Monday, May 27, 2013
The Nigger’s Girl
THE NIGGER'S GIRL It was another scorcher. The patrol car?s tinny radio was playing an old country tune as Dara slumped low in the front seat, weakly fanning herself with an open comic book. A fly alighted on her bare arm where it lay along the top of the door. She glanced at it idly; watching as it crawled slowly and unevenly up the length of her arm, stopped, then flew off. Dara?s uniform shirt was open to the waist, revealing a tanned belly and chest and the moist, tanned upper half of her breasts showing above a lacy black bra. She rubbed perspiration off her forehead, further matting her short blonde bangs back against the top of her head. She wanted nothing more at that moment than to abandon her post watching Highway One-Five and head for the Okinawa River, where she could spend the rest of her afternoon shift immersed in its cool, clear water. But that would have left her broke that evening, and stuck in her overheated house with nothing to do. She needed to make a little money to go out, to ease herself in the air conditioning of Joey?s Bar, or the Fontana Roadhouse, to dance and drink and party and forget she was stuck in a backwater town in a backwater county in backwater Mississippi. And the only way that was going to happen was if she could catch some tourist going by on Highway Fifteen and convince them they were speeding, or at least that it?d be worth their while to hand her a ten or even a twenty dollar bill so she?d let them go on about their way. She had parked the old Chevy in behind the Coke billboard in the only shade available, and had been waiting for an hour now without profit. She shifted in the seat, grunting with the effort as she sat up a little. Her thin khaki uniform trousers were plastered against her body all the way down past the knees, and she sighed, scratching her thigh idly and wondering again how people could spend their lives in Kainlen County when they had the slightest choice. The poor people she could understand, but there were plenty of rich people in the county, even if rich, to Dara, meant people who could afford to live somewhere else. It confounded her that they didn?t. She opened the comic again and examined the lurid and colorful drawings no schoolboy?s eyes were meant to see. For the comic was not the kind meant for children. It was a translated Japanese comic featuring lusciously naked young women with enormous eyes who, when not beating up criminals, were being bound and sexually abused. The page she was examining with considerable interest had the heroine in chains bound to a complicated and fantastical piece of sexual machinery which was violating all three of her orifices simultaneously while she writhed in both outrage and sexual abandon. Dara couldn?t help imagine herself on the device, and felt no little excitement stirring in her loins as she stared at suction cups affixed to the character?s enormous nipples, and the ridiculously large sexual probes driving in and out of her writhing body. She rubbed a hand over her face, wiping off more perspiration, then ran her damp fingers down along her chest to the well-exposed cleavage between the half-cups of her bra. She stroked the soft, glistening flesh of her upper breasts and felt an almost instant thrum of mild excitement between her thighs. The heat of the day argued against it but her arousal won over. Her fingers eased beneath the black lace of her left cup, slipping in across her soft nipple and stroking gently. She let the edge of her rough thumbnail scratch softly along the sensitive pink button, then plucked it and twisted it enough to cause a sharp sting as it began to heat and stiffen. There were very few safe outlets for sexual hunger for a girl in Kainlen County. Everyone pretty much knew everyone else and gossip was their favorite pastime. It was a rural county and very conservative, in the heart of Baptist country. Dara had been as discrete as a virgin in all but her attitude and dress, and no one could say with any degree of reliability that she was anything other than a virgin. That didn?t stop the rumors, and her forthright attitude and revealing clothes had gotten her marked as a tramp from a very young age. The suspicious eyes of the churchgoers followed her wherever she went, suspecting her of all manner of nefarious activities and impious thoughts. But they didn?t have a thing on her. Dara grinned softly and a trifle smugly at that thought. She was six feet tall, athletic and blonde, with a trim waist, rounded hips and a generous bust line to go with her cocky attitude. Because of that she?d been pursued by every male she?d come across for almost ten years, including a lot of those pious churchgoers, and not a one had gotten a sniff - so far as anyone could tell. No, Dara had been discreet. She?d