Sunday, May 26, 2013
The Sister and the Mother’s Tale
The Sister and the Mother?s Tale by Black Dancer She awakened from her sleep by the jarring sound of the ringing phone. At first, Terri didn?t recognize her surroundings. But, as her head cleared she saw that she lay naked in a hotel room. As she lay there, she could hear the sounds of the busy street-life from the open veranda. She could feel the humidity of the late morning as the sunlight crept into the room and touched her soft white body. The phone call was the hotel office reminding her that she had asked to be awaken at 10 in the morning in order to get ready for her flight in 5 hours. A slight skein of sweat covered her tanned, athletic body as she lay there still in a slight stupor and unclear about how she got to the hotel. She recalled only that she?d been in Africa for several months collecting and buying art that she?d shipped back to her sister Ashley for their gallery. She rose and made her way to the bathroom, showered and washed her long blonde hair. She recalled that she had hired a guide to take her deep into the jungle where there had been some reports of rare tribal arts. She remembered going up river and hiking miles through the deep woods. But, she still couldn?t remember much of the trek and few details of the last weeks. The shower helped whisk away her lethargic feeling. Returning to the bedroom, she turned on her computer to read her e-mail. There she saw the dated e-mail from her sister Ashley. She had sold their gallery because some other opportunity had come along, it said. Nothing more was written. No details. No forwarding address. This bothered Terri immensely because Ashley and she had been so excited to enter this business together. It was so unlike her sister to not confide in her before taking action?.especially in this business venture where they were more than sisters. The gallery had been their dream for so many years since their parents had passed away. Now, she would have to return quickly to America to find her sister. She dressed in light, white cotton dress that accentuated her long legs and her tan. Then, she went down to the hotel lobby and at the main desk they informed her that they had shipped her luggage ahead a few days ago to a Galleria Africa as she requested. She had only the small suitcase in her room, the computer and her requisite travel documents. They would call a taxi for her in a few hours. Terri went to have brunch and returned to her room. Several hours later, the desk called and the cab picked her up at the hotel and took her to the airport. She noticed during these few hours how the many Black men who worked at the hotel, the restaurant, drove the taxi or were at the airport studied her. Terri knew she was quite beautiful and her blonde hair intrigued them. She also knew by the looks and stares they it quite clear they undressed her with their eyes. It didn?t make her uncomfortable though and she often returned their smiles. As she boarded the plane, her thoughts returned to her sister. It would be several hours crossing the Atlantic and a drive south before she?d have answers. The flight returning her to America and the drive south was uneventful. Arriving in the city, she found a room at a hotel in the downtown. She looked up the address of Galleria Africana and found that it had been moved to a seedier part of the city that she was unfamiliar with. She called and made an appointment with a Mr. Ngru Inu. Perhaps, she thought he could tell her more about her sister. Terri drove to the gallery. She was unfamiliar with this part of the city and found it a little intimidating. Galleria Africana had been relocated to the ghetto. She found parking nearby but even the short walk to it took her through groups of young Black toughs who leered at this beautiful white woman with long legs. She was glad to enter the gallery where a small Black dwarf announced that Mr. Inu was expecting her. He led her to a well decorated office behind which sat a tall, powerful Black man in his late 40?s. He seemed vaguely familiar to her but she couldn?t quite place where they might have met. She decided not to mention it. ?Welcome. Please have a seat.? He motioned her toward a chair. ?How can I help you? ?I?ve just returned from Africa and I learned that you bought the Gallery. I haven?t heard from my sister, Ashley and wondered if you could tell me more about the sale and where she might be.? ?I don?t know much and haven?t seen her since the transaction was complete. She only said that she wanted to explore other possibilities.? ?There must be some word. Some clue as to where she has gone.? responded Terri. ?Well, I want to help. I?ll tell you what I?ll do. I will ask my workers to review the transaction records and any correspondence. Perhaps, there is something. Why don?t you come to my estate tonight after business hours and I can tell you if they have found anything.? Terri thanked him and left. Mr. Inu also had the men bring up her baggage. He gave her the address which she found was several hours outside the city in a rather isolated location. She returned to the hotel and relaxed while waiting before leaving. She bathed, combed her hair and put on a new, low-cut black dress that she?d purchased. It early evening and she?d eaten before leaving for the meeting. She drove through the