Sunday, March 24, 2013
Forty isn't Old if You're a Tree Ch. 04
My thanks to my editor MistressPenelope. Without her this would be a worse story. After her the mistakes are mine. **** On Saturdays when he worked, Michael usually went in early arriving at the plant about 7:30. Since he wasn't meeting Jolene until 10AM, he started to set his clock for 8AM. Will Julie suspect something if I don't act like usual? He decided to follow the same routine as if he were really working. As soon as she heard Michael going out the door Saturday, Julie got out of bed. He told me several weeks ago that the pressure was off. I'll bet he's meeting Jolene. She quickly got dressed and left to see where he was going. She cruised by his plant at 7:40. No cars in the parking lot! Then out of the corner of her eye, she saw his Camry around the side of the building. Still as she was driving home, she detoured by the company apartment. She didn't see Jolene's Mercedes anywhere. "Hi, Mom. Where've you been?" Holly was lounging in front of the TV in her nightshirt when Julie returned. "Just felt like donuts this morning. They're on the kitchen counter." Michael left the plant in plenty of time. He was at the apartment by ten minutes of. Jolene, of course, was five minutes late. As she entered the condo, she dropped an overnight case on the floor. Then Michael took her in his arms and kissed her. It was soft and wet. Their tongues chased into one mouth and then back out to the other. Meanwhile, they were sliding towards the couch. They dropped on to the couch and resumed necking. Michael slowly ran his hands over her body: her back, her hips, her tummy , around her breasts avoiding her nipples, down the top of one thigh and back up the inside of the other brushing her triangle as he moved to the buttons of her blouse. "I like slow and easy," she breathed into his ear. "We have more time today. I want to enjoy every inch of you, inside and out." She giggled. "Especially in." They might have spent fifteen minutes on the couch. By the end they were both nude. She broke a kiss and stood. "The bed's more comfortable." During the first fuck, she rode him moving both back and forth and side to side, almost circular in motion. He also noticed her muscles clamp down on his cock. "So good. So good." She began to murmur over and over to him. Suddenly she sped up her motions. Her face turned into a grimace and she went rigid. He felt those muscles spasm inside her and it sent him over the top too as she trilled in his ear. She collapsed on top of him. Eventually their breathing slowed and she rolled to the side with his arm wrapped around her. "You made me all sweaty and sticky. Let's shower." He quickly adjusted the water and they got in. She asked him to wash her front and then she washed his. "Turn around," she commanded. Her hands ran lightly over his back. She soaped them some more and washed his butt cheeks. Then a finger slid down his crack. The fingertip paused at his back hole and then started to worm inside. He clinched involuntarily. "I won't hurt you," she whispered. "But I need you clean inside and out." He let her in, and when she rubbed his prostate, he began to resurrect. "Now me." He soaped her back and slid his finger inside her also. "Mmmmm," she purred. "I had an enema this morning, but it never hurts to clean some more." She thrust back and his finger almost disappeared. Soon they were drying off. She tossed her towel aside and grabbed his cock. "You almost ready again?" He was as she led him back to the bed. She pushed him down to the sheets and then lay down on her side in the opposite direction. When she lifted one knee, he craned his neck in to lap at her center. He felt her lips engulf him for a few brief up-and-down moments. Her mouth left him and her tongue began to lick down his shaft. Soon she was at his balls, feathering about lightly. She enclosed one in her mouth and he felt a weird but very pleasant vibration. Then the tongue resumed its light licks moving down behind his balls. Gently he felt her separate his ass cheeks and lick between, then the wet extension pushed into his back hole. He would have come immediately if this had been their first try today, but he was able to hold off. He did think he ought to return the favor. After a moment scootching around he licked her back there and then inside. It wasn't like licking her pussy, but it wasn't bad either, just different. "Yes. Lover, get me nice and wet." She went back to her own licking after that command. She also grasped his cock and began jacking it softly. He remembered her comment from Wednesday about imagining him back there. Since Julie hadn't even let him use a finger there (until recently, he thought sourly), he hadn't tried anything else. Like most men he wondered what anal sex would be like. Maybe he would find out today. Soon enough he felt hard as steel. Jolene must have thought so, too, because she popped off the bed. "Be