Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Sharon Goes Back To School
By: Scipio Feedback welcome: Sharon Sobel lived in a large house with her husband and two children. She married right out of high school and loved her family more than she could say. Money was no concern as her husband had become quite successful in his field. It was decided early on that Sharon would stay at home to be with their young children while the food was put on the table her husband Chris. Early on this kept her quite busy, however, for the last few years the family has hired a housekeeper to take on the brunt of the work. Between this fact and the kids being more and more involved with school and sports, Sharon has had to find things to keep her occupied. Working out, laying by the pool, shopping and decorating, but, as much as she loved these activities she needed something else to put energy into. Always wondering how she would have turned out with the benefit of a college education, Sharon decided that getting a degree might make her a more intellectual person. Approaching Chris with her request was not a challenge at all. In fact not much were these days, as he just wanted to be left alone to concentrate on work. Deep down it bothered her that he showed little interest, but she did appreciate that fact that he worked so hard to provide for them. She also used this excuse for that fact that they never seemed to make love any more, reasoning that all relationships turned out that way due to work. Being interested in acting and art history classes the closest school was quite for away, however, the drive seemed easy enough when she went to have a look at the campus. So, with the not very interested support of her husband Sharon decided to start taking classes this fall semester. She decided to double her efforts at the gym and in the mall to make sure she did not stick out too much from all the younger students. The extra working out did not seem to make that much of a difference to Sharon?s body. Truth be known the reason for this was that she was already in very good shape and would have not problem fitting in with the other girls. She bought a new wardrobe and as far as she knew was ready to go back to school. The first day was rather confusing, the campus was so busy and there seemed to be no good directions on how to get around. This was a far cry from the class bells she remembered in high school. Also, Sharon noticed that her new wardrobe was a lot more conservative than what the other girls were wearing, but she chalked this up to the fact that she was older and married. Deep down she was upset however that none of the young guys seemed to pay her much attention compared to a lot of the girls. If she only knew that a lot of the guys were too intimidated to approach her, most of them assuming she was a grad student or teachers aid. Her dick-hardening figure was noticed by a lot of guys, even though hidden by her rather conservative clothes. Having married so early and then spent so much time with the family, Sharon was a little unaware that her blonde 36DD-27-33 body was the kind a lot of guys jerked off to. Having big breasts ran in her family and was a source of annoyance for Sharon as a kid. It was a big shock to her when her breasts stayed on size bigger after her twins were born. Being from a religious and very proper family she was taught to never use her appearance to attract men. After a while the heavy flirting that went on got more and more of her attention and definitely led her to checking out a lot of the young guys around campus. Of course she thought this was natural curiosity having never been in university before. About three weeks into her semester, Sharon was growing rather tired of the commute. She had not calculated for one thing when thinking about the drive to and from campus?traffic. She was now spending twice the time she thought she would in that car and it was really annoying for her. If only she had a place near school where she could stay a few nights during the week. With the kids being so busy at sports and school, combined with the fact that the housekeeper did all the work anyway. She felt like she was just coming home to go to sleep anyway, all the activity with her family was on the weekends. Sharon knew that her kids would not mind, as they were not really seeing her during the week anyway. There were lots of apartments available so she asked her husband what he thought about her renting a place. As usual, so long as he could do his work in peace he was fine with it. He never considered Sharon this sharpest knife in the drawer anyway, and this school thing he saw as just a folly that she would lose interest in. As long as the housekeeper took care of the place and the kids, he saw it as little more than being able to watch what he wanted on TV before bed. Within a few days she had rented a furnished apartment only a few blocks from the school. The complex was the best around, with a pool, gym/sauna and hot tub. She enjoyed the first day she could walk to class! Passing by frat houses she noticed a lot of guys hanging out in the front looking at people who passed by. She was a little bit giddy that they were looking and smiling at her. She caught herself staring at one frat house in particular, as it had a basketball court in the front. A group of guys were playing basketball with their shirts off and listening to loud rap music. One of the young men Sharon thought she recognized from her Sociology class and she quickly looked away when they noticed her. Having never really known a black guy, Sharon was surprised at how funny she felt while looking at their hard bodies. She could not get that images out of her mind all through her next class and found herself squeezing her thighs together! Why was she not able to control her thoughts regarding the black students? Her next class that afternoon was Sociology and she was surprised at how much she enjoyed the environment and all the interesting topics. As she was leaving the class that day she took a few steps backwards while reading the projector screen. She backed into someone and for a second she thought she felt a palm grab her ass. Of course this could not be the case and it was her clumsy fault anyway. One of her papers dropped to the floor and she went down one knee to pick it up. As she was rising she started to turn around and froze as she looked up into the face of the Black frat boy that she had seen earlier playing basketball. She stuttered out ?Uh e,e, excuse me? while looking up at his black face. Shaun Grant was a 6?4? 