Sunday, March 31, 2013
Journey to Another Life Ch. 01
This is my first story but its a long one and is 31 chapters. Its not a cuckold story, its not a revenge story. It is somewhere in-between. Its about a man who is used to controlling everything and finds himself marrying a girl who has never been controlled. * Ed glanced at his watch every thirty seconds as the cab made its way through the commuter logjams and tie-ups. He knew that going to a dance club on a Friday night after work was a bad idea but Nikki wanted it, so here he was, watching the meter and his blood pressure edge upward. His meeting with the Adelphi board had run longer than expected but he hadn't minded because in the end, they'd come to a development deal larger than any he'd undertaken before. Six high-rise apartment buildings, a hotel, and two commercial buildings that flanked a parking garage were going to be his in a matter of weeks. Even in his wildest dreams, he never imagined so much success so soon in his career. He'd give Nikki that sprawling country house in Connecticut she was always pining for. He'd give it to her as a wedding gift, he thought, smiling to himself. He looked at his watch again. He was now officially an hour late. Keeping Nikki waiting did not make him happy. He hated the idea of her being in that dance club, getting talked up by all kinds of creeps and opportunists. "I'll get out here," Ed told the driver when the sign of the dance club came into view. He stuffed two $20 bills through the Plexiglas slot, even though the fare was $18. Bounding up the wide, gridlocked street, he nursed an odd mix of exultation about his development deal and intense irritation at disrespecting Nikki by being late. A pulsating disco beat and a gorgeous blond hostess met him at the door. "Welcome to Thrill," she said in a voice already straining to be heard over the music. What would she sound like by midnight? Her big brown eyes and long legs held his interest for a flicker of a second before he remembered why he'd come. Ed chuckled inwardly to think how, before Nikki, he would have hit on this one in a hot minute. He handed her a $20, smiled, and waved away her protest to give him change. He surveyed the bar but didn't see Nikki. And really, it was unlikely that someone with Nikki's charms would be nursing a drink at the bar like the stood-up half of a blind date. He turned to the sparsely populated but brightly illuminated dance floor. There she was?dancing with four men! Yes, there were women gyrating and slithering on the dance floor, too, and they may even have been the partners of those men, but Ed didn't see it that way. To him, all the men were either dancing with his beautiful Nikki or wanted to be. He watched her swing her long dark hair with joyful abandon, smiling like a kid whose recess break just got extended. But the body had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with being a kid. It moved in feline but rhythmic patterns that instantly mesmerized anybody who watched. Her short white skirt emphasized her endless legs, ending just where her curves yielded the most promise. As he stood admiring her, one of the men leaned toward her and said something to her that made her laugh. Just as she threw her head back, she caught sight of Ed and waved him over. He moved toward her, happy to claim his fiancée so publicly. Her eyes got brighter as he approached and she stopped dancing to throw her arms around him. "I'm so sorry I'm late, sweetie," he shouted into her fragrant hair. "It's okay!" She said, now looking at him and still beaming. "I knew you'd be here eventually, so I just started without you!" Even the disco ball didn't glitter as much as her eyes did. He laughed. "That's my girl!" "Well, come on, then! Let's dance!" She said, pulling him to the center of the dance floor. The other men still kept their eyes on her but respectfully kept a distance now that Ed had arrived. He found himself both proud and strangely disappointed. Nevertheless, he surrendered to the rhythm and danced with his beautiful bride-to-be until her strappy little Manolo Blahniks started to hurt her feet several hours later. Back at his quiet, luxurious penthouse on the east side, his veins still resonated to that enduring dance beat. He felt slightly wired as he undressed his favorite vixen and put his lips to the heat at her neck. She allowed him to press her against a wall and pushed her hips into his crotch. All the dancing had brought a lovely dewy quality to her skin and intensified her perfume?she smelled like blooming cereus and earthen patchouli and when he closed his eyes, he