Thursday, May 30, 2013
A Night In Town
A NIGHT IN TOWN Standing in the bath she allowed the globules of water to form rivulets between her firm breasts. Then cascade down her smooth thighs. She placed one leg over the edge of the bath and while standing astride she leant forward to the towel rail and took the large towel which was warming there. Draping it over her shoulders, she completed the step from the bath so that the toes of both feet curled into the warm rug. She admired her naked body in the full length mirror in front of her. Gently she padded herself dry, never taking her eyes from the image before her and paying special attention to the freshly shaven area which moments before had been a thick cushion of luxurious brown curls. Walking silently, she made her way still naked, to her bedroom. Pausing in front of the larger mirror there, she inspected more closely the shaven area. Not having seen that area since she was a teenager, she was intrigued to see how high her pussy slit curved over the pubic mound so that the divide was clearly visible at the apex to her thighs. She sat on the bed and then lay so that she was supported only be her elbows and languorously parted her thighs to enable her to examine more intimately the pussy lips themselves. Allowing her fingers to explore the soft, pliable and warm folds she gently released the hood at the very tip. As she did so she could both see and feel the clitoris appear and hide again as though shy of its own image. As she caressed herself she remembered the time she had seduced the girl who had moved in across the road, her very first bi experience. She had gone over with a welcoming bottle of wine and found the girl in tears . her husband had gone to the pub leaving her to sort the house out alone. Sitting beside her she had attempted innocently enough to console her new friend. Putting an arm around her had seemed an innocent enough action. She had been pleasantly surprised to discover just how fragile another girls body felt, so much softer and more pliable than a man?s. It seemed natural to nuzzle into the sobbing girls neck and, when she looked up, to kiss away the tears. From there, their lips just seemed to meet. Hesitantly at first and then more demanding until Jane's lips parted slightly to receive her own inquiring and probing tongue. Not that things were by any means one sided. She had been a little shocked to feel Jane's fingers curve around her left breast but only a little. By the time her blouse was open and she could feel Jane's warm breath, having torn itself away from her lips, she was poised over her nipple. Her lips had a mind of their own and were already puckering up to welcome the delicate feminine tongue which was hovering to introduce itself. From there it was natural for their clothes to slide from their bodies. there was a small hurdle to be crossed when she encountered for the first time at close and intimate quarters, the hair framed, oval shaped and sweet smelling pussy which belonged to Jane . Feeling Jane's tongue making its initial acquaintance with her own moist cunt and clitoris however caused her to dispel any further hesitation. The next hour or so had been ecstatic, all of the things which she had willed a man to do she could do to Jane and as if in immediate response had felt the result in Jane's vocal and physical reaction as they guided each other into the mysteries of female love. Her recollections suddenly erased themselves from her minds eye as the gentle waves of a mini orgasm rippled through her body leaving her lying content with her fingers still caressing her wet and naked slit. She spent several more minutes enjoying the new texture of bare skin, where for so long there had been hair and enjoying too the warmth and wetness within her body before reluctantly standing and making her way to the dressing table. In 20 minutes her make up was completed to her satisfaction with only perfume to be added. She sprayed the perfume behind her ears, at the base of her throat, on her wrists and behind her knees, more slowly she directed a silken net at her cleavage and watched as it rolled clinging to the inner sides of her breasts. Breathing deeply she allowed the fine spray to hit the area between her navel and that newly revealed slit and then took aim at her inner thigh and its partner opposite. From her jewelry box she selected a pair of fine pierced earrings. Shefelt the shafts of steel penetrate the minute openings in the lobes of her ears in a way that was both painful and pleasurable before sliding on the locking studs. She moved to her wardrobe, still undecided what to wear tonight. Extending her long scarlet painted finger nails she reached one hand into the wardrobe and extracted from it a hanger which supported a blue dress. It was lacy and short with an "interesting" cleavage . She returned it to its place in the wardrobe, much as she loved the dress and the effect it had on men when it adorned her shapely figure it somehow did not match her mood this night. Something more racy, more sinful was what she needed tonight. Again her hands entered the wardrobe and flicked through the hangers in an almost disdainful manner. She chose the red. it was silky and clung to her body when she wore it almost as though it was a second skin. It had no back other