Monday, March 25, 2013
Jill, Dan & Their Friend Larry Ch. 07
As the days passed Jill began to really enjoy working again. She talked to Dan about going full time now and he agreed that if she was able, she should do it. He told her, "If that's what you want Jill then try it. He said, "If it becomes too much drop back to part time again. Go talk with your boss and see what he tells you. They seem to like you very much. Then do what you think is best." The next day Jill went into see her boss, Mr. Sterling. He was in his late 50s and a very nice man. Later in the week he told her, "Jill you have been doing great work here and while I would love to have you full time, I just have the money in the budget this year." She looked a little sad and then he said, "But, I heard there's an opening in the President's office for a person who would help with all their paperwork and the pay is $7.00 more an hour. You know the executive offices get what they want. But, essentially it's the same job as you're doing now part time. I have talked to Mr. Jamerson about you and he told me to offer you the job. He has agreed to try you for 3 months. If it works out you'll be full time and work upstairs from then on. I think it's a great opportunity for you and for me. If you do well it will be a feather in my cap. So what do you think?" She jumped at it and told him she would work her bums off to make him look good. After all he had worked with her all during the baby and the problems she had in her marriage. She felt she owned him a huge debit of thanks for all his good words and encouragement. She went home almost dancing with joy and told Danny what happened. He was very happy for her and told her she did the right thing to take the job. They again went to dinner and came home and fucked like teenagers again. Jill was happy but still something was wrong! Deep insider she still had the pain of the death of the baby and she still had that damn memory of Larry fucking her and making her go wild. It didn't seem to matter what happened she couldn't get sex with Larry out of her brain. That weekend she went out and purchased some new clothes, Danny had insisted on it since she was now in the Executive offices, wawawawa!! She started working that following Monday. When she came into the new office she was amazed at the plush and feel of money. This was a much bigger deal that she had realized. She wondered if she would fit in with the people. She seemed so much younger and less aggressive than anyone she had met. Oh it wasn't that they looked down on her, she just didn't have the confidence she use to have. But she put her head down and began working very hard. She was good and they told her she was doing great work. Jill worked and worked and was becoming a workaholic. Everyone was much older than she except one guy named Bill. He was maybe 38 or 40 and dressed perfectly and well educated, as were all the men on the floor. He was polite and nice and seems to look at her as more than just another employee. She knew he liked her and she was very weary of him. She had refused lunch a few times even as a group with him. And then there were the Wednesdays when they all went out for drinks after work. That was the entire executive department whom all went out, all but her! Instead she went home to Danny. After all she now usually worked until 6PM most nights anyway and going for drinks would make her getting home well past 8PM she was sure. It just didn't feel right to her. Then one day Bill asked her how come she never went with the rest of them for a drink on Wednesday night. She didn't want to tell him that she had problems in the past with her marriage and didn't want to have anything interfere with it again. So she said, "I don't drink Bill. Plus I like to get home to my husband as soon as work is over. We love each other very much and believe it or not, we talk and I miss him when I'm at work." He said, "Why not invite him to come along with us. I'd like to meet him?" They talked for a little bit longer and he continued to press the issue. Finally she said she would ask and see what Dan wanted to do. But she also told him she wouldn't by going without him. She just didn't think it was the right thing to do. He finally left her alone and she went back to work. That Wednesday Bill asked her if she and her husband were coming? She told him she had forgot all about asking him. He said, "Call him and see if he's OK with it Jill." She didn't know what to do after all Bill was a big shot and could most likely get he fired. So she smiled at him and dialed the phone. There was no answer at home so she dialed his cell phone. When Dan came on she talked to him a few minutes and then said, "Danny everyone here in the executive office, everyone, goes out for a drink on Wednesday night. They were wondering if you and I would like to join them?" He said, "Oh Jill, I don't know, I mean I don't know any of them and I really am not into that stuff you know that." She said, "Please. I have been told I'm the only one who doesn't go and they think I don't like them. They asked me. I told them I would ask you, but if you won't go I won't go either." He said, "Look Jill, it's OK with me if you want to go. Just be careful and don't drink much. After all you'll be driving. Right? It's OK babe? It's OK with me I can deal with it for one or two Wednesdays. See you when you get home call me if there's a problem. Love you" She knew he didn't understand but Bill was standing there and she didn't want him to think her husband was an ass or dumb and so she said, "Then it's OK? I won't be late. 8 PM no later I promise. Thanks babe! Love you too." She hung up and smiled as she said, "Danny can't come but he said it was OK with him if I wanted to go this Wednesday. I don't plan to make it every Wednesday Bill I just won't do that." He smiled and said, "Sure Jill whatever you decide. Welcome aboard officially. The place is close by, as you most likely know, so just leave your car in the garage and we'll all walk over together. See you around 6 PM." With that he turned and walked into his office. She bit her lip and wondered if she was doing the right thing. But as 6:00 PM rolled around, people were gathering in the hallway by the elevators