Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Life After Death Chapter 1
LIFE AFTER DEATH Chapter 1 As I dropped the birthday card in the mailbox, my mind wandered for a split second. Had it already been a year? That fact, and not the cold September wind had just put a chill down my spine. ?Oh well, life goes on,? I said to myself, as I started my daily half-mile walk to my office. When I went looking for my new condo, I had wanted to make sure it was within walking distance of my office. In that way, I could sell my car, drop the insurance, and if I needed transportation, I always had my Harley. I had shops, restaurants, and anything else I needed within a mile of my new place. It was still dark at 6:00 am. I didn?t mind since there was hardly any traffic and no panhandlers to contend with. At my normal walking pace I was in my office building in less than fifteen minutes. I made a fresh pot of coffee, grabbed a cup, and went into my office. ?How could I have eighteen e-mails already this morning,? I asked myself as I reviewed them. Most of them were garbage, and jokes, but two had information that I had been waiting for. I printed them out, and replied to the rest, which took me until about 7:10. After that I started looking at yesterday?s sales, what had been produced on the second and third shifts, and if anyone had run into any problems during the night. It was now just after 8:00, and the rest of the office people were starting to mosey on in for the day. I was the purchasing manager for a Minneapolis based manufacturing company. I was the office manager and in charge of about a third of the 175 employees. I had been there for six years, and after the last eight months, I was the company?s rising star. Hell, if you put in as many hours as I did, you would be a star, too ? unless you were a total idiot. You can bet that I wasn?t. Well, not any more. I normally got in between 6:00 and 6:15 in the morning and was never out until at least 7:30 at night. Weekends were hit or miss, but normally you could count on me putting in at least another eight hours. I had become a workaholic, but my job was all I had left now. Today was the month end closing of the books, and I wanted to make sure that everything went smoothly. I checked my inventory levels, put off two trucks of material until Monday, and told everyone to make sure that all of their shop orders were closed by day?s end. I was doing a final review of my inventory when my boss, Ken stopped by my office on his way out. ?What the hell are you still doing here? I?m the only one here that you need to impress, and I?m leaving,? he told me. ?Ken, just looking at my inventory and production numbers before corporate closes the books tomorrow morning,? I replied. ?Steve, your numbers are good, and your month-end numbers are always good. Close your computer down and go home,? Ken pleaded with me. ?I will. I just have one more thing to do, and I?m out of here.? ?Good, and I don?t want to see you here tomorrow. The bug man is bombing the office Saturday morning, and no one can be in here for 24 hours after that. So go home, relax, and have a good weekend for a change,? Ken told me as he walked out. I did leave, but it was well past 8:00 before I finally walked out. As I walked home, I watched all of the couples having a drink in the local pubs, eating dinner in the restaurants, and just walking arm and arm through the now busy streets. I just shook my head, and headed back to my condo, alone as usual. It was a two bedroom, two bath, second floor unit I had completely renovated prior to my moving in. I had hot water heat and a large balcony on the backside that overlooked a park with a lake. There was a walking and biking path around the lake, which was about three miles in length. I loved to get up early on Sunday mornings and do three or four laps before breakfast. As I opened my door and threw the keys on the counter, I could see the blinking of my answering machine. Without even looking at the numbers, or how many messages there were, I hit the delete button. Moving over to the refrigerator, I took out an already-opened bottle of my favorite wine, pulled out the cork, and went to the china cabinet to grab a crystal wine glass. I had started using them about a couple of month?s back, after asking myself one night, ?What was I saving them for?? They were beautiful, but what good was that if they just sit there gathering dust. If I dropped one and it broke, oh well, I had another seven left anyway. With a glass of wine in hand, I flipped on the TV and opened my laptop. I pulled up AOL, and it announced that I had six new e-mails. Two were from E-Bay about items that I was bidding on; one was from my parents; two were from my best and only friend, Nick; and one was asking me if I?d like to make $1,000.00 a week working from home. ?I?ll get to them tomorrow,? I said to myself as I went into the kitchen. I had redone the kitchen shortly after moving in. It was now like something out of a gourmet magazine. It had a six-burner gas stove, a