Thursday, March 28, 2013
Dream Crusher Pt 2
Dream Crusher Pt 2 By Slirpuff Kim sent Rick one e-mail saying she was sorry about what she?d said on the ride to the airport but Rick deleted it like the 10 phone messages she left over the next three weeks. He knew it was over, no use dragging it out any longer. The wild spirit he?d fallen in love with, was now something he couldn?t live with. It was all ?me? instead of ?we?, something he couldn?t build a future on. So Rick got on with his life and within two weeks was dating again; well fucking anyway. Rick?s mom started training a young girl fresh out of business school to handle the books for her. Barb was a young single mother with a three-year-old baby girl named Tammy. As the story goes, the father found out about the baby and left town, leaving Barb to fend for herself. After she had the baby Barb went to night school so she could make a life for the two of them. Mom liked her, but mom like the under dogs especially if they had little kids. She was sorry about Rick and Kim but knew her son well enough not to question him in this matter. I ended up working close with Barb, getting her familiar with how I was quoting jobs and where I liked to purchase my materials. She learned fast and in no time we were redoing the books to make it easier to invoice our customers. Many nights we burned the midnight oil trying to solve one problem or another. On those occasions I brought in dinner for her and Tammy and we had what Tammy like to refer to as a picnic. We had our first tiff, when Barb switched hardware vendors. ?Barb, we?ve been dealing with Hank for 10 years for Christ?s sake, he?s almost like family? he told her. ?Family doesn?t fuck you over do they?? ?Hank is selling at a cheaper price to some of your competitors and I found on line where he?s buying his materials? she informed him. ?I?ve contacted the company and now we can buy direct from them and you?ll end up saving twice what that little red toy of yours cost in just the first year,? she said with a smile. Good looks and brains a great combination. After that we had no more tiffs. She was a company man or should I say girl. God help you though, if you purchased something and didn?t have the receipt; because you?d better shit one before you left her office if you expected to get reimbursed. Barb and Tammy started having Sunday dinner with my family, not only because they had no one else in the area, but because they just fit in so well. It was Friday night, and month end closing wasn?t going well. Something was wrong and neither of us could figure it out. Mom had taken Tammy to the house as Barb and I went over the figures for the third time. We balanced the books every week so it had to be something in the fourth week we were missing. We went day by day and when it came to Thursday I saw it. We?d switched from cutting payroll checks every week to twice a month; 15th and 30th. We showed the 30th checks, but had forgotten to take the old payroll records out of the spreadsheet. In essence, we were showing double the payroll for that week. When Barb saw it, she leaped for joy and pumped her fist yelling out, ?yes, yes, yes.? She hugged Rick and gave him a kiss on the mouth. They both froze for a second. ?I?m sorry Rick, I shouldn?t have done that,? she said. ?Hell, I?m not sorry? as he reached for her and kissed her back. For the next 20 minutes their lips were never apart. Lips, tongues hands they did it all in her very small office. Barb was the one to pull back. ?We shouldn?t be doing this Rick, we barely know each other,? she told him still out of breath. ?Let?s not go down a path tonight that we?ll both regret tomorrow morning.? ?I need this job and I don?t want to lose it by letting this get out of hand? she told him. ?How about, we finish up what we?re doing, and go out for some coffee and talk? he asked. ?If it?s just coffee ok, but remember Tammy?s still at your moms; let me call her and tell her I?m going to be a little late? she said with a wink. The month showed a nice profit and for the next two hours they talked. She laid her cards on the table. Tammy came first and then the job, so the two of them could survive. Her personal life had to fit into those parameters and up until now it was never an issue. Rick said he found her attractive and was drawn to her, but had been holding back because he didn?t want to mix business and pleasure because if it didn?t work out it could get to be a little uncomfortable. They both decided