Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Ms. Marca Part 60
This is more in the life and times of my wild and wicked ways. This is about me? just a part of my life! I have looked back at my life before I was married; thinking about what excites me, the men that had been in my life, why did I need these men? Although my wild dreams scare me, they give me also a sense of freedom, a feeling of wickedness. I can make myself seem as an intelligent and classy a woman whenever I want too. Some days I cannot believe how my cravings for sex draining me. I sometimes daydream that I love only perverted men and they treat me as a slut, a whore, only for their own enjoyment. I realize such men recognize me for what I am; they must see it in my eyes that are full of need. They must know the way I look back at them. Such men understand me better then I know myself, they know how hot and wet I get, the warm delicious excitement I feel between my legs and the tips of my breasts, what I need, what I want. Ms. Marca Part 60 It was June and summer was here and I was on my way to getting a deep tan, like I need one. I woke up horny. Then that was almost every day, hardly unusual for me, damn the doctor said I was in my peak when it came to wanting sex. A thirty plus year old woman is on a sexual high, so he said. I loved sex. As a former model that still had a body with a set of boobs that stood out at 40DD and a former party girl who made a living and a damn good one at that, just to party, I always was ready for a good roll in the hay as an old client would tell me. It seems that as my high school years rolled by word past to the male in and out of school, that I engage in sex just about anytime, anywhere and with anyone. Ever since discovering sex at 14, I could never get my fill. There was nothing better than to have my tits mauled, clit sucked or spreading my slit to take the big snake and let it spit its juices in any of my holes. I craved it all. On top of all that, my husband and I were having some problems in the sex department. Well, my husband, Tim has the problems. Tim had always had problems lasting in bed; his stamina was not the best. He is a little on the short end when it came to having enough meat to feed my hungry kitty. Tim was still going off within minutes after entering my love tunnel. Even if he could last longer, his little 4 inch dick does nothing for me. Although he is great with his tongue, I started using dildos soon after we were married, but it is not the same... I need the real thing. I love Tim, but sometimes I just need a real man in bed. As I said, I love my husband, but it would be rather nice to have a man who knows what he is doing, and can last for the duration. Than one night, after we were in bed and the lights were out I moved my hand over to Tim's little poker and felt the poor thing limp like a wet dishrag. After a few minutes of stroking and rubbing, it was nowhere being hard. "Tim something wrong homey, you no longer find my playing with you sexy or arousing for you?" Marca, I got to ask you something?I find this hard to say, if I can''t tell you I can't tell anyone!" "Tim honey, you can tell me anything?please I want to hear!" Tim than began to tell me about what had happen to him at the club a few days ago. After his golf game he went to take his shower and as he stepped into the steamy shower in the locker room. Through the clouds of steam, he saw that there was another man there already. "Hey Tim," he heard from the hazy figure "Come on in...Join the fun." Tim said it was Josh Thomas one of the young muscle bound associate members. He was one of a few who have only gym membership and worked out on the weights in the club. Tim walked in, hesitantly, thought the mist until, the tall figure came into focus. Tim said he was awe struck and gulped as he saw Josh soaping his bulky arms. It was not the sight of the man's bare chest; he had seen them many times on the gym floor, but the massive semi hard cock hanging down from his groin that caught his eye. Tim told me he had never seen a man like that before and now that he did, he said he believed all the myths about body builders he had heard. Not fully hard, it seemed to be almost a foot long and god did it have thickness. "Oh, Tim how far did it hang down his leg?" I reached over and turned on the bedside lamp. "About this far!" Tim moved his hand down to the middle of his thigh. "Tim your joking with me, it can't be that long!" "Marca it was, I could not believe it myself." "Tim, get up, stand right there, I'm going to get my ruler and see just how big you say he is." I went to my dresser and got my 12 inch ruler, came back to my little we-we standing naked in front of me. I bent down in front of him and looked up at his little nub, it was limp and stuck out about 2 inches. "OK, you say it hung down to here." I put my finger at a point midway down his thigh. "If I measure from you crouch to here, it is, ...MY GOD, no way Tim, that is over 12 inches!" I look at him with my mouth wide open, acting as if I had never seen one that big. "Oh me, what was that guys name again! Jesus Tim, that seems impossible, I mean look honey your thing just measure just under 3 inches!" I look at Tim and he blushes and looks down, he can't look me in the face. "Wow Tim, he is over 4 times as big as you and he was not hard, on my goodness, dear me!" I stood up , looked at the ruler and than looked back down at