Saturday, March 23, 2013
Catrina's Baby
Catrina's Baby Damian, The Dark One By Dick Coxxx For Leasa This is a continuation of the story, "Mardi Gras," from YW2047. Josh and Catrina had left their children with her parents and headed out to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. Josh had been drugged and his lovely blonde wife had been abducted during one of the wild Mardi Gras parades. He had passed out from the drugs and ended up at the New Orleans Police Station's drunk tank. It wasn't a pretty sight. The police released him the morning after he had regained consciousness. Josh was frantic about finding his wife. No one seemed to want to help him. The Missing Persons Depart at the Police Station wasn`t much help. They flatly stated, "Were you and your wife having marital problems? Your wife probably ran off with another man." Missing Persons did give him a number to call. He called the number. It was someone's cell phone. He left a message that he was looking for his wife. Josh got a return phone call about ten minutes later. "Describe your wife," was all they said. "Her name is Catrina. She's thirty-three and the mother of my two little boys. Catrina is an attractive blonde of about five foot eight in height and weighs in at about one hundred thirty pounds," Josh described. "Yeah, a cute little blonde going by the name of Catrina is here. She could be your wife, maybe not. Bring two hundred fifty dollars and meet me at the corner of Esplanade and Vine in an hour." Josh had to call his lawyer for the money because whoever had drugged him had rolled him also. They took his billfold with all his money while some one else must have stolen his car. He explained the strange phone call to his lawyer. The lawyer contacted the hotel where Josh was staying and arranged for the funds. Josh got to the meeting place about five minutes early. An old beat up pick up truck pulled up alongside him. An elderly black man of about seventy took the money and counted it. After he was satisfied that the money was all there, the Negro gave Josh an old map of the surrounding bayous around New Orleans. He said, "You'll find her here at Porky's on the Bayou." There was something strange about the black man, he had blue eyes. Most of the blacks that Josh knew had black , brown or very dark eyes. This Negro man had unusual- looking blue eyes. ******* The place was difficult to find. It was already beginning to get dark. Josh finally saw an old sign that pointed down a dirt road. An old two-story house was at the end of the road. There were cars parked along the side of the road. Josh found a spot and locked his car. He went inside. There were a couple of white guys waiting in the reception area but everyone else there were black men. There was a young black guy at the reception desk. Josh told him he was looking for his wife. The black asked him for her description. Josh described his wife, Catrina. He said, "She's upstairs with clients right now. She came in last night." Josh took off running up the stairs horrified at what he might find. Two big burly black guards who moved much faster than he thought they could, grabbed him before he could reach the top of the old battered stairs. They easily wrestled him to the ground. One of them said, "Do you really want to see your little wife? She's been real popular with the guys. Everybody's been asking for her. Let's go peek in on her." The two black thugs escorted him to a room at the end of the hall. They opened the door so he could see his lovely blonde wife in action. Josh saw six Negro men of different sizes and shapes crowded around his naked wife who was lying on the bed with a seventh Negro between her wide-spread legs. Catrina was getting the fucking of her life. Josh watched in awe as his wife's blonde pussy eagerly swallowed the huge black cock time after time. He even felt his own meager cock begin to stir in his pants. Catrina's shapely white legs came up around the Negro's buttocks desperately urging his giant black cock even deeper and deeper into her inflamed loins. She just couldn't get enough of his big nigger cock! His wife was so engrossed in being wildly fucked by the black man between her legs that she didn't even see her own husband standing in the corner watching the erotic black and white coupling that was taking place. There was another Negro with a video camera filming the total degradation of this lovely blonde wife. Catrina's arms came up around his strong black shoulders and her red-lacquered nails dug deep into his broad black back. Josh watched vainly as black after black took his lovely wife. He saw her raw, gaping pussy willingly take on another huge black cock. She was no longer the na?ve young woman that he had married. Catrina finally looked up and saw her husband standing there. She smiled at him and went back to the task at hand, fucking big black cock. All Josh could do was to be an onlooker who was jacking himself off. He would get the opportunity a little later to slurp up all of the thick black seed and his wife's gooey cum. ******* The old Negro man with the strange blue eyes that Josh had met in town and gave his money to came in after all the other blacks were finished with the lovely blonde wife. The elderly black asked the video man to leave. The