Sunday, May 26, 2013
Fade To Black
FADE TO BLACK: Through the System (Interracial, celeb, rape, F/F, F/M, F/m+, cheating, humil, tv parody) By mkarl and CJ And now for something, completely different. You are about to enter a world where reality and fantasy become one. A world of erotic dreams and nightmares where that which fuels your most nameless fears may just be that which will fulfill your most cherished desires. buckle your seat belts as the ride is about to get wild, for you have just entered. [Da-Da-DaDa] the world of PornoVision [available at better adult literary sites everywhere; no purchase necessary, void where prohibited by law] PornoVision: the leading name in erotica humor and revolutionary new process where the world of prime time television finally gets the treatments we always wanted. Your channel surfing guides will be the lovely and sensual CJ, author of "Cheering For Black", and the extreme deranged pervert, mkarl, whose works can be found by mailing to [serving the new millennium] CJ and MK both prefer things to get a little 'dark,' so if you are 'UP' to finding out what your favorite network princesses have been doing since last season's finales, than focus on the screen as CJ flips us over to her favorite network: PornoVision Tonight on PornoVision: FADE TO BLACK: Through The System START CREDITS: Mood music. something a little playful and funky. "FADE TO BLACK" Conceived by mkarl and CJ Starring Julia Roberts as "coach Julia Roberts" and your favorite TV babes in the roles you know them best in! Filmed in PornoVision [an mkarl innovation] TONIGHT'S STORY: "Through The System" A young woman is raped and must seek justice, by going through "the system'. EPISODE ONE: "ER-Extreme Race" The opening shot has the camera moving down the hallway of a inner city high school. Classes are in session so our progress proceeds unhindered all the way to the girl's locker room. An attractive redhead is alone and taking a shower after her midmorning session with the girl's volleyball team. Camera pans in for a view of the red headed beauty, played for this special multi-parter prime time crossover spectacular by the flavor of the month, Julia Roberts. [yum] The camera catches how the PRETTY WOMAN'S disrobed panties have accidentally fallen from where the Hollywood superstar had carefully placed them on a bench in front of the shower stalls. The RUNAWAY BRIDE is turned, back to the room, to give the camera a hot view of her firm, white ass, as the steam and the glistening water-beads give her nakedness a very cerebral and earthy quality. when suddenly, we see a boy's athletic sneaker step down onto those white cotton panties laying suggestively on the floor of the locker room, just at the entrance to the woman's showers. Camera pulls back as the first 'kid' makes his move. Mrs. Roberts is slammed face first into the wet tiles of the shower stall before she can get out her scream of surprise. The 'kid,' who is immediately on her white-ass, does not need any trouble from this little, FOREVER YOUNG bitch, and quickly gets his strong black hand over her white-slut's mouth to ensure that she manages nothing more than pathetic little muffled whimpers as the attack proceeds. Camera steams up with the hot action as our 'boy' roughs Julia up a little more and then spins the lanky redhead around to give us our first view of those perky, hard as STEEL MAGNOLIAS, tits and the evidence as to whether-or-not the PRETTY WOMAN needs to color for her highlights. Julia can actually act so we get some pretty cool facials too. Julia: [first words so keep them simple] mmmghh Boy1: [jovial, yet. not] Easy teach; we just needs some sex-education, and we think you will provide some 'reel' SATISFACTION if you don't mind SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY. Boy2: [calling from off camera] Come on T-bone. HOOK coach Roberts out this way for the parrrtyyy. Camera now pans the locker room and we see the guys, all black, all muscular. all hung! Half of Central High's hopes for the city championships are in the room. The star athletes. their prowess renowned throughout the community. They're obviously enjoying the site of Julia's lithe, naked, body, glistening with water and soap and are more than prepared to create their own CRIME STORY with the red- PRETTY WOMAN. What a laugh that she had been attempting to clean up when she was only going to end up being so thoroughly filthied. It almost seemed as if some sort of CONSPIRACY THEORY was in effect against the PRETTY WOMAN. The obvious defacto leader of the young group of nigger athletes, T- bone, holds the now