Wednesday, May 29, 2013
The Betty Chronicles (Part 1)
The Betty Chronicles by Willie Chapter 1 - Betty's Emergence Betty's Night Out Betty was contemplating her new dress. Betty and her husband of 18 years Dave were going out to celebrate the completion of a project at work. Dave had promised a night of dinner and then dancing. The past few months had been difficult on them with his long hours and sometimes weekends. But a big bonus was in sight and now they could celebrate. At 40, Betty did not have the shape she had at 20 when she met Dave. At 5' 8" and 200 lb., Betty would be considered plump or rubenesque, but she definitely had good curves. They hadn't had much opportunity for sex lately. At times she had been bored over the past few months. She was due for a change. She was looking for something sexy to wear. Dave had always wanted her to dress sexy or naughty and tonight she would do just that. She was looking to add some excitement to what had been an otherwise dull life. Since their teenage boys, Sean (16) and Eric (17) would be staying next door, maybe that would lead to some hot sex tonight. Betty had bought the dress especially for this occasion. The plunging neckline would show off her ample cleavage, especially if she didn't wear a bra. Looking in the mirror, it was fairly obvious that she wore no bra, but it looked alluring not sleazy. She was certain that this would get Dave going. Hopefully it would lead to a good banging. "I really hope I get the good fucking that I so desperately need" she thought. When Dave saw her, a big smile broke across her face. "You look really hot, babe!" Betty blushed "thanks darling." "Let's go, I made reservations for 7:00." Dave put his arm around Betty while copping a feel of her generous breast. "Watch it mister or I'll tell my husband." "mmmm I like you feisty like this Babe." All Betty could do was smile while thinking this could very well be a good night. After a great dinner, Dave and Betty went to a night club. Betty loved to dance so this was a rare treat for her. Betty had had a couple glasses of wine with dinner. Since Dave was the 'designated' driver, no limit was set on how much she would drink. Dave had gotten her a drink when they arrived at the night club. When they finished the first round of dancing, she quickly finished her first drink, Dave went to the bar to get her another. At the bar, he felt a tap on his shoulder. "That's a mighty sexy woman you got there" said this tall young man with a devilish grin. "You need any relief dancing with her, I'll be more than happy to help. My name is Bob" he said as he extended his hand. "Sure thanks, by the way I'm Dave," as he shook Bob's hand. "Pleased to meet you. Is that your wife? She sure is one hot looking lady." "Yes, she's my wife. I think she looks really hot too. Look, I know you may have been kidding but I may just take you up on that. She can really wear a guy out on the dance floor." "Well, I'll be here." Dave took their drinks back to their table. "You've made quite an impression Babe." "How so, Hon?" "See the guy at the bar wearing the tan slacks and green shirt? Well he offered to take a turn dancing with you. He finds you very sexy." "Oh Dave, that's sweet but I couldn't." "Sure you could. How could it hurt. You look ready to go back on the floor." "Well .... he does look kinda cute." "I'll introduce you." Dave led her to the bar and made the introductions. Bob promptly led her out to the dance floor. Dave was relieved. He didn't care to much for dancing but he tried to indulge Betty especially since she had been so supportive of his long hours lately. Dave enjoyed watching her from the table. Her tits were swinging freely inside the dress and she looked really hot. Just as he was really getting into watching her the beeper went off. "Damn" he thought, "Why did I bring this thing." He checked the display and saw a special code from work that indicated a problem with the new computer system. Betty and Bob were in the middle of a song so he could slip away and call in. Dave got back to the table just as Betty and Bob were returning. "Bad news Babe. The office paged me. They need me to come in and reset the system. I really hate to do this." "We're close to the office aren't we? How long would it take?" "40 minutes tops I think." "well go on then. I'm sure Bob can keep me company," she said with a wink. In fact Betty had found it a little exciting that Dave was not the least bit jealous that she was dancing with a stranger. "You're sure? I know you were really looking forward to this." "Don't worry Dave, I know you don't care too much for dancing. And Bob doesn't seem to mind. Just hurry back. I have big plans for you later," she said as she reached up to kiss him. "OK babe, this really shouldn't take that long." Bob had to go to the men's room so Betty finished her drink. "Pardon me, but could I have this dance?" Betty's breath was taken away as she looked up a handsome black man. "My name is Ric." "Uh, sure" Betty extended her hand and Ric led her to the dance floor. Betty was feeling even more mischievous after all the drinks and dancing with another strange man, a black man in fact, was just the kind of excitement she sought. Ric was quite a dancer not to mention the to-die-for hard body. Betty began wondering if the myth about black men was true. Just then a slow song started and Betty let herself be drawn against Ric. Betty suppressed a gasp as Ric pulled her close mashing her bra-less breasts against his chest. By the second slow song. Betty felt his cock start to stiffen against her belly. "MMMM" she thought, "maybe it is true." Ric