separate double oven, a large stainless-steel refrigerator, two copper sinks, granite counter tops, and an island with a built-in wine cooler. All of this over-looked the dining room, and the balcony. A while back, I was having a lot of trouble falling asleep. I just couldn?t clear my mind no matter how long I lied there in bed. I found that the only sure fire way to sleep, was to be 100% physically exhausted, so I had converted the second bedroom into a home gym. So every night, between the hours of 9:00 and 10:00, I drove myself into the ground. After that, I would take a quick cold shower, have a final glass of wine, and then go to sleep. Day in and day out, that was my schedule. I had trimmed down over the past year and no longer had an ounce of fat left on my 5?10? frame. I had gone down from a soft 195 to 175 pounds. I wasn?t big, but I was rock solid. Dinner was the same as it had been all week. I wasn?t about to start cooking dinner when I got home at 8:00 every night, so I found one of the local restaurants that would cook and quick-freeze five meals every week for me. Tonight it was steak, peppers, and rice. A couple of minutes in the microwave and it was ready to eat. Grabbing another glass of wine, I went into the living room and turned on the news. There never was anything good anymore. All the networks ever showed were those items that would boost their ratings ? murders, bombings, terrorists, and various prominent politicians sleeping around on their wives. It never changed. The local stations it weren?t any better. Reality shows seemed to be all there was anymore. The majority of them insulted my intelligence, and the few that did look interesting dragged on for weeks until they mercifully ended. ?Reality; they had no idea what reality really is!? I said to myself as finally turned it off and headed to my workout room. Twenty minutes on the treadmill got my heart rate elevated and my legs warmed up. After that it was fifteen minutes of hard stretching before the real workout began. Thirty to forty-five minutes of hitting and kicking the heavy bag was more than most people could handle. I was focused and made each punch and kick count. It was as though I was giving up a piece of myself with every strike. As a kid, I had trained in a Chinese Kung Fu style in a small dojo only four blocks from where my family lived. Growing up I had watched all those cheesy karate movies and thought how cool it would be to be able to do what I saw. After pestering my dad for months and faithfully promising him that I wouldn?t quit, I became a student of a local school. However, it was nothing like what I saw in the movies. The Sensei ruled his school with an iron fist. You never questioned what he told you to do unless you wanted to feel the sting of the bamboo rod he always carried around. He literally worked our butts until we couldn?t raise an arm or leg any longer. After about two months, I?d had enough and wanted to quit. ?I paid for a year, and you?re going to finish,? my dad told me. ?What are you, some kind of baby?? my dad said in a mocking voice. ?So it?s a little tough. Suck it up! Life is tough. Finish the year, and if you want to quit after that, so be it. However, I expect you to give it your all. I don?t want some half-assed effort on your part. Do you understand?? ?Yes sir,? I replied. After that I sucked it up, and gave it 110%. That?s when I met Nick. He was a year older than I was, but we went to the same school. Even back then, he out-weighed me by forty pounds, though he wasn?t nearly as motivated as I had become. ?My dad enrolled me, to give me some self confidence and character,? Nick told me one day. ?I don?t want to be here, but I?ve got no choice.? We became best friends. We hung out and played together, but most of all, we trained together. We would hold the pads for each other, and his biggest complaint was that I was trying to kill him with all the kicks I was throwing. ?Ease up damn it. You don?t have to throw me through the wall with every kick,? Nick pleaded. But I was on a mission. In two months we would be allowed to spar in class, and that?s what I was really looking forward to. My first sparring session was a major disaster. I got my butt kicked by no less than three other students; so much for my big head. It took me another three months of hard work before I won my first match. After that, I never looked back. I did train for an additional four years before I finally hung up my belts. Nick did a total of two years before he dropped out. I had my second-degree black belt, but then I found a new interest ? girls. My Sensei begged me to stay on, but I had made up my mind. He told me that the dojo was always open to me, and we parted as the best of friends. For a while, I would stop in to say hi and see what was going on, but after a year or so I finally stopped. That was, until a couple of months ago. Looking at my watch, it was almost 11:00. I was soaked in perspiration head to foot, and I moved slowly towards the bathroom. Pealing off my wet shorts