Thursday, March 28, 2013
Karl was sitting alone, watching the box, yet again. He was an average sort of guy, held down a job at a coffee shop while he went to university. Nothing was on, the usual mix of old movies, repeats, and uncreative talentless garbage being forced on to the screen. He'd long ago got bored of playing computer games on his xbox, and all of his friends were all in healthy, stable, relationships. Karl hated them for that, on a purely jealous level, but what irked him even more was how they were becoming more and more withdrawn into their relationships every day. They wouldn't go out on the weekends like they used to. Karl was 25 years old, and though he had some associates now, and could probably get the odd drink, he could certainly not count on any of those people to be wingmen, and could not go out to pick up women. He wasn't really good at that sort of thing anyway. And he would never be able to do it on his own. So, he thought... instead, I'll have a bit of a practice. I'll go online and try in the chat rooms. After all, if you're afraid to talk to women online, what chance d o you have in the real world? Only, he didn't know what the protocol was. How even to go about it. He figured that online, as well as in the real world, men were supposed to make the come-on's... the first moves. But he didn't have the first idea how to go about that. So, he decided that he'd log on to the internet, and go on chat. But first, he'd create an alias. Alien-Flower-Girl would be her name, "Chloe" in real life. The more he thought about it, the more it made sense. After all, what better way to discover how things went in the online world than to see it from the other side? And he might pick up some pointers. He couldn't deny it though, there was a certain tittilation to be had from hiding his identity, too. So without further ado, he picked an irc channel and rolled in. It was easy with the software he had. If things didn't work out, he could try another place until they did. And so, he went through a few channels, none of which of any particular interest, until he came across one named chatzz, that is. Nothing was particularly unusual about it, at least to begin with. Not until HE messaged in a private chat, anyway. It first went as such. <kqinty> and pigs are cleaner than dogs <Zeffo> cats are stupid *** dabomb has joined #chatzz *** Pantyhose has joined #chatzz <kqinty> pygmy pig ain't high maintenance <blury> no...cats own us *** chxxx has joined #chatzz <kqinty> Zeffo are you american? *** chxxx has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) <Zeffo> we make the best cheese <Zeffo> yep *** X sets channel mode to +l 80 <blury> u don't fed a cat or give it attention.......he drops ya <kqinty> I noticed <kqinty> <- is this you blury <Zeffo> oh great now we have to look things up to prove a point *** thebomb has quit (Ping timeout) <blury> my goat is a full size goat *** chxxx has joined #chatzz <Zeffo> do you really own a goat? <blury> and if i want sex.....i look for a real woman <kqinty> oh full size, she's safe <blury> yes i do <Zeffo> that is cool <Zeffo> most people mess with me Blue <kqinty> only pygmy goats endangered <blury> i saved her from last hunting trip <kqinty> pics of the goat? <Zeffo> naw that is honorable <Zeffo> and I got respect <blury> i have on my phone...... <blury> if the other guys had their way...i wouldn't had her... *** rreeddss has joined #chatzz <kqinty> is it a wild goat? *** rreeddss has left #chatzz <blury> yes it was a wild goat *** chinita^ has quit (Signed off) *** petal44 has joined #chatzz *** petal44 has left #chatzz *** Cornetto has joined #chatzz *** Gecko has joined #chatzz <kqinty> awesome <Gecko> Hi <kqinty> hi wb <blury> wb medusa <Gecko> Hi blury ** j4fun has joined #chatzz Standard fare for your online chat, but Karl noticed that, despite not talking in the main channel, he had received a private message from someone. He had a quick look. <Truseru> Hello, Chloe. Karl was a little surprised, but not concerned. This was, after all, what he had come online to do. So, having already steeled himself to deal with such, he was nonchalant. <AlienFlowerGirl> Hi. <Truseru> I like your name. <AlienFlowerGirl> Thanks, not that I had a choice in it! <Truseru> That's true. Still. I like it. <AlienFlowerGirl> .. okay. <Truseru> So what brings you to the world of chatrooms, AFG. <AlienFlowerGirl> Honestly? Didn't know what else to do, really. <Truseru> Interesting. <AlienFlowerGirl> It doesn't show your name. The applet. So, what's your name? <Truseru> Brett. Well, there has to be a reason you're on here. Looking for a special someone? Karl winced, but he supposed nothing he was saying was a lie. Even the