forested countryside before she found the gated estate. After announcing her arrival, the gates opened and she drove through a long, winding road before arriving at the entry. One of the men took her car and said he would park it. He directed her to go to the main door where she was met by the strange Black dwarf. He escorted her through the house to a very large sunken living room decorated in an African motif. He motioned her to the middle of the room where there was a large couch draped with zebra skins. He told her that Mr. Inu would join her soon. Terri didn?t have to wait long. Mr. Inu came through another entry way. He had changed into a loose African garment that accentuated his muscular build. She recognized it as one that a tribal chief might wear. ?Welcome, my dear. I may have some news about your sister, Ashley.? He said. ?I?m anxious to find out anything about her.? She replied. ?My men didn?t discover anything written but they have found a film clip that they think may explain her ?new opportunity.? ?Film? She never said anything about a film.? ?Well let?s not rush. I?m having a copy brought over for you to view and confirm if it is her. Let?s have drink. You know you?re very much like your mother.? He poured her a large glass of liquid and explained that it was from Africa. Terri took a few swallows. ?My mother?? she questioned taking another drink. ?You knew my mother.? ?Yes.? He affirmed. ?Let me tell you how I knew both your parents.? It began some years ago in Africa, he began. Your parents were very young then. Trisha and John were around your age then?.early twenties. They had attended a religious college that required them to go on a mission. They came up river to my village to teach us about god and to convert us. Our village was deep within the jungle and very remote. Your mother was very attractive. We?d never seen a white woman before with blonde hair similar to yours. She would teach English while your father would teach religion. After a few months, he learned of other remote villages and decided that he would visit them to spread the gospel far and wide. I gave him a guide to take him to these sites. Your mother would stay behind with you and your sister. You were about 5 and your sister only two. This gave you the opportunity to teach English and customs to our tribe. One day, you mother was with a group of our women and they were walking down by the river where I and a group of my men were swimming and bathing. We were naked as this was normal. We saw them coming. Before long, they were standing watching us. We all had erections but were waist-deep in the water. I signaled to the men to stand. Your mother was shocked by the size of our penises. She had never seen a Black mans cock before and ours were all 11 to 13 inches and thick. Embarrassed she urged the giggling women to return to the village. But, as they were walking back, she turned to look back in astonishment at our extended cocks. Our eyes met for a moment before she quickly turned away pretending that they hadn?t. I knew then that her interest had been aroused, that she wondered what it would be like to have such large Black cocks in her. And, I knew it would only be time before I entered her and she would serve me. Terri sat in silent shock at what she was hearing. ?Take another drink. I?ll continue the story.? Mr. Inu urged. And, she did. The following day, you mother was teaching class. I had all the men wear only very short loin-cloths which revealed their cocks. I could imagine the thoughts that must have been racing through Trisha?s head. She was nervous and began to describe ceremonies. I asked her about ceremonies and offered that we had several. I asked why we had to learn the white mans? ceremonies and she had never learned our native ones. It seemed to me that she should attempt to understand our culture so that she would be able to relate better. She agreed that she would take some lessons from the women on our rituals. I said that we had a major ceremony in a week. The women could teach her some things so she could participate. For a week, the women instructed her in a native dance. A week passed and it was the evening of the ceremony. The men and I gathered in the large ritual that accommodated some 30 of us and still left room for the dancers at the center. The drums and instruments began to weave their music and the women including your mother entered. They had dressed her in a native outfit like theirs. Her breasts were covered with orchids and she had a colorful cloth tied around her hips. Other than that I?d never seen her quite so nearly naked. I had also instructed them to give her a native drink that would calm her and make her more willing to participate. The women danced around the circle while the men chanted and the drums beat. Small fires and candles burned to provide a sensuous lighting. Your mother was unaware that this was a mating ceremony in which one woman would be selected to serve the men. I had already made the choice. Her white body undulated to the music and she began to abandoned her civilized, controlled ways. I signaled to the rest of the women to leave. Trisha danced by herself now unaware that she was the sole remaining woman among the men. I joined her dancecoming up from behind. Her body was warm with perspiration as I drew her to me our bodies