and top, I threw them in the hamper and stepped into the shower. For the first couple of minutes I just let the cold spray bring me back to life. While looking at my red and swollen hands, I grabbed the soap and washed the grunge from my body. I had cut my hair short after the incident and was now sprouting a ten-day old beard. Shampoo, conditioner, and brushing my teeth finished my shower. Grabbing a warm towel from the cabinet, I dried off and wiped the mirror. I saw my reflection, so I knew I was still breathing. But was I alive? ***************** Saturday morning I sent a brief e-mail to Nick, ?Unless Lisa has already talked you into selling your bike, please meet me for breakfast Sunday morning at 8:00. That is, if you can still can get up that early. The Mom and Pops on 321. You know the place.? I loved my bike. I had either driven or owned many of the affordable sports cars in the last five years, but nothing compared to being on my Harley. The rumble of the engine, the wind in your face, the vulnerability of being out there, just you and the bike, was something at this point that I really needed. I had dumped my helmet a couple of months back and wore nothing more than my shades and maybe a ball cap once in a while. It was still a little cool, when I took off at about 9:30 on Saturday. I saw only one other biker who greeted me with the downward peace sign. By this time of the year most of the weekend riders had already put their bikes away, but the rest of us hard-core riders would wait until the first snowfall. It had been a while since I?d had an oil change, so I headed over to the dealer, knowing that he wouldn?t be busy on a cold Saturday morning. ?Just an oil change,? I told the service tech. ?You going to wait on it? ?Well, unless you want to give me a ride home, I?ll wait. About how long?? I asked. ?Give me an hour and I?ll get you back on the road,? he told me. I had time to kill, so I decided to check out the new and consignment bikes on the dealer?s floor. ?You looking for a bike?? The salesman said, as he walked up to me, with his hand out stretched. ?Nope. Just getting my Ultra serviced.? ?Well, if you have any questions, just let me know,? he said walking back to the group of salesmen shooting the breeze by the row of offices. After a couple of minutes, one caught my eye. I threw a leg over and up-righted it. ?This is what I call a sweet ride,? I said to myself while, admiring the lime-green, custom chopper. At one time, I had thought about getting one, but I had given into Carol?s demands and traded my Road King for the Ultra. She kept telling me how uncomfortable it was, but that was now in the past. ?A beauty, isn?t it?? The salesman said walking up behind me. ?It?s got a 2008 engine with only 2200 miles on it. Everything else is custom Harley parts except for the frame, which was hand-made. You want to take it for a spin?? he asked. ?I don?t think I can afford something like this,? I told him. ?Well, the guy is looking for a cash sale, or he will consider a trade with cash. What are youriding?? ?A black ?08 Ultra,? I told him. ?Owe anything on it?? ?Nope, free and clear,? I said while now giving the green chopper more than a once over. The next thing I knew, I was tooling down the road on the green monster. It handled like a dream, even with the Springer front end at a 60-degree front rake. After about twenty minutes, I pulled back into the dealership. ?What do you think?? the salesman asked. ?A little more vibration in the seat than I?d like, but it handles pretty decent,? I told him. ?You interested in talking to the owner?? he asked. While taking another look I said, ?Get him on the phone.? ?Why in the hell are you selling it?? was my first question. ?My old lady is tired of sitting on the rear, fender pad, and gives me nothing but grief when I go on a ride without her. So to keep peace in the family, I?ve got to sell it and get something more appropriate ? as she calls it.? ?I did that once. Never again,? I told him. ?You got any saddle-bags for it?? ?I?ve got a set of leather bags and even a small bolt on wind-shield if you?re interested.? Thirty minutes later he and his wife drove to the dealership with the rest of the accessories, and the three of us went outside to talk. Forty-five minutes later and $8,000.00 lighter, I drove off with his bike and the happy couple with mine. As they say, a win situation for both of us. I set up an appointment with the dealer for the following week, to change out the seat and add a rear shock, to get rid of most of the vibration. Call me a candy-ass, but after a hundred miles or so, my back could no longer take the ride of a hard tail. Nick was sitting by the window, having a cup of coffee, when I pulled in. I had barely turned off the engine, when I noticed him standing next to me. ?When did you get this beauty?? he asked. ?Just yesterday. Traded my Ultra and a few bucks for her; what do you think?? ?Damn, what?s there not to like?? he replied. He spent the next twenty minutes looking it over, asking me questions, and