Sunday, March 31, 2013
Way Too Much Information Pt 1
WAY TOO MUCH INFORMATION Pt 1 By Slirpuff A man?s ego is one thing you don?t fuck around with; especially when it deals with what happens in the bedroom. I?m not saying that it needs to be stroked every time, but if there?s a problem in that area, it?s to be kept between the couple only. I have a wife that has a big mouth and sometimes she needs to keep it close or just wrapped around my dick where it will do some good. Six months ago, my wife Carol and myself were at a friend?s house for an ?adult? BBQ night. The wine and beer were flowing freely and while the guys? half-ass watch a football game and bull shitted around, the wife?s were in the kitchen and dining room chatting away. Needing another brew, I made my way towards the refrig. I could hear the women chatting and laughing away as I walked towards them. I stopped for a quick minute when I heard one of the women tell my wife; ?Steve?s looking pretty hot since he started training for that marathon. It looks like you could break a 2x4 across his ass and he?d never feel it? Jan said with a laugh. My chest started to pump up and I felt pretty good that someone other than my wife noticed that I?d dropped 20 lbs and was probably in the best shape of my life. That was short lived however as Carol replied; ?I only wish there was more of him in the front, if you know what I mean.? Tina replied, ?You mean your not getting enough?? ?I get all the quantity, but sometimes not the quality? Carol told them. Mary stated that, ?girl after just two years, you should still be getting newly wed sex, and plenty of it,? she said way too loud for my comfort. ?It?s just that Steve?s not as big as what I was use to and every once in a while, when we?re having sex, I think back to my ex, and a few others that were pretty well endowed, and it makes my toes curl.? ?They use to get me unbelievably hot and really fill me up if you know what I mean? she told them. ?However, Steve?s got the most talented tongue in the world, he could give a dead women a climax? she said with a snicker. ?Well, any time you want to get rid of him, let me know because I?d snap him up in a heart beat.? ?I don?t know another guy who would have taken you and your kids in and treat you half as nice as Steve does? Beth replied. ?I know your right, but I just wish he was a little bigger she said with a laugh.? They all laughed as Carol showed with her hands how big she?d like me to be. The laughing stopped when Beth saw me in the doorway. If I said I was hot, that would have been an understatement. As the girls stood there quietly and looked towards the door, Carol turned around. ?Steve? was all she got out as I laid into her. ?You really are a stupid bitch aren?t you?? he started. ?You never know when to keep your fucking mouth shut do you?? I turned around and walked back into the dining room. ?It?s not like I called you a pencil dick did I?? Carol said trying to make amends. It didn?t work. ?I guess everyone can?t be hung like a horse can they?? Now everyone was gathering around. ?Speak for yourself? Dan piped in. ?I know I?m hung like a Greek god and Mary will back me up,? he continued. Bob told the group that it wasn?t the length but the girth and that he more than satisfied Beth. What Paul next said broke the camel's back. ?Well if Steve can?t handle the job Carol, just me a call, I?ll take good care of you,? he said with a laugh. ?Shut up Paul? Jan told her husband, but the damage was done. As the wife?s stood there quietly the guys continued to make snide comments until Steve had heard enough. The sound of his empty beer bottle crashing against the wall made everyone shut us. ?Fuck you all? he said as he grabbed his keys and headed out the door. The last thing he heard was Carol telling him to wait as he shut the door. Halfway down the street Steve eased up on the gas, no use getting a speeding ticket in a residential area he told himself. He was madder than he?d ever been. This wasn?t the first time Carol had said something inappropriate when they were out with their friends, but this was by far the worst. As he walked into his house he was still bouncing off the walls. As he punched the refrig and bedroom door the pain forced him to stop. If he didn?t meet her criteria, why the fuck did she marry him; it wasn?t like he?d forced her. I guess she just looked at him as a comfortable meal ticket; but no more, he said to himself. Steve took a suitcase down from the closet and packed all the essentials including work clothes. He