right back." She returned holding a small bottle. "Use this," she said. As he took it, she positioned herself on all fours with her knees spread near the edge of the bed. When she dropped her head down to the mattress, her ass was spread wide He opened the bottle and squeezed some of the slippery liquid out. His fingers softly caressed it up and down her crack. Then he pushed one finger inside her, stroking in and out several times. "Now use two fingers," she instructed. "When that's easy use three and finally four." After he worked up to two strokes with four, he pulled his hand away. She was wide open. He quickly smeared some liquid around his cock and moved behind her. On the first thrust she was too tight, but on the second try he felt a little give and then slid in until he rested against her cheeks. "Wait a second," she breathed out. "Okay." He began moving in and out slowly. She was so tight. No, that wasn't exactly right, he thought. It wasn't difficult thrusting like tight too small would be. It was like she was gripping the entire length of his shaft firmly. Much more total sensation than a hand or mouth or even her vagina. And it didn't loosen up as he continued. She started moaning. He didn't pay attention when it started. Then he realized that the moans were actual words. "AllEwain. AllEwain. All the wain. All the way in. All the way in." She continued chanting in time to his thrusts. He reached around to finger her clit, but discovered her hand was already there. He shifted to grab a breast. After a few more minutes he felt the tension begin to build. Letting go of her breast, he put both hands on her hips. He pulled her hips back as he pushed forward. She reached her peak before he did. The contractions on his cock were almost painful, but they hurried his climax also. Five or ten more thrusts and he felt himself spew into her bowels. When he let her go, she slipped down onto her belly. He looked down and saw the white spunk dribble out of her ass. He twisted and dropped heavily to the bed as his legs refused to continue holding him up. "Oh, wow! That was good!" He stroked her back as he fell down beside her. "Michael," she pulled her head around to look at him. "I only do that occasionally and the number of times that I've cum while doing it, I can count on one hand. You are good!" They crawled up the bed and pulled the sheet over their bodies. She laid her head on his chest and his arm stretched down her back until he could fell the swell of her buttocks. They dozed off. They woke perhaps an hour later. It was already mid-afternoon and neither had eaten since breakfast. This time the shower was quicker, but included some tender kisses and some washing "to make sure everything was clean." They slipped out individually, but met at a café/bakery nearby that Michael knew, and he bought lunch. About three o'clock he walked her to her car and gave her a quick goodbye kiss. As Michael drove home he felt oddly unsatisfied. Jolene was sexy and he'd gotten to fulfill a fantasy, but he didn't feel any connection to her. He knew if Julie wanted a divorce, he wouldn't even date her. "Hello, this is Jolene. Is Michael there?" Julie answered the phone on Sunday to hear that simpering voice again. "Michael, it's for you." She didn't care if Jolene heard her hollering all over the house. He came in to the kitchen and took the phone from her. Then he wandered out into the living room carrying on a mumbled conversation. She tried to hear his end of it, but she couldn't be too obvious. She ended up without even a guess as to the nature of the call. "What did she want?" Julie almost spat the words when Michael finally hung up the phone. "She's got a plumbing problem. I discussed it with her, but I told her I don't have any expertise in that area. I recommended the guy that we used last year." He wandered off. I'll bet she has a plumbing problem. She probably wants Michael to ream out her tubes with his tongue or use his plunger on her hole. I deserve one more fling with Bob. I'll call him Monday for this Wednesday. Michael called Julie about 2 o'clock the following Wednesday. "Can we go to dinner tonight?" "I was just about to call you and tell you that I have to work. Can't we do it Friday night?" "Suppose I come over and bring in pizza?" "You know they don't like us eating at our desk here. And I don't want to have the smell of pizza in my office. Can't we put it off?" "Julie, I really want to have dinner with you tonight. I think it's important for us. Why don't I pick you up at five and we'll go to that Ruby Tuesday's near you. Then you could go back to work afterwards." There was silence on the line. "Well, I guess. Okay." "See you then." As soon as she hung up with Michael, Julie called Bob. "Hi, Bob." "Hi there, lover." "You shouldn't say that in the office." She smiled inwardly anyway. "I've got my door closed. What's up?" "Michael is insisting that I have dinner with him. I told him