name he picked, he'd been an only child, and his mother and father had once told him that if he'd been born a girl, his name would have been Chloe. <AlienFlowerGirl> Just learning the ropes, really. Figuring out this whole business. Figured that if I couldn't find the courage to go and talk to people in social situations online, I couldn't do it in real life. I used to have my friends backing me up, but I can't rely on them anymore. <Truseru> That so. I can relate. I find this place to be very much more akin to reality than some realise. A lot of harsh truths about ourselves surface on the internet. <AlienFlowerGirl> Yeah, well, whatever. What about yourself? <Truseru> I come on here to meet women, and to help them learn about themselves. <AlienFlowerGirl> Ah, very charitable of you. <Truseru> If they want to suck and fuck, that's their own business. <AlienFlowerGirl> What? <Truseru> I am only messing with you. <AlienFlowerGirl> Oh There was a pause. <AlienFlowerGirl> So ah, what do you look like? <TruSeru> it's on my profile. I'm 6'2, blonde. Karl checked his profile. Sure enough, Truseru appeared to be some confident, tall, scandinavian looking man <Truseru> You've not got a picture on yours. <AlienFlowerGirl> Yeah, I've only just started this sort of thing, really. Didn't even know you could. <Truseru> So what do you look like? <AlienFlowerGirl> Oh, I'm short, with red hair! And hazel brown eyes <Truseru> You sound pretty. <Truseru> So where do you work? <AlienFlowerGirl> Um... not sure I want to tell you that! <Truseru> Oh come on, we're having fun. You're probably a few hundred miles away anyway. <AlienFlowerGirl> Well, okay. I work at a coffee shop. <Truseru> What town? Karl considered... then he thought, what's the harm. And told him the town. <Truseru> Oh. Nice place. I hope you're enjoying it there. <AlienFlowerGirl> It pays the bills. <Truseru> Well, life isn't just about paying the bills. It's about having fun. I think you need to get out and explore a little, AFG. Have some fun, you know? <AlienFlowerGirl> You're probably right. <Truseru> I know I am. Anyway, I gotta go. You come to this chatroom now and again, you'll see me here. I am a regular. <AlienFlowerGirl> Great. Bye! Take it easy! Karl logged off, thinking that he had absolutely no intention of ever coming to this chatroom again. There was something about Truseru and his confidence that he realised he could never quite imitate, and he certainly had no intention of playing the part of AFG ever again. But for what it was worth, he figured, he'd learned something today, and kind of enjoyed his little dalliance with the other side of the moon. Truseru would never be the wiser, and he'd probably find some other real online girl to toy with the emotions of. Karl slept poorly, tossing and turning that night. He kept having the strangest dreams, of which in the morning he had no recollection. At work the next day, Karl had had a pretty dreary morning, and afternoon. It was a rotten shift, raining outside, few customers to speak of, all boring business types. Catherine, his fellow staff member, had a cold, and their manager had left them to it due to some issue with her car (Karl fully suspected that she had simply decided that it wasn't even worth being in the coffee shop to manage it, and didn't blame her at all. Managers had their perks, and he said as much to her often as not to keep her sweet. They had a good working relationship). He was just washing the surface next to the machine down when he heard the door go. Out of his peripheral vision, he noted, a large blonde man had just entered. He just about managed to stop himself gawking like a man who had just seen his first fireworks display, and carry on wiping the surface with his cloth as nonchalantly as he could muster, when the blue eyed man walked up to him. "Hello there." the man said. "Hello". "I'm looking for a girl named Chloe. Does she work here?" "Um... I don't know any girl called Chloe." he replied, "Do you want a coffee or something?" "No, I do not want coffee. You are sure she does not work here?" he said. Karl called out to his fellow coffee shop assistant "Cath! Cath, do you know a girl called Chloe, if she's ever worked here? A girl named Chloe". Catherine sniffed, and blew into a handkerchief, and replied. "No, I habn't herb of her. You worged here longer than me, Karl, you know bedder than I do". Karl then replied. "Sorry, fella, nobody of that name works here.". The Tall man, towering over even Karl's 5'9 frame, stared evenly into Karls eyes, then smiled. "Ah, well. If she happens to come by, or if you're protecting her, tell her this. I'll be online tonight at 8pm. I have a bit of a surprise for her, so she'd enjoy