had a flash of being in a desert garden on a cool, clear night. When their mouths met, their hungers collided. She wrapped one long leg around his thigh and he grabbed a handful of her ass. He tasted remnants of her Cosmopolitan on her tongue as it slithered around his. His other hand burrowed into the fullness of her long, dark hair, slightly more limp now after a night of dancing but still as wild and free as the spirit it crowned. The hand at her ass moved to the vortex between her thighs. Because her leg was raised to wrap around him, he found her damp panties easily, pushing them aside to get to the succulence inside. Her cream coated his fingers with audible speed. He knew her feet hurt but he enjoyed watching her squirm around in the palm of his hand too much to suggest that they move the party to the bedroom. She wiggled and moaned as he fingered her, so wet that she seemed to melt in his hand. If not for the hardness of her clit, he might have believed that she was. He slipped his forefinger into her steamy hole while he frigged her clit with his thumb. His mouth muffled her gasps. Even as she got harder and arched her back in readiness, he did not stop kissing her?he wanted her to cry out in his mouth so he could catch her pleasure, relish it as it traveled through his body, and return it to her over and over again. And when she shuddered and bucked, she fed him her pleasure through muted exclamations of joy. He stayed clamped to her as her cunt twitched and juiced. His cock, which now strained the seams of his trousers, throbbed with an ache he hoped to relieve soon. He'd learned that if he stimulated her even during her orgasm, he could often push her to new heights, even extend the duration of her release. Tonight, her gasps turned into outright screams that filled his mouth with confirmation that his strategy was working. The creamy spasms in his hand went on for close to two minutes and one of her fists pounded the wall as the other clutched a handful of his hair. Finally, she twisted away from him, unable to withstand any more blissful torture. Having broken free of both him and the wall, she stood beside him now, steady but glassy eyes staring at him as she clutched her midsection. The wild grin assured him she was fine but her breathing was still heavy and labored. "Oh dear God. You won't be content unless you kill me before the wedding, will you?" she said, breathless. "If you call a bunch of little deaths killing you, then yes, I would have to agree with you," he said, moving toward her. She put out her hand. "Wait! What are you doing?" He stopped, mock surprise on his face. "I was only trying to carry my lady to the boudoir." "Oh," she said, lowering her hand. "Then by all means, please proceed." She giggled as he swept all five feet, nine inches of her up and toted her to his seductively lighted bedroom. She'd helped him design it, choosing the lighting herself. Ed was always in favor of indulging what she wanted in the bedroom. She undressed for him now, slipping out of her blue and white striped top and wrinkled white skirt to pose for him briefly in her white lace g-string and bra. White lace suited her perfectly, and he'd once told her so. She'd worn it ever since. "Shall I dance for you?" She asked, shaking her mostly bare ass cheeks at him. "I'd love it. Just like those guys tonight seemed to love it," he replied, curious that he'd bring that up at this moment. Their attention to her hadn't left his thoughts for very long throughout the evening. She laughed. "Yeah, they did love it, didn't they? You might think they'd never seen a girl before!" "Well, at least not one as sexy as you. I can't really blame them for being fascinated." He finished removing his clothes and stood before her now sporting an enormous hard-on and a large, inviting smile. She stopped dancing and came to him. "Is that what's kept you hard all night? The thought of those guys watching me?" Her arms went around his neck. "They're just envious," he said, loving the way her skin felt against his. "If I'm hard, it's got nothing to do with those jerks." "No," she purred, leading him to the bed, where she got on all fours. "Of course it doesn't." As he surveyed the mannequins, the expensive accessories, and the wide-eyed shoppers, he recalled his pre-Nikki days. Days of Golf and Boating, he thought wryly. He never really imagined himself at Saks Fifth Avenue on a warm and sunny September day, but here he was, waiting for the most captivating woman in the world to model her potential purchases for him. Did he really miss chasing a tiny white ball around or hosing