Thursday, March 28, 2013
OFFICER By Sarah The following is a completely true account of my experience with another man with my husbands consent and encouragement. After reading some of the stories posted here I thought it would be fun to post my own. I don't think I can adequately explain how this happened to me. I don't totally understand it myself. To start with, let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Sarah and I'm 28 years old. Happily married for 4.5 years to a very perfect man. I'm a graduate student. I enjoy being healthy and active so I don't think I am bad looking. My husband at least tells me he enjoys how I look. Being a graduate student means having some pretty odd hours, not just sometimes, but most of the time. Grading or being a slave for a Prof. that your working for. On top of that, I have a 45-minute commute on this little back trucker road, highway 99, to and from school. We don't live on or near campus because we didn't want to live in a college town. We had enough of that in undergraduate school, and my husband got a pretty good job in a different town, so we moved there. The long and the short of it is that I was headed home after a long day on this road. It was already dark out, but surprisingly, it wasn't raining so I guess I was speeding. I am usually trying to fight the rain that we get here in the great NW, and that naturally keeps me at the speed limit. When it doesn't rain, I don't always realize how fast I am going. Well this back road has a lot of little turn offs and trees and curves, perfect for a police officer to hide. Usually they focus on patrolling the main highway that runs parallel to this one so it's not a problem. Tonight wasn't my lucky night I guess because as soon as I saw him he put his lights on and pulled out after me. I pulled off to the side of the road as soon as I could and he pulled in behind me. I have already gotten a couple of speeding tickets in the last couple of years so this would now start to affect my insurance. This is the last thing I needed right now. We couldn't afford this right now, not with car payments and mortgage payments. Graduate students, as a general rule, are poor. I was quickly getting angry with myself for being so stupid. I rolled down my window preparing for the officer to approach. My anger was now turning to resignation and from there to sadness. The officer came to my window and shined his flashlight on my face. I hate it when they shine the light on your face, totally ruining your night vision. But even with the light on my face, I was able to see that he was quite attractive. Maybe it was the uniform I told myself, as I've always had a thing for uniforms that symbolized authority, but I decided he was looking anyway, with or without it. "Good evening miss. I'll need to see your license, registration, and proof of insurance. Are you aware of what speed you were driving at?" I shakily handed him the materials he requested and replied "Uh...I don't think so officer, I had my mind on other things and I wasn't paying much attention to the speed. There was no one else on the road so I was just driving by feel really." The whole time I was speaking, he was just nodding his head like it was something he had heard a hundred times before, and I'm sure it is. But I also noticed that he was checking out my body as well. I was wearing a plain white button down blouse with a couple buttons undone for comfort and an almost knee length skirt that showed off my legs quite nicely. "Well you were going much too fast for this road. I'm sorry but I'm going to have to write you a ticket. I'll be right back." He then turned to go back to his car. At that moment, even though he was showing me his tight uniform clad butt, I couldn't hold back the tears and a sob wracked my body. My husband would be so pissed at me for getting another ticket. I told him I would try to watch my lead foot, and here I am getting another ticket. He must have heard me sob because he stopped and turned back around after only going a few steps. He approached again and ask with a genuine look of concern "Are you alright miss?" I couldn't answer for a few seconds, as I was busy trying to clear my head from my emotional burst. "I just can't afford to have a ticket right now. With the way tickets are in this state especially. Couldn't you just give me a warning or something? Please! This will be my third in three years so I think and my insurance will be going up. My car was broken into last year, and before that my husbands car was hit by a hit and run driver so we had to use our insurance for that too. I don't think our insurance company will overly happy with this ticket." At that moment tears started to come back up to the surface again. "Is there anything I could do to get you to just let me off with a warning officer? If I promise not to speed anymore, would that help? You could give me two tickets if you pull me over again, would that be ok? Or I could do yard work for you for a month. Anything...please." This whole time I was speaking