blue-eyed black turned to Josh and said, "You are going to see some things that most people have never seen before. My given name is Lucifer but you may but you may call me Lu." "Get down between you wife's knees and suck out all of the nigger cum in her pussy!" Josh did as he was told. He had gone down on his lovely blonde wife on several occasions in the past when he was drunk but his wife usually didn't want him to do it because she thought it was just to dirty to do. This time Catrina grabbed hold of Josh's head pulling him even closer to her violated pussy. Cum from many a black man cock flowed from her sullied pussy into Josh's mouth. He had never tasted another man's cum before. It had an musky odor and taste to it. Josh was eating out his wife's pussy when she had another orgasm. Now he was tasting her fresh female juices. Josh finished cleaning Catrina's stretched and debased pussy. He found that he himself had a hardon between his own legs. His wife looked up from the bed at him and just shook her pretty little head at his meager, little white dick. Lu said to the frustrated Josh, "I want you to stay to witness my mating with you wife but I need you to stay put. Go over and sit in that chair. Josh hadn't noticed the chair in the room before. Lu must have had it moved into the room while he was going down on Catrina. The chair was up close to one side of the bed. The first thing that Josh thought of when he saw the heavy chair was "Old Sparky," the electric chair that was used to use at the Texas prison in Huntsville for electrocutions. Lu said, "Sit!" Josh sat his bare ass on the cold wooden chair. Lu tightened the leather straps first around Josh's wrists and then his ankles. There was also a waist strap and another one that went around his chest. Lu tightened them such that it was difficult for Josh to breathe. The old blue-eyed Negro adjusted the forehead strap and put another one around Josh's neck. Then the Negro did something very odd. He took a roll of surgical tape and taped Josh's eyelids open. When the old Negro finished his handiwork, he said, "There. That oughta hold you nice and tight. You get the rare opportunity of watching me breed your lovely blonde wife. I needed all those other blacks to stretch your wife's pussy so mine could fit without killing her. I've lost many a pretty little white pussy that way." Then Lucifer turned to Catrina and said, "Alright, Honey. Work a little black magic on me. Take this ole black cock in that sweet little mouth of yours and make me hard." Catrina sat up at the edge of the bed and took the old Negro's flaccid cock and began stroking it with her lovely well-manicured fingers. Josh watched as the contrast of white fingers worked on his huge black cock. The red-tipped fingers moved up and down the length of the hardening black cock. Josh caught the sparkle of light reflecting off of her diamond engagement ring and golden wedding band that he had given his beautiful blonde wife just five short years ago. Josh's little white dick got had watching the taboo of black into white take place before his very eyes. Josh watched as his wife, Catrina, bent over and took the tip of the expanding black cock into her red lip-sticked mouth. The old Negro's cock began to get even bigger. As the blue-eyed black's cock got larger, a strange thing began to happen. It was as if Lu was growing younger and began developing formerly unused muscles. The shape of the old Negro's body began to change. There was an awesome blue-black sheen that came over Lu. His chest expanded and his hips and waist narrowed to those of a much younger man. Josh saw the face of the Devil but couldn't close his eyes because they were taped open! Lucifer said to the lovely blonde wife, "Turn over and git up on your arms and knees. I'm gonna breed you like the bitch that you are." The trembling Catrina did as she was commanded. She looked over her shoulder and saw the transformation that was taking place and was scared. More scared than she ever before had been. His huge black cock looked more like a baseball bat protruding between his muscular black legs than a man's penis. The one-eyed monster advanced towards her unprotected pussy. The Devil moved between Catrina's wide-spread legs and grasped her naked body around her trim waist keeping her from moving. Lucifer's huge black cock was knocking on heaven's gate. He reached up to her bare shoulder with his hairy black paw that now had long discolored nails at the end and pulled her defenseless body towards him impaling his thick black cock deep into her abused loins. Catrina screamed like she had never screamed before. The pain was much, much worse than childbirth as the burning red-hot poker shoved it way deep into her inner most being. The transformed Negro was savaging animal-fucking the young white wife. Lucifer bent down and sank his teeth into the struggling white woman's smooth white skin of her neck. Josh watched as the bestial mating ritual took place. He couldn't even look away if he wanted to because his head was fixed into place and his eyelids taped open. The dark, hairy creature was wildly fucking the captive blonde wife. Josh couldn't help but stare in awe as the huge black cock would be pulled almost all the way out of his wife's abused pussy before being