panicking teacher tightly, as she feebly continues to struggle. T-bone: [confidence bordering on arrogance] You niggers get your black asses ready! I said if we beat those prissy white boys from Riverdale that I would get us the finest piece of white teacher's ass in school for our celebration team fuck and I always deliver. Now it's time for EVERYONE TO SAY I LOVE YOU to this white-trash 'ho.' Boy3: Take a look in her eyes, brothas. I always knew this slut-cunt wanted us. Fuck-me!. When she gave me detention last week, I just knew she wanted some. Hear me bitch?. I owe me some to you, Mrs. fucking-Roberts. Boy2: [to boy3] Why don't you bring it out, Jerome?. Let teacher-slut give you a kiss and show us all what she wants. Camera catches Jerome smiling a nice white flash of teeth that stand out against the classic features of his ebony face. The nigger is a three sport star and the fasted kid in the state. As he unzips and drops his dockers, the camera shows that the kid's legs are not his only magnificent appendages below the waistline. Julia is dumped unceremoniously onto the floor at the feet of the star point guard. Before the helpless cunt can cry-out, the kid has her by her long red-hair and we get. ACTION. 10+ inches of Jerome's beautiful black cock is shoved into Julia Roberts' sexy, wet mouth, right between her pretty red lips and deep into that tight, constrictive tunnel of her throat.. Boom-mike is amplified to catch all the slurpy noises [in PornoVision stereo where available] as the boy's powerful black fingers snake through the PRETTY WOMAN's curly red tresses and pull her closer and closer. shoving his ebony cock deeper, and deeper into her now thoroughly violated mouth until the little cock-sucker has the boys balls on her chin. Julia: [choking and drooling] ACCCKKKK. GAAAGGGG!!!. Jerome: [triumphantly] Suck me teach, lets give the guys SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT. Fuck, we going to cover you in so much nigger's sperm that we may need to send a shot to the FIREHOUSE to send out a truck to hose you clean again.. Don't choke to much bitch. I LOVE TROUBLE as much as the next nigger, but we don't need you going FLATLINERS on us. You too pretty to be DYING YOUNG. Boys: [giggling and stripping to take their turns] 'look at that'. can't waits to get me some'. 'suck cock ho'. 'hope the cunt ain't protected'. Jerome slides his weapon out at full mast and we see the talent effects of Mrs.. Roberts on his fully erect manhood, but he is going to share before he cums. the gracious nigger steps back and allows a second boy to take the podium and so it begins. Julia attempts to mutter some sort of feeble, pleaded protest but just gets herself gagged-all-proper with the second cock in her mouth as her epic journey Through The System finishes leg one and we fade to black. COMMERCIAL BREAK You're watching PornoVision-where only the prettiest white stars shine in a sea of the darkest shades of black! Tonight's feature presentation is an Erotic Crime Story original and is going to deliver all the exxxplicit consenusal and non-consensual sex scenes that anyone could ever need so grab your KY and that favorite toy and keep reading for the ebony sexxxing of the hottest women from prime time TV. TIME LAPSE jumps the scene several hours later and leads us to the entrance to the ER where the camera follows an ambulance pulling up to the ER admitting doors. but it is not Mrs.. Roberts on the gurney. The camera continues into the waiting room and 'that' is where we find poor, Julia Roberts, sitting in a bit of a daze, and obviously freshly-FUCKED! [for those interested, she has driven herself for medical attention without first telling anyone at the school or in her family the hidden shame she has endured of being violently gang-raped in her mouth, and ass, and cunt, all morning long. The battered and broken, once-proud-and-respectable teacher has been totally reduced to a mess both physically and mentally. Trembling, barely dressed, with visible bruises [hickeys?], and dried semen in her hair, and on her face. the humiliated and totally, totally. FUCKED PRETTY WOMAN, finally catches the eye of nurse Carol Hathaway. the little do-gooder ER nurse with the sparkling dark eyes and long, curly, black hair, Carol: [so sickly, goody-goody] Hello?. my name is Nurse Hathaway. can I 'help' you? Julia: [barely coherent] I think. I nee. I need to see. a doctor. Carol: [knowingly. caringly?] Yes I see. It will be okay now. why don't you come with me and we will have a doctor get a look at you, okay? The pretty nurse leads the totally-FUCKED, Julia Roberts to