to start slow and see what transpired. ?If your free tomorrow, why don?t you let me take you to dinner? he asked. ?Just dinner?? she replied with her hands folded in front of her. ?Just dinner, I promise no funny stuff? he said crossing his heart. Rick?s mom gave them both a funny look as they walked into the house together. ?Mom. Will you watch Tammy tomorrow night for Barb?? ?She did such a good job I want to take her out to dinner tomorrow night? he said with a smile. ?Sure honey, Tammy?s no problem, I?d love to baby sit her? she said with a cautious smile. Barb grabbed Tammy and headed out thanking her for watching her. As soon as she was out the door his mom cornered him. ?Rick, what are you up to?? ?Barb isn?t one of your little play things and if you hurt or make her quit, I?m going to whip the living daylights out of you,? she said trying to hit him with her dishrag. Rick picked up Barb and headed for a little out of the way seafood place. The atmosphere was romantic and the food was over priced but the best in town. They ate, drank and talked for most of the night. They were the last ones in the restaurant when the waiter told them they were closing up. Rick took the long way back, along the lake, and stopped. ?I don?t believe we?re parking in a car, like two high school kids,? she told him. ?If you give me your class ring, we can go steady? she said as they both laughed. ?This is more what I had in mind,? he said as he pulled her close to him and kissed her deeply. They kissed and fondled one another as much as two people could in a small two seater. ?Rick, it?s been along time since I?ve been with anyone and I?m not ready to jump into bed with the first guy who shows me any attention? she told him. ?If you?re interested in taking it to the next level I?m more than willing, but if you?re playing games with me, count me out.? ?No games? Rick told her, ?we?ll take it as slow or as fast as you want,? he said kissing her again. ?But next time let?s go to my place where we can be a lot more comfortable? he said with a shit eating grin on his face as Barb punched him in the shoulder. They became a formal couple after that night. Barb was invited to all the family gatherings and Tammy started calling Rick, uncle Rick. His mom didn?t know where it was all going but was overjoyed to have Tammy and Barb around. Everything would have been perfect if it wasn?t for that fucking call three months after Kim left. Rick saw the number, cringed and answered. ?Hi Kim, how are you doing?? he started casually. ?Rick, we have a problem, I?m about three months pregnant,? she blurted out. Rick swallowed hard, ?sorry about that, whose baby is it?? he asked ?You know damm well who?s baby it is, it?s yours.? ?It must have happened that last night we were together,? she continued. ?Fuck? is all Rick could say at this moment. Great, just fucking great Rick thought to himself. He had no reason to doubt her but said it anyway. ?How can I be sure it?s mine, I don?t know who you?ve been screwing since you left.? ?I guess I deserve that, but for your information, I haven?t been to bed with anyone since I was with you that night.? ?So unless someone?s been fucking me in my sleep, the baby?s yours.? Kim was coming home that weekend so Rick told her, he?d pick her up at her parent?s house Saturday morning. Rick got no sleep that night. He thought about Kim and Barb and what a fucking mess he was in now. Kim ran to his car as he pulled up and was all over him. ?Easy girl, hold on until we get out of here? he told her pushing her into the passenger seat. ?I?m just so happy to see you, I?ve missed you so much? Kim said beaming. ?Let?s go get something to eat,? she said buckling her seatbelt. Kim was going on and on nonstop about the baby and her job and how happy her parents were and had he told his parents yet. Kim noticed that Rick was quieter than usual, ?aren?t you happy about the baby?? she asked. Rick paused for a moment, ?not really Kim.? ?We basically broke up because you and I were on two different paths and I don?t see how a babies going to change that fact.? ?I know I?ve been a bitch, but I?m almost done in Chicago and when I move back, we?ll be a family; you, I and the baby,? she said beaming. ?Won?t that be wonderful?? ?I can?t wait to tell your mother our good news,? she announced. She was flying back that afternoon but said in three weeks she?d be back for good and wanted to move in with him. ?I can move in when I get back, but we?ll be needing more