I had to work, but he wouldn't take no for an answer." "I was looking forward to this evening." "I was too, but maybe we can meet on Tuesday instead of waiting for next Wednesday." I still want my revenge sex before I break it off. And Bob's tongue is pretty good, too. Michael was waiting out front at 4:55. Julie came out at 5:00. "Hello, Michael." "Hello, Julie." Only a dozen or so words had been exchanged by the time the waiter had delivered drinks and taken their dinner order. When he left again, Michael spoke. "Who is Bob Shelton?" Her eyes widened slightly, dropped down and then came back up. "Bob Shelton. We don't know any Bob Shelton." Julie looked directly at him. "We don't, but you do. Tell me about him." "There's nothing to tell. He manages the Receivables section for the region. He reports to Steve just like I do." "Julie, do you want a divorce?" "Why would I want a divorce?" "Last Wednesday, a week ago today, you told me you were working late -" "I was. You know I didn't get home until almost ten." "You told me you were working late, but you spent the evening in Bob's apartment." Michael was bluffing, but not bluffing much. "He was divorced just before moving here. He needed someone to talk to about meeting new friends." "Why did you tell me you were working late, instead of the truth?" "Because I knew you'd get all huffy like you are right now. And besides you've been spending time with Jolene." She knew she'd hit her mark when he shifted his eyes and his chin dropped a little. He never could lie to me. "I haven't done anything with Jolene!" "Just like I haven't done anything with Bob." Let him take that anyway he wants to. Fortunately for both of them, the food arrived and let them cool off a bit. "Look, I'd like us to see a counselor," he started again. "I've done nothing that I need a counselor for," she snapped. "Maybe neither one of us has, but together we've not had a good year. When we were on the picnic two weekends ago with the kids, you seemed so happy. I can't remember the last time we were all happy together. I remembered the things I loved about you twenty years ago when we were dating, simple things like your ponytail. I remembered the kids being born, and that little house we lived in when we brought Holly home. I'd like to get some of that back." She thought about her feelings that Sunday. "Okay. I'll consider it. What do you want to do?" "I called some people and got some recommendations." He pushed a piece of paper at her. "Talk to your friends and maybe add some more names or pick one of these." They made some small talk for the rest of the meal, but neither one was in a convivial mood. He took her back to the office and she went inside. The gray BMW wasn't in the lot, but that didn't mean a thing. She surely knew the way to his apartment. Michael thought about waiting to see what she did, but instead went on home. Julie closed the door to her office and dialed Bob. "Hi, there." "Hi! What's up?" Bob's voice was happy. "Look, Michael's found out about us. I don't know how, but he did. Bob, I've really enjoyed spending time with you, but I don't want to break up my marriage. I think we need to stop." "Alright, Julie, I understand. These will definitely be memories that I treasure, but I wasn't trying to break up your marriage either. I hope we can still be friends?" "Yes, we can be friends, but just office friends. No drinks together after work, and definitely no dancing, even at office parties." "The dancing was as enjoyable as what came after." "Yes, it was. That's why we can't do it anymore." Michael was heartened when Julie arrived home just forty-five minutes later than he did. Julie called her friends who had had marital counseling and she visited the HR department at work. Friday after lunch she called Michael and gave him the name that she had selected from his list. The soccer game that week was at the cross-town rival of Holly's school. Michael worked almost around the corner. Julie had to drive against traffic to get there plus a last minute question on the new system held her up also. When she got to game it was almost half time. The first thing she saw was Jolene. The second thing she saw was Jolene delivering a drink to Michael and brushing against him. Julie was still mad Monday morning. "Bob, how are you today?" "Just fine, lover." "Don't you worry about someone hearing you?" "They wouldn't know who I'm talking to. Anyway, we both get in before most of the crowd is here." "Look, about last Wednesday. I want one more time with you before we call it quits." "Good to know I'm irresistible, but I'm guessing that your husband made you mad." "Yes and yes, but I won't be able to get away after work. How would you like to be sick a half-day on Wednesday." "Did the flu strike me the night before or during the morning?" "During the morning. I'm going to need to attend a parent-teacher conference that afternoon." "Sounds like a plan. "I'll get a late