figured he?d be back later for the rest of his items in a day or two. He just wanted to be as far away from her as possible now; before he did something stupid and hurt her or himself anymore than he had, looking down at his bloody hand. There was a motel close to his work so he checked in and went down to the bar. ?Give me a shot and a Miller chaser,? he told the bartender. He spent the rest of the afternoon there ignoring the numerous calls from Carol on his cell phone. Finally he turned it off and went back to his room to sleep or at least try to. After Steve left everyone was still in shock. ?We were just joking with him,? Dan said in almost amazement at how it had escalated to that level. ?Don?t worry, he?ll be back when he cools down? Dave said as his wife Tina told them all to shut the fuck up. The girls pulled Carol into the kitchen as she started crying uncontrollable. ?Why didn?t anyone tell me Steve was behind me?? she sobbed. ?Honey we didn?t see him standing there until it was too late? Beth told her. ?Don?t worry, Dave?s probably right, he?ll be back once he?s cooled down? Tina told her. ?I just wonder how much he heard,? Carol told them. ?Guys have a macho image and a delicate ego but in a couple of days, he?ll get over it and be begging you to forgive him? Mary said with a laugh. ?Dan?s always saying something stupid I have to forgive him for, but we?re still together aren?t we?? Carol listened, but wasn?t as sure as the rest of them. She?d never seen Steve so mad and if he?d heard everything, she knew it wouldn?t go away in a day or two. Why did she even open her big fat mouth and say those things, even if they were true, well partly true anyway. Carol had met Steve in the parking lot at Publix. She had two small kids and was in the process of putting one kid in the car seat when her cart with her little girl started rolling away. She screamed and was in hot pursuit when a man stepped in to stop the cart before it had gone into the street. Carol was crying and thanking him all at the same time as she grasped the cart. ?Relax, every things ok, take a deep breath,? he told her. He wheeled the cart back over to her car and picked up the little girl and put her into the car seat. Carol then picked up the 1st bag and it split down the side before she could put it into her trunk. The tears began to flow again as Steve began to pick up the grocery?s off the parking lot and putting them into her car. He put the remaining bags in her trunk and shut the lid. ?There you go, all put away? he told her. ?I?m sorry about the scene, but it?s just one of those days that every things going wrong? Carol told him. ?No trouble, just think of me as your shinning white knight and you were the damsel in distress? he said with a laugh. She looked at him smiling and started to laugh too. ?Ya right? she told him. ?Let?s try this again.? ?Hi, I?m Carol Thomas and you?re?? ?Steve Dayton at your service.? She smiled and thank him again and told him she had to get home before everything melted. ?You ok?? he asked. ?Yes, I think I can take it from here, but thank you anyway.? He held open her door and closed it when she got seated. ?Maybe I?ll see you around? he told her. ?I?d like that, but not like today? she said with a laugh and drove away. Now that?s what you call a fox, Steve said to himself; and no wedding ring. The next time Steve saw Carol was at the mall with her two kids and a friend. They must have talked for twenty minutes when the kids started to get antsy and they had to break it off. They said their goodbyes and she and her group walked off. ?Picking up strange men in the mall?? Jan asked her. Carol told her the story of the parking lot fiasco and said his name was Steve. ?You know he likes you don?t you?? Carol just looked at her, ?what makes you think so?? ?Girl, the man couldn?t keep his eyes off you, are you that blind?? ?Do you like him?? ?Hell Jan, I don?t even know the man, how can I answer that question?? ?Well, if it was me, I?d given him my phone number and I?d sure as hell find out? she told her. Steve was still walking down the mall when he felt someone tap on his shoulder. ?I don?t normally do this, but here?s my phone number, call me if you?d like and maybe we can get together? she told him. Steve gave her a big shit-eating grin and told her he would call her tomorrow and watched her walk back to her kids. ?Now that wasn?t so hard was it? Jan told her with a smile. ?At least maybe you can get out of the house for a change with some male company? she said with a snicker as they