Sunday, March 24, 2013
My Wife Joins The Drill Team
My Wife Joins the Drill X. Marx Despot If any of you guys ever finds yourself single again, or if you're not married, here's a tip. Go to a horse show. No, I'm serious. Horses seem to attract young girls about 3 to 1 more than boys. Consequently you will find that there are always more 18 to 30 year old females than there are males. Here's the clincher. Most female equestrians are pretty active and tend to be in great shape due to all the physical tasks there are to do when caring for horses. And there is just something about a tight young ass in a pair of black suede chaps. Well anyway, to get back to our story, I met my wife Lori at a horse show. I had gone to see the daughter of a friend ride in a show for the first time, and there in the show ring was Lori. I was 41 at the time and Lori had just turned 23 years old. She looked like a vision in her western riding clothes. She had on a white western style shirt and light tan knit pants that were skin tight. Over her tan pants she was wearing black suede chaps and from a distance it almost looked like she had a bare ass under the chaps. And wow, what an ass! Lori isn't very big, in fact she is only 5 feet tall and weighs about 95 pounds. She looked sexy as hell in the ring with her firm C-cup tits bouncing in time with the horse's movements and her fine round ass poking out over the back of the saddle. When her class was over I knew I had to meet her and so I drifted back to the stable area and struck up a comversation. Lori turned out to be a very sweet girl, although she wasn't the sharpest pencil in the drawer if you know what I mean. I decided that with a body like hers I didn't care if she wasn't an intellectual giant! We hit it off and started going out regularly and before I knew it we were married. Our sex life was good but I couldn't stop thinking about how hot it would be to see my sexy young wife get fucked by another man. One night during sex I brought it up to her and she had a fit. "How could you suggest such a horrible thing!", she cried, "It would be immoral for me to have sex with another man and that's the end of it. I don't want to hear of this again!" I knew better than to push it but I couldn't help thinking about it when I was sliding my cock into her tight young body. I used to fuck her while she was astride me like a horse and then I would reach behind her and grab her firm round ass and spread the cheeks, pretending that I was opening them so that another man could fuck her ass while I was in her cunt. One day Lori surprised me by telling me that she was getting bored with horse shows. She said that what she really wanted to do was to join an equestrian drill team, the kind that rides in parades and does formations and so forth. "The trouble is though", she said with a sad face, "There is only one drill team in this area, "The Ruff Riders", and they have never had a woman member. I wonder if they would make an exception?" The following weekend we went to see the Captain of the Riders, a guy named Bull Martin. Bull told us that while they weren't ready to have a woman member that perhaps they could find a way for Lori to be a "part of the team", as he put it. He said that maybe if Lori demonstrated to the guys just how valuable she could be to the organization that they could eventually let her become the first female member of the Ruff Riders. Lori was thrilled but I was little sceptical about it. I had noticed that the whole time Bull was talking to my wife he had his eyes glued to her body. It was a hot summer day and so she had worn a tight knit halter top and a pair of silk running shorts. Every chance he got he was looking down her top at her firm tits or checking out her ass in the silk shorts. The more I thought about it though the more it turned me on to think that Lori was going to be hanging around with all these men and she would be the only woman. The next week Lori told me that although they wouldn't let her do any of the drills or wear a Ruff Rider uniform, the guys had decided that she could participate in the upcoming parade. She was to be called "The Riderette", sort of a mascot she said. The next day she showed me the costume that Bull had chosen for her to wear. It was a gold Bikini top and a tiny pair of gold short shorts with her black cowboy boots. With her firm body and long blonde hair she looked like a fucking wet dream. It really turned me on to think about all the men on the parade route staring at my wife's body in this sexy outfit. She confided in me that she was a little embarassed by the outfit. "It is a little revealing isn't it?", she said shyly, "But if I ever want to be a full member of the team I have to do what the guys ask of me. Bull says that a Ruff Rider has to always be ready to follow the commands of their Captain in order to serve the team." Like I said, Lori is really sweet but she's not exactly a brain surgeon you know. I could tell that Bull was setting her up for something but I didn't know what yet. Maybe if I played dumb I would get to see my young wife get fucked yet! The day of the parade we got there early and groomed Lori's big buckskin mare till she looked like a million bucks. Her big silver show saddle shimmered in the sunlight and the mare pranced with anticipation. Lori went in to our van to change into her parade costume. She had told me nervously that she couldn't wear any panties since the shorts were smaller than any of her panties! My 23 year old wife opened the van door and nervously walked out into the sunlight. Her big breasts were mounding up out of the bikini top and her round ass was displayed to the max in the gold shorts. I held her horse while she stuck her foot in the stirrup and swung herself up. I looked up at her and almost came in my pants when I realized that with the tiny shorts on and her legs spread wide around the big buckskin