than a thin piece of material from shoulder to shoulder. Behind at waist level was a six inch zip. in front was a red mesh from nipple to nipple so, depending on her mood she could, with a shrug of her shoulders reveal or conceal the varying shades of breast, aureole and nipple to any interested spectators. The skirt section was slightly flared and the hem line was six inches above her knee when standing. sitting was another matter. She had no intention of sitting in any bar tonight, not that is until she had some company. Crossing to her lingerie drawer she removed her red suspender belt and a new pack of 7 denier black stockings. she hovered undecidedly over a red thong, finally deciding on it when she recalled her newly shaven area and realised the effect a long drawn out revelation of this would have. she could not wear a bra with this outfit even if she had wanted to. She dressed leisurely, finally slipping her nylon covered feet into a pair of five inch heels. It was a warm evening and she decided not to bother with a coat or jacket. The taxi she had booked earlier arrived promptly and her ego received a lift as she noticed the undisguised animal lust in the eye of the driver as she opened her front door as he was still walking up the path She settled into the front seat of the saloon style car and murmured huskily "The city center........mmmm.....Market Street" The driver who was about 25 years old made an effort at flirtatious conversation but this early in the evening she was only in the mood for teasing not flirting and responded to his questions with one syllable noncommittal murmurs. However, as they neared the city center she reached into her handbag and brought out her perfume spray and carefully repeated the spraying of her ears, throat and wrists. Conscious of his eyes darting between the road, dashboard and her thighs she decided to give her driver a little treat. Leaning forward a little she allowed the mesh at her cleavage to fall forward and she sprayed directly over each breast giving a little shiver as the spray hit her nipples. they hardened rapidly and using each index finger rubbed the harshness of the lace onto the sensitive flesh. Smiling her secret smile, aware now that she had his almost undivided attention she raised her thigh a little off the seat and directed a cool jet between her thighs aimed at the straining gusset of her thong knowing only too well that he could now see the double mesh at the top of her stocking, the taut suspender strap and a lot of bare thigh. His furtive as he adjusted his thighs to better accommodate his thickening bulge was like a round of applause. She could think of no more sincere form a flattery. They were now nearing Market Street and, clandestinely keeping the perfume in her left hand she extracted the o10 note with her right. she replaced her handbag on the floor just as they turned into market street. "Thanks a lot, take this, keep the change" she murmured slipping the note into his shirt pocket and at the same instant brought the perfume across and sprayed his fly. With her free hand she rubbed the perfume into the denim material feeling his engorged manhood through it. Throughout all of this her eyes never once left his face. Before he had recovered enough to reply she had opened the passenger door, grabbed her handbag and was standing on the pavement leaning in giving him a view of her rosy tipped breasts the nipples of which were now as engorged as his prick. "If I need a taxi tonight, who should I ask for ?" "Ah ..uh...Paul" said the stunned driver seeing to his dismay that she was already walking away, her hips swaying sensuously beneath the red flared dress. she had left the car door swinging open and as he reached over to close it she turned, bent forward a little and blew him a kiss. She entered the pub, pleased with herself, there was nothing like some harmless teasing to give her that added confidence. For an instant she needed that confidence, she was a good 8 or 9 years older than many of the patrons who in the main were in their late teens. The pub was crowded but the customers gave way willingly as the girls stood with open envy at this young woman, who emanated a sex appeal they could not hope to emulate until they had achieved several more years of experience. The guys had equally open mouths but the cause of this was pure animal lust. "A double vodka and coke " she ordered from the young barman. The drink was poured and she made her way to the balcony which gave a clear view both of the DJ and the laughing dancing throng in the lower bar Being a Friday night there were many hen and stag parties in town, many of them in fancy dress. Immediately below were a crowd of St.. Trinians, French Maids, and Nurses along with the inevitable Bo-Peep ? there's always a shy one ' she thought to herself. Farther across were a crowd of 10 or so guys dressed in white bed sheets, it took a second or two for her to realize that they were supposed to be Romans in toga's . 