his face went from a look of concern to one of tired boredom, like he had heard his share of people trying to beg out of tickets. But then his face changed again to one of inner concentration. I could tell he had mostly stopped listening to me by the end of my begging. It looked as if his mind was working on something, so I stopped and just waited with a spark of hope in my mind. "Now I could arrest you for trying to bribe an officer, you do realize that don't you?" Jesus, what had I done! My hopes were dashed and I started crying again. What had I gotten myself into? "Miss, miss!" I distantly heard as I came out of my crying fit. I hate crying. I turn and look at him "Yes?" "I can see that you are very upset about the situation you are in right now. Why don't you get out of your car and we can talk about this in my car ok?" I nodded and said ok and walked with him to his car. He opened the passenger door for me, then walked around the car and got in as well. I had never been in a cop car before. First time for everything I guess. "So Sarah, you are in a predicament and you would like me to help you out of it. I think there is a way out for you but I'm not sure just how strongly you feel about the situation you are in. It appears that you feel very strongly about it. Just nod your head if you feel as strongly as you appear to." I nodded my head, not quite sure where he as going with this but I had a definite suspicion. "I've never done this before, but I've heard of a few fellow officers that were able to help some women out of a bad situation. I would really like to help you out of this, but only if you really want to be helped out." "I really want out of this officer, I really do. Just let me know what you want me to do, please!" My hope was rising that I would be able to get out of this after all. I couldn't believe it. My excitement however was clouding my understanding of what the officer was implying. "Well, its simple really. All I really need from you is for you to give me a blowjob and we can call it even. I won't give you a speeding ticket and I won't arrest you for trying to bribe an officer." My mouth went dry; my whole body went cold. I couldn't speak, hell I couldn't even think for a second or two. I just sat there in stunned silence. What does one say to something like that? Of course my first instinct was to leap out of the car and run. But then I wasn't being forced to do anything really. I got myself into this. And he ask really nicely actually. I could tell he was nervous too by how shaky his voice was when he ask. I don't think he was lying when he said he hadn't done this before. If I wasn't married, I don't think I would have had much deliberation on this. The more I looked at this cop the more good looking I found him be. Hell, I think I kind of wanted to give him head! But shame on me, I'm married! Although, come to think of it, one of my husbands fantasies is thinking about me being with another man. And it is only a blowjob. Practicality would dictate that I should just do it. It would save me a lot of money, possible even save us from having to give up one of our cars depending on how much it impacted my insurance. Not even considering if he was serious about charging me for trying to bribe an officer! I could tell the officer was now getting nervous with my silence. He was starting to shift around in his seat and rub his palms on his pants as if they were sweating! How cute. " don't have too of course. I could just do my job and we can forget about this. It's just an option that I thought I would present to you. You are very attractive, and seemed to be in such distress...." "Its ok," I cut him off, "I was just caught off guard and couldn't think straight for a minute." I took a couple of deep breaths to settle my mind and body and ask if he had any std's. He replied that he gets tested through the department every 4 months and has always tested clean. I took a few more deep breaths and then I said, "Ok. I will." A big smile lit up on his face and also what looked like a hint of relief. He unhooked his utility belt and unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, then he looked at me and said, "I'm ready when you are." and smiled. I turned to him fully, put my knees on the seat and leaned over his lap. I reached into his pants and took his cock out through his jockeys. It wasn't too hard yet but it looked like a nice penis, clean at least. I like a man with good hygiene:). I then took it in my mouth, eliciting a groan of pleasure. After only a few exploratory licks and sucks his cock was fully hard. I took it out of my mouth temporarily to get a good look at it. I was about the same length as my husbands, just a little thicker, especially the head, which looked very nice indeed. I went back to work trying to get him off in a timely manner. Soon he was really groaning and I could taste some precum coming out. It was about then that I realized that he had his hand on my ass. I had no idea how long it had been there but it did feel nice. I have to