wishing he had the balls to do something like what I?d done. ?Lisa would have my ass, if I pulled into the driveway with something like this,? Nick said as he continued to check it out. Even though she hardly ever rides with me anymore, she would still never go for it. Before you leave though, you?ve got to let me take it for a ride. You owe me that much,? he said as we went inside. After ordering breakfast and telling him the long version of how I traded my Ultra for the green monster, we settled down to updating each other on what we?d been up to. I told Nick that even though business was down about 15%, because of the economy being in the toilet work, was going well for me. Last month we had lured two distributors away from one of our competitors, and as a result, we should have a great fourth quarter. Nick said that his company had laid off almost 10% of the work force, and that they were doing every thing in their power just to survive this year without going chapter 11. ?I never thought I?d be happy just to have a job, any job, but that?s how it is right now. I tell the guys on the floor to keep their mouths shut, do their jobs, and be thankful they?re working because there are no jobs out there,? Nick told me. I asked about Lisa?s work, and how secure her job at the hospital was. ?People are still going to get sick, and the hospital are always going to need good nurses. The only thing I hate is that she has to cover for people who lay out sometimes. Hell, I?ve had to pick her up at 3:00 in the morning because she was too tired to drive back home. I guess we have to do whatever to keep food on the table.? ?You know that Lisa and Carol are still friends, and we see her every once in a while,? Nick said more than a little hesitantly. Holding up a finger, all I said was ?Don?t.? ?Just thought you?d like to know, she still asks about you,? he told me. ?If it were anyone but you, I?d all ready been out of here,? I quickly replied. ?Just thought you should know. I understand you had a little trouble at the dojo two weeks ago,? Nick said with a laugh. ?I heard sensei told you to stay away until you could control your temper.? ?It was no big deal. I was sparring with the kids when his new full contact fighter opened his big mouth. He had just dropped another fighter in the ring and was feeling a little cocky, that?s all,? I told him. ?Well, rumor has it, he called you a wimp, and that you were only good enough to spar with the little kids,? Nick said with a laugh. ?Kenny said you got into the ring, and cleaned his clock in less than five minutes, and that sensei had to pull you off him.? ?You know how stories get blown out of proportion,? I told him. ?I did a front leg sweep and gave him a back fist. I guess that pissed him off, because he went a little nuts. Hell, he had his hands up way too high, so I just gave him a couple of sidekicks, to show him why we protect the body ? that?s all. I guess I should have pulled my kicks a little because I understand I cracked a couple of his ribs. Maybe next time he?ll keep his elbows in tight,? I said with a little smirk on my face. ?Well, if you want to spar with anyone else, don?t call me ? been there, done that,? Nick told me. ?You still never do anything half ass do you?? Nick said all ready knowing my answer. We shot the shit for another hour before Nick told me that he had to leave. ?Going over to Lisa?s parents for dinner tonight. You want to come along? It?s no bother, and Lisa would love to see you. It?s been almost six months since we?ve all gotten together.? ?Not today,? I told him. ?I?ve got some work I?ve got to get done before Monday morning, but thanks for the invite any way. Maybe next time,? I replied. ?Buddy, you can?t hide forever,? Nick said as he gave me a shot to the arm before taking my new bike out for a test run. After about ten minutes, a wide-eyed Nick pulled back into the parking lot. ?I?ve got to get me one of these,? he said getting off my bike. ?The only problem I can see is that it?s a lot faster than my wide glide. I sure as hell wouldn?t want to take a sharp corner flat out on it,? he said unzipping his jacket and taking off his helmet. I told Nick to play it cool, and not to do anything I?d do, because I was half crazed. He went back home and I took off on my green monster, for a long afternoon ride. ************************ About 6:30 I stopped at a small greasy spoon on my way back into town. I wasn?t super hungry but needed something to hold me over until breakfast. I ordered a burger, onion rings, and a Dr Pepper and kept an eye on my bike from the diner?s window. Everyone, and I do mean everyone, gave it at least a second glance. Then three girls, pulling into the spot next to my bike looked at it for about five minutes before one threw a leg over it. That was a no, no. ?How would you like it, if I opened up your car, and sat in it, with my feet up on the dash?? I asked as I snuck up behind them. Startled, two of them jumped back, almost falling into me as the one on the bike asked if it was mine. ?Yes it?s my