Saturday, May 25, 2013
Kayla and Their Friend
The late afternoon's light had just given way to a gentle dusk of early evening as Jake looked through the lens and checked on the camera view of his young wife. She was standing on the far side of their bedroom, leaning slightly away from him as she struggled to pull the T shirt over her head in response to his last request. "Go on Kayla; just lift it over your head and lose it, so I can see your breasts properly." Her vision of the room was temporarily obscured by the garment and she lost her balance for a second or two before taking a sharp sideways step to steady herself. The movement instigated a delicious jiggle of breasts in a black half-cup bra' which only just managed to contain the outline of two small but beautifully hardened dark nipples which were thrusting hard against the lacy top. Almost immediately, she pulled the 'T' shirt clear and threw it down in the corner of the room beside their washing basket. She shook her head as she did so and her long streaked auburn hair swung free to drop down below her shoulders. For just a moment before she turned around fully to face him, he had a chance to admire the shapeliness of her rear. With the exception of a thin bra strap, her back was completely bared and he could just make out the faint but slightly heart shaped birthmark to the left of her spine at waist level. His eyes immediately dropped down to centre their gaze on his favourite part of her body. The slits at each side of a checked grey mini skirt allowed the material to rise up her thighs, so the twin bubbles of her ass strained deliciously against the tight cotton - not large and not small; but just beautifully rounded and flaring slightly sideways in a distinctly feminine way. He wasn't aware that he was holding his breath; but he did feel a slight growing in his jeans at the sight of her butt's delicious firmness. "God, I'm so lucky to have her;" he thought to himself. "I wonder what our friends and all the other teachers at school would think if they could see their demure little colleague stripping off for me like this." For a long moment he stared at her semi-nakedness and not for the first time over recent months, thought about how sexy she looked when he contrived for her to expose even part of her body to the gaze of some of those other guys whose eyes always lusted after her whenever she and Jake were out together. Like when they went up the stairs at the Mall that very afternoon. He had his arm around her waist and surreptitiously lifted her skirt to expose a panty-clad ass for the benefit of those lower down. Or perhaps the time when he contrived a quick exposure of a nipple, by laughingly pulling at her towel one day as she changed on the beach. To Jake, it wasn't the same when someone was completely naked or just topless, because to him it seemed less titillating - better a quick 'accidental' glimpse and the possibility of further to come, that was much more likely to encourage the viewer to keep looking. Unbeknown to him, Kayla's own mind was wandering even more extravagantly in excitement at what she was doing until, not hearing any further direction from him, she turned around to face her young husband with the beginnings of a sheepish grin on her face. "And just what are you staring at then? Oh yeah if I didn't know .... it's my ass again isn't it! Oh well, each to his own I suppose!" She winked at Jake and thrust out her butt in cheeky provocation, knowing the effect it would have on him. "And now for my next trick, I suppose you want me to take off my bra' as well do you?" Her voice was shaking slightly, perhaps with rising lust at his detailed scrutiny but mostly at this stage, from a nervous embarrassment at once again being the object of his seemingly insatiable desire to photograph her as often as she would allow,both fully clothed and stark naked - nobody could say that Jake didn't both love and appreciate his pretty young bride and her beautiful firm body - both in equal measure. "Well it would help" he responded with a lewd grin; and once again dropped his head to the tripod-mounted camera at his side. He lowered his eye to the viewfinder and through the lens she immediately became the beautiful framed star of his own private sexy strip-tease. 'Go on then, let's have a look;' he enthused, his jeans trying to constrain a still growing erection. He knew his darling young wife would gradually expose herself to the camera at his direction; and her obviously growing enthusiasm for the task over the last few minutes was making him hotter than ever. He had known before they started that she would become aroused as she stripped - she always did - and once she discovered that her actions were controlling his arousal, she would be further excited into a desperate need to expose every intimate detail of her beautiful 25 year-old body to his eyes and camera. He had first realised this hidden exhibitionistic streak one day at the beach the year before, when he'd enthusiastically encouraged her to go topless like so many of the other girls who were lying on the sand, confidently sunning their lithe bodies without any hint of modesty or shyness. When they first arrived at the beach, she had initially been reluctant to take off even the thin cotton shirt which covered a tiny bikini he'd bought for her the week before, let alone remove the bikini's spaghetti strapped top. 