Tim's little nub and than he turned and got in bed to cover up I put the ruler on the night stand and got in bed and had just the small table lamp on. I was dying on the inside to make my little dick hubby squirm some more. "Tim, honey did you stand there and stair at the man, did you?" "I tried not to look but I did keep going back to it?you know takingg a glance!" I piled my pillows up behind my back and sat up asking Tim more Question and than I picked up the ruler and held in my hand and would peek at it as we talked. "How did it make you feel seeing a man built like that with?with, yoou know what I mean!" "Marca reason I bring it up to you?first it made me feel self-consciious!" I put the ruler back down on his leg and make my eyes open wide. "I can see how it made you feel, well, it would be hard to face that when your not anywhere near that size I guess!" I guest that Tim and his own 4-inch member, now all shriveled up, resembling a flesh hued worm in my hand. I continued to play with his nub and little nut sac?beginning to feel some stiffness to it. "Oh I tried to watch when my back was to him; I did see the glance he gave me and that smirk he made when he saw me!" "Tim men don't make remarks in public with other men about some other man's penis size, do they?" "I for sure have never and I don't associate with men who do!" My poor honey, if he only knew what other men had said about him. "Tim, what happen next, god did that beast of a big man make a play for you?" "Oh heavens no, don't have to worry about that...era, I mean you think he was looking at me in a funny way," he said feeling like a fool. "You never know, some of these hunks that every women wants have no desire to be with a female for any reason when it comes to sex!" I laughed at Tim's discomfort. "What did he do next Tim?" Tim told me the hung hunk proceeded to lather his thing and Tim could not help taking glances at the massive cock. It seems that this Josh character spent a lot of time lathering his organ and Tim said it swelled up to full hardness. "My god Marca, he was not human?I know you think I am telling a wild story?he was more like an animal." "Oh honey?I believe you?who was he again? Is he a member? I I might know his wife, is he married? Tell me more about him?I meann?I am just trying to get the picture?if you want to tell me!me!" "Oh, he is Josh Thomas; you have never met him? (No, I have not, butt that just might change)?Marca I would think you?I mean a wo woman would have a hard time getting that in her. I don't think any woman would marry a guy with that. Hell I bet he has a hard time finding women that weren't scared of it" "Tim, you would be surprised at just how many women love it." "Marca, I can't see anything like that making you happy!" Tim went on to tell me that he was glad that I was not one of these women. The main reason was that he liked my tight pussy just as it was. He shuddered to think of how Josh's large monster would stretch my sweet love nest???"Tim, our sweet love nest honey!" "Marca if he got that in you, I would never feel myself in you anymore." Tim chucked and smiled. You poor little thing?honey I can't feel you as it is and I have hadd so many like him I have lost count. Poor Tim never has a clue that when I got on top of him, he never thought that it was because I wanted more length. When I would mover my ass around, causing his cock to move to different placed in my tunnel; it was not because I wanted more thickness. He never thought. Just than his little cock jerked in my hand and I gave it a hard squeeze. "Tim if I didn't know better?someone might say you were thinking of that big old nasty thing, it did turn you on didn't it. Tim were you thinking of me with that big old nasty thing!" "Oh no, god I would never want that to happen." "Honey you may not want that to happen, but your hard-on is giving you away. I bet you can see him slipping that big thing in me and you are masturbating as he and I do it!" "Marca you would never do that, would you?" "Tim, baby, I would never do anything that would cause you to stop loving me?on the other hand I would do anything you ask me to do?thathat is how much I love you." Than I put down the ruler, but I just had to look at it one more time and say in a low voice, 12 inches, oh me. "Tim I know it is turning you on to think of me with a big hung one! I like turning you on?I like to know you get hard thinking of me with otherr men?other men fucking me and me sucking them!" (I never said I woulld not do it!) "Tim you know this is not the first time you have mention about me and other men's cock?if you keeping asking me if I would like a cock like youur friends, I might start saying yes?well that hurt your feelings?" TThan just as I said that Tim shot his little load over my fingers and on to his stomach?"oh I think my little boy would like to see me with otherr men?see them fucking me and me sucking them off as you jerk off jusst as I did for you?right honey?" Out of breath and his little cock sstill twitching between my finger and thumb he said. "Oh?Marca?my god, you are pretending?play acting, arg, aren't you?" In the darkness of our bedroom, I moved my lips up next to his ear and whispered. "For the past two years once in a while you said sometimes you like for me to talk kinky in bed. You want me to tell you about some old boy friend I had in my past, a lover. You have wanted to hear all about sex with them and you go