continued down the mall. Steve did call and that Saturday they went out to dinner and it was heavenly. He was the perfect gentlemen and did nothing but listen to her life?s story. Popular girl in high school who married her childhood sweet heart who turned out to be a real loser. She divorced him the third time she caught him cheating on her. Divorced, one child and one on the way is how she ended up. She moved back home until the baby was born and old enough so she could go back to work. She worked as a legal secretary in her father?s law office, which gave her enough to pay for an apartment and food but little else. She had a faithful group of friends she hung with but had no life outside of that. As Steve listened he studied her. 5?6?, about 125 lbs, nice body, dark hair, very easy on the eyes, what was there not to like. At 10:30 she told him she had to leave and get the kids from her mom. Steve drove her to her mom?s house, walked her up to the door, kissed her lightly and said what a wonderful time he?d had. He told her he?d call her and walked back to his car and left. ?Well?? her mom asked as she walked through the door. ?Well what?? she replied. ?I saw him kiss you, what?s he like?? Carol spent the next half hour telling her mom what happened on her date. ?What does he do and where does he live and.? She had just started with the questions and then remembered that she was the only one talking during and after dinner and he?d just sat there listening to her the entire night. ?Holly shit, she?d not even given him the chance to get a word in edgewise.? Steve called the next day and told her he?d had a wonderful time. Carol apologized for talking the night away but he said don?t worry about it his past wasn?t that exciting anyway. They made plans for Friday night for a movie and dinner and she told him to pick her up at her moms. Friday was wonderful. They held hands in the movie and she let him talk for a change. Married just out of college, divorced two years later and process engineer in a manufacturing plant just out of town. Owns a small home about 10 miles from her apartment and not seeing anyone right now but was looking for someone special. ?You mean someone with no attachments and free as a bird like a divorced women with two young kids?? They both laughed at that. As Steve walked her up to her parents house, he wanted to grab her kiss her and tell her how much he liked her; but didn?t want to appear to be too forward. He bent down to kiss her once but she wanted more. They kissed and caressed each other for the next 20 minutes before coming up for air. ?We?ve got a BBQ here Sunday if you have nothing going on about 5:00? she told him. ?Sounds like a plan? he told her as he kissed her again. ?See you Sunday? and kissed her once more as he made his way back to his car. He shifted his hard on around so he could drive home; the girl was hot and felt so good in his arms. Carol smiled as she walked into her parent?s house. ?I almost yelled out, get a room,? her mother told her as she stood in the entranceway. ?He?s coming over Sunday for the BBQ here? she told her mom. ?What BBQ?? she replied. ?The one we?re putting together right now? she said with a laugh. Carol? family and a few of her friends were there as Steve pulled up. As the introductions were made everything mellowed out and Steve just fit in. ?Well?? Jan asked. ?He?s nice, I mean really nice and he treats me like I?m someone special? she told Jan. ?Screw that, is he a good kisser and how?s he in bed? Tina wanted to know. ?He?s a great kisser but no we haven?t been to bed yet but I see that in our immediate future.? Steve got along with everyone including her dad. As she walked him out to his car she told him, everyone likes you, especially me? as she kissed him. ?Call me later tonight if you can? and grabbed his ass and walked back to the house. Another hard on and another night alone in bed but he hoped not for long. Sunday night they both laid their cards on the table. They both liked each other and wanted to take it to the next level. Wednesday Mary and Dan watched her kids as she drove to Steve?s house. Not quite as small as she imagined though. As she came to the door, Steve flung it opened, grabbed her and kissed her hard; ?fuck dinner? is all he said. He carried her to his bedroom where he?d lit like a hundred candles. They stripped each other and fell onto the bed still holding and kissing one another. They kissed, caressed and tasted each other. Her nipples were small but long from breast-feeding her kids. Her