Thursday, May 30, 2013
The Country & Western Club
The Country & Western Club By: Southboy Maureen and John Williams, dressed in their western outfits, entered the local Country and Western Club where they went every Friday evening. They?d been coming there for the better part of the past five years and were known to most of the patrons. Within the past year the club had been invaded by numerous young service men and women who were stationed at the recently reactivated Army base. This in general was not a problem except when the blacks, know as ?niggers? in this part of the south, came and somewhat put a damper on everything for a while. The southern ?whites? eventually ignored them and would have nothing to do with them while they were there. Any of the whites that attempted to be nice or whatever were looked upon as being trash. Usually there were a few but on this particular evening there seemed to have doubled in number. The town of Gateman, Alabama, was located in the lower eastern part of the state making it an ideal place to train the young soldiers in the tactics they?d need. By and large most of the young soldiers both black and white were relatively nice, but very young and full of vigor. Most came there right out of basic training placing them in either their late teens or early twenties. The women of the town certainly got a lot of attention from the horny young soldiers. Maureen and John had been born and raised in Gateman spending most of their lives there except for the 4 years they were away a college. They were very southern in their traditions and thinking especially concerning ?niggers.? Having grownup in a very prejudice and biased community, both had never really considered treating the subject of race any other way. Neither had much to do with them except in a business situation or setting. Maureen especially found them to be disgusting considering them to be nothing more than obnoxious, pushy filthy animals. John was even more prejudice in his feelings toward the whole race, having been a member of the KLAN. At 34 years of age, Maureen, despite having two daughters, was often mistaken as being much younger. She?d taken excellent care of herself physically belonging to a local health club and together with John a member of the local country club. During the summer months she often went swimming or played golf with some of her friends. Maureen was the President of the Baptist Woman?s Group and well respected in the community. She was a very sensuous looking, beautiful, extremely sexy, firm figured, blue eyed blond. Here figure turned heads where ever she went, it was an eye popping firm 38DD-22-36. John was the vice president at the local bank and like his beautiful wife was well respected in the community. They had been childhood sweethearts and had never dated anyone but the other. They both being very religious, were virgins when they married and considered any one who had affairs outside marriage to be terrible. Maureen especially had never once in her life even considered such a thing, it was ?utterly sinful.? Their two young daughters were just beginning to develop into miniature versions of their beautiful mother, blue eyes, blond hair, and budding sexy figures. It wouldn?t be long until their physical attributes would equal that of their sexy, hot looking mother. On several occasions while Maureen and John sat in the booth they regularly used not realizing or really caring they would make snide comments concerning the antics of some of the ?nigger? soldiers, using derogatory, hurtful, degrading words. Some of the ?niggers? ignored to some extent what was being said. Others were upset but knew to keep their opinions to themselves. There were a few who felt that they should teach the white couple a lesson but not with violence. They had something else in mind that would certainly be degrading to them both and began developing a plan to carry it out. Tyrone, BD, Billy and Willie had taken enough and much to their delight figured that they should get the couple drugged, drunk or something like that, take a video camera and video them having hot, nasty sex with the hot, beautiful, sexy white wife. All four would get raging erections just thinking about it, GOD she was beautiful; to be able to sink their gigantic black cocks deep inside her blond married pussy; to fill her with their virile nigger cum, to watch her squirm in hot passion beneath their sexual onslaught. On this particular evening they were ready to put their plan into action. One of their black buddies had gotten a part-time job tending bar at the club and was going to help them drug the couple. Neither Maureen nor John drank, other than a glass of wine every now and then. Usually they had cokes or ginger ale. The drug their buddy put in Maureen?s drink was a powerful aphrodisiac that veterinarians used to get livestock to breed. It wouldn?t take much to do the job and make Maureen a raging nymphomaniac. John?s drink was laced with a sedative that while totally incapacitating him physically, would not render him unconscious so he would be able to observe what was happening but unable to do anything about it. This of course was all part of the vengeance the young ?nigger? soldiers wanted to place on them. To have a bigoted, racist white husband watch his beautiful and sexy white wife getting passionately fucked by four young niggers with huge, thick and long black monster cocks, and not able to do anything but watch. Several minutes after Maureen and John consumed their spiked drinks John began to get woozy and Maureen began to feel horny like she?d never felt before. It had been several months since