room after the baby comes.? ?Maybe we should start looking for a house?? Rick couldn?t get her to shut up as his head felt like it was going to explode. He was never so happy when 6:00 came around and he took her back to the airport. ?Call me honey and I?ll take good care of our baby? she said as she waved goodbye. As Rick sat at the dinner table at Barb?s apartment he just picked at his food. ?I know I?m not a great cook but you haven?t eaten hardly a bite.? Putting her fork down she looked at Rick, ?ok, what?s wrong?? she asked. ?Kim?s pregnant and I?m the father,? he blurted out. ?I don?t want to be with her, I want you,? he said looking down at his plate. ?Tammy honey, why don?t you take your plate into the living room and watch TV?? she instructed. Waiting for Tammy to leave she asked, ?when did you find out and do your parents know?? ?She broke the news to me this week and no, I haven?t told my parents yet? he told her. ?I don?t want anything to do with her Barb, I want to be with you and Tammy,? he said reaching for her hand. ?Rick, I want to be with you more than anything else in the world, but this changes everything.? ?As much as I hate what I?m going to say, you can?t abandon her like that asshole did to me.? ?You and her made a baby and no matter what you think of her, you have to think about the baby,? she told him. ?Get up, we have to tell your parents, now.? Mom and dad sat there with their mouths open and said nothing for quite a while. Mom looking directly at Barb asked what I was going to do; I shrugged. Dad then spoke up. ?Son, you?re going to do the only thing a respectable man can do; you?re going to take care of the mom and baby.? ?You may not like it, but you made this mess and you?re going to have to live with it.? Mom was hugging Barb as the tears began to flow from both of them now. I?d hurt them both and I was fucked. On the way home Barb was very quiet. ?At least we didn?t let it get too far? she said as she looked at Tammy sleeping in the back seat. ?We can still be friends, can?t we?? she said with tears in her eyes. ?God Barb I?m so fucking sorry, I don?t know? Barb stopped him in his tracks. ?Please Rick, I don?t want to hear any thing more, I couldn?t bear to hear what could have been,? she sobbed. Rick carried Tammy into the house and laid her on her bed. Barb hugged him and told him not to be a stranger and then Rick left. He drove around for three hours before ending back at his apartment. He wanted to get drunk and would have if there was any beer left in the house; luckily there wasn?t. For the next two weeks Rick walked around in a fog. He and Barb were warm to each other but she began building a wall up between them. Barb and Tammy still came to Sunday dinner but announced that when Kim came back she would no longer come. ?It just wouldn?t feel right,? she told them. Rick wasn?t getting the jobs done and was forgetting to do more and more things. ?Get you head out of your ass? he dad yelled at him one day. ?If you can?t handle it stay in the office and I?ll have Gary handle the crew,? he told him; that hurt. Kim was calling him almost every night and pressuring him to start moving her stuff into his apartment and had he made a decision about looking for a house for the three of them. Rick was a lost soul and an accident waiting to happen; and it did. He was doing some roof trim work on a two story Victorian when it happened. He lost his footing and slid backwards and fell off the roof. There was a wrought iron railing around the house and Rick fell right on top of it. He screamed as he was impaled on it. Gary was the first one to get to Rick. He found Rick out cold and with at least five pieces of the railing sticking out of his body. He called 911. The fire dept had to cut the section of railing he was stuck to and transport him to the hospital with the pieces still sticking out him. Rick came in and out of it, but hadn?t a clue what was happening. Rick?s parents, Barb, Tammy and the entire crew were crammed into the waiting room. ?Has anyone called Kim?? his mother asked. ?Mother, let?s wait until we know what?s going on? his dad told her. After about three hours, the doctor came out. ?He?s out of the woods for now.? ?He will need another surgery to repair some of the minor leg damage but that can wait.? ?We took care of the life threating injuries in the chest, stomach and groin and for now he?s resting comfortably.? ?He is one luck man, if the railing had punctured him an inch lower and it would