Saturday, May 25, 2013
My initials are SC, so my wife Lisa nicknamed me Siccy, which is pronounced 'sissy'. It shames me to be called that but she has every right after what she has done to me in the year since we got married. I was intoxicated with her from the first time we met. She is tall and has overstated curves that make men stop and stare at her thrusting tits and broad jutting ass, especially since she dresses to show them off. I, on the other hand, am short and pudgy, with a tiny penis that had kept me from ever having a love life. So when we met and Lisa didn't reject me at once, I was ready to do anything to hold onto her. She sensed at once what I was feeling and took advantage of it greedily, making me spend more than I could afford on her and being totally selfish in bed, making me use my mouth all over her body, especially on her shaved pussy, which she couldn't be bothered to keep clean. A whirlwind period of dating followed, with her testing me to make sure I was really that unassertive, and me responding exactly as she desired, bending to her will on every occasion. Then she decided we should be married and I naturally went along with that too. In the first three months of our marriage she expanded her control over me, making me put most of my considerable holdings and property into her name, and reducing my status in bed even further. Did I rebel? Not at all. The worse she treated me, the more excited I became, my undersized dick always saluting her dominating attitude. She made me confess many times how much I enjoyed being pushed around. The last of my assets vanished into her accounts and she told me plainly that I could never expect normal sex with her. But she did say that she liked me in her own way, something akin to how a person feels about a pet, and would therefore be nice to me but only how it pleased her to. I was puzzled. She hadn't let me ejaculate for 12 weeks. Did this mean that I was at last going to be permitted to cum? It did but, as she said, only in ways that pleased her. What Lisa had me do was to straddle her plump thigh as she reclined on her bed. (It was never called OUR bed.) Then I was permitted to hump her warm smooth flesh as if I was a dog, desperate for relief. I was grateful to be given even that humiliating opportunity to empty my small, overly full balls. She let me hump her leg for about a half hour, telling me every time I got close to squirting, that it was too soon. Then, when I was utterly distracted by lust, she told me that I was allowed to finish, but that if I did it meant she was permitted to take a lover. Out of my mind with need, I started sobbing but didn't stop grinding against her. I blubbered out that she could do whatever she wanted but she made me state clearly that I was giving her permission to go to bed with any stud she chose. I agreed and, as she laughed at my helplessness, I launched my pent up sperm all over her thigh. Of course, Lisa could have simply announced that she was going to start dating, but I saw that she wanted me to say I would allow it, to make my shame even deeper, because I had displayed my weakness and so that she could remind me every time she cheated that I had not stopped her when I had a choice. To seal the deal she ordered me to lap my warm runny cum off her leg, which I humbly did, realizing as my tongue moved that I had taken a very big step forward, a step that could not be retraced. It turned out that she had already picked someone to have sex with. His name was Todd and he owned an investment firm that had earned him millions. I was penniless and he was fabulously wealthy. When he showed up at our front door and Lisa made me run to let him in while I wore only jockey shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt. He towered over me, his muscular frame making my out of shape body look pitiful. As I looked up at him meekly he laughed out loud. She rushed into his arms, they embraced, and he kissed her violently. She responded by shoving up the front of the snug knit top she was wearing and revealing that she was braless. His big hands fondled her heavy tits and she moaned happily. I shrank up inside but my little member got stiff. Then my wife told me to get down on my knees. She said I was to call Todd 'Sir' and do anything he told me to. Anything. Lisa glared down at me and said, "Do you understand, worm?" I nodded and told her 'yes'. She kicked me in the thigh and snapped at me that I was to address her as 'Madam'. I said, "Yes Madam. I will call Todd 'Sir' and do exactly as he tell me, without any exceptions." She grinned devilishly and said to Todd, "We'll see just how obedient my little worm of a husband can be." "Sure," he said cheerfully. "Let's start right now. In your bedroom." I felt sick inside but excited at the same time. I had to follow them on hands and knees and then help both to undress. When I lowered Todd's shorts I got a close view of his cock, which was seven inches soft. He was larger flaccid than I was hard. It added to my already deep disgrace. When they were both naked they got onto the bed and began to fondle and