Thursday, March 28, 2013
Farmer's Wife Part 2
From his position of concealment in the west window of the barn, Juan watched his boss's wife Becky hanging clothes on the line. Each time Becky bent over to retrieve an article of clothing from the basket, Juan caught a glimpse of her breasts! The barn stood between the farmhouse and the highway located about one-quarter mile away to the South. Anyone approaching the farm from the highway was not visible from the farmhouse until his or her vehicle passed the barn. Juan usually parked on the backside of the barn to pick up the tractor or implements he may need for the day's work. As a result, his employers, James and Becky Renfro, were usually not aware of his arrival until he made his presence known by driving the tractor out of the barn and past the farmhouse. The clothesline ran from the center of the yard and attached to the wall of the barn just two feet from the window at which Juan now stood. The elevated wooden floor of the workshop in this portion of the barn placed him several feet above Becky's level, permitting Juan to look down at her without much danger of being spotted. At nineteen, Juan Moreno was strong, and worked fast and hard. This usually allowed him to take a "siesta" in mid-afternoon when the sun was hottest, in the tradition of his grandparents, who still lived in Mexico. Though Juan was known as "The Mexican farmhand," at the two Kansas farms where he was employed part time, he was first generation American. His parents had legally immigrated into the United States from Mexico before Juan was "in the oven." He lived with his parents on the farm they were still paying off which was located a few miles west of the Renfro farm. Juan had finished in the top one-third of the Class of 1956, and he was the first in his family to have been graduated from high school. Farming was his chosen method of support for now, but college would come, with money. He planned a degree in Animal Husbandry, and hoped someday to raise horses, though everyone told him that Kansas was "cattle, corn, and grain country." Nonetheless, he was saving one-half of everything he earned, keeping a portion out for his everyday needs, and giving the rest to his parents for room and board. His parents had instilled in him the wisdom of frugality and hard work, the same values that had enabled them to make the transition to the United States. One advantage to living at home was having the free use of a vehicle. His parents allowed him to treat their 1951 Chevrolet pickup as his own, keeping the 1953 Chevrolet wagon for themselves. Juan used the pickup for commuting to work and to take Jackie Davidson, a former junior classmate from high school, on dates, usually to a drive-in theater, each Friday or Saturday night. Jackie's parents didn't approve of her dating a "Mexican," so Jackie would usually leave her parent's house with her girlfriend, Carrie, and meet Juan at the drive in, parking their vehicle next to his. It had never been discussed openly, but Juan always reimbursed Carrie for her movie ticket, as well as paying Jackie's way. Juan appreciated Carrie's help in enabling Jackie to see Juan as often as she did, and quite frankly, Juan liked having Carrie around. Sometimes Jackie and Juan would sit together in his pickup, parked next to Carrie's 1951 Studebaker, but more often than not, they would both sit with Carrie in her car. Juan would slide into the passenger seat of the Studebaker, placing Jackie in the middle. Inevitably, during the less important selection of the mandatory double bill, Juan and Jackie would end up "making out" in front of Carrie. Jackie seemed to like this arrangement, and Carrie never complained. Juan suspected that Carrie enjoyed watching and listening to them, though she supposedly kept her eyes on the screen. Juan had never fucked a girl, and he didn't know if he would ever get to fuck Jackie. So far, Juan had progressed with Jackie to the point where she would let him fondle her small, but nicely shaped breasts on the inside of her brassiere, and caress her pussy on the outside of her panties. If they were sitting in his car she would masturbate him to orgasm. As far as Juan knew, Jackie had never had an orgasm, though Juan always offered to "help her" if she would let him. On one occasion he managed to pull his rod out while he was kissing Jackie in Carrie's Studebaker. Jackie was in the middle, keeping her back to Carrie while she slowly stroked his cock, and thought she was blocking Carrie's view of Juan. Juan kept kissing Jackie, pretending to have his eyes closed, and watched as Carrie leaned forward over the wheel and ogled his penis in Jackie's left hand. Juan saw her eyes widen in surprise, and her face evolve into a smile. Juan didn't know if her look of surprise and delight was just from seeing a penis, or from seeing his thick, over eight-inch-long, dark-skinned rod. Juan had not climaxed that night. Cleanup would have been awkward, at best, with Carrie present. His orgasm had been accomplished