have gone through his heart.? ?For now, let him sleep and you can all see him tomorrow? he told them. Rick woke up in pain and after opening up his eyes knew where he was. He buzzed the nurse. Within a minute she was at his bedside. ?I know where I am, but what happened? he asked. ?You fell off a roof onto a railing and became a human pin cushion.? ?Three sections went completely through your body and three in your legs and groin went in about four inches.? ?You were in surgery for about three hours, all in all, you had quite a day yesterday.? The doctor came in about a half an hour later and explained what he did and that he had a few more tests to run. ?You?re going to be pretty sore for about two weeks.? ?One of the barbs went through your testicles and into your groin, so you?re going to be out of commission for a while; if you know what I mean? he said with a smile. ?But don?t worry, it?ll still function.? ?However we did take a semen sample yesterday while you were out and will need another one I a day or two.? He then told me there was a crowd of people outside and that since he was awake he?d let them come in. Everyone came storming in. His mom was kissing him and yelling at him giving her such a fright, his dad asked about the pain and his crew gave him nothing but shit. ?If you wanted some time off, you didn?t need to jump off the roof, I?d been happy to give you a few days off,? Gary laughed at him. This went on for about a half hour before the nurse kicked everyone out. As the group left, Barb stayed. She walked over to the side of Rick?s bed and could tell she?d been crying. ?I thought we were going to lose you? she said sobbing; ?and I don?t know what I?d do without you,? she told him as she kissed him. They hugged and kissed for a few minutes until Rick moaned in pain. ?I?m going to be stuck here for another two days but I want to see you when you get off work? he told her. ?Just to let you know, your mom called Kim?s parents and Kim is flying in late tonight.? ?She?ll probably will be here tomorrow morning,? she said sadly. ?Hell with her, why don?t you sneak in Tammy tonight, we?ll close the door and have a picnic, hospital food sucks anyway? Rick said as he saw a smile come to Barb?s face. The nurses looked the other way as the three of them sat on Rick?s bed and had a quite dinner. Kim came flying into the room and jumped on his be hugging him. ?I came as soon as I could,? she said. ?How are you feeling?? ?When are they releasing you?? And a million other questions. ?I guess I?m going to be out of here tomorrow, if the doctor releases me? he told her as the doctor walked into the room. ?Speak of the devil,? he said out loud as the doctor grabbed his chart. ?How are you feeling today Rick?? he asked. ?I?m still pretty sore, especially in my groin area, it hurts to even take a leak? he said softly. ?Does it still look like I can get out of here tomorrow?? he inquired. ?If every thing comes back clean, you can leave tomorrow, but I want you in bed for at least four more days and to take it easy; I don?t want you pulling out those stitches? he warned him. ?Looks like no nookie for you? Kim said out loud. ?No matter, we?ve already got a bun in the oven so I can wait a while longer? she said with a wink. The doctor just looked at her as Rick told him that Kim was his fianc?e and was pregnant with his child. He gave Rick a smile and then told Kim congratulations and walked out. Kim stayed another hour or so then left explaining that her and her mother were going to look at baby furniture. His parents and Barb came later that night and stayed until Kim came back. They introduced Barb as the new bookkeeper. ?I guess we?ll be seeing a lot of each other from now on? Kim told her. A sad look came over Barb as she excused herself explaining that she had to pickup her daughter. Rick was so tired that he slept almost 8 straight hours that night. The nurse had to wake him to take his pain pills at 8:00am. Rick had a few visitors in his room when the doctor came in. ?I need to examine him now so I need you all to leave? he told them. He looked at the stitches and told him every thing seemed to be healing nicely. ?Rick, I received the last of your tests this morning and you?ll be out of here by noon if you?d like.? ?But there?s one test result I need to go over with you before you leave though? he said in a serious tone. ?Don?t be so serious doc, you?d think I was dying or something with that look on you face,? he said jokingly. ?I?m not