Monday, October 22, 2012
Oh Doctor!
Oh Doctor! By TitSlave I had met my thirty-year-old bride at a dude ranch in New Mexico. She has wavy black hair and is quite voluptuous. Watching her ride horseback while I sat on that mare right behind her, and seeing her bubble buns dramatically flaring over the saddle, is what got me to ask her to dinner that fateful night. And the way she presented herself in that tight cowgirl blouse that showed off her very well developed chest, I just knew. We really hit it off and she told me I was her model for ?cleaning up her act.? ?I?m reforming!? she said to her friends at our wedding. ?You gonna tame the Wild Thing?? one of her girlfriends asked me with a hearty laugh at the reception. I gave her a big smile and nodded. ?Good luck!? someone else shrieked, setting off a round of guffaws. Her friends were gathered around us and everyone was half plowed and having a good time at the reception. I turned, grabbed a glass of wedding wine, and yelled: ?to the taming of the Wild Thing!? ?Here, here!? someone sang out. I was the first white guy she had dated in several years. She?s white also, but she told me she had had this thing for blacks in high school and college and went out with them exclusively. I could see why they were attracted to her, with her stunningly curvy body. We have a small but comfortable house in Pasadena. I work at a bank, and she is employed part time at an insurance broker?s office. When my Jenny got pregnant, we were both surprised but thrilled. It was definitely not planned. We had been married only about a year. About six weeks after she took and ?passed? the pregnancy test, she and I were having dinner and she mentioned offhandedly that she had to see her OB doctor the next day, and that his hours were such that appointments were tough to make on such short notice. ?I was lucky to get in tomorrow,? she said, ?these boobs are killing me, and I need him to examine my insides. And I am starting to get nauseated, not just in the morning and evening.? I told her I was sorry to hear about her morning sickness. Then I asked her ? I had thought that she was seeing a female obstetrician, Dr. Meadows. ?I changed over to Dr. Jordan,? she said, ?he?s more with it.? But Jennifer had in the beginning told me that Dr. Meadows was fine. ?I used to know Dr. Jordan in college,? she said after hesitating a bit, staring down at the table as she started to talk, ?and, well, I ran into him in the same building she's in. What a small world!? My surprise showed. Jenny continued: ?I meant to tell you. She was not paying enough attention to me and her office hours were terrible. So there he was, and I went to see him, and switched. I like him as my doctor.? Well, I thought, this is our first child, her first pregnancy, and a woman needs an obstetrician she can be comfortable with. Right about this time I totally messed up. I had been going out for coffee with my assistant, Kari, and Starbucks breaks progressed to lunch in that Potbelly?s in the building, then to lunch outside the building where other company employees did not go, and then to drinks after work. We wound up, in a moment of extreme carelessness for me, ?kissy face? in the parking lot. We had no serious feelings for each other. On that propitious day I had enjoyed a few beers with her, felt a little playful, and got carried away. And all we did was neck, but it went on for too long and this was a local pub --- and there were some people there from work. What had I been thinking? A couple evenings later I walked in the house to a quiet wife. Jenny gave her cheek rather than her lips when I greeted her and monosyllables when I attempted conversation. Finally at dinner she asked, coldly, ?so how?s Kari?? ?Kari?? I said, ?my assistant?? ?Yeah, Kari, the one you?re having sex with.? I am sure my face turned white, but I cleared my throat and managed to respond: ?I am not having sex with Kari.? ?Oh?? Jenny asked with a chilling smile. I said, ?I am not having sex with her! What gave you that impression?? Jenny put her palm on my cheek. ?Look at me,? she intoned, ?what?s going on with Kari?? I said, ?nothing.? ?Don?t lie,? my wife persisted, ?tell me honestly.? ?I have been lunching with her,? I admitted. ?And?.? Jenny led me. ?We were kissing in front of her car a couple days ago, all right?? I conceded, ?and that?s it.? We stared at each other for a moment, and I gulped. ?So ----- that?s all?? Jenny whispered. ?Yes, I swear to you.? Her lips were tightly closed and she wore a very lifeless expression, just for a few seconds. She got up and began clearing the table. I apologized profusely and kept telling her how meaningless it all was. She stared vacantly away and then looked at me with an encouraging, subtle smile. ?Honey,? she sighed after a moment, ?it?s no big deal.? I was cursing myself, but as the days passed I was relieved to find how forgiving she was. I had to make it up to her, and let her know how much she meant to me. Meanwhile, she seemed to have found the right physician. Luckily this new doctor was great about squeezing her in, and she started seeing him at least two times a week. By the tenth week of her pregnancy, it seemed to be a regular thing, getting checkups with her OB-gynie. ?I just don?t want to take any chances with a high risk pregnancy,? she said. Given her age, I thought she was overreacting, and her health was excellent. I told her so. ?Remember, I?m reforming you, like you said when we were first dating,? I smiled. ?Well, don?t overdo it. Maybe you should reform yourself? she smiled back, arching her eyebrows, then began laughing. The implicit reference to Kari was a zinger that took the zing out of my reformer role, I guess. I looked at her as she brushed her hair. She?s beautiful: My lovely brunette wife has big brown eyes and a wonderful Mediterranean hue to her smooth skin (she?s half Italian, half Spanish). Child bearing would be right up her alley. God was amazingly kind when he endowed her with very ample, shapely breasts, an oversized but beautifully rounded rear end, and curvaceous legs. By the time the pregnancy got to about that ten-week mark, she commented more often about how swollen her breasts were. Anyone could see that Jen?s mammary glands were definitely getting bigger than ever. I