admit that the whole act of doing what I was doing was turning me on quite a bit. My panties were probably soaked by now, so I didn't mind having his hand there in the least. It was probably bad of me but I even let out a little groan of encouragement of my own. Situated as I was my butt wasn't very far from him and in a short while his hand was pulling up my skirt till the hem was resting on the small of my back, exposing my panty clad ass. He started to stroke my pussy through my panties and it felt sooo good. I increased the motion on his cock and let out a throaty groan while I subtly spread my legs apart a couple inches. He reached farther and finally got to my clit, eliciting another louder groan from me. He knew he had hit the spot and his hand stayed there stroking me through my panties. We worked into a nice rhythm though I have no idea how much time we had been doing this. Something about giving oral sex makes me loose complete track of time. Anyhow, I could feel his cock harden even more in my mouth so I knew he was going to go any time now. His hand pushed against my pussy harder and I pushed back into his had, completely lost the spirit of the moment. The head of his cock then swelled even bigger and a second later cum spurted into the back of my throat as he said "Oh my god I'm cuuummingg so fucking hard..!" His orgasm sent me over the edge and I started to cum too as spurt after spurt of cum filled my mouth. I swallowed as fast as I could to keep up with it, after all I didn't want to make a mess in the car or mess up his uniform:). We both came down from our highs, I made sure his penis was cum free and put it back in his jockeys for him, and then I sat back down. I think we were both a little embarrassed by our mutual carnality. We both looked at each other, smiled and let out a nervous chuckle. "Thank you for giving me the option of getting out of my ticket, I really appreciate it and I think I have learned a valuable lesson." I said with a smile. I think he was still pretty dazed, he said "'re welcome..." then he looked at me and said, "You give really good head Sarah. I think that was the best blowjob I've ever had. I think I should be thanking you!" and he smiled. He has a very nice smile by the way. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, I had a good time too. I should be going however. I will do my very best not to speed officer. I promise. But if you don't mind, could I ask you when you patrol this area? If I'm going to speed and get pulled over I want to make sure I'm going to be pulled over by you." I couldn't help but smile and blush after saying that but I also couldn't help but say it. Maybe it's the uniform, I'm not sure. He did however oblige to tell me his schedule for the present month. He didn't know it beyond that. I guess they don't know from month to month which roads they will be patrolling. My husband and I have a very honest relationship so I never for a minute thought of not telling him. I was feeling more than a little guilty for enjoying myself so much so that made it a little hard to tell him. I knew he would understand in the end and I suspected that he would even be a little turned on by it. My husband is kind of a pervert that way:) When he gets really horny he starts talking about me being with other men, sometimes with him watching and other times not. I don't totally understand him that way but I don't hold it against him either. A persons sexuality is just that, their sexuality, whatever it may be. So I walked through the front door when I got home and explained it to him from the start. As it turned out we had some of our most incredible sex that night! He didn't even express any concern until he had cum twice. Only then did he probe my utter and absolute commitment to him, which of course I reassured him that I am. Then we had sex (at a slower pace) for a third time. We didn't get much sleep that night. My husband did have some other questions for me the next morning. Mainly predictable ones such as the size of the officers penis, how good looking the office was and what not. As I walked out the door to go to school the last thing my husband had to say to me was to "hurry home!", can you believe that!. What dog! Well I didn't "hurry home" that day, for a number of reasons. First I had some definite thinking to do. I really didn't want to do anything to risk my perfect marriage. Nothing is worth risking that. Not even kinky sex-play endorsed by my husband. Also he wasn't patrolling this road today anyway. I got home and my husband was anxiously waiting for me. I told him that nothing happened and he was let down! I told him that first of all he wasn't working that road today and then I told him that I didn't want to risk our marriage for anything. "What do you mean risk our marriage." He ask. "I don't want any jealousies or hurt feelings to develop." I replied. Well I won't bore you with the long conversation but we talked about it for hours. He eventually convinced me that there was nothing that could harm are feelings for