19 year old who had gone to the school on a basketball scholarship. He had been eyeing this preppy blonde for about two weeks now. His frat brother Dave who was also in the class had told him she was checking them out earlier in the day. He could tell she was a little nervous and probably not used to being around black people. Noticing her walking backwards at the end of class Shaun took a deliberate few steps out of the way and took the chance of feeling how firm her ass was when she bumped into him. Seeing how hot this girl was Shaun got even more excited when he saw the rather large diamond on her finger. Sharon had made a speedy exit after her encounter with Shaun. Why had he only smiled at her when she excused herself for being clumsy? Not to say a word seemed rather rude on his part. And what was that feeling on her ass when she bumped into him? There is no way a person would do that kind of thing on purpose right? Sharon dismissed it as a mix up on her part and walked home, choosing to go a different route than that morning. That night in bed Sharon could not fall asleep at all. She found herself unconsciously rubbing her thighs together until finally she realized that her pussy was dripping wet. Her right hand was inching down into her panties and her left hand began to pinch her left nipple. Before she knew it she was roughly frigging her clit and squeezing both her breasts. Her breasts were very sensitive and she was always a little annoyed that her husband did not pay them more attention. It was not until after she made herself climax that Sharon realized she was thinking about the black boys she had seen earlier while walking to school. Deciding not to think about the issue she fell right asleep. The next week the Sociology professor announced they would be doing a group project. Shaun saw this as the perfect way to get to spend time with the married blonde. After class Shaun went up to one of the teachers assistants that he knew from the school gym. Being friendly with Shaun the TA had no problem with putting together a group of Shaun?s choice. The next day in class the groups were announced and sure enough it was Shaun, his bro Dave, Sharon and a young girl named Kelly. At the end of class the student were told to meet up and exchange info in preparation for the group project that would require a lot of out of class work. Sharon felt her heart skip several beats when she realized who was in her group. Introductions were made and Sharon did not know what to do. She could barely make eye contact with either of the black students at first. Dave Kelly suggested they meet later to go over some ideas and get to know each other. Shaun and Dave could not do this because they had a fraternity event to attend. So, the two girls decided to go grab a bite and chat for a while. Walking on campus with Kelly was what Sharon had always imagined what college would be like. Boys would say hi to them as they rode by on their bikes or skateboards. Sharon noticed that Kelly seemed to know a lot of guys so she asked her how come? Kelly said she knew most of them because she was in a sorority and they were in fraternities. Kelly was a very cute girl with long brown hair, freckles and rather large breasts for being so skinny. It was not hard for Sharon to see why so many guys liked her. She wore a short jean skirt and a tank top that was cut very low in the front giving her a lot of cleavage. A contrast to Sharon?s black pants and button up blouse. Sharon started to think that if she showed of some cleavage then maybe. No, that was just silly she thought to herself as they walked along. Kelly suggested they go get a beer, as it was still a bit early for dinner. Never much of a drinker during the day, Sharon was a little apprehensive at first, but she figured what the heck and said yes. Having beers at one of the school bars was a lot more fun than Sharon thought it would be. The sun was shining and lots of guys had their shirts off while they were drinking. Kelly noticed that Sharon was looking at guys and they started to giggle about some of the cute eye candy they saw around the bar. Sharon thought this was just fine as it was harmless girl talk. When Kelly said that she thought the guys in their group were cute and she was excited about the selection Sharon almost spit some of her beer. ?Uh, yeah, I did not really notice? is all she could stammer out. The girls left to have dinner and ended up getting kind of sloshed on some wine. Kelly was 19 but had a fake ID so it was no problem for them to drink. Feeling very relaxed after the wine Sharon blurted out that she had thought about it and she did think Shaun was hot. Kelly laughed and said that is what she suspected. ?How can you not like that body? Kelly said and Sharon just gave a soft ?mmm hmm? in reply. In her drunken head Sharon was thinking what he must look like naked. Having trouble imagining his penis, as she had never really seen a black man?s unit before. Sharon and Kelly talked about a lot of things while they continued to drink. Sharon went into the fact that she felt out of touch with all the younger kids and was concerned about not fitting in. Kelly was shocked to find out how old Sharon was along with the fact that she had two children. The next night Kelly called up Sharon and asked what she was doing? ?Oh nothing, just reading? Sharon replied. ?Good, Shaun just called me and he wants to know if we should meet and talk about our project? Sharon stuttered her reply saying that she guessed it was okay. ?Great see you at Joe?s coffee in an hour? Kelly said and hung up. In an hour it would be 9:00 and that seemed kinda late for Sharon, but, she did not want them to think she was some fuddy duddy that could not go out late. Once they all got to the coffee shop and started talking about the project, Sharon again found her thought drifting off to the two black guys bodies. It was difficult for her to look at them and make normal sentences. After about 30 minutes Shaun?s cell phone rang and he excused himself. He came back and said there was something he had to take care of at home and would they mind moving things over to his place for some more discussion. Kelly and Dave chimed in saying that was fine. Sharon feeling awkward inside and not thinking it very appropriate only stammered out a yes after a few seconds. She really wanted these kids to like her! A few minutes later they turned a corner and started walking towards the frat house. Right then is when Sharon remembered that was where she saw Shaun playing basketball and it did not occur to her that he lived there. In her mind she was panicked and wanted to make up an excuse to leave. Not realizing