she and John made love, due to the pressure of his job. She was naturally a very passionate woman, sensual and loved having sex with her husband which up until recently had been at least once a week though she?d have liked it more frequently. Not one to even consider an affair or being unfaithful to their wedding vows and religious beliefs Maureen figured that she?d just have to be satisfied with the infrequent love making. John had tried to get up out of his seat to go to the men?s room. Tyrone was standing close by and as John got up he was unable to get his feet working and started to fall. Tyrone caught him helping him back to the booth were Maureen was sitting, concern clearly on her beautiful face for John. Tyrone acting the part of a servant, helped John sit back down next to Maureen. He lowered his head onto the table unable to move. Maureen feared the worst. Tyrone offered to help her get John to their car and signaled to BD, Billie and Willie to come help get John outside. Maureen followed close behind visibly upset. Seeing her distressed state Tyrone offered to drive her and John home, his friends would tag along to help get John out of the car. BD would drive Tyrone?s car so they?d have a way to get back. Putting John in the front seat with Tyrone driving Maureen was helped in the back seat between Willie and Billy This had taken about 10 additional minutes for the aphrodisiac to further work on the unsuspecting Maureen. Sitting between the two young, muscular nigger who were anxious to fuck her and her drug induced high state of arousal Maureen began to squirm squeezing her thighs together, her breathing becoming somewhat labored. Willie immediately realized what was happening and put his powerful black hand on her white knee. Maureen briefly froze but the sensation was pleasing and due to her drugged state promptly forgot who was sitting next to her, her mind strictly on the pleasure she felt. Billie had put his equally powerful black teenage hand on her other white knee and began slipping it up along her inner thigh under her leather western skirt. Maureen closed her beautiful blue eyes and leaned her blond head back onto the seat as the two black hands began to caress her. Her panties were sopping wet with desire as Willie touched her golden treasure working his black finger underneath the crotch band and against her wet slit. Maureen moaned as the thick black finger began to slide back and forth between her blond pussy lips. She bucked her hips up trying to capture the pleasure giving finger. It was deathly quiet in the car except for the moans emitting from Maureen as Willie fingered her hot, blond married pussy. Billy had reached up to unbutton her cowgirl blouse and had pushed her bra up off her 38DD firm white tits. Her nipples were erect with passion as Billie lowered his thick black lips to capture one while he rolled the other between his black thumb and forefinger. Tyrone watched the action in the rear view mirror smiling to himself as he realized that this biased, bigoted southern, married sexy white woman would soon have more cock than she ever imagined possible; not only cock but nigger cock, big, long and thick nigger cock thrusting, pounding into her blond pussy. Willie began kissing Maureen passionately and she was returning his kisses just as passionately, his thick black tongue darting into her mouth as she sucked his probing nigger tongue she would slip her tongue into his mouth when he pulled his back. Billie was kissing her breast and neck alternately. Maureen and John?s car pulled up into their driveway, the automatic garage door opener opened it and Tyrone drove the car inside. On the back seat things were getting hot and heavy. Both Billie and Willie had exposed their massive fully erect black cocks and each was being stroked by Maureen?s small white hand. The lights in the garage were on and Tyrone got the video camera and began filming the action. BD had joined them leaving their car out in the driveway. Willie had taken his hand off Maureen?s blond pussy long enough to remove her soaked panties and stuck them in his back pocket. Opening both back doors of the car Billie got out and they laid the hot, lust filled married blond beauty across the back seat. She was positioned so that one of her sexy long white legs was up over the back seat the other over the front right next to her husband?s head. John could see what was happening in the mirror and he could hear his beautiful white wife?s moans and groans. John watched in utter amazement as Willie, his huge black cock throbbing, positioned himself between Maureen?s widely spread white legs. He watched as his beautiful white wife took the huge nigger cock in her small white hand and guided it up to her puffy with desire blond pussy: as she seated the huge black tip between those pussy lips that only he had ever done. He heard his beautiful white wife moan lustfully, sucking in her breath as the huge bulbous head disappeared between them followed by the long and thick black teenage tube of nigger flesh. This nigger was huge, at least twice the length and thickness of his white cock. Maureen pushed her sexy white hips up to take Willie?s huge black teenage cock deeply inside her married, tight white pussy. It was so big, stretching and filling her like she?d never imagined it could be; it was so hard; steaming hot as it throbbed deep inside her. Slowly it began to slip back and forth, each thrust causing her to moan in passion. She looked up into Willie?s young black face through lust glazed blue eyes, into his dark brown ones. She realized that this was a nigger who was between her spread married