Friday, May 24, 2013
The Bigger They Are The Harder They Fall part 2
The Bigger They are the Harder They Fall (part II) Duke popped the green pill in his mouth and washed it own with a glass of water. It was 8 a.m. on the first day of the prescribed treatment. The doctor had said to take one pill, twice a day, have Amber insert the heating rod into his rectum twice a day for one hour each, and she had specifically said, "no sex." The treatment was necessary in order to be able to more fully evaluate him at the next appointment for possible prostrate or testicular cancer. Doctor Kristi Knowles knew the type of anguish Duke would be going through over the course of the week. The pills she prescribed were actually Viagra, so that his penis would get hard as steel for 6 hours straight. The dildo shaped heating rod would heat up and vibrate, a full ten inches into his rectum. It was fairly thick, but would also swell up slowly over the course of an hour. The goal was to stretch his rectum open like Duke had done to Jan. Lastly, she had prescribed 'no sex,' so that he wouldn't have a chance to release his pent up sperm over the course of a week. Kristi found pleasure in the fact that while she was going to be tearing down the perpetrator who had abused his wife's vagina and asshole, she was also going to be able to build Jan up. Kristi had referred Jan to a plastic surgeon who had been able to get her an immediate appointment for breast augmentation and a tightening of her pussy and anus through a few well placed stitches. The breast job would not only firm up her tits but also lift the sag. The doctor had told her two to three weeks and she would be better than new. Jan's spirits soared as she went in to the hairdresser to get a more stylish cut to go along with her new look. "Fuck, that hurts, Amber!" Duke yelled. Amber jumped. She had tried to ease the big dildo-like device into his tightly puckered anus without hurting him, but obviously that wasn't going to happen. She had just got the bulbous head in when he yelped out again, "take it easy babe!" Amber started getting pissed, 'who the hell is he to complain about this? He wants to stick his fat dick up my ass!' "The doc says, I have to push it in to the line she marked off. Stop being a wimp." She took great pleasure in continuing to shove the big phallic device into Duke's ass as he squirmed around on the bed. Finally she had all ten-inches in his ass, and had to smile, 'he sure looks funny with that sticking out.' "Gah, it feels like you have a baseball bat up my ass," "Well, maybe this will make it feel better," Amber said, as she went to plug it in. Duke began to feel the warming sensation flow through his insides like a swig of Irish coffee. Then the vibrations began, just about the same time his cock started hardening from the Viagra. "It kind of itches and tickles, all at the same time," he said. Duke shifted on the bed to accommodate his fully erect thirteen-inch cock. "Babe, I'd like to give you a good fucking right now." "Sorry, no can do, doctor's orders," Amber cooed. For the first time in their relationship she felt like she was the one with the power. The one in charge, and it felt good. Over the course of the hour the dildo expanded slowly and more blood flowed into Duke' cock until he felt like it was going to burst. When the timer went off, Amber pulled the plug and slowly began to draw the "heating rod" out. She smiled to herself upon seeing his anus stay open. Duke felt exhausted. His body was spotted with droplets of sweat. As he rolled over on his back, Amber gasped, "holy shit!" Duke's cock was swollen more than she had ever seen it. It looked like an innertube that had been over inflated: fat and lumpy. The rope-like veins that swirled around his shaft were purple and pulsing. She had to touch it. "Ooooh Amber," Duke groaned, "I need to cum so bad...jerk me off...pleeeease." "Sorry to be the bad one here, Duke, but I can see I'm going to have to be the sane one here to make sure we follow the doctor's orders." 'Geeeez, look at his balls, they look just as swollen,' she thought. The rest of the week was hell, as Duke dreaded the twice a day sessions. Amber didn't make it any easier. Somewhat relishing the fact she was in control and couldn't fuck her when he wanted to. Over the course of the week she began to tease him by taking off her clothes and massaging his back or rubbing her tits on his body while she administered the sessions. Amber even got into it verbally, "Duke, I want you to fuck me with your big cock sooooo bad. I was so hot yesterday I had to masturbate three times to relieve myself." By the end of the week the insertion of the "heating rod" was no longer painful, but to Amber, Duke's balls looked large, blue, and ominous, the skin of his sac stretched tightly around them. His cock was almost violently erect twelve out of every twenty for hours. * * * The receptionist seemed amused as Duke somewhat shuffled and somewhat waddled into Doctor Knowle's office. "May I help you?" she asked. "I'm here to see Doctor Knowles. I have an eleven o'clock appointment." The redheaded receptionist with bright green eyes glanced