'well its cheap and makes falling into bed at the end of the evening easier' she thought. As she watched she realized she had attracted the attention of one of the 'Romans' She stared him out and moved away from the balcony. Strolling around the upper level of the pub she found another bar where she replenished her drink. Carefully she descended the stairs to the lower level and made her way to stand a few feet away from the 'Roman', apparently intent on watching the dancers. She sensed his eyes on her and could see him calculating the best way of approaching her . She let him suffer for awhile before turning, smiling at him and saying "Thanks I'd love a dance" Taking him by the hand and leaving her glass on a table she led him onto the dance floor. the tempo had changed and the track now playing was "Time of my Life " from "Dirty Dancing". An ideal dance offering lots of body contact and the opportunity to pull back and examine each others body. His "toga" was no more than an outsize nappy pinned at the shoulder, the ensemble was marred a bit by trainers and socks instead of sandals. Moving into his arms again she glanced upwards, among the myriad of faces she spotted one that she recognized, frowning slightly she shrugged and turned her attention back to her "Roman" The thin layer of material worn by him was barely any thicker than the layer of silk covering her own body and she was delighted to feel not only his hardness but also the gentle irregular throb as he allowed nature to illustrate to her the extent of his arousal. "Would you like a drink" he yelled in her ear, ignoring the glass still half full on the nearby table. She nodded " But where do you keep your cash ?" "Ah " he grinned, leading her to a quiet spot away from the bar he pulled the toga far enough aside to reveal that midway between his hips and his waist he wore a money belt "I see you like to keep all of your valuables close together " "At least I know where everything is " he turned to the bar. She looked around again and saw the face again, its owner still stood on the balcony his sharp clear blue eyes fixed on her a hint of a smile on his lips Her "Roman" returned " Lets sit over there" "Won't your friends mind you deserting them ?" "Oh if I lose them I'll find them in Eve's Club later on. Are you on your own ?" "Im meeting my friends later on " she lied "In fact I'm meeting them in Eve's Club" He edged his chair a little closer "That's a fantastic dress you're wearing " She twisted her body to and fro between the waist and the neck "Im glad you approve" she smiled giving him a discreet flash of each nipple through the mesh "So what's the celebration Mark Anthony ?" she continued "Mark ?..... Oh I see ...Well Joe, that's Joe over there, He's getting married next week" "NEXT week !!" "Yeah Sue, his fianc?e, doesn't want him turning up with a hangover" "cant say I blame her" "She's really straitlaced, she'd have a fit if she knew about the stripogram that we've got lined up " his left hand was on the flesh of her back with his fingers inside the edge of her dress on her left side sliding gently towards her breast. She turned a little in her seat towards him discreetly helping his fingers on their voyage of discovery and gestured towards his friends "Could that be the young lady you're expecting ?" A heavily made brunette with a zip front dress was approaching the crowd and, wandering along behind her, trying to look inconspicuous was an older man carrying a video camera "That's her " he moved his hand so as to peer past her "Look why don't we go closer to see more clearly ?" "You mean you don't think that this degrades women and all that stuff ?" "Of course not, I don't fancy her myself but if you were to organize a Patrick Swayze o'gram I wouldn't mind being degraded" By now they were standing closer to the group of Romans and directly in line with the video camera, the girl was swaying in front of them for the benefit of a bemused Joe. Mark whispered in her ear "ill bet you a pound that I can make your boobs bounce up and down without laying a finger on them " "You want me to jump up and down ?" "No" "You're going to tickle me ?" "No" "OK then go for it " He moved behind her and moved his hands around her waist and allowed them to glide in the air up and down from her neck to her waist. suddenly each hand grabbed a breast and gently wiggled them around and around. "You win" he said " I couldn't do it without touching you. Here is the pound" "Keep your money I knew the trick I just thought I'd help you along a bit" "I see " he said sliding his arm around her and this time when his fingers entered her dress he took a firm but gentle hold of her nipple Everyone around was too engrossed in the antics of the dancer who now had Joe licking whipped cream off her breasts to notice what else was going on. So she took the opportunity to edge a little in front of him, giving him a much more satisfying grasp of her breast and access to its twin an opportunity which he did not hesitate to take advantage of . She then slid her arm behind her and began stroking his bare thigh beneath the toga. Then, sliding her hand over the outside of his toga, she felt the strength and shape of his erection. Ss she did so, one of his hands slipped to the hem of her dress. Quickly he found her stocking tops Her own hand was still busy, her fingers now had found their way to the loose folds of his toga. To her delight, his briefs must have originated at an Anne Summers party judging by the clips at each hip. Innocently, she trailed her nails across his hips as his fingers encountered the tiny crotch of her thong. Taking advantage