'It's too revealing,' she'd protested, 'You can't really want me to let everyone see what I've go, can you?" She looked at him for a moment and when he didn't reply but just continued grinning at her, she expanded, "Suppose some of the parents are down here - or even some of the kids themselves; how on earth could we explain away the sight of their conservative little teacher flashing her goodies on the sand in front of everyone? Hell honey, it's not even a nudist beach. 'I don't know about the kids,' he'd said flippantly, 'but I know some of the dads who'd give a fair amount just to see a little more of their childrens' conservative and particularly gorgeous little teacher down on this beach! Go on darling -- just take it off and lie back in the sun; nobody's going to look too hard; there're too many other girls topless' And then as an afterthought, 'Ill tell you what, if you agree to do it for me, I'll volunteer to rub sun oil all over you, so you won't burn!' In the face of his determined encouragement, she'd eventually relented and despite considerable initial embarrassment, Kayla had firstly removed the shirt and then, after further extensive persuasion and not a little secretive fondling of her nipples by Jake's fingers, had finally removed the bikini top and laid back in the sun. After a while, she'd actually found herself enjoying the freedom of semi-nudity and with the sun and a warm breeze caressing her breasts, she'd soon become sleepy enough to drift off into erotic fantasies in which her nakedness became the object of deep lust for various males. So when she sat upright an hour or so later to reach for a drink, she'd not really been too surprised to experience a modicum of excitement upon noticing a good looking boy in his early twenties staring fixedly at her naked breasts from just a few yards away. Sliding her own gaze down his lean body in reaction to his stare, she'd been gratified to observe a significant swelling in his swimsuit and correctly assuming this to have been caused by sight of her partial nakedness, she'd blushed heavily and felt a considerable dampening of her pussy underneath the two microscopic triangles of her bikini bottom. She may have felt slightly embarrassed by her partial nudity - but there was a novel thrill attached to it and she was finding it an exciting experience to be seen so exposed. Jake had turned around at her movement and witnessed the reddening of her cheeks as she'd realised what the boy had been enjoying. He'd looked over to see the cause and the young man had guiltily turned his gaze away to look at the sea ahead of him. Not however, before Jake had fully understood the situation and felt an immediate reaction declare itself in his swimsuit. Since then she'd opened up quite a lot and Jake noticed that whenever she was even mildly aroused - but particularly when she'd been drinking - she would often become uncharacteristically less cautious about what she wore - and how she wore it. Previously, he would have been upset at any man having the opportunity to view her charms - even at a modest level - but he hadn't failed to notice a slow but strong change in his approach to such things over the year since the beach incident; and he now found himself excited by the thought that others might benefit from the occasional hint of what lay beneath his demure little wife's clothes. It was a kind of bitter-sweet thing in which he was highly aroused by the eroticism of sharing views of his lovely young wife's body, yet at the same time, atavistically protective of her modesty. The latter sensitivity had however been steadily overcome by his growing need to excite himself (and hopefully Kayla) by displaying her at every opportunity. Many times over the last months he'd purposefully played around with her body before they went out together. He would work at her pussy until she began to writhe on their bed in the early stages of orgasm; and then he'd leave her aroused by abruptly stopping his ministrations - as if he'd only just realised the time - and telling her that they really had to go, or they'd be late. His aim was to get and maintain her in an aroused state while they were out, so he could enjoy the sight of his gorgeous young wife gradually surrendering to the mood and becoming more than a little exhibitionistic - particularly when he managed to ensure a further lowering of her inhibitions by plying her with a few drinks. Despite her natural modest conservatism, she nonetheless appeared to enjoy the attention paid her by virtually every man in sight on such occasions; and would become increasingly 'careless' about how she sat and what she showed. It was amazing just how much could be seen of her legs if she sat down in a particular way; and she always seemed to wear tops that could hang seductively outwards if she wanted them to; and thus display a large part of her breasts whenever she leaned forward to laugh or whisper a point in someone's ear. There was certainly no shortage of both young and older men alike (plus the occasional girl) who would flirt with her when such opportunities arose. Some would be overtly predatory in their approach; and these she would divert with a charming but quelling ease which came naturally with her teaching skills. Others would make visual suggestion with their eyes from a distance across the room; and secure in the safety of that distance, she would often react positively with her own looks and body language until they looked as if they may come over to progress their intentions. On such occasions, she would smile sexily at them and then deliberately turn away to engage