down the hull of his sea-faring craft? No, he decided as she emerged from the dressing room in outfit Number Three. None of his former pastimes were quite as riveting as the sight of Nikki in this particular dress. "Well, now," he said, eyebrows raised. "That's certainly a head-turner." On the hanger, it had been a simple black dress. On Nikki, the garment took on a mystique all its own. He knew it would be short, but in actuality, it challenged even that basic description. If Nikki went out in such a dress, he'd have to cover her backside?it would undoubtedly be on display if she ever needed to bend over to pick something up. Sheer, black lace was the insert between the dress's top and skirt, and the halter design would have kept her breasts secure had the straps not been half as wide as they needed to be. Her beautiful breasts threatened to spill out at any moment, their supple flesh gleaming with plans for imminent escape. He was glad now that his money and influence had secured a private fitting room for the two of them?he would have been embarrassed to have others see her so exposed. "You like it?" she asked, admiring herself in the mirror. "Sure, I like it, but not for you to wear in public. Especially not on our honeymoon!" "Oh, come on, Ed," she said, smiling and walking closer to him. She wore three-inch-high pink sandals that accentuated the length and strength of her legs. "Don't be a prude!" She ran her fingers through his hair. "I'm not being a prude, Nikki. That's the kind of dress a woman wears to snag a man, not to keep one!" "Really?" she challenged. "So you're saying you wouldn't be proud to see me in this dress?" "Well, no, not exactly..." "You wouldn't be proud to be with me when other men are looking at me?" Damn it, he was hard again. Did she always have to do this to him in public?make him want her so much that he was at the mercy of his cock? "I wouldn't mind if other men looked at you," he said, now wanting to press down on his erection to show it who was boss. She sauntered around the perimeter of the dressing room, swinging her hips and relishing the jiggle of her breasts as she gazed at herself in the surrounding mirrors. He imagined all the covetous male eyes that would follow that dress and all the voluptuous bits in it. He felt the men's desire and understood their longing. She looked over her shoulder at him and winked. "Because they will look, you know," she assured him. "Believe me, I know." "Oh, come on, Ed. It's so hot! It'll be perfect for the cruise," she said, eyes aglow with mischief. "Oh, all right. If you don't mind other men fucking you with their eyes, why should I?" "That's right!" She said, now skipping over to where he sat. "Because it'll be your ring I'm wearing," she whispered into his ear. Her hand found his bulge and caressed it. He wanted desperately to hope that she attributed his hard-on to her beauty, but he feared that she might be discovering, as he was, that the idea of other men watching her, salivating for her, fueled his excitement just as much. "Just promise me you'll save it for the honeymoon," he said. "I don't think the world is ready for it before then." "Whatever you say, sweetheart." She kissed his forehead and gave his balls a knowing squeeze. Either they'd have to find a dance club closer to his office or he needed to stop scheduling appointments after 3:00 on Fridays. He was furious with himself for being late to Thrill once again, but it really couldn't be helped. Those residual contract amendments had needed to be ironed out before Monday and now, thank goodness, they were. Now he was free to take Nikki on his boat and enjoy the weekend. But in the meantime, he was keeping her waiting yet again. Gnarled traffic foiled his plans but at least it moved a little faster than it had the week before. He arrived at the club about forty minutes late. Inside, he stopped short to discover Nikki on the dance floor with a couple of her girlfriends and at least five men whose partners sat at the bar, shooting venomous glances toward the dancers. Little wonder, Ed thought. Nubile Nikki was the house Salome in her brand new black dress. He stepped back before she could see him and let a smoked glass partition shield him from her notice. His pulse beat a steady rhythm in his ears that defied anything playing at the dance club. Why had she deliberately worn that dress when he'd asked her not to? He wasn't angry with her, just baffled. And sure enough, his fears about its coverage had been well-founded?as she danced, the firm slope of her ass cheeks poked out from below the hem. Sometimes, she'd pull the