been careful to leave the county on those occasions when she was feeling too wild and alive and seductive to keep control of herself. And then there was the truck stop on Old Highway Nine. Truckers could gossip all they liked so long as they did it far from her. Her hand was firmly inside the cup now, her knuckles straining the material as she kneaded her breast gently and stroking her thumb back and forth across the erect nipple. She was feeling wild and hot, sighing and spreading her legs as she ran both hands up to squeeze her breasts. She was going to have to find someone discrete, maybe a married man who couldn?t afford gossip any more than she could. She tugged the cups of her bra down to bare her breasts, feeling a little crackle of sexual electricity run through them as she looked lazily around. Her nipples were firmly erect and she rolled them lightly between her thumb and forefingers as she felt the thrum in her loins grow stronger. She ran a hand down between her thighs and across the thin material of her trousers which covered her mons, squeezing lightly. She looked around again, feeling cocky and daring, and undid the belt buckle holding her gun belt around her hips, then opened the buckle of her trouser belt and finally the trousers themselves, pulling the zip down and raising her bottom to peel the sticky fabric down her thighs, and, after a breathless moment of indecision, kicked off her shoes and pulled them entirely off. She fingered herself within the dark lace of her thong, her breathing coming faster with each passing moment. She had an exhibitionistic nature she had been fighting since puberty, and being nearly nude out of doors by the side of the road was adding heavily to her inner heat. She slipped the thong down her long legs, then unclipped her bra and shrugged off her uniform shirt. She wanted to be completely nude, and a little wicked shock of sexual electricity made her shudder when she was. Fifty feet ahead of her a car drove past, just beneath the speed limit, the driver gazing at the patrol car as he passed, but seeing only her head as she slumped lower. Dara drew her knees back and spread them wide as she slumped down. Her finger began to stroke up and down between the tight lips of her labia, and she gasped and involuntarily rolled her hips as it passed across her clitoris. She propped the comic book on the steering wheel and stared at the pictures as the comic book girl was ?tortured?, placing herself into the same position, gasping as she thrust first one, then two fingers deep within the tight, elastic folds of her sex. She pulled back her hand, fumbling for the contents of the gun belt, and drew out the long, thick nightstick. Sweat was beading across the surface of her body now as inner heat met the searing humidity of the day, but she didn?t care. She positioned the end of the club at her entrance and slowly pushed it into her body. It was thicker than any male organ she?d ever had, but her heat and wetness allowed it easy entrance, despite the sharp, tight ache of her pussy lips as they were forced in and back. The machine chugged softly and she moaned as the straps dug into her thighs and ankles and wrists. She was bound bent over a machine, her bottom high, legs spread. She groaned as the two enormous probes thrust back and forth inside her abdomen, feeling the heat pouring through her body as she was remorselessly pounded. Her nipples sparkled with excitement and heat as the two sucking devices pulled and twisted, and the nimble, rubber tipped metallic fingers kneaded and squeezed them. Ahead of her the long, thick rubber probe pushed forward into her mouth, driving deep into her throat. Dara groaned as she pushed the nightstick in. It had to hurt, at least a little, and she forced it in against her cervix so that she ached, imagining it was the machine abusing her. She stroked her finger against her clitoris as she pulled the nightstick back, then thrust it painfully deep once again. Her hand jerked away momentarily as she flipped the page, and her eyes lit as she saw the menacing character come up behind the bound heroine and bring down a many thonged flog on her bottom. Her bottom burned with pain as the two probes continued to thrust in and out. Both were immense things, covered with studs and ticklers, pounding in and out so that her insides twisted and shook. And now the thongs of the flog lashed her sex and thighs as she moaned into the probe pumping inside her mouth. Dara?s head rolled from side to side, and her breathing became more and more ragged as she pumped the nightstick inside her sex. It hurt, but the pain was only an added excitement as sweat trickled down her body and her arousal deepened into a feverish desire. Her legs were spread wide, the tendons in her thighs straining, aching, as her head rolled