it she was actually excited about seeing the inside of a frat house. There was music coming from the large living room and a bunch of black guys were sitting around drinking beer and watching the game on TV. ?Don?t worry, the conference room is in the back and you can not hear this from there? Shaun said as he showed them the way. The entered the large conference room with pictures on the wall of fraternity class members along with a large crest of the house. Dave came forward with a few pieces of paper for the girls to sign. Sharon thought they looked like contracts? Dave explained that the girls need to sign these liability waivers for insurance reason while in the house. It seemed normal enough and the girls signed several packets of paper that Dave put in from of them. One side of the room had a full bar and when she saw Kelly asked if she could make everyone some drinks? The guys gave an enthusiastic response but Sharon on the other hand meekly said it was getting a bit late. ?Come on what?s the harm in having a drink while we think? Kelly said. She knew it was not really right for her to be sitting hear drinking with these people, but, Kelly was doing it so she figured why not. Kelly came back with seven and sevens for the four of them. Sharon was not used to hard liquor and it burned her throat a little bit. Shaun and Dave downed theirs pretty fast and Kelly was doing the same. Not wanting to be out of place Sharon took some large gulps of her drink. They got a few things down on paper and before she realized it Kelly had made them all new drinks. Dave made a toast to the success of their project and before she new it the second drink was gone also. Sharon was starting to feel a little tipsy, as she was not accustomed to the booze. Kelly started to ask Shaun about basketball and Sharon got all perked up at that moment. Shaun suggested they go down stair and watch a tape of him playing on the big screen. Kelly thought those guys were down there but, Shaun said he knew they were going to a bar and he heard them leave. The four of them moved to the living room and Shaun popped in a tape. He told them how he hurt his knee last season and could not play anymore for the school. Sharon and Kelly both felt sorry for him. As he was talking to the girls Dave appeared with another drink and said that they should make a toast to Shaun?s knee getting better. ?What is this? Sharon asked? ?Oh, its surfer on acid and I made it cause it?s a girl drink with not much alcohol. Dave replied. Kelly said that she loved them and they all drank up. The drink did taste really good and Sharon liked it. Little did Sharon know that the drink is actually filled with a lot of alcohol. As they sat watching TV and talking another round of drinks appeared and Kelly suggested they play a drinking game. Sharon had never done this, but before she could even answer Kelly had grabbed her hand and pulled her up to the table. Some how or other a few minutes into the game and Jaeger shots appeared on the table. Sharon had never had a knack for cards and she seemed to loose almost every time. Being the second one to take a shot she felt that backing down was not an option or they would make fun of her. The shot make her feel like she was on fire! The game seemed to go so fast and Sharon had barely any idea what was going on. If she was won she would not know until they told her. Sharon had forgotten about time and was starting to laugh out of control at the two guys jokes. She did not even notice when Shaun or Dave would playfully touch her knee or arm. Dave said that they should go outside and smoke. Sharon used to smoke when she was younger and did not see the harm in having a cigarette. Dave made some more drinks and brought the bottle with them to a table outside. Shaun lit a cigarette and passed it to Kelly after her took some drags from it. Kelly then smoked and passed it to Sharon, who, just at that moment had realized that they were smoking pot. With the joint in hand Sharon felt awkward and thought maybe it was time to go. Looking at their faces she did not have the guts to excuse herself and she took a little puff. The three others laughed at her and told her to do it for real. Shaun assured her that it was not very strong and she would barely feel it. So, Sharon took a deep drag of the weed and coughed for at least a minute. They all got a big laugh out of it. Any feelings of awkwardness that Sharon may have been feeling melted away at this point. In a few more minutes and a few more deep drags for Sharon the large joint was done. Sharon then blurted out that she was high and had never smoked weed like that before. ?Oh, well we need to do a celebration shot for that? Dave said. Without any fuss Sharon took the shot glass and downed the ice-cold liquid. Shaun said they should come inside for something. They all followed upstairs and ended up in Shaun?s rather large bedroom. The bed was up in a loft and there were chair and couches for people to sit on. ?If you have not smoked weed like that before then you have to try this? Shaun said. ?I am not sure? was all Sharon could get out. ?What is it?? she asked. ?It?s a bong of course? came Shaun?s reply. Shaun showed her how to use it and the next thing she knew it was pressed to her lips. ?Suck suck suck? came Shaun?s order. She sucked as hard as she could and the next thing she knew a torrent of smoke filled her lungs. ?Say cheese? Dave said as he was holding up a camera. Kelly gave a big smile and all Sharon had time to do was move her eyes to look a the camera, while her lips were still pressed to the bong. Kelly excused herself to the bathroom and Sharon was coughing out of control. Shaun said to her ?here drink this, it will help.? He passed her a surfer on acid, which she downed right away as Dave was taking another picture. Kelly came back in the room and asked Dave if that was a hot tub in the back? ?It sure is and I love that damn thing,? he said. ?Oh, lets go in, can we, can we?? Kelly asked. Shaun replied ?Sure, not a problem, we can miss class tomorrow, lets stay up late and tell some good stories in the relaxing hot tub!? Sharon was now really blitzed out of her head and she muttered to Kelly about not having a bathing suit. The guys over heard and said that you could wear your underwear. Kelly assured her that is was totally normal and people do it all the time. The guys went ahead to get things running and Kelly asked Sharon to stay with her cause she did not want to be alone. In her intoxicated state she thought that the girl needed her help and reasoned that her underwear was just like a bathing suit anyway. ?I?ll be right