slammed back all the way to the hilt. A strange thing happened. A wanton look swept over the white wife. She began fucking back the beast that was between her legs. Catrina looked like she couldn't get enough of the Beast's gigantic black cock. After what could have only been minutes but was probably an eternity, the Beast bellowed out and shoot his hot, dark seed deep into her inflamed womb. The breeding had taken place! Josh continued to watch as the Beast fucked Catrina in almost every imaginable position and then some. His wife looked like a wild woman as she pulled the hairy beast deep into her womanhood. Josh couldn't count how many times the Devil shot his load into his willing wife. Josh finally pass out. ******* Catrina knew that she was pregnant the first time that the blue-eyed old Negro ejaculated his dark seed deep into her. She felt it growing right away. When she and Josh returned to Houston, she saw her gynecologist. The kindly old doctor confirmed that she was indeed pregnant. She was already a month pregnant but it had only been a couple of days since her breeding. He gave her some drugs and asked Catrina to return to his office in about a week for some more tests. The next week, the doctor did several tests on Catrina to include an ultrasonic test. He was about to show her the outline of the fetus on the ultrasound monitor when he noticed how much the baby had grown in just one week. He also decided against showing the new mother because the baby was abnormal in that it had three legs. The doctor had only seen one other case like this one. It had been while he was still an intern almost forty years ago. The baby developed very quickly and had a short gestation period of only sixty-nine days where as most humans have a nine month gestation period. ******* Catrina's pregnancy went well but very quickly. Her swollen belly was bulging out much quicker than most other mother's bellies would. She had her baby in only sixty-nine days after being impregnated by the Beast. The doctor delivered the baby in his office instead of at the hospital because of all of the prying eyes that came with newborns at the clinic. His attending nurse was shocked to see the hairy black baby because she knew the mother's husband was white. There were two other things that were very shocking to the nurse. First, this was the first black baby that she had ever seen who had blue eyes. The other was the size of the baby's penis. That wasn't a third leg that the doctor saw on the ultrasound monitor, it was a fully developed man's penis! It was a large as one of the baby's legs. Catrina named the child, "Damian." ******* Catrina loved the Beast's child like any mother loves her new baby. She didn't go out much but stayed home to breastfeed the newborn child. Her other children spent a good bit of their time over at their grandparent's house as Damian demanded most of her time. He was continually suckling at his mother's tits. Josh put the crib into their bedroom because Damian needed feeding at night. The little baby would lie in bed as he continued nursing at Catrina's breasts. Her distended nipples would hurt as they became raw from his sharp teeth always scrapping against her tender nipples. Catrina could feel the baby's penis become hard when he suckled on her tits as if aroused. The suckling even aroused the new mother as she would become moist between her own thighs. ******* Damian grew like any normal boy should. He had two older two-headed brothers. Tim was four and Andy was three. As they grew older together, Damian bonded quickly with his older brothers but especially Andy. Because Damian was black the other kids would taunt him and call them "Amos and Andy" after the black comedy television show from the nineteen fifties. Their parents must have taught them that prejudice. ******* Damian was seven when he would still climb into his mother's bed at night and suckle on her breasts. She still had some milk there even after all these years. One night, with Damian still at her tit, she thought her husband, Josh, was trying to be frisky with her because he was stroking her pussy. She looked over at her sleeping husband who was snoring softly on his side turned away from her. It was then that she realized that she was being turned on by young Damian. His man-sized black cock was fully extended when he entered his mother for the first time. He made her cum several times without cumming himself. She had to muffle her sighs and moans for fear of waking her sleeping husband. The coupling between Damian and his mother continued nightly until he was eleven. His older half-brother, Tim, brought home his new girlfriend. Her name was Heather. She was a beautiful blue-eyed blonde. Damian's cock got hard just looking at her luscious young body. He knew he was going to get to her first before his older brother did. He was right. Heather became pregnant by Damian by the next weekend. His thick black cock took her little blonde maidenhood. She squealed like a stuck pig when he slammed his massive black cock for the very first time into her virginal young pussy. ******* Damian continued to charm the panties off of all the attractive white women. By the time he was sixteen, he had bedded al of his mother's white friends. He had even taken one of the other