from side to side. And then a car horn popped her eyes open and brought her head whipping aside and she saw another patrol car coming up the road. Shock hit her system, and she froze for a long instant, then her hands clawed at her uniform top, yanking it over her shoulders and jamming her arms down the sleeves, her fingers fumbling desperately with the buttons. The car parked on the road, and Jerome Walker got lazily out of the door, yawning and scratching his enormous belly. Dara shoved her feet into the trousers and yanked them up her legs as Jerome ambled over, gasping as she sat up a little straighter and realized she still had her nightstick deep inside her abdomen. There was no time to do anything about that as Jerome walked closer, soshe simply slid the trousers up over the thing and pulled them around her hips, buttoning and doing the belt. ?Hey Dara.? She wiped her arm across her dripping forehead before turning to offer a feeble, tremulous grin at Jerome, gasping a little as the nightstick twisted painfully in her belly. ?Jerome. This?s my spot,? she said, her voice a little too high and fast. ?I know it. Hell, the whole office knows it,? he said. ?No luck fishin? yet, huh?? ?Nothing rich has come by,? she said, wincing again as she tried to sit up straighter and the nightstick twisted deeper in her vitals. The club was two feet long and she had half of that inside her. The other half made a fairly noticeable outline down the side of her right trouser leg if Jerome got too close and looked in. ?Nah, I think it?s too hot and the tourists have all stayed home.? ?Heat don?t affect the rich ones on account of they got air conditioning,? he said wisely. ?Well, yeah.? Go away, asshole! He was easing closer, looking over the edge of her door. She wondered if he?d noticed her braless state yet. Probably. They all tended to stare at her chest whenever they could. ?What are you doin? here then?? ?Bored. Thought I?d see if you?d found anything. If you had I was gonna park here and see what else was around.? ?Well, nothing, but uh, you can have it anyways,? she said. If she didn?t leave, Jerome would stick around for half an hour, and the nightstick was aching her insides something fierce. ?I?m gonna try a new spot I found over on I-34,? she lied. ?Yeah? Where?s that?? he asked with interest. ?Never you mind,? she said, starting the car. ?I can?t let everyone know where the best fishing is, now can I?? He made a face. ?If it was so good, what were you doin? here?? ?I?ll see you later,? she said, stepping on the gas and backing away. She gasped as the car jounced on the rough ground and she twisted herself even harder against the club. Her belly was on fire now, and she imagined the thing jamming all the way up into her chest and how she?d explain that to the doctors. She groaned as the cars finally hit the pavement and quickly sped up, slumping and twisting her body to one side, gritting her teeth against the pain as she tried to ease the pressure on the thick club. As soon as she was out of sight of Jerome she pulled over, slumping down low and yanking down her trousers. She grasped the club and slowly, gently tugged it out of her pussy, groaning in an almost sensual relief as the pain faded and she felt her pussy sleeve closing behind the withdrawing club. She drew it out completely, closing her eyes and shaking her head as she brought it upright and stared at it. The part which had been driven inside her was marked fairly cleanly by the darkness of the moistened wood and she stared at it in no small satisfaction. With the pain gone her arousal returned almost full force, and she tried to mentally measure how much of the thing she had succeeded in taking, then gave it up and dropped it on the seat. She debated going on to the new spot she had found to feed on tourists, which was not, of course, on I-34, but decided against it. The hell with the tourists, she thought. She needed to find someplace more private, some place to quench the fires inside her. She pulled up her trousers and leaned forward, starting the car, then slowly pulled out onto the road and headed up the highway. A mile along she turned down an old dirt road that led to the abandoned Breckenridge mine. She expected it to be empty and was both surprised and irritated to see a figure walking some distance ahead. She slowed, scowling. The figure was walking away from her, but towards the pond she?d wanted to turn off at. As she drew closer she recognized the figure. It was Emery. Emery, she remembered, had a tiny farm out this way. She hadn?t known it was on this road, though. Troublemaker, the Sheriff had called him. Big and mean and violent. He?d killed a man once, and served ten years on a state work farm. The car rolled up behind him and she slowed to a walking pace that matched his. Emery was