Sunday, May 26, 2013
A Teacher's Way Out of a Dilemma Ch. 3
Saturday night I remained in bed all evening while John tried to sleep on the sofa. He tossed and turned and hoped I would come in and talk about what had happened. He wanted me to tell him that I was sorry and that it had been a horrible, violent and unfulfilling sexual encounter. That is not what I had experienced. I did not want to tell John that I had sex that was wonderful and exciting. The sun came in the window striking John, waking him. He went into the guest bathroom and cleaned up. Putting on his work clothes, he went outside and started on several projects. As the lawn mower started, the noise woke me. I had fallen into a deep sleep and never moved all night. The active sex and my several orgasms drained me of all my energy; I had slept like a rock. I went to the window and watched my husband as he worked in the yard, wondering why he had not come and talked to me. I wondered how he felt and what he was thinking after my new lover and I had sex in our own bed; making him sit alone listening to the sounds of love that must have been heard by my now cuckold husband. I showered, dressed and spent that Sunday cleaning house and waiting for John to come in to see and talk to me. It was mid afternoon when John finally came in and walked directly by me without speaking. I called out to him, "Dinner will be early. It will be on the table at five." John said nothing, continuing walking. He showered and put on some clean clothing. At exactly five, early for us, a dinner of spaghetti and meatballs was sat on a well decorated dinner table. French bread with a strong garlic aroma filled the room along with a large bowl of salad with a heavy smell of mozzarella cheese. At the last minute, I brought out a cool bottle or dark red wine and two glasses. I called out to John who had spent the afternoon in his office, asking him to come out of his study and join me for dinner. I heard him open the door and walk down the hall. He took his usual place at the head of the table and silently admired the beautiful table setting and attractive dinner. "It all looks wonderful," he said, the first words either had spoken since Kevin had left the house last night. "Thank you, John. I wanted it to be a nice dinner for my husband." We sat in silence for a few minutes and then I said, "I received a call from the school this afternoon while you were in the shower. They said they had a job for you starting tomorrow. They gave me no details and just asked you to be in the administrative office at 8 to fill out your employment papers." Apparently Kevin had kept his word. By John getting back to work, we could catch up on some of our past due bills. The economic pressure was being relieved, so he spoke to me. "Let's ride into work together." I was happy to agree and we finished dinner while discussing how we should handle their finances. The tense atmosphere was dissipating as we were returning to our previous life, not mentioning the previous night or Kevin. We slept together that night with only a soft goodnight kiss. John turned his back to me and attempted to go to sleep. We were both attempting to come to grips with what had happened and what would happen in the next few months. How could we maintain our marriage and wonderful relationship if I was being forced into a sexual liaison with our boss? The alarm went off at six thirty Monday morning and we went into our separate bathrooms to get ready for work. John felt good as it had been almost two years he had a job waiting for him, more than just a part-time one at a garage or gas station. Putting on a coat and tie felt very good. We got into our car and pulled out of the driveway at twenty minutes until eight. It was about five minutes until eight when John went into the Administrative Office and I turned down the main hall to my classroom. Sitting down at my desk I found a sealed envelope with my name on it. Opening it I found a formal notice that I was to be hired the next fall and receive a 10% "longevity" raise. It appeared all was going very well. John completed his job application and turned it in, expecting a temporary teaching position in his fields of math, science or computers. Instead, he was given a notice that he was to report to the gym and see Coach Jones. Coach Jones had been the football and basketball coach for over twenty years and was known for his strict discipline with the athletes. As John entered his office, the gruff old man smiled and greeted him with a firm handshake. Typical for Coach Jones, he was direct. "I have been asking for an assistant for a couple years and this morning lightening struck. I was told you would help me out this summer and if all went well you would be my full-time assistant next fall." John was surprised as he did not want to be in any sports program. He never played sports and had no training in that area of professional education. As the Coach explained what was required, John was really disappointed. He was to take care of the uniforms and the sports equipment at a salary of $15.50 an hour, half of his previous income. It was a janitors job, not one for a highly skilled, science teacher! When the afternoon bell rang, dismissing the students and staff, John and I met at our car for the drive home. I was happy that everything had gone well for me, but the look on Johns face told me something was wrong. He was very disappointed. We discussed it and both agreed that at least he had a job in the school and would be receiving a fair salary which would help us out of the economic bind we were in. Perhaps he could work his way into a regular teaching position next Fall. He agreed and we went home for a quiet dinner and some TV. Tuesday began the same way, with John and I driving to the school together. He went to the gym and I went to my classroom. In my mail box was another sealed 9" by 12" envelope with my name on it. Opening it, I could immediately see a photograph of me in the nude, and one hand on my left breast and my right hand stroking myself with a large dildo. What really shocked me was the expression on my face. I was obviously in the middle of an orgasm and experiencing breathtaking self sex. The attached letter was from Kevin. It was brief and he went right to the point. "You obviously enjoyed yourself as I was taking this picture. Next Friday we will make certain you have another great experience. I want both you and John to meet me at the Enclave Club at 9 pm. It is a exclusive dungeon and play society for adults located about fifty miles away in a neighboring city. It is highly unlikely we will meet anyone we know. It is a private, adult, membership-only club located in an isolated rural area. I have enclosed a map showing you how to get