Monday, October 22, 2012

Lights, Camera, Action

LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION By My wife is very pretty and has a sexy, curvaceous body. The only sad thing about her is that she is a bit stupid. In a naïve way. She also has no morals. Don?t get me wrong but she doesn?t consider anything above politeness. For her, everyone should be polite to others at all time. Even if it means you have to forgo your principles to be polite. And then she is stupid to the boot. I realized this just after a year of marriage with her but really understood the extent of it last month after 10 fucking years of marital bliss. I am an executive at a production house which churns out one after another series of unexciting, dull, soap operas for afternoon cable television channels meant for bored housewives. In March this year we had our annual staff party after the bonuses were announced (yeah, despite the lack creativity my company makes a lot of money which is why I stick on). The annual gala dinner and dance party is much awaited event as most of the TV stars are invited and staff can bring their spouses for the party. It?s glam event even if I say so. My stupid wife too tagged along as usual (just because I want show her off to my colleagues who have usual boring, plump plain looking wives). Roy, one of my colleagues, dragged me to be his partner for a game of bridge. My wife said that she would rather hang out with Roy?s wife. Our game went well and we won all the hands but then I realized it had almost been an hour since I had neglected my wife. I found her chatting with two old foggies like they were long lost buddies. She told me excitedly, ?Honey, guess what, Ted here,? she pointed to the black gentleman I had never seen before, ?has offered me a role in his upcoming action movie. It?s a small role but I get to play the hero?s illegal girlfriend.? She giggled like a small (stupid) girl and then whispered in my ears, ?They will also pay me $15,000. Ain?t it great?? I could only nod, after all this would not only keep her occupied but also get her some pocket money. Shortly after the old black gent and his Spanish partner had blown some kisses in the air around my wife?s powdered cheeks, we headed home. Then one evening when I returned home, my proud (and stupid) wife told me with arrogance that she has been called for an audition on Saturday afternoon. I was welcome to go with her. Well, I had a game of bridge planned with Roy and some other buddies so I thought I would drop her for the audition on the way. On Saturday, my wife spent a long time getting ready. She was wearing a red replica of the famous Marilyn Monroe white dress, her long auburn hair were curled up in Barbie style and she was shining like fuck-me-rubber-doll. The bright red lipstick and blood red pumps made me want to fuck her right there and then like a $100-whore but then?there was a more lucrative game of bridge. I dropped her for the audition and rushed to Roy?s house. Halfway, I got a call from Roy telling me that his wife created a big scene and it would be best not to have the game today. I was disappointed but then thought of entertaining myself by watching my wife?s audition. The audition was in progress and the doors were shut. One lethargic doorkeeper told me that if I wanted to watch (after I explained that my wife was auditioning) I could go to the projector room. ?Just don?t touch anything and don?t tell anyone that I told you so. Got it?? Rolling my eyes I climbed the never-ending fire-exit staircase and entered the unused, dark projector room. I sat down and pulled the curtains. I could see a set directly below me. And as I pressed a button marked ?full audio? I could hear the voices loud and clear. I pressed another button ?full video? and six monitors came to life showing me the views from different angles. There were a bunch of people in the room, some fumbling with cameras, lights and other stuff. Ted, the black old man, was talking to his swarthy-looking Spanish partner and my wife, the dumbo, was sitting by herself, reading a script. She was now wearing a chambermaid?s outfit which was two sizes too small for her. The buttons in front of her breast were ready plop out any moment. Then Ted howled, ?Ready?? and everyone jumped to attention. My wife too stood at attention. ?Larry, sequence please?? The Spaniard pushed his long hair back from his ugly face and read aloud, ?Trina (pointing to my wife) here comes in to clean Smith?s room and finds him unconscious. She calls for help and then is instructed to give CPR to Smith. Lights, camera, action!? The audition had started. I could see the wooden partition that was supposed to be a wall and beyond that I saw the set of a hotel bedroom. I had not noticed Smith previously as he had been lying under covers on the bed. He had been smoking but extinguished