lunch ready for Wednesday ? that is, if you'll provide the dessert." "Sweeter than sugar, I believe you said." "Can't wait until Wednesday." Monday night Michael reported on the search for a counselor. "Dr. Cooper is out of town. Her office is going to call me when she gets back and can review her schedule." "Fine, I can be flexible about this. I've already talked to HR." Wednesday morning Michael called her about 11AM. "Dr. Cooper can see us this afternoon at 2. It'll be for an hour, so one of us will have plenty of time to go pick up the kids." "Michael, this is such short notice." "I know, but she could see us today or not until late next week. You said HR would be flexible." "Okay, give me her address again." As soon as Michael hung up she called Bob. "You just got over your flu." "Hi, the after effects are worse than the sickness." "Michael called and he has an appointment for us with a counselor this afternoon. I had told him I'd go whenever he arranged it. Sorry to have to cancel again." "I'm the one who is really sorry. Some other time?" "Maybe. We'll have to see." Dr. Cooper was an average looking middle-aged woman dressed in business casual. "What brings you in here today?" "My husband accused me of cheating after he's been running around on me for over a year! He's got a lot of nerve even if he doesn't have good taste in women. He goes after a round-heeled divorcee who's the mother of one of his daughter's classmates." "If she's not cheating, ask her why she spent the evening alone in Bob Shelton's apartment two weeks ago. She called to tell me that she was working late, but late only lasted until 5:45 when she left to drive to his apartment." "He's new in town. He just wanted to talk to someone about how to find new friends. Talk was all we did. He (she pointed at Michael) was following me around so that he would know when he could slip off to the company apartment with Jolene." "I was following you around to see if you were really 'working' all those nights that you couldn't have dinner with your family. I never did anything with Jolene." Dr. Cooper knew that they were both lying through their teeth. Still if they had this much anger, they probably still had some feelings for each other that she could use to build on. As she continued to listen, more complaints came out that showed other areas of friction. "Not that I wasn't tempted," Michael continued. "When she started having her affair, there was been a distinct lack of activity in the bedroom. She had a headache or was too tired or she just didn't respond. She used to seem to enjoy it as much as I do, but for months now she didn't seem to enjoy it. Then all of a sudden we were doing it like honeymooners: all over the house and new tricks. That was the big thing that tipped me off to the fact that she was having an affair. She was getting fucked elsewhere so she didn't want to fuck me. If I insisted on it, she just lay there, what my frat brothers used to call a dead fuck. It keeps you from trying again, soon. Then she began learning new things and she started showing them to me." He used the words deliberately to shock Julie and to shock this old biddy of a counselor who probably was going to tell him it was all his fault. The words did shock Julie, but then they made her mad. "Michael, you want to know why I don't respond. When was the last time you were interested in me? I don't mean in bed, I mean in me. On the nights you're not out with that floozy, you sit on the couch and watch TV. You think it makes me all hot and bothered that the first time you talk to me in the evening is when you get in bed and want some nookie." "You hardly even talk to me about the kids. It's like the rest of the family isn't even there. The only places you have a life are at work and at her house. You used to help me around the house, cook dinner sometimes, do a load of laundry. When was the last time you even took out the trash? Mike does it all the time now. I have to do everything. When I was away on that one week to Atlanta, you even complained because you had to leave work early one day to take care of them." The bickering back and forth continued as Dr. Cooper took notes. At the end of the hour, the heat was beginning to dissipate. "Well, I think we've exposed a lot of issues today. Can you come back at this time next week?" Thursday Michael called to say he was working late and wouldn't be home until about 10PM. Everything went right though, and he walked through the door about ten minutes before nine. The kids were watching some mindless sitcom, and when he spoke to them they barely acknowledged his greeting. He went looking for Julie and found her in their home office on the computer. She closed the window that she was looking at quickly, but Michael had already noted that it was her office email account. She often accessed it from home on days she left early. 3831 2.86/512345
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