mare, her blonde pussy hair was peaking out of the sides of her shorts. As the she trotted off to join the others her big tits jiggled and shook and her ass stuck out proudly in the black leather and silver show saddle. Every man she passed did a double take and stared hungrily at her firm young body, displayed for anyone who cared to look. She took her position at the head of the drill team and I hopped in my car and drove to a spot where I could watch the parade go by. It was pretty boring, the typical floats and so forth, until the Ruff Riders came by. There were several men behind me watching the parade and they had been making comments about the different floats as they went by. When the Ruff Riders approached us I heard one of the guys behind us say, "Hey, here come's Bull and his boys. He told me they had some dumb cunt who was going to show off her ass for them in the parade." As my young wife came into view astride her buckskin mare I heard the guys behind me again. "Son of a bitch!", said one guy, "Look at the fucking tits on that little slut. What a fucking piece of ass that would be!" "Oh Yea", responded one of his buddies, "How much do you want to bet that old Bull is fucking that little bitch. He's the bigest cockhound I ever met". "He hasn't fucked her yet", said the first guy, "He told me though that he has got her to the point where she will do just about anything he asks her to do so it won't be long before he sticks his cock in her tight little pussy." The third guy with them started laughing and said, "Speaking of pussy take a close look at her cunt man. Her little blonde pussy hair is sticking out of her fucking shorts man! What a dumb slut!" Lori called on all her years in the show ring and kept a proud seat in the saddle even though I knew that inside she was embarassed at the outfit that Bull had dressed her in. In spite of that, she truly was proud to be in the company of such a fine group of riders as the men did one formation after another and won first prize for the entire parade. I rushed back to where the horse trailers were parked and got there just in time to see the group dismounting. "We won!, We won!", Lori squeeled with delight as she jumped down off of her horse. She was so excited and proud that she ran up to Bull and jumped into his arms and he gave her a big "Celebration" hug, but I noticed that his hands were on her ass as he held her up against his body and he hugged her a little longer than was needed. All twelve of the riders said they just had to hug their little "Riderette" and one at a time they all picked her up and rubbed her big tits against their chests and ran their hands over her ass. She was so excited she didn't even notice but I did and my cock swelled in my pants at the sight. On tuesday of the following week I heard the phone ring and I must have picked it up at exactly the same time as Lori. She didn't know I was on the line and could hear everything that was said. "Hi Lori", I heard, "This is Bull, How is the Riderette?" "Great Bull, what's up?" "Listen Lori, I've been talking to the Ruff Riders and they really respect how committed you are to the team. Me and the guys are considering letting you in as the first female member." "Wow", Lori said, That would be great Bull!" "There's just one thing Lori", Bull said in a secretive voice, "The Riders is a very Hush hush group and we can't let just anybody know the rituals that it takes to become a member. You will have to attend an initiation and you can't tell your husband anything about it. Meet us at 9:00 p.m. in Joe's barn this Friday night. And remember, not a word of this to your husband." I had to laugh at the guts the sneaky prick had. He was trying to keep me out of the loop because he knew that no brighter than Lori was he could manipulate her, but I was a different story. What he didn't know was that I couldn't wait to see my wife get fucked and I was hoping that I would get to see just that! I snuck into Joe's barn an hour before the others arrived and hid up in the hayloft where I couldn't be seen but I had a perfect view of the whole place. I didn't know what Bull was trying to pull but I knew it would be interesting. About 8:45 the guys arrived and gathered together and started talking about the initiation. "Do you really think she's so fucking stupid that she'll fall for this?" said Joe. "Are you kidding?", Bull replied, "This is Lori we're talking about. Her bra size is biger than her I.Q., remember?" All of them laughed and finally one of them said, "Now we aren't really going to let this cunt in the Ruff Riders are we?" "No fucking way", said Bull, "If the little slut wants to shake her big tits in the parades that's one thing but the Ruff Riders will always be men only!" Just then Lori arrived and Bull welcomed her. She was wearing a halter top and some white shorts that she looked great in. "O.K. Lori", he said, "You have to go through the initiation ritual and then IF you pass you will get the honor of becoming a Rider. Being a part of a team means that a member must always listen to the commands of the Captain and respond without any hesitation even if you don't understand the reasons for the order. Isn't that right Riders!" "YES SIR", they responded. "To illustrate the importance of following orders," said Bull, We will now have an impromptu drill. What I ask you to do isn't important, what is important is that you do it without questions or hesitation. Isn't that right?" "SIR, YES SIR", they cried in unison. "Riders", commanded Bull, "Take off your boots!" They all did it immediately including Lori. "Now Riders", he said,"Take off your shirts". They all pulled them off leaving Lori looking bewildered. Then she slowly undid the halter top and pulled it off leaving her big firm tits naked to their gaze. "All Riders", he ordered, "Remove any and all remaining clothing NOW!" The men stripped quickly and