down at the front of Duke's pants. The effects of that morning's Viagra pill were still evident. With a cock like his at full mast it was impossible to conceal. She smiled as Duke's ears' warmed and he looked off to the side. "I'm sorry, but the doctor called in sick this morning and asked me to reschedule you for next Monday." "Next Monday? But that's a week away!" Duke's voice cracked. "That's right. She didn't want me to schedule anything earlier in case she's not over her strep throat. I can call you if she recovers earlier. Also, she wanted you to see her PA and make sure everything is going okay. Down the hall like before, room two," she indicated pointing toward the door. Duke's shoulder's slumped as he pushed the door open. "Don't forget to put the gown on again!" the receptionist yelled after him. Duke finished tying off the gown, his ass sticking out the back as the physician's assistant came through the door. Duke had been floored by the doctor, but her assistant was even more striking. Dark brown, shoulder length hair, equally brown eyes, and full lips capped a body that oozed sex. Her light green colored physicians garb seemed tailored to perfectly hug every curve of her body. A deep "V" in the material revealed her firmly rounded tits, the nipples sticking out to form a permanent indentation in the smock. Duke's cock was already rigid, but she would have made it that way regardless of the medication. "I'm Mandy, Doctor Knowle's assistant. I'm going to give you a quick once-over and then you can get on your way," she said, with a wink. She looked down at his file, "Mmmmm, how's everything going with the treatment so far?" "'s not very pleasant?" "You're experiencing pain then?" she asked quizzically. "Yeah...well, kinda." "What kind of pain, Mister Everet?" Duke shifted uncomfortably, "My...uhh...cock, I mean my...dick is hard as a rock all the time," he stammered. "We call it a penis, Mister Everet. Anything else?" she asked, jotting it down in her notes. "Well, the heating rod thing hurt like hell at first, but over the course of the week, I guess by the end of the week it didn't hurt any more." "Okay, how 'bout taking off the gown and we'll have a look at you." Normally Duke would have killed to be naked with a girl like this, but under the conditions his face flushed red. Slowly he untied the gown and let it drop to the ground. His cock stood straight up, redish-purple and angry. "Lean back against the table and spread your legs a little bit, Mister Everet," the PA said matter of factly. Duke did as he was told as she sat down on the roller chair and pulled herself up close in front of him. Gently she cupped his balls and squeezed them. Duke moaned as he looked down to see her lick her full lips, only inches away from his throbbing cock. "Are your gonads always this big?" she asked in a professional tone. "No, actually they're pretty swollen right now. I haven't had sex in over a week now." "You may need to put some ice on them," she said, "only a half hour at a time. How about your penis. It's obviously erect," she said gripping it firmly in her hand and then squeezing it between her fingers from the base to the head, "are you experiencing any pain?" Duke could hardly contain himself. "Uhhh oooooh, right now, but I have to cum...gahhh I can't stand it anymore." "Well, Mister Everet, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not qualified to do the testing we need to do and I'm sure you don't want to have to start all over. According to Doctor Knowles orders, she'd like you to continue the treatment, but she's added this additional pill for you to take that should ease the discomfort a little." As she got up she rubbed her tightly covered tits across his cock. "Oops, sorry," she said. "Let me have the "heating rod," and I'll give you a sterile one on the way out." In the waiting room, Mandy handed Amber the two bottles of pills and a box containing the new "heating rod." "If his gonads are swollen during the week, you can put ice on them. Also, this heating rod is the latest version, so there might be some initial discomfort, but it should go away." She winked and added, "make sure he takes his pills." The week turned out to be more unbearable for Duke than the first. The new pills Doctor Knowles's PA had given Duke were testosterone enhancers that would cause a greater build-up of sperm and the new heating rod was thicker and would swell to a much greater diameter. By the time Duke returned for the following Monday's appointment, his gonads were the size of tennis balls and his rectum was big enough to drop a golf ball in without touching the sides. Duke sat in the Doctor Knowle's office, legs spread wide to accommodate his swollen balls and fat sausage dick draping limply over them and down. Even without an erection he was a good nine to ten inches long. "How we doin' today, Mister Everet?" Kristi beamed as she came through the door. "Uhh...doc, it couldn't be worse. My cock...sorry, I mean penis, is stiff all the time and my balls are killing me. They're swollen and the whole area has turned a light blue color." "Let's take a look then shall we?" Doctor Knowle's moved Duke's gown to the side and stared at the slab of meat between his legs. 