass until they were spewing their sticky semen into her. "Yee Hah!" "Fuckin' A!" they screamed. Katie, her eyes closed, breathed heavily in a fetal position against the couch. Minutes later Amy Jo comfortered her. "The pictures came out great!" she said. But Katie did not hear. Katie just mumbled to herself "I love dick. I love dick. I love dick." A bit later Amy Jo took her back for a bath. She took special attention to Katie's pussy and asshole - licking them vigorously. Being grateful, Katie returned the favor. Katie now loved pussy too. Katie was the hottest thing in the valley. She would have several visits from men each day waiting to take their turns with her. Sometimes she'd take them 3 or 4 at a time. Bobby Joe, Tyler Jake, and Amy Jo took care of her. Hell, she wasn't much trouble. She was half drunk on moonshine most of the time anyway. There was a day, two weeks later - the sheriff and a strange city man knocked on the door asking for Katie. Amy Jo answered and with her sweet, innocent country draw denied seeing anybody looking like Katie anywhere. They had found her Mustang. But no signs of Katie. The strange well-dressed man accompanied the sheriff back to his patrol car, "I love Katie. I gotta find her." he told. "We will. We'll find your wife." the sheriff said. Little did they know, behind the outhouse they walked past, Katie was on her knees giving Amy Jo's teen- age cousin his first blow job. Katie looked up into the boy's large, wonderous eyes, "Are you ready to get laid?" END 9275 1.59/512345

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