dress down, other times, she'd just let it adjust itself to her movements. And one time, one of the men "helped" by tugging on it, to which she responded with a bright smile and a nod. She and her girlfriends danced provocatively, not intending to seduce but fully aware that no other result was possible. Nikki's female friends were unattached and collected men like Nikki collected expensive shoes, but all of the women enjoyed a good night out on the town and loved to dance. So, Ed's breath caught in his throat when he saw Nikki sidle up to one of the guys and use him as a pole for some Las Vegas-style stripper dancing. The lucky man, who flushed as Nikki slithered herself up and down against his body, at first tried not to stare at her over-exposed figure, but the longer she tempted him, the less restraint he used. After a minute or so of grinding her g-string-clad ass against his tailored suit, letting her dress reveal just enough of her ass to push the limits of decency, the man attempted to place an eager palm on one of her firm cheeks. She instantly disengaged from him and wagged a finger at him. Her look was teasing but stern. It clearly communicated "no touching." Nevertheless, Ed's heart was now pumping blood through his veins at an unhealthy rate. Nikki now moved to the middle of the dance floor and launched into a dance soliloquy of sorts. She jiggled and bounced and undulated until everyone in the club, including the others on the dance floor, stopped and watched, awed as much by her dancing skill as by her incredibly tight, sexy body. Would she move in such a way that a breast would break free of the dress? Would she go that far? The men stared, nearly drooling in their desire for her. Ed's cock leaked pre-cum on his shorts. Her girlfriends applauded and shouted encouragement at her. Nikki laughed and ran her hands along her backside, then moved them to the front of her dress, where they felt up her tits. Were all the men as short of breath as Ed was, he wondered? He let her perform for a while longer until he boldly stepped out from behind the glass and pretended that he'd just arrived. He refused to acknowledge his erection in the hopes that it would subside before anybody noticed it. She waved to him happily and gradually extricated herself from the dance floor revelry. All the men followed her with their eyes as she approached him. "Hi!" Perspiration sparkled on her skin like magical fairy dust. She kissed him on the lips with more drama than was necessary, and he realized she was still performing, although her enthusiasm at seeing him felt genuine. "I hope you haven't been waiting long." "No, no. Just got here," Ed lied. "You look like you could use a cold drink." "That would be perfect," she said. "Let's go to the bar. Want to have dinner here, too?" "No, let's not. I'd rather eat in tonight," he said, barely able to wait to get her alone. He tore off her g-string with such force that the string came flying at him. Did he push her onto the bed or had she fallen there of her own accord? Whatever the path that led her there, she lay on her back with her legs splayed open, showing him the sweet honey that glistened on her luscious pink folds. Her scent, deeper than usual from all the sweat induced by the dancing, led him to her pussy like a witch's potion. Before he knew it, his nose was nestled in her muff and his tongue tasted the salty juice at her clit. She wrapped her toned legs around his back. Now this, he thought, was dinner! He rubbed his entire face around her labia, longing to feel his face covered in her cream. He moved slowly over her slit to coat one cheek, then the other, then his chin, and finally his nose in her ubiquitous wetness. When every breath delivered one hundred percent Nikkiness, he speared his tongue into her opening and fucked her until she pushed her clit into his mouth. "Lick my clit," she begged. "I need to come in your face." He knew how she liked it?big swirls around her nub to start and then tiny, rapid-fire licks across the fleshiest part. He gave it to her that way but added his middle finger up her cunt just for good measure. She shouted her come and pulled down with her legs across his back, forcing his face deeper into her slippery, swollen lips. As she came, she got wetter and he got harder. He fought the urge to stroke himself as he ate her?he wanted to save himself for when he fucked her. And oh, how he wanted to fuck her. Seconds after her final spasm, she unhooked her legs from around him and grabbed his upper arms. "Lie down," she instructed. "I'm gonna ride you until you pass out." There were few