moving in sync and intensity to the jungle rhythms. I had a small glass of elixor?an African aphrodisiac that I gave her to increase her sexual desires. She drank and continued in her frenzied dance. I knew that wetness and sexual desires increased in her pussy. Quickly, I removed the flowers from her breasts. My men and I were extremely pleased. Her white breasts were shaped like squash gourds?full and round with small pink nipples that had hardened. Her breast were firm. I began kissing her neck and my hands roamed freely over them and her warm soft body as my fully erect cock brushed her. I untied the small strings that held the cloth around her hips and dropped it to the ground. Trisha was now fully naked before us, her thick blonde pubic triangle and pink cunt ready for the taking. I guided her to the floor where she knelt before me on the animal skin. Grasping her blonde hair I commanded her to suck my cock. She took the tip and then I pulled her head forward until she had much of it. ?Suck it, white bitch.? I ordered. ?Suck it hard, my little white slave.? Trisha obediently complied taking in as much of my thick cock. When I was satisfied. We carried her to a small table. I re-positioned her on her back. I spread her lovely legs and began probing her pink wet pussy. She moaned and begged as I had never heard a woman beg before. ?Fuck me. Please fuck me.? She repeated over and over. ?Come in me. Stick your Black cocks in me.? I was first thrusting deep within her tight love channel. I was merciless but that is what pleasured and pained her. We all took our turns that night fucking her. She would be re-positioned so that we could enter her anus...something that no man had done before. We filled all her holes with our seed. She had become a sex slave to Black men. She had become our slave. In the morning, she awoke late and lay stunned, tired, ashamed and confused on the pile of animal hides. Her naked white body was covered with dried sperm. The room contained a small shallow pool of warm water. I was bathing and watching her. I signaled her to crawl over and enter the pool. On her hands and knees, she crawled obediently to my commands and entered. I bathed her and the warm waters had a healing property that took away some of her tiredness. I began kissing her and she responded kissing my body. I continued massaging her body and probing her wet pussy and she gasping spread her legs. ?I am your master now. You shall serve me as my property.? ?Yes. Master. I will serve you. I am your property and you may fuck me as you please.? I spread her white legs in the pool as she laid back against the edge and rammed her deeply within her love channel. Out of the pool, she knelt before me and kissed my feet. I drew her head up to my large erect cock again and she sucked until my sperm shot into her wanting mouth. Then, I took her to the bed of animal skins and fucked her as I wanted throughout the rest of the day. I had created teams of 6 men who would come each night thereafter to fuck Trisha. We used her throughout the evening and every evening. But, during the day, she exclusively served me. I fashioned a leather collar for her with some metal rings that I placed around her neck. With a lease attached, I would lead her around the village as she crawled naked on all fours. The villagers were pleased to see the white woman as she really was?.nothing more than a sexual servant and toy. When you father returned, he was devastated and left with you and your sister. Your mother continued to serve our sexual needs over the next several months. She became pregnant with a Black child but unfortunately passed away in childbirth. ?That is your mother?s tale.? He concluded. Terri was silent and in shock. The Aphrodisiac was taking effect. Her thoughts were clouding but she managed to ask about her sister. ?Yes. Your sister.? Mr. Inu said. ?I have a short film made of her. Let me play it for you.? He turned on the very large television screen as Terri watched. The film clip began with the Black dwarf inserting various dildos into the cunt and anus of a young blonde white woman. From the audio, Terri could hear the woman begging to be fucked and to have the dildos rammed deep within. She could not see the woman?s face but could tell she was quite young. There were several other Black warriors who gathered around. One of them lifted the head of the woman as her blonde hair tumbled down. The dwarf was now fucking her from behind. That?s when Terri recognized her sister Ashley. ?Yes.? confirmed Mr.Inu. ?Your sister has become a slave. She is a rising porn star. I?ve had occasion to fuck her several times. She primarily serves the dwarf but she is happy to have as much Black cock in her as she can get.? The drug continued to work on Terri. She wanted to get out of the house?to escape. She attempted to stand but her legs were wobbly. ?Sit back down, Terri.? Mr. Inu commanded. ?We have only begun and the night is still young as they say. Now, look over at the entry. I think we have found your sister.? Terri looked toward the entry and saw a young white woman on all fours. She was naked and her firm tits hung down. She wore a collar and was being led by a leash into the room. Her mouth had a riding bit in it and reins. The Black dwarf sat in the small of her bare back holding the reins in one of his hands