down? Sharon said to Kelly. She went to the bathroom and splashed some water on her face She found herself rubbing her pussy against the sink as she was splashing water on herself to try and sober up. Sharon took a towel and got down to her underwear. Walking out to the tub wrapped in the towel Sharon was 100% feeling the affects of the drinking and pot she had smoked tonight. As she neared the hot tub she threw the towel over a chair and the guys three other laughed a little bit at her. ?What is so funny?? she asked. Shaun spoke up saying that she should not be offended but he thought that a hot girl like her would have on nicer underwear than that. ?This is nice underwear! Sharon exclaimed, as she quickly got in the tub to cover up. Both Shaun and Dave were hiding that fact that they noticed how nice her huge tits looked, even if under a stupid bra. Shaun then asked Kelly to stand up and show them her underwear, which she did rather quickly. Kelly?s matching black lace bra and panties revealed a whole lot more skin that Sharon was used to. Shaun then grabbed Kelly?s hand and spun her around so that Sharon could see the wet thong disappearing in Kelly?s tight ass. ?That?s nice underwear Sharon!? Shaun chuckled at her. Sharon felt a little embarrassed, as she barely owned any panties like that. The bottle of Jaeger was passed around and Shaun lit another joint. Sharon made a decision that it was okay because she did not live far and could call a cab easy enough. The played some splashing games in the water and wrestled a bit. From time to time Sharon?s hand would bump into something in the water above Shaun?s lap. She was curious what it was and just dismissed it as a thermometer or something floating in the pool. Kelly and Dave were sitting close together now and Shaun tried to hold Sharon?s hand under the water. She scooted away and that?s when Kelly spilled her guts about Sharon?s feeling like she does not fit in and having children and a husband. Sharon was not expecting to hear that come out of Kelly?s mouth and was shocked! Shaun lied when he said he did not know she was married, but hearing that she had kids and was older really was a shock. Shaun saw this as even more of a challenge and reason to fuck the big titty blond. Shaun told her that she should not feel so awkward and that you cannot tell a difference between her and the other kids. Sharon was having a hard time concentrating, but, she was warming up to Shaun very fast and his nice words made her feel a lot better. At that time a few of the other frat guys came out back to see what was going on. Before she knew what was happening, four more guys had stripped naked and jumped in the hot tub. Sharon was forced in between a black guy she did not know and Shaun who she barely knew. Shaun grabbed her waist and lifted her on his lap. For a second she was gonna get up and leave, but then she felt the bulge below her butt and could not believe that she was feeling another man?s penis. The dirtiness of it had her staring into space for a few minutes. It was a good thing to, as she did not notice all that guys looking at her beefy tits. Being raised on Shaun?s lap had pushed her tits above the water line. This combined with the fact that her white bra was now see through due to the water gave the guys a wonderful view of her hardening quarter sized nipples. One of the guys started splashing and soon they were all splashing each other. The girls ended up getting thrown around the hot tub between the guys. Sharon could not be sure but it felt like guys were grabbing her tits and ass as she was being pushed around. She ended up back on Shaun?s lap and when she looked over at Kelly Sharon was shocked to see Dave kissing her very deeply. One of the new guys in the pool asked if he could have a kiss also as he was jealous. He stood up and faced Sharon and his semi hard cock was only a few inches from her face. She unconsciously licked her lips and let out a moan as she felt Shaun?s bulge beneath her. Without noticing it Sharon was grinding her hips on to Shaun?s lap. Dave then got up in an effort to take Kelly inside. When Sharon saw Dave?s penis she realized that him and Shaun were both naked and that she had been touching a strange man?s penis this whole time. Sharon panicked and realized she needed to get out of there. Kelly assured here that it was totally normal for frat guys to do that sort of thing. Scurrying back into the house and upstairs, Sharon was determined to get her clothes and leave. As she was looking around for where she left her clothes she did not notice Dave taking a few more pictures of her in her underwear. If Shaun had his way, and he usually did, then they would have a lot more pictures of Sharon soon enough. Sharon found her clothes and bag and walked home. When she got home she realized how wasted she was feeling. She also did not seem that upset about what had happened. It must have been the alcohol and weed that made it feel alright She did enjoy the way she felt though and was confident that she would enjoy drinking while here at school. She might even enjoy a little more grass. At that very moment Dave was enjoying a wonderful blowjob from Kelly in his room and Shaun was peeping round the corner with a video camera taping the whole thing. If Sharon and Kelly only knew that the papers they signed earlier were actually contracts agreeing to be in a ?documentary? the guys were filming and that the frat now owned the rights to any pictures or footage taken of the girls at any frat event. Sharon fell asleep pretty hard due to all the booze. When she woke up she was hung over, but she would live. On her way to class Sharon seemed to remember something about some pictures being taken of her, but she was not positive if they only took one at the beginning of the night? She did remember being in the hot tub and leaving when she saw some guys penis. Thinking that it was just the actions of a couple of wild kids she decided that she did not really do anything wrong last night and would have no problem meeting again with her group for class. Later that day she ran into Shaun on campus and he asked how she was feeling? She said she was a little tired but, fine. He lied and told her that he was very hung over and not used to doing that kind of thing on a weeknight. Sharon had really warmed up to Shaun, as she was so happy with a lot of the things he said last night. She could not put her finger on it, but she really seemed to trust him. Also, she would not admit it, but, ever since last night she has realized that Shaun is really that one who makes her feel wet down there. Shaun then asked