was also dropping his hands down to her ass. An electric shock seemed to pass through her as Ric actually squeezed her ass. At the end of the song, the DJ announced a short break. Betty took the opportunity to go to the lady's room while Ric got fresh drinks. In the stall as she sat down to pee, Betty realised that her panties were quite moist. She was more turned on than she realised. Then she had a very wicked thought. "Do I dare do this?" she wondered. How might Ric react if he felt her ass again and didn't feel any panties. "Well, only one way to find out" she thought as she removed her panties. Not having a purse with her, she just tossed them in the trash. Back at the table, they engaged in idle chat. Betty learned that Ric worked as an account manager for a pharmaceutical company. She told him about Dave's work. By now the music had resumed. When a slow song started, Ric asked her back out to dance. Ric led her to a portion of the dance floor where the lighting was lower. Betty wondered what he was up to and she soon found out. Ric's hands went right to her ass. She could almost detect his surprise that he couldn't feel her panties. Then she felt him start pulling up her dress and his hand go under her dress. Another electric shock went through her as she felt his hand on her bare ass. He was also now grinding his cock against her. "Gawd" she thought, "This stranger grinding his cock against me is making me so horny". This continued for several more minutes with Ric really squeezing her bare ass. When the DJ started an up- tempo song Betty broke the embrace and suggested that they go back to the table. Dave had returned and Betty made introductions. Dave thanked Ric for keeping Betty company. After some idle talk and another drink, Betty decided she wanted to go home. Dave said he'd bring the car around. When Dave was out of sight, Ric handed Betty his business card and with a wink said "give me a call sometime." In the car, Dave expressed surprise that Betty wanted to leave so early. "I just want you to take me home and fuck me. Hard!" "Wow, all that dancing really got you worked up eh? Guess I should thanks those guys." "I should thank you for this night out. Ooh looks like you're worked up too", Betty said as she squeezed his hardon through his pants" Betty then slid the shoulder straps of her dress off her shoulders and pulled the top down. She started moaning as she squeezed her nipples. "Oh Dave, I'm so hot, please get us home. I need to be fucked so bad." By the time they pulled into the driveway, Betty was naked. When Dave dared her to walk inside wearing only her heels, she took him up on it. They barely made it inside the door. Dave pushed Betty to the floor and took her from behind. He fucked her hard and fast and Betty came twice. It would be one of the best nights of sex in memory. The Lunch The next afternoon while Dave and the boys went to a movie, Betty was straightening up the bedroom. She picked up the dress that had been tossed into a corner when Ric's card fluttered out. "Oh my gawd," she thought. If Dave had found it, she might have had a tough time explaining it. She started to throw it away when she noticed he had his e-mail address on it. "Hmm", she thought. A little grin broke out on her face. "maybe, I'll send him an e-mail." After logging on, Betty composed a simple e-mail telling Ric how she enjoyed his company and especially dancing with him. "This could be interesting" she thought. She actually giggled as she clicked on the send button. That evening, out of curiosity, Betty logged on to see if Ric had perhaps replied. She was quite surprised to find the following note back from Ric already: Betty - You are one hell of a sexy lady. I too enjoyed your company. I was envious of your husband who I'm sure enjoyed your charms once you got home. I must tell you that I found dancing with you to be quite stimulating. I hope that I can see you again some time - perhaps for lunch. Just drop me a line. Ric Betty was both flattered and troubled. "What am I getting into?" But then she thought, what harm could meeting him for lunch be and Dave wouldn't have to know. It would be her little secret. Betty sent back a reply saying she could meet him Wednesday since that was her day off. That way no one would know. For the rest of the day, Betty couldn't stop thinking about lunch with Ric. That night, Betty was naked and masturbating when Dave came to bed. "What got you all worked up?" "I was thinking about last night." I'm sorry I missed that, I had really wanted to watch you dancing. Wow you really are wet," Dave said as he stuck a finger in her pussy. "Really? you weren't jealous at all?" "No, in fact I like it that other men find you attractive. Did you like dancing with the black guy?" "You mean Ric, yes I did very much." "Did you slow dance with him?" "yes" Betty said blushing bright red. "Mmmm, did he get hard?" Betty could only grin as her face got redder. By now Dave was naked and quite hard himself. "Looks like it's made you hard too, dear." "Is it true what they say about black guys? "Well I don't know but it sure felt big. Mmm, I need you in me now." Once Dave was between her thighs Betty guided him in. Dave's cock slid in easily since she was so wet. "Gawd Dave you are so hard. Does this really turn you on?" "Yes it does. But I want to hear more. Did Ric feel you up any?" "Yes he did. His hands worked their way down to my ass." Betty thought better about mentioning that she had removed her panties. She just wasn't ready to tell Dave that yet. Having a secret or two suddenly appealed to her. Dave had developed a good rhythm and