the smoke at the call for action and went back to being unconscious. My wife pushed a trolley rather too consciously and knocked on the door, ?Housekeeping.? After three knocks she opened the door tentatively and started dusting around. Then she went to the bed and said, ?Mr. Smith, please don?t mind if I clean the room while you sleep. Mr. Smith? Mr. Smith?? and then she pulled the covers slightly to see the bare midriff of Mr. Smith ? he was a man in his 40s and was as black as the night. He was doing a good job of being knocked out. My wife shrieked (very good acting I thought) and accidentally pulled the covers some more to reveal that Mr. Smith was as naked as a newborn. ?Holy shit,? my wife said out of script. Holy shit, I said myself as we both saw a limp black salami of a cock sleeping the trunk like thigh of Mr. Smith. It was jet black and had a wrinkled foreskin covering its head. It must have been about eight inches in its floppy state. A ?continuity? staff flailed his arms around to get her attention and remind her of the CPR. My wife recovered from her shock and dialed the house phone and spoke to an imaginary supervisor her voice still a bit shaky. ?Oh yes, yes, okay, CPR? Fine, fine, I will start but please come here soon.? She hung up and tentatively moved to Mr. Smith. First she started to cover his nudity. ?Cut,? screamed Ted. ?What the fuck are you doing? In a real life situation, when a man is about to die, would you be wasting time by covering his almost dead body rather than try to save his life?? My wife removed the covers to reveal the black cock again. ?Retake 1.? My wife walked to Mr. Smith still looking groggy. She climbed the single bed and since there was hardly any space on the side, had to straddle Mr. Smith?s black lifeless body. Her tight chambermaid dress had ridden up to display the lower portion of her cotton white panty-covered ass just inches away from the unconscious black man?s limp cock. As she bent down to give mouth- to-mouth resuscitation through the black man?s thick nigger lips, she had to slither her ass slightly down and it came dangerously close to the black snake?s venomous uncut head. She sucked on his mouth and got up and counted five as she pressed his muscular big black hairy chest. She must have given five breaths when I noticed that the limp black cock jerked and slowly started getting filled up with testosterone- laden black blood. Each time my wife gave him the kiss of life, his massive black cock lengthened some more. After 10 breaths it was at full mast and resting just where my wife?s pussy hole must have been. Luckily it was covered with a thin cotton panty. In the heat of the moment of the audition, I think, my wife didn?t notice the intrusion. The next time when she moved up to press his chest, Mr. Smith?s black cock snaked up directly under my wife?s pussy. I noticed a little dampness left behind on her panty. Either Mr. Smith?s cock was perspiring or maybe it was precum, I couldn?t be sure but nonetheless my own cock jumped up slightly noticing these small anomalies in the audition through my six angles even though no one else seemed to have noticed. ?Cut.? I heard as Ted Okayed the first scene. He told my wife to stay in position when she started to get off. Larry called another guy, a black guy in his 50s wearing the housekeeping attendant uniform (two sizes too small for him?why I wondered everyone was wearing small clothes?but then I was relieved that it was not only my wife being subjected to such outrageous clothing). His white pants were like painted on him and a thick appendage snaked down the left side of his right leg. It reminded me of Mr. Smith?s cock. ?Scene 2. Lights camera action!? My wife went back to her position of giving artificial respiration to Mr. Smith while sitting on his fat black cock her buxom ass in display for all. Then Lee, the supervisor, burst in the room in a hurry. He inspected the scene and asked my wife to move a bit lower ? so that Mr. Smith?s entire cock was now directly under her pussy (from the front angle I could even see it poking its head from between my wife?s milky white thighs). Lee started giving CPR to Mr. Smith himself and Mr. Smith?s big fat black cock jerked violently and some more wetness seeped out of its tip like a small stream (he must be a faggot for sure). ?Oh my god, you stupid bitch,? Lee said to my bewildered wife, ?You are choking his cock. No wonder he can?t breathe. Get up slightly.? He helped her get up slightly to a more obscene position, where her completely-damp-panty clad pussy was inches away from Mr. Smith?s cock which stood up proudly. ?Cut. Cut.? Just then Ted barked in. ?Someone please change her goddamned sodden panties.? A young athletic camera assistant jumped in and without saying anything to my wife, snipped her wet panties away with a pair of