examining room three, as Doctor Peter Benton [a tall, handsome, black man] enters the scene. His brooding eyes look over Roberts quickly, and then [to nurse Hathaway]. he winks, and nods subtly. Julia: [looking up at Peter for the first time] OH-NO, HE'S. A NIGGER. Camera catches Benton as he does one of those attitude looks. Hathaway responds very defensively as well. almost as if she herself had been the one insulted. Carol: HE, is the DOCTOR ON CALL. Dr. Benton is a VERY attentive and fine, EXPERIENCED man with women lik. Julia: [distressed, and [ir?]rationally frightened] No. please. you don't understand! They. RAPED ME. those niggers. Carol: [quickly interrupting] Okay-okay. but please know that Doctor Benton. Julia: I can't. I just can't. Benton and Hathaway steal a quick exchange of glances as Benton allows himself an uncharacteristic grin. He turns and walks away towards the unoccupied bed in the far end of the room. A far more characteristic sly smile continues to cross the pretty nurse's lips as she addresses the battered teacher. Carol: umm. it looks like. we have to. confer for a few moments, Doctor Benton and me, I mean.... We will just be a few moments. The nurse quickly turns and follows the black doctor almost puppy-dog-like as they walk across the room. The brazen little wench simply closes the curtain between Julia's examination bed and where they have seemingly decided to 'confer' for a quickie. Julia's face registers the shock as she believes sees the obvious silhouettes behind the curtain as Benton cups Hathaway's pussy through her scrubs. Julia's mouth drops slack-jaw as she hears the nurse's giggles. and then some whispering, not quite loud enough for the microphone to overhear, but obscenely obvious in intent. and then the ER staffers seeming decision finally, that it is too soon in the story for this scene as they suddenly stop just as unexpectedly as they started, or at least the two of them leave the room and the raped teacher alone to feel her state of deep-disgust and revulsion as she can only imagine where that nigger and nurse were off to-do god-only-knows what else. Julia only has a minute to freak out though at what she might think she has just witnessed, when the camera catches young doctor, John Carter making his first entry into the story. Carter: [seemingly, a nice clean-cut kid] Hello there. Mrs. Julia Roberts, is it?. I am actually a big fan of all your work. down at the school, that is. I know this is a bit of a tough stretch for you, but I just want to know how happy I am to see you, given the circumstances and all, but I guess I have a job to do here so shall we proceed?. Now let's see. oh yeah, I am going to check you now for injuries, as the law requires us to make 'certain examinations' when a woman has been sexually used and abused for a male's pleasured gratifications. I am sure that you feel violated and humiliated right now Mrs. Roberts as though this was all your fault for being. such a PRETTY WOMAN.... You undoubtedly are wishing that this could all just go away, but for your own sake of mind, you might want to talk about the rape and tell me just what those dirty young niggers did to you and how good.. I mean. um, how the 'violations' made you feel. Julia: [shocked and more than a little agitated waiting for Carter to finish] WHAT. ARE YOU FUCKING SICK? HELP! GET OUT OF HERE. SOMEONE, HELP ME! The young doctor realizing that the situation must be quieted if this woman is to be smoothly continued Through The System, thinks fast and grabs an anesthetic mask. The clever doctor Carter, switches a tank of the wonderful relaxant on high, and forcibly covers Julia's protesting mouth. The panicked woman's eyelids get heavier and heavier as the lecherous camera watches all. Julia's screams for help, muffled by the mask, lessen in their vociferousness and her erotic struggles for freedom subside in their violence until, finally, sleeping beauty drifts peacefully into unconsciousness. All-the-while, Carter lecherously leers at the PRETTY WOMAN and loudly talks over what is left of her attempted screams. Carter: [loud enough for surrounding busybodies to hear] YOU ARE GETTING A LITTLE HYSTERICAL MRS. ROBERTS. I HAD BETTER SEDATE YOU SO YOU WILL BE PREPARED FOR OUR INTERROGATION WHEN THE DETECTIVES GET HERE. Now, just calm down and everything will be juuuust fine, Mrs.. Roberts. That's a good girl. sleeeeeeep. Hathaway reenters the room, she sees the now unconscious Mrs.. Roberts and Dr. Carter putting the mask away. Carter turns to her guiltily but then recognizes that it is only Carol. The pretty nurse seems to have been