white legs filling her white pussy with his young huge black cock, who was fucking her so deeply and so wonderfully. Maureen knew this was very, very wrong; it went against everything she?d ever held sacred in her southern upbringing. She didn?t care she just wanted for the ultimate pleasure she was getting to continue there in their garage on the back seat of their car. Willie, his long pent up desire to fuck this hot, beautiful, married southern woman, began to fuck her harder and faster as his first climax began to build He?d wanted to spew his thick gooey virile nigger cum deep into her fertile white womb, to plant his nigger seed deep inside her. Maureen who had already experienced several powerful climaxes like she?d known before suddenly felt the young nigger soldiers? huge pussy filling black teenage cock begin to expand even larger. She knew that the young nigger was about to shoot his hot cum into her and momentarily considered the consequences that might occur if he were to impregnate her, giving her a black baby. Since she and John had not been having sex she had discontinued using the pill. At this point due to the aphrodisiac she really didn?t care all she know was that she wanted to feel his hot thick young load splatter up inside her, nigger or not. Suddenly, Willie thrust forward burying his massive, gigantic black teenage cock totally inside her contracting pussy as his huge cum filled black balls pumped powerful jets of his nigger cum into her hotly receptive married white womb. The climax sent Maureen to her most powerful, earth shaking climax of her life. Nothing she?d ever experienced before could compare with what she was now blissfully experiencing. Maureen wrapped her long sexy white legs around Willie taunt and muscular black ass pulling him deeper into her; her white arms wrapped around his neck and shoulders as she squeezed him up against her full firm 38DD white tits, her full red lips hotly kissing his black face and thick lips as he filled her white married womb with his nigger seed. John couldn?t believe his eyes as he watched his beautiful, sexy white wife go ballistic with her own powerful climax. This loving wife and mother of their two young daughters, lying on the back seat of their car, a husky young nigger soldier between her legs; fucking her. She was fucking him just as hard as he fucked her. She kept moaning and moaning over and over for him to shoot his cum in her, to fuck her hard. He watched helplessly as the nigger later got up off his beautiful, half naked white wife, her cowgirl shirt open, her bra pushed up off her firm 38DD white tits and her cowgirl skirt bunched up around her waist. He watched what seemed to be gallons of thick oozing nigger cum flow from out of her gapping blond pussy lips to run down onto the fabric of the back seat. All this of course being captured by the video camera. Tyrone and BD got John out of the front seat and carried him into the house. Billie and Willie helped the freshly fucked Maureen out of the back seat and into the house having her tell them where the master bedroom was located. Tyrone and BD took John and placed him in a chair in the master bedroom facing the large bed where he and Maureen slept.. When Billie and Willie got Maureen in the room they stripped Maureen and then themselves. Willie who?d already fucked her was beginning to resurrect another massive erection. The stamina and recuperative powers of these teenage men was a known fact and these nigger teenage soldiers were no exception. Maureen was laid in the middle of her and John?s marriage bed as Tyrone climbed up to position himself between her obscenely spread white legs, his huge black teenage cock jutting out in front of him like a knights? lance. Maureen looked at the young black teenage soldier as he pushed the huge bloated plum sized black tip between her slick blond married pussy lips and slip up into her to the hilt. The video camera was being operated by Willie and he was able to get several close-up shots of the huge black cock appearing and then disappearing into Maureen as she moaned and clutched Tyrone to her hotly responding white body. Maureen?s face was flushed with heated lusty passion as she thrust up to take more and more of the young teenage nigger cock into her throbbing, squeezing blond married pussy. She saw John out of the corner of her lust filled blue eyes sitting a few feet away watching her and the young, huge cocked nigger hotly fucking. It gave her a sense of wickedness and only seemed to increase her passion and pleasure. Maureen felt something moving up around her head. Turning to see what was happening, she came face to face with Billie?s huge black teenage cock only inches from her face. It was pointed directly at her full red lips. Lips that had never kissed another man in passion except her husband now were lustfully kissing young nigger soldiers. She felt even wicker as the blunt dark tip brushed up against those virgin lips. John had tried to get her to suck his tiny cock, but she?d always refused saying that it was filthy and disgusting. Maureen flicked out her pink tongue to coat the tip and capture a drop of pre-cum that had oozed from the pee hole. After tasting the nigger?s pre-cum Maureen opened her full red lips, lips that had only kissed her husband, and let Billie slip it into her mouth. Maureen immediately began to suck the huge black teenage cock and Billie began to slowly pump his black hips fucking her white mouth. Maureen had never sucked a cock before but found that she was really liked this especially while being fucked by another big black teenage cock. The bed began to really squeak