it. Anyway, thank you for your time, goodbye." Karl and Catherine watched him leave, but Karl had a sense of unease about the whole situation. Something about it felt wrong to him, and he suddenly felt very queasy. "Uh, can I go home a bit earlier Cath, I'm not feeling well". She looked at him drolly "alright, alright. Lets just get this day over with before it gets any weirder. Karl went home after work. He'd rang his friends, they were all having a quiet Friday night with their girlfriends. There was nothing on the television but typical reality shows and talent contests, glorifying people who didn't have the real talent to make it on their own backs anyway. He was having a horrendously bad night. It wasn't raining anymore. The night dragged so much he almost wished he was working late. Almost. He checked the time. It was 7:55pm. He chewed his bottom lip. There was a nervous flutter in his stomach. He walked over to his computer, knowing full well what he was going to do. He knew he shouldn't, but this night... well. It couldn't hurt. Not any worse than this emptiness he was feeling now, at his dreary, lonely life. He switched on his computer and began the irc protocols... <Truseru> Hello, Chloe. <AlienFlowerGirl> Hello. <Truseru> I knew you'd come online. I went to your work today. <AlienFlowerGirl> My work? That's... very odd of you. <Truseru> I know. But I couldn't help myself. I had to know what sort of person I was dealing with. And I was impressed. <AlienFlowerGirl> Impressed? <Truseru> Impressed at the power you have within you. <AlienFlowerGirl> You're not making any sense. <Truseru> I know. I met your colleagues today. Cath and Karl. They were very nice. But not as nice as you are, Chloe. You are special, I wanted you to know that. <AlienFlowerGirl> ... thanks, I think? <Truseru> But I expect you don't look the way you said you did. Karl hesitated to reply. <Truseru> No, I don't think you're a redhead at all. He felt a strange twisting in his stomach, like a knot forming. It was... incredibly strange. Karl gasped, but he continued typing. <AlienFlowerGirl> Well, what am I then? <Truseru> First, some more questions. You said you were short. How short? <AlienFlowerGirl> 5'5. <Trueseru> Close. I put you at 5'3. <AlienFlowerGirl> I know my own height. <Truseru> Let me ask the questions here. How big are your breasts, Chloe? <AlienFlowerGirl> That's not a polite thing to ask. <Truseru> Please, it won't harm you to answer. And I am not doing this for my own perverted pleasures. Believe me. Tell me, there are more questions yet. <AlienFlowerGirl> A B-cup. <Truseru> You sell yourself short. You might squeeze into a C, but the truth is, you're lying, you know very well you're a D cup. Karl felt very dizzy now, and nauseous, and all over himself he was starting to feel very strange indeed. He just put it down to nerves, scolded himself, and continued typing. After all, they were only words. <AlienFlowerGirl> Alright, you've got me. <Truseru> And you said your hair was red. <AlienFlowerGirl> Yes. <Truseru> It's not, it's light brown, and curly. And falls like wisps from your head. I know. <AlienFlowerGirl> Oh you do, do you? <Truseru> (illegible scribble) Karl stopped typing. He froze. <Truseru> Good. Read those words aloud. Karl read out the words aloud, without a second thought. <Truseru> Excellent. Close your eyes. And count to sixty. It begins. Karl closed his eyes and began counting aloud to thirty. By the time he got to six, he felt extremely strange. His body was cold, and then warm, all over. He felt what seemed like gusts of air hit him from all angles. And whispering! It was terrifying. Suddenly, he felt himself begin to... contract! All over ! And stretch in other places ! It was the single most painful experience of his life... and then finally, it was over. <Truseru> Good. Now, a little exploration. You have to see for yourself what you are now, Karl. You may not have wanted this, but when you decided to toy with the fates, they decided that they would rather toy with you. Now, get on your knees. Karl obliged, his eyes still on the screen, though there was little of his personal will in obeying these commands, he was still well aware of what was happening. <Truseru> Turn your webcam on so I can see you, and post it to this address. Karl did so. <Truseru> Excellent. Now, you are wearing your work shirt, yes. I want you to remove it. Karl did so. <Truseru> Excellent, yes. Keep your eyes fixed on the screen. Now, you are only in the beginnings of a most remarkable of magic. Almost faustian. Your lies have given it the empowerment it deserves, and so you shall learn. Put your hands up to your head. Karl did so. <Truseru> What do you feel? Don't tell