bike, and didn?t your mom ever tell you it?s not polite to sit on someone else property?? I asked. ?Never knew my mother, and my dad would have all ready tried to hot-wire it,? she said not batting an eye. How does it handle, and how in the hell is someone suppose to sit on that pathetic rear seat,? she asked. ?It handles just fine and I really don?t give a shit about the rear seat because I?ve got no one to put back there anyway,? I told her starting to get more than a little annoyed with her. ?So if you don?t mind, get your butt off my bike.? ?Excuse me, like my 105 pounds is going to wreck your shinny new toy,? she spat back at me. ?I wouldn?t go for a ride now, even if you got on your hands and knees and begged me,? she said walking past me and into the diner. ?Takes all kinds,? I said to myself as I walked into the dinner and back to my table. The three girls sat at the counter, and every once in a while one or the other would look back at me. ?Looks like I?m the object of their conversation,? I thought to myself as I finished my meal. I had all ready put on my jacket, and was paying at the register when the skinny brunette walked up to me. ?I?ve decided to give you another chance,? she told me. ?I usually don?t do this, but you look like a lost puppy, and I love puppies. I assume you live in town, and letting you give me a ride home can be your way of saying how sorry you are for being such an ass. Give me a minute to get my jacket, out of the car, and we can blow this place,? she told me as she walk out of the diner. ?If I wasn?t so shocked, I probably would have told her to kiss my ass, but five minutes later, there we were, heading towards town, two up on my bike. The faster I went, the harder she held onto me. When we finally got into town, she gave me directions to her place. ?Well, that was fun, but you?re going to have to do something about that seat if you expect me to go riding with you again,? she told me. ?My ass may not be very big, but that damn seat is way too hard and small. Here?s my cell number,? she said handing me a slip of paper. ?Call me when you want to do this again, but like I told you, dump the seat,? she said walking up the stairs of the apartment complex not even bothering to look back at me. Just before walking through the door she turned around. ?By the way, my name is Pam, if you?re interested,? she said as she walked through the door. ?Good looking, nice ass but what a pushy bitch,? I said to myself as I slipped her number in my shirt pocket. ******************** Month end went better than expected, and when I got two vendors to lower their price by 5%, the company thought I could walk on water. ?Keep this up, and we might still get a bonus yet this year,? Ken told me. ?Also with Bill leaving, I put your name in for his company car. You can leave it in the garage, but if you need it, it?s available.? I thanked Ken, and told him it would come in handy, on the weekends, when the snow started to fly. For now however, I enjoyed my morning walks into work. The dealer changed out the seat on my new bike with a gel filled one, and with a new mono-shock on the rear tire, the bike was almost as good as my Road King had been. ?You got any bolt on seats for my rear fender,? I asked. ?What are you looking for?? he asked. ?Something a little more plush than the pee pad that?s on there right now,? I explained to him. ?I have a seat that?s pretty decent, with quick release, mounting bolts. You can leave it in your saddle bag, and put it only on when you need it,? he told me. It cost me a mint, but so did everything else with the Harley Davidson nametag. ******************** I played with that stupid slip of paper Pam gave me for about a week. I had been on only three dates in the last year, and one of them was when I took a female customer out to dinner. Usually marketing took care of those duties, but this one couldn?t be avoided. The other two were nice, but I had little in common with either one of them. Damn, I hated blind dates. ?Hello Pam,? I began, ?this is Steve,? knowing fully well she probably wouldn?t remember me. ?Steve? Steve who?? she asked. ?Let me give you a hint, green chopper,? I told her. ?I?d given you up as a lost cause. What took you so long to call?? she asked. ?Works been a little crazy lately, and I needed to get a few things done to my bike,? I explained to her. ?There?s a ride this Saturday, and I was wondering if you?d be interested in going?? ?You replace my seat yet?? Pam asked. ?Well let?s put it this way, your butt cheeks won?t spill over on the new seat, if that answers your question,? I replied. ?Well, in that case, yes. What time are you going to pick me up?? she asked. ?About 9:30, and make sure you?re dressed warm. They're forecasting temperatures in the lower 50?s for highs. Do you have a leather jacket and boots?? I asked. ?Don?t worry about me, just don?t be late. Do you still remember where I live?? ?I know the address, but what?s your apartment number?? I asked. ?Not so fast. I?ll just meet you out front at 9:30, and we