Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Katy's Way Ch. 04
Sunday was James' night off from work. He had an evening planned out in his mind, but wasn't sure exactly how it was going to play out. He would get Katy in the mood (he was pretty sure he could still manage that), and then ask her about the scratches while they had sex. Whether she told the truth or lied about it, James would cum. And then, if she had lied, he would just keep following her around. He didn't know what he would do afterward if she told him the truth. His plan hadn't gotten that far. When he woke up at 4pm, James was surprised to find a note waiting for him on the dining room table. It read: "Out running a few errands. Back in time for dinner. Love you!" "What errands?" thought James. Nipping out to run errands while James slept was indeed something Katy did frequently, but James usually knew what she was up to beforehand. Katy would tell him, "I might not be here when you wake up because..." Not only did she not tell him about it, but she also didn't explain where she was going on the note she left. "Could it be?" wondered James. "Would my wife slip out to fuck another man and then come home for dinner and act like nothing had happened?" He realized that after the last week, anything was possible, and decided to try to find Katy and see what she was up to. "She must think I have no idea what's going on to do something this brazen," thought James, and realized with titillation that he would have more than just back scars to ask his treacherous little wife about. James racked his brain for the best way to locate Katy, and smacked himself in the forehead when he realized it had been in his pocket all along. He hadn't had to follow her around all week in stealth mode, he could have just used an application on his smart phone that uses GPS to find your car if it's stolen, sort of like a personally managed lo-jack. He had tied the app into the GPS systems of both his own car, and Katy's. Katy was very much aware of this fact, but it never occurred to her that James could use it against her if he became suspicious of her whereabouts. James opened the app and selected his wife's car. Within seconds, his phone showed him where Katy had parked her car. It was in a suburb, more than a 30 minute drive from their home in the city. "Gee, I wonder what errands Katy has to run in a different township that she can't run here?" thought James sarcastically as he climbed into his own car. When he got to the address, James parked just outside of the house, on the street. He figured he would be able to make an escape long before Katy got showered and dressed to go home, if she was doing what James thought she was doing. He crept up to the door and was headed to the side of the house to find an inconspicuous window when he noticed that the front door was cracked open. Gingerly stepping into the house, he could hear his wife's sex vocalizations a room or two away and immediately had an erection. "A week ago, I was shocked and crying, now, I have an erection," mused James wistfully as he tip toed through the house to see if he could get a better look at his wife getting used. The sounds seemed to be coming from a den at the back of the house. James rounded a corner and was suddenly face to face with the scene of his wife on her back, legs splayed in the air, while what James could only think of as stranger #6 fucked her silly. Katy's eyes were shut tight as she was in the middle of an orgasm, and this gave James the split second he needed to jump behind the wall of the room he was standing in, the room right next to what was clearly a sun-porch, not a den. Once again, not only would James be watching his wife get fucked, but so would the neighborhood. This time, however, James would only be standing a few feet away?undetected, but not separated from Katy's obscene screaming by all that pesky glass. James peered in as his wife having what he guessed was her 4th or 5th orgasm of this session, judging from the intensity of it and the amount of dried cum shining on her thighs. You could call it an educated guess. As she came, Katy's lover said "Oh man, she's making me cum again," and looked away from Katy, over to the corner of the sun-porch. James followed his gaze and then realized that his wife and the new man were not alone. James almost yelped, but caught himself, when he recognized the glint of a camera lens. "She's being filmed!" he thought with horror, and shot his hand down his pants, which had lately become his default action anytime he felt his heart starting to be ripped out of his chest. Stroking himself made the horror subside a little, his excitement winning out over his fears. The cameraman, who was naked and stroking his own very thick cock, stepped towards the couple and responded, "Okay. On her tits and face this time," and as he walked closer to Katy, James figured out two things: 1. The cameraman was also going to cum on his wife's face, and 2. The cameraman was Tim, they were in Tim's house. "Holy shit, she'll let this guy do anything to her!" thought James, as he pinched the base of his cock to stop himself from cumming. He had to do that because that was the same moment that stranger #6 and Tim both came all over Katy's face and tits while she was shaking and fingering her clit and cumming. James knew, and James knew that Tim knew, that Katy had once again been picturing James sobbing while he watched these two men cum on her, and that she had started to use that image regularly to intensify her orgasms, not that Katy's orgasms needed intensifying. As Katy let her head fall back on the couch, she told Tim, "Really, baby, I have to go now. I have to get home in time to shower before?" "I don't really care," interrupted Tim, startling both James and lover #6. "Did you or didn't you make a commitment to me?" "I