one another and that it would turn him on for me to have a little kinky fun the officer. He even said that even if it was more that just a blowjob he would be totally fine with it, even more turned on in fact! Then we commenced to have some more really good sex, mainly fueled by how turned on he was thinking about me having sex with the officer! Well whatever works for him I guess, I got some really enthusiastic sex out of it!:) So I thought about it some more, making sure it was something that I would want to get involved with, and eventually decided to let the chips fall where they may. If I got pulled over by him again I would just feel out the situation as it develops. He wasn't patrolling that road again for another six days so I also had some time to think more about it. I swear I was only going about 5 miles over the speed limit! Really! The office walked up to my car and I rolled down my window and ask innocently "Was I speeding officer?" "As a matter of fact I clocked you going at least 5 miles over the limit Sarah." "Really?" I ask. "My mind must have wondered I guess, because I was really making an effort to not speed all week long. Since you pulled me over last week I haven't speeded at all. You must think that all I do is speed. I'm so sorry, I really am." "Well you promised that you wouldn't speed anymore Sarah. I guess I will have to write you a ticket, that is unless you would rather...?" He trailed off and gave me a questioning look. I smiled. Must be the uniform... "I really don't want a ticket officer...really." He smiled back, "Would you care to step into my car?" "Why I'd love to, thank you officer." He went back to his car while I quickly (feeling rather deviant)slipped off my panties from under my skirt, and stuffed them into my purse. I joined him in his car like before seeing that he had already taken off his belt and moved his seat back for comfort. He looked a lot more at ease this time, as was I, and even looked a little playfully cocky. Things basically went as before except for this time when he flipped up my skirt he discovered my bare ass. He seemed to really like that since I felt his cock surge with hardness and his head flare in my mouth. By the time he was cumming in my mouth I was cumming with his thumb in my cunt and is middle finger massaging my clit. I can't deny that I had an incredible time. It was so nasty and deviant, doing it to get out of a ticket, not to mention that he was handsome and in uniform. We both had to get going so we didn't linger very long. My husband loved it. He wanted to hear every detail as he fucked me from behind. I obliged him and he cam in about 2 minutes. I didn't worry though, I knew he would be hard again soon for me to cum on:) A few days passed and my husband was asking when the next time would be for me to get pulled over. I told him that I had no firm plans to get pulled over. He seemed confused at that, and ask why. I told him that part of what made it fun was not knowing and that if it happened, it would happen naturally. I think he understood that. He did say that the next time I get pulled over I should have the officer fuck me. I ask him if he was still sure that would sit well with him and in response he dropped his pants to show me his huge hard on.:) I told him I would think about it. Well, the day came that I knew he would be patrolling again. In the back of my mind I had been anticipating it will excitement and a bit of nervousness. What would I do if he pulled me over? I ask myself. Would I intentionally speed? The build up of waiting for the day to come had made me feel rather randy. On the way home from school I found myself getting even more excited. I could feel my heart beating in my chest and my foot pushing on the accelerator. I really wasn't thinking any more, just acting and taking direction from my excitement. There he was, parked in the same place as before. I whizzed by him going about 15 miles an hour over the speed limit! I'm in for it now I thought. I wonder if he will be upset that I was breaking the speed limit by so much? Well I'm about to find out. I waited to pull over until I found a really secluded spot on a side road only used by logging trucks and only in the daytime. While I waited for him to approach the car I slipped off my panties again and stuck them in my purse. I rolled down my window when he got to my car and ask him innocently "Was I speeding again officer?" He smiled at the question. "Sarah, you were going well over the speed limit this time. Frankly, I don't see how you could have been unaware of your speed." "Well, maybe I wasn't totally unaware of my speed." I said and gave him a rather big smile. "In that case I'm going to have to write you a rather big ticket, that is...unless you have something else in mind that would, based on your experience, make this ticket go away." "I think I have an idea or two." I said stepping out of my car. I walked toward him and grabbed his hand, pulling him around the car so that we would be virtually completely concealed from view, assuming