visions he enjoyed more than the one of Nikki on top of him. He never grew tired of gazing at the smiling curves of her breasts, the pink enthusiasm of her nipples, or the tumble of hair that cascaded from her head. When she positioned herself on top of him, he enjoyed watching her titties bounce around until she was just where she wanted to be. And who else had ever grasped his cock with so much wanton finesse, inserting it into her pussy so effortlessly that he never needed to move a muscle in order to help her? He closed his eyes to enjoy the full experience of her hot cunt as it closed in on him and tried to pull his whole body inside her. When he opened them, he imagined himself as one of the men tonight who would never get to experience Nikki this way. He pictured what it must be like for a man to focus long, lingering gazes on a body that offered so much pleasure but would never be available to him. Ed visualized a room full of men watching Nikki ride him. He could see them jerking off, cursing their luck under their breath, envying Ed. "What are you thinking about?" Nikki asked him as she rose and fell on his engorged rod. "Men. Watching you," he blurted out. She reached around to fondle his balls. "Mmmmm. Men who want me?" "Yes." "Like they did tonight?" "Yes," he replied, instantly aware of his error. He searched her eyes for any indication of her next reaction. She smiled, leaning over to grab the headboard to get a new angle on him. "It's okay, sweetie. I know you were at the club for a long time before you showed yourself. I know you were watching me. I thought it was cute." "I'm sorry." Why didn't getting busted make him softer? If anything, his dick was more like steel than ever before. "You don't have to be sorry. You must have liked what you saw or you wouldn't have watched. Did you like the way I danced?" "It was hot," he said. "Everybody seemed to think so." She slammed down on his cock, squatting so he could see her pussy better. "And that's the part I think you liked best." He turned away. "I do like it, Nikki. I like the way men watch you. I like the way you flirt with them." "You're not jealous?" She was so wet now that her juice seeped into his pubic hair. He brought his head up to watch his cock disappear into her hole and reappear again. "A little. I don't know whether I've really worked it all out yet. I'm a little embarrassed by how much I like it all." It felt good to confess this to her. So good that he started to push his cock upward to meet her slams. "You don't have to be jealous," she told him. "I don't want anybody else. I love you and I can't wait to be your wife." Neither of them could speak as their mutual orgasms rendered them mute. They called out together as he shot a very hot and very heavy load into her. Rather than rolling off him, she descended on him and rested on his chest. His cock was still inside her as his sperm began to eek out of her slit. "If watching me tease other men turns you on, it turns me on." She kissed his neck. "Thank you," he said, running his hands along her smooth back. He really wanted to believe her, but he'd never met a woman who didn't want to be completely claimed by one man. Ah, Nikki?what a marvel she was. She fell asleep on him and he allowed himself to be lulled by her steady breathing. Gradually, his cock went flaccid and slowly eased itself out of her. Having her curled up on top of him felt soothing rather than suffocating, and he liked that he trusted her in this and so many other aspects of their relationship. But as the silence grew and the magnitude of what he'd just admitted to her began to crystallize, he questioned all of it. Why wasn't he jealous? Why would a woman flirt unless she was unhappy with what she had? A little purr came from her as she shifted on him slightly. He looked down at her exquisite face and reminded himself that with all of Nikki's vexing contradictions; deception was not part of her makeup. She loved men and she loved to be appreciated. A deceptive woman would flirt behind his back. Nikki did it in plain view and always made it clear that he was the one she wanted. He knew why he wasn't jealous and it had little to do with Nikki's innately forthright nature. Watching her tantalize other men triggered something in him that he didn't understand?or didn't want to accept about himself. He adored knowing that other men were turned on by her. Loved watching her work her magic in a group of adoring males. A familiar sensation radiated throughout his groin as he realized he'd just made himself hard merely by thinking about his lovely fiancée arousing others. His