did," said Katy, casting her eyes downward, her cheeks blushing. "My God," thought James, "He owns her!" "Your pussy is mine, you said. Said I could do what I wanted to it, any time I wanted to, didn't you?" "Yes, but I?" "But nothing," said Tim dismissively, waving a hand at her. "No one's making you stay here. Go home to your husband if you want to. Or, stay here for a couple more hours if you ever want to fuck me again." "Oh, please don't say that, Tim. You know that fucking you is more important to me than anything?but, what am I going to tell James?" "Than anything?" thought James. He was hurt, but still stroking, and not crying. "Not my problem. I'm going to send you home full of cum and reeking of sex. There's going to be an unaltered video explanation of how you got that way on every free porn site in America before you step in your front door. If you can manage to hide that from him, then he deserves what he gets. You should just tell him the truth. Maybe he'd cry for you." "Ohhhhhhh," moaned Katy as if she'd just had a cock thrust into her, and began rubbing her clit. Tim was still filming. "Yeah," muttered Tim in anticipation. "You like that idea, don't you?" "Mmmmmm hmmmmmm!" groaned Katy, as lover #6 replaced Katy's finger with his own tongue. "Tell your audience what you're thinking about while Evan eats you out," ordered Tim. "My husband watching what you just did to me!" shouted Katy, as she neared climax. "And what about that scenario makes you cum?" "When he criiiiieeeeeeeeeeeoooohhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" screamed Katy, as she had her 2nd orgasm in 5 minutes, right on Evan's face. Katy pushed Evan's head into her crotch when she came, and James came in his pants while imagining what Katy imagined him doing while she was doing what James was right there watching her do. Once James had cum, there was a lot of ache in his heart that could (temporarily) not be pushed down by his libido, so he crept slowly out of the house, breaking into a sprint once he got past the front door so that none of the neighbors saw the huge wet spot on his khakis before he made it to his car. "They can watch my wife get cummed on, but I'll be damned if they'll see my cum," was the thought James amused himself with as he turned the ignition. The evening had not gone as he had planned. But he would make up for that, he decided. Katy did not have time to clean up. "Thank god they didn't come in my hair," she thought, as she walked up to her own front door at 9:15 PM, 2 full hours late for "dinner". She had decided to tell James that she pulled over to help out with a serious traffic accident on her way back from a job interview. He would believe her, just like he always did, and she could go shower before having to get too close to him. Except that when she stepped through the door, James was sitting naked on the couch, stroking his erection, waiting for her. "Hhh?hey, hey baby," said a thoroughly startled Katy, closing the door behind her, "what's all this?" And then she saw the look in his eyes. And panicked. "This is for you," said James lustily as he stood up and walked toward his wife, cock still in hand. "Take that sundress off and bend over." "But?but I?but, James, I just got back, and I need to?" "?need to what? What could be so important that you wouldn't want to fuck?" "Honey I, I know that's how it usually is, but right now?" "Shut up," said her husband, and pulled up her sundress, to which Katy reflexively threw her arms in the air. "No, wait!" thought Katy's brain, but it was too late. Her sundress was in a pile on the floor for the second time this evening. James took in the view of his visibly frightened, thrilled, naked wife as he continued stroking himself. Cum had dried in so many places on her body that she looked shiny, with dull patches, rather than the other way around. She could smell the mix of Evan's, Tim's, and her own juices wafting up from her pussy as James walked up to her, pushed her against the wall, lifted her left leg up in the air and pressed the tip of his cock against her vaginal opening. He kissed her neck greedily. "He doesn't notice?" she wondered with amazement as James slid his cock into her, and then she gasped audibly as she heard the sloshing sound of her husband's cock being lubricated by Evan and Tim's cum. They had each taken a quick turn cumming inside of her right before she left, just to mark her as theirs before she returned to her husband. James pretended to mistake Katy's gasp for enthusiasm, and began to fuck her harder. Cum was forced down Katy's thighs and all of this began to make her very hot. "How can he not notice this?" she wondered, listening to James grunt into her shoulder as he pumped away. His cock still felt good to her, which she was glad for. Relieved, really. James slowed down for a few moments before pulling his cock, which he knew was covered in other men's cum, out of his wife and instructing her to face the wall. Katy didn't remember the scratches until it was too late. "Shit!" she accidentally said out loud, and hoped James would mistake it for an exclamation of pleasure as he pushed himself into her vagina from behind and ran his hand over the still-sensitive marks on her back. James picked up his rhythm, slamming his cock into his wife's recently used pussy as she pressed her hands against the wall and moved her hips out to meet his larger-than-usual erection. "Now Katy," said James as his wife grunted in time with his thrusts, "what were those errands you were out doing tonight?" "Oh god, oh shit," said Katy, which was both an exclamation of pleasure, due to the fucking--and a plea, due to the question. "I was oh, oh, oh, I was at a job, oh, oh, interview, oh, oh..." "Really? On a Sunday?" "FUCK! Oh! Oh! Oh! (she hadn't thought of that) Oh! Oh! Yeah! Oh! The guy said Oh! That it Oh! Was the only Oh! Time