me. Just, keep it to yourself. I can tell by your expression. Karl raised his hands to his head.... and there were strange wisps there.... wisps of brown hair, before his eyes! He ran his hands through his head, it was long now, and curly, and- <Truseru> Good. Now, feel your cheeks. Karl lowered his hands to his cheeks. They were now very soft. <Truseru> And your lips and nose. Karl touched his nose and his lips in turn. They were ... different. His lips felt strange, like they were longer and wider... and his nose was tiny. Petite. <Truseru> Now, move your hands to your chest. Yes, that's it. Karl moved his hands to his chest... though by this point he knew what to expect, it was still a shock when he felt the mounds of flesh that had somehow now formed, firm, extruding. It sent electrical tingles through his nerves. <Truseru> Now, remove your jeans, and turn around. On your knees. Karl did so. He looked over at the computer, at the webcam screen, Brett was leaning in very close to his camera now, observing. The screen that held him, he could see himself, bent over, now in a most feminine shape... he could mke out his jeans lying on the floor now and this most exquisite of women on her hands and knees, looking over at the screen with desperate, frantic eyes. <Truseru> Close your eyes, remove your boxer shorts, and put your fingers between your legs. Do it now. Karl hesitated for the first time, though it took all his will. <Truseru> You know you desire it. That broke his will, and he did as he was asked. He removed his shorts down his now shapely legs, and put two fingers slowly up to where his old friend should have been... instead, nothing... nothing... and then... "Ohh..." A sigh escaped his lips, a single soft sound which he had no control over, as he plunged in to what could only be his wet, ready vagina! <Truseru> Good. Harder. He plunged his fingers in again, more frantic this time, and pushed himself closer to a strange new feeling, like he used to have, but more intese, this body made for pleasure, and sending incredible impulses through his body as he rocked... <Truseru> I have seen enough. Now. Truseru now spoke over the webcam. "I trust you have some more fitting clothes somewhere in your flat?" Karl nodded. "Find them, put them on, and await me. I do not wish you to be able to focus on such until you hear the door. SLEEP". Karls eyes went heavy... but he could feel himself moving, getting up, going somewhere... he had something he must do... something he had to find... There was a rapping at his door. It was like an electric shock through Karl's nervous system. Suddenly, he realised, he had gained full awareness. Was it a dream? Was it... he walked over to the door. No, he was still short, he still had long hair, he could feel it upon his shoulders, and he was wearing... no. It couldn't be. But it was. He had once bought a gift for an old ex-girlfriend that had been slightly too small for her (or at least that was her excuse for not wearing it). He never did find the time to take it back to the shops to get cash back, and she broke up with him three weeks later, so he'd shoved it in a random drawer. Somehow in his hypnotised state he had rooted it out and put it on. He wouldn't have known how to do so, but somehow, all the straps and fittings were correct, and the sultry, silken basque he now wore, which was slightly too small for his new buxom frame, covered his body. It was taut against his breasts, and legs, and midsection, and he looked down now agape at his new apparrel, his beautiful dark light brown curls falling over his neck. The door rapped again, and he snapped to attention, as he walked toward it with trepidation. It rapped one more time, not impatiently, as he reached it, and looked through the keyhole. It was of course Brett. He opened the door almost without thinking. "Hello Chloe. You look even better than I thought you possibly could, in the flesh." Karl found his thought patterns, for the first time in a while, untainted. "How did you do this?" "Be careful what you wish for. Names have a power. And your belief in yourself gave me my own." "What do you want with me?" Brett entered the flat, pushing past Chloe. The tall blonde man was dressed in jeans and a white shirt, stylish, with flourished patterns all over it. "I want to be the first man to fuck you, Chloe." "But... you know what I was- what I AM" Chloe said, whined almost, in a high pitched, somewhat frantic manner. "That does not matter. You are my new toy, and I was extremely curious to see how you would turn out. Not everything can be altered... massaged, if you will, into a new form, without the right conditions. Genetics, bodymass, such things are vital. Entropy. Energy