others in obviously deep conversation. Sometimes at the bar, when she repositioned her posture on a stool, her invariably short skirt would rise up her thighs to disclose a border of stocking tops which offered the suggestion of a wonderfully sexy place above; and they would look hard, hoping for a further movement to disclose just a few more inches of tanned thigh. Then, whenever hard looks indicated that their significant others had witnessed their lust, they would turn away and try to hide their interest from wives or companions. Whichever their approach, nothing could hide the lust they were all feeling and Jake was always excited by the idea that so many other men had been able to see at least some of his sexy wife's intimacy, yet been denied sight of her all. There was no doubt about it; if Kayla had a few to drink, she knew exactly what she was doing - and neither was there any doubt that she was perfectly aware of the devastating effect she could have on those around her. He loved witnessing every second of it -- sometimes to the point that he wouldn't dare move from his seat for fear of embarrassing himself by the growing erection in his pants. He was particularly turned on by the sly behaviour of some of the fathers of her students who would surreptitiously lean forward to have better sight of her trembling cleavage when she sat on a bar stool -- particularly when she laughed with vigour at their jokey conversation. Yet he knew they would always be denied full view of her aroused nipples by the skimpy bra' which just managed to save the final inch or so of her modesty. The downside was that the limitations of view, whilst offering a security to his natural protectiveness, also formed a bar to his new found urge to share those very charms that he knew he should be protecting. His background and marginally inhibited upbringing meant that despite the deep arousal he felt at other men seeing hint of his wife's body, he also had the inevitable side reactions of nervousness and fear. In his nervousness, he would worry that someone else may realise his growing fantasy - perhaps worst of all, his wife? After all, he had never discussed with her the actuality of what was happening; nor had he dared share with her his conviction that she was now being deliberately provocative through drink or prior sexual arousal. Maybe in the cold light of the next morning she was ashamed at the effect such loosening up had had on her behaviour and perhaps she didn't want to dwell on it herself, let alone openly discuss it with him. Also, did he really want anyone to know that he loved seeing them try to glimpse her charms, or was it something that he should discourage in himself before he went too far down the road of fulfilment? Yet in his heart he knew that it had got too far already and that he would be unable to hold back from seeing the thing through if the real opportunity ever arose. Thinking further, did he actually want any of them to progress the situation by trying to surreptitiously fondle her ... say when dancing? It was a matter of simplicity for a guy to reach around to clasp her butt in the heat of a dance and even easier for the hands which held her waist to slowly caress their way up to her breasts in a darker corner of the dance floor. The thought was erotic in the extreme but in the cold light of day he knew he was fearful lest somebody else might actually become too attractive to Kayla and in so doing, create a threat to their loving relationship and marriage. Now though, such negative thoughts were banished from his mind by deep arousal as he watched his wife posing through the camera lens. Kayla turned half towards him again and smiled sexily. She reached upwards behind to undo the clasp between her shoulder blades and then allowed the freed bra to slowly slide down her upper arms until its straps were resting on her elbows - still hiding all but the very tops of her cleavage. For a few seconds she let him enjoy the tantalising sight and then with a gentle shrug, she shook the bra off to completely expose two firm and slightly tanned breasts whose nipples were already hardening into little stalks of eroticism. Jake's now rock hard erection reflected his mounting excitement as his wife turned slightly away from the camera and with a seductive film star pose, looked backwards at him over her shoulders, the tip of her right breast and nipple just visible between her crossed arms. 'Oh my god but that's sexy.' he said, reaching for a miniature video camera 'Just hold that pose for a little longer .... Yes, that's it .... Now gradually let your arm down and turn slowly back towards me until I can see your nipple properly .... I'm videoing this part and I want to get the whole 'tease' bit' on record. That's it, now slip one of your hands into the front of your jeans and slowly move it down .... yeah, that's incredible .... Oh wow Kayla, if only you could see the look on your face!' Despite a natural shyness, Kayla was herself becoming incredibly excited by the situation; and instead of modestly hiding her breasts, she now found herself pushing them out at the camera with one hand, whilst with the other she started to slowly rub the top of her stomach beneath the jeans. She pouted at him and seductively slid her open left hand further below the waistband of her jeans until it touched the top of her tiny panties. "Oh my," said Jake, "If the Dads could only see you now - the little teacher, all demure and conservative, suddenly stripping off and playing with herself in front of my camera!" A further thought came into his head, "Just imagine one of them's looking in between the cutains and watching what you're doing now!" Kayla's finger tips had found the top of her sex and as Jake made the suggestion, she gasped and pushed hard at herself in automatic reaction. She obviously liked the thought and Jake watched her frantically move the other hand from beneath her breasts, to undo the waist button and allow it full access down between her lips. 