can take it from there,? she told me in no uncertain terms. After that I was struggling with small talk and was bombing badly. Finally she mercifully ended our conversation telling me she would see me on Saturday morning. It was like I was sixteen all over again, and asking my first girl out on a date. I was pathetic. When Saturday finally came, I put on my heavy leathers, my mid-calf boots, and grabbed a warm pair of gloves as I headed out. After about a mile and a half, I stopped and put on my stocking cap. Damn, it was cold. After about ten minutes the heat from the engine finally started warming my cold body. ?Thank God for the bolt on windshield,? I said stopping at a light. It deflected just enough wind so I wasn?t freezing to death this morning. ?You?re late,? is the first thing Pam said to me. ?It?s only 9:35,? I replied looking down at my watch. ?Late is late. Now let?s see what kind of seat you?ve got for me,? she said walking over to my bike. I bolted on the new seat, started up the engine, and told her to hop on. The dealership was twenty minutes away and I could feel her arms around me, and her face pressed against my back. ?Wow, that?s cold,? Pam, said as she got off the bike. ?My damn face is numb.? She said rubbing her cheeks. We went inside to warm up and get a cup of coffee as the rest of the group started arriving. ?Here,? I said tossing her a neoprene full mask. ?This will keep the wind off your face and keep you a lot warmer,? I told her as she tried it on. ?It?s got the picture of a skull on the outside,? she complained. ?It?s for warmth, not style,? I told her getting a little annoyed. ?Thank you,? she finally said. ?I really appreciate it.? The ride finally started about 10:00 and lasted for about two hours. There were only about thirty bikes and most were single riders, I guess not too many wife?s or girl friends wanted to go out in this weather. We got back to the dealer, just before noon. They brought out a few cold, meat, trays, and munchies but it wasn?t anything I was interested in. ?You want to go out to lunch?? I asked. ?Yes, but just make it some where I can get something hot,? Pam replied. We stopped at Denny?s. We grabbed a booth in the back, and the waitress brought us a pot of hot coffee. Pam was using the hot cup of coffee to warm her hands as she looked at the menu. ?Warming up?? I asked. ?I am now,? she said taking small sips. ?That was fun, cold but fun,? she told me. ?Do you do this often?? ?Not as much as I used to,? I told her. ?I used to ride to Sturgis every year for the rally, but I haven?t been back there in almost three years. Maybe this summer,? I told her. ?I?ve seen pictures. Are there really that many bikes?? she asked. ?They?re every where, and it?s one huge non stop party that lasts for almost two weeks. My buddy, Nick and I did the trip non-stop, and lived in a two-man tent for three days ? never again. I guess I?ve gotten used to the comforts of home, and sleeping on the ground and eating cold food, is not where it?s at for me anymore,? I told her. ?But I do like to take off for a long ride once in a while. It clears my mind, and I just feel free.? ?What do you do for a living? That is, when you?re not playing easy rider,? she asked. ?Purchasing manager for a manufacturing company in town,? I replied. ?And you?? I asked. ?I teach art and do free lance work,? Pan told me. ?There?s not a lot of money in it, but at least I like what I do ? not like most people I know.? ?Are you seeing anyone right now?? ?Why, are you applying for the job?? she said laughing as I started squirming in my seat. ?Relax, I had someone once, but he wasn?t satisfied with me, so he moved on. Since then, a few guys here and there, but no one right now. How about you?? she asked. ?About the same. Had someone special, but she ruined it for us. Haven?t seen anyone for the last year, if that?s what you?re asking.? ?So in other words, you?re a born again virgin, so to speak. Good, I like that. This way I won?t be afraid of catching any cooties or anything else, unlike from the hot shot players out there who will screw anything that is breathing,? she told me. ?What makes you think I want to take you to bed?? ?With a hot body like mine, why wouldn?t you want to,? she said with a laugh. ?Now that we got all the personal items out of the way, let?s see how much we really do have in common.? That started a two day discussion on each of our likes, dislikes, and as much history as we were both willing to share. I don?t think she was happy that I wouldn?t tell her anything more than I?d been married once, and it had ended very badly. Over the next three weekends, I got to know Pam pretty well. We both liked the same kind of foods, and where I ran, she roller bladed. She thought my workout room was over the top, and I told her that her favorite band sucked. We finally agreed to disagree. ?Do you want to go to a club Saturday night?? she asked on Thursday. ?A few friends of mine are going, and I want them to meet you.? ?I?m not a big dancer,? I said almost apologetically. ?No