'Damn, that looks painful,' she thought, 'but not painful enough.' She grabbed his balls firmly. "Ahhhhhh, Doc! Take it easy!" Duke yelled. "Pretty sensative, huh? Here take two of these for the pain." Kristi handed him two Viagra. 'Show time,' she thought. "Follow me, Duke, so we can get those tests done." Duke followed here down a hallway into a side room that had a number of treadmills, stationary bikes, and dumbbells. The whole room was covered in mirrors. "Take your gown off, we need to hook you up with all the monitoring equipment for a stress test." Duke dropped his gown and stood there naked while Doctor Knowles pasted the circular patches to eight different locations on his body. "Okay, now hop up on the treadmill and I'm going to put it on the thirty minute cycle. I've got another patient to attend to and then I'll be back. You look pretty fit, I'm sure you won't have any problems." She pushed the button to get the treadmill going and then walked out. Duke began a slow walk to keep pace with the treadmill. 'I hope to hell nobody comes in here while I'm doing this,' he thought, looking down at his cock and balls flopping back and forth with each stride. After a few minutes the pace began to pick up and Duke found himself shifting to a slow job. He winced as a sharp pain shot through his balls and into his abdomen. With each step his cock flopped up hitting him in the stomach, his balls following close behind, and then slapping down into his thighs. Female laughter diverted him away from his immediate pain. Two women were entering the room! At first he tried to look away and act casual and then thought how stupid it was in his current state. Buck naked jogging on a treadmill - what a sight. "Hey! It's Mister Everet, isn't it?" he heard one of the women ask. Duke turned to face her as the treadmill picked up the pace. "'," he said between pants as his cock flopped up and down more frantically. "Nice to see you again," she winked, glancing down at his cock. "Don't mind us," she pointed to her friend, "we're just going to get in a little workout during our lunch break." The two women positioned themselves in front of Duke and pulled off their medical garb to reveal their workout clothes. His eyes almost popped out of his head. He had worked out with co-eds before, but none of them had ever dressed like this. Both women had leotards on like most, but they weren't wearing the leggings underneath. The slick nylon French-cut material rode right up their asses leaving nothing to the imagination. Both of them had smooth, firm, and tan butts. As they bent over to pick up the dumbbells, Duke could clearly see the outline and hair of their pussies. His cock started to harden, not only from the view, but the pills that were now starting to kick in. Sweat was pouring down his body as Duke struggled to keep up with the treadmill and his cock swelled to its full thirteen inches. 'Man, I'd love to fuck both of them up the ass right now!' The two women finished several sets of bent over rows and then turned around to face him. "I'm sorry, Duke, I forgot to introduce my friend. How rude of me. This is Barbi." The treadmill was finally slowing down, but Duke's cock was as hard as it had ever been in his life, sticking up and out as if to shake their hands. "Um...nice," Duke replied. "Oh! The pleasure is all mine," Barbi smiled, glancing up and down repeatedly from his eyes to his cock. Duke was having a tough time of his own trying not to stare at the two sets of tits pointed in his direction. Both large, firm, and round, just like he liked them. Their nipples stood out hard and erect. "Ding!" The buzzer on Duke's treadmill went off and it came to a complete stop. "Oh, let me help you out of that stuff," Mandy said. Both of the women came over and as Mandy took off each of the readout points, Barbi stared at his cock. He flushed with embarrassment as his cock jumped each time Mandy touched him. Each time she moved from one side to the other in front of him, his cock brushed up against her arm or body. Finally she was done. "You better get that thing under control or it's going to burst," Mandy laughed, touching the pea slit on the top of his cock. As she lifted her finger off a strand of pre-cum left with it. The two women laughed and turned to walk out the door. No sooner were they out than Doctor Knowles was entering. "I see my PA helped you out. The readouts are in the computer, follow me." Duke did as he was told and followed her back into her office. "Now, lay back on the seat and put your feet up in the stir-ups." "I thought only women used this?" Duke said. "Oh, I assure you, it works great for giving anyone a thorough examination." Duke settled into the seat and put his legs up in the stir-ups and then Doctor Knowles locked them in place. She reached forward and unlocked something and then pulled her chair between his legs and pushed them apart until he winced. "Shit! That hurts," Duke said. The doctor locked it in place and began massaging his balls and feeling the full length of his cock. Duke felt like he could cum at any second. "Uhh..doc, you might want to take it easy, I feel like I might cum. I haven't had sex in a couple weeks now, you know." Doctor Knowles looked up, her blue eyes sparkling. "You can call me Kristi, and I haven't had sex in a couple weeks either." Duke couldn't believe it. Had he heard here right? Kristi stood up and took off her lab coat, then pulled her green smock over her head. Duke's eyes were riveted to the perfect 34D tits in front of him. 