later, alone in his own bed. Now that eight-inch plus rod was in his hand, and the woman of his dreams was hanging laundry on a line outside the barn's window. Becky had started at the end of the clothesline closest to the house, keeping the basket in front of her, and as a result she kept bending over in Juan's direction as she worked toward the barn. . This was the second time Juan had surreptitiously watched from the window as Becky was hanging clothes, and this time the viewing was much better. Becky was wearing a white, V-neck, button-down-the-front blouse, the kind that only had three buttons and the first button started between her breasts, in the valley. Each time Becky bent over to pick up clothes or wooden pins most of her breasts were visible. It was obvious, even from where Juan stood, that these were the breasts of a woman, not a seventeen year old like Jackie. Hell, Jackie would never have a set like that. Becky was drawing close now, and so was Juan. Even though he was only holding it, without stroking, his cock was on the edge of exploding. She bent over, six feet from the wall below the window, and lingered, shaking the wrinkles out of a few blouses prior to hanging them. Becky wasn't wearing a bra, and Juan could see both breasts clearly, and for the first time, her nipples! His throbbing rod began blasting several jets of come onto the wall and floor in front of him. If he had not suddenly pushed his cock downwards, his come might have flown over the window ledge and landed on Becky. The orgasm had been almost involuntary. Juan began to stroke it. His rapid stroking extended his pleasure and two more long range bursts shot out, followed by several smaller blobs of come that oozed out and fell straight onto the wooden floor. Juan was breathing hard as he watched Becky walk away, empty basket in hand. His penis was still as hard as a rock. He used his shoe to rub the come on the floor into the floorboards until it had almost disappeared. Looking around, he walked over to the storage shelf where some of the farm tools were kept. Juan picked up a loose rag, returned to the window and wiped his huge load off the wall as best he could. He returned to the storage shelf, his erect penis still pointing the way, and tossed the rag into the bottom of a barrel. Smiling and shaking his head at his predicament, Juan waited a few minutes, thinking about work, cars, sports, and horses, anything but Becky. Eventually his penis dwindled enough that he could stuff it in his jeans. Juan returned to the fields, and worked his butt off for the rest of the afternoon. It was Friday and Juan didn't have a date with Jackie until tomorrow night. He planned to call Jackie and see if he could move the date up. Even if all she'd do was jack him off, it still felt good to have a female hold it with her warm hand. James Renfro stood in the hayloft. Since James had closed the family gas station at the end of the lane, the loft was mostly used for storage of items from the station. He had given up raising cattle and switched to growing wheat and corn. James had retained a small area for hay to feed their two milk cows. James had gone into the loft to retrieve a case of oil, and he had watched quietly from above as Juan had entered the barn and gone directly to the West window. He had seen Juan pull his penis out, and it had taken James a little while to realize that Juan was watching his wife. Becky also came into James's line of sight as she drew close to the window, and though James couldn't see Becky's breasts from his angle, he knew exactly what Juan was seeing. James studied Juan's penis as best he could from a distance of maybe 30 feet away. Juan's right hand was in the way as he masturbated, but as best James could tell, it looked like Juan had a dick that measured at least eight inches in length, maybe more. Juan's hand was big, and James could clearly see cock showing on both sides of Juan's hand as he stroked his penis. It looked thick too, as best James could tell from seeing one side of it. James watched as Juan shot his load over a foot in distance, hitting the wall at the same level or higher than his penis. James wasn't mad. He felt excited and a little proud over the fact that Juan had been ogling and fantasizing (about) Becky. After all, he himself had taken plenty of occasions as a teenager to do the same with other females by peering through holes he had drilled in the gas station outhouse. After stuffing his penis into his jeans, James used his foot to rub his own load into the floorboards of the loft before descending the ladder. As he walked across the dirt floor, James heard the tractor fire up and start moving. "Hi Juan, and good morning!" That was Becky, greeting Juan with a smile as he carefully drove the tractor past Becky on the way out to the fields. "Good morning, ma'am. I'll see you at lunch time." James paused before going through the door and out into the yard where Becky would see him. Since Becky was still hanging clothes, James wanted to see exactly