hardness stirred her. Her eyes fluttered open just before she grinned her sleepiest grin at him. She glanced at the clock at his bedside. "Isn't it a little early for morning thickness?" She asked as her hand went to his cock. She rolled off him, still holding his cock. "Hey, I've got an idea," she said, eyes gleaming. "Inspired by a dream?" he asked, referring to her recent nap. "Who knows? Stuff is always popping into my head. Anyway, here it is. Next time we're at the dance club, go ahead and watch me but let yourself come." Her talented hand worked his meat up then down. "Come? As in orgasm?" "Yeah, that's right." "In public?" It was an activity that a wealthy real estate developer usually tried to avoid. "Yes! It'll be our little game. Kind of a pact. You watch me, come right there in your pants, and then show me afterwards. It'll turn me on to see it." She leaned in to kiss his knob. "Oh, Nikki, I don't know...." "Can you come without touching yourself?" She asked with concern in her voice, as if she were a nurse who forgot to ask her patient something important. He hadn't in a very long time?probably not since adolescence. "I probably could. To be honest, I came close tonight when I was watching you dance." "I thought as much," she said, smiling. "So, next Friday. Promise me?" The idea frightened and thrilled him. "Okay. I promise." "Excellent," she said, then proceeded to give him the most exemplary of blowjobs. He came late to Thrill that Friday, but this time his tardiness was premeditated. She wore a mini dress reminiscent of the 60s, full of flowers in bright pastel colors. Its short, flouncy skirt suited her, as did the white go-go boots she sported. He had never seen the outfit before and found himself touched to consider that she bought it especially for this night. The usual complement of interested men flanked her, ogling her as they tried to keep up with her dancing. Ed stood near the same glass partition where he'd hovered the week before, and now, as then, he was uncertain whether Nikki knew he was there. The skirt of her dress had a tendency to float upward when she swirled around quickly, which gave onlookers a superb view of her skimpy white panties. No g-string for her tonight, he noticed. Knowing Nikki's sense of fashion integrity, she would have opted for bikini bottoms with that dress because g-strings weren't available in the 60s, he thought, chucking to himself. There was no shortage of attention for Nikki that night. The men were young, loaded with rhythm and energy, and not afraid to let the lady know they found her hot. Nikki bloomed under their spotlight, animated and charming as she shimmied, bumped, and wiggled around them. After a few minutes of taunting dance moves, she took the tab of her zippered front dress and pulled it down in time to the music. She went much lower than any of them?including Ed?expected she would and eyes everywhere nearly popped out of their sockets when the zipper met her navel. With a wild laugh, she zipped it all back up and shook her ass at their shocked faces before resuming her regular dancing. Ed imagined all of them hard, all of them wanting her. His cock and balls were sweating in his boxers and felt so heavy, they hurt. Could he do this? Could he comply with Nikki's request? There was no question that he wanted to spurt standing right there, but would his sense of propriety outweigh his promise to Nikki? He saw a man surreptitiously adjust his trousers to relieve the discomfort his erection was undoubtedly giving him. And that was the moment Ed's own semen chose to erupt from him in a slow but intense stream of gratitude. His hand grabbed the edge of the partition and held it until his balls were empty. As if on cue, Nikki's gaze met his. She excused herself from the dance floor and went to his side. "What do you say we catch a cab?" She suggested, stoking the side of his face. "Great idea," he said. He'd worn a navy blue suit to minimize any stains, but it suddenly seemed a long walk to the door and he wasn't at all sure what he'd done would go unnoticed. "Will you walk ahead of me, please?" "Of course." Once they were safely in a cab, she kept her eyes straight ahead but felt his crotch. When she found the increasing wet spot, she smiled and then turned to him. "I love you, Ed." Her eyes glistened with tears. Her hands unzipped him. "I love you, too, Nikki." He kissed her as she dug into his pants and found all the stickiness he promised her. Funny how something he thought would mortify him liberated him instead. 12553 1.77/512345
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