scissors. Now she was squatting a few inches above Mr. Smith?s jerking, leaking thick black cock. ?Ted,? the young black buck, snarled loudly, ?We don?t have a white panties? shall I give her red panties?? Ted retorted, ?And spoil the continuity, you fucking moron? Never mind, Larry, let?s change the camera angle to we can?t see her bottom. Let her be, we just won?t show the bottom. Lee? Trina? Ready for Take 2. Scene 2. Lights camera action.? The changed camera angle started just in time but accidentally caught Lee adjusting his cock. There was a wet spot around its head too. Anyway, they must have decided to do edits later and continued shooting. ?Stay put, Trina,? Lee said, ?While I apply some more CPR.? And he bent down to kiss (yeah, he said CPR but it seemed more like he was kissing the thick black nigger lips and his tongue was snaking in his mouth. My wife, I reckon she must be tired of standing in that awful position, slumped slightly and her pussy hole hit the head of Mr. Smith?s long fuck pole. She shivered and steadied herself. Just then, as per the script. Mr. Smith coughed, sputtered and came to life. In his convulsions his long cock went straight inside my wife?s unprotected pussy and she gave a shriek of pain. Before she could stand straight, Lee turned towards her, and yelled, ?Oh no Trina, are you okay dear?? In checking my wife?s welfare he accidentally pulled her down and as she fell, her wet pussy impaled on Mr. Smith?s 10-inch long and 5-inch fat black cock right to its root. From one of the monitors, I could clearly see her wet pussy hair mingling freely with Mr. Smith?s wiry, thick pubic hair. I think she fainted with exhaustion. When Lee tried to pull her out of Smith?s cock, Ted yelled, ?Hold on there Lee, willya? This looks like a great publicity shot for our flick. Larry take some pictures. Quick.? Larry jumped in close to the action and started taking some still photos of Smith?s big black slimy fuck pole jammed deep inside my wife?s previously faithful hairy pussy. Her cunt lips were stretched around the black glistening shaft which was pulsating wildly, a pair of big black hairy balls underneath, moving up and down with each movement. After taking some shots, Ted asked Lee to be part of the action, ?Just pull out your nigger cock and pretend to fuck her.? Lee did as told and I saw a mean, ugly black horsemeat cock only slightly smaller than Smith?s. Smith lied down on the bed, and my fainted wife collapsed right on top of his chest, her pussy lips still sticking to his thick cockmeat. Lee straddled Smith and rubbed his cock along Smith?s who had involuntarily started fucking my wife?s pussy. When he had pulled his cock out, Lee slammed his black sausage in, and thus they fucked her alternately and slowly. Ted and Larry moved around, one with a movie camera and one with a still camera and shot the entire scene. Then I noticed the close-up screen and realized the Smith had already emptied his seed inside my wife?s fertile pussy without a sound. As he pulled out his cock, Lee bent down and dove headlong to slurp at his co- actor?s hot stringy cock-cream straight from my wife?s hot oven. Once he had his mouthful, he went back to slam his manmeat in my wife?s willing but unconscious cunt. He fucked her even as Smith?s cock deflated and fell out. In minutes, Lee grunted like an old breeder bull and slammed every single inch and centimeter of his black bull cock inside my wife?s pussy. His back muscles flexed as he erupted his old black seed inside my wife?s hole. Slowly he pulled himself out of her gaping hairy cut ? all red, puffed and swollen. Once both Lee and Smith were off the bed, they left my wife sprawled out displaying her fucked pussy and inviting cunt to all interested. All the men in the room, except Ted and Larry, fucked my lovely but stupid wife one by one and left their smelly cum loads deep inside her. She remained unconscious till the end. When Ted and Larry kissed each other a deep passionate kiss, I realized why they hadn?t partaken in the booty of my wife ? they were fucking faggots. Within half-an hour of the ?audition? the set had been cleared (yes, they dumped by still unconscious wife on a stained mattress) and everyone had gone. I was about to leave myself when the old doorkeeper hobbled in to check the studio. Of course his eyes lit up as he saw my cum covered wife lying there all for his cock?s attention. He too fucked her for two minutes and dumped his smelly cum in her cumdump hole. Then he looked up towards the projection room and announced, ?Better take your little actress from here within 10 minutes or I will start selling her around my nigger friends.? I ran down in a jiffy, sucked her cum dump and drove her home within 10 minutes even though my head said let it be. The end. 23925 1.52/512345

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