her if she could lend him a hand with a charity clothing drive that his frat was putting together. He told her as he liked the clothes she wore he would be able to help her out more than any girl he knew. This seemed like such a nice thing he was doing and she said that it would be her pleasure to help him. ?Great!? he said, why don?t you come over tonight at around 7:00?? Well it was Friday night and she was supposed to be getting home, but he assured her it would not take long and she agreed. At about 7 Sharon walked over to the frat house where she had been last night. She was not sure why, but after she had showered she picked out a rather sexy outfit to wear A knee length black skirt with a slit on the side along with a rather tight pink t-shirt. Combined with the 3 inch heels and extra makeup made her feel very sexy. When she got to the house she remembered when Shaun?s room was and made her way up there. Sharon noticed several of the guys looking at her as she passed by. When she knocked on Shaun?s door he came and greeted her with a big hug, pressing her giant tits into his chest. Sharon thought this a bit odd, but she did not object at all. Shaun asked her to sit, as the package he needed arrived yet. He asked if he could her a drink and she said that would be great. Shaun returned with what looked like a coke, she could taste the strong whiskey in the drink, but did not say anything, as she did not want to be rude. After all she told herself ?one is fine right?? Shaun then said she looked so pretty and he would love to take some snap shots of her for his scrapbook. Before she could say anything he had the digital camera out and snapped a few pics of her there on the couch with her drink in hand. Dave then seemed to make an appearance carrying a box, which he gave to Shaun. He then said hello to Sharon with another big hug. ?So good to see you? he said, ?let me refill your drink? as he grabbed it out of her hand and went to the bar. Sure enough in a few minutes she had a tall and very strong refill in her hand. Shaun then made a toast to the new charity and it seemed that Sharon again had not choice but to drink. ?Man, what a long day!? exclaimed Dave. I need to smoke a little to unwind after all that. He had the bong out in no time and was loading it with weed. ?Where are my manners? he said as he passed the glass device to Sharon. ?Oh, uh, not thanks that?s ok, I have to drive later? was all she could say. ?Oh you will be fine because you have not had a lot to drink, it will just relax you a little bit. Sharon could feel the hard alcohol running through her veins and was not sure about the grass, but if they said it was just relaxing then she should be fine. He held if for her while she sucked through the smoke and the blast seemed a lot stronger that what she could remember from last night. As she was concentrating on what she was doing she did not notice Shaun taking some video on his small camera of her smoking the weed. Sharon started to cough so bad she could not stand it and she got up to bend over the trashcan in case she got sick. As she was leaning over coughing Dave was lifting up her skirt above her ass for the camera. The guys were happy to see she was wearing tight lacy panties! Not a thong, but a lot better than what she had on last night. Dave handed her his drink, which she chugged in one gulp, after doing so she realized it was almost strait whiskey and her body got very warm very quickly. Within the next ten minutes Sharon was totally smashed. Dave put the bong up to her lips one more time and made her take another hit to just be sure. While he was doing this Shaun had made fresh drinks that were again almost 100% whiskey. She seemed to be getting better at the drinking and smoking which was exactly what these to black kids wanted. They wanted her to come over and get smashed so she was more willing to do what they wanted. Dave then left the room and Shaun started to explain the charity to Sharon. It was a simple clothing drive where people would give old clothes to be turned over to the needy. Sharon was having trouble following along, but she loved listening to Shaun talk and was staring deeply into his eyes. He then explained that they would be having a fashion show to raise money and awareness for the program. What he needed her to do was check out some of the outfits for the show. It seemed to make sense to her and she said lets get started. Taking another swig of her whiskey Sharon opened up the box Shaun gave her. It had a few pairs of shoes, some skirts, shorts and bikini top shirts, not to mention a few pairs of small panties and a make up kit. Sharon told him that it all looked fine and the girls who wear it should get a lot of attention Shaun the asked her to try on a pair of the shoes cause he wanted to see how tall the made a girl look. She saw no reason to not do this and she stood up in the 6-inch platform shoes. Sharon always had good balance, but this was rather hard for her. ?Ya know, I am just not sure, I can not get the whole picture,? Shaun told her. Why don?t you try on a whole outfit and then we should be able to tell for sure what we will end up with. ?I don?t think I can do that Shaun, it?s all a bit too revealing for my tastes? ?Don?t be silly Sharon, it is for charity, and if we don?t get this done the whole thing might fall apart!? Sharon felt confused and afraid to screw anything up, so she said ?I guess it would be ok to let you see because its your charity.? ?Of course, just for the charity? Shaun replied. Let?s got into the conference room where you can change. Shaun?s real reason for going in there was that there were several hidden video and audio recorders set up to capture the whole room. Once in the room Sharon took another big gulp of her drink and asked Shaun to wait outside. ?Sure, let me just make you a new drink first?. Sharon had totally forgotten that she was supposed to go home to her family tonight and happily accepted the next glass of whiskey. The first outfit was a very short silver skirt and a top that fit on like a bra or bikini, which tied in the front instead of the rear. It left a huge gap between her breasts and the bottoms were also exposed. The skirt went not much further than her ass and had a rough texture to it, which felt very nice. The panties were by far the smallest she had ever worn and they barely covered her vagina. Her plump ass was totally exposed, as the back was little more than a string. As she checked herself out in the mirror, she would have loved to know that she was staring right into the lens of a camera. When she thought she was as ready as she could be