problem, most guys can?t dance anyway. Just be like everyone else, move your feet around and fake it,? she said with a smile. ?Well, I gave you fair warning,? I told her. Besides kissing, we hadn?t gone any further. She asked me to stay over one night, and I politely refused saying I wasn?t quite ready for that step just yet. ?Don?t worry, I?ll be gentle,? she said stroking my arm. ?Funny, very funny,? I told her. She drove Saturday because as she put it, ?I?m not going to freeze my ass tonight on your damn crotch rocket. So, unless you want to see my nipples sticking out like two Christmas lights, we?re taking my car.? I really did want to see her nipples, and was planning on making my move that night, back at my place. The club was crowed but we did manage to find a decent table just off the dance floor. I?d been to this club once before, and it held no fond memories for me. Pam?s friends seemed nice, and we were all having a great time when I came face to face with one of my worst nightmares ? again. ?Hi wimp,? is how he started it. ?Remember me? I see that you?ve got a new girl, did the other one drop you, after that night?? he said with a laugh. ?Maybe this one needs more than a pretty boy to please her,? he said moving up to my face. ?Pam, meet shit head Dan. He?s a body builder whose brain has been fried by steroids,? I said with a smile as his buddies tried to pull him away. As he turned to walk away, I said in a voice, loud enough for everyone to hear. ?I understand, that after the gym closes, all the faggot body builders blow each other and tell one another how great they are.? Dan screamed and rushed at me, knocking over our table and everyone sitting there. The bouncers immediately came over and kicked Dan, his two buddies, and me out of the club. ?Pam, stay in the club,? I told her. ?You don?t want to be a part, of what?s going down tonight. I?ll call you later,? I said as I was escorted out of the club. Outside the three of them started pushing me as we moved around to the side of the building. ?Afraid of little old me?? I taunted Dan. ?Need your two buddies to fight your battles for you? I guess you really are nothing more than a big faggot.? Dan swung at me, as his buddies cheered him on. I easily ducked and moved away from all his wildly thrown punches while slapping him in the face, mocking him. He finally rushed me. That was a big mistake. I sidestepped his lunge. My first kick took out his left knee with a loud crack. Dan was on his way down when my spin heel kick caught him in the middle of the chest driving all the air from his lungs. As Dan struggled to sit up, I front kicked him on the right side of his jaw shattering it along with his nose. Just as I was about to hit Dan again, one of the other guys grabbed me from behind and yelled for his buddy to punch me. I stomped the top of his right foot as hard as I could breaking at least half the bones while driving the back of my head into his face, shattering the bridge of his nose. He released me as he screamed out in pain and covered his now bloody face with his hands. As I watched him dropped to the ground, I looked for his other buddy. He was nowhere to be found. I walked over to Dan who was lying on the ground moaning for someone to help him. I pulled his head up by his hair and whispered in his ear, ?You can tell your friend, Tom, if I ever find him, what I?ll do to him will make this look like a paper cut.? I release his head and watched it hit the ground with a thud. Standing up I adjusted my clothes, and before walking away, I kicked Dan full force in the groin. That put him out. As I turned to walk away, I saw Pam. She was just standing there with her mouth open looking at the two men lying on the ground. ?I told you not to come out here,? I said grabbing her arm and pulling her around to the front of the club. ?We need to leave before the police get here,? I said as I guided her along the sidewalk. ?Come on, Pam, we have to go.? We hurried to the parking garage and found her car. I opened her door and pushed her into the passenger seat. Getting in, I floored it and drove out onto the street and headed for my condo. It was a silent drive to my place, as Pam just stared at me. ?Steve what the hell was that all about?? she started to say as I cut her off parking in front of my building. ?Not tonight. We will take about it later, but not tonight,? I told her holding up my hand. ?Are you ok to drive?? ?I?m ok, it?s just that?? ?Damn it not tonight I shouted,? taking her by surprise. ?I?ll call you,? I said getting out of the car, and walking into my building. I looked back once, to make sure she was all right before I walked in. I opened my condo door, locked it, and threw the keys against the wall. ?God damn it Carol, I hate you,? I screamed as I ripped off my jacket, throwing it to the floor. ?I want you to fucking die, do you hear me? I wish you were fucking dead,? I yelled hitting the wall with my fist, again, and again and again. 7821 1.77/512345
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