'Shit, she wasn't even wearing a bra,' he thought. Before he could think about anything else she untied the drawstring on the matching pants and let them drop to the floor. 'Fuck, she's a true blond!' Duke started to move forward, but was constrained by his legs that were locked in place. "Let's put this huge fuck stick to good use!" Kristi hissed. "I've been looking at it for several weeks now and I want it up my wet pussy." Duke's dick lurched as pre-cum started flowing out the top. Her words were driving him crazy. Straddling the bench on either side of Duke's dick, Kristi slowly lowered herself until her cunt lips were resting on his huge cock head. Duke tried to thrust upward but couldn't move his waist more than an inch. "You want my pussy bad, don't you big boy. Your cock has been so hard for two weeks I bet you have a gallon of cum stored up in it." She lowered herself just enough for the head of Duke's cock to enter then lifted herself up. "'s soooo big. Maybe I shouldn't do this. It might stretch my little cunny out." "'s okay, it won't hurt you," Duke said urgently. She lowered herself again and squeezed her cunt muscles tightly around the head of his cock and then lifted herself up again. Pre-cum from his cock was oozing out and running down his shaft. Kristi reached between her legs to grab Duke's cock and rub it back and forth between her cunt lips. "Please," he pleaded, "please let me fuck you." "Mmmmm, I don't know Duke, it's soooo big," she cooed, "and my cunt is soooo tight." "I'll do anything," he blurted out. "Well," she said, "there is one thing I need you to do." "What? Anything." "I need you to sign this disclaimer form that no matter what happens here today, you won't talk about it, sue, or in any other way discredit anyone you come in contact with or this practice." "Fine...fine..." he said, half hysterical, "where do I sign?" Kristi stepped off the table and handed him a form, which he scribbled his signature on immediately. If Duke had been thinking rationally, he might have wondered how and why she had the form so close by. "Now please, fuck me!" "Sorry Duke," she said, locking the form in her desk, "but ladies first." Kristi straddled him again, but this time she worked herself forward until her pussy was right in front of his fact. "Get that tongue out Duke and get me off. Then you'll get yours." With that she drove impaled her cunt onto his tongue. "Mmmmm...that's it," she moaned rubbing her wet pussy up and down his mouth and nose. After a few minutes, Kristi screamed out in a powerful orgasm and the lights went out. "What the hell," she yelled, "stay put and I'll get them turned back on." After a minute Duke felt her pussy pushing into his face again. He started to ask why she hadn't turned on the light, but her cunt muffled his voice. "Mmmfphgg." Duke stuck out his tongue and started licking as the lights came on. "There that's better," he heard Kristi say from across the room. 'What? Who the hell is sitting on my face?' he thought. He tried to look up, but the woman on top of him grabbed him by the back of the hair and shoved his face further into her pussy, the wetness covering his face. "Ahhhhhhhhhh!" the woman yelled out as she came hard, spurting her juices into his mouth. As she moved back into view, Duke couldn't believe his eyes. "Holy shit!" he said. It was his ex-wife, Jan, but she looked totally different than when he had left her. "Shocked Duke?" she said grabbing her tits. "They look pretty nice don't they?" She reached forward and grabbed his swollen nuts with both hands. "Ahhhhhhhhh, fuck, Jan!" "Ooh, I'm sorry, Duke," she giggled, "Did that hurt? Do you know how bad you hurt my pussy and ass over the years fucking me with that big dick of yours?" Duke looked worried as he watched her eye's flare. "The doctor was able to tighten everything up, so I'm good as new, but I never forgot. I'm not gonna let you ruin another woman, even that little college cunt your dating now." Duke's eyes grew wide as Jan pulled a monstrous dildo out from behind the table. It looked to be fifteen inches long and big around as a baseball bat. He watched as Jan took the straps that were attached to it and wrapped them around her and then tightened them. "Mines bigger than yours is," she sang. "Now I'm going to enjoy fucking you up your ass, so you can see how it feels!" "No, Jan, don't do it, I'm sorry, really I am," Duke pleaded. Kristi came over behind him and rest her tits across his face. "Come now, Duke, don't get so upset. You didn't think you could get away with humiliating your wife all these years, did you? Be a good boy and maybe you'll still get to fuck me. Let me hear you say it." "Say what?" Duke asked. "I want to hear