'Hey, don't go too far just yet,' laughed Jake with a nervous grin, 'I want to get you on video undoing your jeans and taking them off with your panties until you're completely naked and showing me your pussy - and perhaps show the guy outside as well! Then you can play away to your heart's content and get both him and me really excited!' Kayla reluctantly pulled her hand out and undid the zipper until she could stoop forward and lower the jeans to step out of them. Just for a moment he made her stand in her panties alone, while he panned the camera lens all over her body, stopping at her crotch. Without further direction, she gripped the sides of her panties between finger and thumb of each hand and lowered them slowly to her knees. Lifting up one leg and then the other, she very sexily slipped them off and held them out towards him in invitation, her legs sufficiently apart that he could see the full lips of her pussy. One hand went downwards to slowly slide up and down her sex. She gasped and stared at him through half closed eyes as her fingers began to massage in and out, sliding between her lips and just touching the growing hardness of her exposed clitoris. Now she was in charge. Again adopting the film star pose, she turned slightly sideways to him and cradling her chin in one palm, she thrust her ass out towards him until her sex was pouting backwards in invitation. It glistened with her arousal and she couldn't stop herself bending right down to slip a finger onto her puckered dark hole and then draw it forwards between her lips and deep into her vagina. 'Do you like that darling?' she asked huskily. 'Do you want to come over here and feel it yourself my babe? Or perhaps you'd rather just keep filming while I work away to make myself come?' She closed her eyes for a moment, as if thinking deeply and then in an even huskier whisper came out with a blindingly sexy suggestion, "Or perhaps you'd like to pretend the camera's another guy ... one of the fathers maybe .... Yes, one of the fathers looking at me completely exposed ... naked and available ....and seeing me masturbate! Would you like that darling?" Suddenly Jake was shaking and he took his hands off the camera to reach down and press at his crotch. Had she really said that? Not for the first time, he was amazed at the increasing change in his normally perfect wife when she became aroused. The heart of the Junior School and the demure guest at parties, here she was - so sexy he could hardly contain himself. Without thinking, he gave in to his thoughts and suddenly blurted out in lust, 'Oh shit Kayla, I wish some of the dads could see you now! God, can you imagine how sexy that would be - their own little teacher lady standing here stark naked for them and ready for the taking? Oh hell, I wish a couple of them were here right now; I'd just love them to see you like this! Oh yeah, I could let them look away to their heart's content and ....' Abruptly he dried up and there was silence for a few seconds. The enormity of what they'd both just said sank into Jake's mind and he was suddenly afraid. 'What the hell did I say that for - she must be really pissed with me and she'll go mad any second now'. Her fingers had momentarily stopped caressing her pussy and he waited without breathing. Still sexily bent over away from him, she looked around, her head only a little higher than the level of her ass and she stared straight into his face through half-closed eyes for a full ten seconds. 'You'd really like that, wouldn't you Jake? You'd really like to show off my bare body to another guy -- just like on the beach that day?' To his amazement, he saw she had a slight smile on her face and then she raised her eyebrows slightly, waiting for an answer. 'Well, I er .... No, I didn't really mean that, it was just a fantasy .... carried away by the moment. I wouldn't really like to let anyone else see you like this darling. This is for us alone'. 'Oh yes you would Jake. I know you, even if you don't think I do. You'd really like other guys to see me naked. You just haven't got the nerve to admit it. I don't know why you're denying it -though you'd probably be surprised to find that it gets me going - you know, your being turned on by wanting to expose me to other guys' She started fondling her sex again but this time a little more firmly and he could see her fingers sinking in deep as they pushed backwards and she began to breathe rather more heavily. "I know what Jake; why don't we invite someone over here next time you get the camera out and they can watch me slowly stripping for the lens. We could tell them you need their opinion on what I should do and how to do it, couldn't we? That'd be incredible wouldn't it - just think ... one of the fathers could be right over there watching me strip ... or even better, one of our friends ... oh yes, I'd love it to be one of our friends. They all lust after me don't they Jake - I've seen them trying to get a look down my top at parties; and some of them have even tried