of his distraction, he also became aware of her lack of pubic hair. She released the clip on each side and triumphantly waved her trophy in the air "What are you doing ?" he yelled, reluctantly tearing his hand from her pussy "I cant go about without those I'm practically naked as it is" "Don't worry I cant steal them. The evidence is in Joe's video tape. I'll give them back to you later on at Eve's" "You're not going now are you ?" "Yes I have to, I must meet up with my friends, but don't worry, if you want to, you can see much more of me later " Stuffing his briefs into her handbag she pulled him to her. Kissing him was a pleasure, stroking the hard flesh of his cock and the wrinkled skin of his scrotum was another pleasure. She allowed his hands to resume their examination of her crotch and this time she felt one finger glide inside her wet and willing lips to the moist cushion within. Diving deeper and deeper and then returning to briefly scratch over her clitoris and back within her again. Her clitoris now had made the very definite decision to come out to play. Reaching up to him she allowed her tongue to delve deeper and deeper into his mouth as his finger was diving deeper and deeper into her hot pussy. Her fingers caressed him more and more urgently, oblivious to all around them, her other hand joined its partner to concentrate on his balls while the first slid more and more rapidly up and down his prick. after only a few minute s of this intense stimulation she felt his balls tighten and his breathing pattern alter . Quickly she pointed the tip of his cock into the folds of his toga and held it there as spunk shot out onto the material, her fingers and the floor in six rhythmic spurts For a second he looked exhausted as she licked the cream from her fingers and then kissed him gently .as he strengthened the kiss she pulled away. "Not now mark anthony................I'll see you later As she walked to the door the kissogram was reaching its own climax, the girl was now wearing only a black suspender belt and stockings. She was sat astride her victim with his head imbedded in her cleavage. No-one noticed the man in the balcony watching another girl making her way to the exit "Eves" was starting to fill up . It was a large night club with three distinct areas . one played purely chart music, one had a different kind of specialist music each night and in the cocktail bar there was much more intimate music. She started her night in the cocktail bar but after a couple of drinks decided there was no-one to interest her there. as she went through to the commercial disco she saw the "Romans " arriving, they seemed to have joined forces with the St. Trinians and the French Maids . Of little Bo Peep there was no sign. She had an idea, Returning to the reception area, she borrowed a large envelope from the receptionist. The night club staff are used to strange requests. Finding an empty cubicle in the ladies room she removed the Romans briefs from her handbag and stuffed them into the envelope. She was about to seal it when she had another idea, quickly slipping the wisp of gossamer from her hips she placed this in the envelope too. She sealed it and wrote on the envelope; "ENJOY.........MAY SEE YOU LATER........'CLEOPATRA' ........XXXX" Returning to the commercial bar she found a waitress and pointed 'Mark Anthony' out. A big tip ensured delivery as she slipped off to the specialist bar The specialist bar was another world. Tonight's specialty was an indeterminate mix of rock and hip-hop. The atmosphere was like a gatecrashers party with everyone and anyone welcome. The bar area was dark with a number of alcoves containing tables and couches. Flashing strobe lights crossed and recrossed the dance floor It was the sort of place where no dancing partner was necessary . She danced, twirled and jumped around the floor aware of but ignoring the two young guys watching her until at last they found the confidence to join her and mimic her movements. Acknowledging them with a nod she set out to make life harder for them. They managed to match her move for move and step for step until at last she was forced to a standstill. One gestured with his hand offering her a drink, she nodded, still catching her breath The other guy took her hand and led her to a couch in one of the dark alcoves as she took a seat she noticed standing nearby in the dark the face of the man she had kept seeing watching her all night. Ignoring him she sat on the couch with one of her new friends on either side of her The three sat becoming acquainted and telling jokes and when one told her it was his 22nd birthday she felt honor bound to give him a birthday kiss. As he twisted in her seat to deliver the kiss the other guy slid his hands into the silky material of her dress and caressed the underside of her breast,. Birthday boy contented himself at first with just sliding his tongue into her hot waiting mouth. When he realized that she was not resisting or trying to end the kiss he moved to place a hand on her breast over her dress and only then discovered how much more adventurous his friend had been She felt number the one behind her remove his hand and then heard the sound of a zip hsssssssssss > Birthday boy at the same instant slid a hand up her thigh discovering her suspender clip high