stomach was flat and you couldn?t tell she?d had two kids. He licked her nipples and twisted them between his fingers as he moved lower. Kissing down her stomach he reached a partially shaved snatch; just a landing strip on the top. It looked good enough to eat and that?s just what he did. He started with her clit and worked his way all the down to her asshole. He tongued, licked and probed her while she screamed for him not to stop. God she was in heaven. She?d never experienced feelings like this and moved his head with her hands around at will. Her first climax was so intense she felt herself stop breathing for a second as she heard someone scream. ?Oh fuck, oh my god? was all she could get out as she climaxed and shook below his moving lips. She normally wasn?t a screamer but tonight was different, she couldn?t stop climaxing. Even though it had been only a few short minutes, she felt like she?d climaxed for over an hour. Steve came up to kiss her and Carol attacked him. She licked his lips and drove her body into him. ?That was the best ever? she smiled and kissed him. They cuddled for a few minutes and she popped up like the energizer bunny and announced, ?It?s your turn.? From the onset, Steve could tell she?d not given too many blowjobs but was more than eager. She licked it and sucked him but at times so hard that he almost lost his erection. He pulled her up to him, kissed her and said, ?Later, now we have something else to do.? They lay side by side kissing and as he fingered her clit and she stroked him. Putting her on her back, he climbed in between her legs and pushed his 6 inches into her. She gasped slightly and then wrapped her legs around his waist and they fucked. Gently at first but after a few minutes he was pounding away at her pussy. Carol hugged him with both her arms and legs and gave him back everything he gave to her. ?Oh yes baby, fuck me hard, fuck me harder? she screamed. Within 5 minutes they were both screaming as they climaxed together. Carol felt like Steve had pumped a gallon into her pussy as he kept shooting load after load. Her climax wasn?t as intense as her first one but after two years without a man all Steve had to do was look at her and she?d climax. They sucked and fucked the entire night away. They fucked in the shower and on the kitchen table after they?d stopped to take a breather and get something to eat. Carol gave him a blowjob in the shower and Steve showed her how he liked it. Carol had no problem taking his 6 inches and even let him cum in her mouth. Steve didn?t want her to leave that night. It took an extra hour for her to get dressed and out the door because Steve kept kissing her and removing her clothes. Finally in the car heading out to pickup the kids she could wind down. God it felt so good to be with a man again. Not a casual roll in the hay, but to make love with someone who you really cared about. Carol stood in the doorway as Mary dragged her in. She looked totally and fully fucked. ?God I needed that? she told Mary. Carol laughed as she told Mary how they?d fucked from one end of his house to the other. She told her she was going to be sore for days but that he had the most skilled tongue she?d ever experienced. He got me off 6 times tonight and wanted to fuck the rest of the night and if it hadn?t been for the kids, we?d still be going at it. ?Mary, I think I?m in love and in lust at the same time.? Two months later, Steve was on one knee asking her to marry him and 6 months later they were husband and wife. The couldn?t keep their hands off one another the first 9 months but then they got in the grove of 4 times per week and with work and the kids it got down to twice per week and finally Saturday nights only. The last 6 months there didn?t seem to be much of a spark so Steve set out to change that. He would plan and cook most of the meals and would surprise Carol with little things; flowers at work, tickets to a concert, a full body massage with oil and the best sex he could muster up. He started getting a little creative like a silk blindfold and chocolate and whip cream sex nights. They always had wine in the refrig and he would watch the kids when she wanted to go out on a ?girls night.? He became more orally aggressive and one night he kept her so high so long that she had to beg him to get her off. As he rubbed her clit and as she went off, he drove his tongue into her ass and reamed her. She?d had just finished one climax when she started another. She screamed so loud Steve thought the neighbors would think her was