stripped to the waist. He had no shoes either, and his pants were ragged. Tight, and ragged. He was a mountain of a man, a former blacksmith with enormous shoulders and a shaved head. He was about twice her twenty two years, and aside from his time in prison he?d spent all his life in Kainlen County, working his little farm out on the edge of the woods, alone. He had no wife, no kids, and as far as she knew, no friends. He didn?t look around as she drove along behind him, not even once. The sun beat down on him as he walked. His nearly naked body glistened with sweat. Dara licked her lips as she followed, then stopped, appalled and shocked at her reaction to him. She was about as liberal and daring as Kainlen County had, but she was still a girl born and bred in rural Mississippi. And Emery was Black, Black as the ace of spades. Kainlen?s Blacks and Whites lived in an uneasy peace, caused mainly by their separation. Aside from those Blacks who worked in White businesses or on White farms or in White houses, the races just didn?t mix. That was the way it?d always been in Kainlen, and as far as anyone could tell that was the way it would always be. Every little village and town had its White areas and its Black areas, its White stores and its Black stores. Segregation was illegal, of course, but you couldn?t force people to live together and so they didn?t. She?d only seen Emery once before, when the Sheriff - her uncle - had pointed him out to her as a troublemaker. He was a sullen, dour faced man with suspicious eyes and a mean streak. He didn?t mix with Blacks, never mind Whites, and kept pretty much to himself. Any woman who even considered involving herself with him was insane. Yet Dara had felt an instant heat at the sight of his big glistening body, captured by the raw animal maleness of him as he walked along in front of her. She pulled her uniform blouse up and quickly buttoned it, then roughly shoved the hair back from her face and wiped her moist face. Emery just kept on walking. Dara watched, heart pounding, then stepped on the gas again and started the car forward. Once again she rolled up behind him and maintained the same steady pace as he did, fighting to control her breathing as the Chevy rolled slowly along. Finally he turned to look, giving her a sullen glare. Then he turned his head forward once more and ignored her. She waited for him to look back again, nervously, angrily, or at least curiously, but he never did. Dara was sweating even more heavily now, her mind filled with turmoil. Doing it with a Black man at all was - shocking - to a Kainlen County girl, but with Emery? Had Emery even had a woman since he?d gotten out of prison? What woman would dare be alone with him? Or did he even want women? What would he do with a woman? Rape her? Beat her? Kill her? And yet as he walked along, that tight bottom swaying, those muscular shoulders glistening in the sunlight, she thought about being beneath him and her legs turned to jelly, her stomach fluttered and her chest tightened so she could hardly breathe. Rough sex? She?d had rough sex many times. She liked her sex rough and wild and passionate. But what would sex be like with a man like Emery? Her foot pressed a little harder on the gas pedal, and she turned the wheel over, curving the Chevy in alongside him as he walked. She stopped just ahead of him, and put her head out the window. ?Hey there,? she said, her voice almost steady. He didn?t speak, didn?t even turn to look at her. But he did stop. ?Hot day.? Emery looked down the road, jaw set. ?Wouldn?t like a ride, would yah?? she asked, her voice quavering slightly. At that Emery slowly turned to face her. He was right next to the door and she found herself facing his crotch. His ragged pants were tight across his groin and she saw the thickness of what lay within with an almost dreamy state of awe. Surely he couldn?t be that big. He must have something else in there. She suddenly found herself breathless, her heart pounding, her mind whirling at the ridiculousness of the emotions rolling through her body. Emery was not any kind of a man to be lusting after, any kind of man to even be alone with, not for any kind of woman and particularly not for a white woman who was the Sheriff?s niece wearing a county deputy?s uniform. It seemed like an eternity before she was able to raise her eyes from his bulging groin to the dark angry eyes in the midst of that sullen face. And even as she did he reached down with a massive hand and caught at the back of her head. She didn?t have time to struggle or even react before his other hand was at the front of his pants, yanking down the zipper. Shock rolled over her, shock, an almost desperate arousal, and a fear that had her insides turning liquid. And then he had his erection out, and despite the fear she