Monday, October 22, 2012
Wimpy Husband
WIMPY HUSBAND by robin I guess I always sort of knew that my husband was the wimpy type. He wasn't effiminent or anything like that, but was well, meek. I always got my way in the marriage and was always the one that kind of planned out how things were going to be. Our sex life was good though, and he was a kind and considerate lover. We did our share of Kinky bedroom activities, like tying each other up and things like that. What made me write this letter is the change that happened one night. I had him tied up and was playing with his nipples and I had an idea of getting the big yellow gloves I use for dishwashing. When I returned to the room he looked at me amused. "You aren't washing the dishes in here are you honey?" "no, but you've been a naughty boy and you can't expect me to touch your 'thingy' with my bare hands can you?" I asked in a little girl voice. With that I reached down and picked up his semi hard penis and stroked it wearing the big gloves. He didn't last long before spurting all over his stomache. I left him laying there for a few minutes then I got my vibrator out and brought myself off in front of him. We did the glove thing a few times after that and tried latex doctor gloves a few times, but he liked the big yellow ones the best. He was also always telling me how hot I was and how beautiful I am and that kind of thing, and while I didn't discourage it, I would say that maybe to him I was but to other guys I was just average. "No you are really hot baby! Any guy would love to fuck you" "I don't think so. I doubt that I can turn heads at my age (37)" "You are wrong! with those big tits (36D) and long blonde hair, guys would be all over you in a bar" "I don't think so" "I can prove it. We'll go out to a bar and act like we don't know each other and see if you get hit on." I laughed. "yeah, well what if a guy wants to take me home?" "You could do that! It would be ok" "Are you trying to get rid of me?" "No! I just mean that I would bet that guys would want to take you home and fuck you" "So if we went to a bar and went in seperatly, you would watch guys hit on me and not do anything? just sit there?" "It would be so hot to watch you in action" "I doubt there would be any action. and you would probably freak out" "No I wouldn't I swear." "How about if I went out on my own and tried it?" He frowned. "I wanted to watch you though." "I don't know If I'm ready for that, or ready for any of this to be honest" I said forcefully. With that, the matter dropped. But I didn't waste anytime bringing it up again. The next time we were playing with each other I asked if he was thinking about me fucking another man when we were right in the middle of making love. He groaned and spurted all his come into my pussy, answering my question with a cock that wouldn't get soft after coming. I would bring up scenerios during sex play after that almost every time, and once when I was playing with his cock with the rubber gloves on I told him that maybe it was time I went out by myself. His come spurted up higher than I had ever seen it do before. I knew he was into the idea. I didn't know myself what kind of boundries I should have though, as I have never been a girl that could keep in the boundries anyway. I thought I would just go to a bar and sit and see what happened. If I felt attracted to the man I might go out to his car and blow him. But I wasn't prepared to do anything more than that. The next Friday came and it was a beautiful night. My husband came home from work to find me all dressed up in a short black dress showing lots of cleavage, a black bra, Black heels and an ankle bracelet. My long hair was curled and looked good. I felt good. "Hey! you look great. Where are we going to tonight?" "You aren't going anywhere. I'm going out tonite by myself for a little while." I could see his cock straining at his pants already and I leaned over and squeezed it and said, "don't wait up." "Where are you going though, in case of an emergency" "I don't know, but I'll call you if it looks like I'll be real late." "what are you going to do tonite?" "I'm not real certain, but I'll tell you ALL about it when I get back" Kissing him on the cheek, I left and got into my car, driving away swiftly in case he tried to play detective with me. After making sure he wasn't following me, I went to a bar that was in an area if town that wasn't really sleazy, but not real high class either. I picked a bar that looked crowded. It was set next to a Hotel, and looked fairly discreet. I went in a sat at the bar and ordered a White Russian. Maybe I shouldn't have because they get me so drunk so quickly, but I was pretty nervous. The place was pretty full, and it wasn't long before the first guy came over. He ordered a drink and stood there while the bartender was making it. He asked if I was alone. I said I was, and he commented on my wedding rings. Geez! I had forgotten to take them off! "Would you like to join me and my friends at our table?" "It doesn't bother you that I'm married" "We are just having a drink. Would you like to sit with us?" I guess that my nervousness was really showing through. I surveyed my stranger a little more closely. He was tall maybe 6'4" with a body like a greek god except that it was very very black. He had the shaved head that so many Black guys do nowadays too. "I guess I could have a drink with you and your friends" He held out his hand and helped me off the stool. Carrying my drink over to the table he made motions for the guys to clear some space for me. There were two other guys at the round booth. I ended up sitting in the middle with the guys