Sunday, March 31, 2013
Jeb stopped stringing fresh wire on the cattle corral when the rider approached. Jeb could tell, even from a hundred yards away that the horse was tired and looking like it had been ridden long and hard. As the stranger rode up, Jeb put on the smile he reserved for all strangers, until he got to know them better. "Howdy stranger, what can I do for you? It looks like your horse could use a breather." Jeb was more concerned about the horse than the stranger, who looked tall, thin and wiry. The horse was shiny with sweat and needed tending. "Howdy mister. I'm on my way to Abilene. Need to get there sometime tomorrow. Can you tend my horse and maybe give me a bite to eat? I'll pay you whatever it's worth." Jeb smiled. "No need to pay me mister. Your money's no good here. In this country we all help one another. Come on into the house. I'll let you meet my woman and while she makes up some grub for you I'll tend to your mount." "That would be just fine, mister, much obliged." As he dismounted Jeb looped the horse's reins around the post next to the gate. The stranger pulled his two small leather bags off the back of the horse and placed them over his shoulder, then the stranger held out his hand as they walked towards the front porch, "Names James, Billy James." 'Billy' had seemed to hesitate coming up with his name, and Jeb suspected that it might be an alias, and that actually this man might be on the run, maybe from the law. But Jeb said nothing as the stranger offered his hand and introduced himself. The stranger was taller than he was, but lanky. It was obvious from the stranger's thin frame that he had never performed hard physical labor. "Glad to meet you" Jeb replied, shaking his hand warmly. "I'm Jeb Larner." Jeb didn't think anything of Billy removing his bags from the saddle, since the stranger might have things of value in their that he preferred not to leave sitting out in the open. They had walked about 20 yards when they started up the three person wide wooden steps. Jeb's home was basically just a log cabin, two rooms plus a large pantry off to one side of the kitchen. Jeb had done most of the work on construction, with a little help from neighbors who lived two miles east towards town. It had been constructed from woods nearby, but was solid and well insulated. The floors were made from thick cut slabs and Jeb had been proud as he showed Becky how you could 'cross the kitchen floor and hear nary a creak.' The cabin even had windows in frames, which James had brought with him in his wagon when he had come west. One of the two windows in the kitchen, plus the one in the bedroom, could be opened by sliding upwards. The iron wood burning cook stove, along with a metal shelf that held their water bucket and also acted as a sink were located along one wall of the kitchen. The stove sat about five feet out from the wall, and had a pipe to allow fumes to escape through the roof. If they were having extra cold weather, the cook stove could supplement the other wood burning stove and keep the entire cabin quite cozy. Of course in the summer the stove also created excess heat and Becky generally used just one cooking plate to heat all her food. Water could be drawn from a well with a hand pump located just outside the front porch. A wooden kitchen table that could seat up to 8 (though they only had six chairs) if opened up and two wooden 'leaves' were added was between the kitchen and a smaller area that Jeb and his wife Becky used for sitting in the evening. When they had no company, which was most of the time, the leaves stored under the table and it was a cozy arrangement for four. The sitting area could be called a living room, but was only large enough to hold a small but comfortable three person couch, two lamps on tables and two padded chairs which were arranged fairly close together. 'Makes it cozy,' Jeb liked to say. Hardbound books lined part of a shelf along one wall, and the handed down family Bible was displayed prominently on a small table in front of the couch. Sitting about 3 feet out from the back wall and jutting into the seating area was the smaller stove they mainly used to heat the two rooms in the winter and provide some heat through the bedroom door just a few feet away. Jeb had run the center wall almost down the center of the cabin, placing it just a foot off center to favor the kitchen and living room area. As a result, the bedroom was almost the exact same size as the roomy kitchen and living room combined, and was equipped with an armoire that held Becky's dresses and the two 'go to meetin' suits that Jeb possessed. The armoire sat along one wall next to the bed, and on the other side was a bureau that held most of Jeb's work clothes. At the foot of the bed with its back to the wall so that it faced the bed