kiss like a couple of teenagers in the back of a car. Todd called over to me to get undressed. When I was naked he made me get onto the bed and rub my face in Lisa's moist, unwashed pussy. I had to stick my nose between her labia and stimulate her with it, all the while smelling her powerful scent. Then I licked her for several minutes before I was told to stop. "That was a nice demonstration, wormy," she said and I drank in her praise. "Now go to my dresser and open that flowered bag that's on top. I did and was shocked as she had me remove the contents. There were a pair of pink leg warmers, a bright red, clingy top with spaghetti shoulder straps, and a pair of yellow ankle socks with ruffles around their tops. At the very bottom was a wig in an unnaturally bright shade of peach, its hair up in a pair of high ponytails. She told me to get dressed because that was my costume for the evening. I balked and dropped the bag. Todd was on his feet in an instant. His powerful hand closed around my genitals and squeezed with frightening force, making my knees go weak, and bringing hot tears to my eyes. He said tightly, "If you're not dressed in two minutes and striking girly poses for us, I'm going to crush your little nuggets and make you a lot more like a girl than any costume can. I squealed and said, "Yes Sir. I'll do it. I'm sorry I was disobedient." He let go and I raced to don the demeaning outfit. When it was all on me I stood there red-faced. I almost forgot the last instruction. But then it came back to my panicked mind and I leaned forward slightly, put my hands on my knees, and puckered my lips as much as I could. They both smiled. Lisa said, "That's not too bad, loser. To go with your new look, I want a new voice. Soft and swishy." With a hint of a threat she added, "Let's hear it." I froze for a moment but the memory of Todd's solid grip on my privates was still frighteningly clear. I said in a wispy voice, "Yesss, Madam. I'll be a good little servant for you -- and Sir." She was appeased. I straightened and placed my hands on my hips, aware of the ridiculous sight I made, then turned sideways and stuck out my bottom. That provoked mocking laughter. "Not bad," she allowed as she swung around and, still sitting on the bed, put her feet on the floor. "But not good enough, either. Put yourself over my lap. I'm going to spank you." Again I wimped out and did as I was instructed. When I was in place Todd said to my wife, "How about a name to complete his image?" She pondered for a few seconds and then decided, "Well, his initials are SC, so let's call him Siccy. S-I-C-C-Y. Isn't it just perfect?" "Yeah, it really is," he agreed. She asked me, "Do you like your new name?" In my unmasculine submissive voice I told her, "It's very good, Madam. It's what I want to be called." On the verge of receiving my first spanking I was eager not to anger her. "All right," she told me. "Now count your spanks, Siccy. And after each one say your name." She smacked my bare, upturned bottom hard and I responded, "One, Siccy. Two, Siccy." And so on, all the way up to 24. By the end I was sniffling, further living up to my new role. Both of them were visibly stimulated by what they were putting me through. They were more than ready for sex. I had to get on the floor and kneel at the foot of the bed with my chin resting on the mattress, that silly wig making me look like the unmanly cuckold I was about to become. Todd got into position, his cock now hard and a full eight thick inches. He tauntingly thanked me for getting her nice and wet with my mouth and she said I should thank him for what he was about to do. I said, "Thank you, Ssssir. I'm glad you're going to screw my wife. She needs it and I'm not allowed to do anything like that." Not sure if I'd said enough, I added, "And my dick is tiny and useless. I'm only good for what I can do with my tongue." He said, "That's right, and when we're done you're going to have a lot of cleaning up to do with that sissy mouth, Siccy. Now stay there and watch what a real man with real equipment can do to your wife." I suppressed a moan of misery, as well as a sigh of newfound contentment, as he began feeding his impressive cock into her. My wife purred and writhed under his invasion and whispered to him not to stop. He didn't stop, not for almost an hour. She was thrilled by a trio of orgasms before he at last let himself empty his heavy balls. I was crying silent tears but had a stiffy that wouldn't quit. As Todd had announced, I was required to lick them both clean, first her pussy and then his cock. It was the first time I had ever put my mouth on a man's organ and I wanted to believe I hated it but my penis again betrayed me, twitching as I lapped and sucked and swallowed their mingled fluids. When I was done they both rolled over. "Now, Siccy," Todd said merrily, "You are going to give us both a good rimming. That means you're going to run your sissy tongue around and around our assholes. And I want to hear happy sounds from you the entire time. Oh, and you can do a little drilling with your tongue while you're back there. Plus, when