and finally Bill came out of his office and said, "Pack it up Jill. It's time for that drink. Everyone ready?' They all said yes and off they went. As they walked the two blocks Bill was chatting with other people and Jill seemed to be walking by herself in the group. Finally one of the older women asked, "So you finally decided to join us for a drink Jill. We were all starting to think you were anti-social or didn't like us." Jill blushed a little and said, "Oh no Mary nothing like that or anything. I just don't drink very much and my husband and I like to have dinner together and talk. We enjoy that part of our relationship tremendously. So I just sort of go home every Wednesday. But he told me it was OK with him tonight and so here I am. But not for long, one drink and then home." As the afternoon and early evening at the bar passed, Jill began to enjoy herself. She had two drinks and some snacks at the bar and got to know most of the people better. They all seemed very nice and were all talking about their husbands and families and kids, etc. Then one lady started showing her pictures of her kids and grand kids. Others joined in and tried to bring her into the conversation and make her feel welcome. Then one lady innocently asked her if she had any children and that's when it struck her. She started to cry and had to leave. They were all concerned and finally Bill told her he would walk her back to the car and make sure she was OK to drive home. She protested but he insisted and soon they were outside and walking together back to the garage, She didn't know why but Jill opened up to him and told him everything about her baby's death, her marriage and her cheating on her husband and how he forgave her. She told him everything and was really sobbing by the time she reached the car. Bill wasn't a man who could miss an opportunity like this one or who could ever pass up a piece of ass as great as Jill was he was sure. So he reached for her and she let him. He pulled her into him and held her and she let him. He stroked her hair and told her it would be OK and he understood, and that he was her friend and she could hold him for support anything, and she did. He lifted her face up to his and she let him. With tears running down her face, Bill bent down and kissed her gently but firmly as he held her body tightly against his own and she not only let him, Jill exploded with lust! She didn't know if it was the lost of a baby or the the idea of another man fucking her. But, in just a few seconds, Jill was holding Bill's cock in her hand and squeezed it and stroked it as she fucked his mouth with her tongue and moaning as she did. He was trying to get her blouse undone when she said, "No there's no time. Fuck me. Just fuck me. Fuck me in the back seat quickly Bill! Fuck me hard! Oh Jesus I need a cock! NOW Bill!" Bill literally picked her small body up and laid her in the backseat of her car. He moved in like a hawk does to a mouse and began undressing her. She stopped him and ripped a hole in her pantyhose to allow him access to her vagina. He didn't hesitate. Jill was one of the most beautiful women Bill had ever seen. He had jerked off in his office more than once, thinking about her and what she had on that day. He couldn't wait to get to work to see her and see what she was wearing. He loved the skirts that were just short enough without being to short. And he loved the sight of her breasts filling out the blouses she wore. He loved the way she moved and bent as she worked. He loved everything about her, but it was just a sexual love. He was married to the boss's daughter and wasn't going to fuck that up, not even for a cunt this beautiful! He only dreamed about fucking Jill, getting a peace of that great ass she shook as she walked to the copy machine. She never noticed his lust for her, he kept it well hidden. But now, with her under him and his cock pushing into her wide open wet pussy, he was going to take her and take her hard. Then he would make her take him whenever he wanted her. Once he did it with her he would play her like a song and she would do it since he was her boss's boss. He would make a sexual beast out of her before it was all over and she would do him 7 ways to Sunday every fucking day. He licked his lips and slowly penetrated her fully until his balls rested on her ass hole. Then he began pumping. Jill was in some dreamland. She just held on to him felling his hardness and his hands as he moved them over her legs. Then he was between them and finally he was stroking her wet hot pussy. And then......he was inside her fucking her wildly! OH God just like Larrry had fucked her. It was the same excitment the same wildness of a new man giving her pussy a sexual workout! Oh Jesus yes! This is what she had ben missing! She looked up at him and saw that he was almost drooling with his own want and need to fuck her. She had a body that everyone knew was hot. Every man that saw her wanted her. She knew it and they knew she knew it. But Bill had her at her weakest emotional point and just like every other really good businessman in his position with the company, he knew when to strike and he did. She had already had his cock out. It was super hard and he took a deep breath and drove his dick home fully into her pussy. Jill arched and cried out as he pushed his 8-inch cock into her completely. She held him as he pumped and pumped into her cunt. She rode him as she laid under his body squeezing his cock with her pussy each time he slammed into her. And as an orgasm swept over her in what seemed like seconds she cried out with what seemed like a wounded animal sound. Bill was humping away and as the car door was still opened anyone who walked past them could see what was going on. Her feet were pointing up at the ceiling and his feet were between hers pointing down at the floor. Anyone would know immediately someone was being fucked and getting fucked in the back seat of the car. He was going wild on her like a man starving for food. Jill lifted her legs up now and then wrapped them around him banging her feet on the roof of the inside of the car. She was almost screamed, "Fuck me Bill! Fuck me Bill! Fuck me! Fuck me!! Fuckmefuckme!! Oh GOD!! OH YES! OHHHHHHHH