am I?? ?No Rick, everything came back normal except one test.? ?We took a semen sample during the surgery because of the injuries and another a couple of days later, and they both came back the same? he told him. ?That?s good isn?t it doc? Rick said. ?There isn?t any good way of saying this, Rick your sterile.? ?The sample before and after were the same, so you were sterile before your accident? he told him. For some reason it wasn?t clicking in Rick?s brain; maybe because of all the drugs he was taking. ?You?re saying I can?t father a child ever again?? he asked. ?Rick, you never could father a child, you?re sterile.? ?You?ve got some old scare tissue around the base and side of the area, I expect this isn?t the first accident like this you?ve had.? Rick thought for a second, mountain bike racing 6 years ago. He?d gone over a jump, went end over end and landed on the bar of his bike. His dick and balls had swelled up the size of basketballs but he never thought he?s done any permanent damage, well I guess he had. ?I didn?t want to be the one to tell you, but you can?t have kids, and the baby Kim is carrying isn?t yours.? That?s when everything hit him. ?The bitch, the fucking bitch? he yelled out loud. She?d gotten herself knocked up and was going to pin it on me. It was probably Don?s kid he thought to himself. That?s why she?s been so loving and caring since she?s been back. He?d worked himself into a blind rage so the doctor stepped in to calm him down. ?Doc, I need what you told me in writing, something that?ll stand up in court? he told him. He agreed but told him to relax and not get too worked up; fat chance. The doctor did what Rick requested and he pondered a plan to embarrass Kim in front of god and everyone. Gary and his dad help check Rick out of the hospital and got him back to his apartment. Rick had his mom get a few food trays and some beer because he was having a group over later that evening he told her. She questioned him but he told her he had a clean bill of health and could do almost anything in moderation. So at about 8:00 everyone was there. Both Rick?s and Kim?s parents, Barb, Gary and the crew. Everyone was telling him how happy they were about him getting home and his crew told him it was about time he got off his lazy ass and got back to work. He let everyone get their digs in when he told everyone he had an announcement and to gather around. ?You all know that Kim is expecting a child? he started as the crew piped in about no more nookie for him anymore. Rick continued, ? sitting in bed with nothing to do, I kept thinking about baby?s names because I had a lot of time on my hands? he said looking at a beaming Kim. ?I?ve come up with a girls and boys name that I think will be appropriate under the circumstances,? he announced. ?If it?s a girl it should be Donna and if it?s a boy, Don junior should fit,? he said to a surprised group. ?You see, the doctor told me I?ve been shooting blanks since my mountain bike accident six years ago? handing Kim a copy of the doctor?s report. ?So who else have you been fucking Kim, besides Don?? looking at a surprised Kim who was reading the report. Her mother started asking embarrassing questions as her dad grabbed her by the arm and told her they were leaving, apologizing to me as he pulled her out of the room. Everyone stood there stunned. ?Parties over guys, time to leave because you have a lot of work to do tomorrow? he told his crew. ?I?ll be checking on you guys real soon? he said with a smile. ?That little slut? mom screamed out. ?Screwing around on my son, to think I use to like that little bitch,? she yelled. Dad told her to settle down and it was also time for the two of them to leave, glancing up at Barb. ?We?re taking Tammy with us? his mom said; ?you can pick her up later tonight or tomorrow,? she said with a smile. With everyone gone, Barb sat on the bed next to Rick. ?When did you find out?? she asked. ?Just this morning? he told her. ?Well, it looks like I?ll never have to wear a condom again? he said with a forced laugh. ?You ok?? she asked Rick. ?I mean you?ll never be able to father a child, can you live with it?? she asked holding his hand. ?Shouldn?t I be asking you that question?? he said pulling her face to his and gently kissing her. ?I mean, are you going to ok with us being together and not having anymore kids?? ?Rick, we?ve got Tammy and she loves you to death, and if we want more, we can adopt; I just want the three of us to be together for right