only Lori hesitated. "Don't you want to be a Rider?" Bull asked her. Then my young wife pulled down her shorts and removed her panties and stood naked in front of 12 naked men. All of them were staring at her firm young body and their cocks began to harden with lust. "Joe", said Bull, "Bring in Diablo." Joe went to a box stall and led a huge black stallion into the center of the barn. I recognized him as being Bull's prized stallion, "Diablo". "Lori", he said with an evil leer on his face, "There is one thing that all of us Riders have always wanted to see but never have. Your initiation is to let us enjoy for the first time seeing that sight. We want to watch you suck a horse's cock Lori." Lori's blue eyes got as big as saucers and she looked horrified. "Oh My God Bull", she said almost in tears, "I could never do anything like that, it would be unnatural, against nature!" She looked on in disbelief as Bull massaged the stallions stomach and his huge horsecock dropped down and began to harden. "Well, I guess if you don't want to be a Ruff Rider then that's up to you Lori", he said softly. Lori looked around in desperation and finally said in a quiet voice, "I'll, uh, I'll try to do it." Then my young wife walked over to the stallion and dropped to her knees and crawled under his stomach. My cock was throbbing, it was beyond anything I ever could have fantasized. My young blonde wife, naked in a barn with twelve naked horny men, on her knees under a horse, actually considering sucking it's huge 15" long cock! She took it's huge cock in her tiny hands and hesitantly stroked down it's length, causing the stallion to grow even larger and harder. She grasped it's monstrous cock with both hands and brought it toward her pretty face. Then she opened her mouth and her soft pink tongue came out of her mouth, closer and closer it went to the horse's cock. The tip of her tongue was only a 1/4" away from licking the hideous cock head and suddenly she stopped and pulled her head back and said, "Please Bull, Isn't there something else I can do for the initiation? I'll do anything you guys want me to do, I'm begging you!" Bull took the guys into the other part of the barn for a minute and then came back and said, "O.K. Lori, since we like you so much you can just suck all of our cocks and fuck all of the Ruff Riders instead of sucking off the horse. How's that?" "Oh Thank You Bull!" she whimpered, "Thank you all so much!" Like I said, Lori isn't the smartest. I was willing to bet that Bull knew all along that she wouldn't want to do what he asked and then he would let her be gang banged instead. Not only that, she was thanking them for gang fucking her! Bull was the first to grab my wife. He had a huge hard on and he wasted no time pushing her back onto a bale of straw and putting his big cock at the entrance to her sweet blonde pussy. "I want you to beg for it Lori." he said, "Beg me to fuck you Lori." She looked into his eyes and said, "Please fuck me Bull, Please shove it into my cunt!" Bull spread her pussy lips with his callused fingers and began to shove his dick into my innocent young wife. He was big enough that she whimpered as he forced it in but soon she was stretched out and he started shoving it all the way in and out with a vengance. Other men moved up and started running their hands over her naked body, pawing and squeezing at her big tits. Soon Bull was pumping faster and faster and then began to spurt his seed into my wife's willing pussy. "Oh Yea!", he grunted, "I'm cumming in that tight little cunt bitch, what a hot little fuck!" He had no sooner pulled his dripping cock out of my wife when another Rider took his place and plunged his member deep inside her sweet young pussy. Yet another man straddled her chest and began to titfuck her, wrapping her big firm tits around his cock and fucking them for all he was worth. Joe, the owner of the barn, shoved his cock in Lori's face and she opened her mouth and began to lick the head. She didn't move fast enough for him and he grabbed the back of her head and began fucking her face, his balls slapping against her chin. Joe shoved his dick deep into her throat and said, "There you go bitch, eat that cum!" He began to spray her mouth with his sperm and the excess dribbled out onto her face. The man fucking her tits soon shot his load all over her chest making sure to cover her pink nipples with his cream. Finally the man in her cunt shoved his cock in all the way and yelled, "I'm cumming in this tight little pussy and man is she a good fuck!" As I watched them fuck my wife I could resist no longer and I pulled out my cock and began to stroke it furiously. I looked down and just as I watched yet another man cum on my wife's pretty face I shot my load. As I watched, one man after another lined up to either fuck Lori or stick their dick in her mouth. She was covered with cum and looked exhausted. Her cunt was stretched wide open and cum was running out of it and down her legs. Finally they were all exhausted and things slowed down enough for Lori to say to Bull, "Did I pass the initiation? Am I a Ruff Rider now?" "Well, let's see now Lori," he said, "The deal was that you had to suck all our cocks and fuck all of the Ruff Riders, right?" She shook her head yes and looked at him with expectation in her eyes. "The trouble is Lori", he said with an evil leer, "Mike Bocetti, our alternate member wasn't here tonight which means you didn't fuck ALL the Ruff Riders. Since you didn't complete the initiation we can't let you join. Tell you what though, for now you keep riding in the parades and showing off that tight little ass of yours for us and maybe next month we'll hold another initiation for you and you can try to fuck us all. You might become a Ruff Rider yet Sweetie. Now get over here and suck my cock some more bitch." 7715 1.78/512345
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