Sharon killed the rest of her drink and went t the door to let in Shaun. His dick almost exploded upon seeing her and he could not believe his good fortune! Playing it cool, he was internally laughing at how awkward she felt in the skimpy clothes. He said that he had an idea, but what it really needed was the makeup like models wear. He asked if there was any way that she could put on a lot of makeup over what she already had on. As, he handed her another drink, with a straw this time, Sharon said that should be fine as it was just in this room. Shaun watched her as she piled on the makeup to his direction, finishing up with dark eyes and bright red lipstick. In his mind Shaun was thinking that this prim and proper mother of two looked like the best stripper he had ever seen! While he stood behind her to look at her makeup in the mirror Shaun started to rub her lower back very gently. Sharon froze and started off to the left. Her breathing became heavy and he knew at that point that he could get her for sure. Dave then interrupted them when he came into the room and Sharon was so preoccupied with how good Shaun?s touch felt that she had forgotten what she was wearing. Dave played it cool and started to box up the clothes (including the ones Sharon wore over). They could hear load music coming from down stairs and out side and being Friday night this was not a surprise to the guys at all. In fact, every weekend had people dancing and drinking in their house. Shaun grabbed Sharon?s hand and told her to bring her drink to the party downstairs. She grabbed her whiskey with a straw and smiled as she was being led to a party. Once in the living room all eyes were on the drunken girl dancing with Shaun. She had to be the hottest thing that they had seen in a long time! How did Shaun get this girl? She was all over him, mostly for support from the booze and the high heels, but his hand also needs to be all over her to keep her upright. After a while cameras were flashing and Shaun was lifting up her skirt for guys to take pictures from the other side. With the party light there was no way she could see the flash. Soon Shaun?s hand was squeezing her ass under the skirt and it only got worse when a slow song came on. Dave had gotten a lot of this on video, from the conference room down the stairs and finally here on the dance floor. Sharon was really having a good time dancing with Shaun and she did not notice the crowd looking and talking pictures of her ass. If only her husband could se her now with all these rough black kids looking at her body lustily. Not to mention the amount of people that would end up jerking off to her picture on the Internet. Shaun was giving lots of little kisses to Sharon?s neck and ear with a very good result?she was moaning rather loudly and grinding her pussy on the hard penis she could feel through his pants. The next thing she new his tongue was in her mouth and they were kissing very hotly. Shaun turned her around when a fast song came on so that he could mash his cock into her humping ass. As she turned a lot of the guys gasped at the flimsy shirt she was wearing. While dancing there were hands in the crowd that touched her tits, ass and even pussy. At some point a hand pulled on the string in front of her shirt and her tits bounced into site. The guys went nuts and it was all preserved well on camera. Sharon did not even notice, as she was too busy kissing Shaun. Dave made sure to get a close up of her ring finger running over Shaun?s head. Next thing she knew Sharon was being led into the conference room and Shaun had her top on the floor in 0 seconds flat. He was squeezing one tit while pinching and licking the other nipple. This was really getting Sharon going and was concentrating on nothing but the pleasure building up in her body. Without even realizing it Sharon had reached her hands down to Shaun?s pants in an effort to get at his penis. He helped her out and took out his 10? black cock. As soon as it touched Sharon?s hands she instinctively started squeezing and jerking him off. At this point Shaun laid her down on the table facing up so he could keep at her DD tits. He had already bunched the tiny skirt up above her waist and he effortlessly ripped off the small panties, which produced a very guttural grunt form Sharon. So, there was this nice and proper white housewife and mother lying on her back in a frat house about to get fucked by a cock that was 5 inches bigger than her husbands. Being that she had not had any good sex in months Sharon was very worked up and dripping wet. Even without the intoxication Sharon would have been very hot for Shaun. ?You want me to fuck you?? Shaun asked. ?Y y yes please! Just put it in, condom, oh, shit, so wet, please put it in!? came Sharon?s reply. ?Put what in?? Shaun wanted the cameras to record everything. ?Your penis? Sharon said. ?Cock bitch, it?s called a cock!? ?Oh my god!? Sharon screamed as Shaun was playing with her clit and tits. ?Please put your cock inside meeeeeeee, ah ah fuck ya? right after she said the word ?cock? Shaun started to insert his rock hard dick up her sopping wet pussy. He was amazed at how tight she was. Going slowly Shaun eased himself in inch by inch until finally he was balls deep. The moans became louder and louder from Sharon. Shaun got her feet up above his shoulders and started to pound Sharon?s pussy like there was no tomorrow. Her giant tits were violently shaking up and down causing her to get smacked in the chin right after every time Shaun trust in her. Shaun loved the site of her tits flapping around wildly. He knew that he was gonna have some good times with this dumb married white bitch. Only having fucked for about 20 minutes Shaun was so excited about Sharon?s begging him to keep fucking her. He enjoyed making her call out for his black cock and he started to smack her tits around rather roughly. The funny thing was that Sharon was really enjoying the rough treatment and talk. She had never known that people would do these things when having sex! Once Sharon had her second screaming orgasm Shaun knew he was gonna bust soon. He wanted to see what he could get her to do so he said he was going to cum in her pussy. ?No, you can?t, uh, fuck meeeeeee, shit, no, cum, pussy uh, pregnant, uh uh mmmmm, tits, oh shit yeah!? This was the most cussing she had ever done. Shaun actually had no desire to cum in his new bitches pussy. He was planning to use her for as long as he could and pregnancy would not help things. ?Ok? he said ?Come here you slut? ?You want me to cum?? ?I?ll cum where you deserve it? As he pulled out Shaun grabbed Sharon?s left tit