stared with awe. It was enormous, thick as her wrist, long, and purple veined. Oh my God! She stared wide-eyed and slack jawed, and he pulled her head forward and thrust his hips against her. In an instant his manhood rammed forward into her open mouth. Dara felt her jaw forced wider and wider, painfully wide, as his steel-hard cock drove forward and filled her oral cavity Dara was a tough girl. She?d put big men down with a single punch, and everyone in the County knew to stay well out of the long range of her knee if they were going to say anything impolite in her company. Dara was not a girl to be bullied or mocked or forced into doing anything she didn?t have a mind to do. And yet as that massive organ slowly forced her lips achingly wider and crushed her tongue against the bottom of her mouth all she could do was slap against his belly and stare in shock as inch after inch was forced through her straining lips. It filled her mouth from top to bottom and side to side, and she could feel the thick veins sliding across her tongue and the roof of her mouth at the same time as his big hand pulled her head and shoulders out the window. She looked up frantically to see those dark, angry eyes on her, and moaned helplessly as his lips had curled into a cruel smile. She felt like a rag doll in the hands of a giant, and strangely, a roaring heat gripped her at that helplessness, and she almost instinctively began to suck on the big cock filling her mouth. His smile grew, and he thrust deeper so that she gagged. He drew back slowly, then pushed forward once again, fucking her with a slow, deliberate, almost casual pace as she gurgled and gagged and moaned around the sweating male meat filling her mouth. She struggled but she didn?t even try to fight, didn?t even think to. All she could think was how enormous his cock was, how thick and long and gorgeous and wickedly black it was. And her body seemed to go limp, leaning out the window, sucking on him as pumped slowly in and out. She tried to work her tongue against the underside of the head but he was too thick. She could hardly move, and he was too deep inside her. Her jaw ached as that monster cock of his pushed in and out, in and out, in and out. His big hand held her head in place with casual contempt as he used her and her own hands weren?t even trying to fight him now, but gripping him to hold herself steady, pulled halfway out the window as she was. Each time he pushed forward he forced the fat helmeted head deep enough to cause her to gag, as if taunting her, only to pull back. And then, suddenly, he didn?t. Her body jerked violently and she slapped against his belly again as he thrust forward while pulling on her head. That big mushroom had made her gag, but this time kept moving forward, and Dara could feel the narrow passage of her throat invaded by Emery?s monster cock. It forced the tube wider, strained the elastic flesh as it pushed deeper and deeper. And the world seemed to take on a foggy tone as she watched his abdomen get closer and closer, until her face was jammed up against it and his cock was buried in her throat. It ached. But again she found she couldn?t fight him, couldn?t even try to fight him, and went oddly limp in his grasp as he ground his pelvis against her. Her throat burned, and her head throbbed for lack of air. Her chest pounded and her heart raced. But then slowly, he drew back, pulling that thick, slick male erection backwards, letting light into her eyes again, light enough to watch that glistening cock sliding out, inch after inch. The head came out of her throat with an almost audible pop, and she coughed and choked and gasped for breath as he held her in place. Saliva gushed out as he pulled his gleaming cock head free and rubbed it across her face, and she coughed and gasped and gulped in air as he waited patiently. Then he forced it into her gaping mouth again, and when her eyes looked upwards, beseeching him not to go further, she saw his sneer of contempt again, and his cock pushed deep. Again she felt that monstrous prick forcing its way down her throat, scraping firmly along the bulging airway of her neck as it pushed deeper. Again she found her face pressed up against his abdomen, his cock deep in her aching throat, down into her very chest. He held her there a long minute, then pulled back. Only this time he began to use her, pumping in and out, using her throat for his pleasure as she choked and gurgled and fought nausea. She could feel every movement of his thick, heavily veined cock as it slid up and down inside her throat, and found all her focus narrowing to that painful, uncomfortable sensation. And yet, as it continued she felt oddly exhilarated. She had often wanted to deep throat men but never been able to force herself. Now she knew she had done it, could do