cannot be destroyed, it can only be transformed. And your body, your ENERGY. I wish to sample it." "You can't..." "I can, and I will. Ah, this is where you dine?" Brett walked into the small kitchen room of the flat, a bare table with two chairs. "Yes, this is where I eat." "This is where you will taste me for the first time. Brett turned around, a large smile on his lips, and pulled his zipper down. Chloe just stood agape as his huge member was unfolded out of the jeans. "Come to me. Kiss me." Chloe whimpered, and walked over to him. He took her head in his hands, not ungently, and rolled his hands down her hair, to her shoulders. He pulled himself forward, and kissed her, and she let out a small noise as he did so. They kissed, with tongues, for a minute or two, Chloe as Karl, terrified by these new bodily impulses, but unable to stop them, an observer in his own body. Brett finished kissing her, and slowly pushed her head down. "Kiss me. There." Chloe struggled, shaking her head, "no" "You must." She shook her head again. "You are made for this, you must feel a need. You must do this." Chloe felt the need he described, something physical and visceral, but her whole will and strength raged against it, as a true injustice. Brett simply smiled. "Incredible. You do not understand. This is not about domination, this is not about choice, or lack thereof. You are doing what you were MADE to do. I will show you!" Brett picked Chloe back up to her full height, (only up to his chest, now) and manoevered himself around her, so she was facing the table. Chloe's mind searched and searched for avenues of escape, nothing presented itself, but if he was focussed fully, perhaps she could upend the table and... ... she did not have the time, Brett, grabbed her midsection, where the lacy basque was taut, and rolled his hands down her. He was smooth, and gentle, and toyed with her now smooth, incredible legs once he got past her shapely hips. He then found the section between her thighs, and moved his hand up, and up, until... ... the feeling was unlike anything else. This body had been made for sex, and it sent an electrical shock through her entire body, coursed along ever nerve ending as he started to play with her clitoris. A moan escaped her lips. "Good, yes?" She felt him undo the laces on her basque, felt him rip and tear at the silken covering, so that her shapely ass and curved hips were now fully exposed to Brett, as Chloe faced the table, and scratched her nails down it. Karl knew what was coming, and a part of (her?) even desired it, animalistically, but he knew he should resist somehow. Suddenly, Chloe felt something rise against her asscheeks, between them, hard, and long, and warm... it could only be one thing, and that could only mean that now, finally, she was about to lose this battle for self. Brett slid his penis along her ass crack once, twice, three times, before finally, Chloe felt it press against the entrance to her new formed vagina. The anticipation and horror coursed through Karls mind. He looked around. His magnificent breasts were sliding along the table with each little thrust, his hair falling in beautiful curls, jolting around from side to side with his panicced head. "I... but... this is not possible!" he squealed breathlessly. "It is. Now, it might hurt a little, at least to begin with. But it will soon get very pleasant, very fast. Very pleasant. You are perfect, Chloe. Perfection. And I know exactly what makes you work. I created you, after all. Now, I will be slow to begin. Just relax. Enjoy. You are too tense." Brett rubbed Chloe's face with the back of his hand, then positioned himself at her entrance again... and penetrated slowly. It hurt, quite a great deal, as Chloe's hymen got torn, and she let out a muffled squeal as he entered her about two or three inches, but then it was over and he retracted. He penetrated her again, then pulled out. Over, and over. Chloe slid along the table with each thrust, her D/E breasts fully erect with the resounding eroticism of the situation. Despite herself, she could feel her pussy beginning to respond. After a few minutes of sliding in and out, in fact, it was beginning to feel pleasant, was beginning to feel... "You are wet. You are enjoying this now, yes?" "N-no!" Chloe said, breathlessly, but her moans were escaping with increasing regularity now, as Brett penetrated her over and over. "You are. I know." Chloe felt her pussy getting wet now, could hear the sounds as Bretts penis slid easily in over and over again. It was increasing in intensity, already a rival for any orgasm he had as a man, and he could tell it was only the beginning. "Take it all". Brett pulled all the way out, then thrust