was a solid Oak bench with backrest that Jeb had personally constructed. It was wide enough to seat four persons if need be, and if the occasion ever arose to where they were planning lots of company, could be moved to the kitchen to supplement their lack of two chairs. Both Becky and Jeb used the bench to sit on when putting on shoes, and in Becky's case, her lower undies. Becky was a little bit shy about her nudity so Jeb loved to sit beside Becky and watch her when she was tugging on undies because it was one of the rare times when he really saw her lovely legs on display, and sometimes a little more. Off to the side of the bed was located a small desk with a mirror on the back. Becky used this to apply makeup before heading to church, and she liked to use it to write long and sometimes rambling letters, which she sent home weekly. Jeb had added one nice touch that made it easier when you had to go. He had added a windowless door in the bedroom. This door made it easier to access the outhouse that sat in the rear and slightly downhill of the cabin. For security purposes, that door opened to the inside and could be secured firmly inside with both a heavy iron latch and a board across the door if needed. Jeb was proud of the outhouse just outside that he had constructed. It was on the backside and downhill of the cabin, keeping it at a lower level than the well, which sat in front. Since the land sloped downhill very gradually he had placed the outhouse about 50 feet away rather than close to the bedroom. Becky had agreed that he had made a wise choice though she hated walking that far in the dark. Jeb had dug a deep hole, which should last for a good while. He had deliberately raised the footing and flooring about a foot above the level of the ground in order to allow airflow under the outhouse to cut down odors. Around the footing he had installed slats angled upward as you looked from the outside so that no one walking by would be able to look directly under the outhouse and see down into the hole. The only disadvantage of these slats and the increased airflow was that in the winter the portions of the human body exposed to the underside when seated also could receive a blast of cold air when the wind blew. For this reason, Jeb had made the slats so that they could be swiveled closed if necessary, which he only did on the coldest nights of the winter. Nature had a way of compensating for things, however. If Jeb had to close the slats, the odor inside the outhouse seldom increased because of the cold. In the summer, it was absolutely necessary for those slats to be opened. Thinking of Becky and her comfort, Jeb had been careful to create the outhouse with heavy walls and a door that closed solidly and could be latched from the inside so that cold drafts on a winter's night would be at a minimum. Above the door a half-moon shaped hole was cut which was traditional for outhouses. This hole or 'window' allowed air to circulate and also provided some light when opened. If it was cold or drafty, Jeb had strung a short section of rope and allowed it to hang down so that Becky could pull on it to close the swiveling window cover if needed. She was not tall enough to reach it, though she could stand on the toilet ledge if need be. Jeb had said that was 'not dignified' for her to have to do. 'And besides,' he had joked, 'in the dark you might accidentally step into one of the holes.' Except for the slats and a shelf inside, Jeb had constructed most of the outhouse before he had brought Becky west. She had asked why he had installed two holes in the seat, and Jeb had responded that 'someday you can sit there beside our children and potty train them.' Unsaid was the fact that Jeb also looked forward to sharing the outhouse with Becky during times of closeness. Something strange happened sometimes when Jeb sat on an outhouse hole. His buttocks would be spread as his weight caused him to 'drop' down into the hole. It opened his ass wider, and when he defecated, the feeling of having his anus being spread by the seat as he took a shit was kind of erotic. Also, his penis tended to grow a little as it dangled down into the hole. Many times as a young man, Jeb had masturbated while sitting over a hole. It was quick and convenient, and didn't involve having to hide any wet spots like when he masturbated in bed. Jeb now had his own outhouse, and a wife to go with it. Jeb didn't know if girls, Becky in particular, experienced the same sensations when their buttocks were being spread by the hole, but sooner or later he intended to ask Becky. Yes, Jeb had constructed the seat as a two-holer, but Becky was still shy about their using it together. Becky had somewhat reluctantly over the past few weeks, consented to their sitting side by side to urinate. This only happened in the