was very aroused by the sight of them ? she said she had gone from an EE to a G cup, ?or H, depending on the day.? They were unreal, full and round and because of their size they were all you could see from her chest down to her navel. But unfortunately she was less and less interested in sex. This became painfully lucid at about the time, coincidentally, that she changed obie-gynie doctors. I knew sex with a pregnant wife tapered off near term but I was surprised that this early in the game she was, almost, indifferent. For a few days I actually suspected she was taking the Kari deal out on me by icing our sex life. But wasn?t the way my wife operated. I trusted her to mean it when she said it was over with in her mind and that she had let it go. When her visits to her doctor became more frequent the less often we had intercourse, I confess I became jealous. I was going insane over her boobs and to express my frustration I kidded her, sort of: ?You know, I?m beginning to think you?re married to Dr. Jordan, not me,? I half snapped. I probably went overboard with the harping on this, but I had asked around and people told me that seeing a doctor that frequently, ten weeks into a pregnancy, was definitely unusual. Lying in bed each night, it was torture watching her slip into a night shirt that was unbelievably packed with flesh and practically ripping at the seams around her bosom. I couldn?t let the issue of the doctor visits go. We were in bed, just about to have another loveless evening. ?Maybe you ought to watch him examine me then,? she said, grinning. I had to make a show of how possessive I was to make up for my close encounter with Kari. ?Maybe I will,? I said, my smile turning to a serious look as across the room on the TV screen, Letterman began his opening monologue. ?Well then maybe you should, honey. You can watch him feel me up and probe my orifices.? ?Very funny,? I snapped, ?You sure see him enough. It?s weird. When?s your next appointment?? ?Did I mention that I dated him when I was in my Blacks only stage?? she said. This took me aback. I hoped my reaction wasn?t obvious to her. I played this as an aggressive teasing and ignored it -- outwardly. ?When?s the next appointment?? I repeated. She looked at me and yawned, muttered something about ?soon?, and rolled over, going to sleep. ?I?ll be there,? I said. I reminded her the following morning. ?Why don?t you bring Kari!? she laughed. ?Ha ha,? I laughed back. ?We could do a double date, my doctor and I, and Kari and you,? she said, giggling. I guess she hadn?t forgotten about my moment of weakness in the parking lot. But she was teasing me about it ? laughter can be a tonic for such misunderstandings between a husband and a wife. After her next appointment Jennie kidded me about my nagging her. ?Dr. Jordan was so-ooo thorough today,? she said in a sexy voice, ?his hands were all over me. And inside of me. It went on for half an hour. And he is as hot as he was in college. You should have been there to watch the hour-long exam.? I smiled and let it go, muttering, ?yeah right, Jen, I am sure I missed a sex marathon.? She was still angry about Kari, I guess, and was making stuff up to get back at me. Later that week we chatted about going out while we could. We needed to get in some time together before the pregnancy was too far along and the baby torpedoed our social life, so we planned some special dinners out at some nice places, going to the movies, staying in town at a nice hotel, etc. ?Great idea, you and I going out for a romantic evening,? my wife said, ?I?ll handle it.? She looked into a night out for that Friday, and Jenny made a big deal about checking out this restaurant near us, in this hotel mini-resort type place that neither of us had ever been to. It was actually only a mile or so from our house. I was really up for it, having the hots for her and missing some love making that didn?t seem to matter to her lately. So maybe this could be the night?. I was looking forward to courting her and getting some weekend fun with my wife. I figured I could reawaken her sex drive with the right atmosphere. That Kari thing had blown over ? she hadn?t brought it up again ? so there was no reason to be concerned about resentment standing in the way of conjugal pleasure. I just had to get her sex drive reactivated. She picked out a short red pleated skirt with fancy black stockings that had that French weave halfway up her thighs. I was knocked out by her surprisingly revealing white tank top with spaghetti straps. Her swollen boobs pushed out everywhere against the very snug fabric. The top was daringly cut at the sides, showing wonderfully bare breast flesh that, with its new fullness, began its curves further toward her back. Beautiful waves of mild plumpness curved under each of her arms. Since a third of her breast was on display from the side, this was too wicked to wear in public. And with the display it was obvious she was wearing no bra. So I was grateful that over this whore-ish tank top she wore a sheer and short red leather jacket that zipped in front. For obvious reasons it could not zip up all the way. I?m trying to write here how her outfit really showed off her chest. Her red, shiny high heeled laced shoes were pretty hot also, and her make-up really did up her face. Before we left for dinner I told her she looked amazing but given the fact that her chest was getting so big, she might want to put a more modest top on. ?In three months I?ll be very un-sexy,? she said, a little scolding in her voice, ?so don?t give me any static about dressing up like a woman, while I still have the time.? I had all this pent-up desire for my bride, and the way she looked made my groin hurt. When we got to the hotel parking lot Jenny asked that we park in a remote corner so that she could get some exercise in. ?Don?t park near everyone else, and stay away from the lights ? too many bugs will get on the car,? she said. I thought this was a little weird but understood her interest in keeping fit during her pregnancy. In any event, the car was really in the shadows, behind a small building that belonged to phone company. We were out there. The walk worked up an appetite, so the meal was very 9888 1.32/512345
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