fucking killing her. ?I don?t know everything you just did to me tonight honey, but never, I repeat never forget it; I thought I was dead and you just brought me back to life.? She told him. Well, that made him feel good, but it didn?t last. She hardly ever initiated sex and when she did, it was mostly plain unimaginative vanilla sex. Then came the BBQ night. Carol never told me that she thought I was too small and ?never? filled her up. In other words, she liked my tongue but not my dick; well fuck her. Steve now wondered if Carol was cheating on him with some big dicked guy but had no proof. As I said you don?t fuck with a man?s ego and his performance in the bedroom. By Sunday night Carol was frantic. She called everyone she knew but no one had seen him. Her friends went out to try and find him without luck and now, all her calls were going to his voice mail. Everyone said he was just sulking but Carol knew better, she really fucked up this time. Monday she dropped off the kids at her moms and went into work. She still looked a wreck from all the crying and her dad asked if she was feeling ok. ?Just tired dad? she told him. ?Well tell that son in law to go easy on my little girl will you?? he laughed and walked into his office. Carol got a hold of Nancy Steve?s secretary but she was ordered not to forward her calls. ?I don?t know what happened between the two of you last weekend, but I?ve never seen him so upset; he?s usually floating on air telling me what a wonderful life he has.? Nancy told her. ?Well if he asks, tell him I called and need to talk to him.? The kids were now asking where daddy was and when he was coming home. ?Daddy is on a trip and will be home very soon,? she told them; she hoped anyway. She tried his phone a couple of times every day but he still refused to take her calls. It was Thursday when Beth saw Steve eating lunch in a restaurant down town. She walked up to his table and sat down shocking him for a moment. ?Care to buy a hungry girl lunch?? she asked. A little smile escaped but disappeared as fast as it had come. ?Only if you don?t bug me about Carol? he told her. ?Oh, you mean your wife who is staying at home every night crying herself to sleep every night?? she said coldly. ?No, the ungrateful fucking cunt who used me to put a roof over her and her children?s head, the stupid bitch who is no longer interested in fucking me and is looking for a big cock to fill her up like I can?t.? he almost screamed at her. Taking off his ring, Steve threw it at her. ?Tell her she can fuck anyone she wants to from now on, anyone that can fill her up and make her toes curl; I?m done with her? he shouted throwing a $50.00 on the table; ?enjoy your lunch? as he stormed out. Beth just sat there with her mouth wide open as everyone in the restaurant looked at her. She paid the bill and called Carol. ?Hon, can I sneak over after work tonight, I saw Steve and need to talk to you? she told her. ?Come over after 8:00, the kids will be in bed by then? she told her. At 8:00, Beth, Mary, Tina and Jan walked through the front door with a couple of bottles of wine. ?Girl, pour yourself a glass because we need to talk? Beth told her. Beth related the events of lunch to her and handed her Steve?s wedding ring. ?By now, Carol was crying saying that she?d lost him and what a fool she?d been.? ?How did you two grow apart so fast?? Mary asked. ?We really didn?t, it?s just that I kind of took what I had for granted.? She told the girls that Steve was every thing to them. He was the nicest guy she?d ever met and anything she or the kids wanted he got for them. ?He treated the kids like they were his. It was never her kids, but more, this is my wife and my two kids; not step kids. ?We fucked like minks for the first year and although it was good, I wanted more.? ?Steve tried every little trick to bring that spark back for me, but in the back of my mind, I wanted more.? ?My ex-husband and a few old boy friends were really hung and literally stretched me out, so when I met Steve; being only average in size, he didn?t measure up.? ?Don?t get me wrong, he got me off but it wasn?t the same.? ?I found that after a while I couldn?t climax unless he went down on me,? ?He did it willingly and would have done anything I asked to please me.? ?When I say he had the best tongue ever I?m not shitting you.? ?He had a way of licking me that it felt like butterfly wings caressing my clit.? ?His tongue was long enough to hit my g-spot and make me climax within minutes; I loved his tongue.? ?But, as much oral pleasure