off so hard and fast when I talk kinky." "You are right; I do love it when you tell me your fantasies. I love having men look at you." "Tim they are not fantasies, I knew those men on a personal basis. Tim if you get this turned on when I tell you about some old boyfriend and you seeing this Thomas, I bet you would do flips if you ever saw me fuck a big cock!" His little pecker was still at a full hard as I continued to stroke it with my two fingers and thumb. "Damn Tim you are still hard as a rock?baby you thinking about me beeing with some big young hung cock? Tim do you want me to start making passes, flirting with these men you know?seeing if they hit on me, see if they try to get in my panties?see if they try and talk me into fuckiing them?" "Marca, oh god, you got me so hard I can't believe I still have it up!" With that said I rolled over and pulled him on top of me and he slipped the little 4-inch dickey in my fold. Resting on his elbows , Tim began to pump my love tunnel as I rubbed his ass cheeks and with his face right up next to my lips, I whispered to him. "Some day, I really should thank your Mr. Thomas for getting us excited like this, keeping you so hard. Tim this is turning me on?thinkingg of you watching me fuck a big cock?oh shit I am going to go off if I keep thinking about a big one!" I slipped a finger into his ass crack and felt him pucker and his ass clap down on my finger. "Tim how do you want me to think Mr. Thomas? Should I suck him off or let him fuck my love nest?maybe both!" "Oh shit Marca, holy mother of god, I can't believe I am so hard!" "Fuck me Tim, fuck me baby. Damn, I don't think you could control yourself?watching me take a big one, I think you would get jealous. I would be worried that it well change how you look at me?" I said. "You would be jealous of his big cock making me scream out how big it feels." I moved my hand to his nut sac and held them so that he could not shoot off. Tim was humping me as hard as he had ever done; this man was trying to bust a nut. "However I bet when you look at me you see me as yours, only yours, you see how other men want my body, just the combination of the feeling of pride you have in me, knowing how sexy I am to other men, how excited you would get watching me enjoy myself so openly." "Marca, I can't believe how hard I am?damn I needed this, to bbe in you so much!" "Tim this is turning you on big time?you are becoming my personal vooyeur?you like this knowing men looking at me, you looking at me haviing sex with others! Do you really want to change that into a reality? Do you really want to see me with another man?" Do you want me to fuck your young friend, Thomas! Do you understand what I am saying Tim?" I let go of his nut sac and felt his little nuts climb up into his sac deeper. "Yes, I understand. Yes, oh god, yes oh yes!" For the first time in ages I felt his sperm shot hit my love tunnel wall. Tim fell oh me trying to get his breath, as I stroked his back and ran my other hand over his ass. I kissed his cheek, ear and neck. "Oh my baby, he gets so turned on thinking of men having me, taking my sex, sucking my big boobs. My god Tim that was good, I see what your want, see where you are coming from?you need to get up honey, go clean your messs up and bring me a damp washcloth!" I did not hear a word about the subject for months and I knew Tim might think about it, hell we all daydream, unlike others, I just act out on my dreams. It had been months since Tim had told me about seeing Thomas in the shower and that hot night of sex we had and I knew it was time to take him deeper into my world of controlling him. He was watching the ballgame on and falling half-asleep as most men do late at night, before going to bed. I enter the den, Tim did not look at me immediately, but when he did, he was surprised. I was wearing a black teddy, with stockings, high heels, looked sexy, powerful, and in control. His went bug eye on me, his jaw dropped and he gasped. I walked up to him, put my hand behind his head and pressed his face into my wet pussy. I could smell my perfumed scent from where I stood and feel the warmth of his face on my hot honey pot. I pushed him onto his back in the recliner chair, unsnapped the teddy and sat my sweet pussy on his face. The only thing said the entire time was EAT IT TIM, EAT IT GOOD! I worked my pussy up and down his face as he licked, tongued and sucked my clit to a very earth shattering orgasm. I than smeared my juices all over his face, got up and told him. "Turn off that fucking TV and come to bed." He was following me like a little puppy. I lie down on the bed and spread my legs, and commanded Tim to eat me again. He did not even bother to undress, but dove between my legs and started sucking my already satisfied clit. It was not long; until I had, my legs wrapped around his head making him fuck my pussy with his face. Then I had my second orgasm. This one was better than my first, I was moaning, panting, and humping his face as my legs remained locked around his head. After I came down from my high I let, his head go and Tim stood up and undressed ready to fuck me silly. I rolled over to catch my breath so he moved behind me, intending to fuck me spoon fashion from behind. I rolled away and on to my back. "Tim it is late?you need to get some sleep." "Marca you can't mean that?Marca you made me horny!" I looked up at him and smirked?"maybe tomorrow night!" I looked up