now? as she pushed him back on the bed kissing him. Rick smiled at her, ? does this mean your asking me to marry you?? he said with a huge smile. ?I?m not sure, I think I?m going to have to sleep on it; you know it?s kind of a big step,? he said as she called him an asshole. Getting up from the bed, Barb started to undress. When she was almost nude he reminded her that he was out of commission for two weeks. ?You still have tongue don?t you?? she said removing the rest of her clothes. She lay Rick back as she kissed him and played tongue tag with him. Rick fondled her breasts and twisted her nipples as she moaned. God she had a nice set as he lick the closest nipple to his eager mouth and started sucking on it. ?Easy honey, we have all night,? Barb cooed. Rick started to get an erection as he worked on her breasts, ?at least I know my dick still works,? he said to himself. Rick pulled the pillow out from under his head and positioned Barbs cunt over his face. It was closely cropped like it had been shaved and then grown out. ?If I knew we?d be doing this, I would have re-shaved it this morning? she told him as she lowered it to his mouth. Rick lightly licked it down the center before using his fingers to part her outer lips. Barb was so wet she was dripping and shivered as Rick?s tongue touched her already hard clit. ?Of fuck, that feels so good? Barb said as licked her clit and moved it up and down her slit. Rick moving lower shoved his tongue as far up her pussy as it would go. ?Ohhh fuck me,? she screamed as she climaxed all over his face as he lapped away all the while using his thumb to massage her clit. God she was wet. Rick thought she?d never stop leaking pussy juice on his face. As she started to come down Rick shoved one then two fingers in her cunt, shit she was tight, as he worked them in and out. Barb tensed up as she felt the two fingers start to stretch her out. Nothing that big had been in her pussy in years and it felt oh so good as she was nearing her next orgasm. Rick eased his fingers out of her pussy, much to Barbs dismay, put a glob of spit on each and shoved one up her pussy and the up her ass. Barb exploded with a huge orgasm. Never before had she felt like this as she raised and lowered her body onto Rick?s fingers. ?Oh god, oh god? is all she could get out as she gripped the headboard for support. With his fingers busy he moved his tongue back to her clit, licked it a few times and then started sucking it like a small nipple. Barb thought she was going to pass out as wave after wave rushed over her. After what seemed like 20 minutes, Rick let her come down as she rolled over next to him breathing like a beached whale gasping for breath. ?Damm? she said as they laid there. She rolled over onto her side as moved up to Rick?s face. She licked his lips and then kissed him. ?I?m not sure how I?m going to handle you when your 100% recovered.? ?You put me over the top with just your tongue, I?m not sure what you?ll end up doing when we actually fuck?? to said with a laugh. ?But I can?t wait to find out.? With that they rested for the night and just kissed and cuddled. Barb picked up Tammy the following morning. ?Well?? his mom asked as she came through the door as they all sat in the kitchen eating breakfast. ?Let?s just say everything works,? she said with a smirk. ?Way too much information for me? his dad said as he headed back to the bedroom. They settled on a small wedding with about 50 guests one month later; neither one wanted to wait. They went on a 7-day cruise for their honeymoon where they really got to try out Ricks repaired tool. After the third day Barb said that if they didn?t leave the cabin she?d never be able to walk again. They came back refreshed and more in love. Kim had the baby and the tests proved that Don was the father so he got stuck with child support. Kim?s dad was so ashamed, by what Kim and Don had put him through, he saw to it that they both were fired from their jobs because of the moral clause in their contracts; so much for forgive and forget. Kim still lives at home and works in a small law office. Rick and Barb still see her every once in a while but she always ignores them. She sent Rick a letter two weeks after the big blowup explaining that she only went to bed with Don twice, when she was drunk, and that she really thought it was his child. She asked him to forgive her and that she hoped he was happy. And he was?. 4724 1.59/512345
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