it. Or maybe it was the dazed state of her mind, growing dizzy and cloudy from lack of oxygen. She found she could tell the difference in thickness between the helmeted head and the shaft that followed, could sense the head as a thicker lump in her throat and follow its movement up and down and up and down. She was becoming light headed. Just as she?d thought she would pass out for lack of air he pulled free - and came. He came a gallon, pouring his silvery white semen into her mouth so it overflowed and dribbled down her chin and then drawing back to spit wad after wad over her face. Then he let her go and she half hung out of the door of the car, gasping and choking and gripping her aching throat in both hands as he turned and walked away. She stared dazedly at the dirt beneath her, then managed to pull herself back up and fall back into the patrol car. She lay on the seat, drawing in deep, quivering breaths of air as she rubbed at her throat, her chest heaving. When she cleared her mind and vision enough to sit up he was well out in front of her, walking along in the same deliberate pace he had been when she?d first seen him. And he didn?t bother to look back. She gaped at him, still coughing, rubbing her sore throat, swallowing again and again as she gulped in deep, shaky breaths and watched him walk away. She stared at him until he disappeared in the distance, too shaken and frightened to go after him. She was indignant, as well, and angry, and sore, and embarrassed. And yet she still had a deep and burning lust in her gut. Her breasts were still swollen with heat and need, her nipples exquisitely sensitive. Her pussy was warm and moist so she knew her thong would be clinging to the furrow between her legs. ?Bastard,? she whispered, her throat sore, voice gravelly. She should go after him, should run him down, or handcuff him at gun point, or make him strip, make him - . But she quivered in anxiety at the thought of confronting him. What if he thought so little of her he just ignored her? What if, satisfied, sated, he just sneered at her in contempt and went right on walking? Worse. What if he didn?t? What if he did take her, strip her naked, use her like an animal, pummel her with his - enormous - powerful - masculine body? She shook her head dazedly. She was crazy. She turned and spat into the dirt outside the patrol car then. She reached up and felt the wads of semen across her face, and searched around for tissues, yanking them up and wiping at her skin. Then, hands shaking, she turned the wheel and the car around and drove unsteadily back to the highway. She stopped there, her forehead on the steering wheel, eyes closed as she tried to regain control. She steadied herself after a minute, and drove back onto the highway, then turned and headed for the river. Ten miles along she found another dirt road, a fire road, this time, one she knew well, then drove through some brush and into a small clearing where the river curved. She stripped off her top, then kicked off her shoes and unbuckled her gun belt, dropping it inside the car. She peeled her uniform trousers down and stepped out of them, then started for the river. She paused, still gripped by a dark heat and hunger, and pushed her panties down and off, then opened her bra and dropped it on the ground. Naked, she moved towards the river and knelt beside it beside a small bush. She watched it roll slowly past, then slipped a hand between her legs and let two fingers drive smoothly up into her tight pussy. She moaned to herself, imagining Emery taking her, imagining him using her, rutting against her. Two fingers became three, then four, and she began to stroke her clitoris with rough, fast movements. She grunted softly, frantically, panting for breath as she began to buck her hips forward against her fingers. She squeezed one of her breasts, roughly and repeatedly, the heat overwhelming, sweat dripping off her forehead as the sexual need grew and swelled and surrounded her in a hot, steaming haze of desperate desire. She felt the orgasm roar up around her and then swamp her senses, crying out in helpless pleasure, jamming her fingers into her pussy with painful, desperate need, thrusting them up to the knuckles in her burning, spasming pussy as the orgasm rolled over her and ground her beneath its weight. She collapsed, falling forward, grunting heavily as her breasts hit the ground and turning her head aside to keep from breaking her nose. She lay panting and moaning in the dirt, fingers still buried in her pussy as the soft afterglow melted her muscles and left her lethargic and drained. She eased her fingers out and then slowly unfurled her body, groaning as she rolled onto her back and lay in the dirt and grass, her chest heaving. 10410 1.61/512345
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