at him standing on the bed on his knees with his little prick stand as hard as ever. I also saw him jerking it with his finger and thumb. I said?"ok, jack your self off, you seem to be well on your way????in fact I might enjoy the show." I could tell he was lost for word, he stops playing with himself?"Tiim I said jerk it off I insist!" He went down on his back, placing his hand to his hard little pink pickle as I watched him playing with his hard-on, I started teasing him about how he had to get himself off, after he had eaten me to 2 orgasms. Then I rubbed my finger in his pre cum, and brought my finger to his lips. I told him to suck it off, and that he had better learn to acquire a taste for sperm, because a good pussy eater well clean up any messes he makes. That brought him over the edge, and he started shooting off over his chest. I than moved up over him, stuck my big 40DD tits in the pool of cream and made him lick them. He at first shock his head no, until I grabbed his nut sac and squeezed?"god damn it I said lick!" Tim closed his eyes and liccked, sucked and mouthed my nipples clean of his sperm. All this time I was calling him my little cream eating boy. I made him eat it all and than I made him get between my legs and he ate pussy for the next 30 minutes. As he ate me out I said to him. "I wonder if Thomas would eat his cream from my nipples, would you lick his cream off my nipples Tim? Would you lick it from my pussy, that he had just loaded up with his cream." Tim moaned and got into the eating fast and licked me like it was about to melt. I slept great that night, when I woke up, nothing from either of us spoke about the previous evening. I could tell Tim was in a hurry to get out of the house and to work. He was embarrassed. I went to see one of my lovers that day at noon and got my fill of sex?sex the old fashion way, we ffucked! Tim got home about 6 PM, I had dinner ready and we ate as if nothing had happen the night before. Tim told me about something at the office and about one of his people having problems with a teenager at home. After two glasses of wine and a good meal, Tim went to his home office/study to do his normal late night work. Later that evening I walk into his office, dressed in a sexy little blue night thing. I shut the door, pulled up my gown, took off my lace panties and told him to eat my pussy. There he was on the floor between my legs eating my pussy as I sat in his leather chair. I was grabbing him by the hair pulling his face in deeper and deeper. In less than 5 minutes, I was going off all over his face. Then I stood up, told him to strip. Tim got naked so quick, I barely had time to take seat in his big easy chair. I told Tim to bend over the desk. Before he knew it, I was putting a finger up his ass. There he was, an executive, owner of a successful company, bent over his home office desk getting a finger fucking from his wife. "Look down at your dick Tim; it is hard as I have ever seen it?you llike this, the way I treat you!" "Oh god Marca you have me so hard, I need you tonight!" I stopped and turned and walked out of the room?"lock up and come too bed, we well see!" Tim got to the room I was on the bed with my legs spread and I pointed to my pussy, he knew what to do and not a whimper came from him as he lowered his head to my fold. "Stick you tongue out as far as you can, I told him. Then I took both hands and spread my pussy lips as far apart as I could and told him to eat it good honey. More and more of my girl juices kept oozing out as Tim licked my hot used pussy. I loved every second of his humiliation, and I was getting my pussy eaten again as well. After I went off, I rolled over and went to the bathroom, when I came back, he was lying on his back with a stiff one. I got in bed, looked at him and I turned off the light I said?"jerk it!" "Please don't make me do this Marca," he begged me. I did not answer him, I moved my hand down to his Pee-Pee and took it?"god damn it I said jeerk it!" In the dark I could here him grunting as he jerked his little worm. I moved my head up near his face and said. "Jerk it honey?you seen your big cock friend in the shower lately?" "Oh please Marca!" His pace picked up, the sheet fell off and in the light from the hall, I could see his hand jerking. "That's my boy, jerk it...Tim you thinking about that big old cock and me together?" As I said that, I took hold of his nut sac and held them in place. "You want me to hold his balls like I have yours? Jerk it baby, jerk it!" "Please?let them go?Marca I need to?to go off!" "Tim do you want me to hold his big balls and jerk him off? Tell me!" "OH GOD YES ANYTHING YOU WANT!" I let go and he shot his load and it was only a minute or two when I heard him moan and the movement next to me, it stopped. I had a washcloth with me on the nightstand I used it to wipe him up. "Wow Tim that was a big load you had!" I took some cream, dipped my finger in it and put my finger to his mouth. He licked my finger cleaned and I continued to feed him his own sperm as long as he licked and sucked my finger. "I bet your friend has a lot of cream like this?oh me what well I doo with all that?I may need some help eating all of it!" I kissed him on the cheek and rolled over on my side facing away from him?"night sweetheart?sweet sexy dreams of us, or whoever!" to be continued.... Marca40DD@aol.com 2078 1.19/512345
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