on her right thigh a second or two later he discovered her naked and shaven pussy The one behind her placed his hand on her hips and she felt herself being raised off the couch and back over his highs then raised a little further and she felt herself being lowered and there at the center of her pussy she felt a stiff hot intruder begin to penetrate her inner warmth as her pussy slid easily over his waiting shaft until she sat smoothly on his lap fully impaled, gently she felt his hands lifting her a couple of inches so slowly and so smoothly and then down and the action repeated again and again Her hands went to birthday boys lap and quickly freed his rigid cock and bending at the waist took him into her mouth and sucked it deep while still sliding up and down over his friends cock She endeavored to tighten both the lips at her mouth and at her pussy over the two shafts to increase the sensation both for herself and the guys . She heard one moan with pleasure and she reached for each set of balls and squeezed close to the base of each shaft. She opened her eyes to see if anyone was aware of the activity but saw that the dancers view was obstructed by a man only two feet away who was stroking his own bulge while blatantly watching her. She moved one hand free and stroked it briefly across the stretched material of his crotch so for an instant she was in contact with three separate cocks all at one time giving another boost to her sense of the power of her femininity She winked at the intruder and swiftly returned her attention to the two guys on the couch with her who were sharing her body between them. She accentuated the squeezing of both cocks and using her nails gently, scratched the area between the base of their balls and their asses. She felt each cock respond with a sudden additional hardening and throb and at each end of her body felt the fierce hot jets of spunk invading the far corners of the two orifices in which they were impaled. There was nothing she could do about the sperm in her pussy but she held what she had taken orally in her mouth until they had recovered enough to watch her next action, Taking her glass she raised it to her mouth and allowed the semen to seep from her mouth into the glass where it joined the remainder of her drink. Ensuring that she had their undivided attention She twirled the drink around with her fingernail and raised the glass to her lips. "Now that, gentlemen, " she announced "is what I CALL a cocktail !" She then excused herself so that she could deal with the other supply A few minutes later as she was leaving the ladies room she noticed the "Roman" on his own. She was about to go and reacquaint herself when she felt a hand on her arm. She turned to see who had stopped her. It was that man she kept seeing all night. She looked into the eyes of the man who had watched her wanking "the Roman", watched her fucking and sucking the two guys she had just left. A man who was well aware of her sexuality "Enjoying you evening ?" he asked. She nodded unable to speak. He led her to the cocktail bar dance floor and took her into his arms and she nuzzled into his neck feeling his hardness against her groin knowing that this man had every intention of fucking her very soon and that she would be unable and unwilling to resist him As if reading her mind he led her from the dance floor, past the reception, past the two burly bouncers looking on enviously. A hundred yards away he led her into a hotel. He pulled out his pass as they passed the dozing porter into the lift along a passage and into a large bedroom. Beside the bed was a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket. They ignored it. The urgency to fuck was too great Somehow their clothes fell away until they were naked and writhing on the bed, touching, licking, stroking, squeezing, caressing as their movements became more exploitative and less urgent. He gasped with delight and surprise at her hairless mound They slipped into a 69 position and she felt his hardness slip between her lips and teeth and she sucked and coaxed him deeper and deeper into her mouth until his balls were rattling against her chin When she felt his balls begin to tighten she pulled away, she had no intention of allowing him to explode into her mouth. His eruption when it came, was to be deep in the core of her body She slid onto one side and placed one f his fingers on her hard clit and slid her pussy over his staff like a velvet glove. She allowed him to throb there a second or two before moving her hips so that SHE was fucking HIM After only a few minutes of this she needed his explosion to match her own which she knew was so so close. She reached with her nails to his testicles and scratched along the underside at the same time as using all of her pussy muscles in one emphatic squeeze. Instantly she felt the rippling the throbs and then the jerk, as his spunk shot out of his cock like a cork out of a bottle Much later as they lay with a glass of champagne, he spoke for the first time since stopping her when she was about to go over to the 'Roman' "Enjoyed yourself ?" "I've had a wonderful time ........and you ...Have you enjoyed watching me enjoying myself ?" "Oh yes very much " "Happy anniversary Darling !" 6572 1.25/512345
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