dark, usually just after sex and before sleeping when they walked out together. (Jeb always sat to pee, especially in the dark in order not to hit the edges such as might happen if he stood). It was always funny to Jeb when they urinated together, because their urine could be heard hitting the pit below. Since the pit was new and the bottom was over eight feet below them, liquid falling would hit the bottom with a splashing sound, and anything solid would land with a thud. The fact that the freshly dug pit was still 'hollow' amplified the sound. Becky was embarrassed and tried to pretend it wasn't happening. Jeb, on the other hand, would reach down in the dark and 'aim' his penis until his urine was hitting somewhere below where the splash could be heard the loudest. But if Becky had to defecate, she still wanted to do it alone and asked Jeb to do the same. She had her reasons, among them, just the thought of defecating with someone beside you was embarrassing, plus there was the problem of having to wipe afterwards, and the need to 'look' at whatever you were using to wipe with to see if it was coming up clean. As yet, Becky and Jeb had not taken a pee or 'gone together' during the day, though Jeb had tried a few times to time it when she might be going. Jeb, of course, usually took a pee behind the barn or out in the fields, the advantage of being a man. As you sat on one of the holes, you directly faced the door. If you sat on the other, you were off to the side a little and could reach a small facing shelf where Jeb kept candles and a metal object that when squeezed quickly would run one side through a piece of flint. This would result in a rich display of sparks that would usually light a candle on the first try. The toilet paper holder was an important item that Becky's mother had insisted they take along. Keeping paper stocked was another matter, but Jeb did the best he could, buying some each time he went to town. Becky usually, but not always, came along when Jeb went to town. Now they had another visitor, and who knows, he might end up using the outhouse. As Jeb and Billy crossed the porch, the heavy wooden front door was already opened to the inside, and they had a screen door. With a creaking sound emanating from the spring that kept the door closed, Jeb peeked in to ensure that Becky was 'presentable,' then opened the screen door and held it for Billy. As they entered, Jeb's wife was stirring something on the stove. Becky turned, and when she saw that her husband had brought a man in, she looked surprised, then gave her husband a smile. Becky then looked into the face of the stranger and Jeb could see that she was slightly nervous at having a stranger being brought in without warning. "Billy, this is my wife, Becky," Jeb said, as he closed the door to their cabin behind him. "Hi Billy." Becky gave him a warm smile from a face that looked almost angelic. Billy pulled his hat off, held it in front of his chest and said, "Ma'am" as he nodded to her, then, looking off to his left, Billy placed his leather bags on the floor behind the door. . Always friendly by nature, Becky continued smiling at the stranger, but her brown eyes quickly took him in from top to bottom. The dusty and wrinkled clothes she was used to, but she wondered if he had been in a tub during the previous week. If she had any apprehensions about him or his appearance, it did not show. Becky was 19, freshly married off her parent's farm back in Illinois and brought west by Jeb just weeks ago. They had been hard at work ever since, and with money Jeb had saved and her dowry, they planned to run some cattle and maybe plant wheat, lots of it. Their land, being near a small river that flowed year round, was prime growing land. Becky was wearing a summer dress; the kind that was shaped to an exact fit over a woman's bust and tended to press the breasts together, which increased the 'cleavage.' The dress went deeply in below so that it emphasized a slim waist. It was cut low enough on top that it allowed the top four inches or so of the crack between her breasts to show. That was if Becky was standing. Bending over might reveal a little more. Billy spoke again. "Ma'am, it's been a long while since I've been in someone's home and smelled home cooking. That sure smells good." As Billy was speaking to his wife, Jeb took note at the way the stranger's eyes passed over Becky's lush body, and how they lingered on her breasts for perhaps a little too long before returning to her face. But Jeb didn't think much of it. Men had always been looking at Becky. It was something he had to get used to, every time they went to town. After introductions had been made Jeb told Billy he could wash up in the sink. "There's a bucket full of water right there and you can refill it from the hand pump outside." "Thanks, and