and pulled her roughly up from the table. ?Ah shit yeah, ah ah, grab me, ah cum, fuck yeah!? As she was in a sitting position Shaun took the opportunity to smack her tits around hard! Right then he knew she was going to love being dominated by his black cock. Grabbing her nice long hair Shaun pulled her off the table and quickly had Sharon on her knees and when she opened her mouth to take a panicky breath she had his cock shoved in as far as it would go. Sharon thought to herself ?Oh no, I have never had a pe?COCK, in my mouth before and I don?t know what to do.? Shaun took care of the work as he proceeded to face fuck Sharon while making gestures to the cameras with his other hand. He loved the fact that he was pounding her mouth like a pussy and not stopping for all her gagging and moaning. When Sharon put her hands up to push Shaun away, he stopped briefly to smack her tits several times. This was very painful for Sharon as he was hitting them strait down. Slapping her face for good measure Shaun shoved his cock back in her teary face. He then told Sharon that she should never stop him from fucking her. Sharon gargled her response around his cock and that put Shaun over the edge. Shot after shot of hot cum started to pump in her mouth. Sharon swallowed as fast as she could, but a lot of his spunk ended up dribbling out onto her large swinging tits. After he calmed down a bit Shaun made his new toy stand up and lick the cum off her tits for the hidden camera. What her tongue could not reach she was told to scoop up with her fingers. There was something about the taste of cum. The thing was she liked it! After they dressed, Shaun led Sharon back to the party to get another drink. A strong mixed drink ended up in her hand. As she was stumbling around the party being groped by everyone while trying to ?be friendly? and talk to all her nice new buddies things started to get a little hazy and the next thing Sharon knew it was daylight and she was asleep on Shaun?s floor. If she had not blacked out from the roofie that some guy slipped in her drink, Sharon would have remembered being the life of the party. Everyone got to dance with her and feel her body as much as they wanted. She would have remembered being dragging into the filthy party bathroom by Dave for an impromptu ?make out? session as he called it. After kissing for a little while Dave started sucking on her tittles and fingering her pussy. Sharon might have remembered that she got on her knees all by herself in that dirty bathroom. She did this because she wanted to taste more cum. She would have noticed Shaun coming in the bathroom with a camera and filming her sucking on Dave?s cock. They made her look right into the camera and beg for his cum., which he promptly shot into her waiting open mouth. After she swallowed the mouthful of hot cum Dave told Sharon to suck on her own nipples. One by one she lifted her tits with both hands up to her cocksucking lips. Dave really loved her full sexy lips and he wanted Shaun to get some good footage of her slobbering over her tits. This drew a cheer from the large crowd that was peering in through the open door. Sharon just giggled when she noticed them looking. At this time the party died a little bit. That is, the guys kicked a lot of people out so that they could get nasty with the big titted slut. Shaun led Sharon around the house with Dave filming as if they were doing a tour. In one bedroom were a couple of guys who waned to see a strip show. Dave got her a new outfit and told her to put it on for the show. She kept the same fuck me shoes but now she got into a hot pink mini skirt and matching tube top. They were both a couple of sizes too small so Shaun had to help stuff her tits into the top. She also touched up her lipstick brushed her hair a bit. The guys got a huge laugh out of watching her brush her hair with the housedog?s brush. Shaun was pleased that she had not questioned his request and changed right in front of everyone. She was fully aware of the camera and was even starting to perform by trying to act like a cute little girl. They put on some Jay Z and Sharon began to dance around the room. Whenever she got close to a guys she was grabbed and called names. The stripping lasted about 5 minutes as one guy got frustrated and yanked the tube top down. When her tits sprang and she gave out a submissive little cry the guys all knew it was on. Another guy produced a bottle of baby oil that he sprayed all over her tits and ass. Her outfit had no become one bunched up piece of hot pink fabric that went around her waist. She was told to rub the oil all over her breasts and shake em around. Before she knew it she was bent over the coffee table getting fucked by a stranger. Sharon had only had sex in the doggy position a couple of times, but she felt like she was gonna cum right away. This might be her favorite knew thing. Shaun had told all the guys to wear condoms while they fucked her. Starting with the guys in this room Sharon was fucked by at least 20 black guys who seemed to be rotating in and out of the room. The sound of the bed hitting the wall were only drown out y Sharon screaming in pleasure. Not one guy wanted to waste his load in a condom so they made up a game. They would take their filled condoms and tie knots in them to prevent any spillage. Then, from across the room they would throw them at Sharon. This was not done to break like a balloon, but rather just as a funny thing to do for the camera. Of course when Sharon got a condom she was told to break it open and drink the cum. She did this with no problem as she really was starting to think like she needed to eat as much sperm as she could. Dave made a remark about her pussy hair that did not sit well with one of the other guys. Grabbing Sharon by the hand he took her in his bathroom and proceeded to shave her pussy clean in the shower. Once done he turned on the water and shoved his cock in her mouth. After a few minutes he wrapped his hand in her hair and really started to pound her mouth. The best part was after swallowing his load Sharon collapsed back in the tub on her butt. Not missing a great opportunity he told Sharon not to move as he started pissing on her tits. Shaun got some great footage of this as he was standing on the sink to get a bird?s eye. After showering quickly Sharon was taken back to the bedroom and oiled up again. Standing there completely naked Sharon was told to lick her tits and beg for someone to tit fuck her. Only a few seconds after she started to beg one guy threw her on the bed and proceeded to reverse tit fuck her, that ism his balls and asshole were