he could Oh! Meet AHH!" "Okay honey," said James, who was aware that the slurping sounds coming from his wife's pussy were getting louder as he quickened his pace. "But why were you so late?" James had left Tim's house at 6, meaning that Tim and Evan had fucked his wife for 3 more hours before letting her leave. James had cum on himself a second time while waiting for Katy to get home, imagining what they were doing to her for that long. He had forgotten to check online. "AH! AH! AH! I stopped AH! To help someone AH! AH!" "Oh," said James with mock understanding, as he began to slow down his rhythm. "Okay, but that doesn't explain these," he growled as pressed his fingertips hard against Katy's scratches and pulled them down her back, which subsequent pain and a tiny dawning realization caused Katy to cum, quick and hard, on James' cock. Her vaginal contractions had Evan and Tim's mingled cum dripping from James' balls as he continued fucking her. James leaned forward to whisper in his wife's ear, "Why don't you tell me what really happened," as he used his hands to grab her wrists so she wouldn't turn to face him. "I told you already! I had an interview!" said his stunned wife from between grunts. Perhaps he had figured her out, after all. "Then what about the marks?!" yelled James back at her, speeding on a course from which he could no longer deviate. "I?I don't know!" lied Katy, as she neared climax. "Bullshit!" shouted James, and he smacked her lower back with his open palm, which forced a twisted, lusty, short scream out of his wife. "TELL ME WHO DID THIS TO YOU!" "THE GUY WHO FUCKED ME IN THE ASS YESTERDAYYYYEEEEEEE!!" shouted Katy as she had the largest orgasm James had ever given her?nowhere near the largest she had ever had, and not entirely given to her by James, but still. As she regained her senses, Katy was shocked to find that James was still thrusting. "James, what's going on?" she asked, her heart racing as she waited for the obvious answer. Had he just figured her out when the dress was off? Unlikely. Then how? How much did he? "I know everything," came James' voice, as if he could read her thoughts. "Ev-everything?" trembled Katy as James sped up his thrusting. "I've been watching you for the last week, you little slut!" spat James into Katy's ear as he pounded her, putting a little bit of painful pressure on Katy's wrists. "The last week," thought Katy, "fuck, that's a lot, but it sure isn't everything." She was grateful for that. She didn't mind being called a "slut" by James. She knew she deserved it. "I heard you tell Tim that you love his cock more than you love me," said James, and Katy closed her eyes and tried not to cum. "It's true," she said, and had to hold herself back again when her husband shouted "NO!" and began fucking her faster. "I watched Bobby give you those scratches and cum in your ass!" shouted James, and Katy came just a little, but still managed to stave off the biggie that was on the way by using the Kegel exercises she had learned from Tim months ago. "It hurts when Bobby fucks me, and I like it!" she yelled back at James, wondering exactly how far this was going to go. James was pushing so hard against her wrists that she couldn't get away from him if she'd wanted to?but she didn't exactly want to. "I watched you getting filmed while Tim and Evan came all over your face just a few hours ago!" grunted James, who was now thrusting furiously into his wife's cum-slathered pussy. "So did the whole neighborhood!" shouted Katy, now deliberately torturing her husband for the sake of her own orgasm. "And that wasn't the first time!" "NO! NO!" "YES! AUUGH!" "NO! OH! OH! YOU HAVE TO STOP! UNGH! UNGH!" "NEVER!!" screamed Katy as loud as she could, and then got the shock of her life as her husband reached around to finger her clit, laid his tear-streamed cheek on her shoulder, and came inside of her. Katy realized he was crying as she finally let go of the best orgasm James would ever give her alone. They both cried out and then promptly collapsed to the floor. Katy immediately turned to face James and pulled his teary face to her bosom as he said, "I heard your fantasy, I... I..." "Shhh," said Katy, lovingly. "I understand. I'm sorry. Shhhh." "Katy I, I'm angry, but?" "Okay honey, you have a right?" "No, listen! Katy, I'm angry, but before we address that, I want you to realize that I fingered you and let you feel my tears on purpose, I wanted you to imagine me tied up when you came!" "Why on earth....." "I wanted to know what it felt like?your pussy when you have that kind of orgasm...I?I had never given you?" "Wait a minute," said Katy, just now realizing something very important. "This has been turning you on? Is that why you haven't rushed in to stop me when?my goodness. James, when you say you've been watching me for a week?" "I mean hiding, watching you for hours at a time, stroking myself." "James, I'm gonna need you to fuck me while you tell me the rest of this." "No, I can't!" "James!" "Katy! That was my third time today! I've never done that before! I doubt that I've got another?" "That's okay," came Tim's voice from the front door as he opened it with the key that James had no idea Tim had until right that moment. "We'll take care of it." And James watched helplessly from the ground, wiping his tears away as Tim let strangers #7 and 8 into the house, locked the door behind them, looked hard at Katy and said, "Bedroom. Now." Katy rose obediently and headed towards the bedroom as the two new strangers followed her, beginning to unbutton their shirts before they slammed the bedroom door shut. In the living room, clothed Tim looked at naked, pathetic James crying on the floor and said, "James buddy, clean yourself up. We need to talk". NEXT: Part Five: James learns the whole truth! 3979 1.70/512345
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