I'll refill the bucket when I'm done," Billy said with a smile. Becky had begun preparing a table for three while Billy started washing up. "Oh Billy, one last thing'" Jeb added: "If you need to do a 'sit down,' the outhouse is located outside a door through the bedroom." Jeb pointed a finger to indicate the direction and Billy nodded and said, "I'm O.K. for now," as Jeb went out. Becky pretended not to hear Jeb's mention of the outhouse and bodily functions and kept busy with her food preparation. Though they received visitors only on a limited basis, it was quite common for the visitors to use the outhouse if they were staying for any length of time. Just getting to their farm from town for instance, was a little over an hour's ride in a wagon. Women of course, always went out to sit. Their men quite often had stopped the wagon along the way and gone while standing beside the road. Each time the visitors left, usually other couples from their Sunday school and once in a while the pastor and his wife, Jeb would smile and say to Becky as he nodded in the direction of the outhouse, "Becky, they left something behind for us to remember them by.' Becky had gotten used to his little 'joke' now and would pretend to 'sniff' with her nose and walk away. The women visitors always used his outhouse and the men sometimes, but the pastor always used it when he came to visit. Jeb figured the reason was because the pastor was too 'prim and proper' to pee along the road with his wife watching. Not known to Jeb was the fact that each time their pastor used their outhouse, he was thinking of Becky and wondering which hole she would use to sit on. He figured correctly that it was probably the one further from the door, and he usually sat there. Because he did not actually have to do a 'two' on one occasion, the pastor had taken advantage of his extra time and had masturbated while sitting on what he thought might be Becky's hole. He had thought of doing this in advance, and as expected, his orgasm was a strong one. 'Becky,' he was thinking as he softly groaned and worked his way through his orgasm, 'I'm sitting on the same wood where your ass goes when you sit here Becky. And my dick is aimed down and shooting cum at the same place where you pee. The next time you sit here, sometime today, you will not know that your good pastor was thinking of you and jacking off while sitting on this very same hole!' Of all his parishioners, Becky was the finest looking by far. It gave the pastor feelings of guilt as to how she caused him to lust for her but he usually found himself unable to pull his eyes away if he thought no one else was watching. Each time they arrived home from a visit to the Larner's, the pastor would take Lori, his pretty but almost flat-chested wife to bed and fuck her with more vigor than usual. The pastor's wife suspected the reason, but said nothing. After all, that was the only time when he seemed more like a man. A visit to the Larner's meant that Lori would be laid when they got home, plain and simple. Because of her suspicions about how her husband thought of Becky, when they were visiting with the Larner's, Lori would study Jeb and wonder how he might be in the sack. His farmer's work pants pretty much concealed any bulges so she could only speculate on how Jeb might compare to her undersized husband in that department. Lori tried to use this fantasy at home, but fantasizing on Jeb didn't work as well for her as her husband's fantasies about Becky did for him. Her husband usually had the memory of what he had seen, and almost seen, as he stared down Becky's top. The reader might wonder how and why a pastor's wife, whom is expected to set the standard for morality among all wives, could think in this manner. There was a reason. The pastor's wife had not been a virgin when she married. On her wedding night Lori had managed to fool her husband into thinking she was a virgin by crying out and tightening herself as much as possible. With his total lack of experience he had been none the wiser. Lori had not been a virgin because she had been having sex with two brothers the summer before she became engaged. While on a trip to Iowa, her mother had told her; 'While you are out riding, go out and introduce yourself to the Harper brothers. Their parents have both passed and they are doing such a nice job keeping the farm going. They are fine, upstanding members of the local church I understand.' 