to get their hands on my breasts when they think you're not looking .... now that really gets me going and I've got to tell you honey, I've been tempted so often to just let them slip their hands into my top and feel my bare tits - particularly since I've known for some time how much you'd really love to see me let them do it!" Jake felt his stomach drop down to the floor as his cock thrust upwards against the hard denim of his jeans at what she was saying. Oh hell, it was like a dream come true. The thrilling thought rammed its way into his head, 'She Feels The Same Way As I Do.' And what's more, it seemed, she really wanted it to happen. He began to shake uncontrollably as she went on, "Just visualise Jake, one of our close friends at last being given the chance to see me slowly take my clothes off and show him everything I've got! Imagine him sitting in that chair and being allowed to see your conservative little wife gradually expose herself until she's naked and completely vulnerable to him. 'Eventually, I'd bend right down and hold myself open so he could see absolutely everything I've got; and then ... well, then do you think we should let him touch me? You could encourage him, couldn't you darling? Let him know it's OK to touch me and explore my body - you know, tell him to take his time to feel up every part of me while you watch. 'He could lay me down on the bed with my legs over the side and kneel between them while he goes down on me. How would you like that Jake? Would it turn you on? I bet it would ... just think of one of our friends sucking on my clit and sliding his tongue in and out of my pussy; then kissing his way up my body until his cock was right up between my legs and thrusting to get at me ... oh yes, the feeling I'll get as he slips the big head of his cock between my lips and then thrusts himself deep inside your little schoolteacher's pussy. Would you like that Jake?" 'Anyway,' she went on as her fingers moved even faster and harder, "Even if you didn't mean what you said, I do Jake -- I'd absolutely love it!" She had a further thought and enthusiastically went on, "Then again, perhaps it'd be better with one of the school's fathers .... Yeah, to hell with one of our friends, I'd really love some of those dads to see their kids' modest little school teacher strutting her stuff .... Oh yeah, I'd love them so much to see my pussy lips spread out like this! ' She bent down low and pulled her cheeks apart until her sex was fully open to his gaze and he could see right into her. One index finger was still rubbing her exposed clitoris. "Oh hell yes Jake, I certainly would. I'd love to feel someone else's hands all over my body and someone else's prick impaling me on the couch while you watch it all!" She went on dreamily as she warmed to the fantasy, "I like the thought of other guys seeing me naked like this when they've only ever seen me before in sensible school clothes, or done up for a school event. It'd be so different for them and I know they'd just love the opportunity to explore me ... and oh yes darling, I'd really, really love it." She was breathing heavily now and he could sense her impending orgasm. 'Do you think you'd really like them to touch me darling, or would you stop them and spoil all our fun eh? Oh hell, I can just feel one of them now, he's got his fingers in my pussy ... no, he's reaching around from behind and playing with my tits while I undo his zipper and oh yes, I'm getting a hold of his lovely big cock and pulling his foreskin down to expose that great big purple head! Oh yes, yes, his cock feels really lovely and hard. D'you think he'd like you to put it in me for him? That'd be a turn-on wouldn't it .... you feeding his cock into me and actually helping another guy to enjoy your hot little wife's body. Oh fuck yes, that'd be great wouldn't it. I can feel him pushing it in me now, holding me by the hips as he thrusts right up into my pussy ... oh Jake, he's pushing that huge mushroom head deep into me so hard and I'm writhing around on it, trying to get him in even further ... oh my god Jake, I'm cummming, I ungh .... Oh that's lovely ... oh Jake, I'm coming so hard ... unnnng .... please hold me .... Oh, unggg!' Jake put the camera down and rushed forward just in time to stop Kayla slipping over with the intensity of her orgasm. He managed to get his jeans down to free himself before thrusting his cock deep inside her for the short twenty seconds or so of hard pounding it took to reach his own long overdue orgasm. When he finished showering her insides with what seemed like gallons of juice, he gently lowered her onto the bed and then climbed on it himself, reaching his arms around his wife to cuddle her tightly as she came down, shaking and gasping. ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ Later, as they still lay on the bed, he was gently fondling her and wondering how he could tentatively sound her out about what had just happened, without making it obvious how much he'd been turned on by it. Again, he found it difficult to believe his darling little wife had been so open about a truly erotic fantasy. But was it just a fantasy again -- and one that would become an embarrassment which couldn't be discussed now she had orgasmed? Despite having been married now for nearly four years, it was the first time either of them had ever expressed fantasies in such a graphical manner and he was wary of sounding too enthusiastic, lest any admission that he still felt excited by the scenario should frighten Kayla off. He tried to be circumspect, 'Wow, that was something yet again wasn't it?' Jake's voice was husky with excitement; for despite having reached a huge orgasm, his recall of Kayla's earlier enthusiastic words was already making him horny again and he wanted to maintain the eroticism of what just might still be a mutual fantasy. 