there, including an address to put into your cars GPS. The Enclave Club provides a comfortable and safe setting for play, socializing and education for adults who engage in alternative, consensual, sexual lifestyles including, but not limited to, BDSM, SM (Sado-masochism), D/s (Dominance and submission), cp (corporal punishment), and bondage play." "This place requires a strict dress code. I am sending you the proper dress to wear that should arrive by Wednesday evening. The dress will be made of very form fitting, elastic material. The front will have a deeply scooped neckline and there will be no back down to your hips. The length will be to the middle of your thighs. It will also include a bondage collar and wrist cuffs which you are to wear and will NOT include panties or bra. To complete the outfit, I am adding mesh, thigh-high hose and some sexy 5" heel boots with buckles of the ankles. You may have to practice walking in these, but the result will be a very sexy walk and appearance. On the way to the Enclave Club, you may wear a top coat to cover yourself. Finally, I want your long hair back in a single pony tail and you must remember that I told you I wanted a smoothly shaved pussy. Don't forget!" Kevins letter continued, "I will be waiting for you and John to arrive at EXACTLY 9 pm in the main entrance. As a member, I will have to admit you both as guests. In case you wondered, John is to wear a standard business suit." There is no way I would ever wear anything like these out in public. I couldn't tell John and hid the picture and instruction sheet. I thought about this that night and the next day and finally realized that there was no way to avoid this horrible obligation if John and I wanted to keep our current jobs. When John and I drove home together I finally told him about our instructions for Friday, including there was a special dress Kevin wanted me to wear. John asked if there was any way we could avoid this? Could we claim to be sick or have an accident? We finally agreed that we had no option; we must do as we have been instructed. Arriving home, we started up the stairs to the front door and saw the box with my name on it. We knew it must be the items I was to wear Friday. I was afraid to open the box and did not want John to see what I had to wear. I told him I would try it on after I had a shower and got ready for bed. I would think of another excuse to avoid showing John after dinner. We tossed a pizza in the oven and both cleaned up and turned on the TV. Neither of us paid any attention to what was on, it was simply a means to avoid discussing what was really on our minds – Friday night! John opened a couple beers as the pizza came out of the oven. It was another night of not talking to each other. We both decided to go to bed early. Thursday and Friday at work went along with its usual routine. I was afraid I would run into Kevin, but he spent these days in his office and I avoided it, as did John. On the way home Friday evening, knowing we were on a tight time schedule, went to a drive up window for some burgers to take home. To make our 9 PM appointment we knew we had to leave no later than seven. John and I ate, got cleaned up, dressed and then met at the door at exactly seven. I had put on the things Kevin had sent and then covered them completely with a full length top coat. John had never seen any of the items I was wearing. The drive was in silence as neither John nor I wanted to talk about what would probably happen that evening. It was a beautiful evening with a full moon and cloudless, star filled sky. I spent more of the drive looking out the window and trying to think positive thoughts. Regardless, I kept wondering what John would say when he saw what I was wearing and what Kevin had in mind, bringing us to such a dreadful place, probably full of evil, depraved and malicious people. Our timing was perfect, arriving at exactly 9 PM. As we drove to the front door, a valet took our car and a butler escorted John and I to the front door. Kevin was standing just inside and was holding two shot glasses filled with a clear liquid. His first words were, "drink this" as he handed one to both John and I. I asked what it was and Kevin just said it would help us all relax and enjoy the evening. We hesitated and then seeing the stern expression on Kevin's face, quickly drank the warm snifter. Later, we discovered that my drink had included a strong aphrodisiac and a dose of Ecstasy. I knew the pleasurable ecstasy effects include a relaxed upbeat mood and feelings, reduced anxiety, increased sensitivity to others and a high energy level that can be sustained for many hours. Johns drink was simply Diazepam (Valium), something to make him relax and become sedate. Kevin looked at John and told him to follow us, taking me by the arm we entered a narrow, dark hall. There was the sound of soft music and conversation coming from the main room. It was huge, almost like a ballroom. Many couples were using the wide assortment of bondage and demonstration equipment. Hearing the deep moan of a woman near me, I could see that she was bent forward at the waist in stocks similar to that used in the 1700's. She was naked and being taken from behind by a heavy man in a business suit. In front of her, another man was ramming his large cock deeply into her mouth. She was struggling to breathe. We were led to a side wall where there was a ledge about five feet above the floor with a long row of heavy wooden chairs fastened solidly to the wall. There were four or five people, men and women, seated in these chairs. Kevin told John he was to have a seat in one. Going up several steps, John sat in the third one from the end. Kevin was right behind him and immediately fastened strong Velcro straps around Johns wrists, ankles and chest. Being up high, he could see everything going on but was unable to move. He was now simply an observer with no control over what was happening below him. Kevin moved close to John and said, "Enjoy the show." I was led out from John onto the large open floor. Kevin turned me toward my bound husband and removed my top coat, exposing me and my sexy costume to John. I will never be able to forget the shocked expression on his face. He started yelling at me but before I could understand what he was trying to say, two men grabbed John and fastened a rubbed ball gag in his mouth. Kevin turned me around, closely examining my body and the clothing he had sent me. "You are beautiful Pam, just as I had imagined. This will be an interesting and enjoyable night, at least for some of us." He laughed at Johns struggling and said "Now we can look around and see what kind of trouble we can get into..." 298 3.00/512345
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