'That's my mother. Always trying to marry me off.' Wanting an excuse to ride a white colored filly the family they were visiting had, Lori had saddled up and rode out. Those Harper brothers, aged 26 and 32, had been fine upstanding citizens all right, but not 'upstanding' in the way her mother had intended. They had been bold and forward, and though Lori had tried to resist in the barn, they had overpowered her, gently, and 'broken in the mare.' Lori had been with them for about 15 minutes while they 'became acquainted' by showing her around the farm, and of course their horses in the barn, which, after they had gotten Lori into the barn, were not there. The horses were out in the field. After wrestling with her and succeeding in pulling off her lower garments, the older brother had inserted a finger, and Lori had let out a little 'yip' as he discovered that she was still a virgin. At that point it had become a 'special honor' to see who would be first. Lori was sweating from the struggle as she lay quietly and listened as the two brothers made their plans for her. As Lori laid between them on a pile of hay with her bloomers pulled off, they placed her hands on their stiff penises and directed her to 'hold our dicks while we decide who gets to break you in.' Lori had her own thoughts about that, but said nothing. Of the two, she was more attracted to the younger brother, who was closer to her in age. Also, the younger brother's penis seemed to be not quite as wide as the older brother's. If Lori was going to be 'broke in,' she preferred smaller. They actually flipped a coin in front of her and let it land on her belly to determine who got to go first. The younger brother won the toss, which had elicited a "Shit! You have all the luck," from his older brother. Despite all his tough man talk, the younger brother seemed to be as nervous as she was. Although he was not actually touching her at first, Lori could sense how his body was shaking as he got onto his knees between her legs. After a partial insertion, he was brought to a stop. "I need to push a little harder." Then there was a brief, sharp pain resulting in Lori crying out, and after that the fit seemed fine. Tight, but fine. The fact that they had both fondled her on the pussy had helped his entry into her, since she had been wet. The winner had certainly been firm enough to break her strong maidenhead, but he was been awkward in his movements and only lasted two to three minutes. By the time he had dropped his load into her, Lori had wrapped her arms around him in an attempt at achieving 'closeness.' Once spent, he had lain gasping over her with his full body weight. His body was muscular and heavy and Lori could barely breath. Also she felt extremely wet, which was confirmed by what they said next. Out of the silence, came his older brother's voice. "Sounded like you came pretty good!" "Did I ever. I think I shot the biggest load of my life. After she broke, I could actually feel the skin of her cherry rubbing along the sides of my dick when I started stroking." When the younger brother slipped out of her and stood up, Lori made no attempt at hiding herself as they both stared down at her sweating lower body and now modified pussy. It looked quite shiny from wetness, and neither brother commented on the redness that was blending with his semen, which was slowly oozing out. "We'll leave your juice in there to make it easier for me." Then the older brother mounted her, but only after removing the rest of her clothing and 'preparing' Lori with caresses and kisses over her entire body. Lori cried out once again as the older brother began his penetration, but she cried out not from pain of being 'broke,' instead, it was from surprise at how much he was stretching her compared to his younger brother. Still new to sex, any increase in size was a lot to her. The older brother, having more experience, also lasted much longer. He kissed Lori, and held her buttocks under his hands at times as he stroked steadily and firmly into her. When he reached his orgasm, reluctantly because he was trying to hold it back, Lori had begun to enjoy it. As a matter of fact, she had wrapped not only her arms but also her legs around him and willingly kissed him. This of course, seeing Lori responding so strongly to his older brother, made the younger brother feel extreme jealousy. He had gotten to go first, but now felt like he was the one who was not having any good luck. He knew that Lori was new to this, but was Lori responding to his older brother so excitedly because he had a thicker dick? Actually, Lori's strong response to the older brother was because she had now become used to having a penis inside her, and the situation was steadily becoming more arousing. Fortunately for her self-esteem, neither brother commented on Lori's small, almost flat breasts, not now, or ever. They did though seem to enjoy playing with nipples that had a high level of sensitivity. Her nicely rounded and firm ass was what they liked the most, and her 'wet but tight little pussy.' When she seemed willing, they each took another turn with her. Her pussy they commented on frequently, letting her know how much they