himself deeply inside her. Chloe squealed, and then moaned with pleasure as his tempo increased a little, and the pleasure began to grow. "Oh... god.." she moaned... she could even smell sex around her now, her eyes closed in pleasure. Wet squelching noises were being made now with every thrust, and Brett was beginning to groan also in pleasure, deep, masculine noises. Bretts tempo increased, and his thrusting began to grow more frantic, and her noises came with increasing regularity, the pleasure now taking control of Chloes thoughts, Karl was pushed into almost rapture, this was incredible, a body truly made for sex, it was begining to force his thoughts to alter, it was glorious, and it was... stopped. Brett held his penis at her vagina's entrance, ceasing his movement completely. It was an outrage to the senses, Chloe was so close! "Oh..." she simply exclaimed, as unwanted rational thought began to filter in once more. "You want me to continue, don't you." Karl/Chloe silenced completely, his eyes closed, but Brett tantalised her briefly with the most minute of movements around her clitoris with his huge penis. "I,.." "Say it. I want to hear it." "I..." "I'll tell you what. I'll give you two choices now. If you ask me, I'll continue. In fact, you have to BEG me. If you do not say anything, I will withdraw, and leave you now, forever. On the count of three. One." Karl moved his penis about her clitoris for the briefest of tiny instances. Chloe's body was in uproar. But Karl was thinking, fast, fast,... "Two." A chance to go back, he had to, but he... not enough time, there wasn't enough ti- "Three" Brett withdrew- "NO" He hesitated, with his penis once more at her entrance. "No? You want me to continue?" "... yes..." "Are you begging me?" "Don't make me-" "Are you begging me?" Chloe spoke in an incredibly pitiful, even to Karl's ears, high pitched, breathless tone. "... I'm begging you. Please" "Good girl" the humour in Brett returned and he once more entered her, a few times, to the delight of all of Chloe's new formed senses. Suddenly, though, he pulled her off the table, turned her around, and kissed her face. She had to lean up a little, and was surprised and shocked, but it was not unpleasant. Brett began to sit down, and pulled her with him, two hands on the rest of her silken basque. As he pulled her on top of him, he ripped her clothing away, with ferocity, and sat her astride his magnificent erection, her queen-sized breasts now on display for him, as she sat astride him with her pussy, now in control. Chloe was close, now, to orgasm, she knew it would not be long, so she closed her eyes and accepted Bretts touches, and rose up and down again on to Bretts penis, the wet noises echoing around her, the musky odour of sex in the air adding to her arousal. Faster, and faster, she rode him up and down, squealing now, her moans beginning to rise in volume and tempo, his grunts intermingling in tandem as she went, faster now, faster. "oh, oh... there. Right there!" she screamed, as her clitoris was toyed with by the expert hands of Brett, as she furiously rode him, over and over. "Yes! Oh... Oh my god!" she exlaimed as she rode, the orgasm well on the way now. It was already ten times what Karl ever felt as a man, the pleasure rising in intensity to a crescendo. Suddenly, finally, it peaked, and Chloe's body rocked, her eyes rolled back into her head, a scream of joyous adulation escaped, and she felt rocked... but it continued, as Brett continued to play with her! Impossibly, it carried on, another one, and another, and- "My turn." Brett pushed her off him now, her animalistic grunts and lack of control nearly making her fall over, but he grabbed her before she did so, hands on both breasts, and turned her around once more. Chloe no longer resisted, and simply looked over her shoulder at him with her beautiful eyes, imploring him to continue. He obliged, ramming his full length into her, as she squealed with sheer delight, and he continued to fuck her, like a dog, holding her arms now, grunting with masculine pleasure as she was pushed to the brink of orgasm once more, and beyond. Chloe felt something then... as Bretts grunts grew to a bestial roar, and he ejaculated in a manner that suggested it might never end, and Chloe felt herself filling up now with the fluids of this paragon of manhood. Panting, he pushed her off of him, then began to laugh. She, Karl, turned around to look at him now, from a seated position, coming down from those rapturous highs. She waited, as he stood. Brett simply looked at her, and smiled for a minute. Before saying... "Again?" She nodded. --THE END 21675 2.06/512345
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