squeezing in around me. We made our introductions and I found out the Big guy was cliff and his two friends were Tony and Jamal. They worked at a club nearby and were getting ready to go to work. They ordered me another white russian, which I drank quickly as I was really nervous to be sitting with these black guys. Some of the guys in the bar were staring at me, averting their eyes when I looked up. It was kind of odd, like being in a freakshow in a way. After four white russians I was feeling no pain, when Cliff looked at his watch and told Tony and Jamal they had better get going. "don't you have to go in too?" I slurred. "I manage the place so I have a bit of leeway as to when I have to be there." "Ohh a manager. Well I bet thats fun. to manage a club." "It's alot of work, and you have to stay up late, counting money...." "What's the name of the club?" I asked. "It's called Legacy Cabaret." "A cabaret. Is that a dance club" "It's a nude strip bar" I was taken aback for a moment. "Oh! I've enever sen anything like that." "Would you like to go check it out? Unescorted women aren't allowed in, but you can come in with me" I said Why the hell not and in getting up almost fell over, but his strong arms caught me, and he planted a kiss on me. It was a simple kiss, not a toungue job or anything like that, but it was the first time I had kissed a man since I had been married. When we got out to the lot I told him I had driven, and he suggested that I leave my car here as I was a little tipsy and the club was next door, we could walk over. I said ok, and we walked over with cliff sliding his arm around my shoulder, holding me as we walked. We walked right in and he sat me at a table in the back near the bar and told me he would be around to check on me. The club didn't sell alcohol so I had a diet Coke which was a good thing as I was seriously spinning. Tony and Jamal were bouncers and kind of stood around with me when thet weren't circulating in the club. When Cliff came and sat down, he asked me what I thought. "It's kind of weird" "What do you mean weird? It's just girls taking their clothes off for men. Don't you do that for your husband?" "Yes, but in a room full of people!" "You get used to it" "I don't think I ever would." "Why, you have a great body. You would look great up there." "I might be drunk, but not that drunk." "Well, we can fix that." he said, producing a pint of tequila from his jacket. He poured us a couple of shots and we watched the girls and the guys in the audience do their thing. After three shots of Tequila I was REALLY feeling no pain, and cliff started in again on how good I looked. "You are so beautiful. I love your hair and face and those! I would love to see you get up on stage." "I couldn't really. I'm just not pretty enough. I wouldn't want the guys to boo." "Ha ha No way babe. You would get an ovation! I bet you have great tits too. What size are you?" "36 D", i said really slurring now. "Why don't you just give us a little flash? so we can see them ourselves?" "Right here in the bar?" "It's a nude bar babe. And back here your kind of hidden anyway. C'mon lets see a little flash" The tequila was really working on me now, and I was just drunk enough to do it. I stood up and lifted my dress off my head and sat back down quickly, still in my bra and panties. "There thats not so hard is it? lets take that bra off and see those things" I fumbled with my bra for a minute until I felt someone take it off for me. I turned around and it was Jamal smiling down at me. I looked at cliff and he was smiling and looking at my bare tittys. "Oh babe those are so nice. You look great with no clothes on. Oh wait, you still got panties on. Tony! why don't you help her up and take her panties off for her?" "Sure thing boss!" tony replied. The next thing I knew I was stripped of my panties as well and stood there in my heels and ankle bracelet. "You are so hot baby" Cliff said, scanning me up and down. Jamal and tony were agreeing when I realized I was standing up naked in a crowded bar! I quickly sat back down and looked for my clothes, which were all gone at this point. "Where are my clothes?" "We just put them up for you. you'll get them back." Cliff said. "Just as soon as you take a spin on the stage" "I cant' do that!" "You can if you want to put your clothes back on!" He was smiling when he said it, but I knew he wouldn't take no for an answer. So I tried to negotiate a lesser sentance, like dancing at the small stage in the back. "Nope. Main stage baby! Are you ready?" He walked me backstage right through the crowd. I thought everyone in the place was looking right at me, and in retrospect they probably were. CLiff told me too stand right there at the door, and at the next song he pushed me gently on stage, with the DJ calling me an amatuer named Jeanne, which thankfully was not my real name. When I got out on stage, I realized I was totally blitzed. I figured I would just dance around a little and not look at the crowd, but before a minute went by there were two guys standing by the stage with dollars in their hands. To be honest, I wasn't sure where the girls put money that guys gave them. Later on I found about about the garter. LOL. I bent down and the first guy said I was really sexy. and he tucked the dollar in my shoe. He stood there for a minute and I didn't know what else he wanted so I leaned out and kissed him. The second guy didn't say anything and motioned for me to lift up my breast and he would put the dollar there. I did that without falling off the stage and then danced back out to the center. After the song was over I fled to the door where Cliff was waiting. "See