enjoyed 'being in there.' In time, the younger brother had learned by watching and became as good a lover as his peer. Because of her 'shame,' Lori had not dared to breathe a word to anyone. But she willingly had returned to their farm for another visit, and then still another. Over the next three weeks, until her family had returned to Kansas, Lori had been ridden several times, times two. The sex had always been with both brothers present, an arrangement that Lori found to be extra stimulating. Though she did not know how the Harper brothers compared in size to other men, both brothers had been a little above average in size, and Lori had become a woman who enjoyed multiple orgasms. If she had become pregnant and contacted them, the brothers had already flipped a coin to see who married her, and done it in front of Lori. They had tossed the coin and allowed it to land on her naked breasts. The younger brother, again, had won the coin toss. "You won the toss. If she ends up pregnant, little brother, you marry her and we both keep fucking her until her belly gets too big. If I happen to find myself a woman in the meantime, then she'll be all yours." Lori had nodded her head in agreement and they all three had kissed to 'seal the deal.' But she had not ended up pregnant. On her last visit to the Harper farm, Lori prepared a meal for them in their kitchen, and with a 'special treat,' because this time she did all the cooking while naked, except for a little apron that she had brought with her. The brothers were sitting hungrily at the table and admiring Lori as she moved to and fro, the apron concealing her vagina, but leaving her breasts and ass exposed. When Lori was ready to serve them, she went around the table and dished up their food while they sat and lusted over her body as her breasts came to within inches of their faces. Small they might be, but her breasts still looked good because the rest of her frame was small to match. "Don't touch! Now eat!" When they had all finished their meal, Lori instructed the brothers to slide their chairs back from the table, then stay on their chairs and just pull down their trousers. As expected, she was greeted with the sight of two stiff cocks pointing straight up. "Now we can have our dessert." Leaving her little apron on, Lori slowly straddled the younger brother and rode his cock. The older brother didn't mind a bit being second, even thought it meant that he would be getting sloppy seconds. He knew why Lori had chosen to go with his younger brother first. Smaller dick goes first, opens, lubricates and warms up. Then larger dick comes into the prepared channel, and finishes the job. Besides, the older brother was getting to watch as he stared at Lori's lovely rounded ass, held by his brother's two hands as she rose slowly up and down over a cock that had learned, over the past few days, how to have control. The older brother was surprised and pleased as he watched his brother lasting until they both reached their orgasm. Lori spent at least four to five additional minutes sitting on the younger brother and kissing him until his penis had gone completely soft. Then she mounted the older brother, and even though she was wet and stretched, Lori let out a delicious sounding moan as she slowly allowed her body to sink all the way down on that thick shaft that she (secretly) had learned to love. "This is our last fuck, you know that, don't you?" "Yeah baby, and let's make it good." They did. Now Lori was a pastor's wife, prim and proper and a person of high moral character. On occasion she went with her husband to visit parishioners, and she was a lady of high virtues who never got to enjoy multi-orgasms. Jeb went out, held the screen door with one hand so that it closed slowly, and left his wife alone with Billy. He took Billy's horse by the reins and walked it into the barn. He removed the saddle and after hanging it over the fence next to a stall he went on, removing the reins and bit from the horse's mouth. As Jeb watered the horse and brushed it down, Jeb shook his head. This was such a fine steed to be ridden so long and hard like that. He worked hard and fast, but neglected nothing in caring for the horse. As he worked, Jeb's mind was on the stranger and how he had looked at the crack between Becky's breasts. Jeb could understand that, he often found himself doing the same thing even though he had seen Becky naked. He knew that even now, Billy, if that is his name, is in there with Becky. He is probably seated at the table, making conversation, while Becky busies herself with the lunch for the three of them. 