what Juan had been seeing from that lower window. He climbed the ladder and crept over to the window, and when he looked down, a glorious sight greeted him. Becky was right below his window, and she was bending over and digging a wet article of clothing from her basket. Tits! A beautiful display of tits was what greeted James as he stared down at his wife. No wonder Juan had shot such a glorious load if that was what he had been looking down at! Even though he had already blasted a load up in the loft, James whipped his penis out and began stroking. No need to wait for it to grow, it was already there. Becky was working at the end of the wire though and it looked like her basket only had a couple of items to go before she would be finished hanging clothes. James hurried, his mouth wide open as he looked down and ogled his own wife's breasts. Those were breasts that he knew exactly what they looked like when uncovered. Breasts that he had fondled and sucked on, but now it was like he was seeing them for the first time because he was seeing them through Juan's eyes as he had masturbated while seeing another man's wife's tits. 'Oh Becky, you are so beautiful, like a dream, the prettiest face and body in the whole world.' James almost groaned out loud as he followed in Juan's footsteps, blasting a load against the wall and floor of the barn. It was just in time too as Becky bent over one last time, picked up the empty basket and headed towards their farmhouse. She was done, and so was James. 'Becky, I wonder what you would think if you knew that eight and six-inch penises had just blasted away within 10 feet of your head. Would you be disgusted, or proud? Would you want to see that eight plus incher on the other man, or would you deny any interest and look the other way? I don't ever want another man to know you in that way, but I can't help but wonder what it would be like to see you in bed with a man like Juan, with a penis that is noticeably larger than the man you married.' James walked over and dug out the rag that he had seen Juan use to wipe his come off the wall of the barn and, being careful not to touch the sticky wet areas, used it to wipe his own come off the wall. Then, still holding the rag with one hand, he used his right shoe to rub his own come into the floorboards, almost exactly over the spot where Juan had deposited his load. He dropped the rag back into the same barrel and climbed down the ladder. He needed right now to talk to Becky. "Oh, hi James. I thought you had already gone out to the fields." Becky greeted her husband in the kitchen with that ever-present warm smile that endeared her to so many. "I came back to pick up some tools and saw from all the clothes on the line that you have already been a very busy girl this morning." "Yes, and Juan drove by me on the tractor not long before I finished hanging the clothes." "Did he pass right by you?" Becky frowned, "Why yes, he drove between the clothesline and the barn when he went by. Why do you ask?" James smiled. "I was just wondering because that dress you are wearing is cut a little low, and if you were bending over when Juan went by, he might have gotten an eyeful!" Involuntarily, without thinking that it didn't matter now, Becky's right hand went up to the top of her dress and she pushed it inwards into the valley between her two tits as if to keep anyone from looking down the front. She looked flustered. "I didn't think of that. Do you suppose he saw something? I'm not wearing a bra under." Her face even seemed to redden as she looked at James with concern. "He probably didn't see anything, but if he was looking down in your direction, his imagination probably went wild." James smiled, "I know that mine does anytime you wear a dress like that." "I wasn't trying to look 'sexy' or anything like that," Becky said defensively, "I was just doing my chores." Becky looked concerned, as if she had committed some kind of crime. James smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry about it. Juan has been with us for several months now, and I am sure that any thoughts he might have about you he would keep to himself. But he's a normal man, and I can't blame him if he happened to try and get a peek if he thought you didn't know." "Well, I'll be more careful in the future." "I love you, you little cutie." James grabbed Becky and wrapping his arms around her waist, gave Becky a quick kiss on the lips before she had a chance to set herself in response. "I'll see you at lunch, bye." "Bye dear." Becky watched as her husband walked away. She frowned to herself. 'Did Juan see my breasts? Does he think of me in that way? He has never shown anything but respect for me, he never looks directly into my eyes, and he always refers to me with 'ma'am.' Besides two men masturbating over the sight of her breasts, with her husband having done it twice, something else of significance had happened today. Becky had started to wonder, about Juan. 14592 2.21/512345
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