'Yeah, I guess it was', she said in a quiet voice. Having just calmed down herselfr, she was returning to normal thinking now and her fantasies were fading fast. She was embarrassed by what had happened and was also being circumspect, in case he felt the same. "I think I got carried away a bit, didn't I?' She excused her behaviour with the rhetorical question; but he got the feeling she was also tentatively sounding him out and he remained excited. "You certainly did!" he agreed with a shaky voice. "You really got me going there ... I had no idea you could feel that way. Did you mean any of it?" "Well, I was a bit hot you know Jake and in the heat of the moment one often says things that ...." "Hot? My god, that was more than hot! It was fucking incredible hearing you talk like that!" Yet even allowing for his increasing excitement, Jake sensed that he had to be remain circumspect and not jump too far in, however much he wanted to. He tried reassuring her. "Don't be afraid of your fantasies Kayla. It's obvious now we've both got them and perhaps it's just about time we cleared the air and shared them in the open, instead of being ashamed and keeping them to ourselves." Kayla looked at him nervously. "Do you really think so?" she responded, 'I really feel a bit silly having come out with all that. All I can say is I was really turned on by the situation and as I was about to tell you just now, sometimes one says things that ..." "Don't be embarrassed honey" he interrupted, 'It was fantastic and I really loved hearing you talk like that'. He expanded, "I wish you knew how much I've longed for you to let go of your inhibitions and become the real 'Whore in the Bedroom', as well as the 'Lady in Public'. You're always the 'Lady in Public' when we're out and I'm really proud of you for that - but oh boy, did I enjoy the Whore bit just now!" He pulled her head towards him until it rested in the crook of his arm, her hair spreading over his elbow. He reached across her with his other hand and after gently stroking her face, let it slide down onto her left breast and softly rotate a finger end around her nipple. She shuddered at the sensation and nestled closer to him, forcing her breast harder against his fingers. She was surprised to find that even after the orgasm she'd just experienced, she was getting hot again. In a little voice, she went on exploratively, "Did you mean the things you said Jake? Would you really like someone else to see me naked and perhaps touch my body? Wouldn't you be jealous?" Jake thought for a long moment and was about to respond when he realised he'd have to be very careful how he went about this if he wasn't going to discourage her from warming to the fantasy. Perhaps, if he went about things the right way, he might be able to resurrect her mood and even get her to indulge it for real one day. He felt a stirring at the sudden erotic vision of her writhing around impaled on another man's cock. For a second or two, the image took over and with a returning erection, he found he couldn't answer immediately. "Well darling ... would you?" She sounded almost on tenterhooks, as if she wanted him to support her earlier fantasy but was frightened to confirm it. "Yes" he admitted hesitantly, almost in a whisper. "Yes what?" "Yes, I would be jealous - incredibly jealous." "Oh good," she responded immediately; but he noticed that her voice, whilst tinged with an element of relief, also contained - just discernible - a measure of disappointment. "I thought for a horrible minute that you might not care if someone else saw me naked or touched my body." She thought for a minute or so and was just about to say something else in her nervousness, when he continued recklessly, "And yes, it may surprise you to hear this; but if I'm going to be totally honest, I sometimes think I actually would like another man to see you naked, despite being jealous .... and perhaps I'd encourage him to touch your body if you didn't show any sign of objection. Yes, I really think I might love it." He thought for a further couple of seconds before adding, "But only if you were comfortable with it happening. You've got to understand darling, that I love you more than anyone or anything I've ever loved in my life and I don't want either anyone else, or any thing else, to threaten what we've got between us .... it's just too precious." Now he'd started, the words came tumbling out, 'On the other hand though, I now realise that you've obviously had the thought of screwing another man in your mind for a while; and I don't think that in itself is a threat, because it's obviously just a fantasy, rather than a reality at the moment .... at least, I take it that you haven't actually let anyone else near you?" This time it was Kayla who went quiet for a moment. "Or have you?" said Jake when she didn't reply. There was definite trepidation in his voice now and when she still didn't answer immediately, he asked once more, stringing the words out slowly, because he was feeling a twitch in his crotch again at the sudden realisation that maybe something had happened with someone else after all - and his first reaction to the possibility