it didn't kill you did it?" "I want my clothes now please." He had them right there and as I was getting dressed he gave me another kiss. This time it was a hard wet one. I was standing there in my panties holding my bra when my knees went. Cliff picked me up and carried me to the dressing room, where he helped put my clothes on. "I'm such a slut" "Hey babe, you looked great. I've worked here for 3 years and this might be first time I've had a boner." I looked down at his crotch and he put my hand on it. It felt like a nightstick in there. I didn't know what else to say but..... "I need to be fucked!" "well lets get out of here." "Where too?" "We keep a room at the hotel for free tickets to the club..." "Take me there now" We walked out of the club and back over to the hotel. He had to check in at the desk and get a key. I was so hot I was dripping. When we got to the room I almost tackled him. Stripping him of his shirt I was like a wild animal. Pulling his pants down, I found what I was looking for. A truly magnificent ebony cock. It had to be 10" long and I couldn't get my fingers to touch my thumb. I started feasting on the head, which is all I could get in mouth. I knew I had to have this monster in my vagina. He picked me up and instead of putting me on the bed he held me in the air and lowered me down on his cock. My husband couldn't do that on the best day of his life. When I had settled onto his cock he started movie up and down slowly. After a dozen strokes he walked to the bed and laid me down where he proceeded to put the whole thing in me. I felt like I was splitting in half. I must have come a dozen times by the time he pumped my pussy full of his come. He laid on me for a long while kissing my neck and mouth before pulling out. I was totally spent. He asked me if i wanted a ciggarette. I said yes and when I struggled up to my sitting position I saw the clock. It was 1:30am. He told me he had to get back to the club and close out the night. All I could do was smoke and look at his still magnififcent cock. He asked me if I wanted to stick around till he finished but that would be about 3:00am. "I have to be getting back home to my husband." "Does he know what you've been up to tonight?" "No. But I plan on telling him about it." "So it's ok? or is it divorce time?" "No, we've been discussing it for some time." "Well, how was it?" "Awesome.....for me. Was I good for you?" "Yeah babe you were good. Real good. Sorry I made you go out on stage..." "Ohh It was ok. I got so hot out there though." "You are welcome any time you want to give it a try" he said laughing. "Maybe I'll bring my husband with me and I'll do it again." "you think he would get off on that?" "He's probably beat off ten times tonight while I've been gone." "I gotta get on over to the club. You want me to send tony or Jamal over?" he said laughing. "Do you think they would want some?" "hell yeah baby. Hell Jamal as big as me." "Maybe next time" And to be honest, I had had enough. My pussy was gaping open as I sat there with my legs crossed. I was slick with come and my own juices. As he left, giving me another knee buckling kiss and exacting a promise to return to the club soon, I began to get dressed. I thought about taking a shower but figured I would rather surprise my husband with the evidence of my night out. When I returned home it was about 2:30am and all the lights were off in the house. As I made my way to the bedroom I was hot with anticipation. What would my husband say when I walked in the room? I stopped at the kitchen and got the big yellow gloves. Would he be pissed off? Excited? I walked in and turned on the light. He was awake and pissed. "Why didn't you call me? "I was busy" "What did you do? where did you go? Did you fuck someone?" "Lay down. I told you I would tell you all about it." I started to take off my clothes and when I pulled my panties off there was a large string of come pulling away with them. I told him that it certainly looks like I got fucked. I straddled him and started telling him the whole story as I inched furthur towards his mouth. I put the big yellow gloves on and started to slowly jack his cock off. I turned around and when I got to the part of the story about cliff fucking me I lowered my sopping pussy onto his mouth. Telling him to lick out cliffs sperm and stick his toungue where his cock was and stroking him with the gloves brought him off, with the come spurting high into the air. After he had cleaned me out I got off him and laid down. He tried to climb up on me but I told him that my pussy had had enough cock for tonite. He was pouting and acting hurt, so I told him I would jack him off again. He wanted me to suck him but I told him that my mouth and pussy were too sore to put out anymore. Frustrated, he laid down and said I could Jack him off again. I put the gloves back on and said, why don't you just use your hand? I told him that his thing was dirty and I didn't want to touch it. "don't want to touch it? you already fucked another guy tonite!" "And you liked it when I came home with his come in my pussy didn't you?" "yes but how come I can't fuck you?" "I decided to only give my pussy and mouth to real men, not guys that stay home and beat off while their wife goes out" " so you aren't going to fuck me anymore?" I started stroking harder with the gloves. "He had a giant penis, not like your little thing" With that he came again spraying all over himself and me. I told him I was done for the night and turned over and went to sleep. When we woke up the next day, everyting was different......... 9117 1.63/512345
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