YESSS!!! YESSSSSS!!!!!! YESSSSSS!!!!" And Jill climaxed hard, just like she always did when Larry fucked her! It was a very, very long and extremely intense orgasm that lasted a long time and gave her unbelievable pleasure. And Bill was still going at it, and hadn't cum yet! He was on top and she held on to him and rode it out as he took forever to shoot his load into her. She had two more orgasm in the mean time and was humping her body up into him fucking him just like he had dreamed about the months she had been working for him. No Bill did cum yet! And he drove Jill crazy with his cock's stimulation inside her pussy. And then he did! As she felt the first shots of cum pumping into her body from a new man other than her husband, she had another earth-shaking orgasm that reminded her again about Larry. Bill's sperm pumped into her pussy deep, and she felt like she was going to die from the pleasure. She held on to him as he continued to fuck her until he went soft and finally slipped out of her wide open gapping pussy! He was panting with drops of sweat falling off his face. She had her eyes closed and was moaning and moaning when he finally came out of her and rolled off of her body. She was a mess, her clothes were all wrinkled and her makeup a mess. Her hair was all matted and messed up too. He sat up and looked at her. Goddamn it she was beautiful even messed up as she was. She finally opened her eyes and was crying again. She said, "You bastard! You no good bastard. You really took advantage of me didn't you?" He pulled her up to a sitting position and shut the door to the car, finally. He said, " Well I think you wanted me as much as I wanted you Jill. I mean you were all over me." She hung her head and said, "I know! I fucking know it!" That was all she said until he said, "Well look I have to get back or they'll think something happened and we sure don't want that! Do we?" She said, "Go! Please go Bill! I can't stand to look at you right now. I fucked up big time!" He said, "I'll see you tomorrow morning and we can talk about this." And with that he handed her his handkerchief to wipe the cum up and then he opened the car door and left. He left and didn't look back at her as she sat in the backseat of her car, panties on the floor and cum dripping out of her pussy. She held her head and said, "Oh GOD! What the fuck is wrong with me? What am I going to do now?" She fixed herself up the best she could and began to drive home to her husband. She didn't know what she was going to do. Would he know? God she hoped not. She had to stop some place. She decided on her best friend Molly's house. She rang the doorbell and Molly answered it. She looked at Jill and said, "Jesus Jill did you just fuck the entire office?" Jill said, "No. Just one motherfucking son of s bitch." Molly opened the door and Jill came inside and asked if she could clean herself up a little? Molly told her yes but only if she told her what happened. As Jill cleaned herself up, she talked Molly as she was heated the iron. The Jill pressed her clothes trying to get the wrinkles out. She had washed her face and put fresh makeup on and fixed her hair. Molly checked her to make sure there was no cum on Jill. When she was done she asked Molly what she should do. Molly told her, "Nothing. Do nothing and say nothing to Dan. Just act like it didn't happen. Tomorrow tell Bill it was a one-time thing and it's over. If he can't accept it look for another job." She agreed and decided she wasn't going to do anything. It happened and it was over and more important she was not going to tell Dan. If she did it would be over between them for sure. Both women agreed and Jill thanked Molly and then drove home. When Jill came into the house Dan was watching TV and said, "Have nice time babe?" She said, "Yea, it was Ok. The people are very nice. But I don't think I'll do it again. I just don't enjoy that sort of thing that much. But the people are very nice." He said, 'Hungry? Or tired?" She said, "Tired, if you don't mind I think I'll just go to bed. Good night my love." She gave him a kiss and went up stairs. She turned on the water in the shower and then stepped in. The warm water hit her and she flashed back to the times she had been with Larry and then came home and showered. She shook with fear. Fear that her husband would somehow find out about tonight and what she had done with Bill. She knew she couldn't be trusted and she would never go out again anywhere without Dan ever again. Morning came much to quickly and Jill staggered out of bed looked at her husband just waking up and kissed him. She said, "I love you Danny!" He said, 'I love you too Jill. You better hurry you're running late." She was and she wished she didn't have to go in at all. She didn't want to face Bill this morning or any other for that matter. But she did. She got to work and greeted the people there and then sat down and started working. The morning passed without running into Bill, in fact she only saw him down the hall standing in her boss's office once. She was glad and was hoping all this would pass over. She didn't want to get involved in an affair with anyone. Finally lunch came and she left quickly to go to the mall. She had purchased a salad and diet coke and sat down to eat it. As she did she saw a shoe sale in her favorite store around across the walkway. As she finished her lunch she was people watching when she saw someone who looked just like Larry coming out of the Men's store. She just watched him as he walked towards her. He hadn't spotted her yet and she didn't know if she wanted him to or not. She realized she was now at a crossroads in her life. She had again felt the pleasure of another man's cock and she remembered how it felt fucking Bill yesterday in the back seat of her car. She also remembered Larry, the man walking towards her and the sexual pleasure he had given her over the years they fucked each other whenever they could get away from her husband. Her panties were becoming damp. She wondered where her life was heading? Then she looked up again and saw Larry wave at her. She smiled a little and reluctantly waved back. He began to walk over to her table. 2038 2.28/512345
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