was to be turned on. "Well, have you my darling?" He was definitely getting hard again; and resting his hand nonchalantly in his lap to hide the evidence, he expanded, 'Don't be afraid of it honey - after all, I've got pretty excited myself sometimes at the fantasy of another man doing things to you and since we're both being honest, I've really hoped sometimes that you might let someone else .... well, you know .... er .... well er, sort of touch you up and things!" She still remained silent and Jake sensed a need to further reassure her before pressing again for an answer, " You know, I think that provided we both understand love and sex between us is an unassailable happiness, just lusty sex with someone else could actually be a shared fun for both of us -- and I emphasise shared fun .... Not just for you, or just for me; but only if it's wholly shared by both of us .... I reckon ..." She interrupted him in a quick torrent of words, as if needing to get it all off her mind as soon as possible - which was exactly what she was doing, "You know that Brit who's staying across the road for a few weeks? Yeah, well .... er .... he came over one morning last week to ask where he could get something or other and well, I asked him in for a coffee and we sat down talking for quite a while." She looked tentatively up at her husband as if afraid to continue. "Yeah, I know him .... Peter Simpson?" said Jake, his voice trembling now in a tense combination of deep worry and excited impatience. Jake knew Peter Simpson all right and had done for some time. Unknown to Kayla, he'd e-mailed him months back about a story Peter had written on a net site about sharing his wife with a friend and Jake had been very excited by their similarity in approach to letting others see their wives naked and perhaps even going further. They'd corresponded quite a lot over the months since he'd first made contact and their correspondence had become very intimate -- to the point in fact, where Jake had sent Peter some photographs of Kayla, to illustrate what a sexy wife he'd got. At first the pictures had been of Kayla in sexy poses but fully clothed. Then gradually over the weeks, the pictures had become more intimate, until eventually Jake had capitulated entirely to his lust and sent a series of highly exciting photos of his young wife completely naked in various provocative and erotic poses. Others had followed and there was now not an inch of Kayla's naked body that Peter had not both seen and enjoyed to the full - and commented on in graphic detail in his e-mails to Jake. Images of Kayla's breasts and ass were imprinted on Peter's mind and he had even been able to see inside her pussy in one of the poses where she was sitting with her legs open for the camera. Peter had reassured Jake that nobody else would see the pictures and although Jake had secretly hoped Peter might actually show them to other guys, he didn't know whether he'd actually done so. Then Peter had said he was coming to the States on business and wanted to enjoy the sun for a few weeks while he was over. At that stage, Jake hadn't told Peter exactly where they lived - just that they were in California. He'd thought long and hard about what Peter had said and his mind had constructed a number of very erotic scenarios in which his Brit friend might be able to take advantage of his young wife if he was staying near them. As a result, Jake had finally plucked up the nerve to give his whereabouts and then make a suggestion that Peter could rent a particular house near their own, whilst the owner was away. And so it had moved on .... Peter had arrived a week or so before and although they'd at last met up in person, nothing had been said between them about Kayla's photographs. As far as anyone else was concerned, they'd both just met accidentally and when Jake had introduced his 'new friend' to his wife, Kayla had been the archetypal conservative schoolteacher wife who was making polite acquaintance of a foreign visitor. Now, it seemed, Peter had been on his own with Kayla and the thought of what might have happened between them was making Jake become aroused again. Putting his thoughts aside, and marginally worried lest Peter had said anything to Kayla about their internet correspondence and the photos he'd seen, Jake replied almost breathlessly, "Go on then honey, what happened?" "Well, he came over like I said and we sat down with some coffee and started to chat. Like I know he's a lot older than us; but he seemed to have an easy way with him and I felt really comfortable telling him about when I was a kid and what we all used to get up to. Then he asked about our life together and after I'd told him a bit about us, I asked him about his own life and he told me all about himself and what he had been doing since his marriage broke up. It's sometimes really interesting listening to what someone else has had happen to them over the years; and sometimes I reckon we're none of us too different." Kayla thought for a few seconds, staring into space and then went on, "Well anyway, time passed by so quickly and it was suddenly mid-day; so when he suggested he go back to his place and come back with a bottle of wine, I went along with it and got some glasses out while he got the wine. "Then he came back, knocked on the door and waited 'til I opened it .... Great manners these Brits! "As he came through into the living room, he just leant over and kissed me on both cheeks -- you know, like we hadn't seen each other for a