resting on Sharon?s face. For the next few hours the guys took turn fucking Sharon?s mouth, tits and pussy, Shaun had told them to not fuck her ass, as he had plans for it. So, when the prim and proper Sharon woke up in the morning completely naked she had no idea what was going on. She vaguely remembered fooling around with Shaun, but everything else is very blurry like a dream. Having to pee really bad Sharon ran to the bathroom and screamed when she looked in the mirror. Somehow she had the frat letters written on her breasts! ?Z? on her left tit, and ?B? on her right. Too bad she could not see the same lettering on either side of her asshole. The guys had all taken hundreds of pictures with their new ?friend?. There were shots of her standing with groups of guys while sucking on her marked tits. Close up shots of her with a large cock between her written on jugs. A great one of her getting fucked from behind while looking strait ahead at the camera and showing of her ring finger. Speaking of ring finger, every guy wanted a few shots of their hard cocks being held by her ring-clad hand. All these were done with a big smile from Sharon. Well, I guess you could not see her smiling in the shots that were taken of faces close up to her marked asshole. At that very moment Shaun was looking at all these shots on his laptop. The next shock to Sharon was the fact that she did not have and pussy hair. Deep down her first reaction was how good she thought it looked and how clean it felt. Back in Shaun?s room Sharon was desperate to find her clothes and leave. ?Shit, what happened last night!? she was asking herself in a panic. That is when Shaun came back into the room. ?Good morning? he said to the wife who was trying to cover up her ample tits with her small hands. ?Where are my clothes?? she asked. ?Oh, I am not sure, but, here you can wear these.? Shaun produced a tiny white strappy tank top and some small girl jean shorts. Anxious to cover up Sharon quickly pulled on the tight daisy duks shorts along with the 2 size too small tank top. The top did nothing to contain her giant tits and the sloshed around with every move she took. If she had paid attention Sharon would have noticed what the tank top said on it. The back had in red letters the words ?ZB BITCH?, and the front in black letters let everyone know she thought ?SIZE DOES MATTER? ?I have to get home to my family, it?s Saturday!? ?No, you don?t wanna do that? Shaun replied. Call your husband and tell him you do not feel well and are choosing to stay at a friend?s house for a while. This is when Sharon explained the fact that she lived very far away and stayed locally in an apartment during the week. Shaun was beside himself! He knew now how much easier it was going to be to fuck this girl without her husband getting in the way. Sharon did not know why she was still there or, why she felt she needed to explain her situation to Shaun. The truth be known deep down Sharon maybe wanted to stay with Shaun, if only for a few more minutes. She could not believe what had happened and was very distraught over cheating on her husband. Yet, a part of her mind was creeping back to the memory of the mind shattering orgasm that Shaun gave her. Not to mention the rough way her dominated her and forced her to eat his cum. All of a sudden Sharon noticed that she had been unconsciously rubbing her legs together and licking her lips while talking to Shaun. ?No!? ?I have to go? Sharon said to herself as she walked for the door. Before you go you should see this and decide if you want your husband to see it also. Shaun handed Sharon a picture. When she saw it she gasped and almost fainted. It was a very clear and rather nice snapshot of her on her knew in the dirty bathroom sucking Dave?s cock. Her tits were pushed up out over the bikini top and she was twisting her right nipple with one hand while playing with her pussy in the other. There was drool hanging don from her chin and she had a very focused and serious look in her eyes. ?If you leave I will have no choice but to email this to you husband? ?I got his email from your purse? Shaun let his words sink in to her. Sharon turned to a corner and stared at the picture. Without realizing it she was licking her lips again and fidgeting in her shorts. ?What the hell!? she thought how could this filthy thing be turning her on like this? She could not believe that her sore and swollen pussy was getting really wet. All of a sudden she felt a pair of hands start to rub her shoulders. The pressure felt really good and before she knew it Shaun was kissing her neck and ears. She started to rock and moan, while pushing her ass back on the lump in his shorts. The picture fell to the floor as Shaun started to knead her giant tits. Arching her back and putting her arms around his neck Sharon resigned to the fact that she was too horny to not give in. She thought to herself that she had done it with him once already, so, what difference does one last time make? An instinct told her to get on her knees. Shaun was impressed with her enthusiasm for sucking and what she lacked in skill was made up for in energy. Shaun thought to himself that he was going to enjoy training her to deep throat his cock. Pulling down her shorts, Shaun laid her down on the couch and started to lick her pussy. This was also new to Sharon and he had her whimpering like a dog in a few minutes. Shaun then stood her up and pulled her tits out of the top of her shirt. Bending her over at the waist he power fucked her for 20 minutes giving her two more orgasms while her tits were shaking around wildly. Taking breaks once in a while Sharon got fucked by Shaun several times all day long. At one point he reminded her to call her husband. Using her cell phone she made up an excuse about being sick and passing out. Her husband said he had worried b8ut assumed it was something like that. If only he knew that his faithful wife was talking to him with quite a bit of cum still left in her mouth and Shaun?s huge cock buried up her ass. Yes, that is right. While fucking her Shaun had started to stick his lubed up fingers in Sharon?s ass, and she was really liking it. She was scared to have a dick in her ass, bur, she was so fucking horny and anxious to do what Shaun said that she let him try. It really hurt at first and she asked him stop. After a while however, the pain turned into a warm feeling and she had her first anal orgasm. She passed out and woke up with her hands handcuffed behind her back while Shaun was still pounding her ass. TBC Feedback encouraged: 7611 1.92/512345
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