a busy little gal in her absence as her hair is a lot messier than it had been just minutes before, a button seems to be missing from her blouse and she has what looks to be cum on her face. Carol: [a little out of breath] What the hell were you doing in here Carter?. Why was this 'special-case' screaming for help! Carter: [explanatory] We nearly had a situation here, Carol. I was trying to get her started on describing what happened to her! I'm sorry but she just looked so thoroughly. niggerd. You shouldn't have left her with me. you know how I am about these things. Carol: [indignant] I had more IMPORTANT matters to attend to! Benton saw this little piece of white trash and you know how it makes him when he thought about how hard she must have gotten fucked by those niggers. I had to assist the doctor with 'his' needs before this cunt's! Carter: [submissive] You're right. I'm sorry. I didn't know Benton needed you. His needs are always MORE important than any of ours, of course. Carol: [authoritative] It is okay now that I am here Carter, but remember in the future that I'm supposed to 'always' help clean off these 'special-cases' to ensure that things are done 'proper'! Carter: Yeah. I know. you little slut. you get to lick her first, okay? Hathaway flashes that million dollar smile again as she pushes Carter aside and drops to her knees. Pushing Julia's hospital gown all the way up over the lanky PRETTY WOMAN's long legs, Carol positions herself between the redhead's spread thighs, and begins to greedily lick the black's spent cum from the well-toned white flesh. Carol: [with obvious satisfaction in her voice] Just remember though. [slurps] that we are only allowed to clean her thighs. [slurps again] any cum in her pussy is for baby-making, as always. Camera follows the nurses eyes to Julia's hand, Carol: Look at the ring, Carter. It makes this so special. I always love it when they have a ring. Isn't 'hubby' going to be in for a surprise when teacher-wife pops up pregnant-with-niggers? Carter: [showing his last ounce of self-respect that Benton had not blacked out of him] I am just glad I am not stuck with this whore having my family name. my rich grandma would disown me in a heartbeat. hell this would croak the old bat. besides now that this Hollywood-honey has been black, she won't be coming back to any small dicked wonders like me. or her husband either. Carol: I know. I don't miss Doug at all now that Peter is my man. it was just so unfair last season when that cunt, Doctor Elizabeth Corday was getting Benton's breedings and I had to put up with a little four inch white cock. This year the bedroom scenes are going to be 'ME' getting that jungle action, and I will finally please Peter like no bitch before. GOD I can't wait to get that big black cock in me for the whole nation to see! Carter: You'll look so fantastic! Carol: [enthusiastic and then deadly serious] I'll FEEL fantastic!. you didn't give her a 'Morning After Pill,' did you? Carter: Of course not. I am not stupid.... She got the placebo like all nigger's 'ho's do. Camera fades back as Carol again smiles with just the slightest traces of the shower room nigger's cum now on her chin and around her mouth joining the remnants of Peter Benton's. The white medical officers finish up on their part of putting Mrs.. Robert's Through The System and we Fade To Black COMMERCIAL BREAK II A word for the promotion of race harmony. Black men are superior to white men and should be given the opportunities to prove it. Excellent progress is already being made in the worlds of sports and music but so much more needs to be done. White men should encourage their wives to seek out the sexual satisfaction that can only be achieved with a black stud. A cultural exchange program where young black primal males are brought over from the jungles of darkest Africa to live in home with the full economic support of the white man, are now in the earliest planning stages. Young white women will be similarly sent to Africa where they will learn to service entire villages of horny black studs. For more information or to offer your support please send an e-mail now to the committee to breed out white boys at [The preceding was a fantasy-political- announcement, and did not necessarily reflect the views of mkarl or CJ but we actually do think it is a pretty neat concept.] The familiar music brings us back from commercial and lets us know that it is time for the next episode of FADE TO BLACK: "THROUGH THE SYSTEM" EPISODE TWO: "NYPD Black and BLUE". Detectives Diane Russell and Jill Kirkendall stride confidently into the hospital. Both