while. I gave him the cork-screw and as he was opening the bottle, he just stared at me with a funny intense look on his face and stopped what he was doing with the bottle. It was really strange Jake, like we were both hypnotised. He seemed to delve straight into my mind with a depth of intimacy - as if he'd known me for ages, instead of just a few days. Before I knew what was happening, he'd come back over to me and still holding the bottle and cork-screw in his hands, just leaned down and kissed me on the lips. Nothing heavy, just a gentle brushing; and I could have pulled away at any time. Then he stood up and looked into my eyes again with a little smile. Before I knew it, I was turned on like almost never before and when he moved back a pace to finish opening the bottle, I didn't move - just sat there and carried on staring at him like a rabbit caught in headlights. "I don't think he realised the effect he'd had on me 'til he'd poured me a glass of white wine and looked at me again when he passed it to me. I must have looked really stupid darling, just sitting there like a star-struck teenager in front of a pop star or something. He just smiled at me then and said 'Wow' or something like that; and sat down in the armchair with his glass resting on the arm. 'Sorry 'bout that,' he said, 'I don't know what came over me. I hope you're not offended!' And then he sat there smiling and carried on with our earlier conversation as if nothing had ever happened. Somehow I managed to pull myself together and when we'd finished the bottle, he said he really had to go. He got up from the chair and then came over to help me up from the settee. It just seemed so natural to let him help me like that and he kept talking about nothing in particular as his arm slipped around my shoulder and he pressed himself against me as he kissed me goodbye on both cheeks. We walked to the door, still with his arm around me and then, as we got to the door, he leaned down again and kissed me again - but this time full on .... on the lips." There was silence for a while, while Jake absorbed what his wife had said. He knew that Peter had taken a liking to Kayla and in all probability wanted to fuck her. Then again, he felt instinctively from their lengthy correspondence that Peter could be trusted and would be unlikely to take things any further without talking to Jake first. He looked at Kayla and was about to make some remark, when she went on, "I don't know why Jake but I felt really hot when he first kissed me and by the time he got up to go, I was almost wishing he'd make a proper pass at me. As it was, the moment he started to kiss me again by the front door, my mouth opened almost automatically and I couldn't stop my tongue reaching out to part his lips; but he pulled away gently and mumbled that he'd better control himself before things went too far. Then he just pecked my cheeks and said he might see us both tonight if we weren't doing anything. "There. Now you know what happened .... Or rather, what didn't happen. Sorry if I got carried away but he's a really nice guy and I nearly gave in -- but I don't think he'd have let it go any further anyway. Then again, I think I realised even at the time that it would be playing with fire and I don't want anything screwing up what we've got." Jake was relieved that nothing further had happened and told his wife that he was proud of her for not giving in -- at the same time making some throw-away remark about a Brit who it seemed, could be trusted. In his mind though, he was quite disappointed. It would have been incredibly exciting if Peter had tried harder - because he reckoned Kayla might actually have given in and allowed Jake to realise his deepest fantasy. He thought he might turn the conversation in that direction with Kayla later and sound out exactly how she felt. Now though, all he wanted to do was take her into their bedroom and demonstrate just how much he loved her. And he did. Later that afternoon Peter rang them and asked if they'd like to come over for a meal. Because Jake had to wait in for a business phone call, he suggested that Peter come over to them instead. Peter readily agreed and suggested he should bring over the food he was aiming to serve them at his own house and they agreed to meet about eight. When they were changing in their bedroom before Peter was due, Jake noticed Kayla putting on a very thin lacy black bra, through which her nipples were clearly visible. This she topped with a loose short blouse which still just allowed the outline of her nipples to be seen underneath. Below this a checked grey mini-skirt with little slits in the sides left little of her shapely thighs uncovered; and as he looked at her, Jake realised that his luscious little wife really had relaxed her dress sense -- almost to the point of wickedness. Nonetheless, he kept quiet and just restricted himself to saying how gorgeous and sexy she looked for their visitor. When Peter knocked on the door, Kayla rushed to answer it and seeing Peter standing there with food in both hands, she stood up on tip-toe and holding him lightly with her hands on his waist, kissed their tall guest on both cheeks. They stayed loosely embraced for nearly a minute before Kayla pulled back and with a smile, rested her hands on Peter's shoulders and leant away, looking up into his face. 'Lovely to see you Peter; we're really glad you could come .... aren't we Jake'. To be continue... 11558 2.12/512345
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