as he gave me, I gave him none; I became a selfish lover.? ?He?d get me off and when he stuck his 6 inches into me I would just lay there waiting for him to finish.? ?He went on this training kick to get in better shape thinking that would make him more desirable to me, but it didn?t work.? ?All I could think about all those big cocks that use to fill me up, stretch me and bottom out in my snatch; even when we made love.? ?Don?t get me wrong, I love Steve more than anything else, and making love with him is wonderful; but he just doesn?t knock my socks off.? The girls listened, drank and then drank a little more. It was Tina that broke the silence. ?Steve?s right, you don?t deserve him.? Those words took Carol by surprise. ?If any of our husbands did half the shit Steve has done for you, we?d probably let him do anything he wanted to do to us including giving up our asses and never say a word.? ?You don?t want an equal partner, a loving husband, father and lover; you want a meal ticket and a sex toy.? She told her. ?Right now it?s a 75 / 25% marriage with you doing 25%.? ?With your attitude, you?re never going to get him back.? ?You?re waiting for him to crawl back to you asking you to take him back where you should be the one on your knees begging him to take you back.? ?Right now I know a 100 women who?d fight you tooth and nail for the right to even date him.? ?Don?t worry, he won?t be unattached for long mark my words.? ?You need to get your head out of your ass and find out what you want.? ?If you don?t want him anymore, do him a favor and cut him loose so at least one of you can be happy.? All the girl?s, including Carol, knew Beth was right. ?If your going to fight for him, you better hurry up, because the way it sounds his next step is a lawyer and after that it?s all but over.? Mary told her. ?He won?t take my calls and I don?t even know where he?s even staying,? she told them. ?This is something you have to do face to face? Jan told her. ?You know where he works don?t you?? Jan watched Carol?s kids Thursday and told her dad she wouldn?t be into work until probably Monday; at least he didn?t ask why, but her mother knew. Nancy told her that Steve had been a bear for two weeks and that even though he might fire her, she?d let Carol into his office. She sat there waiting not knowing exactly what to say. She?d had this great speech written, but after reading it, realized it was all bullshit. She was looking at something on his desk when he walked through the door. ?Carol, what are you doing here?? were the first words out of his mouth. ?Steve, we need to talk but not here,? Carol told him. ?Why would you want to talk with itty bitty Stevie? he sarcastically asked her. ?Please hon, can we talk?? Steve knew he?d avoided her long enough and if nothing else they could finalize the details of the breakup. ?Ill see you at the house after work, I have to pick up the rest of my things any way? he told her. ?Please don?t do anything until after we?ve had a chance to talk, will you?? He agreed and said he?d be there by 6:00. He still loved her and really missed the kids, but if he couldn?t please her in the bedroom what was the point of going on. There were too many women out there, unattached without kids that would love to have his shoes parked under their bed; but he wanted Carol. He loved the way she looked, the way she felt in his arms and the smell and taste of her. She?d put a knife in his heart that night and it was still there festering and wasn?t sure how to remove it. Carol had dinner waiting for Steve when he arrived. Where are the kids?? he asked as they ate in silence. ?Jan?s watching them for tonight? she told him. ?I?d like to have seen them, I miss them? ?And they miss their dad too very much? Carol replied. ?Well what did you want to talk about? Steve said with a now angry look on his face. ?I just want to say how sorry I was for what you heard,? she said sobbing. ?Are you sorry for what you said because it was a lie or because it was true and I wasn?t suppose to hear it, which is it Carol?? ?Both? was her reply. ?I love you more than anyone on earth, you have to believe that.? ?And I?ve taken you for granted more times than I can count this last year? she said almost stone-faced. ?I took advantage of you because you were too good to me, if that makes any sense.? ?I?ve thought about us for a long time and it felt that I was beginning to be the strong one and you were becoming my yes man.? ?You were more than willing to jump through any hoop to please me and the more you