and whipping her white ass with a riding crop. He brought her to the center of the room before Terri. ?Now, it is your turn, Terri. You don?t recall meeting me while you were in Africa. But, the guide brought you to our abandoned village?the very same village where your mother served me. And, you began to serve me there. Now, your lessons and training will continue with me as your teacher. You are beautiful. More attractive than your mother. And, you will replace her as my property. Do you recall the commands I taught you? Let?s see.? Inu to her and motioned that she should stand. He removed her black dress and it fell to the floor around her slim ankles. Next, her removed her bra to expose a wonderful set of firm white breasts. His rough hands flowed over them, squeezing them. Terri did not resist. Finally, he grabbed her thin, black panties and ripped them from her body exposing a thick triangle of public hair. ?Turn around. I want to show my men our latest conquest.? He commanded. And, Terri slowly turned to show her exposed white body. She had long slender athletic legs and she was tanned and in shape from weeks of hiking in the jungle. She became aware as she turned that the room had filled with strong powerful Black naked warriors who leered at her as the Black men she had met in Africa had. But, those men in the hotels, taxis and airports had served her. Now, she was at the initiation of her time to serve them. Mr. Inu removed his African garb. ?You remember meeting me in the village now? He asked her. ?Do you recall the sex we had during the time you were there? The drug, I gave you at the time blocked that time but now you should begin to recall your place as my slave.? Terri?s memories returned in a flash. She recalled where they met. The guide had taken her to an abandoned village except for the chief. She had been given a sexual stimulant during her meals and had been raped by Chief Inu. She had served him sexually for a week before he let the guide return her to the hotel where she awoke. She had also been given a strong drug to temporarily block her memory. Now, she was naked before him again but this time with all of his men. He forced her to her knees. Then commanded, ?Kruip. Crawl.? Terri crawled on all fours. Her large, firm breasts hung from her body. He whipped her with a riding crop and she cried out. ?Vra. Beg, white bitch.? He shouted at her and laughed as he continued to whip her reddening ass. ?Master, please. Please.? She begged. ?I?m your property. I will serve you like my mother.? ?Afgee.? He barked at her. ?Oopmaak!? Hearing this command, Terri laid on her back and spread her long white legs. ? Take me. Master. Fuck me. Fuck me like you did in the jungle hut. I will serve you.? Mr. Inu signaled to the men. Several of them gathered around her and lifted her to the large leather ottoman that was covered in zebra skin. Naked, she could see that their erections were huge and Black. They extended some 11 to 15 inches. Mr. Inu?s was the largest and thickest. He moved between her wet pussy and slammed his cock deep within her channel. He repeatedly plunged into her driving her wild with pleasure. ?So, big. So, big. Ahh. Ahh. Uumm. You?re hurting me. You?re ?..? her voice screamed as he lunged with all his power between her undulating white hips. Then, her tone switched, ?Don?t stop. Please fuck me. Fuck me. Please master. Shoot your Black cum into me. Give me your seed. I want your baby. I want to please you. My white body is yours. I?m your property. I will serve you.? She begged as her blonde head rocked back and forth. Other powerfully built Black men gathered around. Some shoved their cocks in her mouth making her suck until they shot their sperm into her. They took turns filling her holes and repeated the pleasuring and pain through the night. They also used her sister and traded between the two in a continuous orgy until Terri passed out. When she awoke in the morning, Mr. Inu stood over her naked white body. He had a lease and collar in his hand. ?This is your mother?s collar and lease.? He said as he fastened it around her neck. ?You are my property as you mother was.? He led her through the room and out to the pool at the back of the large estate. Her sister was there, laying naked in the sun with the dwarf and the other men. Terri crawled as he brought her to a bowl of food. It was full of cum?their cum. And, she was told to lap it up as a dog would. Eagerly, she complied to show that she was obedient. Inu had her enter the pool where she was cleaned. She recalled from the story about her mother that this was the process. And, what followed was a continuous pleasuring and entering of her love channel. She looked at her sister Ashley and their eyes met. Both acknowledged and knew that serving Black men as sex slaves was what they were happiest doing. They were their mother?s daughters. Mr. Inu and his men smiled as they looked at the two young white women. They knew these were the beginning of their conquests. Soon, there would be other young white bitches to be brought to the estate for training. There would be more porn films to be made. They would become rich in America. Mr. Inu looked again at Terri and Ashley as they lay naked in the sun. He smiled again at his white slaves. 8722 1.57/512345
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