you do me make sure to lick and suck my balls. But start with your wife. Ladies first, you know. I whimpered and said, "Yesssss, Ssssssir," before I went to work. *** In the months that followed I spent all my time when I was home in humiliating outfits like the one I had worn that night. Sometimes Lisa had lady friends over to visit in the afternoon and Todd had poker buddies in the evenings. To be seen by others multiplied my shame many times over. It was almost unbearable but I had no choice, even when the ladies made me lick their feet and clean between their toes with my tongue, and when Todd's pals patted my ass and finger-flicked my dick and balls until I wept. Then, when I imagined my situation couldn't get any worse, they announced that they were having a party the next Saturday night. Over the following few days I had to drive to several stores to buy supplies. They always made me wear something humiliating, like ballet slippers or a rainbow colored scarf knotted around my neck. It was so awful. Then came the big night. Four couples arrived at our door. Or rather, Lisa's door, as the house was in her name. I had to greet them wearing a bright orange leotard, with a matching ruff around my neck, and red, low-heeled slippers on my feet. I fetched snacks while Todd played bartender. The women were all full-figured and extroverted, while the men were ruggedly handsome and unapologetically loud. About an hour after the last pair arrived I learned that the party had a theme. Sex. With me as the third for each couple when they were in the bedroom. But there was something else. My wife announced to everyone, "I told you all that our Cissy gets turned on by sweat and cum and dirty feet. I hope you all made yourselves nice and raunchy for the little darling." They all smiled as they took turns describing how they had prepared themselves. One couple had had sex the night before and not cleaned up at all. Another had gone to the gym an hour ago and didn't bother to shower afterwards. The third had been working in their garden earlier, barefoot. And the fourth declared that they had been enjoying foreplay for an hour before leaving to come to the party, rubbing themselves all over each other so that they both were smeared with his pre-cum and her vaginal juices. I felt queasy but also excited. Lisa and Todd had been conditioning me, developing my taste for smelly pussy and unwashed armpits, until it threatened to become a full blown obsession. The initial couple moved to the spare bedroom, which was warm to begin with. When they hit the sheets the temperature went up a few more degrees. I could smell their perspiration and it made me shiver. Then I had to serve them, before, during and after sex, with an emphasis on using my mouth on their dirtiest parts. I felt myself being dragged down into an abyss of need for more of the same. The other three couples followed, with no one in a hurry to be done. Then my wife and her lover entered. After that a few people came back, re-paired in new combinations, to try more wicked ideas they had thought up to use and debase me. It went on all through the night and into the next morning. That was two weeks ago. The experience changed me deeply and -- I suspect -- permanently. Now I endlessly crave sweaty bodies, pussies overflowing with cum, foul armpits and unsanitary feet. What began as a desire that I might have been able to control is now an addiction that leaves me unable to resist. When Lisa was gathering up some of my masculine clothes to give to a thrift shop she found, in the back of the bottom drawer of my dresser, soon to be Todd's dresser, a box full of rare coins. She offered to let me keep them. Or I could give them to her and she would let me kiss her asshole. She mentioned that she wasn't particularly clean back there at the moment. I began to whimper and sank slowly to my knees, naked except for a spangled leotard, and trembling. I told her, in the weakling voice I always used at home, "Pleeease let your pathetic little Cissy kiss your perfect asshole, Madam. I will be soooo grateful and you can keep those old coins, which aren't worth nearly as much as the honor you're offering me." And that's how I lost the one remaining bit of wealth I might have held onto. The reason she was discarding most of my wardrobe was that I wouldn't need it anymore. Todd was moving in and I would always wear my humiliating outfits, which were coming to feel more and more natural to me. I would go to my job in a Cissy outfit and tell my boss that I had to quit so I could stay home and clean house. And then I learned that one night a week my wife and her lover would take me to a sex club in the city where I would be seen by dozens of people in my most Cissy-ish attire. In fact, I would have a new job there, as the attendant of the coed rest room. Naturally, any tips I earned would go directly to Lisa and her lover. And now I thank Madam and Sir every day for the new life they have given me. It's the life I deserve and, I realize now, the life I want. *** 20031 2.76/512345
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