boy's mother who taught them at Sunday School. He even fucked her tight white pussy on one of the desks in the classroom when she should have been in church with her own son and husband. That pretty bitch couldn't seem to get enough of his big black cock. Those blue eyes of Damian's just mesmerized her senses. Damian introduced all of his attractive teachers at school into the pleasures of Negro sex. When he wasn't fucking them, they would go out and find their own black lover. Many of the wives were divorced by their husbands because the men couldn't stand the thought of their lovely wives wanting big black cock between their legs. Damian was getting quite a following of white women. He was even invited to appear on television's The Jerry Springer Show. The white women just flocked after him. By the time he was eighteen, he had even surpassed the former professional basketball player's boast by Wilt Chamberlain of having had twenty thousand women. All of Damian's women where attractive white women who he turned on to black meat. ******* Although Damian shot his seed on many occasions, he could turn off his impregnating capacity at will. Most times he would cum in each of his white partners six or seven times. He stilled needed the puny white male seed to make white girl babies for his future conquests. Damian was in contact with a number of the white celebrities in Hollywood. Some of the white actresses he turned on to black sexing were Jennifer Lopez, Sarah Michelle Gellar (Also know as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, although Damian did the slaying this time with his big black cock!) and Nicole Kidman. Damian absolutely loved the wild redhead's long white legs wrapped around him while he was fucking the shit out of her. Her former husband, Tom Cruise, barely scratched her surface with his puny little white dick. Nic was one really wild woman. She ended up going back to Australia for some animalistic Aborigine black cock fucking. He had also done another one of Tom Cruise's ex-wives, Mimi Rogers. Although Mimi was somewhat older, Damian preferred blondes and Mimi was still pretty fierce in bed. Remember the movie with Mimi Rogers and Christopher Reeves before his horse-riding accident? Morgan Freeman was the black pimp the news reporter character played by Reeves was interviewing for a story. The reporter's wife was played by Mimi. Mimi and Reeves were making fun of the pimp when Freeman pulled a switchblade and put it to Mimi's neck. The pimp said that he loved to turn beautiful blonde housewives into whores for big black, nigga cock. The part where the black pimp takes the lovely blonde wife into her own bedroom, ties up the husband and makes him watch as he fucks the wife turning her into a black-cock loving whore was left on the cutting room floor. That part never made into the final version and never seen by the movie audiences. After the movie was shot, Mimi spent three weeks with Freeman on the French Riviera getting her brains fucked out every night by Morgan's big black cock. ******* Damian finally met his match with fate when he was well into his fifties from a jealous husband who was supposed to be at work. He preferred pretty young blonde wives and found in her an eager participant to his black coaxing plan. He could still turn on the charm and get into almost any girl's panties. Damian was her first black lover and she couldn't seem to get enough of his big black cock. One afternoon after he had boned her several times, he was doing her one last time. Her husband, who is a cop, came home early and found the "blue-eyed" black man between her sweet white thighs. Damian heard her scream and then a loud "pop." Damian had just been shot in the heart with a .44 caliber magnum with silver-tipped bullets. He didn't hear the second shot that went through the pretty little wife's head. The cop got off with justifiable homicide and had to serve only three years probation. The all white jury probably would have let him off "scot-free" had it not been for his police record of shooting a number of blacks while supposedly in the line of duty. The black Assistant District Attorney clearly made a stronger case to put the rogue policemen behind bars for life in the federal penitentiary but the jury was much more lenient. ******* Damian led a long and fruitful life. His blue-eyed black seed had been passed on numerous times before his passing. The legend of Damian's conquests lives on even to this day, easily surpassing Wilt Chamberlain`s sexual boasts. His desire on earth was not to bring together all the races but just to bring together the white women with the black men. He succeeded as many white wives, mothers and girlfriends now have black lovers even as they stay with their white husbands and boyfriends for financial security. A growing number of white women have moved in with their black lovers much to the dismay of other whites. The need for the sexually free white woman to finally be able to pick her own lover is being satiated as she has chosen black men with huge cocks. These modern day descendents of former slaves know how to not only roughly treat a white woman but also how to give them the big black cock that they so badly desire. 9706 1.38/512345
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