Betty was moaning loudly with her eyes closed. "Babe, are you imagining that it's Ric fucking you?" "Oh Dave I couldn't do that." In fact, Betty was doing just that, imagining Ric pounding her with his black cock. Betty would cum several times before Dave unloaded in her. They cuddled afterward for awhile with Dave falling asleep. Betty couldn't get her mind off Ric. She was feeling a little guilty about having imagined it was Ric fucking her and was almost to the point of telling Dave everything. Obviously Dave wasn't too bothered about it. In fact it almost seemed to appeal to him. She couldn't remember seeing him that hard. She could always tell him later. Betty fell asleep wondering just how far she'd take this. The next day, when she got home, she went straight to the computer to log in and check for a reply. She was not disappointed: Betty - Wednesday is fine. How does Morten's at 1 PM sound? Oh, and be sure to dress sexy. Ric "Oh my", Betty thought. Morten's was a well known steak house. Neither Betty nor Dave had ever been there. Betty was certain she knew what 'dress sexy' meant - no bra or panties. Wednesday morning found Betty going through her closet. She was trying to find her shortest skirt that would still fit. Having put on weight over the past few months, Betty had been intending to go through her clothes and cull out what no longer fit. Now was as a goo a time as any fill up a "Good Will" bag. She finally found a skirt that went halfway to her knees. It was a snug fit but it would have to do. Betty found a blouse that would go with the skirt. It was a little too sheer to be worn without a bra but Ric wanted her to dress "sexy." She would have to wear a jacket over it and even then it would be obvious that she was bra-less. She watched in the mirror as she walked across the room. She was taken aback at how much her breasts jiggled. She also realized that in bright light her aereola were visible through her blouse. Dave had actually measured her aereola and found them to be 3 inches in diameter. Betty's nipple were also like thick pencil erasers. They noticeably poked through the blouse. She would have to keep the jacket buttoned until she got into the restaurant. This might just be just a little fun she thought. She pulled into the parking lot just as the lunch crowd was trickling out. Several of the 'business types' leered at her as she walked by them. Betty walked in and immediately saw Ric. He waved her over to a corner booth. "Damn, look at you!" said Ric. "Is this sexy enough?" Betty blushed as she sat down next to Ric. "Looks mighty fine from here!" Ric had already ordered her a glass of wine which Betty was glad to see. She was still a little jittery and that might calm her down. They chatted about general things while pondering the menu. Betty finally decided on a steak sandwich. Once the waiter disappeared, an electric shock went through Betty as she felt Ric's hand on her knee. She wanted to move his hand away but it was intoxicating at the same time. It was starting to get difficult to keep up the conversation as his hand crept up her thigh. Fortunately their lunch came and Ric needed both hands. Betty excused herself to go to the ladies room. A couple of glasses of wine had calmed her and now she decided to have some fun. She unbuttoned the jacket and even the top 2 buttons of her blouse. Ric broke out in a big smile when she returned. He was not the least bit shy about openly staring at her dark aereola and nipples which could be faintly seen through the thin material of her blouse "Yes, Looks mighty fine from here." Betty just blushed. Betty was not disappointed with her sandwich. All of the good reviews she had heard about the restaurant were true. After the lunch dishes were cleared and they had ordered coffee, Ric's hand went back to her knee. This time, she parted her thighs a little. "I wonder how far he'll go", she wondered. She would soon find out. Through the coffee, his hand went farther and farther until finally she felt his finger tip brush her pussy lips. Soon, he was actually stroking her clit. Betty turned glassy eyed and was on the verge of an orgasm when the waiter arrived with the check. Betty didn't know whether to be grateful or disappointed at having been interrupted. Ric glanced at his watch and announced that he needed to get back to his office. "Can I walk you to your car" "Sure", Betty managed to stammer. Ric left money for the check and escorted her out the back. The parking out was actually in the rear of the restaurant. At this time of day, around 2:00 in the afternoon, it was nearly deserted. When they got to car, Betty turned to him and said "Thanks so much for lunch. I really enjoyed it." "Your welcome, my pleasure actually." When Betty went to give him a kiss, Ric pulled her close against him and mashed his mouth against hers. Another jolt went through her as Ric's tongue snaked into her mouth. He actually had her pinned against her car. Then his hand went to her breast. He squeezed it and the tweaked her nipple. "Oh gawd" she thought, "I'm going to cum right here in the parking lot right in broad daylight. But then he broke away and with a big smile said "I'll drop you a line baby." As he walked to his car, Betty fumbled for her keys. If she didn't sit down soon she would collapse. When she finally got in, she was trembling so much she had to wait several minutes till she was composed enough to drive away. "My gawd, what have I started" she wondered as she finally gathered enough composure to drive away. To be continued ..... 3047 1.34/512345
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