and bump up against the wall as Tyrone fucked her hard, totally filling her married white pussy with each powerful inward thrust causing her to grunt as the wind was knocked out of her briefly. She was thrusting back, her feet planted on the bed as she pushed herself up to meet his inward thrusts. The black teenage cock in her mouth began to expand and soon Maureen?s married mouth was filled with nigger cum. So much cum was coming out of Billie?s black cock that she had to swallow it to keep from having it run out of her mouth. Within seconds Tyrone was sending a torrent of his thick gooey nigger cum deep into her already nigger cum filled white womb as she was experiencing multiple climaxes. As they lay locked tightly together as nigger cum continued to spew into her flooded white womb and down her swallowing throat Maureen thought she heard a sound coming from the door way. She didn?t realize that her oldest daughter, Nancy who was 14 had heard the noise coming from her mother and daddy?s bedroom and had crept up to look in. She was already aware of what sex was all about but had not experienced it even though several of the boys at her school tried to talk her into having sex. When Nancy peeked around the corner of the door sill and saw what was going on in the bedroom she was both excited and scared. She?d never seen people fucking and would have never imagined her own mother fucking with niggers while her dad just sat in a chair and watched. She felt a wetness, a warmness between her young legs as she watched mesmerized at the fuck scene happening in her mother and father?s bedroom. Unconsciously she reached down under her night shirt and began to rub her virgin blond pussy unaware that Willie had seen her out of the corner of his eye and had gone into the bathroom that led into the joining bedroom and then crept out into the hall to sneak up behind the little 14 year old Nancy. Nancy was a junior edition of her beautiful mother. Her beauty was evident and her figure, though smaller than her mother?s, was that of an 18 year old Willie was able to slip up behind the preoccupied Nancy and placing his huge black teenage hand over her mouth while wrapping his other arm around her waist picked her up and carried the struggling frightened teenage daughter into the joining bedroom. He quickly had her nightshirt pushed up around her neck, exposing her firm young tits and her blond bush that was weeping her slick juices. Already naked, Willie lay on top of the 14 year old daughter of Maureen positioning himself between her white legs and then lubricating his big black teenage cock with her juices began to pushed it between her tight young 14 year old pussy lips while keeping his hand firmly over her mouth. Her wide blue eyes were filled with terror as she felt the huge nigger cock slowly pushing itself up into her virgin pussy. Willie was beside himself in ecstasy as he felt his huge black cock slipping up into the young, frozen in feat, virgin white girl. She was so tight, so wet and hot. Her young pussy was stretched to the limit. The initial pain of her virginity being taken by such a huge black cock had passed to some extent and now like her mother her sensual lusty nature surfaced and she began to fuck the young nigger back. Back in the master bedroom BD was now between Maureen?s widely spread married white legs pounding his huge black teenage cock into her as she moaned lustfully thrusting her sexy married white hips up hard to the pleasure giving huge black teenage soldier?s cock. She kept telling him to fuck her, to fuck her good; that she needed a real man to fuck her, a big black cock to fill her white pussy. Poor John hearing all this was overwhelmed with distress. He knew that he?d never be able to satisfy his wife with his little cock again. He knew that she was hooked on big black cocks, young black teenage cock. He had no idea that in the joining bedroom his 14 year old daughter Nancy was getting the same treatment that his wife was, That her young, no longer virgin, pussy was being filled with huge black teenage cock; that hot black nigger cum was being spewed up into her virgin white womb and that she was loving it. Billie had heard, when he went to the bathroom, the noise coming from the joining bedroom and discovered Willie fucking Nancy. Billie was now between the 14 year old white daughter?s spread white legs and thrusting his huge black teenage cock up into her repeatedly. All this was unknown to Maureen and John. Willie had come back into the room and whispered to Tyrone and BD after he?d finished with Maureen about Nancy in the joining room and soon they were also fucking Nancy, while Maureen rested. She was so full of nigger cum that she could hardly move. When she went into the bathroom to pee and clean herself up a little she discovered what was going on in the joining bedroom. Rather than being upset because her daughter was being fucked by niggers, Maureen lay down next to her and was being fucked by Willie while Nancy was being fucked by Tyrone. This went on all night long and finally exhausted the young nigger soldiers slipped out of the house and drove off. Maureen had been able to secure their promise of more sex for her and Nancy. They asked if they could bring some of their friends, and Maureen said yes just as long as they were black and had big black cocks. Needless to say, their promise was kept, but that?s another story. Some of their white married friends joined Maureen and Nancy in providing hot, lusty sex to young big cocked niggers while their husbands knew nothing about it. 11405 2.16/512345
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