there would even be anyone around this area. I pushed him up against the car and kneeled down on the grass, in front of him. I started blowing him getting him quickly hard and getting me quickly wet, though I think I had been wet since I started speeding. After a few minutes of working on him this way I decided I needed some action of my own so I stood up. "I think its time for me to be against the car." I said as I flipped up my skirt and leaned against the car, presenting my bare cunt for him. He really didn't have much to say except "Oh god...that looks soo good." He kneeled down and started licking my cunt, which felt very good I must say. I love being eaten out. I was growing more in need of a good fucking however so I didn't let him eat me for long. "That feels really good officer but I think I need to be fucked." I pulled him up and turned around, bending over for him. He didn't waste much time, and I was more then wet enough. He slip his cock into me, stretching me oh so nicely, easing it all the way in. He started with nice slow thrusts, slowly increasing tempo until he was really working my pussy. All the while I was furiously fingering my clit, building to what was surely going to be a huge orgasm. I wasn't disappointed. I could feel his cock swell inside me as he was about to cum. I looked over my shoulder at him, this hunk in his police uniform pumping away at my cunt, "Cum in me!" I said, making sure he didn't pull out. I didn't want him to make a mess, and I really love the feeling of having a man cum inside me. I think it's a power thing. "Oh god I'm going to cum!" He yelled. He really went for it, pounding into me. It felt soo good! As he came it set off my own mind shattering orgasm. I think I came for over a minute. Was it the uniform? Was it the situation? I don't really know but I really enjoyed the hell out of it. "Well, does that makes up for speeding officer? Or is there something else that I should do?" "That more than makes up for your speeding ticket! God your cunt felt sooo good..." He said shaking his head. "Well your cock felt quite nice as well!" We exchanged a few more pleasantries in our after glow, I gave him a quick kiss, and we got back in our cars. He had to get back to work and I had to get home. When I walked through the door my husband could tell that something was up with me. Maybe it was the mischievous smile I had glued to my face. "Fuck me and I will tell you all about it." I said leading him to the bedroom. He tore his close off as I tore mine off and we got onto the bed. Before I knew what he was doing however he had placed himself between my legs. He loves to eat me out and he was about to do it now, without knowing that I had a load of the officers cum in me! Before I could stop him he had taken a couple of well placed licks. "No, fuck me honey! Stop." I said, trying to pull his head up to me. "But you taste so good. You're nice and wet." He said complaining. "Love, that's not all me down there. You just got a mouth full of the officers cum too!" "You mean...holly shit! You fucked him!" He exclaimed with a huge smile and instant hard on. "And that's his cum?" He frowned and thought for a moment, "Ya know, it kind of turns me on to eat you out knowing that another man just fucked you." Like I said, I don't totally understand my husbands sexuality but whatever works for him is fine with me, I won't judge him for it. To tell you the truth, it kind of turned be on to be eaten out by him knowing that he was eating out the results of my having sex with another man. I didn't totally understand that either so how could I hold anything against my husband. He immediately started demanding details, so I told him to either continue eating me out or fuck me and only then would I tell him about it. He decided to eat me out some more, totally unfazed that he was eating another mans cum from my cunt. It seemed to turn him on even more! I relayed my experience to him and after eating me out for about 15 minutes he finally fucked me, cumming almost instantly inside me. Which was fine with me as I had cum twice on his face and my pussy didn't need much more action. To bring this accounting to a close, let me just add that I did speed a number of more times through that area, and got pulled over a number of more times, leading to more sex play. I loved every minute of it and of course so did my husband. My experience added a lot of spice to our sex life and really brought me and my husband closer together. I think we have a stronger, closer, and more loving relationship because of it. In the end, I lost track of the officer. The last time I saw him he said he was taking a position in a bigger city up north(more pay). He was still in the state but he wouldn't be making it down here for patrol. It has now been about 3 years from our last encounter. I hope he reads this as I would love to get in touch with him, find out how he is doing, and maybe have him pull me over for old times sake.:) 5003 1.43/512345
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