'Billy will be wishing he could fuck Becky, but she belongs to me. Many men in town probably think the same way, and Becky never seems to notice. Is it possible that she could actually be in there with Billy and be wearing that dress and not even be aware that Billy can see down her front?' Jeb needed to piss. Since he was not in the cabin with Becky, this meant that Jeb could piss without having to use the outhouse. Jeb never used the outhouse if he could help it. The more the outhouse was used, the sooner the building would have to be moved off, the pit covered, a new hole dug and the building placed over it. Of course, pissing was not so much a concern as crapping. Crapping is what will fill up the pit. Becky did not like it though when he pissed outside when they were in the fields or near the barn and stable. She would say, "We have an outhouse, why don't you use it?" And Jeb would reply, "Why go way over there when all I need to do is 'whip it out' and piss here? Besides," he would sometimes add; "This way you get to see my dick." Then he would shake it with his hand and point it at Becky. She would act disgusted and look away while Jeb took his piss, but Jeb would take note of the fact that if Becky thought he could not see her, she would be watching as he pissed. Instead of waiting to go either around the cabin or through it to the outhouse, Jeb simply went out the back door of their small barn and began opening his fly. As he was reaching in to tug it out, Jeb realized that he needed to piss now! While working, he had been holding it back, and the arrival of the stranger had delayed his going. Pointing his penis towards the prairie, Jeb let it rip. As he took a piss that had been waiting too long to come out, Jeb sort of played with his penis. Staring down at it, he tugged the foreskin all the way back until the head was uncovered. That way, when he shook it off, no urine would remain. As he had hurriedly tugged it out, his penis had been a little larger than when it was totally soft and as he shook it off, Jeb felt it sort of tingle. Jeb knew that his penis was enlarged slightly because of thinking of Becky and how someone at this very minute is in the house and sneaking looks at her tits. In his mind, Jeb had already formulated a plan. Though he loved Becky deeply, because of the situation with Billy and knowing what Billy is thinking, Jeb was thinking in terms of sex and fucking rather than lovemaking at the moment. 'I'm going to go in there, make conversation, learn all I can from Billy and watch while he pretends not to be looking at Becky. I might even go and fiddle with something on the stove or maybe go into the bedroom and peek out the door so I can see Billy while he watches Becky. When Billy rides off, I'm not going to tell her what I'm thinking, that I plan to fuck her rather than make love. I am going to lay Becky across the bed and toss her dress up. Then I'm going to pull her panties down, toss them against a wall and then get between her legs. I'm going to slip my dick into her while I feel and suck on those beautiful tits. While I'm fucking her, I'm going to ask her if she was aware that Billy was looking at her tits. She will either deny it, or will tell the truth when she says she didn't notice. Who knows, she might already be turned on from knowing that Billy is looking at her tits. Then I'm going to look Becky in the eyes and tell her that no matter how many men look at her she belongs to me, that she is mine and that I love her. No one but no one I will tell her, gets to put his dick into this pussy that I love so much. At that point I will give her a long, very romantic kiss. I've never done it before, but then I'm going to try to last as long as I can and wear out her pussy before I come.' Jeb had asked Becky those questions once before on the way back from town, and she had said she was unaware of how men stared at her. Done now with the horse, and after taking piss, Jeb returned to his cabin. He noticed that apparently Billy had done as requested in refilling the bucket since there were signs of fresh water splashed onto the ground at the bottom of the pump. He frowned as he climbed the stairs but thought nothing of it when he noticed that the heavy front door was closed. Though it was warm there was a strong breeze blowing and Becky had probably closed it to keep any dust out. The screen door creaked as Jeb pulled it open, and as he opened the heavy wooden door Jeb saw Becky standing in the middle of the room. Her dress was torn, her left breast half exposed. As she looked towards Jeb, Becky was clutching herself, trying to hide her partial nudity and not quite managing. Her face had a look of terror. "What the." Jeb started to say. He turned his head in order to look in the direction Becky was staring. Jeb saw a blur behind the door, and as he turned to meet it, Jeb felt something crashing upon his head. Darkness totally enveloped Jeb before he hit the floor. 15543 2.02/512345
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