are very attractive women, and very tough. Diane, the younger of the two, is a very nicely figured woman, with shoulder length black-brown tresses, and creamy skin, with full, pointy tits. Jill is taller, with short cropped blonde hair, blue eyes, and large 36D breasts which fit her practically amazon height very proportionately. Both lady detectives are first class pieces of ass. Camera shows Diane with stern face standing back as big tits Jill Kirkendall leads off the questioning. Jill's voice is every bit as sexy as her body, soft and sultry but no-nonsense at the same time. Probably one of the sexiest voices you will ever hear from a woman in PornoVision or anywhere in the real world. Jill: It must have been pretty horrible for you Mrs.. Roberts. Can I call you Julia? Julia: [Still a little groggy from getting drugged] Yes. I guess that's okay. Jill: My name is Detective Jill Kirkendall, and this is my partner, Diane Russell. We are both women too, so we know the humiliation and shame you must be feeling to have allowed yourself to be used and abused by your students. IT was your own students who gang-fucked you, correct? Julia: [evasive?] I never really got a good look at them.. and I was gang-RAPED. Diane: [cleverly ignoring the teachers correction] It must have been confusing for you with so many boys to satisfy. We understand that you told the nurse it happened in the women's locker room and the guys were, quote "niggers", unquote. Roberts: [Still somewhat embarrassed by her inappropriate use of 'that' term] I should not have said that. please, my husband will kill me. Richard is an officer and a gentleman. if he ever knew I had been dirtied by. I just want this to go away. please. I don't want to press charges. Jill: [soothing with her sexy voice] I wish it could all be that simple Julia, If this was not PornoVision, maybe we could end this all now but instead we need to get some more pages filled. You need to be coerced into being more revealing. I know that it can be hard to admit the truth sometimes. You feel like you should be revolted over what happened. I know. I was racist too; but my lieutenant showed me one night how foolish all that was and now you got to learn its true. As long as we can be told that you loved it, then maybe no crime has been committed here and everything will go away but if you insist this was rape then you are going to need to be put Through The System. Julia: [still a little dense or just not getting the joke and playing it all strait to the end] I never saw anything. really. Diane: [incredulously with sarcasm to spare] Oh come on. even I know how 'BIG' they are. You can't be trying to tell me that you were on your knees at eye level to those. weapons. and you never saw anything? Jill: [smirking despite herself] Do you 'do it' with your eyes closed? Julia: [getting the attitude, her own voice rising] WHAT?? You shouldn't be asking me questions like that. What type of cops are you? Diane: [playing cruise director so we can beat the joke to death] We exist in PornoVision Mrs.. Roberts. We know what questions the perverts in our audience want us to ask you fucked, little, rape victims to be answered in long, lurid, humiliating details. If we need to, we are fully prepared to slap handcuffs on your little white-wrists and run your little white-ass to the slam until you learn to play along. I am sure we can find some more niggers to accidentally incarcerate you with. Julia: [almost freaking] This is insane. I must be having a nightmare. Jill: [missing the spot for a gratuitous plug] You wish this was just a dream, now talk to us bitch or we will have to turn things over to Helen Gamble already, and she in wardrobe picking out panties and not even scheduled until we get to LAWyers AND the New Black World DisORDER. Frankly I can't wait to see that tiny little babe with a big black cock in her but that geek mkarl wants to hold it off until like, episode III! Diane: [one more inside joke] I could side with you and CJ on this one Jill! Julia: [perhaps echoing your own confusion?] I must have lost my mind. Jill: [and getting us back on track] If you continue to pretend that you did not love it, then yes. you have lost your mind. you skank! Niggers ARE the best. When my master Lieutenant Fancy puts my white ass on his desk and loves me with that big twelve inches of superior weapon, it is all I can do to keep from screaming so the whole squad hears it. Old Andy would just die to see me with Arthur. If you keep trying to insist that this was a rape, then tha 6591 1.26/512345
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