did, the more I took.? Steve thought what she said and knew she was right. ?The same way in bed, I wasn?t there to please you, you were there for my benifit; to get me off, the hell with you? she told him. ?Don?t get me wrong, I loved you doing all those things to me, but our roles became reversed.? ?You?ll always been too nice and I don?t know how many times I just wanted you to grab me, drag me to the bedroom and just fuck the shit out of me.? ?Not make love, just fuck me.? ?You?re not the biggest man I?ve ever been with but I hope you?ll be my last.? Carol never saw the eruption coming as Steve lost his cool. ?Let me get this straight? Steve said as he stood up and leaned over the table. ?I treated you too fucking nice?? he said loudly. ?Jesus fucking Christ if that don?t beat all.? ?You embarrass me in front of our friends by telling them I?m a wimp with a small dick and the only reason you get off is because I?ve got a good tongue and to top it off, you thinking about your ex when we are having sex; does that sum it up for you?? he said shouting at her. All Carol did was look down and sob not even looking Steve in the face. Grabbing her by the hair and pulling her to her feet as Steve yelled, ?what the fuck did I ever see in you anyway?? ?A pretty face? he said as he pulled her head back and looked her in the eye. Releasing her, Steve ripped open her top and yanked her skirt down. ?And the nicest body ever, I really enjoyed making love to you too bad I was such a disappointment to you? he continued. ?Hell, according to you honey, I could probably shove my fist up your snatch it?s so wide and stretched out? he told her as he bent her over the table. Ripping her thong off, he roughly shoved two fingers up her pussy and moved them around. ?A little dry for my comfort, but at least I can still feel the walls of your cunt.? ?What was going to be your next move, were you going to tell me that you loved me but wanted to fuck someone with a big cock so he could make your toes curl?? ?You probably thought that I was such a wimp I?d go ahead and let you or are you already getting some on the side,? he continued yelling at her. ?No Steve, there?s been no one but you? she sobbed. As Steve turned Carol around and pushed her to her knees, he unzipped his pants and took his cock out. ?Here bitch, let?s see what you can do with that poison spewing mouth of yours? as he shoved his cock down her throat. ?I know it?s not as big as what your use to, but let?s see what you can do with this tiny prick,? he said as he held the sides of her head and pumped his dick in and out of her mouth. ?Well, at least you learned how to suck my dick over the past two years? Steve said as he started to get hard. Within a few minutes, Steve was as hard as he?d ever been in his life. He picked up Carol and draped her over the table as she cried nonstop, begging him to stop. ?I?d love to fuck your pussy right now, but you probably wouldn?t feel it in that cunt of yours, but I know another hole that?s never been tapped, at least not by me any way.? Taking a wad of butter, and with two fingers he shoved them up her ass as Carol screamed. ?My, my, my, your ass still as tight as a virgin cunt? he shouted as he worked now three fingers in and out of her greasy ass. ?Steve please don?t, I?ve never had anyone in there? she begged. ?Fuck you? he shouted as he rammed his dick through her anal opening in one hard push. Carol gasped and then screamed as the pain shot through her. Steve reached up and grabbed her tits as he slammed into her ass. ?Damm, I wish I?d popped this cherry ass a long time ago? he said as he abused her. Steve didn?t last long and was pumping his load into her cavity as fast as he could. ?Maybe I should have treated you like a slut like your ex did.? Cheat on you every chance I could, slap you around when you complained and knock you up and leave you when I was done with you.? ?But no, I was the sucker you tricked into marring you thinking that you really loved me.? ?We had something special, we were a family, I loved you and the kids as much as anyone could; and now I find out it was all a lie? he almost spat out the words as she slumped to the floor. ?This was my house before we met and still is now; if you still want to stay, well that?s your choice? he told her. ?But I?ll never be your wimpy husband ever again.? With that he left her on the floor and went up to their bedroom alone and closed the door and that chapter of his once happy marriage. 7704 1.76/512345
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