you ask your wife to fuck you up the ass." "No way!" "Okay, then, no pussy," she said, reaching over and running her manicured nails up the under side of his cock. "All right, all right, Jan, I want you to fuck me up the ass." "Come on Duke, with passion," Jan said. "Fuck me up the ass! Give me that big thing," he yelled. "Give me your big cock, say it." "Fuck me with your big cock, Jan." Jan moved in between his legs and grabbed his cock with both hands for leverage. Then she pointed the huge dildo at his ass, hanging off the edge of the bed and pushed. Two weeks of preparing Duke with the heating rod, made it possible for the head to penetrate his asshole. She waited only momentarily and then shoved forward as hard as she could. "Ahhhhhhhhh...shiiiiiiiiiiiiit!" he screamed. Jan shoved in a good ten inches then backed up all the way and pushed forward again. His rectum expanded to accommodate the intrusion, the muscles trying desperately to force the object out. Jan pounded and pounded into Duke's ass from every angle, stretching it until he begged her to stop. She unstrapped the dildo and left it sticking out of his ass. "Good boy, Duke," she said, flicking his balls and watching him groan in pain. Kristi walked over to him and opened a bottle of baby oil. She squirt it onto the top of his rigid cock and watched it drip down. Her hands barely covered half his cock as she gripped it tightly and slid them up and down. "Mmmmmmmm, oooooooh, that feels so good," he moaned. She continued working her hands up and down the length of his thick shaft until Duke yelled out that he was going to cum. Quickly Kristi squeezed the base of Duke's cock hard stopping his orgasm. "Doctor, please, let me cum." Kristi remained silent, repeating the process over and over again until Dukes balls were a deep blue color and his cock was a faint purple. "Are you sorry for what you've done, Duke?" " sorry." "Do you promise that you'll never take advantage of women again and treat them with respect?" "Yes, anything, I promise, just please let me cum." "Sure, Duke, but another friend wants to see you." The door opened and in walked Mandy, completely naked. "Hi, Duke, just wanted to get some pictures to document your special day," she laughed. Duke looked up as Mandy's camera flashed. "Just in case you go back on your word. I don't think you'd like to have pictures of a big dildo sticking out of your ass, floating around." "Your turn to have fun, Mandy," Kristi said, moving away. Mandy moved in between Dukes legs and grabbed his cock firmly and began pumping it up and down. "Yeah...I love big, fat, cocks," she said softly. "I'm gonna love playing with this one." Duke moaned as the lovely brunette began jerking his cock up and down, left and right, his balls lifting up in the air with it and slapping down onto the table again. "Hey everyone! Lookie what I got!" she laughed yanking up and down as hard as she could. Duke could feel the two weeks of pent-up sperm churning in his balls. They ached so bad and he wanted to yell out, but he didn't want her to stop. Finally, when he could take it not longer, he screamed out just before cumming, "Arrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhh!!" Mandy heard the scream and felt the liquid flowing up through the thick veins in his cock and pointed it up towards Duke's face. His dick shook and jerked as it erupted in a shower of cum shooting out. Mandy felt like she was holding a firehose as the thick, white, fluid streamed out covering Duke's face, hair, and neck. After thoroughly soaking his head, Mandy yelled for him to open his mouth and tried to aim as much as she could towards the opening. 'This is like a carnival booth,' she laughed, trying to get as much cum as she could into his mouth. As the cum slowed down, Mandy started jerking on it some more with one hand while squeezing his nuts with the other. "Like milkin' a cow," she laughed. When she couldn't get anything else out of his cock she let it drop with a thud on Duke's chest. The three women gave each other high fives as they looked at the pathetic sight in front of them. The previously proud and cocky man was covered in his own cum and sweat, beaten by what he would call 'the weaker species.' * * * Duke was unhooked from the stirrups and allowed to shower at the doctor's office before going out to meet his girlfriend in the reception area. That night, for the first time, he asked if he could eat her pussy out. Duke didn't want word to get back that he wasn't treating women with "respect." 'I wonder what Jan is up too now,' he thought. That thought quickly left and was replaced by worrying about what Mandy wanted with him. She had told him on the way out that he was to come back to the office on Friday at 7 pm and that he was going to go with her to a costume party. Duke knew he was going to have to be on his best behavior. End of part 2 of 3 Comments to Rhinoman P.S. Due to a glich with my computer, I lost the last chapter of "The Englishman and the Southern Belle," and amtrying to rewrite it from memory. It will be out by the new year. Thanks. 3723 1.11/512345
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